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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1900)
TUK MORNLNU ASTOJUAM TUIKSUAI. JULY 19, il)OU. ST0I13 CL03E8 AT I P. M. EXCEPT 8ATURDAT. OUR GREAT SALE OF LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS Is fully inaugurated. Every desirable modern style and wash fabric is . represented in ' this, the most complete Shirt Waist .stock in Astoria. Every w aist feels the price cut ' YOU KNOW THE VALUE OP FIRST CHOICE. Headquarter for Dry Gcodi INTERNATIONAL CON- , t FLICTS OVER SPOILS. (Continued from First Page.) department of nubile Instruction In that city, says: "We have no apprehension of danger In Shanghai, but yet we are preparing an American emergency company, about sixty strong, and will be ready for active service at any time. Thera are two English companies here al ready, one German company and one French company. These will be main tained during the "present critical con dition of affairs." SAN FRANCISCO. Ca)., July Consul-General Ho Tow proposes to call a mass meeting of the Chinese today at w hich they will pass resolutions ex pressing grief and sympathy for the shocking brutalities Inflicted by the .Tartar and Manchd Boxers Upon the defenseless Americans who were pen ned within the walls of the Chinese cities. In addition" measures will be I taken to render active . assistance to j the United States troops who are soon J to depart from here on their way to i China. An application has already been made to the government for per mission to form a national guard com pany to be exclusively composed ot American-born Chinese, and It Is un derstood that permission will be regu larly granted and recruiting rushed. BALTIMORE. July 18. The agent here of tha North German Lloyd Steamship Company have received ft cablegram from Bremen stating ,hat the German government had chartered the steamships H. H. Meier." Dresden and Rheln. of that line, also the Frank furt and the Whitteklnd as troopships to convey the German military con tingent to China. The five steamers will carry. In the aggregate from 10,- 000 to 12,000 troops and stores, .-seany ( all these steamers nave been, plymg between this port and Bremen. ' NEW YORK. July IS Orders from j Washington have been received at the recrulUng'offlce of the United States, marine corps in this city to enlist as; many men as possible before July 25. On that date the government expects; to send 500 marines to 'China. An extra, effort is. being made to get men. and all who enlist have tha promise of ac tive service In China if they desire It KEW YORK. July 18. The charter ing of the transports to convey troops to China is causing much stir In ship ping circles. Private cable advices state that fifteen German steamships in tha Atlantic trade hnvi be4i reauisitioned as war trans- i porta and supply ships by the Ger- j man Empire. News Is also received la tnipping circles mat. iuc . mien vw government Is actively, in the market chartering steamers of." all nationalities on the Pacific, to act as transports' and supplyi ships for this country In connection with the Chinese outbreak. Inquiry at the offices of the British lines failed to discover that any of their tonnage had been spoken for by the British government, and agent did not expect to lose any of their vessels. Th?y argued that any troops to be called into service by the Brit ish, in addition to those already in service in the African war. would have to be obtained from India or some oth er dependency, and such a state of af fairs could hardly be expected to call into service steamships of the Atlantlo Is due to an add poison which gains Mui to carry off and keep'the system IJfAfj i ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. tKtLir' A A remedy which builds up the general health and at the v"- -.v wi uuu Aucuuiauam. p. o. o., uioue ui iuuib, ncros anu wru 01 wonuermi solvent, purifying properties, attack the disease in the right way, and in the right place the Hood and quickly neutralizes the (Hij and dissolves all poisonous deposits, stimulates and reinforces the overworked, worn-out organs, ana clears the system Of & yaiuiy actumuiauuiiB. o. o. o. cures permtinenuy ana uorougniy, ana Keeps in a pure, healthy state. ( , t O. Malley, H3W. 15th Street, IndianapolU, Ind., for eighteen monthi w m terribly sglirted , ....eumatiam he wai unable to feed or drat bimwlf. Doctors amid hi cme wa hoprlriw. Hehad b .td fifty-two preacriplioiw that friends had given him, without the slightest relief. A few bottles of 1,6.6. cured him permanently, and be has never had a rheumatic pain aiuce. This was five years ago. We will nend free our special book on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands co everyteuiferer from this torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin diseases a life study, and will give you any information or advice wanted, so write them folly and freely about your case, we make on the Lower Columbia. fleet. It was further argued that the fact that the boats would have to pass through the Sues canal would also mitigate against th government call ing for the large class of steamships. For this reason. It ta stated, there Is little likelihood of tourists now abroad having difficulty In obtaining steam ship accommodation when they wish to return. Twenty-two steamers have been tak en from commercial channels. These steamships represent a total of 1M. W0 tons gross and are. of course, but the begirning of the movement. CHICAGO. July 18.-Wlthln a few hours after the publication of the newa of the death of Captain Austin R. Davis, of the marine corps, In the bat tle at Tien Tsln, Henry Clark Davis, a brother of the dead officer, now liv ing In this city, volunteered his ser vices to the government Mr. Davis sent the following tele gram to President McKinley: "William McKinley. president of the United States, Washington. "Am anxious to secure commission in marine corps or army for Immediate service In China, to take the place of my brother, Captain Austin R. Davis, killed In tattle of Tien Tsln on July 13. Can secure Indorsement of Illinois sen ators and congressmen. Will you ap point me? HENRY C. DAVIS." For five ,yeax Henry Clark Davis served . In theH First Georgia cavalry and for twenty years he has been an active worker in church circles. He was born In Darlen, Georgia. '. .! gWG.FIBB AT POMEROY. Court House and Other Large Build 'i ' ' Ings Burned.' POMEROY, Wash.. July 1S.-TH most disastrous fin In the history of the town broke out this afternoon. Tha lusse aggregate more than J90.000. . The Are originated "from a gasoline cigar lamp in the saloon of C- H. See-ley,- who barely esiaped alive by Jump ing from the second story of, his build mi . J f '. a ' : ' . ? a. L. Campbell. E. M. Rauch and R. L 8tvensoc were Avjrcome by heat and wpre carried away by friends. James Shawloy and Z.- L. Zinn were severely burned about the face and hands. ' The county, lose $10,000 by the burn ing of the court house. Tbe.Pomeroy X'.ercantlle Company suffered the heav iest loss, $35,000, but it was fully In sured. fTiAZEH RIVER STRIKE OVER.j Canners Arrange a Scale for the Sea ' son. " VANCOUVER. B. C, July 18. The flshei men's strike which has stopped all work for two weeks on the Fraser river, wis practically settled this af ternoon by the canners agreeing to pay a maximum of -0 cents and minimum of 15 cents per flHh for the season. MOUGCE FILLED WITH DEAD Th!rty-Thre Children Unlr Years of Age at the New York Morgue. Five NEW YORK. July 13.-AccordIng to the attendants at Bellevue morgue, mora bodies of children were received thire Tuesday than on any other day slnti the establishment of the morgue. At mldnigbt thor-i were at the morgue the bodies of 33 children, ranging In nges to five years. All had been re ceived during the afternoon and even ing. The attendants account for many access to the blood through failure oftheproper clear of all morbid, effete matter. This poison nuwufcu uucgcuciMcucuiaiiuii isueposiieum me joints, muscles ana nerves, causing me most intense paiu. Rheumatism may attack with such suddenness and severity as to make within a few day a healthy, active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerve ; or It may be slow in developing, with slight wandering pains, just Mvere enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; the ten dency ta such cases is to grow worse, end finally become chronic. Like other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of proper food, insufficient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to develop in early life,' but more often not until middle age or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic, TXTl Rhcumaiism is Strictly a Blood Disease, and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble. , Neither do the preparations of potash and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always nrescribe. cure Rheumatism, but no charge whatever for this service; Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, Ga, ' of the death by ".he Intern warm weather. Th? bodle m received a follow: trundling ylum, 10 bodle; Boll vue Hospital, two; Sloan Maternity Hospital, four; New Tors Hospital, two; four other hospital, one each, and from resliK'noea, eleven. NEWS" FROM WHALING FLEET. Expend to tSet Out July I Though Short of Coal, SAN FRANCISCO, July lS.-The first new from the whllng fleet that win- ttrevi In the Ice ha ben received. The mall carrier left Bailey Island, January 25. The fleet expect to get out about July The Narwhal spent a month d.lKii.g about the Ice before she finally landed at Bulley Island. No casualties on any of the vessel are reported. The fresh water turn.'d out bad during the closed season and rait Ice was used. All the veas'jls were short of coal. The bark 3. D. PeU'r Is on her way J from hire t relieve the scarcity. She is to meet the Beluga at Port Clarence, transfer her cargo, and the Beluga will carry it Into the Arctic. TROOPS GO FROM VANCOUVER. Also Arother Regiment From Cuba, Leaving Only 4.000 Troop There. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., July IS. Company "H," Seventh Infan try, has been ordered to San Fran cisco, presumably for duty In China. WASHINGTON. July 18,-The war d-partment ha decided to withdraw ! another regiment of troop from Cuba : for service In China, Thla will leave 'only four thousand troops in Cuba. SEVENTY DEAD FROM HEAT. i Thermometer Reaches 105 Degree In I New York City. . NEW YORK. July l8.-Hjt weather today caused or contributed toward the death of more than seventy DeoDle In this city and vicinity. More than halt the fatalities were, among babies and little children. Late tonight the tem perature moderated. On the street the temperature ranged from 93 to 105. BUMMER RESORT3. "To the mountain our people In In creasing number yearly look for those day of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine In fair working conlltion. The languorous sloth of the seashore prove Very seductive while it last, but many have decided that the an nual outing, should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also, such stimulation of flagging energies a will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For thla they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this llrectlon the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractions. The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and accessible hotels and tamps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable 'cost, . and where you can hunt fish. ride. loaf,' or play with equal facility. "Or if you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than, the springs of Ashland, Colestln, Anderson. Bartlett, Byron and Paso Robles. "Before1 visiting Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quiries concerning these attractive re sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. Markham, general passenger agent. Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag, Shasta Springs, McCloud river. Yosemlte. and excursion rates thereto. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. , The new schedule of the O. R. & N which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and give & double daily service be tween Portland and Chicago. r ; Train No. 2. leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m. Is known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." It equipment hr new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now in service from the Pacific coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 9:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the Distorts muscles, Sellers Nerves, StllfCllS JOllltSs same time rids the system of the poison is Pears' Get one cake of it. Nobody ever stons at a cake. beat of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Taut Railway Co. wUI place In service April S'h a New Train between St. Taut and St. Louis, called th "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout. Ask any ticket agent for particular or address C. J. EDDY. General Agent. Portland, Oregon. Dr. T. N. Bull DENTI8T. 5TJ Commerblt) Street. ASTORIA. ORB. Owf Rrhlusael' Clothing Rtor ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Ctrj. PORTtJ-NTJ. A"". :Ooa.m.Portiand Union Tpot;il:10 a.m, 5Jp.rn.for Astorlaand Inter- 9:40p.m. fc!:3t) JmeJiate points. I 0:1 ;, I ASTORIA. I T.4J am.lFor Portland In-Ill:! a-m. 6.10 p.m.lterm.Hllute points 10:30 p.m. ,taliy except Saturday. tSaturdays only. SEASIDE DIVISION" k is a, m It ', m I . U:.a. m. ... ( f y. p. 111 1 ( T V a. m. J 1 :ti a. m. 1 i.oo f. 10. ... ,V:p. ni. 9: 0 a. m p. ta .... :l. in I T 'J p III ST"KIY .M p. m. Suumlsy o:iy . ti.4 a m. .' a. m... p. m . & (H p. til... SEASIDE All trains makt clo eonoactions at Oobie with all Northern Ptetnc trttnt to and from ths east or Sound oof. J. C. MAYO. Qn'l sVl an4 Pms. a l' T liUXURIOUS 1RAYEL THE Northwestern Iimtd trains, electric lighted throughout, both lnslds and out, and steam heated, are with out exception, th finest trains In ths world. They embody th latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offend ths traveling public, and altogether are th most complete and splendid producton of ths car builders' art - These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific at rr. paui roR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for the riperlor accommodation and all classes ot tick ets are available for passage on th famous "Northwestern Limited." An trains on this line are protected by ths Interlocking Block system. W. H. MEAD, F.C. 8AVAOE. General Agent, Ticket Agt Portland. Ore. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fast Time . AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BT THE r C5iIi'I - WB HAVE 2-DailyFastTrains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel via the evening train. Uoth are finely equipped. "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIM THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOL'RIST BLEKPER8 PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chlcaijo, Kansas City, St. Louis, .New York, Boston, And Other Eastern Points Tickets good via Salt Lake Cl'y and Denver. ' It Is to your Interest to use THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and Bkeplng-car berths can be secured from G. W. LOUNSDERRY. Agent O. R. N. Co., Astoria, Or., OR J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third St., Portland, Or. ''"REPORT OF THK CONDITION OF THE first National Dank ' OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, In ths Ptate of Oregon, at the close ot business, June 29, 1900. RESOURCES. . Loiws and discount.'.. ...... .J!35.0:i7S Overdrafts, secured snd unse- vuivd l.SSl.ST l. H. ISonds to vur clrcula- ilon IS.80O.OO Stocks, .vu'ltte, etc J4.010.4t Other rrl elivte owned...... 0.414.C3 Du from National Kutiks (not rvscrVQ RK'nisl 4,007.87 Due from State Hanks and Hiwik.ra SI.U4.6S Due front npproved roorve agents 11,01J.! Intxrual. Revenue stamps 0M Checks an-l other cash items. 4.75 Not, of other National Ranks !&. Nli-kt l and rents 81.05 lawful money reserve In Itank, vli: Hpeeie IS7.4tt.00 Legal-tender note .) S7.6O0.OO redemption fund vllh V. 8. Trenaurer IS per cent of circulation) , C3.00 Totui"J UAtllLITIES. Capital sto'k paid In KO.000 00 Surplus fund ,... iS.OOO.OO Uiullvlded prolUa, less X- pense and taxes paid.... 3I,!tS.49 National Itank notes out ttimllng J.500.00 Due State Hanks uud Hunkers 2,t2 Iii'llvldual deposits subject to theck..3S3,MJ.0$ Demand cortlficntes of lpMlt 50.S71.I4 . Certified check Sl ot) 465.(71.01 Total I5S5.8H.73 STAT 3 OF OREOON. County of Clatsop, as: I, 8. 8. OorJon, cashier Of the above-named bank, Uo solemnly swoiir that the above statement I true to the best of my knowledge nml be lief. S. S. GORDON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, lwo, V. HOELLINO. Notary Public. Correct Attest: Jacob Kamm. W. F. McGregor. Wllllum M. Udd. Director. , EAST m SOUTH i wviwi r inn ana Leav I I Btreets. f Arrlva cvenand Kxprtss Train feir Balero, Iioteburg. Ah In fill taarsfSi iumm T:S0 p.m) Ogden, San Fran- M:ll a.m I waMIBilt:ilaVa Cisco, uojavs, Los AnafMlaSL I'ua 8 '30 New Orleans and h-.O a m the East 1 At Woodburn i (daily except Sun day), morning train connectrwlth train for Mu man gel, Silverion. Brownsvllls. Hprlngneld, and Natron, and even ing train for Ml Angel and Silver- Iin 7J0 Corvallla pas sen-1 il:Ux.tsi 4:60 p.m Sheridan passea- I ,l:Ua.m I ger Dally. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sals between Port land, Sacramento and San FrancUcov Net rate 817 first class and 811 second class. Including sleeper. Kates and tlokets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and Australia, Can be obtained from J. B. Klrkland. Ticket Agent. 114 Third street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson It Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20, t:4 a. m.; 12.30, 1:65, 3:26. 6:16, 1:23, 1:06. 11:30 p. m.; and 9:00 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at ' ii, 8:30, 10:60 a. m.; 1:36, 1:16, 4:30, 1:20, 7:40, 10.00 p. m.; 13:40 a, m. daily ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 10:06 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dal as dally, except Bus day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrlvs at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM. Gen. Frt. and Pass. Agt J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Bhlpped to Our Care Will Receiv Spiclal Attention. No. 633 Duane St, Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Msr Re. Tel. 113L THE .lOCVKB. Htronor8 visltinK in tne city will find tho Louvre an attractive reHort wherein to spend the evoning. The Amine Histers Ladies' Orohestra is still on the bills and prewnts nililly a mnsicai program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all oonrs s I w "The World ' Oiioc Fioni linn VHW LTtl I ITIUII a, Liyino" But 'what sri of livlnj ii It lth a jtoi store ..r-ritii;s klUlieuT liny a Star Estate Ranie 1l.... 1....... A i.au7 mini um 1 J. Scully, Agent yy J 431 ltONl) 1 S $ I--$D $S) SJfI . INSTRUC1ICNS llVfi Alls Bertha flartln's Decorative Mi Room. Room 0 llekaM Malldlng, 94 Jffl -tvrj Ji SH S3 STATE NORHAL SCHOOL MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE Al SBUNM. Conducted by the LoouUd 40 miles south ol Portland, on ajioU of the Willainett Valler. Ths lusti, Tlaci ron Yot i Bon. I'tTparatorr, Classical, Commercial and tktuutilla Courss. Mnslc Hptvialty. zkaland ie mm mm Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, UNLIMITED LIABILITY , OF SHAREHOLDERS a Subscribed Capital, fV0,000 rniil-up Capital, - ... 1,000,000 AssoU, - ' '-VW.lll Am$ in United States, .100,000 Sur.lui to Policy Holders, 1 ,718,7112 Has teen Underwriting on the I'ncitic Const oyer twenty-two ynrn. SAMUEL ELMORE d CO. Resident Agent, Astoria, Or. w wnTFfi " PORTLAND, OR. I THeOnlv PlrtCloH Hotel In Port In rid P ' - 3i rjrunnnnruwJrurjrurw We Rent New ...The Esmond Hotel. PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON ST8. Kiirniwan plan. Wnt$i,MDer day. OSCAR ANbERSON, MRnagor. American plan, 11.00 to 'IM per dajr. Pacific Navigation Company StenDier8-"R. P. EImor," "VV. II. Han-toon" Only line- AutoriH to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Day City, llobsonvllle. Ojunecting at Astoria with the OreuoD Railroad k NaviBtlon Oo. and also the Astoria & Columbia River It, It. for rjac FranciHco, Portland ' snd all points eaHt. For frolfiht and 'pwwAnfcw rate Br'ly t .. SarrtMel El more TILLAMOOK Ore. f ' i IPf mm you gvi hi yuur ?.',; ,i I H.,1.... iiiium HTUliKT - "4P - - 4 - 0H0M I0UCITC0 - Till Uil ot ftckint Cnbrald try rlttitlsli. , , , ,, , , laitisisi specialty. CboUi Selection ol atniii ' Design. SUstplsg Niljf Dutt . v. VI ahldf In Sis., suMIh Or. i$ ? s 3S 4XiS MONnOUTII, OREOON. Fall Trm oprnt HeplriaWr lih, in slinlriiu nl lh Normal St hmil ar prvaril t" last tlio Mat CiKlArai Iwuifillaloly on irttlilr aiii'ii. )miluatri rrJllr orurv (iol Mliuuik KiMiitnf rrar from IJA is'lu. Uin aeaifrinlr and l'mhUiai rmirws Krw w'lal irrtm. iil In Manual Tialalpf Htll l .tttipril Tralnlni InMHmral. for I lliut miuniiius inn anuoiinrrmris, attii rsts I'. li. CAUriir.i.i., Vf W, A WANS. Hoe ol firstly risalOriil. Benedictine Fathers on of ths must healthful and attractive 1-or l srticmaai, apply to ins rrrsiovot. Mgr., 5a n Francisco. sT - 'i.snf a tti-n S - . c ruuinruvtAruwiiriruwvan uvrB Typewriters. fr -' .'.T-l. r4 f "I I Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Freo ... L. M. ALEXANDER & CO- Kxolusive i'atiilh; CoHHt Dciilcra 2115 Htnrk Ht., Portlmxl, Orsk F W.M'KECIINIE, Local Agent. 3. C. riC.NDKOAHT, Chlvf Oleik. sS Co. General Amenta, ASTORIA. ORE OrfRon Railroad A Navigation Co. & C. II II Oo. PORTLAND. Ora.