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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1900)
TllUi MOKNINU ASTUIUAN KUIDAW Jl'JlK ). V)lH. aTOR12 CLOSES AT 7 I M. EXCEPT SATURDAY. LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS A Great Clean Id Sale Tills Week... BIG CUT IN PRICES TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCIi Headquarters for Dry Goods GOVKRXMENT FOR PHILIPPINES. Commiwilon Will at Once Issue a Proclamation to the Natives and Take Charge of Affairs. NEW TORK. May SI. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Another effort In the direction of the establishment of civil government in the Phlllppln-s will be Inaugurated to morrow, when the Tart Philippine commission arrives at Manila. As soon after Its arrival aa possible the commission will Issue a proclama tion embodying Instructions under which It will act. It will Inform the Filipinos that it h.ts been appointed to establish civil government throughout the islands, and will urge their co-operation. It will co-operate with the military service until September L by which time It Is expected the municipal and provincial governments will be In op eration. The commission will then sep arate, Judse Taft remaining in Manila and the four members being distributed nmong the four departments and act ing independently in the capacity of governors. The authorities have also established a system of espionage in China, de signed to apprise General McArthur ard Rear-Admiral Remey of filibuster ing expeditions. VALUABLE COLLECTION OF GEMS Morgan's Magnificent Gift to the Mu seum of Natural History In Wash ingtonWorth Many Thou sands of Dollars. NP.W YORK, May 3L The Amer ican museum of natural history will be presented by J. P. Morgan the finest collection of gems and precious stones In the world. The collection is now in Paris, and will soon be exhibited In the United States section of the departments of mines and metallurgy, in the palace of forestry, hunting and fishing, with the Tiffany exhibit at the exposition. It was gathered by George F. Kunz, under authority of Tiffany & Co. Mr. Morgan recently purchased the collec tion with a view to presenting It to the museum of natural history after the Paris exposition. Prscious stones from North America are an Important fea ture. Included In the exhibit Is a 22 carat Wisconsin diamond, another of three carats, rare blue and colored sapphires of Montana, a 60 carat green tourma line gem and colored tourmalines from Maine, Connecticut and California; a rock costal ball of 7 11-16 Inches from Mokolumne Hill, Cal., hundreds of New Mexican turquoises, spossarltes, and rare garnets from New Mexico, Virginia and elsewhere. There are also hundreds of pearls of different colors showing all the various stages of growth. VETERANS ARE DYING OFF. Percentage of Mortality Rapidly In creasing In Their Ranks No Sur vivors of War of 1812 Left. NEW YORK, May 31. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Veterans of the civil war are dying oft at the rate of about 3,4 per cent pzr annum. Commissioner Evans esti mates that there are about 925,000 sur vivors of the civil war. Of this num ber there were on the pension rolls last year 742,467. During the year 24,787 pensioned vet erans died. Assuming that the death rate among those not pensioned is the same as among the pensioners, the total number of veterans who died during the year would be about 30, 853. The averaga age of the veterans who still survive U about 59 years. The last survivor -jf the war of 1812 died last J summer, 73 yeara after the close of that war. At the same rate there will porbahly be a few survivors of the civil war still living In IS 10. TO THE VOTERS OF COUNTY. CLATSOP Allow ine by this advertisement to bring to your attention my candidacy on the citizens' ticket to the office of superintendent of schools cf tills county, which I filled from 1802 to 1698; not running for the county office in 1898, but carrying the county on the state ticket. I need only say that If you elect me I shall give to this office my first at tention; administering the provisions cf state and county for education, ac cording to the intent of the law the best under free government; visiting the schools personally, encouraging on the Lower Columbia. the teachers and pUplls, supervising their work; seeing that the new state course arranged by State Superlnten dent Ackerman, Is well Introduced and followed, and that some plan of regis tering In the superintendent's office the progress and deportment of pupils, Is carried out. Other advantages, ' such aa school libraries, or library, already to some extent enjoyed; and the best possible arrangements for institute work for the teachers will be given the attention- within my means; and the more liberal provisions of the new law will make It possible to perform these duties with more ease and dig nity than heretofore. Some objections brought against me I think will be found trilling, and made chiefly for the purpose of a little cam paign amusement. It is hardly neces sary to assert my loyalty, or to say that with all Americans. I approved the war of liberation for Cuba, declar ed by congress, cr even in the Philip pines, if prosecuted for the same en-Is. The thought cf the poem, for which I have been bantered, was of sympathy with a man who was reported In the dispatches as refusing to give up his struggle, even though offered money ard office; and that for this act he was entitled to the name of hero rather than enemy, and therefore it was no treason to send him greetings of even aid and comfort. Whether or not the sympathy was Justly placed, all In tent of disloyalty was disclaimed in the piece itself; and, Indeed, who cannot but deplore the policy that has made enemies of a struggling people, or not wish that the policy declared as the will of congress In Cuba, had been announced to the Filipinos as the poli cy of the administration? However, these events are now past, and the liberty and good will that the American people Intend for the Phil ippines, must be reached in ways not yet clear; neither Is this any matter for the public schools. I can rely with great confidence up on the fairness and good Judgment of the voters of Clatsop county, and if elected it shall be my aim and pleas ure to serve you to the best of my ability. H. S. LYMAN, HUMMER RESORTS. "To the mountains our people in In creasing numbers yearly look for those days of relaxation and recreation nee essary to maintain the human ma chine In fair working condition. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while it lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flagging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. "In this direction the Shasta Route now affordd a wealth of attractions, The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding is studded with charming and accessible hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and healing at reasonable cost, and where you can hunt, fish, ride, loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or if you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the springs of Ashland, Coles tin, Anderson, Bartlett, Byron and Paso Robles. "Before visiting Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories of Yosemlte valley, and the wondrous groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quires concerning these attractive re sorts." Send to Mr. C. H. Markham, general passenger agent, Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag, Shanta springs, McCloud river, Yosemlte. and excursion rates thereto. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. & N, which went into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double daily service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:15 a. m. is known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout, making It fully the equal of any train now in service from the Pacific coast to the East. The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 6:20 p. ni. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East, together with the best of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. OSTEOPATHY. Axtorla Oregon. M KS. C. J. RAMSEY, D. O. All chronic and nervous diseases of women treated by this method. Exam ination free Hours. 1 to S. Cor. Fourteenth and Franklin. Even the devil is not as black as his niwi-paper portraits. Fisher's Opera House L. E. SELIO, Lessee and Manager. Tuesday, June 5 A. Q. Scatumon's Comedy Co., present ing a comedy that causes Inces sant Laughter. Till: REAL WIDOW BROWN As played 100 nights at the Standard Theater in New York City. A Vein of humor direct from the Fountain tf Tun Pur-? In tone, brilliant In wit, lively In motion, catchy in music, bright In costume, grace In dancing. OUR MOTTO "Nothing Is too irood for the public." Positively the greatest laugh maker ever brought to the Coast. ADMISSION; Reserved seats. 75 cents, gallery. 50 cents. Seat sale opens Monday morning at Gritlln & Reed's. PALMISTRY litre your hind read by the Celebrated i'altultr, Prof. Sterling Charge ai 50 centa snil $1.00 Office hour 10 m. io9p m., dl y inJ Miniltr. Frlr ara Kouui 4, 673 Commercial street. Aalurla Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes. Yla the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME 1 1 Days to Suit Lake 2 Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 J Days to. New York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further information apply to Or C. O. TERRY. W. E. COMAN. Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agent. 124 Third St., Portland. Or. G. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. A N. I Dc-toot Fifth mil Leave I I Streets. f Arrive uveriand Express Trains for Salem, Loseburg, Ash- 7:30 p.mj Ogden, San Fran- 19:11 a.m Cisco, Mojave, Lot 8-30 a.m New Orleans and 17:00 p.m w .asi At Woodbura (daily except Sun day), morning train connectrwlth train for Mt. An gel, Bllverton, Brownsville, Springfield, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver- trtn 117:30 Corvallls passen- S:$0p.m &er. 1)4:50 p.m Sheridan passen- jl:25a.m I ger Dally. Dally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco, Net rates $17 first class and 111 second class, Including sleeper. lt&tes and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, Hono lulu and AuHtralia. Can be obtained from J. B. Klrkland, Ticket Agent, 124 Third street . YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger depot foot of Jefferson Bt Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20, l:s a. m 12:30. 1:65. 3:25. 6:16. 1:26. t:0S. 11:30 p. m.: and 9:00 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at (:&. 8:30, 10:50 a. m.; 1:35, 1:15, 4:30, 9:20, 40, 10:00 p. m.: 12:40 a. m. daily ex cept Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a. m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dalas dally, except Bus- day, at 4:30 p, m. Arrive at Portland at 9 30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallas for Airlie Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 'Except Sunday. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. H. MARKHAM, Gtn. Fit. and Pass. Agt I XI Sumsit -Til m south ASTORIA, May 31,-Edltor Astorlan I have received loiters and requests from all parts of the city and county Tor a copy of my statement of the It. nanclnl condition of Clatsop county, in answer to the churues of the "CHI tens" which rrad as follows; "1st The reckless extravagance of the county court, the wanton expendi ture of the people's money, and the constantly Increasing Indebtedness of the county, the employment of unnecessary deputies In the various county offices demand a change in the administration of county affair. The Indebtedness of the county Is over tlOO.OM), necessitating the payment of a large Interest ac count, and no effort has been used to decrease this Indebtedness, while the taxpayers are burdened with excessive taxation," Briefly annwerlng the above clap-trap. I wish to again Inform these would be leaders that the present county administration found Clatsop county II0J.SS9.S3 In debt when It took charge July 1, ISiU. Upon this amount there has been pall $40,911,97 Interest, and the county's debt was reduced l:UM.M. In the semi-annual sworn statement of the county clerk, dated lecemier 31, 1S'J9, the following showing was made; Outstanding warrants Pocemher 31. 1S"X l0t'i.rtM.M Warrauts issued since Jauuary 1 to May 7, l'.HH) tt.778.7fl Total warrant, outstanding May 7, (. r warrants paid siuc IVcvmlwr 81, 18D9 9 ',477.37 Y. B. bridge warrants paid sinew Docembor 81, ISlW. . ..... 6,l"i.M Special road " " " " tV.Wl Public road " " " M " 65.05 Warrants paid since December 31, Total warrants uow outstanding May 7, 1000,..' As follows : Y. B. bridge non-Interest bearing warrants 10.81 1. firt General fund and road warrants 7I,M0.87 Cash od hand to pay warraut railed At follows: Cash In hands of treasurer, geueral fund Cash in hands iheriir, geueral fund Cash in hands county clerk .' Cash in Y. B. bridge fund Cosh in special road fund Total warrant debt less cash on hand Balance due state, tax l&tt Estimated interest outstanding warrants Total connty debt May 7, 1900 .... SUMMARY. Total debt July 1. 1804 Total debt May 7, PJOO The reduction of the mnnty debt is The present konnty administration has July 1. 18V4 Chargeable to former administrations., And the Y. 11. bridgecostjng The above total represents the amount which should l credited to the present administration as compared to former management. This statement can be verified by any comp-tent "cltU'-n" who wishes to know the truth. If he will call on the county clerk and treasurer, who keep a complete set of books and the cnnh, or warrants required to show that they are correct. If It Is doubted. I Invite Col, E. C. HuKhcs. Imncan Stewart and Thos Dealy. or other competent democrats to cull, and wlih mm examine them at any time. Very truly yours, J. If. P. GRAY. County Judge. rn Of New Zealand VV. P. THOMAS, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Subscribed Capital, Paid-up Capital, Assets, Assets in United States, Surplus to Policy Holder?, Has .been. Underwriting on tbc SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. Resident Agents, Aorin, Or. THE ASTORIAlN.s.s Delivered at or residence, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIYER RAILROAD. Leave. PORTLAND. Arrive. 1:00 a. m.l Portland Union Depot,U:U s.m :5j p. m.jfor Astoria and lnter-1 :wp.m meoiai. poima. i I "ASTORIA. I , Portland A In-Ill :Ma.m ediate points lt:M p.m. 7.4Sa.m.lFor 1:10 p.m.termedlate BE ASIDE) DIVISION. p. m. a. m. L.U1. VM T: p.m. 4:00 I SI 1:10 t:WU:5olL.v ....Anuria..., r Lvi B M 12:131 Lr ."":.. w-.. Ar 6:52 :20 l:00Ar ....Seaside.... Lv 6:U SPECIAL SEASIDE 8UNDAT TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 8:30 a. m.; arrives at Seaside : a. m. Passengers may return on any train shown on schedule on same date. ALL TRAINS to and from Seaside rva ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren- ton. All trains make close connections ai Gobi with all Northern Paclflo trains to and from the east or Bound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot At Astoria with L R. A N. Co.'s boil and rail line to and from Ilwaco and North Beach points. THROUO7 TICKETS on sale at As- torta. for ' Amenta, San Francisco, all EaHtern and European point. City ticket office As torn, tzt rvwnmer. Hal street J. C. MAYO, Oen'l FT t and rase. Agent Dr. T. N. Hall DENTIST. (71 Commercitl Street, ASTORIA, ORE. Over Bchlussel'i Clothing Store, flHMOD.07 lSW. 9 31,147.14 S 8.003,05 ii, 107.75 "iM 1:M.U 313.34 t 82.2Ci63 $ ll.CM.OO general fund. 70.578.53 7.:I99.(W 6.000.00 f 84978.21 tI03,!M).M tH7 S.'JI 9 20.3M paid Interest uion debt prior to 40,1111.97 .. 20,891. 9 82,i;5.41 WVlf m l 1 fVKiO.000 1, 001 1,000 2,i .,! 11 300,000 l,7lH,7i2 Pacific Ct.n.'t ovtr twtnlj-lwt) vtnrs, your office. Htore 60c per month. ine most urKlrable pew In some churches Is the one farthest from the pulpit. In nine cases out of ten all a man's religious possessions are In his wife' name. The principal vice of a great many people is the uncalled for bestowal of au-vice. Always give the devil his due but u gooa policy to keep out of his debt With the exception of fussy women, nature makes but few mistakes. The (rood die young but they are 6'uu uniy wcause tney die young. Some Deonln uma mlcht v nnM main. rial when they make up their minds, UlORHln hard time proving their Identity. E A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and iilxht vetween Bt f;aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. 'The only perfect train in the world." Understand: Connec tlons nre made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to paisengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point n the United Btates or Canada. All tijket agents sell them. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, addreps, J. W. CASEY, c. J. EDDY, Trav Pass. Agt, Gen, Agt., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or. 1900 KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure i The North Taoluo Brewery, of wlilrb Hottled Deer (or family lino or keg MrJohu Kopp It prortvlor, makes, berr bwr supplied at eny time, Unlivery la for dotuosMo ud eiport trade. the pity tree. North Pacific Brewery Agricultural Implements CARRIED IN STOCK AND FOR SALE AT BOTTOM PRICES BY FISHER BROS. WEDDING row cbros VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS We Rent New Mint v m w Sfo our latf.'-t $-z(P No.25mllhPrc t4 ) L. M. AlEXJ I '" - w'"- I r-xeltiMV' ? F V. M'KF.t Pacific NavigationCompany Stcnnt.rM-,,K. I. I'lmorc," "W. II Harrison ' Only llnc-Astorlu to 1 il hi monk, (iiulritldl, Huy Uly, Ihihronvllla. Connecting at Astoria will tlx On gnn lUlhosd A Navigation Co, ami tiro the Astoria A Coluoilna Hirer H. It. lor Mr. Fum lf l'ortlnil nd all points rat. For Ireiglit and smi yrr rstri p ly I. HarttMol Elmore i Co. flrneral Aim nt. ABTOIUA. ORB. COHN k CO., Agouta, Om u IUIIk a.l A Navigation Co., TILLAolOOr Ore. A. A V. R II Co. I Oil! LAND. Ot. ..The Esmond'Hotel... 5 PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Eumwan plan. Son U l ,W per dav. Amor Iran plan, 11.00 to f&OO per Unjr,,. eeeee "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Kilt wlint lrt of living in it you fct with km stove or rHiige in your kitchen? J'.tiy a Star Estate Range Tbey insure tiootl living W. J- Scully, Agent A 431 DON Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds nt lowest rotes, for fihlicrmtn, Fanners and Loggers. As V. ALLEN, Tenth anil Cmnmcrclnl Streets INSTRUCTIONS GIVM Miss Bertha Hartln's Decorative Art Room. Koom 820 Deaiim BuJIdliif, 8d Xfl IWr-IW) W VfS'&i) W r.j!)-s-K,Yiya truvuuuiuLrtAAuxiuuiAuuAruuvj H OTEL PORTLAND, OH, The Only Flrst-CloHH CARDS ' w, G. SMITH & CO., rn aiicne i.nun y L.rwi '11 siul '.-:) Wanlilu n Ilulldlnp. 40i! ml WMlilniriKn bis.-over JJlt'i, 1 I'M I AM, t M GON, Typewriters. iint'i'ovt mt tit aililo). Premier Typewriter XANDER A CO. r ieltikive 1'nnllr Count IValrrs Vi.lHittrk SI , 1'ortlninl, Or. II Nil', I ml Agent. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manner. J. C. l'KMr:U-T, Clilrl Cli. eieee mmmm r r r r Iff r ? 5 I) HTHIiHT ORDERS SOLICITED rail Lini ot Kchtst tmbrold ery Naterlals, Initials t Specialty. Choice Selection of Si imping Deftlyis. Stamping Neatly Dose, aad M'aliliilnn hla., I'orllinirt, Mr. uxrmrmj mnnnniuxi vumnnnm nn c ji t PORTLAND Hotel In Portlnnd