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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1900)
-..r 'nrat- "I"-'' -V nt THE MORNING AST0R1AN. SATURDAY, JULY ?, ItOU .k I r It. ii ft J 1 1 ' ' ' ' 9 ' 4 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 65L TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. gent by mall, per year $l0 Sent by mail, per month .50 Served by carrier, per month M SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year. In advance JtOO Postage free to suDscrtoers. All communications intended for pab' ;icatlon should be directed to the editor, business communications of all kinds and remittances must be addresaud to The Astorlan." Tn Astorlan guarantees to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap cllcaUoa to the business manager. Per President WILLIAM M'KIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. ASTORIA AGAIN DISGRACED. Something is evidently wrong with the discipline In our navy. Since we have been fooling with the Oriental and Philippine questions we have lost two valuable warships, vessels that are worth more In dollars and cenU than the whole Philippine group, and the In dications are that the loss in at least one case was the result of negligence or drunkenness. Vessels of all na tions are plying those waters, and It certainly appears strange that American ships should be the only ones to meet with disasters. When the Charleston was WTecked It is known through the testimony of members of the crew, though the mat ter was quickly hushed up, that nearly all the officers were Intoxicated and un fit for duty, and we may expect some Interesting reports regarding the Ore gon as soon as the crew Is discharged and the men at liberty to speak. Building expensive Vessels simply to decorate the rocks In Aslatls waters Is becoming very tiresome to the Amer-1 lean people, and they will soon demand an accounting from the navy depart mentAstoria Budget. July 2. The attention of The Astorlan has Just been called to the above slander ous attack on the American navy, marked copies of the paper containing which are said to have been gratu Itously sent aboard the Philadelphia during her sojourn here and distributed promiscuously among the officers and sailors. It Is to be regretted that the committee of arrangements, at whose instance the navy department was kind enough to honor Astoria with the visit of this noble ship and her veteran crew of officers and men, failed to de tect and repudiate an act so vile and discourteous as this. The appearance of such an article in any American newspaper would be bad enough at any time, but the timing of Its publication with the arrival of the Philadelphia to take part In a general patriotic observ ance of the Fourth of July amounts to an offense whose infamy and lnhos pitality will react upon Astoria and do lasting harm and discredit perhaps to the whole state. The Insult was deeply resented by Captain Mead and other officers of the Philadelphia, and it is to be feared the report which they may give to the navy department of their visit here will put a stop to fur ther friendly visits of American war vessels to this port. Of course the article is inspired by Lazy Livers sre many times the cause of rut-Ions d wam Ninety per cent of the American people are and to be troubled with liver and stomach complaints sm'h as constipation, dizzimm, indigestion, liiUoiuueaa, sluggish liver, etc. Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 overcome and rare those uls. These tablets act as a gentle laxa tive, 'iliey make the liver and rtczsacl (!, t!.u:r duty u U,xr aliouid. The moot obstinate case yield to these little tablets. They east 2ic and can be procured at FRAN'S HART. cessor to Th. Olsen, 100-J Com. St. i r.nxlety to make poll' leal capital for the anil-expansionist campaign, end In cidentally to exploit the paper In unes tlun ns a brilliant and tearless cham pion of the party It disgraces hy Us suppovt. From beginning to end it Is1 a cr-td of outrageous falsehood. Our navy has Abundantly proved I" superiority In discipline. ns well js In neatly all other respects, over the navies of the European powers. It passes all comprehen sion how any American daivs to brook pu!llc sentiment at home by assigning otherwise, and It is Just such utt.M- ences as these In the petty pre to which this Astoria sheet aspires to belong that confounds the opinion of American politics held by Intelligent people abroad. It Is not true that we have lost two valuable ships In the Far East, but the traitor us writer of this article evidently reflects by that state ment the hope that such a national calamity may yet come true. The charge that our vessels are the only ones meeting with disaster In the China seas shows & paucity of Informa tion or malignity f slanderous pur pose that should render any paper In which It Is publish M odious and con temptible In the sight of every Amer lean patriot who chances to read its guff. The loss of life as well as ship ping in the waters of the Orient Is fearful, and has been shared by the commerce and navies of all the world. The Japanese, especially, who possess the greatest tonnage in Northern Asl atic seas, have suffered enormously of late years. Only a short time ago a great French liner, whose captain had navigated these waters for nearly a lifetime, was lost on the Chinese shore. It is not to be wondered that we. who are having practically our first experi ence In that section of the world, should have suffered with the rest to some extent. The charge that the officers of the Charleston were drunk when she was lest on an unchartjd reef in the Phil ippines emanated from certain Agul- naldo sympathlxers at home, and was so monstrous and ungrateful a false hood as to arouse unanimous expres sions of Indignation from naval officers of every nation throughout the world. The matter was made the subject of rigid official inquiry by the depart ment and it was rhown conclusively that the Charleston was navigating w aters at the time of her mishap where the chart gave a great depth and that her officers were even unusually alert because of unfamlliarity with the lo cality. There is no branch of the pub lic service, in which merit so complete ly controls position and responsibility as in our navy. It is one institution, at least, in which all kinds of Amer icans should take pride and which should be freest from the slanders of the penny-a-liners in the low politi cal sheets that thrive ty lying attacks upon American statesmen and misrep resentations of the policies of the party In power. The effectiveness of our na vy, man for man and ship for ship. Is universally acknowledged to hold the highest rank among the navies of the world. The prestige of its achieve ments irom Its beginning until the present time has called forth the warmest commendation and praise from experts and text-book writers In every tongue. The only charitable interpretation of this Aftoria libeler's conduct is that to his small mind the visit of the Philadelphia furnished an auspicious occasion for palming off the effusion of some Ignorant and malicious Interior party writer as the product of hlg own brain. He copied the article, evident ly, on the assumption that the ap pearance of the cruiser In Astoria wa ters would lend plausible color to its originality as a party argument for the political crowd to which he thinks he belongs. If this Is not his excuse for the iiisult offered Astoria's distinguish ed guests and his ba,se black guardism of the worthiest branch of his country's public service, he ought to be hunted out by a committee of indignant citizens and made to leave the town. The great seaport of Astoria has no room for such a class of vermin as this, and they should be exterminated with the rats or else forced to move along. It h a waste of lime and words to i-omradiit .on either the platform or nominee of the Kansas City conven tion. Both were condemned by an overwhelming sentiment of the Amer ican people, Including the best element and most influential newspapers of the democratic party, long In advance of the date of their promulgation at Kan sag City. The fact that such ardent gold-standardites as Hill, Croker, Sewall, of Maine, and even so decent a man as Pattlson, of Pennsylvania, were The Best Washing Woman's Best Friend. there and pretended to Join In the unanimous approval and "enthusiasm" of the fresh demand for free and un limited coinage of silver and the aban donment of the Philippines and other fruits of the Spanish war. which dem ocrats as much as any other class sup ported at the outset, will make no change in the opinions and determin ation of the people. Mr. Bryan and his Kansas City patchwork of retro gression and fault-finding will be overwhelmingly condemned mark the prediction by the largest and most pronounced proportionate majority ever cast by the people against the demo cratic party since the defeat of the Mct'lellan ticket and his "fallure-of-the-aar" platform in 1SS4. The repub lican party. In the providence of the Almighty, will go straight ahead with Its rlvilixtng work and its needed preparations for the fulfillment of Its great and patriotic mission Jim the same as If Mr. Bryan had never been born or Mr.Croker now occupied his ap propilate penitential cell at Sing Sing, or the last quadrennial Confederate reunion had not taken place this year In Kansas City or elsewhere. There is Just one exception to the rule from Richmond, Virginia, to New Orleans, Louisiana, and from San Francisco to Manila, that where the republican party has once planted the American banner of freedom It has never been furled. The solitary excep tion was in the Hawaiian Islands, but the promptness and undoubted terma nency with which the banner was afterwards replaced In that instance is an emphasis of the unfailing rule and determination of the American people for Its enforcement elsewhere and at all times. ADLAI E. STEVENSON. The newly-chosen Democratic nomi nee for the vice-presidency was born In Christian county, Kentucky, October 23, 1S35. and educated at Wesleyan University and Centre College, Ken tucky. In 1832 he moved to Blooming ton, 111., and began the practice of law at Metamora, In the same state, eight years later. He soon became prominent in politics, serving as chancery mas ter of Woodford county from 1861 to IS63, as state's attorney from 1863 to 1869, and was chosen as a presiden tial elector on the Democratic ticket In 1861. He returned to Bloomlnirtnn in 1863 and was thence elected to the Forty-fourth and Forty-sixth congress es. In 1877 he was a member of the board of visitors to West Point. During Cleveland's first term as president he was the first assistant postmaster-general. In 1892 he wa elected vice-president on the ticket with Cleveland, and now finds himself linked with Bryan as a candidate for the same position. Being elected this time, however, Is a different proposition. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. PORTULND7 Arrive. 8 :0Ja.m. Portland Union DepotflLlO a.m. 6 of.p.mfor Astoriaand inter-) 9:40p.m. t2:30 '' Imedlate nolnfs Is r.finm I ASTORIA. 7.45a.m.For Portland 4- ln-lf:ta.m. 6:10 p.rn.termjdlate points 10:30 p.m. Dally except Saturday. Saturdays only. SEASIDE! DIVISION. 815 a, m....l 11:30 a. m I 11:35 s, m. ... f (- 7:4.'. a. m. 10::'.ra in. AgTORH 5:50 p. in j u-ja p. m. Haturday only. :Wa. m 1 8:00 p. in I .w I ... 5:: 4.00 p. m. p. in. .. 9:') a. m. ..lWW p. m. . 1 p. m, .. 7:180 p. m. All trains make close connections at Coble with all Northern Pacific trains to and from the eaat or Bound points. J- c- MAYO, Oen'l IYt and P. aw H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Bpedal Attention. No. B38 Duane St, Astoria. Or. W. J, COOK. Mgr Re. Tel, ML Powder. Dirt's Worst Enemy. Corrects all blemishes of ITJ;., JA the face, remove blot lllSQUin S ''' Pln nl'. tan. sun- ourn, irrcKies ana manes a beautiful complexion. It Is also the best tooth wash, and excellent for deranged stomach. A FEW INTERESTING. FACTS When people are contemplating t trip, whether on business or pleasures k?x. nat,urally want th t service obtainable aa far a. speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Employe, of th. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our train, are operated so a. to make close con nections with diverging line at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Car. on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meal, served a la carte. In order to obtain the flrt-claa. Mr vice, ask the ticket agent to .ell you a ticket over. .... The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connection, at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all point. East For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. den. Pass. Aft. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wla. General Agent, 146 8tark 8t, Portland. Or. i Of New Zealand t i VV. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital, -Paid-up Capital, Assets, Assets in United States, Surplus to Tolicy Holders, Has .beenlUnderwriting on the Pacific Coast over twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. e 0 ( INSTRUCTIONS GIVF Miss Bertha Hartin's Decorative Art Room. Boom 820 Deaom Balldlng, 8d liT ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY. Conducted by the Located 40 mileH Houth of Portland, on stxite of the Willamette Valley. Tub Ideal ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRI80N STS. Eurooeau plan. 6oc to tl,M oer day. American plan, 11.00 to 12.00 per day. THE ASTORIAIN.... Delivered at or residence. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST ANDQUICKGSTLINE TO St.Paul.Diiluth, Minneapolis, I'hloig) and All Potn East DAILY TRAIN'S; PAST TIME: 8ER VICE AND 8CENERT UN EQUALED. Through Tulare soil TnnrM Sleeper lilulug anil Hotta! Biuoklug Library (are Tickets to points East via Portland and the Oreat Northern Ry., on sale at O. It. A N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Oreat Northern Ticket Ortlo. ( M0KRIS0X STKEET, PORTLAND. For rates. foll-rs and full Inform.-1 tlon regarding Lastern trip, call on or address, A. D. C. DENNISTON, Cl'.y Pnss. and TL'kn Agent. Portland, J. A. Fastabend,. General Contractor and Builder. THE lOtVKC. Stranger, viaitinj In tn city wilt (Jiitl the Louvre au attractive resort w herein to sixnd the evening. The Am me Sister LaduV Orchestra is .till on the bill, and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard room, .re a feature In connection with the honse. Palatable luncbe. will be served at all oours riTf Tfin OF SHAREHOLDERS $5,000,000 1,000,000 - 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 ORDERS SOLICITED rail Line of Neaest tmbroid ery Materials. Initials t Specialty. Choice Selectioi of S'amplag DesigD. Stimplag Keatl; Doc;. sad Washington Bis., fortlanrt, Or. Benedictine Fathers one of the mot healthful and aHrantivn Place koii Your Jiovs. Preparatory. t oi particulars, Apply to the PrcsideDt, OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager, J, C. PKNDE0A8T, Chltf Clerk. your office, store 60c per rtiontH. WW fill F5) &Pr lhUoMG;lllo TIMtl 5CMIMHJI.I14 from MutUiid. DKI'ART Chleai.t ISmlsmt special 'Ilka, tu AlUtttlo Knpnxs ' I ' Spokane Viyr. . in, AsaiTl Sail Uke, Denver, ft. Worth, tkmslia. hsti- tlliy, HI. Linus, Cliloogii id ""' 4 . lit. plt Lake, Denver, PI Worth, On. Int. Kail 7 . HI, m City, mi. Imuis, i liitil aim aai, Walla Walla. I. -wUlnn, MlHlktllK, Mlt'.IIKHIHI hi. IUiiI, Imuitli, Mllwmikt, Chlo igu ainl KmI, Wain. From Aslorla OCUAN 1TUAM3HIP5 All Ralllni Dal. sub )nl Ui vliaus. For Bait Kraiieirv-H Mart Mi. ia, 01, Columbia River (amer. To Portia! as4 Way Laa.lag. T am 4a inti Ha day Ex Sunday From Portland lam Eigmiuay WllUMKTTK HlVRK 4 s. m KiSumlay OriwiMi fllv, Nswtwrf, (mImii A WayUud a. Willamette aae Ysav 7 a. m. Turs.Ttiur I no p. m, oi..Vi and FrU .111 stivers. j sua Hal. HrrnCliy, imywn, A nay umiuiuhs. Klparla ! dly 1 Ma. m. l. Uvula V.wi a m dally Saake River. KlirlsU)ewlln. I. m Tu, Tdkii Saturday WII.UMKTlK HIVKU 4.0 n. m rorilaiiU In tVirvalll aud way ailln. Mod, Wed rrUay O. W. LOUN8DERRT. Agent, Astoria. W. II. HUIILUUKT. Gen. Pass. Aft, Portland, Or, LCIJ A I. NOTIIKS. NOTICE IS HKIIKHT tllVKN That It in the Intfiitlon of the Com mon i'iiuiu'II of the City of Astoria to establish the (trade of Duane stroi t In that part of the 11 1 y of Astoria Inld out and roi'iirdisl by J. M. Khlvrli'y from thi- vhsi line of Mcl'lure'a Astoria to the -nst line cf Hovrntenth lrct, at the follow In ht'lKht altove thr base of nr.i.l.. as esluhllshi-d by ordinance No. 71. of the City of Astoria, entltlt-d, "An 'irdlnnm cstnbllshliit a 'bane of jritdee for the atreeta of the City of Astoria, to-wit: At the east line of the town of As torla aa luld out and recorded by John Mct'lure and rxtpnd'd by Cyrus Olnry 24 feet throughout the width thereof. At the Intersection of Duarm slrwt with Fourteenth stnet. on the north aide 23.& fet't and on the south side lib ff.'t. At the Intersertlon of Dunne St. with Fifteenth atrwt, 34 fwt en the north side and 3a f t on the uth aide. At the Inti-raiK-tlon of Dunne strict with Klxteenth street, 33 feet throuih out the entire croastnic. At the lntprsK'ttoii of Dtiane street with Hcvtnleenlh atreet, 24 feet throua-hout the entire crossing. The street bctwren the points men tioned or crossings to be on a etraUht or even slope throughout the width thereof. That this notice is published for ten attccentlve days by order of the said council, the first publication being on Maturity, July 7th. loo. II. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City or Aiioria. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlcs at Orfgon City, Oregon, June 23, 1900. Notice la ht-reby given that the fol lowing named ftllt-r has llli-d notice of hie Intention to make final proof In support of hla claim, and that said pnmf will be made before the lteglater and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregun, on August 20, l'JW, Mr: Jasper N. Fowler. II. K. No. 12tr,4 for the lota 9. 10, IS and lfl, Hoctloti 13, Tp. 4 N., It. 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation or suit land, vli: James H. Itatl.bun, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. llockitfellow, of Purtlimd, Oregon, W. 8. Cone, of Huy City, Oregon, John Plnley, of Astoria, I'regon, CHAS. II. MOOREK, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, Jime 23, im. Notice la lieheby given that the fol lowlng-named settler has died notice of his Intention to mnk- final proof In sup r i ii' :il i claim, ami Unit siild pr.,.,f will be mnile before the Register and Receiver ai "n g ;n CI y. Oregon, on August 20, 11)00, viz: Jumee 8. Rathbun, II. B. No. 12,444, ror th B. E. of Section 18, Tp. 4 N., R. 9 W. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nt-(I cultivation of said land, vli: J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon, A. D. Rockafellow, of Portland, Oregon, W. S. Cone, Hny I'lty, Oregon, John Flnley, of Antorla. Oregon. CIIAB. U. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lund 'OIllCO "nt Oregon City, Oregon, June 23, 1900. Notice fn hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler had filed notice of hiH Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that Mild proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 20, 1900, vU: Andrew D. Rockafellow, H. B. No. 12450, for the E. of 8. W. and Iota 3 and 4, Section 18, Tp. 4 N R, 9 W, He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence . upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. 8. Rathbun, of Portland, Oregon, J. N. Fowler, of Portland, Oregon, W. 8. Cone, of Bay City, Oregon, John Flnley, of Aatorla, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. 1 MOAL NOTIC'K NOTU'H roll 1TULICATION. Pulled Hint.' I.niid liitW, Oregon City, Oii'iioii, July 3, I Ml, Notli P In ht'ivliy iilvin Hint In coiuplU iih'o with tlix provlnloiiM of tin not of t' lnuri'sa emitted "An act for th .ill" of llinlr litiiiln In the .Intra of Cull fornlii, OiYilon, NYvu.lft, utld Wualiillil Ion 'IViTltory," na mli'inli-d to all Pub II" Lnml Htiiica by ail of Aimtiat 4, KU, Luther Knurr, of Health', county of King, stutw of WMliliiKln, hua this) ility filed III t It 1st uMli'o Ilia swot It alute, in. 'til No, r.':il, for th" puri'luua of the N. H. i of Section Nn. 4 In Township No, 5 N ItniiHP No. V VV., nnd will nlt"f proof (o allow Hint the land amiglit la ini.i'e VHltmltle for tin limber or clone limn for ngrli'tilliirnl pin pin.., nnd to t'KlutilUh hla eltiliii to aulil lund before Uih Keitlater nnd Uecrlver of (hla udlc nt i'r'oii i'Iiv, Oregon, on Krl'lny, the SMh tiny of 8oUiulier. I. lie names na Wlln'-aaea; lliirtholontetv J. Illlike, nf Heaalilt t'i'i K"lt, J mill's T. Illli ke, of Heaalde,, Churlea llurbaunh, of Voign, Si'lltll linkotn, Wllllitm llUrkii. of Heu side, Oregon, Any and all person claiming ad versely lite ubove-dracrlbed Innds me riui'ted In Mia their clnluia In I Ills ofiU'tt on cr before said Mli d.ty of Hepli'liibrr, liWO. CIIA8. n. M0ORF.8. lteglSlor. NOTICK FOR I'l'ULICATlON, United States l-aiid ntW, Oregon City, Oregon, July S, !'). Notice Is hereby given Hint In rtu llniic with l lie pruvlilutia of the act of congrcaa of June 3, ISTK, riitllled "An act for the le of timber taints In the statea of ('itllfornln, Oregon, No vo. In, ami Washington Territory," na fateudeil to nil I'ulille Und Slates ly of AiiKtisl 4. l!Si;', rimrlee I (nr. nuugh, of Volga, county of HiiNiklngs, state of Houth I'ukoin, baa this ly 'lied In this olllce hla swum statement No, in?, for the purchase of the N. W. if S'ctloii No. I in Towimlilp Ni. 4 N Range No, V and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or sti-ne than for agricultural pun .., and to rslnhllsh bis claim to said lund before the Keglstrr nnd Hwelver of this office at trrgoti t'lty, Oregon, mi Friday, the Mil iiuy ( September, 10, Ho names Bs wltneams: Hilltholom. w J. Ilurke, of Hnnalda, t'regon. Ju nits T. Hurkf. of Seaable, Otvgim, Wiliiutii Ilurke, of Srulile, or eg"ii, Luther Kagi-r, of Brattle, W'a.h Ington, Any and all person, claiming ad versely (he utiovr-dcacrlbei! land, are reiitiesteU to tile their claim. In (, oftlce on or before mid IMh day of Meptrnibrr, iww. CHAS. II. MixiltKS. Iteglater, ADMINISTRATOR'S 8ALB. ' Notice Is hereby given that r.ursuant to an order made and entered In the county court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county on the SOih day of April, liw, the undersigned admlnia trator of the estate of P. W. Coleman, deceased, win on Monday, the (th .lay of July, 19O0, at the hour of two o'clock p. m.t In front of th. court house door at the city of Astoria, In Clatsop coun ty, state of Oreg.m, offer for sale and sell at auction to the highest bidder for caah. all of the following described 'te "'toeted In said county, to- The north half of the southwest quar ter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of Section number one (1) In Township six te). north of Range nine a. west of the Willamette meridian, Muted at Astoria. Oregon, this first day of May, loo. C W. FULTON. Administrator, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. June 18, 1900. Notice la hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of hla Intention to make-final proof In eupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County t'lerk of Clatsop County at Astoria, Oregon, on July 80, 1900. via: JOHN ANTTILA. If. E. No. U'M, for the lot. , 10. it and 14, section 17, T 4 N, 11 I V. He name, the following wKnrssca to provo his continuous residence upon an id land, vli: Harry Hill, of Push. Oregon; Ja kob Hlltunen, of Push, Oregon; William Row of Push, Oregon; Albert Hill, of Push, Oregon. CHARLES B. MOORES. Register. SEALED PROPOSALS. Ofllce of C. Q. M Vancouver Bar racks, Wajth., July i, l'joo. Sealed pro. posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. in., August 2, IWW, and then opened, fur furnishing forago and bciltllno- at ih Itary posts In this department and tamp at Kkiigway, Alaska, and Port Valdei, Alaska, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. Information furnlMie.l here or by . tuurtermaster at posts U, S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all tiroiumiila or inv rri . i..... or. Knvelotiea rontalnlnir ,r,, i- should be marked: "Proposals for forage and Hecldlnir at ,,.i ... dressed to undersigned. J, W. Jacobs C. W. M. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hernhv nvn that ,1.. dorslgned hae been by the county court of Clatsop county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the lost will anil testament of Eveline Blferte, deceased and that said will has been duly prov en and admitted to probate by said VUUI I, . All nersnni havlnor rlnlm. . thft estate f)f salrl tlwonunA sent the mime, duly verllled, to the uineimmiuii, ui me omce or Harrison Aiii-n, uuorney at law, room 7, inm blllldlnir. In Astorln. Orr.imn ...i.i.,.. six montliH from this dnte. ALIIERT F. BIFKUTE Executor of the Last Will ami Testa ment of Eveline Blferte, Ueceased Dated this 11th day of June, liiuo FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is herehv (riven, thnt .. derslgnet, admlniHtrntor of the (-aiate oi w. , jvnnaaer, -jeceoBea, has lllcil In the county court of the state of Orearon for i.'IntHnn cnnntv hi. ... -..,,, account aa .tich administrator, nnd the hub u'tch mi iur neuriiig Mon day, the 10th (lav of Jnlv mnn ... o clock a. m.. at the eonntv om,r at the court house, In the City of As- ioiiiv, in iaisop county, uregon. All nersona Interootert In anM are hereby notified tn then .i . i atipear and ehow cause, If any, why the said final account should not be allowed and the personal property be longing to said estate distributed, the administrator discharged and hla bondsmen exonerate. 8. B. GORDON. Administrator of the Estate of J. w Minaker. Deceased. Dated this 8th day of June. 1900.