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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1900)
rilK 'MORNING ASTOK1AN. Till'KSL'A . JULY lrf, 11(H) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, DAILT. Bent by mail, per year ... ... tent by mail, per month M Berved by carrier. pr month 1 ' . . j SEMI-WEEKLY, Sent by mall, per year. In advance SlOt Petr fret to subscriber. All communications tntended tor pT '.icatlon should be directed to ths editor. Business communication of all kinds and remittances must b addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astonan guarantees to Its ad vertisers tbe largest circulation of any newspaper published on ths Columbia river. . - Advertising rates can be bad on ap plication to the business manager. rot President WILLIAM N'KIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Sew York. A SERIOUS PROBLEM. The most serious of all the many problems which confront ua in the Philippines, the question which la, more than all others, most pregnant with menace to American relations wUh the island people, is undoubted ly the religious question, says A. O. Robinson, writing- In the Independent. The islanders are not to be classed as heathens, ignorant and untaught sav ages who "bow down to wood and stone." They are no more heathen than are the people of the West Indies. In Porto Rico and in Cuba the religious problem was a comparatively simple one, so far as its complications with political affairs are concerned. The relation In those countries between the church and the state was intimate. But the relations of the church to the people presented no such features as thoe which exist In the Philippines, In the West Indies the spiritual guid ance of the people was in the hands of the Roman Catholic church, dis tinctly as a church organisation. In the Philippines that guidance Is in the bands of the monastic orders, the Franciscans, the Dominicans, the Au gustins and, in a more limited area, the Jesuits. In this connection one point' Is clear ly noticeable. The West Indian's re ligion meant little to him: the Fili pino's means a great deal. In both Pcrto FJco and Cuba I found a pro nounced Indifference to church matters among the people. That is not the cape in the Philip pines. Their religion, that of Roman Catholicism, means much to the Filipino people. Men as well as-women 'are faithful in their attendance tyjon church worship, not only on Sunday, but as well upon the prescribed holy days. Stand for an hour by a church door in Manila at any time of day dur ing; the week. The majority of men who pass -vv ill be seen to lift their hats as they pass the portal. Go into any church during the earlier hours of Sunday. It will be found well filled, often uncomfortably so, with worship ers. To the unprejudiced observer It would seem that the vital question was one of providing a people with religious teachers whom they will respect and trust. Material questions might be de cided later. The buildings erected by Roman Catholics might well be con sidered as property of the Roman Cath olic churcii. How property held by monastic orders belonging to that church is to be or could be transferred to the ownership of the mother church Is a matter for determination by ec clesiastical councils, if there be no es tablished rule of procedure and no ade quate precedent. It is hardly to be held that the United States govern ment should Interfere and order any definite form of settlement. Law courts may determine questions of titles If claims be set up for any of the property now held or claimed by the brotherhoods. But, good title be ing shown, the United States can on ly uphold those titles regardless of those in whose hands the titles may lie. Much of it, therefore, becomes a matter for purely ecclestlastlcal deter mination. The more Important question Is the ministration of those churches, and that is the iiiout vital point to the people of the Philippines. It la a man ifest wrong to foist upon them an un acceptable priesthood. A priesthood It wanted. Is needed. . The clearest and wisest course would seem to be the immediate establishment of men and a system which would be acceptable and satisfactory to the people. Apolo gists for the existing order of things Insist that the present institution Is eflUlent and reasonably free from faults, That avoids the main Issue, which lies In the fact that the people are not satisfied, and have again and again risen in protest and revolt It seems most unwise and Impolitic to Insist upon the retention of an objectionable sys tern. It might well be that under such a system the United States would be forced to interfere. If revolts were to come In the future, as they have In the past, the matter would concern the peace and order of the Islands, the life and property of citixens, soma cf whom would have no concern in the affair. While the pathway to a solution of the prcblem would doubtless prove thorny and devious, the solution itself mould appear to be reasonably simple. The determination of property owner ship must rest with competent courts, or with commissions duly authorised to pronounce final Judgment An ac ceptable priesthood and system should be provided for the people. The basis must, of course, be the same as that in the United States, religious free dom and the maintenance by each or ganization of its own Institutions. These facts should be recognised by Pope Leo, and his influence and power thrown upon the side of the people, even If there be some cost of property to particular monastic orders. Churches, whether Roman Catholic or Protestant exist for the salvation of souls and the maintenance or enrichment of not for the maintenance or enrich ment cf priestly orders. THE HAT-PAUNCEFOTE TREATY. Chicago Times-Herald. Senator William E. Mason of Illinois has desisted from his labors In manu facturing sympathy for the Boers long enough to turn bis batteries in the direction cf the HayPauncefote trea ty and to drop a few shells in the vi cinity of the gentlemen who were re spcnsible for negotiating that agree ment " :f In the current number of The Inde pendent Senator Mason vigorously assails the idea,' that we should take millions of dollars from the pockets of our people to build an interocean can al, which, under the rule of military necessity, will be controlled by tbe nation or allied nations that control the greatest naval power. Under the Hay-Fauncefote tr;aty, without the Davis amendment says the Illinois Senator, "we Invite the nations of the. world to guarantee that we shall not possess the legal power to close It atainst our enemies in times of war, and that we will not even prepare our selves to physically assist our navy in defending It, even from the assaults of opn enemies who may violate the terms of the treaty." It is incompre hensible to Senator. Mason, as It is to every Intelligent American, how we can afford to guarantee our enemy's war vessels from access through our own property to assist them In destroy ing the lives and property of our citi zens. The senator answers the objections that have been made to a fortified can al separately and completely, and shows that none of them Is defensible from the standpoint cf national pru dence or safety. England leaves none of her interests unprotected. She has fortified to the north and to the couth of us. She will not Invest a dollar In the isthmian canal enterprise. To de tain the fleet of an enemy approach ing the Pacific ocean, for even one or two days by the use of mines or tor pedoes, might be worth many times the cost of the fortifications in fact. It might be worth more than could be es timated In money. Senator Mason, In common with most American lawyers who have studied the question, believes tht we do not need to pay such a price for the abroga tion of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. He believes that the treaty can be annulled and honorably disposed of by act of congress. The treaty was made fifty years ago this month. It has been abandoned practically for years. More over, the canal contemplate! under that treaty Is not the cana! contemplate! under the treaty now pending. Our po sitions relatively and actually have changed during the half century. In making this plea for an Ameri can fortified canal, built, owned and controlled by America, Senator Mason is giving an illuytratlon of how use try If he will devote his abilities to domestic affairs Instead of trying to get th. nation to Intermeddle in a for tlgn war. ' . ' ' OUP. BANK DEPOSITS. The' following statement of the net deposits In all (he nut Mini banks of the-Unite! States Is interesting: sopi. ;. isos $i.:;o.:66.065 Dec. -19, Uii T3.100.5:5 Republican tucrvasj J rr.6S3.7IO These three lines show that ths In crease In the deposit -of the nation! banks between 1SS3, the first year of Piesld-nt Cleveland's administration. and September 7, 1S99, was $K7.(i6o,74i. If we make a comparison between the end of 1SS6, toward the close of the Democratic administration, with lust jar, we have the following: Sept 7. 1S99 W.270.76,03 Dec. 17, 1SAJ Si2.SiM.SiS Republican Increase t 41S.16L20T This shows that within three years the increase In the national bank de posits exceeded 1418,000,000. There was, therefore, an Increase of only $70,000, WO in the national bank deposit dur ing President Cleveland's term, but an increase of I41S.00O.00O during three vcari of President McKlnley's term. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THS DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana. Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Paints. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the Union Pacific Fust Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Lake 2 Days to Denver Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York. Free reclining chairs. uphotUrd tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to Or C O. TERRT. W. E. CO MAN. Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agent 124 Third St., Portland. Or. G. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. A N. Corrects all blemishes of rt; 1 the face, removes blot- Dura, irecmes una imsw beautiful complexion. fyberline also the best tooth and excellent for deranged stomach. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paai,Dulti!li, Minneapolis, Cliica?.) and All Polns East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through 1'alac and Tourist Sleepers Dialog and Buffet Smuklng Library Cars Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry., on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Offlcs 268 M0KRIS0N STREET, PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address. A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REPAIR NINTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria has determined and Intends to improve all that portion of Ninth street In the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure, Clatsop County, State of Oregon, from the north side of Bond street to the south side of Astor street, to the full width thereof and on the establiHhed grade. Said Improvement is to be made by filling In from curb to curb with dirt so as to bring said portion of said street to the established grade, and laying stringers thereon and planking the same with covering plank four Inches in thickness by 12 inches wide, and by the construction of sidewalks ten feet wide on each side of ald portion of said street. Said improvement In matters of detail except as herein otherwise provided shall be constructed In conformity to tbe pro visions of general ordinance No. 1901, entitled "An ordinance In relation to the improvement of streets" approved January 3rd, JiS93, except that either red or yellow fir lumber may be used so long as the same is good and sound lumber, and the Improvement is to be made strictly In accordance wlt the plans and specifications therefor to be filed with the auditor and police Judge by the city surveyor. That the costs and expenses of cald Improvement shall be defrayed by ;peol.i) assessment up on the lots, hinds and premises front ing upon, adjacent to nd otherwise benefited by said Improvement which said lands are hvrvhy Included in a special assesmicnt district to. , be as sessed t defray th costs ' tthd ex penses of Md improvement and which wild district Inoludm the lots, lands and ptvmlscs hen"tUid by said Im provement and Is as .follows, to-wlt: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot ( In block and running thence north to the northwest corner of lot 3 In blcck S, thence east to the north east corner of lot J, In block ii, thence south u the southeast corner of lot 7 In block V, thence west along the south lines of sal! block and S3 to the place of beginning and containing nil of lets 1, 3. 7 and t In block W, nj lots 3. 4. & and in lUvk . all In IKU part of the City of Astoria, Clat sop County, State of Oregon, as taid out and record ! by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Oiney. That the city surveyor of mid city Is required and directed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judge of ssld city estimates of the expenses of iuUI Improvement and sp.vlllcatlons for the proposed work. 1 This notice Is published for eight days In the Morning Astorlan In pursuance to a resolution of :h Common Coun cil adopted on tht lth day of July, l!W0. directing the same, the date of the first publication thereof being on Thumlay. the 19lh day of July, 1900, 11. K. NELSON. Anditor and Police Judge of the City cf Astoria. PKOIVSALS FOR 4TltEKT LIGHTS, Notice Is hereby given, that up to the hour of 2 o'clo-'k p. m. on Tmsduy, the 31st day of July. PW, the commit tee on ways and means of the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria, will receive sealed bids for furnishing the City of Astoria with not less than titty nor more than sixty-live are tlec trlo lights, for a period of from one to thrv year, to be run till night, of not le than 1200 c.uulle-powei each to be furnlsh-Hl nnd malntulnrd at such places as shall be designated from time to time by the Common Council of the City of Astorli: us provided by ordinance No. i526 of the City of Astoria, entltl"d "An ordinance author izing ihe committee on ways nnd mears to advertise for bids for lighting the City of Astoria and to enter Into con tract with the lowest responsible bid d r." which ordinance was . approved the 17th day of July, 10. and nil bids must conform to ihe .vqulrements of said ordinance with regard to the bond renuiredr thereby and otherwise. The rlttht Is reserved to rcj.x-t any and all bids. SaM -committee will also up to said time aforesaid receive proposals or bids for lighting the City of Astoria with a sutllclen! number of Incandescent lights, gasoline, acetylene, or oil lamps to be reported to the Common Council of said city at Its next meeting, but snld committee will not contract for any lights other than arc electric lights as first above stated. A. SCHERNECKAU. E. P. PARKER. A. BRIX. Committee on Ways and Means of the Common Council of the City of Astoria. , . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given, that the Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Intention to establish the grade on Thirty-fourth street In that part of the City of Astoria laid, out and recorded Dy John Adair and generally known as Adair's Astoria, from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Harrison avenue, so that the grade of the same will be ' t the following heights above the base of grades when so established, to-wlt: At the intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Franklin avenue. 63 feet; at the intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Grand avenue. 101 feet; at the Intersection of Thirty-fourth street and Harrison avenue, 122 feet, the crossings to be level and said street throughout the width thereof to be on a straight and even slope or Incline between the points designated. this notice Is published for ten days by order of suld council. The first pub lication being on Wednesday, July 18, lJO. IUK. NELHOX. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE ELEVE-VTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Inten tion to Improve that portion of Klev enth street In the City of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John Mf-eiure and extend-d by Cyrus Olney, Clatsop County, Stole of Oregon., from the south line of Franklin avenue to the north line of Harrison avenue, by tak ing up and rem wing from said portion of said street the existing planking, except at the intersection of said Eleventh str.-et and Grand avenue, end replacing the same with good, sound red or yellow fir plankiifg three inches by twelve inches, twenty feet long, said planking to be laid upon the existing stringers upon said portion of said street and raid 'mprovement or repair shall' consist In replanklng said portion of said street except said cross ing of the same with Orand avenue, upon the existing stringers to the width of twenty feet through the center thereof, and gald work shall of Course Improve said street upon the present established grade thereof, and shall be made In matters of detail according to the plans and specifications therefor to be fded with the auditor and police judge by the city -mrveyor as herein after ordered. That th coats and expenses of, mak ing said Improvement .or repairs shall he defrayed by npetial assessment up on the lots, lands and premises bene fited by said Improvement, which said lands are hereby Included within a special assessment district to he assess ed therefor which Is as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at .he northeast corner of lot A in .lilo- k To and running thence south to the southeast corner of lot 12 in block 91, th ;nce west to the south west corner of lot 6 In block !W, thence north to the northwest corner of lot 3 In block 71, thence east to the plase of beginning, all In the City of As toria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure and ex'-ended by Cyrus Ulney In Clatsop County, State of Ore gon. That the city surveyor Is instruct ed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and pollje Judge of said city estimates of the costs and expenses of said Improvements and specifications for the proposed work. This notice is published for eight days in the Mornlig Astorlan In pur suance to a resolution of the Common Council adopted on the 16th day of July 1900, directing the same, the date of the first publication thereof being on Thursday, the 19th day of July, 1900. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City, of Astoria. LKOAL NUTICKS NOTION 13 HEHEDT GIVEN That It Is th Intention of 'the Com ni"ii Council of th City of Atoris to estubllsh the grade of Pimm Street In that part of the City of Astoria luld out and recorded by J. M. Shltnt'-y from the rust line of McCltire'a Asl 'rU to th PHst line cf Seventeenth street, at thfe following height above th base of grades us established by ordinance No. 71. of the City of Astoria, sutliUd, "An ordinance establishing base of gruiloM for the street of th City of Aatorwt,' 'to-wlt t . - At the tt llu of the town of As toria as laid out and recorded by John Mot'lure sad exttoded by Cyrus Olnef. ift.A feet throughout th width thereof. At the Intersection of Duiuw street i with Fourteenth street, on the north ivr ana Oil MIV SUUlll SlOW feet. At the Intersection nf Duane St. with Fifteenth street, U feet on th north side nnd 3 feet on th south side. At the Intersection of Dunn street with Sixteenth street, S3 feet through out tht entire crossing. At the Intersection of Dunn strt with Seventeenth street. U fel throughout the entire crossing. The street between the points men tioned or crossings to be on a straight or even slope throughout th width thereof. That this notice I published for ten successive days by order of the said council, the first publication being un Saturday, July 7lh, 1900. H. E. NELSON. Auditor nnd Police Judge of the City of Aitorls. ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oftlc at Oregon City, Oregon, June 23. 1900. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his liiUm. and thst said proof will be made before the Register Iand Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on Auguxt 20, 1900, vlx: Junior N. Fowler. II. E. No. 1:454 for the hits . 10. 13 and 14. Section 11, J p. t it. iv n, He names the following witnesses to tiriU. hl ottf liin.oia rulilMm'A Oft,,,, and cultivation of suld lund, vis: Jnmes 8. Ratl.bun. of Portland, Oregon, A. D. Rockafellow, of Portland, Oregon, W. 8. Cone, of Hay City, Oregon. John Finlcy, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOREfl, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice I hereby given that up to the hour of X p. m.. on Satur day, the Jlst day of July, 1900, th committee on streets and public ways of the Common Council of the City of Aktorln. will receive sealed bids or proponuts for the Improvement of the north half of Commercial trt from the west lltif cf Eighth street to the east line of Seventh street and the crossing of Seventh sreet and Com mercial street as provided by ordinance No. relating to the time and man ner of Improving th same, approved on the 17th day of July. 1900, and the plans and specifications therefor. Tho right la reserved to reject any nnd all bids. C. C. UTZINOER, L. AO REN. W. J.-COOK. ' Committee. NOTICH OF INTENTION TO REPAIR COMMERCIAL STREET. Notice Is hereby gUen hat the Com-' mon Council of the City of Astoria has declared Its determination and Inten tion to repair all that portion of Com mercial xtreet In the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, State of Uregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlve ley. from the west Hue of Fourteenth street to the west line of Seventeenth street, oy removing alt of the old cov ering plank on said portion of said street nnd tha decking on the sidewalks and putting In three new stringers nhreast or parallel with each other on each sld of the street car track on fit i'l street throughout the extent of said portion of said street so repaired, which stringer are to be placed be tween the existing stringers now oh said portion of suld ,trt and by re moving the curb on each si 1 of said street nnd cutting in a new curb strin ger on each side of the same where removed and by replanklng said por tion of said stre.U from curb to curb J with good sound red or yellow fir lum , br and putting In new decking on the sidewalk on each aide of said Portion if said street, the decking to he of new sound red or yellow fir lumber. The stringers shall be 4 In ches by It lnch and 32 feet long add the covering plank shall be 4 Inches by 12 Inches and the decking on the side walks shall be one and one-half Inches by eight Inch's, dressed on one side, and said Improvement Is to be made strictly In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, to be filed with the auditor and police Judge by the city surveyor. That the costs and expenses of said Improvement, except the repair of the street crossings, shall be defrayed by special assessment up on the lots, tanls and premises-Including water frontage fronting upon and otherwise benefited by said repair or Improvement which said lots, lands and premises Including water frontage are hereby Included In a special assessment district to lie assessed to defray tbe costs and expenses of said Improve ment, which said district Is as follows, towit; commencing at the southwest corner of hlo-k M5 In the town fnow i!tv)-of Astoria as laid out and re corded by J. M. Hhlveley, Clatsop coun ty. Oregon, and running thence north and parallel with the west line of said block l.'If. to the Pier Head line on the south shore of the Columbia river, thence east along said Pier Head line to a point whpre the east line of block 133 In said Hhlvley's Astoria would In tersect raid Pier Head line If extend el a sufflelnt distance northerly, thence south In a straight line to the southeast corner of block 133 In said Shlveley's Asfirla, thence westerly alonp the south line of blocks 133, 134 an l 135 to the place of beginning, all In the City of Astoria, Clatsop Coun ty, State of Oregon. That the cliy surveyor of sold city is required and directed to forthwith prepare and deposit with the auditor and police Judgj of said city estimates of the' expense of said repairs or Im provement and specifications for the proposed work. ' This notice is published for eight days In the Morning Astorlan In pursu ance to a resolution of the Common Council adopted on the 18th day of July. 1900, directing the same, the date of the first publication thereof being on Thursday, the 19th flay of July, 1900. ' II. E. NELSON. Auditor and Follce Jdge of the City of Astoria, LKOAI. NOTlt M, notice ia iiicHEUV hIvex.',; , t i That the City of Astoria intends to Im prove fevenleenth street In the City of Astoria, Oltisvp County, r Oregon, from th south line of Irving avenu to th north Hue of Jerome avenue, by grading said portion vf said street to the established grade thervef "through out the entire width thefsof and by planking said street with three-Inch by lMnch rtr planks to a width of six teen feet through th mlddltt or cen ter thereof and Constructing a sld wlk with gutter on the rant side pf sall portion of said street stid I aid Improvement In mallei of detail to 1 mad according to the spectflcstloit therefor to be tiled with the stilltor sod police Judg of said city, by th city surveyor, 1 ' v ' That the district of land and prem ises ti bo assessed to defray th costs and expenses of said Improvement Is as follow' Ci'imueming at the north east corner of lot ft In block, it in th part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by J. M. Hhlveley and running thence on a Mtralght line to th southeast corner of lot 1 In said block nnd running thenc wesurly on a straight linn to th southwest corner of lot 11 In block 53 In said Hhlveley' Astoria, and thence northerly on a straight line to th northwest comer f lot 1 In i aid block SS, and running thenc easterly In a straight lino to the place of beginning, all In Clatsop County, Stat of Oregon . That this not k 1 published for tight days, by order of tho Common Council of th City 'of Astoria, the Hint publication thereof being on Tues day, the 10th day 'f July, lHoO. II. K. NiCLSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, United States Land oitl'. Oregon City, Oregon, July 7, 1900. Nolle I hereby given that In com pliance with the .irovl.ilon of th act of congress of Jun 5, 1S7S, entitled "An uct for tha sal of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all public land states by net of August 4, isiU, Ottlll M. Logan, of Astoria, county of Clatop, state of Oregon, ha this day filed In this offlcs her sworn statement No. BlMJ, for th purchase of th H. W. '4 of Section No. 9 In Township No. NA Rang No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the lund sought is mors valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural puiiHse. and to establish her claim to sul I land before th KvgUter and Receiver of this offlcs at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, Ihe 3d day nf October, 1900. She name as wltnesjea: Julius liurbe, of oiney, Oregon, 8 bastion !insr, of oiny, Oregon. Jacob ltenk, of olney, Oregon, John Olaier, of oiuvy, Oregon. . . . Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above -de.'rlbed land ar rriuet to rile their clatm In this ofH-e on or before said Id day of Octo ber. 1900. CJIA3. a MOORE. Register. i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - United State Land Oftlc. Oregon City, Oregon, July 7. lWj.,: , . Notice Is hereby given tbat In com pliance with th provision of the act of congress of. June , K IKK ntltl4 "An act for th sale nf timber lands In l'ie slates of California, Oregon. Ne vada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all ptrhtln land states by net of August 4, is!, William C. Logan, ot Astoria, county of Clatsop; stats of Oregon, has this day filed In this otfto his sworn statement No,. 5J43, for th poichas of the . X. H Of Section No. 9 In Township No. ( N., Rang No. 7 W and will offer proof to show that th land sought Is mors valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to snld land befor th Register and Receiver of this oftlca at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 3d day of October, 1900. He names as witnesses: Julius Oarbe, of Ulny. Oregon, Be bastion Glaser. of Olney, Oregon, Jacob Ivnk, of olney, Oregon, John Uluser, of Olney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the abovj-deacrlbed lands ore requested to file their claims In this office, on or before th said Id day of October, 1900. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, For the County of Clatsop. In the matter ot the estate of Jemima Sklbhe, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has be-in duly appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Clatsop county, administrator of t le estate of Jemima Sklbbe. deceased All persona having claims against sold istatu are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at No, 627 Bond street, In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, within six months from th date herjof. Dated this 10th day of July, 1900. MAX L. SKIBBE. . Administrator of the estate of Jemima Sklbbe. decmied. '; .'GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Treasury Department, Office Supervis ing Architect. Washington, X). C, . July 2, 1900; - Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., on the lith day of August, I'M), and then opened for tho construction of Bar racks and Hospital lluildiligs at tho United State guurantlne Station, As toria, Oregon, In occordunco with draw ing and specification, copies tf which muy bo hud at the discretion of the Supervising Architect, by applying to this ofllce or Surgeon In charge at tho Station. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Architect. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon Ctty, Oregon, June 23, 1900. Notice Is heheby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made, before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 20, 11)00, viz: James 8. Rathbun, H. E. No. 12,444, for th S. E. of Section 18, Tp. 4 N., R. 9 W, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. P.ockafellow, of Portlan!, Oregon, W. S. Cone, Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOHKfl, Register, LKOAL NOTICBs " " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Untied States Land Office, Oregon City, . , Oregon, July I, lnoo. Nolle Is hereby given that In oompli 4ne with th provision of th not of emigres rntltlsd "An set for th sal ft timber lands In th state ( Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing tun Territory,1' as extended to all Pub lie Land States by act of August 4, Ihji, Luther Eager, of Seattle, county of King, stats of Washington, has this day.tlied in this offlc hi sworn it merit No. cm, for tho purctuu of thl N. K H of Section No. t la Towuslup No. 8 N Range No, I W.. and will offer proof to show that th land sought Is iitoi valtmhl for Its timber or stons than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim lo said laud bfor Ihe Register and Receiver of this utTtd at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, th Villi day of Beptcmbtr, IVoO, He name with wi! Bartholomew J. Ilurke, of Bcaald Oregon, James T. Uurk, of Scasllo, Orvgon, Charles llnrbaugh, of Volga, South Dakota, William liurkv, of Side, Oregon. I Any and alt persons claiming ! versely th above-descrllwd lands art reiuested to 111 their claims In (his onto on cr before said JUh day of September, 1IW0. j CHAS, B, MOORES. Rgitr, xjyr lo 8 rou pu tji l tc at ion. United States Land orTlce, Oregon City,' Oregon, July J, IJoo. Nutlc Is hereby given that In com pnanc with th provision of th act vf congress of Juu I, lilt, entitled "An act for the sale ot lliiibvr lands In the states of California, ungm, Ne vada, and Washington Tiritory," a extended to all Public Land Stat by act of August 4. U93. . Chart Kar naugh, of Vtilgu. eunty ot Brookings, slat of South Dakota, h4 thl day filed In this oirlc his sworn statement No. ;:J7. for the purchas of th N. W. i of Section No. I In Township No, ft N Rang No, II W., and will orfsr proof to show that th land sought Is mors valuahl for Us timber or ston than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claim to said land brr II: Register and Receiver of this otto at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, th lull day of September, 1300. 11 names a witnessed Bartholomew ' J. llurk. of Seaside, Oregon, James T. llurk, of geasld. Oregon, "William Burke, of Seaside, Or egon, Luther Eager, of Heattl. Wash ington. Any and all persons claiming ad versely th abovfdeacrtbed lands ar requested to ftl their claims In this ofltc on or before sold 2l'h day vf September. 1900. CJ2A3, a MOORES, , ' v ' ' ' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land ome at Oregon City, Oregon, ... , ;, Jun ;i. wo. , Notice Is hereby given that tbs following-named settler has filed nolle of his Intention to mak final proof Iq support of hi claim, and that said proof will b mad before th lUglstr and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on Augut So, 19o0, ' vli: Andrew D. Jtockoftllow, H. E. No. 1!W. for th E. of 8. W. H and Ms I and 4, Section 11, Tp. 4 N., R. I II names th following witness ta prov his continuous residence upot and cultivation of said land, vis) J. 8, Rathbun. nf Portland. Oregon. J. N. Fowler, of Portland. Oregon. W. n. con, of Bay city, Oregon, John Flnley, of Astoria, Oregon. CHAS. a MOORE8. RcgtaUr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlc at Oregon City, Ortgon, Jun 1$, lo0. Notice Is hereby glvn that th fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to mak final proof la support of his claim, and that said proof wilt b mad befor th County Clerk of Clatsop County at Asloila, Oregon, on July to, loo, vtx: . JOHN ANTTILA. II. E. No. ll&m, for ths lots 9, 10, IS and Is. section 17, T 4 N, K I Vf. lit names th following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon aid land, vis: Harry Hill, of Pujh. Oregon; Ja kob Hlltunen, of Push, Oregon; William Row, of Push, Oregon; Albert Hill, of Push, Oregon, CHARLES B. MOORES. Register, SEALED PROPOSALS. Office of C. Q. M Vancouver Bar racks, Wash., July 2, 1900. Sealed pro. poaal. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m,, August 2, 1900, and then opened, for furnishing forego and bedding at th several mil itary posts in this department and camp at Skagway, Alaska, and Port Valde. Alaska, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. Information furnished her or by quartermasters at posts, U. 8. reserves right to reject or acoept any or all proposals or any part there of. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposal for Forags and lidding at ," and ad drrsse! to undersigned. J. W. Jacobs, NOTICB is hereby given that by virtue of an order made and entered by Hon. John Hayne, referee In bankruptcy for th district court of the United States for the District of Oregon, on July 9, l'JOO, In Ihe matt t of S. It. Jessup, bankrupt, I will, on Saturday, August 11, at 2 p! m sell on the premises to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the approv al of the court, all the right, title and InUrest of said bankrupt In nnd to the following described premises, to wlt: Lot 6 to 82, Inclusive, block S, lots 0 lo 31, Inclusive, block 6; lots 4 to II. Ineinlv, block 7; lots 1 to 22 Inclusive, block 10; lots 1 to 22, Inclu sive, block 11; lots 1 to 22, Inclusive block 12; and lots 5 and 6, block 9, all In Hemlock Park addition to Astoria. Olntaop county;; Oregon. t A. W, PRESCOTT. Balom, Or, July'lO, 1900. TrUHt- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that ths un dersigned has been appointed adminls trator of the estate of F, M. Bewley, deceasej, and all person having claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned at the office of J. Q. A. Bowlby In Astoria, Oregon, prop erly verlflc! within six months from this rtats. J, c, BKWLEY. July 13, 1900.