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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1900)
THK MORNING AH TORI AN. '1UE8UV. JllWK 12. 9J-. 1 KNOX HATS, I m. Thin I nfoct W Summer $ Clods... C. H.COOPER Sole Agent for Atatoria. j TODAY'S WISATIIEn. I'OI'TLAND, June 1I.-Oif"n ami Y'aahlmion, continued fair Unlay. All contract for itdvcnir.inn In I ho Aiitoi lun uro made on a Riiar nntuo of circulation lour time lnrKr than Hint of any paper rublllicd or circulated In Clut nop county. AROUND TOWN. ritih buttwntlk at the Tarlor. HonKi for sals atOaston's stabla. Th run of flh continues very slack. 11. A. Hawkins of Ilwaco It In tU city. Bwfft crtam, ton cnts pint at ths Parlor. II. Lwnilial. of Eureka, Cal Is at (ho X-cl.nnt. Ilev. Henry Marcott vu In Tort land yesterday. O. D. Taylor, of The Dollus. waa In town yesterday. W. 1 1. Lowden. of Ban Francisco, l at ths Occident. atlas IWmIo barker la revlillinf old friends In Corvallls. Tha IlKhthoun tinJor Columblna camo lu Sunday nlnht. Dr. II. L. ilendxraon waa In Portland yesterday on business. P. A- Weandcr of South Ikni, Wash., waa In town yestorday. Mra. Thnbautt of Hunhln, Wash., cama over yraterdaf morning. Demt IJ-cent mtal, Rlalnt Sun Ra taurant, III Commercial strtst. Flnlry Morrison and W. J. Morrtaon, of Duluth, Minn., ara In tha city. If you want lea cream that la made ot pura cream try tha Parlor. JefTa reataurant tha largtwt and boat A trial will conrlnca yoa, August Carlaon hat returned to As torla after aoma months' abaenca. For rent 7-rooro houss, nicely fur Dished. Apply at (31 Exohanga Street Bweet cream at tha Parlor 10 cents a pint Juat what you want for bar rlea. t It. T. McOowan and T. If. Ooran, of Chinook, were at the Occident yester day. A good meal can be had at all houra, at tha Jewell boarding houie. 728 Commercial atreet. I'uplla wishing" to taka private les sons, to make up grade work, apply to Miss FoaMett, !i84 Tenth atreet Joseph Donaeka waa made the hap py father of a on at ( o'clock yea terday afternoon. Congratulations are In order. Roatyn coal laata longer, la cleaner and makes leia trouble with Itovea and chimney fluea than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telephone 1S1L BEST 15-CENT MEAL; RISING BUN RESTAURANT. MIMMI' PEECHAM'S M For Bllloua ind Ntrvoui Dlinrderi, luck Wind indiPiln in the Stomich.Sick Hcidicht, Ciddlnaia, Fulncti and Swt II Intj alter tn-ali,Dli. lima end Drowilncu, Cold Chilli. Fluihlnit ol Nnl, Lou ol Appttlie, Slmnncii of Brtuh.Coi llrcntit, Hloichti on Ihf Skin, Ulilurhcd Sltep, Frightful Drum, and ill Nervnui ind Trembl ing Saitiatlona, etc. Iheae allmmia ill trim from e dliordtrcd or abuictl condiilon of Ihi itomich ind llvir. . . ' Booohmm'm Plllm, taken n directed, will quk.ll ration Ftmiltl to complete health. Thry promptly remove in- obatructlua or Irregularity of ihi ayetem. For Weak Stomach, Impaired Dilution, 5kk rtMdacbe, UlMrdertO Liver, etc., thfT eel Ilka meele-a few doiri will work won dere upon thi vital Oriini Strtnthenln tha Muuular Syiiem. reitorlng tha lonj loll Com pinion, brliiin bick Ihi kern edm ol Appetite, and irnuiln- with the Hommbud of Haallh thm wrholm mlwmloml mnmrgr ol the humio frame. For throwing oil fcvcratheyirt apeclill rennwned. Then are " facta " admitted by thou aada, In all claeiea ol aoclety, and ona ol the bait guarantee! to lha Nervnui and Debilitated la thai Bumohmrn'm Pllm Aara Ihm Laramni Smlmot mny Pmlunl Mmdl. cln In thm World. Thlm Aaa bmn oricvaaf without tho publioatlon ot Immtlmonlmlm, Ihm tool bmino Ihml Komoham'm PUlm reseffimeud Dtoof aefrea, beecham'e Pllla have for many yaara been tha popular family medicine wherever lha tngllih U-n-H It ipukan, and they now atand wittioul a rival. , 10 eenii and J 5 tenia, et all drug atone. Annul aala 1.000,0110 boiaa. Mr, and Mm. F. W. Orth, of rtrtlnnd, are vIhUIiib Mr. and Mn. 0. Zclgler. II, L. lUljfhtol and Jvila L. IlvlKhtol, of Waco, came down on the train luet night. O, It, TliotnpBon boa gone to Piilcm to attend the ei-ntln of the eupreme court. Wanted. To rent a centrally located furnlnhed houee. Addreii X, care Aa turlan. , lira. Jaitica Kllnwnrlh and duuh'.fr went up the valley yenterday to vlnlt trlatlvei. Mr. A. J, Taylor and Mine Taylor have gtine to Flavel for a few worka' vacation. Uo Fung Yang, a Chinaman, twenty five year of age, dkd yenterday morn ing of heart dlneaae. Mr. F. R. Davie and daughter have gone to vlnlt relatlvee on tho Lewi and Clark for a fw day. Ottu Hkrllif), a native of Finland. yvl'rdny waa granted hi flint paper In the county clerk'a office. Joll'a dellclou Portland chocolate, freh every other day. at the Parlor. Twenty-Ove cent and fifty cent boxea. A amall place at Clataop for aala or rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A, Tagg, rarlor Cindy Btora. Edcar M. Latarua, aupeninlng ar chitect of th treaaury department at Portland, apent yenterday In the city. The regular mating of the Cham ber of Commerce waa not hold laat night, through failure to get a quorum. The ateamer Columbia, bound for San Frant'luco, la due here at t o'clock thl morning, and will croea out about day light. . The Hrltleh barque Lydgate camo down yeiterday afternoon, but drop ped anchor above lha town, off Tongue Point. m Cream Pur Ry. America' flneat whliky The only pura good; guar anteed rich and mellow, John L. Carl aon, aola agent On Sunday night an armature burned out at the po.ver house, ncccaaltatlng the ihuitlng oft of the light for a couple of hours. "Doc" Frl-nd received the welcome new yeiterday that, under the terms of the will of a deceased uncle In Ohio, he I to receive I170. Mr. and Mr. T. A. Btannbcrry and Mr. and Mra Chris. Hansen, all of Eureka, Cal., came up on the Del Norte yesterday afternoon. Captain Gregory of the Mantanlta la confined to his bed with an attack of la grippe. It Is expected that he will be out again In a few days. Remember we guarantee our loe cream to contain nothing but cream and augar and flavor. It Is fifteen cent per pint at the Parlor. Mrs. Duncan StUart will start a class In' physical culture ; Tuosday evening, June 1J. at 8 o'clock, In V. C. T. U. hall, corner Dond and Kloventh streets. Word has Just been received that (Jus Sandy has been released from the Insane asylum at Salem, having re covered from his temporary mental aberration. Don't fall to try coco cola. It Is the most popular new drink this season at th Parlor. Those who receive coco cola tickets can get them redeemed at the Parlor free. Roslyn coal Is tha beat and most eco nomical coal for household use In As toria. Try It once and you will hava no other. George W. Sanborn, agent Telsphona 131L H. P. Bi'Irks, of Wisconsin. J. N. Docket, of Heppnnr, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore, of Long Beach, and Chas. Allen, of Portland, came down on the train last night. C. Loughory, deputy fUh commis sioner of Oregon, and S. Butts, deputy comniluslonor of Washington, started out again yesterday to look after Illegal fishing on the Columbia- At a meeting of the regatta com mittee last night considerable difficul ty was experienced in finding a suitable peraon willing to take the permanent chairmanship of the commltttee. Fin ally a epeclal committee was appoint ed to select a suitable person today "and report tonight to the regatta commit tee at the council chamber. A full attendance Is requested. Pears' Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. The steamer Del Norte came In from Kan Francisco and Coos Hay at l.iO yesterday afternoon and Mi tor Port land at ;15. She brought no local freight but dripped a few passenger hire. About one hundred of the pupil and teach"! of the Portland high sdiool r i mn down on the llulley Oatxi-rt yes-ti-rdny afternoon for a little outing. Moat of them went up again on the train lust night. A. On gg, H. F. Olms'ed, M. J. Davis. Mr. Uull.xk, K. C. Warren, J. 51. Crulg, P. I. Clitrke, J. H. Berry, J. Kmlih, II. O. Ilobloson, A. Field, A. F. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cheney, all of Portland, are In the city. To those who drink whiskey for pleasure; Harper' Whiskey adds i"t to rxlstem.-e. To those who drink whiskey fur health' sake, Harper's Whiskey mukea life worth living. Sold by Foard ft Stokes Co., Astoria. Thl afternoon at the residence of Mr. J. K. Ferguson, J75 Kensington avenue, there will be a tea, and, In the evening, a ocUI, for the benefit of the M. K. Sunday school. Each per son I rxpei-ted to bring one or more booki for the Sunday irhool library. A million weighing 36 pounds, and three feet end even Inches In length, wlih Its adipose fin missing, was de livered at the Kinney cannury Sunday. The Huh was undoubtedly one of thone turned out by one ot the hatcheries un der McOulre's administration as fish comnilHuloner. Fred A. Wirt, of Pacific county, Wash., and Miss Edith Wirt, of Asto ria, were united In marriage at the residence of the bride's parents, on 8unday at 1 p. m.. Rev. Isaac Peart officiating. About twenty guests were present. The happy couple took the night train for Portlund. Yesterday morning S. Jassopls was fined $15 In the Justice's court for as sault upon W. Gerard with a chair. The quarrel arose over a financial xlului.. which the defendant waa Inclin ed to press upon the attention of the complaining witness. In default of pay ment Mr. Jassopls waa committed to Jull. , Letters addressed to the following persons remain uncalled for at the post ofllce: Chirles C. Boncher, Thom as O. Donnell, T. J. Grey. Mra. J. Kopf, Matt. Lahty. Mamie Markham, Mra. Japh McCormlck, John Rollins, Lee Smith, Mike Smith, Haloar Tangen, Mra. D. W. Warren. Frank Wolfe. F. D. York. Foreign Aneet Manlke, Zacharlces Tanaglston. k One hundred cases of canned salmon were ahlpped to the East yesterday by the Pillar Rock Packing Company, for Frank M. Warren. Mr. Warren discovered that either his fish wheels wouldn't work or ;hat there were no salmon at his bend In the river and. therefore, came over Into the camp of the enemy for a few coses In order to keep up his shipments. Wilson Troyer's new launch has Just been registered at the custom house. Its dimensions are: Length 14.5 feet, bread th 10.55 feet, depth S.S5 feet, gross tonnage 13, net tonnage . It Is to be propelled by Troyer's patent gasoline engine of 20-hore power, . now being built by the Astoria Iron Works. The hull wa built by It M. Leathers. The launch was constructed for Mr. Cook, the cannery man at Blaine. The Swedish Baptist church of Aeto rla will have gospel sen-Ice regularly every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m; prayer meetings every Thursday night at S o'clock and Sunday school at 3 p. m Sunday, In O'Brien's hall In I'p pertewn. There will be special preach lng this week, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12 and . 13, at 8 p. m., by Rev. Carl J. Christlanson, from Salt Lake City, Utah. All who can understand the Swedish language are cordially in vited to attend. Miss May Utxlnger, who was recently re-nppolnted teacher at the Olney school, loft for Monmouth on Saturday to meet with the alumni of the State Normal school and her old classmates. While at Monmouth, Ml as VJtztnger will be a guest of the daughter of ex-State Superlntendtmt Irwin. Before return ing to Astoria, she will spend a few days visiting one of her old classmates, MIsh Roberts, at her Hood River home. The re -appointment ot Miss Utslnger has met with great sat isfaction among her old pupils for, al though she Is the youngest teacher In the city, sho has not only proved her self highly efficient, but one of the most popular In the educational service In Astoria. Old residents of Astoria will regret to hear of the death of Frank M. Bew ley at Hood River, on Sunday after noon. For a long time Mr. Bewley had boon suffering from a combination of kidney and lung troubles, so Hint the news of his unfortunate demise will not be altogether unexpected. He went to Portland for medical treat ment and was thtre advised to try Hood Itlver, but to no avail. Mr. Bew ley resided In Astoria over twenty yesrs, for most of which time he was employed by M, J. Kinney as head packer. A flrst-clnM packer and fore man, and contentious In all his deal ings, tlut rannt.-ry business of Astoria meets with great lows In his death. A nmit of-his perti'iuJ Integrity and moral worth Is of Inestimable value to any community. Though of a modest and re'.lrlng disposition, the personal quulltles of Mr. Bewley became known through his long residence amongst us. As an elocutionist he had few, If any, equals In Astoria, and his services were often called Into requisition on festive occasions and In local entertainments. Mr. Bewley was unmarried, but leave a brother and Us tor. The funeral wl! take place at Portland this afternoon. SELECTING THE PROGRAM. Fourth of July Committee Doing Rap 11 Work for the Big Cele bration. Tho committee In charge of the Fourth of July celebration transacted a urni amount of executive work at Its meeting lust night, 'mportant among which wo the approval of a part of tho program submitted by the com mittee on spans, as follows: loo-yards fat man's running race. lftO-yard hurdle race. Sack rare for boy under 19 year. Three-legged race. Jlils' nice, open to all under 14 years. Fat man's race (or Llnville race). Potuto race (open to' all, particularly Irishmen,) Pillow contest. ' Log-rolling contest. Kite-flying contest. Tight-rope performance. I.mplre JrlU by sixty young ladles. Celebrated Scottish Clan drill. Oth?r features will be added before lb.; program Is finally closed. Valuable prises wilt be offered In all the con tests, to lie ann junoel later. The committee has decided to give the grandest street parale ever held In the state of Oregon and Is already mak ing elaborate arrang-anents. A display of fireworks will be mode In the even ing, flv) hundred dollars' worth al ready having been ordered. The pa rad-J will be given under the supervis ion of Chief Stockton of the Are de partment, August Hilderbrand and Arthur Callan. Those intending to have iloats In the Una are urged to lose no time In arranging for their con struction. Professor J. C. McCue was chosen to act as assistant secretary tor the com mittee. Professor McCue waa also In vited by the committee to read the Declaration of Indopendence on the Fourth. M- DeLln has consented to take charge of the construction of arches, of which there will be several. Aeronaut Eaton has been engaged to make a balloon ascension and para chute Jump from a.distance of not less than 1.000 feet THE TWENTIETH CENTCRT. When a few mon'hs more shall 1 ave passed we will then stand at the very threshold of the twentieth century, and the nineteenth will be a thing of the past. It will, however, be known as the century ot Invention and discovery, and among some ot the greatest of these we can truthfully mention Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, the celebrated remedy for all ailments arising from a disordered stomach, such a dyspepsia. Indigestion, flatulency, constipation and biliousness. It has been one of the greatest blessings to mankind dur ing the past fifty years as a health builder. Many physicians recommend It. Take their advice, try a bottle and be convinced, but be sure to get the genuine with a private revenue stamp over the neck of the bottle. BUMMER RESORTS. "To the mountains our people In In creasing numbers yearly look for those days of relaxation find recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine In fair working condition. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while It lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flogging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this direction the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractions, The entire line ot road from Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and accessible hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable cost and where you can hunt fish. ride. loaf, or play with equal facility "Or If you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the springs of Ashland, Colestln, Anderson, Bartlett, Byron and Paso Robles. "Before visiting Europe, the people of tho Northwest should see the glories of Yosemite valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa, and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quiries concerning these attractive re sorts." i Send to Mr. C. H. Markham, general passenger agent, Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag, Shasta Springs, McCloud river, Yosemite, and excursion rates thereto, OSTEOPATHY. Astoria Oregon. MRS. C. J. RAMSEY. D. O. All chronlo and it-rvou8 dlu'ea-es of women treated by this method. Exam ination free. Hours 1 to 5. Cor. Fourteenth and Franklin. CHILDRESS' DAT. Interesting Exercises at Astoria's Tem ples of Worship. At the PresbyteHun church the fol lowing program was rendered: Opening song "The Children' Day," by the congregation. Prayer by the pastor. Itesponslve reading from Isaiah XI and XII. Infant baptism. The children bap tized were Mildred Loretta Howell and Filth Bell Davis, Recitation, by three little girls "Ye Are My Friends." Recitation, by Emily Truendale. .' Cln exercise, beautifully rendered. In song and speech, by a large class of little girls. Recitation, by Minnie Donaeka. -Song, "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead L's," by the congregation. Address to the children by the pas tor. Itev. Henry Marcotte, on the crowplng of a king. He said In part: "We crown (tn earthly king because we love and honor him, and because he Is the best and wisest man we know. For the same renon we crown Jesus our king, giving him our hearts and service Just as subjects give the best they possess to their earthly mon arch." Song, by the congregation, "Glory to God on High." Offering for Presbyterian Sabbat h- s'hool missions. One child from each class lok the class offering to the platform and then recited an appro priate verse of Scripture. The sum of $20 waa collected. The platform was beautifully wreath ed with white creeping roses, and the pulpit held a magnificent large crown of roses which the pastor used as an Illustration in nis 'iddress to the little folks. .The Sunday school children did their party nobly, and reflected great cred it upon those who h&d the preparatory work of the program In charge. Mrs. E. C. Wame !s the superintendent and Mrs. Wm. Ross has charge of the pri mary department. The church was filled to Its utmost capacity. ' At the Mnhodist church a similar program was rendered. Its preparation was under the management of Mrs. ilyra Ferguson and the Misses Elmore. Everything passed off without any hitch or hesitation, such as so often mars similar occasions through lack of sufficient care and time in prepara tion. The church was tastefully decorated with Ivy and presented an appearance at once pleasing and restful to the audience. The offering was for the board of education, which supports needy young men while attending col lege. A large and appreciative -audience greeted the little folks- At the Congregational church the following program was given: Song by the audlsnce. "Praise th King of Kings." Recitation, by a boy and girl. Song, by the primary class, "The Call to the Children." Recitation, by ten little "soldiers." Song, by the primary class. "That Sweet Story of Old." Recitation, by three little boys. Recitation, by three little girls. Song, by the audience. "The Best of Friends." Recitation, by five little girls with Bibles. Address, by Rev. F. W. Barker, on "Children In Heaven." He stated that Heaven would be full of little children and If we were not fond of them we would do well to make our plans to go elsewhere. He then explained that the collection taken would bo for the Congregational Sun day school society, which establishes mission Sunday-schools in needy dis tricts. A little girl then gave an Invi tation for a liberal offering, and two little tots passid the baskets. The ex ercises closed with the rong by the au dience, "Stand Up for Jesus," and the benediction. The recitation of the ten little "sol diers" and of the little boy and girl, the former ot which maintained that girls were wanted and the latter that the need was for boys, were especially clever. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. - D. J. McVicar and wife to Alexander Gilbert half Interest In lot 6, block 8, town of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely; 1. Sheriff to Alexander Gilbert half In terest In lot 6, hlock J, town of Astoria, as laid out by J. M. Shlvely; $515. Sheriff to J- D. Brallier lot S. block 19. Warrenton; $2.62. Tax deed. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. & N. which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:15 bl m. U known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now In service from the Paciflo coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Tort land at 6:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the best of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29th a New Train between St. Paul and St Louis, called thn "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout. Aek any tioket agimt for particulars or address C, J. EDDY. General Agent Portland, Oregon. Mlil-ioW And Worn-out Worried Mothers Find Comfort in CUTICURA. SOME MOKTOS AGO OCR BABT'S HBAD GOT SORE. Wo tool him to the doctor, who pronounced It poison and gavs til aoms medicine to (offering mankind to write and tell yon W. W. & J. Complete) External and Internal ticuraE heal; and Cuticctu THr r T l 7H hnnilllaUDt akin, aealp, and blood hatnora, with Iom of hair, whou int. ULI 9l.a.J allalMhila. tortsa Iuo asd Ch. Cobj, tola Prop., Boatoo. How to Out Baby Humura," free. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paciflo Brewery, ot which Bottled beer for family use or kef Mr John Kopp is pror-ietor. makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in (or domestic and export trade. the city free. Horth Pacific Brewery i .- Agricultural Implement CARRIED IN STOCK AND FOR SALE AT BOTTOM PRICES BY FISHER BROS. WEDDING CARDS IWi!Ls V. G. SHITH & CO.. VISITING CflSDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS We Rent New "The World Owes Every Man a Living" JBUl WUUI son ui imuK id it with a pool stove or range x..... kitchen? P.uya (f Star Estate Range .....Tbey insure food livinst W. J. Scully, Agent 431 BOND ftf Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS.... .. Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V. ALraLEN, jTenth and Commercial Streets o -. f- LIU Which did no good. Hi head got m bad he woeild cry all night, and my wife oouid t lleep none, and began to look ghont!y. ills head got 10 lore that ws put a &:;!. t cap on him, snd folded a white cloth four thicknesses Inside ot It, and just through the night a kind ot matter would oozs out from bis bead, soaked through the cloth and cap and on to the pillow. The top and back of Lis head wo almost a solid sore, snd looked so badly that word would not describe it Almost In dospair I told my wife I bad seen CtmcoBi. Rknxdiks advertised and recommended very highly and I wis going to try them. I bought the CtmcuBA, Cuticcba Boat, and Ccncuaa Ointment Wegava him half of the Resolvent used part ot the cake of Soap, and before we bad used the second box of Crmci BA Ointment he commenced to get better, snd Is now ai well and hearty u anybody' boy. He la a merry as s lark, ileep soundly all night and his hair looks glossy, thick, and soft while my wife looks like a different woman, I look st him and think I owe it to you and of this almost wonderful care. E. MYERS, Box 90, Monroe City, Ind. Treatment for Every Humor. ConakaUn-(rf CcTiccaa Boaf(2jc.), to eieaiM Jb ikln of cniftU and Kale ani ao'ira Um thickened cuticle; Cimccaa Oixtxikt 60c). I luttulle allit Itchlnc. Inflammation, and irritation, and aooUia and RiaotTsirr (50c.), to cool and eleanac tha blood. ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washinrton Baildbf, 4th and Washington 8ts. over Litt's. PORTLAND, OREGON. Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest ( . No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free ... L- M. ALEXANDER & CO. Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers 245 Stark St., Portland.'Ore, F W. JTKECIINIE, Local Agent. ) id jruu gca mm tmi in your 1 3 kSv 7 t-ir V::! STREET MfttiJ , -- -