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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1900)
THE MUKXING A8T0K1AIN. TlEdlA. MAY 9, IKK) JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main 661. TEllMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mail, per year $6.00 Pent by mall. per month 50 fervid by carrier, per month. ...... .60 SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year. In advance 12.00 Post ace free to subscribers. All communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communications ot all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "This Astorlan." The Astorlan guarantees to Ha ad vertlsers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. . Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. It is not a good thing to manipulate foreign policy for the sake of influenc ing domestic politics, and the present ad ministration, at least, has not done it. It is an Infamous thing to try to em barrass the foreign policy of the gov ernment for the sake of Influencing domestic politics, and that ts just what a lot of the opponents of the admin istration are now doing. The effort to make a scandal out of the allowance to army officers In Cu ba from the Cuban revenues has fallen flat. The president, through the sec retary of war, has frankly sent to the senate all the facta asked for. It ap pears that up to the first day of April a total of 117,441.66 has been allowed to army officers for the extra expense they are under In their administrative work In Cuba, and these only to of ficers holding four positions, those of governor general of Cuba, of governor of Hawaii, of governor of Havana, and of treasurer of Cuba. The allowances were made by Secretary Alger, and are Justified by the fact that similar allowances were made, with the appro val of congress, to officers engaged In the civil administration of Mexico and California In 1S49 and 1S33, respective ly. It may be argued that congres sional authority Is necessary for the Cuban allowances, but under Senator Platfs constitutional construction, this is not necessary, as Cuba Is foreign ter rltory under the president's military control It would not appear, then as if the enemies of the McKinley ad ministration could make any capital out of this Cuban business. Other issues are too important for the peo ple to worry about such picayune busl ness. Those who are always express ing fear that the president may usurp too great authority to the danger of the republic think the contention of the president's exclusive power In Cu ba should be challenged, but that 13 all there really is In the allowance business. It may be, however, that there has not ben sufficient care in auditing Cuban expenses, but that ouId seem to be something for which the administration must answer to the people and not to congress. oovernor Merriam, director of the census, has Just issued Instructions to census enumerators covering every de tall of th. ir work. It Is Important for the people generally to know what are the rlffhn of enumerators, and for that purpose mey may De summarized as follows: They have, under the ceneus Lum When your throat and lungs are perfectly hcalihy you needn't worry stout the germs of consumption. They don t attacK healthy people. It's the weak, debilitated, in flamed membranes that are first affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs and make con sumption more easy. If your lungs are weak SCCU'S EB3SSI3D is the best remedy you can take, It soothes and heals and gives tone and strength to these delicate mem branes. In this way yoj can prevent consumption. And you can cure it a!w) if you haven't had it too long. Keep taking it until your lungs are afmn tvrf yntir WWM rMtnred. L At ill rtmrriiu; oc. And i.oo. O SCOTT & bUWH E, Chemu, New York. act, the right to admlssln to every dwelling and to every manufacturing or mechanical establishment to obtain Information for the census office. They may put every 'question contained In the census schedule and obtain ans wers to each and every one of thorn. They ore cautioned not to obtrude needlessly upon any person, and. It Is staled by Director Morrlam, that It is of the utmost Importance that the enumerator' manner should, In all circumstance-, do courteous and con dilatory. Should objection be made to answering any question, a note Is to be made of the same' and the fact reported to the supervisor for the dis trict in which the enumerator is em ployed. Enumerators are instructed no", to accept any statement they believe to be false and not to communicate to any person any information obtain ed in their official work. In canvassing a district no enumerator Is to omit any dwelling establishment or re donee, not to enter upon the schedule of population the name of any fled tious person or persons, and for a wit ful falsification of the returns a fine, not to exceed five thousand dollars and Imprisonment not exceeding two years may result. No enumerator In his official work can act as canvasser for newspapers, magazines or for the sale of any articles, nor can they delegate their authority to any other person. They are to devote at least ten hours a day to their work. Sun days excluded. They are not to lose time or m jney In their canvass and on tntering a house to transact their bus iness quickly and leave. The work Is all to be performed under the direction and control of the district supervisors. who have authority to discharge enu merators for negligence. Inefficiency, incompetence or any misconduct. In terpreters are not to be used unless absolutely necessary. Enumerators get four dollars a day. Enumerators are given particular instrucUons as to the filling of their schedules, as to what constitute residents, mechanics, farmers, etc. Especial attention la to be given to mortality schedules, care being taken to ascertain cause of death, age and occupation of deceased. Judging from the pains that have been taken to make the census which Is to be taken in a little less than a month accurate, it should be the best yet recorded In our history. THE CASE OF GOVERNOR TAYLOR St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Few men in political history have been subjected to as hard an ordeal as Governor Taylor. of Kentucky. Through no fault of his own he has been hounded for months by a venom ous party conspiracy. A native of Kentucky, a representative citizen al- way3, the father af a large family, an i i . . i , . industrious man in quite moderate cir- cumstances, he was called by his fel- quarantine fetation, Astoria, Ore , . son. In accordance with drawings and low republicans to head the ticket at specifications, copies of which may be the election last November. It was known that his opponent for governor, the champion of an unfair election law. would be the first to grasp its base ad vantages. In the election every county board was in the hands of Goebel, the author of that law, and the state elec tion board was of his party. In spite of this partisan trickery, that must have added many thousands of votes to the Goebel showing, Taylor came out of the contest with a plurality. The state election board, composed of dem- ocrtas, confirmed it, and Taylor was In- f. S. bonds 'to secure clrcula au?urated on the day legally named for L tlo,n , i that purpose. In the Goebel law is included the I procedure by the legislature"ln case of contest." No definition Is made of grounds to contest The senate and house combined appoint a Joint board numbering eleven members, the names to bo drawn out of a box in a manner prescribed by the law. The board of content in this case as it came out of the box consisted of ten democrats and one republican, a singular dlspropor- tlon when the true ratio was not far from six to five. While this board was going through the motions of an in vestigatlon, evL-ry step of which was prearranged, and whose reault, regard less of Ihe evidence, was absolutely certain, the murder of Goebel occurred. To this day there Is nothing known as to the Identity f the murderer. The political associates of. Goebel prevented an inquest. Their whole effort has been to charge the murder upon the republican state officials and through tnc-m upon the republican party of Kentucky. They sent out of the state or legal help of evil reputation, after providing a corruption fund of 1100,000. From this witches' caldron they fished witness who played the role of a fellow-conspirator against Goebel, and on the strength of -whoso unsupported word a state officer and other repub licans are kept In prison without ball, WASHING FEATHER PILLOWS Fwrtitt Fllfowa mtti wuMnt one i fttt, ChooM i kriiht, tunar dt: till Iri too hlt Mlo ttrttutli ilmotl kolllu btj dlwelrs aeuh Gold Dust Wisiing Powder la ll to mtU t rood sud; put oat Of twa pillow la, cnordlnf to !, pmh thcra up lad dv tad rub thm httwtca tht htadt aoiil clcta. II one tudt it oH taouth, uw two or more; rlnM la clear wirm wtttr. wring tt dry tt pottlblt, tad htn tbtn out; whtn dry, thtkt wall, and thty will bt tt llht tad toft it lev pillow. Tl m uk from m tn4 MM "uouu aiua iva aotMWvks." Waaaniwik TNI H. . r.mAMK OOttPMT. at, Ink Nov Vara, and an Indictment Is found against Governor Taylor himself. These- Goebellios, instead of seui'h Ing for the murderer, are playing a game of partisan politics and personal revenge. They set out to build up the semblance of a theary that Governor Taylor conspired to kill Goebel and to have the shot flrwl by an assassin con waled In the official building the gov ernor occupied. In all the annals of assassination there Is no charge like this. A plotter of murder from ambush would lie an Idiot to arrange for Its consummation from his own windows. Goobers bl; ter .-st enemies were In his own party, and the shot, judged from personal feuds, could not, without di rect testimony, be attributed to polll kal animus. If the bullet came from the executive building, a point no: proved. It Is reasonable to suppose that It was fired by some one who secreted hlmstlf there to throw suspicion on the wrong track. Such Is the Invariable custom of stealthy murderers unless of the mentally unbalanced class. Gov ernor Taylor has been Infamously per secuted ever since last November. His life hns been In danger day and night for weeks. He has been continuously racked In mind and body by the Goebel gang of wolves for the crime of getting more votes than Goebel received. This Is the extent of his offense, and the Vmerlcan people, knowing it, give him their profound sympathy. FRED WICKMAN INDEPENDENT CAN DID.iTk KOK SHERIFF FRANK . STOKES REITBUCAN NOMINEE FOR RE RESENT ATI VE GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS. Treasury Department. Office. Runer. vising Architect, Washington. D. C. ecelie p- .m- on tne 2Sth daX of Mav. 1900, an,i tnen opened, for the wharf and disinfecting and bath houses at 'the lnl 0 "ce 0I,tne office of the JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bonk OF ASTORIA. At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, April 26, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts J2I3.584.77 Overdrafts, secured and unse- r-iif-awl 145.48 12.500.00 89,166.24 9.414.63 890.07 26,354.40 oiuiMi, wi uriies, eic Estate LUe from Natonal Banks (not reserve agents) Due from State Banka and ranJi "r.V":"""--"-.. I si aj)iuir,u ICOCIVC agents 90.S01.12 Checks and other cash Items. 1,160.63 Notes of other National Banks 160.00 Mckols 46.05 Lawful money reserve in Hank, viz: Ppecle J112.14O.O0 Legal-tender notes 374.00 Re(lempton fund wIth g"2'5"-0 treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation) 625.00 Total 1587,362.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 23,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex panses and taxes paid 29,610.59 National Bank notes out standing 6,250.00 Due to State Banka and Bankers 1,532.47 Individual deposits subject to check. .1398,598.18 Demand certificates of deposit 77,341.13 Total.... ..1587,362.39 STATE OP OREX)N, County of Clatsop, ss: I, 8.8. Gordon, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of May, 1900, C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Jacob Kamrn, W. F. McGregor, William M. Ladd, Directors. 1 Ji It Dk Shilohs toiKjh and rtonsiminfion Thl it beyond cjurt!n the tnott uecrful l'uuh Meli cino t-vr known In oirne: a few dntrt inv;'.ru!.'!v euro Iho worM rsr of tV'.!h. I'tutip ami HtiMK lnt', wliii it won uVrful m-rr-i' in tli cme ot Consiimtnton ftth.uit a par allel in the luxio' vol mrdicino, Mnca it lis.t ilu.ivery it lm Iwn o!il in a cmiantrr, a ttst which no other tneieino can tanl. If you li.ivo n toiiRh, v.e rarnrilv ak ynrt tuttyit. In I'nitrtl .sute amt t'arailo '.-., .Vv mul l.m, and in KtiKland Iv ;.l and Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. Corrects all blemishes of lV,fiInM tne face- remove blot lllSQOni S "ies. Pln i'l". tan. sun- Durn, recKies una manes Kobcrtinc Sf. a beautiful complexion. Is also the best tooth ash, and excellent for derange! stomach. L. LEBECK Carpenter and Bulkier General Contractor HOUSE RAISING AND MOVING A SPECIALTY "ine world Owes Every Man a Living" But what sort of living is it with a pool stove or range iu kitchen? liny a Star Estate Range They insure good W- J. Scully, Agent US 431 BOND WSTRUCTIOKS GIVEN. ORDERS SOLICITED Miss Bertha Hartln's Decorative Art Room. Koom H20 IXkom Building, 3d sad WEDDING WEDDINS CARDS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING W. C. A. Polil, fflim rRMEI. Undertaker, Embalmcr and Funeral Director. Caskcti nt Futiornl SumiIIp eoniUnt- ly ou liaint. Cmuor 11th ami Pmute Hts, Astoria, Ore THE IDl'YKE. Strnnr visitinu In tne city will find u.o ixiuvro an attractive resort wherein hi "iini fTviunit. i no Amino Nislor Ladies' Urolieslra. Is still on the hills an.l presonU nlnliilra mtini.-nl m-numm xtHHnai merit, lliimlsome pool sud nmmra rooms a' a renlur In eomiiM'llon wiili Hip lioimc. ruhttalilo liinclirt will ix rviHj at all uoiira J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder WHITE COLLAR LINt Coluinbl River and Puget 8ound Nar- igation Company. - Ralley Gatxert leave, Astoria dally 'th ountiay II 7 p. m, leaves I'ortlamJ dally except Bun da r at 7 a. m. whit Collar Line tickets and 0. R. A N tl k. Ini..l,.....i.i. I1..M .Z " - -- - .Nliacawil vit VUIIVJ Gatxert and Hassalo. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria.. Art. u. o. dlu it, Toiepnona 11L rretiuent. Th. Frederikson PIANO TUNER INSTRLVHON N 'CELLO AND VIOLIN rhone 1)71 H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephon 221. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Coodt Shipped to Our Car Will Retelva Upeda) AttenUon. No. Mi Duana St., W. J. COOK. Mfr Astoria, Or. Ilea. Tel. 1131. Dr. T. N. Hull DENTIST. tn Commeroltl Street, ASTORIA, ORHl Ova Bchluasel'i Clothlnr Btora. A JOLLY FOUR they are, and all are smokers of our cigars. Tnose who know good things won t have anything el, and hence the fondness shown for our goods by well Informed votaries of the weed. We touch them wlnnlngly In the right spot and never mar previous pleasant iiiiprensi Ions by giving out something t from the rea-ul&r lin On dlfferen brand. Remember Me; "General Steed man, nve cents. Wl MADISON yon get ST your living STREET full Line of Ncttcit embroid ery Materials. Initials i Specialty, Choiee Selection ol S'amping Dcsijjns. . ' Stamping Neatly Done. M'a'hlngton H(., rrtliind, Or, CARDS M ft CMITH pn 11, VI. Willi III U UUi, ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Building, 4th and Wsshintrton Hts. ovor LltlV . POKTLAND, OKEOON. CARDS trnli 1 TIMH 5CMI1tUM15 rioiu foiUmnl. 1KI'ART AMI! i hictito rorllmiil Him IA. in rial, via lliiiitiniituii, lu Oinali, t'!iU'iiu 4 p. III. 'ia all hiuu I'll OrrrUiiil KiinM. VI X llllllllllll Ml NIKl Via rivciktur. Id linn vnr, htiiut I'll v, ( hi ratio. HI, I'. nl. Mil' wtukoe.aiulall iiiiiula Hail. 0 0 p. in. la tn. oil Ftoiu AiUirla jOCUAN ITtiAMMIIP All Halllm Pale nib liM'l to I'lianm. " Jut Han raucite.t-Hall s.n, is, l a an Co I cm ll a Itlvwr Htrnira To Purtlaoil 4 Way Landlnia. 7 a m 4A tit alUbday KiHuuitay sm Fmik Port land i 10 . in Ki tiunUMy WIl.LaMKITK KlVKIl Ki ttutulasX Orviion Cliv, NawtMir. HafMii A WtMaiiil a. 1 jWlllamatU a4 Yaa- ta. m. Turt.Thur bill Klvtr. Ill to Hum ami Hak lOrrfoii City, lyuu, A Slid flU nay l4tiiuiii(a. I lllrl. lv dljr 5nakt Rlvtr, HIrltto:wiiloti. I.T UwUlu .3 a m dally i i ua. n. tarn ,H'M,MRTIK ItlVKH 4: V p, tn. Mad, Wed 1 1 nr.. 1 lull I'orllauil n C.j-v.lll , I S.liinlAv siuway aim way iuhIIik. r'rlday O. W. LOUNSHEURY, w. if. iiunLuunT.1"1, A,,ort- Gen. l'n.a. Agt. Portland, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS . .i.i-ii iruno Br contemplating a 'ZZZJ ob ulnnble as far as snd. comfori and Tt-l I . . ... safety Is concerned. Employee of tha .SCONS IN CENTRAL LINES art i'iu to wrve tne duui o and our iralna are operated to a to males dote con nection with dlvrrtlnw tin.. . .n Junction points, l'ulliunn Palace Bleeplnf and Chair vaia tm mrouKn trains. i'inin car service unexcelled. Mcala la crt. m order lo obtain tha Drat-olasa ser- vice ask the ticket agrnt to sell you a ticket over. ... . The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connection! at ,7 . 1 "!r -nlcfo. Milwaukee and Fur any further Informailnn rail n ii.-, . :: . ." asmi, or correspond w th JA3. C. l'OND. Qon. I'aVa. At. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee. Wla. General A rent. Hi Stark 8L. Portland, Or. Iioxuiiious Travel THE ''Northwestern t.lmll." ll.. e,ctrl Hfhted throughout, both Inslda ani1 out. and ateam Jieated. in aviih. m "lP"on ,n nn'at trains In tha ""u. i iirjr cmooay in latest, newest and best Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ever ofTnrod th inv.iu. KrtWpK; ohi v uuiiui'ra mrii These Hplendld Tralna connect With The Great Northern ' The Northern Pacific and . The Canadian 1'aciric AT iT. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for thou nn.rin linnmnin.l,.iln. a "witunnii nii nu classes of tick et are available for passage on the ramoua "Northwestern Llmlil ah rr'Vn? T tnl "ne are Protected by the Vif ioock sysiem. . ti. on C.AD, F.C, SAVAQUJ. uoncrai Agent, Ticket Agt. Portland, Ore. A. familiar namo for the Chicago. Milwaukee & Bt. I'aul Railway, known Kr r.?:' Upderaund: Connec n.e H,nae Wltn mi tranncontlnent. al lines, assuring to passengers the best service known. Luxurious coachea electric light, -team heat, of a verity e'liialed by no other lino 7 mZ iOT tu'k,f Ma, via "The In thn T'nii J b ..." . V? tny. Plnt n tne United States or Canada, ticket acents acll thom - - - I'lnici ur uui ann. am i Kor ratrn nnmni,!.... ..I . . mallon. addroM ,nl0r" J. W. UAH ICY. n 1 rnnv victim, x'ornana, or. I I K K I S to all 0llVA OninlTQ nncT Throueh Pain Tl?y??JXVil)rnrY nervation carV. KLI2GANT VKSTI1JULK THAINH :20p m yCr" kaVe" rorllan t No. "a. '"Flvr .rri,,.. t..i. -a 8.00 a. in. """ ".uunu tor rates, etc., call or address y - LOUNSB1SRRT, As-ent Oram i i. A- Of A. Tl, C. DENNTHTrtM ' C P, & T. A., Portland, Ore. WW 11 1ITI7I PICT... Q 0BN4,5'IAIW J A I .Mil I II Dt'uot fifth and lavt 1 Hiifflt. Arriv Overlulld Kiirai Tralni for fttloin, lioauuif, Ash land. Hanianiniito. "7:30 (igden. San Km rt- (! II t,a Cll'0, aioikv. u AUK'lea, KI I'aa I SO a. tn Nciv tult-arn and lT:M p.n i no cmi At Woodburn (dwily axi'dpt tun day), m.iriiln train eonnerlawhn train fur Mt. An ltd, Bllveiion. 1 1 r o w n v 1 1 1 . Hprlmflold, and Nation, and avvn Ilia train for UL Anl and Bllvr Ion. 117.30 a,ui Corvallls paan l!l.0,m 11-lU.m I r. II4.M tttirrl lnn paeu- I ar Dally. Ill'nlly ttccpt Sunday, Rebat tl. ksta on ult hilvuii land, Hui rniiuMil.i and Hmn KranotVaM, Net ratsa 117 (Irat claaa and 111 bmvixJ clttta, Including iicivr. Kates iu t",t u ICaatern rxlaU and Kurojw. Aim Japan, China, Ilouo lulu and Aimtralia. Can bw vbtaln4 from J. II. KlrMoiid. Ticket Aiil 111 Third atrret. YAMIIII I IHVUtilvf res.ngcr ttaiot foi of jrf'turi Leave for 0it. dally at t in h u a. m.:, i 6i. i n, ;n, i j l:07 H SO p. in.; !,d i oo a. in. on Hundar only. Arriva at IVrllnnJ dally at H ll 7..0 10 00 p. m.s'uwV m. Uy'; ept Mondtty; ,j j9 H Hundnys only. a Leav fr Jl,n ,.,, B 2?y't.V:m.,,,m- Amv l'n(tiiBrr I, a ... t,.n. . Alrll, Monday. Wvdncadayt anil Wni lays at J 11 ,,. ,. It.turni TursdayL Hiuradaya and Hlurdaya, -r.xiei.i Bun.lay, It KOEIILLIt, Manacr. C. II. MAltKIIAM. (Jn. ftu and iaaa, Aft Oregon Short Line Kailroad. T1IC DIRRCT MOtrr -rrt Montana, Utah. Colorado na an taitern Polnti. OIvm rholre of . tlw Itlo Orand. Hcenio Unta. it.. ..... .i mail una. Ol 1-OOK AT THE TIME I .... It Ihiys to Salt Like 2 J Day x to Dvuwr 3J Days to Chicago 1J Days to New Vork. Qf ui hi. won apply q C O. TERRT. W. B COU1V O. W. U)UN8UERRr, .. Agnt o. a 4 w. QUICKEST, SHORTEST ana MOST DIRECT LINE SOUTHEAST ' aicToav TWtI?Y. VRHTIRtJLED ","", ''"ii THAN TIIHhIIQ 1MYH PORTLAND TO CHICAGO I Inlng and liurfi-t Library Cara FlraU class llecllnlng Chalrs-lW ''TLANO to DKNVKR.'ITr' OMAHA and UIILAOO without change, "nly one rliungg j0 NKW YORK, HOHTON and otlmr KhmIito polnta. Ior rates, i ... .. lion, call on or addreaa Agent O. Jt. A n., Aatorl. Or VI w,ri,t01'. O. n i Agt., H No. 1JB Third Ht Portland Or. Or AND COLUMBIA LiVi ponn i i ma m"u., i 1, ""''"i 6 M r', m J Ti"1" Unlon D"P'.li " t'L"! nn'1 "r- :40p.m p0",", I ' ASTOnU ',?!l!-.Por rt4 A ln-H:Ma.m. " '"'KTineaiate point 1:M p.m. i "RA8IDB DIVISION. IP ni.ln. m llitUy Tt liAST AMD 13 TUB m a.m. p.m. . Ar 7:40 4:00 I.v 7:M I N " Ar 6:1.2 1:11 . Lv 1:16 1W .. Astoria, ,, .,M.uiiAr .Warrenlon, ..Hranlde., SPECIAL SKABIHH 8UNIMT TRAIT leaves Astoria at 1:10 a. m.; arrive at 8easl4s 9:45 a. m. PflltAHIfna. . "hown on schedule on seme date. ALL TRAINS to and from Riiuld. rua ot Flavel and Hammond Tl Warren- ton. au tram. m.k, ,-. MOobls wlth all Norn Pacific iu ana rrom the east or Hound nnlnta .A rrllanl with all tralna leaving Union depot. At Astorl. with I. n. h N. Co.' boat f. .ra" lln and from Ilwaco and womn Beech point. ""olJ? TICKETS on sal at Aa. I tOT-U tnm -r.---'m'nto. Ra Fracleo, all .atern and Knrnn.n ..i.,. ,.r Wket offloa AatnrU Iti Pvmmaik T n uAwn Otn'I Fr-t and Paae. Agant,