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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
THE MURXiNG ASTOKlAN. FKIiAY, MAY 11, 11.00 JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 601. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sont by mall, per year Sent by mall, per month Served by rnrrliT, jxr month. .$6.00 . .50 . . SEMI-WEEKLT. Sont by mall, ixt year. In advance K.00 I'ostnw free to subscribe! All communications Intended for pub-1 Hcation should be directed to the editor. Eusiness communications of all kinds ' snd remittances must be addressed to "The Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantors to lis ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. It Is reported from Vancouver B. C. thr the democrats of Ala-ska will .v. J. ,.,., Mav ??. - " ' -' lor tne national convention i u at Kansas City, July 4. As Alaska is : a sold country It will be interesting to watch the course of its delegates j in what will probably be a silver con vention. Their presence would seem to suggest firebrands. Puerto Rlcana could scarcely believe their eyes when they saw their first civil governor dressed In a straw hat, blue coat and duck trousers. They had been accustomed to gorgeous uni forms, covered with gold lac and trappings. It was this same gold lace, trappings, etc., on every Spanish uni form that kept the islanders in a pi ptriKed condition. SL Paul Pioneer Press. And this is the bedizened and hapgh ty satrap sent out by the Tyrant Mc Klnley to awe the gentle Puertori quenos, according to the hysterical democratic sheets. How the poor downtrodden islanders must tremble before that straw hat, badge of the rapacious and fierce robber baron! Was it a palm leaf, token of the vic tor? Quite appropriate, of course. The love of display evinced by this imper ialistic administration is most repre hensible and a menace to republican institutions. To be thoroughly demo critic Satrap Allen should have ap peared lu his shirt -sleeves.' A coat of any kin J Is too aristocratic. Two social dispatches to the New York Sun of recent date, which ap peared In juxtaposition, are interest ing at this Juncture. The first, from Vienna, Austria, quoted the "Pesther Lloyd's"' Hague vorrespendent as say in? the Boer peace emissaries were planning to come to the United States, "at the most active period of the presidential campaign," say while the republican convention is in session at Philadelphia. The delegates have since started and are now on the ocean. The second was from the Boer camp at Brandfort and tersely -stated that "some American scouts who were cap tured by the Boers have been shot." As the Sun is a pro-Boer paper this last statement, from its own corres pondent, is doubtless true. When the peace delegates whose people are so anxious for American sympathy and uid, een to the extent of involving this country in a war, arrive here they might get sympathy by explain ing how it is thai their gentle coun trymen shoot prisoners when captur ed In perfectly legitimate warfare. These Americans were nut Bpies, but scouts, whOBe business it is to go ahead of the army and see that It does not run recklessly into ambus cadi.s. No account has been publish ed of any scouts of other nationality being shot after capture. Perhaps the emissaries can explain why Americans were singled out. While they are about It the emissaries might also ex plain about the "bullwhacking," or "bulldozing literal, not figurative of black women caught trying to es cape from Mafeking by the Boers. The "Fjahbok," a whip usel by the Boera on these women, is the same they used to goad their pachyderma tous oxen, and is made of the hide of the rhinoceros, which is peculiarly tough and flexible. The Boer name for a human being whose skin Is black is equivalent to our word "creature," cr. as the farmers sometimes call It, "critter," which means a dumb beast. These points might be explained by the Boer peace emissaries, who are really war emissaries, seeking to em broil this country in war to help them selves out POOR PUERTO RICO! Brooklyn Standard-Union. Poor, crushed, down-trodden Puerto Rlcof Prevented by a selfish and heart- kss republican policy from Rotting living! Object of commiseration of th patriotic democratic press, which d mands Justice for the Filipinos I b Mowing the entire porker UHn them with trimming supplied by the Unit ed States government. Poor Pwert Rico! LKk at her attempt to do bus lies. She Is working under the scale down, bargain-day Dlngley tariff Yesterday the Puerto Rico Steamship Company's first ship, the Pone, rench id the port of New York from Puert Rico, with the pitiful cargo of 1.! mivis. aim h;rs or sugar mi 2.131 bale of t'dacvo. The merchant of the island fevl s. despondent over the outlook that they will send no mor points to the mainland until the t:ex ship Is ready to sail, and then. It Is lot likely they will more than doubt or iuadrupie the shipments. Poor Pu rto Rico! A POLICY OF CRAVE-ROIUUNU New York Times ttVnitieratic). The democratic party is sure to win, The people nre with us this year, and th-.y are In sympathy with the prln ol"9 whlch hal1 K" -rnlKaieJ In th Kansas City platform, and which rep lhtf fctUngs of le ma,s ,.( American people. W. J. Uryan. An ong the principles that will h en.N died in the Kansas City platform are those which were decjared in the Chicago platform four years ago. They will go in a lump. One of the Chicago principles was set forth in this language: We are unalterably opposed to mono metallism, which has locked fat the prosperity of an industrious people in the paralysis of hard times. The paralytics of li are up and about now, and they are a pretty brisk and stirring lot Nevertheless, the association for the exhibition of political dementia which will assemble at Kansas City on July 4 will solemn ly declare that we are all in the grip of the paralysis of hard times, an they will denounce the gold standard as the cause of It. The Bryanites are determined to go to the grave of dead things for most of their Issues. What an awakening campaign they will make on declara tions calculated for the Industrial meridian of 1S96. EDUCATION IN FINLAND. Chicago Times-Herald. It seems that a Russian author, Mrs. O. R. Papow, baa written a sympa thetic book on Finland which has in spired a German reviewer to say: "There is in this country practically not one person to be found who can not read or write- There is perhaps not a single peasant's hut in FinlanJ where a political paper is not regu larly read, and scarcely a Finnish peasant can be found who cannot re cite from memory large portions of the writings of Runeberg and Topelius. To an unusual extent, political agitation there Is the outcome of the develop ment of literature and etfpecially of a higher type of journalism." So active are the Finns in the Jour nalistic field that thirty out of their thirty-five smaller villages have at least one periodical. In the whole country there are 1S6 papers, or one to every 13,000 inhabitants. We have seen the book in question, but in that bright though somewhat sketchy work of Mrs. Alec Tweedie, "Through Finland in Carts," there are instructive chapters on education among the Finns which bear out what is said In the later publication. The foundation of the school system is In the elementary and folk schools, and in order to reach the very thinly popu lated districts, especially in the months People tainted with scrot- l ula very often develop con- sumption. Anemia, running f of the ear, scaly eruptions, ' imperfect digestion, and enlargement and breaking! down of the glands cf t!t3 neck, are some cf the rrxrc prominent of scrofula symp tomsare forerunners of con sumption. These condition; can be arrested, consumpiicr. prevented and health r? stored by the early use e; Scoit's EmylsiGO Your doctor will tell you so. At all drusriit ; fee. anil fio. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemuto. Nw York. mm and Caution :lfovvork is haul woriiyithout GoldDusC TO WASH BRUSHES AND COMBS To wh fcilf fcrviiht tni comb, dluolvt t ublttpooaful ol Cold Dust Wishing Powder la boiling rttr, irhcs It U arly col J, dk th krUtlt up nl do without tlloln tht bocko of th bnitht lo Mom wt; whta thi bruin rtclcta, dip them Is plait cold wattr lad dry thtm ilthcr by Ibi fir or It th optt lr. Sotp turat th Ivory back comb or bruhtt yellow, but Qold Dvt doc tot lulur thtm, T kN-r, u ItkM fw .Mat Kvk1 ktili ru UtlVttSUkS." tt CM NM to TNI a. K. MltMNK COMPANY, CMt Ik I MM. Mw Ivt, ol extreme cold, there are "antbula t ry" schiwds. as the author calls th.m. the teachers traveling like judges on circuit, so that the children f the most remote places are not without some opportunity to attend regular classes.- Kvcn If the time Is shut, it suffices for Instruction In read ing, writing and arithmetic, and an absolutely illiterate person could hard ly be found. Compulsory education begins at sU years and extends through a period of seven years. It Is said that wnere there is any disposition to evade the law it is sometimes enforced by the police, but th'elr services cannot be required very often, since the desire for a schooling Is passionately felt among all classes. Above- the folk schools are continuation courses In the nature of business colleges, then there are the more academical peo ple's colleges, normal institutes and finally the university. The elementary schjols are maintain ed by the state and communes, the higher institutions by the state, and instruction at the university is prac tically free, since the annual fees amount to only Jl It is noticeable, too, that the plan of coeducation pre vails throughout the entire system, and American women will be particularly n teres ted in this paragraph: 'Finnish ladies are thoroughly well educated, and although they have no political rights women are much em ployed In government services. They are not debarred from becoming mem bers of thi; great societies. For In stance, among the 212 fellows that compose the Geographical Society of Finland there are seventy-three wo men. The Swedish Literary Society, with 1,300 members, has eighty-two wo m?n on its book. The same with the philanthropic societies, music, art, etc. r. all, the doors are open to women." Women are much more largely repre sented, however. In the' profession of teaching, as they are in this country. and that profession, by the way. Is , eld In the very highest esteem by the ; inns. But as we think of this people- advanced, intelligent and progres sive, so thoroughly modern in tne con stitution of their society, the most re markable thing about their condition is that they should be ruled and op pressed by the barbarians over .the border. If ever there was cause for protest by civilization It Is there. Corrects all blemishes of UIleAnm r the ,ac.e- r.emoyen blot- IlJuuiU 3 'lies, pin'pics, ian, sun- ourn, irecKtes nna maxes ItrinPTllTiP 11 i the best tooth lUUblUUO waghi ftnd excellent for deranged stomach. VOTE Koa THOMAS LINViLLE KKGLLAR ItEPlIil.ICAN NOMINEE FOR 8HEH1FF VOTE FUK D. J. INGALL8 REGULAR KEl'CBIJAN .NOMINKE FOR COIXTT CO.1M.niSStO.NER J. T. LEE KEOULAR KEPI'BLICaX XO.MISEEfOR tdliir SlPLMJTEIDtlT OP KXBOOU VOTE FOR HARK ISO V ALLEN (Of Aatorla; KEI'l'BLICAN CASUIDiTR FO't DISTRICT ATTORNEY FRED WICKMAN INDEPEXDEST CANDIDATE FOK SHERIFF FRANK R. STOKES REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR REPRESENTATIVE L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder Oeneral Contractor HOUSE RAISINO. AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY T mm Karl's Clover Root Tea frtutlfi fh Cnmplnkm, Purifirtl lh Bi'.ivna l-mli.t. InrSkin. i.'iimil.n allpati.m, ln.lio!i,.is tij til Krujlri ( tno kiik An urmM I.ainliv Nvrv Ionic. Std oi. a'itutv by all drucvUU at S.V, 6iXr. and Sl.uO. 8. C. WELL 4 CO., II ROY. N. Y. toir MOMitiom Sold by CHARLES nOUERS. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Custom House. Astoria. Oregon; Col lector's Otllce, April 1900. Sut plies for Revenue Vessels: Seal ed proposals for supplying ship chand lery rations, and coal to vessels of the I'ldt-vl States Revenue Cutter Service, p-gularly stationed, or temporarily, at Astoria. Oregon, and delivered on board said vessels at that place during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, will be received at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, May 12, 1900, at which time anil place they will be pub licly opened. The coal furnished to be anthracite or bituminous of best qual ity; unltorm In character; to weigh 2.240 pounds to the ton; to be delivered on board the vessels at such times and In such quantities aa may be required, at localities readily accessible to said vessels, and to be subject to Inspection a to quality and weight Didders will name the prices both for steaming and stove coal, and nlso their facili ty's for furnishing the vessels with fresh water, and their charges there for. Blank forms of proposals, with schedules showing articles of ship chandlery and component jarts of ra tions, may be had upon application at this otlice: proposals must be submitted on these forma. Sep- nmtP hi! U-lll nlan htt rAPAlua.l blris ,j,e sam time and place for lubrlca- J"1 an' Illuminating oils. The right j i ira'.-iru iu rrjeri any an'j an dius. nun tuiiL.ari n III vv puL in xorce un til congress shall have made an appro priation for tne purpose, JOHN FOX. Collector. "The Word Owes Every Man a Living" Hut wlint jrt of living is it ""SSSv-x'',.p.iVrt witli a jxioi stove or range in your kitchen? Huyo Star Estate Range They insure tood living W. J. Scully, Agent 431 HOND S) CsH---S - -SO S3 INSTRUCTIONS GIVF" Ally. Bertha Hartln's Decorative Art Room. Room S20 Deltoro Bonding, gd sad S ( J W. C. A. Pohl, " CwtmroEtm Undertaker, l:mbalmer and Funeral Director. Caskets mi. I Funeral Sup'iliua constant' ly on linnu. Gornor 11th ami Ihiunn Sis, Atnrii, Or THE HH YKC. Strangers visiting in tn city will 11 ml the I.onvro an Httim'tiv- rvmirl wluwlii to Ht'inl it ovtiim. Thn AmiiM Ninltrti l.adivV (Mvlii'wttu bills and p resell tn iiihilv a iiititticMl proKrmu of ; exceptional merit, linn. Imnne. pool ami ! liillinr.l nxims nn fcMurtt u connection ; with tho luiiihO. rulatalilf luin lief will 1 1 served Ht nil noiim J. A. Fastabend, Gcticrnl i Contractor ! mid Builder. WHITE COLLAR UNI Columbia Hlver and Ptiget Sound Nar lgatton Company. Itnlley Gntsert leaves Astoria dally except Sunduy at 7 p. m. Le-ives Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a m. White Collar Lin tickets and O. R. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Uatiert and llnssnln. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria, Aft. U. D. SCOTT. Telephont UL President Th. Frederikson PIANO TUNER IXSTRL'uVIOX ON CELLO AND VIOLIN Phone N71 H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Cooda Shipped to Our Car Will Receive Ho-claJ Attention. No. Kit Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK. Mfr Res. Tel. 1131, Dr. T. N. Bull DENTIST. 73 Commercltl Street. ASTORIA. ORE. Over Schluiael'i Clothing Store, THE PROOF of th puddlag and th proof of of tbo puddlag U Hi Um UBJ. and th proof of I'quon IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's clusivt-a demonotratlom. Ours will stand th to. HUGHES & CO. A JOLLY FOUR they are, ond all are smokers of our cigars. Those who know good things won't have anything else, and hence the fondness shown for our goods by wll Informed votaries of the weed. We touch them wlnnlngly In the right spot and never mnr previous pleasant Impressions by giving out something different from the regular line Our brand, Remember Me; "General Steed man," five cents. WILL MADISON Jissm yon mmnm 8THEET 3 SS(sm$ ORDERS SOLICITED r h It Line of Newest Embroid er Materials. Initials s Specialty, Choice Selection of S-amping Designs. Stamping Neatly Done. Waablogtoa St.. Portland, Or. --i--i---Xi- linjiiina mm mm FT TIMtl 5CHI1DUI.I15 f rom lurllanil. PKPAKT Attivl hirtin-rSiriltnil Ht V I , in eUl, vl HiiiilliiHtuii, to (Mil K tl, t'l1trrtgJO) M a wi puima miii Ill Overlain! r'h aa, vl llllHtlllKt id vit riltau, lit Piii. vor, Kaiua City, i hl i aai. hi. I' ul. Mil waukiH,tllil til Hilnta y gin Ailnrta OCI'.AN TtlAM5HIP5 All Mlliiii Hatrt .ub I )wl l. i'lmn, '.r stli KrtiicK-HMll M .y S. , IS, Id, il. i Coli'mUlt Hlvvf RtMinitrt 7 t ni In in i Mo ilay KvnuiuU)' To t'ordand aa4 wty itnumat. I t..vl.,.. K.Vun.r R',VKK K...mU, I niIuiii a r-U"ii a. rJhur! "'V ;l"Vrd. Wv Umlliuv j Itlptrl .rv illy, I '.V , w. 5ak lilvcr. ltlrUo Lolatou. l.fUwt.tu .ai in daily (am WII.HMKT K HIVKU : 0 n, m. Mud. Med Krldtv Tup., 1 hill I'l.rlUiul to I'l.rr.lll tl.lur.lar i tud wty o. w. LOUN8UEiinr, Agent, Astoria. W. II. IIIJRLUL'RT, 0n. J'uat. At, Portland, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Wlen pconU are eontemnlatln trip, micthrr on business or pleaaurs, thry naturally want tha b-.i rvi, oblHliinhlo as far as speed, comfort and safety Is concerned. Kmployrg of tbs WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ars pitiu to si-rvs tli publio and our trains are i'-roic. so as to makn closs con hoc tin n with, dlvemln llnra at all Junction points. I'ullmun 1'alare Bleeplnff and Chair Cms on through trains. Dining car service uneicclled. Meals t'rvcu a ta carte. In order to obtain tha flrat-cisaa vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you m iiiaei vvr. . , TheWisconsIn Central Lines and you will make direct connections at St. I'aul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points least. For any further Information call on ny uraei sgeni. or correspond With JA8. C. I'OND. On. Vasa Agt, or JA3. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wla Oeneral Agent, M Btark BU Portland, Or. Ituxuijious Travel THE "Northwestern Llmitsd" trains, olectrlo lighted throughout, both Inslds and out, and steam heated, art with out exception, tht finest trains In tht world. They embody tht latest, newest und best Ideas for comfort, convenlenct and luxury ever offered tht traveling Fuuiiu. ,uu aniiip-uipr art int most complete and splendid producton of tht mi I hilllft.irM sa Thest Bplendld Trains Connect With The Greet Northern The .Northern Pacific and The Canadian I'uilflc AT ST. PAUL FOK CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for these sunerlnr accommodations and all classes of tick- in are avaiiame for pnssage on. tht iuihuus wortnwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Rlock system. . ii. Ait; ad, f.C. 8AVAQEJ. General Agent, Ticket Agt. Portland, Ore. A familiar name for tht Chicago. Milwaukee & St. I'aul Hallway, known nil over the Union as the Great Itall wuy running the "I'ioneer Limited" trains every day and night velween St. I iiul and Chicago, and Omaha and ( lllcnKO. 'Tha nnlv tu.rr..i i- the world." Understand: Conneo thms nre mnde with all transcontlnent ai lines, assuring to paisengers the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verlt equaled by no other line. Bee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point me unueu mates or Canada. All tlrket agents sell them. Kor rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CASEY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. I'ass. Agt., Gen. Agt., Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or. IIoBTHEBN to . 11 BAlLWf POINTS ERST Through Palace and Tourist Sleep, ers dlnfng and library observation cars ELEGANT VESTIBULES TRAIN8. No. 4, 'Tlyer," leaves Portland at 11:20 p, m. No. S. "Flyer." arrives Portland at s.uv a, rn. For rates, etc., rail or address o. w. LouNsuErmr. Agent O. R. A N., Astoria, 6r. or A. B. C. DENNISTOn! C P. & T. A., Portland. Ore, lis W Depot Fifth and I Hupns. nvcrlttinl lOipross Tialns fr tialvnt, liltsrhtllg. Ah In ml. Hsoiann tit", ligilun, hn Kian ClM'll, Kluisvs, Iam Arrlvs 7; 30 p.nj J'Si) a. in 1 11 .m Angi lvs, l;l i '. I New in leans and llio Kast 7:M p m At Wood hum (daily sxcrpt Hun tly, uiiirtilnt It sin oiiiiictswlin tram for Mi, An gel, rllltcHun, liro wns vllls. Hpringflffld, and Nation, and wn lug 1 1 sin fur ML Aniisl and Bllvu Ion. ";30 a.iii Corvallls pa.ncn- HI.Mp.m ,l;IU.m er. 4 ;(0 p.m tHirrl tnn nisrii. gr Dally. HPsliy tc pt Uundsy. Hob tit th kms on sals bulwsen Ptrt laud, HttcniiiH'iilu and Hon Kranclsea. Nt rstr 117 flist class and 111 second t in, liu lulling sleo-r. Itnlos and tt- k t to ICsslern tlnU and i:uroiK. AUu Japan, China, Ilono lulu aud Auntralia. Can bp obtained J. II. Klikland. llckt A"lil. 114 Third slrret. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'sssenger diKit f t of Jortorton It Leave for 0o dally at T 10, a in.; 13.10, I 51, 1 i n, I ii. t ot, II 30 p. in.; and 0 a m. on Hundaf only. Arrlvt at Portland lslly at t It, 1:30, 10,60 a in.; I J, 1:14, Ho. 1 14, 7: 10. 10 00 p. in.; II 40 a m. dally ti rept Monday; S.JO and 10 ui a m. oa Huntnyt only. Lravo for I'alns dully, rirrpt Sua day, at 4:30 p. m. Arrlvt at Portland at Ii) a. m. PoMsngrr train leaves Dallss fof Alrlls Mondays, Wrdntsdsys and Frt days at 2:S p. nt. luturns TU'sdaya, Thurailays and Katuidsys. Kxcrpt Bun. lay, 1L KOEHLER, Msnag-r. C II. MAHKItAM, Gen. KrL and Pass. Aft Oregon Short Line Railroad. T1IB DIRECT ROUTS TO Montana, Utah. Colorado and alt Eastern Points. Gives choice of two favorite routes, via the I'nlun Pai'lila Kit Mall Lint, or the Ida Uranus hernia Llneo. UKJK AT THE TIME 1 Duys to Salt Like 2J Du)h to Dtiivtr 3 Days lo Chicago IJ Days to N'tw York. Fret reclining chairs. uphotstsrt4 tourist slurping cars, and Pullman pal ace slreiwrs. operated on all trains. For further Information apply to Or C. O. TEltltT. W. E. CO MAN, Trav. Pass. Agt. dsn. Aftat K4 Third Ht.. Portland. Or. O. W. LOUN8HKUKY, Agent O. IC A N. QUICKEST. SHORTEST and MOST DIRECT LINE TO TUB EAST - SOUTHEAST IS TUB TWO DAILY POMD VKHTIIIULED i KAI.N9 LKHH THAN TIIIIEIS DAYS PORTLAND 10 CHICAGO Through Palace and Tmirlut Kleenera. Dining and Huffet Library Cars. Firat. class liecllnlng Cholrs-Frce. POltTLAND . DENVEIt, KANHA8 CITY. OMAHA and CIIICAdO without changs. Only one change to NEW YOltK, ItOHTON and other Eastern points. For rates, tickets and full Informs. lion, call on or aldress, O. W. LUUNHUERIIY. . A Kent o. u. a N.. Astoria, Or, Or J. II. LOTH HOP, llen i Agt., "Q. intra Bt Portland, Or. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leavs. " POltTLAND. irr!r 00 a m.H'ortlsnd Union DapotJUiU s.tnT Mp.m.lfor AMtoria and lnter-1 9:40p.m ItntHllatt points. ) I A8TORLC 7.4a.m.For Portland k ln-lf:Iam. I" p m i'Prmedlate polntt l:l p.m, BKABIDB DIVIHION. in. la. m 6;00ll:S.'.fLv am. p.m. 4:00 la 1:1 1:10 ..Aitorla.... Ar w.rr.n..n Lv 1:401 6:i.ill:6r,IAe 5:M!l2:U;l.y :i l:(WAr ....flesld.... Lvi SPECIAL BKABIDH SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at I:N a. m.: arrives at Seaside :4t a m. Passengers may return on n train shown on scheduls on sama data ALL TRAINS to and from Swtstda rua ot Flavel and Hammond via Warrtn- ton. All trains makt closa eonnaotlona at Ooble with sll Northern Paatfio tralnt to ana from tht east or Bound points. At Portland with all train lurtn Union depot At Astoria with I. R. ft V. On.'a bast "d rail Una l0 and from Ilwana North Hatch points. THROUO' TICKETS on sals at As. oHa for ' '"l'rB '"d EuroptiaJi points. ' tlsl street. j 7 uTo Osn'l TYt and Poat. Agent Uavs I IIP