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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1900)
THE MORNING ASTOlUAlN. FRIDAY, JUNM I, 1100 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mail, per year JJ.wO Bent by mall. per month 60 Ecrvtil by carrier, per month (0 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mail, per year. In advance (2.00 Pottage free to subscriber. All communications Intended for pab UcaJJon should be directed to the editor. Business communications of all kinds ant remittances must be addressed to 'The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantors to Its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. The democratic party today and since the civil war has ben the most pre scriptive party ever organised In Amer ican politics. In every section, state, city and county where that party has a pronounced majority none but a democrat, and least of all. a. repub lican, can hope to aspire to any office. In the "Solid South" a republican Is despised even more than a negro. No poticy of the republican party; no bene fit conferred by Its wise admlnlstra tion and legislation, has ever over eome this rancorous and insensate prejudice on the part of Southern dem oerats. Let any student of history. any Intelligent observer of current af fairs, think for a moment and he will endorse this criticism. Mr. Mills, of Texas, during the days of tariff discus sions; Mr. Grady, of Georgia; Mr. Wat terson, of Kentucky, and hundreds of other distinguished men of the South were always received with" the utmost respect and accorded the most respect ful and even deferential attention In New England and other Northern com rnnnlties which they visited during po litical campaigns and on lecture tours. And this In spite of their advocacy and argument for measures and ideas at variance with the opinions of North ern people. But can anyone name a single Northern statesman or orator who nas ever been Jnvlted to speak In the South? Times without number, w here Northern men have gone to the South to discuss public questions upon which there was even a division of opin ion among Southern people, they have been Insulted and driven out with violence. THERE IS NOT A SINGLE SOUTHERN STATE OP WHICH THIS IS NOT TRUE. Governor Colqult. of Georgia, whose Intemperate and rabid utterances at a confederate re-union the other day disgusted every sensible man In the country, has been a fre quent speaker and guest In the North. But it was only a few years ago within ten years, In fact when 'William Mc Klnley, as ex-governor of Ohio, was discouraged from going to address a Chatauqua assembly at Atlanta, to which he had been invited, by the circulation of a protest against the Im portation of "any Yankee speakers at Southern gatherings" signed, among ether notable Georgians, BY THE GOVERNOR OP THE STATE. Can any man recall a single republican appointed by Grover Cleveland to any office which a democrat could be got to take during his two adminlstra trations? And if not, how does this administration of the last democratic president compare with that of Mc- Kinley, who has appointed hundreds of democrats and Southern men to the best and highest offices within his gift? Yet after this record of political narrowness and malignity, democrats Lazy J Livers are many times the cause of various d aeaaeg. Ninety per cent of the American people are said to be tronlilurt with liver ami Ktouiach complaints uch as coiiBtipatiun, dizzlnHM, indigestion, biliousueaa, slufc'ibh liter, etc. Baldwins Health Tablets No. 25 overcome and cure theae Ola. These tablet act ss a gentle laxa tive. They make the livar and stomach do their duty aa they should. The mmt obstinate canes yield to thuxe little tablets. They ooat 2oc and can be procured at FRANK HART. Successor to Th. Olden, C00-2 Com. 61, In the republican county of Clatsop have the Impudence to go round open ly seeking to rally republican votes to defeat republican candidates and aid their machinations to destroy the republican majority and throw down republican rule in the slate of Oregon! Lot every republican who Is approach ed by these artful conspirators re member that if their party was In the majority in Clatsop county no republi can could be elected to the office of dog pelter. DEMOCRACY AND LABOR. The subjoined artlole from the Tost Intelligencer should be read by every republican worklngman in Clatsop county. For years Northern manufac tnreis and other large employers of labor have been vexed by the dema ggery of democratic politicians in their base attempt to stir up strife and discontent between capital and labor. The hollow mo:kery and contemptible hypocrisy of democracy's pretended sympathy with labor Is well shown up In this article. It should be repro duced in evry republican paper In Oregon. Read In connection with the reflection that NO LAW HAS EVER BEEN PLACED ON THE COUNTRY'S STATUTE BOOK FOR THE BENE FIT OF LABOR THAT DID NOT EMANATE FROM A REPUBLICAN AND REPRESENT THE MAJORITY VOTE OF A REPUBLICAN CON GRESS, It ought to make every work ingnian In Oregon a republican voter: The democratic party Is constantly attempting to pose as the particular friend of the labor element of the country; not on the strength of any past performances, but solely on the professions of certain of the more blatant leaders. To some extent these professions have been accepted by the men for whose benefit they have been made, no careful Investigation being had to see whether performance has ever kept -step with professions. In doing so the labor element has for gotten that the great majority of the democratic members of both houses of congress are from the Southern states, and that the sole pretense which the democrats have to stand as members of a national party is due to the Solid South. With the South ern states eliminated from considera tion, the democratic party would hard ly be more of a political factor than the populist party, and of scarcely more Importance than Debs' Social de mocracy. With the Southern demcorats the labor problem and the negro problem are Inseparable. Labor in the South means negro labor; and it is to the cheapness, abundant supply and tract ability of this class of labor that the South looks for the development of its Industrial resources and the upbuilding of its manufactories. Naturally, any thing which would tend to make this labor less cheap and less docile meets with opposition from the men who rep resent the dominant element of the South the element which refuses to the negro his political rights or any place In the social economy, save as a mere machine for the production of so much work; to be kept In subordi nation, socially and politically, to the superior race. In the abstract form of a national platform the Southrn members of con gress will cheerfully Join with their Northern allies in almost any declara tion which may be asked on the sub ject of the rights of labor and the necessity of legislation In its interest. If the coming national convention should make a declaration upholding the Coeur d'Alene dynamiters, and de nouncing the administration for obey ing the constitutional mandate and honoring the requisition of the demo cratic governor of Idaho, for troops to suppress the Insurrection in that state, it is probable that not a single voice from the South will be raised against such a declaration. When, however, it comes down to concrete legislation, seriously proposed in the Interests of labor, the negro problem Is foremost In the thoughts of every Southern congressman, and he is promptly In opposition. An Illustration of this Is seen In the recent report of the Industrial com mission. That report recommended the introduction of the eight hour day in certain specific Industries, such, for example, as In underground work In coal mines and In railroad operation, to be enforced by federal legislation so far as possible under the consti tution, and to be recommended for concurrent enactment by the legisla tures of the several states In cases where the federal government had no rrr n n l , j The Washing Woman's Best Friend. right to interfere. There was a minor ity report on this subject by three unmoors c.f the commission. They were John W. Daniel, United States senator from Virginia; Charles J. Harris, of Plllsboro,' S. C, and Ellison A. Smythe. of Pelter, S. C, They strenously op posed any legislation limiting the hours of labor. Coal mining in the South Is done largely by negro laborers, working looser hours and for lower pay than the white miners of the North. Any national legislation which would shor ten the hours of labor and Improve the conditions of the coal miners generally would be particularly favorable to the Southern negroes and to that extent against the Interests of their white employers. The negro laborers of the South are not a political factor. Their votes are not counted even when cast. There Is no political capital to be made out of legislation In their Interest, while there Is certain political disfa vor for any Southern member of con gress whose vote Is recorded for any proposition to improve the material condition of the Southern negroes at the expense of their white employers. When the labor question thus assumes a concrete form in proposed actual leg islation, the political voice of the South is raised promptly against the propo sition. And this will always be the case, so long aa the negro vote is sup pressed and the labor question and the negro question are Inseparable connected In that section of the coun try. The republican party does not pose on this or on any other question. It legislates. To It, and to It alone, can labor look for the making of federal statutes in its interest. In the future as in the past H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped la Our Car Will Receive Special Attention. No. 1538 Duane 8t,, W. J. COOK, Hn Astoria. Or. Res. Tel. I13L . THE IOIVRE. Strangers visiting In tne city will find the Louvre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amme Sisters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms at a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at all nonri J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Guilder QUICKEST, SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT! LINE TO THE EAST SOUTHEAST TWO DAILY SOLID- VESTIBULE1) TRAINS LESS THAN THREE DATS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Buffet Library Cars, First class Reclining Chairs Free, PORTLAND to DENVER, KANSAS CITT, OMAHA and CHICAGO without change. Only one change to NEW YORK, BOSTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Informa tion, call on or address, O, W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. & X, Astoria, Or., Or 3. H. LOTHROP. Oeni Agt., No. 135 Third St, Portland, Or. IS THE Best Powder. Dirt's Worst Enemy. Corrects all biemUheg of the face, removes blot 5 iies, pin-pie, tan, sun Duin, rrecKiea ana manes n .. a beautiful complexion. lUU bill 110 ,,.Mnj 4nJ excellent for deranged stomaah. H. C THOMPSON KKUiLlR Rr'.fTBl.ICAN NOX1NKI TOK COUNTY TREASURER HA.RKISOS ALLEN (Of Aatorls) REPI BUCAS CANDID .TK FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY FRED W1CKMAN INOKPK.NDKST CASDIDATKOU SHERIFF FRANK R. STOKES REI'UBUCAS NOMINEE FOR REPRESENTATIVE THOMAS LINVjLLK REGULAR KEK'BLOTAN NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF D. J. INOALU8 REGCUR REPCBUJAN NOMINEE FUR COl'STT comnissioxeii J. T. LEE REGULAR REPUBLICAN NOMINEE rOR f 01 ITT StnillTE.UE.IT tf SCHOOLS C.W.CARNAHAN REGCL 1R REBUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and Puget Sound Nay. igation Company. Bailey Oatsert leave Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Por'!and dally except Sun day at 7 a. m White Collar Line tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatzert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Aft V. B. SCOTT, Telephone 1U. President fVitflVr TICKETS to all ERST Through Palace and Tourist Sleep ers dining and library observation cars. ELEOANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4. "Flyer," leaves Portland at 6:00 p. m. No. 8, 'Flyer," arrives Portland at 7.00 a. m. For rates, etc., call or address O. W. LOUNSBERRY, Agent O. R. A N., Astoria, Or. or A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. & T. A.. Portland. Ore. LKOAL NOTICE, TRUSTEE SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as trustee of the Columbia Electrical and Repair Company, bank rupt, has for sale the following de scribed property of said bankrupt, to wit: First, that certain machine shop, blacksmith shop, and tools thereof, sit uated upon the premises formerly oc cupied by said bankrupt at 531 and 535 on Bond street In Astoria, Oregon, In cluding all of the property of paid bankrupt now situated on about the premises of the Scow Bay Iron and Brass Works In said city; Second, all bicycles, bicycle tools, supplies and bi cycle workshop; Third, all electrical goods Including gas fllxtures; Fourth, all office furniture and fixtures; Fifth, on building on lot 12, in block In McC'lure's Astoria. All of lists 2, 3, and 4 are now In the said premises for merly occupied by said bankrupt. A full and complete Inventory of all the above property will be exhibited by the undersigned to intending buyers upon request, and the said proerty will also be exhibited to them. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for all or any parf of the above described property but it Is pre ferred that bids be made for the lot as dnlgnatd above. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 pr cent of the amount of the bid, with the understanding that said 10 per cent shall be forfeited by success ful bidder If he falls to make good his bid. All bids must be delivered to the un dersigned at his office In Astoria, Or egon, on or before June 9, 1900, at the hour of 2 p. m, o'clock, at which time bids will be opened In presence of bld bers. The right to reject all bids which are not satisfactory Is hereby reserved, and sale Is to be made subject to con firmation of the bankruptcy court. Dated May 31, 1900. C, R. THOMSON, Trustee. I.KUAI. mrrtcKfl. nRCKIY Nil's BALK. In the Circuit Court, Slate of Oregon, County of Chtsop, The Security Savings A Trust Com pany plaintiff, vs. The Astoria Htroot Railway Company -defendants. Notice Is hereby Riven that In pur suance of a Judgment, dcci-ee and or der of sale duly made and enteral In the above entitled suit In the ahove entitled court on Monday the Mth day of May, l!HH, which tudmcnt Whs In favor of plitlntlft and against defend ant for the sum of thirty thousand, two hundred ami fifty dollars slid the costs uud disbursements of "id suit, and In and by which Judirmenl and de cree the executed to plaintiff iy defendant on the 8nd any of May, IS9J described In the complaint In the above entitled suit was foreclosed mid Kiiid sum of thirty thousand, two hun dred and fifty dollar secured by said mortgage, toitetlter with the coats of said suit was declared to bo a Hen upon nil the property mention il In said mortmure and In the complaint In this suit and herein set out and which judgment, order and decree directed me as receiver of all said proiK'tty heretofore appointed In the above wn tltlid suit to sell all said property to satisfy said JmlKiuent, citi and Reeru I UK costs, I will on MONDAY, TMK 2ND DAY OF JULY, ls), ut the hour of 3 o'clock p. in. of suld day, at the court house door In Clatsop county, state of ier(on, sell for cash in I'. S. gold coin, to (he high est bidder all rtKht. title and Interest which the defendant, the Astoria Hi reel Itallway had on the Und day of May, l!2, or has since acquired on the prop erty mentioned in said inortise or ai:y part thereof, which property Is more particularly described as follows, to-wlt; All the mil property of said Aarorlu Street Hallway Company, Its rliihts of way, rusements and aipui le naiiecs; all Ha railroad and street rail way In the city of Astoria and In tld comity of Clatsop, the roadbed, track, poles, lines, lines of wife, overhead construction, enitlnes, machinery, dy namos, Kenerulor, electric motor and other electrical apparatus, and all tools and lmpletiieut!i. all rolling, car equipments; all leasehold, nil build tntr. car houses, power houses umi oth er structures: all license, i lulus, priv ileges and frunchlses npiertulntn to said above mentioned pinperty, or owned or bvluoKlng to said railway company, or In or to which It has any rlh-lii, title or Inter t; all thing In ac tion, contracts, claims and demand. and all and singular, all the property, real, personal and mixed owned at the date of said mortgage or thereafter acquired by said railway company as well in law as in equity, and the In comes, revenues, rents. Issue and pro fits or saiu property; and with the right to the purchaser of said property to succeed to and enjoy all the right, privileges. Immunities, franchises, and all llcenm-s, corporate or otherwise of said railway company, being the entire and complete railroad and street rail way plant and property of said Com pany. The street railway of said railway company, being sutwtantlally on the following route and on the following named street (if said city of Astoria, tu-wit: UcKinnlitR ut the Intersection of Court street with Washington street, running thence easterly on said Court street to West Fifth street; thence southerly on said West Fifth street to Cedar street, thence easterly on said Cedar street to Salmon street; thence southerly on suld Salmon strset to Hemlock street; thence easterly on said Hemlock street to the north side line of Fifth street (being the south side line of block sixteen (Id) In the Port of Upper Astoria); thence north easterly crusing said block sixteen (16), Augur street and block seventeen (IT) In said Port of Upper Astoria to Fourth street; thence easterly on said Fourth street to Bonneville avenue; thence northerly on said Bonneville avenue to Third street: and thence easterly on said Third Street to Dick inson avenue, with the side tracks, switches and branches belonging or appertaining thereto. The real property now owned by said railway company, and hereby adver tised for sale consists of those certain lots, tracts or parcels of real property lying between and situate In Clatsop county, state of Oregon, particularly described as follows, towlt: All of lots two (2), three (J), four (4), nine (U), ten (10) and eleven (11) In blixk numbered two (Z) In Shively's Astoria (now In the corporate limits of the city of Astoria.) And also all of lot two (2) In block numbered two VI) In I'ort of Upper As toria (now In the corporate limits of said city of Astoria.) Reference being had herein to the re corded and established mnps and plats of said Hhlvely s Astoria and Port of Upper Astoria. Together with ull and singular the ten ements, hereditament and appurte nances belonging, or In any wise ap pertaining to sulci lots, tracts or par cel of real property; Being all and singular the property of said defendant corforatlon, The Astoria Street Hallway Company, real, personul or mixed; and all rights, priv ileges, immunities end franchises owned by said company. And notice Is hereby further irlven that I will offer for sale and sell all said property above described, real, personal and mixed, and said premises, rights, privileges and franchises and Immunities of every kind and descrip tion covered by said mortgage of May 2, 1812, whether owned by said defend ant at the date of said mortgage or since acquired, In one parcel, to satisfy said Judgment, Hens, costs and accru ing costs. Bonds secured by said mortgage and overdue coupons belonging thereto will oe received on account of any amount bid at said, sale as provided In said de (Tee and order of sale. (.'. A. COOLIDOE. Receiver .of Astoria Street Railway Company. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Bulkier General Contractor HOUSE RAI5INQ AND MOVING A SPECIALTY THE PROOF of rh pudding la to ths tavtlai and ths proof of bquors IS IN SAMPLING That's aa argiMnsnt that's en e4uiv- dsmanatunajUo). Ours wtll taa4 th twt HUGHES & CO. I.KtlAI. NOTIt'K IMPIlOVISMliNT OF FRANKLIN , AVKNUE, Notice I hereby given, that the com mon conn 'II of iho city of Astoria ha determined and Intends to Improve or repair that portion of Franklin avenue In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, late of Orcir n, as laid out and record ed by J. M. Hhlveley from ths west lln of 31st street to a point fifty feel west thermf throughout tlio width of said portion of said street, by straighten ing up the existing post or underpin ulng and putlnj l U'll Ut'W posts un uer said portion of Said roadway of treat ling ami taking up tlio existing vnp and trlngr and replacing Ihvm In their proper poiitton and putting In a new cup adjoining th crolug of ald street with 31st street and by con structing new side walk Un feet Wld on each aide of said portion of said street and replsnklng said portion of said street from curb to curb with new sound II r planking 12 Inches In width by 4 luchea in thickness. All material to Ite Urie l In ald Improvement to ba of Koott ;ioumi nr lumber either red or yel low and said work I to be done strict ly In accordance with the Plans and cpet'irli'utloii to be prepared therefor tv the city surveyor. That the coat and exprimc of said repair or improvement shall be de- irayed by aesment of the lot, lands ami prv'iula.'s specially benefited by th same which are hereby Included in sM'clal aHcnment district to ba fcsaed to defray th cost and expeiw of mild Improvement and is as follows; It. 'dinning at the northeast corner of lot 11 In nlock Ui and running thenco southwesterly through tli middle of l)lo-k m to the northwest corner of lot 7 In block 111, thence southerly to the louthwfst corner of lot f in block i, thence northeasterly to th southeast cornvr of lot 1 In block 3, thence In a Mrniuht line to the place of beginning, and containing lots from 7 to H, both Inclusive In block lit. and lots from 1 to d, both Incluiilve In block t. all In the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Or egon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlveley. That the city surveyor has ben di rected to prepare and depoalt with ths auditor and police Judge of said city estimates of the costs and expense of na Id rvpalr and specification for said proponed work. That thl notice I published for eight days In lh Morning Astorlan In pur suance to a reaolutlon duly adopted by wild council on the 21st day of May, two. the date of the first publication of thl notl e being on May 23. I'.HH), II. K. NKL8UN, Auditor and Police Judge of the City I Aatorla. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice I hereby given that on Mon day, April 2, 1IM. at 10 o'clock A. MH at the court house door. In the city of Aalorl. in Clatsop county, Oregon, pursuant to an order of ths county court of the stats of Oregon, for Clat sop county, made and entered on Feb ruary i;. iw, I will, as administrator of ths estate of Ilendrlk l'atrce, de ceased, sell at publlii auction to th highest bidder for caan, the following drcrlbcd property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: I-ot two and the south west quarter of ths northeast quarter of section thirteen, Intownshlp seven north, rang ten west of Wlllamelt merldan. In said Clatsop county, .and. also, a contract for sain of the timber upon said land, mad by th said d- ceased and one Nick Petrort with oni It. It. Cole, of date of June 4, 1S9K, Dated March 1, 1904. FRANK 1 TAYLOR. Administrator. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, Land Of rice, Oregon City, Oregon, May 7, two. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In thl office by W. O. Howell contestant, against Homestead Entry, No. .M7, niado November 14, 1H9I, for N'4 of NW14, Section 17, Township 6 N, Range 10, by Cory O. Adams, contestee. In which It I alleged that contestant "know the present condition of ths same; also that said Cory O. Adams has wholly abandoned said tract of land and changed his residence there from, for more than four years since making said entry and next prior to date of this atlldavlt, and that he has failed to cultivate and Improve said tract of land as provided by law and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy, or marine corps of the United Mates as a private soldier, ofll cr, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain, or during any other war In which the United States may be en gaged," said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m, on June 22, 1900, before the regliiter and receiver at the United States land office In Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a prop er affidavit, filed February 1, 1900, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, It Is hereby orders! and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Signed, WM. GALLOWAY. Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., May 17, 1W0. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowlng-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk or uiatsop uouniy, at Astoria, Oregon, on July 2, 1900, vis: BARTHOLOMEW J. BURKE. H. E. No. 12328, for the 8 half of the SE quarter, NE quarter of BE quar ter and SE quarter of NE quarter of section 8, T 6 N. II 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldencn upon and cultivation of said lund, viz: John P. Ebcrman, of Seaside, Ore gon; James Irwin, of Seaside Oregon; Oeorge Irwin, of Henslde, Oregon; Phil ip M, Condlt, of Seaside, Oregon. CIIAS. B. MOOREE, Register. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, The committee on streets and public ways of 'the common council of the City of As'.oria will receive bids until 12 o'clock M on Tuesday, June 6th, 1900, for the improvement and repair of the crossing of Thirty-first rtret and Franklin avenue, In said city, ac cording to the ordinance for the Im provement and repair thereof and the plans and specifications therefor on fll In the office of the auditor and police Judge of the said city. C. C. UTZINOER, h. AGREN, "W. J. COOK. Committee on Streets and Public Ways of the Common Council of Astoria. I.KIAL,NUTH'KH. SUMMONS. In ths Circuit Court of th Stab of. Oregon for Ilia County of Clatsop, F. A. Fisher and A, C. Flshnr, part nets, cumpiiNlug (he firm of Fisher Brothel, plaintiff, v. Herbert F. L. Logan, Florence ligsn, A I lea Iigan, a Individual, J, T. Boss, J. K. Hlg gins, II. C. Thompson, and 11. .. Fer guson, a partners, comprising th firm of Ross, lliguln Co., A, F. Allen, A. Lewis, and J. C. IwU, partner, un der Iho firm nam of Allen A Lewis, , Flcckc natc In, Mayer Co., a corporation, and Alex. Ullbert, defendant. To Herbert F, 1 l.ogan, Florence. Locnn and Alice Logan, of the abovo? named defendants: in the nam of tli stat 6 CVgon, you and tnch (if you ar hereby re quired to appear and answer th coin plaint filed against you In th aliov. eniltlud suit, on or before th last day of th tint prescribed In th order of publication of thl summon, to-wlt, seven week from th first publication of tbi summon, and If you fall so to nnwr, plaintiffs will taka judgment and decree against you, lUrberl F, 1 Loiisn, for the sum of 1-196.69, and th further sum of fifty dollars attorneys' fees, with interval on at th rata of ten per cent per annum from March 29, 1900, and disbursements of suit, Agaltot each and all of you for tli foreclosure of th uiortgsg set out la the complaint, executed by said Her Ix rt F. L. Irfignn on th 14th of Juno, 1N94, to secure th payment of a uot exccuiw and dellwred lu plaintiffs on the m.i day of April, 194, tlio balxnca due thereon being th amounts above set out. For th sale of lands In flat sop county, Oregon, described In al4 mortgage as block III and It, of Chel sea, a laid out snd recorded by M, M. lv. Also lots 1.1, 20, si, , and 81, In htiM k 9, Logan's siib-dlvlalon of block 9, In Clatsop Urov. Tli application of the proceed after paying exprnsoa of sale, to th imynient of aald Judg. incut. For such oihrr relief a shall be proper and asked for In said com plaint. Th Hon. Thomas A. Mcltrld. Judge of lb above-rnlllled court, has thl 9th day of April, I90t, ordered and directed that Ihe summons In the abvt entitled suit Ui served upon you by publication III th Weekly Astonsn, of Astoria, Oregon, once a week for seven conscvutlv weeks, and th sain will bo so publlahrd, th first publication being on tlio Ulh day of April, 19o0, J. Q. A. lioWUir. AtloriieyiMqttlnUjTa. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United State Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon. April In, lm. Notice t hereby given that in com pliance with the provision of th act of congres of Jun I, 171 milled 'An act for the sal of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, .Nevada, and Washington territory,' as extended to all th publlo land state by act of August 1 19J, Sarah L. Bottom, of Jewell, county of Clat sop, state of Oregon, has this nay filed In this office her sworn statement No, M79. for th purchase of (h NWVt of section No, in. In township No. I N, range No. t W and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is mors val uabl for Its timber or ston than for agricultural purposes, and to tab llah her claim to said land before Hi register and receiver of this ortlco at regon City, Oregon, on Saturday, th 7th day of July, 1900. She names as Witnesses: John Corcoran, of Yin Maple, Oregon Jame W. Walker, of well, Oregon, lasso N. Foster, of J. well. Oregon, llcrnard A Juhnmn of Jewel) Oregon. Any and all pcrion claiming ad versely the abov-decrlbd lands sr requested to file their claims In this ottlce on or before said 7th day of July. 900. CIIAS. H. MOORK8. Register. NOTICE FPU PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, April 1, 1900. Nolle la hereby given that th following-named settler ha filed notloo of her Intention to make final proof In support or her claim, and that said proof will b mad befor the register and receiver at Oregon City, Oregon on June 11, 1900, vis: Margaret C. Corcoran, formerly Morgoret C. Walker. H. M. 1229.for th K. tfc of N. W. . N. E. K of 8. W. 14. Section S3 and 8. E. 14 of 8. V, U. Hection it, Tp. 0 N., R. 7. W. 8ho names the following witnesses to prove her continuous (valdcnce upon and cultivation of said land, vis: 1'avld Tweeddlo, of Vine Maple, Or gon; Edward Wlnterbush, of Vlng Maple, Oregon; Joseph Lynch, of Mlsh awaka, Oregon; Edward Oeddes, of Jewel, Oregon. CIIAS. n. MOORE8, Register. NOTICE FOR PUDLICATION. Land Oltlce at Oregon City, Oregon April 21, lfroo. Notice Is hereby given that th fol lowlng-named settler has filed notlot of his Intention to make final proof la support of his claim, and that said Proof will be made befor th county clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on June 8, 1900, vis: JOHN P. UUSTAV80N, brother and heir at law of Isak Ous tavson, deceased. ?!' K;.0' lom- tor tha outh n" 0' I, .w """""ler and north half of II 7 VV guarUr of wcUon 10, T 4 N, He names tha following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land vis: Jacob Erlckson, of Elsie, Oregon; Ellerd O. Erlckson. of Elsie, Oregon; Nils Lnhtl, of Astoria, Oregon; Jacob Kindrlckson, of Astoria, Oregon. CIIAS. 11. MOORES, Register. SUMMONS, In the circuit court of the stats of Oregon for Clatsop county. li.becca Hall, plaintiff, vs, William P. Hall, defendant. To William P. Halt defendant in the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or befor the isth Cay of June, 1900, that being the time prescribed In the order of pub lication of this summons for filing said answer, and If you fall to so appear ?, ",nrw,r "I'd complaint, th plain tiff will apply to the court for the r lief demanded In said complaint, to Wit. for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between you and tllO Plaintiff anil for aneh nrtlw,. .ah,,' as may be Just and equitable. This nm,,,,,,,,,,, puuiisnea by order of the iton, J. II. n. Gray, county Judge of Uutyop county, Oregon, made and en tered the 28th day of April, 1900; said order being made by said county Judge in the absence of the circuit Judgn, and the riStA Of thA flrf r,t,lll,.il, i- w... 4, 11)00, and the said publication Is to run six conoecutlve weeks from the said date. OEOROB H. DURHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated Astoria, Oregon, April 28, 1900.