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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1900)
THE MORNING ASTOR1AN. tlltJIiSDAV, JULY I, 1100 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year.. Sent by mall, per month J4.S0 M M Served by carrier, per month SEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mall, per year. In advance UM Postage tree to uMcriDera. All communleatlona intended for pub '.Icatton should be directed to the editor. Rusinecia communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to The Astorian." The Astorian guarantees to Its ad vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising; rates can be had on ep plication to the business manager. For President KILL. AM MKIXLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice-President THEODOKE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. CCEA NOT SOLELY CUBANS. FOR THE A dispatch from Havana referring to a slight development of yellow fever In parts of Cuba where it has hitherto been almost unknown, and also to Havana's remarkable freedom from th disease in spl'e of glojmy predictions, contains the following quotation from the newspaper "El Cubano": "The Cu bans have a right to object to the ex penditure of money for sanitary meas ures intended to pro'ect the lives of a few Americans, as ihey do not them selves take yellow fever. .In such cir cumstances large expenditure cannot be justified." We do not know what the standing of the "El Cubano" is with the people among whom it is designed to circulate, but in respect to the ques tion which it thus treats, whatever in fluence it possesses is plainly exerted in an ignorant, nelfiah and mischievous manner, and if it reflects the general feeling and opinion In Cuba the fact strongly tends to prove that the Cu bans are far from competent to manage their cwn affairs. In waging war for the benefit of Cuba the people of the United States wers actuated by benevolent motives, and they intend to keep faith with those whom they freed from the op pressive rule of Spain. But it would be a serious mistake to encourage a belief, now or hersafter, that our gov ernment was so utterly disinterested as to take no account whatever of con ditions in the islands which were ex cessively offensive to this country and injurious to its welfare. Spanish cor ruption and inefficiency had long per mitted abuses to flourish In Cuba from which we suffered bitterly in manifold ways, and which had come to be re garded as wellnigh intolerable before J the destruction of the Maine rendered war a virtual certainty. One of the worst of these abuses was the delib erate and reckless promotion of con ditions which made a naturally heal'h ful inland close to our shores a breed ing pi ice of yellow fever. Tear after year for (fenerations the deadly malady had spread from that source to our Southern cities, causing enormous sacrlfics of life and incalculable finan cial losses. A determination to put an end, If possible, to this particular af fliction was certainly not the chief in citement to Interference in behalf of the Cubans, but the probability of our being able to do so was as certainly one of the cheerful conok'erations to which the conflict with Spain gave rise. We have been in control of ths Islands less than two years, and al ready that expectation sems sure to be fulfilled. In the facj of embarrass ments at least as great as we had rea son to anticipate, while yet the task of establishing sanitary conditions In Cu ba Is Just beginning, results have been obtained which convince the American authorities that the Island is capable of being transformed from a hotbed of infection Into a land as wholesome as it is fulr and fruitful. At this Initial 6tage in the process of purification and education a Ha vanu newspaper comes forward to op pose the expenditure of money for tan itary purposes, because, forsooth, Cu bans are not susceptible to yellow fever. Therefore it says, in effect: "Let th disease feed as of old on such forclRn material as it finds and freely to lnf.ct (he Tutted States. Cubans do not need to trouble them selves on that account. They ar all right, and It Is a shame to sp'tid money In ways which wld do thorn no good." It would be difficult to say whether the selfishness or the stupid! ty of this view of the matter Is tin more conspicuous. We should be glad to believe that It Indicated merely careless and temporary rvlapsx? on the part of the Journal expressing It Into tho barbarism which Spanish rule on gendered, but w foar It would be un tetto to orsum- '.hat "El Cubano'' miserable attltule will net be con eidcred wise rnd proper by a large number of Cubans. Of one thin, at any rate, there ought to be no doubt and that Is that until the people of the United States are thnrmighly convinced that such sentiments re no; a part of the men tal and moral furniture of a majority of the people of Cuba they will reso lutely refuse to turn over the govern ment of the to Its inhabitants. AMERICAN INTERESTS IN CHINA New Tork Tribune. Some figures which we published the other day of the numbers and nation alitles of foreigners residing in China express eloquently the extent of Amer ican Interests In that country. We have heard so much for the best part of a century of British relations with China, of French Interests In the south eastern provinces, of Russia's invasion and colonisation of Manchuria, of Ger many's conquest In Shan-Tung, and, of course, of Japan's close relations with China, ethnographic, geographic and commercial, that many might have ac cepted unquestlonlr.gly a report that each of those countries far surpassed this in the number of its people settled in China and in the general extent of its interests there. The fact Is, how ever, that only two of them surpass this country, and one of those only by a narrow margin, while the fourth in rank lags far behind us. The figures of population show the numbers of foreigners of various na tionalities residing in China In 1S99. The British led. as was to be expected, with 3562; the Japanese came second, with 2440, and the United States was a close third, with 2305. At a long dis tance after us came Russia despite her geographical proximity to China and her active plans of conquest with only 1621; France followed with 1133, and Germany was sixth, with 1134. Thus the United States has almost as many settlers in China as Japan had, nearly 45 per cent more than Russia had, and more than France and Ger many :iad together. On this ground, then, the Interests of the United States in China are entitljd to consideration In the foremost rank. The foreigners settled In China are to be grouped ac cording to numbers in three classes. In the first class are the British, Japan ese and Americans; In the second are Russians, French and Germans, and in the third all others. A similar showing is made In the returns of China's foreign commerce, The latest authentic returns at hand are those of 1S37. In that year China's foreign trade, both Imports and ex ports, with the chief nations of the world was as follows, computed In Haikwan taels, of, say, "5 cents value Great Britain, 52,960,000; Japan, 39,191,- 000; United States, 30,268,000; India, 21,114,000; Russia, in Europe and Asia, 19,852,000, and all of Europe besides Great Britain and Russia, 34,443,000, It should be added that Hung Kong's figures were 150,528,000, but nearly all of that vast volume of commerce was merely in transit for other countries, among which it was distributed prob ably in about the same propjrtlons is cued from the ttomah not beginning work iniinwliat-ly. Until it kuw work you fuel d tnwd the food lays in your ttoiy ach like a weight. To eurt digestion to mnko th tVimach do its worn yon mint asut it if your stomach is weak or blow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 Ukap after ne&lssripp1l tht ttom fh wlto ntceiwary acidt and Juicot which 4igat tue food quickly in a proper manner. To (jet tho bent roauitauo Baldwin's Hoaltii Taulota Toe Dypepia Table! ii.tiu wo L7ppia TaSluta. iU Obt out Um and aaeeaaaM FRANK HART. Successor to Th, Olsen, 100-J Com. 8t croak is had woAmtliotit GoMDusr) Care of Lamps M.ay kMMkttpcn ttilnk ihtr It aetfclitt ir tbovi ih can of lamp. tut if th Unit it nil Iwra KiMllMitit trt Jhurd K thtr t rl dirttrmn la Hi lltit. Mm. a lam. awt b ctMMd m4 MImJ iwi noralng; ih bMi u It to boil tbta It vtnr to vhick Go!4 Dust Wisling Powder 1mm ddrd. Pot t ttupooafal Into t qaart ot vttwttol boll It mlouM. The Hut thoold b phi Iota t mi of cold vtitr tod bctttd tiowlt taiil tSty bail, ton Caitott ttd alio to cool (rtdotllri (hit kaht lb flu. n It Mm tr- Mr trat Kail 14 wuim kuu rut aockiwoox' SMlfntaontMtk m a. a. raiaaaaa company, Mm tar. Con-ecu all blemishes of l,Jicrlnm'c,!e fac- rerav blot II IS 110 ID S ". Pln pl'a. tan. un burn, rreckloa and makes n i j. a beautiful complexion. KflnRFiinR 11 18 a, h t tooth deranged stomach. as was the direct trade between China and them. The United States, then, stood, and stands. In the ranie lank In commerce as in population namely, third and with Great Britain ard-Japan forms the first class In commerce, all other nations, even Russia, with her enormous geographical abutment upon China, being relegated to second and third classes. Now. these particulars, poulatl m and commerce, are the legitimate bases of interest and Influence and of title to a voice In the disposition of affairs. Upon such bases the United States is entitled to high consideration in the settlement of the "Chinese question." It is, moreover, worthy of especial note that the only powers which surpass, or equal, or even approximate to the standing of the United States upon those bases are the two with which this country Is on the most Intimate terms and which most closely agree lth the Unit a States in policy toward China. These three Great Britain. Ja pan and the United States are the three great powers in China In point of numbers and commerce, and they are the three that have consistently stood against conquest or partition and for the Integrity of the Chinese empire and the maintenance of the "open door." Nature causes the water to eirnnd In freezing but the Iceman causes the puce to expand. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown, and uneasy sits the seat that wears a throne. Manslaughter Is a penal offense. Man's laughter Isn't. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST ANDQUICKEST LINE TO SLPanl, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicag) and All Polns East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER. VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. r . . ' Man loariai niieprt . 1 ..... ummiaoa Bonet Hmoklnc Library Cart Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry on sale at O. R. & N. Ticket Office, Astoria, or Great Northern Ticket Office 268 M0RKIS0N STREET. PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, A. B. C. DENMSTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agnt, Portland H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Care Will Receive Special Attention. No. 638 Duane 8t Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. Mrr Res. Tel. 113L THE lOtVKE. Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend the evening The A name Sisters Lalies' Orchestra is still on the billi and present nightly a mnsical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms an- a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all oonr TIM 8 SCHEDULES DEPART Kroro tortUnO. Aisiti Chlrtim. Halt l.Akv, Pouver. Ft. l'orlltiid Worth, Onul.t. Ku- . rlecll Mt fit v. Hi. Lut. 4 P-m- li. m Chirac j and Ku pull Uke, Denver, Ft. Atltntle Worth, Ou.nht. fcmi- . . , hxpn-ia , ms city. s(. Uuu. 7 "' m' p n. Chicago unit Kim, . 'Wnlla Walla. l.-vUtuti, Spokane sikane. Mluneaiio Hyer. IK w. I'.ul. luiittih. )aia. P- Mllwuukoe, l liioigo anil Katt. From Ailorla OCEAN STeAM5HIP5 All Hailing Patet tub led to change. (Tor mii Francifvo-Nill MayS,fslS, ts.3, ColomWa Rtvor .1 m Steamers MraRx Ex Sunday To Portland as4 Jlucda Way Laodlnga. ' a . From Portland . Ex8u.y 1LL41,f". 'VK -, preeon Cltv, Xewbvra, Halwn A Wty-Und 7a.m w," Vats- , w Tuet.Th'url aiURIvtrs. 'bto.i.oi and bat. Oregon Clly, iyton, 4 ; aud Frt. Way LaodlUKt. .it'd'iy 5.R.,.,. 3:46 a. m. RluarlatoLcwIttoD. daily am WILUMETIE KIVEK 4:U)p.m. Tue,Thui Portland to torvallli Mod, Wed Bawnlay and way luidlnji. Friday O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, Astoria. W. H. HURLBURT. wn Gen. Pasa. Agt. Portland, Or. Of New Zealand W. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY Subscribed Capital, Paid-up Capital, Assets, Assets in United States, Surplus to Policy Holders, Has .beenUndenvriting on the Pacific Coast over. twenty-two years. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Astoria, Or. 3 S 0& g & INSTRUCTIONS 6IVF1 Miss Bertha Decorative Art Room. Koora 820 Dektim Building, 31 .ad ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. gurouean plan. FtOr. to II. .V) ner day. American plan, $1.00 to ri.UO per day. THE ASTORIAN.... Delivered at or residence QUICKEST. SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO TUB EAST a. SOUTHEAST 13 THE TWO DAIf.T SOLID VESTIBULBD TRAINS LKSS THAN TUREHJ DAYS PORTLAND TO CHICAOO Through Talace and Tourist Slecpera. ninlng and Uuffet Library Cars. First class Reclining Chairs-Free. PORTLAND to DENVER, KANSAS CITY, OMA1IA and ClltCAUO without change. Only one change to NKW YORK. HOSTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Inform. Hon, call on or address, O. W. LOUNSBERRY, . , Agent O. H. A N., Astoria, OrH Or J. H. LOTIIROP. Oen l Agt., No. 134 Third St.. Portland. Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Olvea choice of two favorite routes, tf ul" -'niun l acicio raat Mail Una, or the Rio Grand Scenlo Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1J Days to Salt Luke 2 Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York. Free recllnlm chairm. imkni.u tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman ri. ace sleepers, operated on all train. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY. W. E. COM am - mru oi., i-oriianu, or. O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. 4 N. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Puget Sound NaT gation company. Bailey Qatsert leaves AatoHa .n. except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Foc'and dally except Sun day at 7 a. in White Collar Line ticket, an n n A N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Oatxert and Hassalo. - uiTATL0Ji Astoria, Agt u. u. own, itiepnone UL President inn OF SHAREHOLDERS ?5,000,000 1,000,000 2,515,114 300,000 1,718,792 ORDERS SOLICITEO flat-tin's Tall Llae of Neaest Cmbrold cry Materials. Initials Specialty. Choice Sclectio of Stamping Desiyns. Stamping Neatly Dose. Wa.lilt.glon HI.., Portland, Or. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manner. J. C. I'KNDEtMBT, Chief Clerk. your office store 60c per month. Depot Fifth and Lcava I Htreou. Arriva "urmnu jtiipreaa Trains tir tialont, Itoseburg, Ash. land, Saoranumto, 7:30 p.m. i dn. Man Fran- .m . . ...... 4,rr uneani ana p.a At Woodburn (daily except Bun day), morning train conntctcwlth train for ait. An. hH, SiUcrton. Hrownavllla, Hprlngrield, and Nation, and even ing train tor Mt. Angel and Silver I l7:St a.m) Corvallls passea. I f r, 4;M p.m Bherldan patscu- l:Kp.ta il. gsr Dally. HDally aioept Bundar. Ri-bata tickets An tal. K.iu. t land, Sacramento and Ban FranoUoo. Net rates 117 first class and IU second data, Including aleeper. Rates and tb-krta to Eastern nolnta and Europe. Also Japan, China, ilono. ' r.n 1 l 1.-1.1,1-. .. n.......7 . .VT u.u auti Aiiniraua. IU M nhtaln.1 pi i miiu, iitaoi Agirni, in YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson It Leave for Otwego dally at T:t0, a. m.; 13.30, I;5i. 3:24. 4:15. I;3i. l.M, " v- '; ana :w a. m. on nunday v.. nrnvs ai i"oriiana uany at l it. 8:10. 10:50 a. m.; 1:SS, lui ViO. I:M, lo w p. m.; 1) 40 a. m, daily at. rlll.t Mon.lav 1 ....I in . ' Sumlav. onlV " " " " LAVt for I.iia .1nllw ' -r ior uama uaiiy, eicept Bun- "raAengeT-traln lraVM Dan.. f R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKIIAU. Gen. Krt. and Pasa. Agt "THE illUMEE." p.i.i m n r-i.1. V . Chlcaao. 'Th. n . mui aiiu v iiiiaau. sail 11 i ima nai ann the world." Understand: Conneo. t on, are made with all transoontln.nt. al line., assuring to ipataengers the best tTwtrio hLf f0 ftwanw 'Jr-Kr tlck . --wi For rat,. n.mnKI... .w m.tlon, addrias, J. W. CASET. C. J. EDDY. Tray. I'.aa. Art rt a mt Portland, Oregon. Portland, 6r, Ituxuiiious Travel THE "Northwe.tern LlmlUd" train. electrln lighted throughout,' both Inslda d"ra Za ara wUh! out exception, th finest tralnV in III world. Theyimbodv th.laT,.Ln?.? Alrlle Monday., Wedn.aday. and Frt. " JOHN' ANTT1LA days at J:4S p. m. Returns Tuesdaya, II E No iisa .i i . a .a .. Thursday, and Saturdays. 7 , for, hV"l? ?. 15 Except Sunday. Vi ' 'liu'n ' T 4 N. It I v. v y nainm th. following witnca... to A familiar mm tka rtu... I a. I '"''tt;,?1; ,''ul 'l"w,y' know c""n ot f"'P f"unty. OwVw i S" all oxer the Union a. the Rail. ap,mlnted e utor of the la.t will and and best Ideas for comfort, convenience T . "na .. P,,r"onnl proporty be and luxury ever offered th trave"ni lnu ng to aald e.tat distributed, th public, .nd altogether ar. thV mil u, 'V " " i0' J." ,nJ complete and splendid producton of tn faw hlllM.H1 m v vuiiui i m Milt These Splendid Train Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian i'aclflc AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. No extra charge for these auperior accommodation and all classes of tlck 5 " ,V,V" lOT P""" m lnt famous "Northwe.tern Limited." All iT Li dV i. "oiJiou oj u W. H. MEAD. F.C. 8AVAQB. Goneral Agent. Ticket Aft Portland, Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RUTER -R4JW0AD- Loav. PORTLAND. Arrlvt. 1:00 a. m.lPortlanit ITnlnn nnt m iii nT :B5 p. m.lfor Astoria and lnter- :40p.ra Himiik yVIUtBa ASTORIA. 7.45 a.m. IFor Portland aV ln.ll:Ma.m. t :10 p.m.ltermedjate points it: I p.m. SEASIDE DIVISION. p m. a. ui. 7:40 7:; 6:t2 p.m. 6:00! 11:85 Lv 5:2rU:55Ar 6:60;l2:13'Lv ' :30( l:0uAr ...Alton.... Ar ura., Lv 4:00 IH Ml H.MI.IIIUII,, Ar ,,.8aslde,... Lv S:U SPECIAL SEASIDE! SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves A.toiia at 1:30 a. m.; arrive, at Seaside 1:45 a. m. Paaaenger. may return on any train shown on schedule on Mm date. ALL TRAINS to and from 8aiid rv ot Flavel and Hammond via Wimn- ton. AU trains male, close connection, at Qoble with all Northern Pacing train. to and from th east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains learlns union depot At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'s boil and rail Una to and from Jlwaco and North Beach points. THROUO' TICKETS oa Ml. at As toria for ' .,mnto, Saa FTancleoo, all City tioatt offio. Astoria, IU rwnmtr. nai ttrtti. i. c. UATO. ow l Frt and Pat. Agtot LKOAL NOTICRI BICALED ritOl-OHALH. Ortlce of C. Q. M,, Vancouver liar, racks, Waah., July 1, Iwhi. Healml pro. poaiila, In irlilliali, will t reoi'lvod hero until 11 o'clock a, m Alimmt I, liwo, and thrn npmieil, Tor furnlNhlng forimo and ueildlng at the ivrul mil itary potts In (his iiYpartmrnt and cmiiiji at Hkiigway, Aluaka, and Purl aides. Aliuku, for tlacal year ending June 30, 1.KII. Information fuiiilnhuil lieri r by qiiuriiriimati'in at pata. V. . rrsoi vca rlitht to reject or accept any or all prnnwla or any art thero of. Ktivelopea coiitulnlng prupoaala aluiuld be marked; ,TroKisiil for Fonigw and Hdillng nt and . ilrMt. l o undersigned. J, W. Jacobs, ( Q. M, NOTICW OF FILINU Bl'ICCIAL AS oii.aa.Ma.HT HULL NO, 83. Notice Is horrby given that tho board of aaai'taors have completed tht apeo ml aaipaaiiK'tit for the Improveiimiit of 8tvent.rnth street from the south Una of Franklin avenue to the north line or Irving avi-ntie. and havt rnportd the anine to th Common Council of h t'lty of Astoria and that the same luia brt-n Html unit ii,. ....ik... -.. i i ., , ...... .,,w Mu.ii.or n. polli-e judge of the City of Astoria and ......,. nuinunroii hpiHilal Asanas. I iiinit. No. S3, and that ih. ...n.. on stre-ts and Publlo wavt of il r..m. "f ill city hiu b.-cn p. i iu mrv mm mid Hoard of aa . I 'ir on the ll'th dav ' ,h" 'f VIh k a. in. of said "ny 1,1 ,n '"U"i ll t'hanibeni In th 1 "X "nil of tho City of Astoria Clm- "! County, Orvgon. to ihnn and ii.m conal.lcr. rvvlnw, correct and iualli I i.ui in v 1 1.1 ANNiNiaiiii,l If. ,11 KI.. , A., .." ' "! i i"'ron fiiijrcuiig to said assets llirnt lliuat fllo Ills objnctlotis IhornlO lii u ruing with tim uu.iiioi- .,.i ,...n J1"'"'- II. E. NKt.BoN, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of AMorla. ' at of Firat I'ubll. atlon, June 10, 1900. NOTICE FOR rUULICATlON. Und om,-p at Oregon Clly, Oregon, June is. Ihi '' " M Notice U hinby given that the f. I I . l.i L r u ""r hat Hlrd nolle of I J lOiVIlIIUII IU 1 nil Km final H tut port of hi nUlm and thai .a i Aal-rli prov, in continuous rrtldt-nce upon aid land, via: Hivrry 1111. of p,Uh. Oregon; J. hb lilltunen, of I'uah. urrxon; William Rjw of l-uth, Oregon; Albert lllll, of I'uah, Ori'gon. CHARLES U. MOORE, . Register. EX ECL'TOIt'8 NOTICE. Vltt(iA d I i. a . . . I "T " nna won only nrov- mn at ri . l a . i ... i a .. . l " 1 ..J."' ''" o I'ruoate uy said All' person, having claim, a.ain.i the e.tate f s., dcra.rd T musf i?a s.-nt the same duly v 'r'tT t" 'tha "'""". thaW of HarrlioJ aiiiiiiBf. in yalllirirt I u ht.iH ,x mo,,,h n date ' ., ''. .V ."1 7'"? ""." C'ajma 0uy of JUM 1M- FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hrrebv dirslgmd, administrator of the e.tata f J. W. Mlnaker, Jwawd, haa flkd In the county court of the state of On-gon for Clattop county, hi. final account aa such admlnl.tra.tor. an.t th. same haa bm set for hearing Mon day, the lflth day of July, lwo. t 10 o dork a. m., at the county court room at the court housa. In the City of As toria, In Clataop county, On-gon. ah pvraona iiiten-.tcd In said eatata fr "" "- to then and th TH'nr, ?n2 ',hoW cu"' " i . " ' ,H,(,U h'""'l "ot be 8. 8. nonnnv Administrator of the E.tate of J. W. piiiniKer, iN'ceated. Dated this 8th day of June, 1)00. ADMINISTRATOR'S BALE. Notloe Is hurcby Blven that to an order nmde and entird In th. county court of the state of Oregon for county on the 80th day of mini, uw, in unaersignea adminis trator of the estate of 1'. W. rnirnia deceased, will on Monday, the tth day p. m In front of the court house door at tho city of Astoria, In Clatsop coun- ,y- ",a,, f Oreon, offer for tale and -ll at auction to the highest bidder i ior ca.n, an or tne following described ri'al estate situated In aald county, to- Will The north half of the anuthwaat nnar. ter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of Section numlwr nna m i Township six (), north of Rang nln (9), west of the Willamette meridian. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, this first duy of May, 1300, C. W. FULTON, Administrator. J. A. Fastabend, OCtlCrol Contractor and Builder. Dr. T. N. Hull DENTIST. C71 Commeroiil Street, ASTORTA nnw Over Schlusiel's aothlng Star. J"' "'l"inn in uu. V Bum avwywbwa. u . . k. 1 XOCyl Vy load up a Y&''r the wnfop J . wheels with la'ICAAxliGnssi I flt m ha i . . . . (v 4 1 a, w . u . . . ' l nuHU Oil, CU