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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1900)
TUK MOItNLNO AHJ'ORUN, 8IJNIM, MAY K, 900. 5? ON MONDAY May 7tli mid Sth MR. ROLFE sx. ltcjireHi'iitiMg BtnuiHH Bros., Cliicngo, America's Leading Tailors, Will bo nt 0. II. COOH5IWJ with nn deRiint line of tlio Latent Woolonw in tho piece. Orders' taken and fit guaranteed. C. H.COOPER $ Sole AkciU for Awtorla. W TODAY'S W BATHER. I'OUTI.ANP, May 6-Orrgon, (Kin alonnl Imht shower. Probably warmer 1urliiK tho afternoon of today. All contract for ndvcrtlslnu. In the Antoilan ura made on a iintco of circulation lour tluw- lurcr than that of any paper published or circulated In Olat mop county. AROUND TOWN. l'lg for ale at nton's stable. l!ore for ale at Oaaton's stable. ('. II. Jackson of 1'ortland U at tho Occident. BBaaMBBSS Mr. Kate Paly la visiting friends In lid illy. I). J. Mourn of Portland spent Sun day In the city. John rinli y of Portland I nglatered at the Pnrker house. C. H. HpiiuiT of I'utilln. Ireland, 1 visiting friends In tM city. lint ll-rrnt mral. Rising Run Res taurant, 611 Commercial stroet Jeff restaurant ths largest And bvt. A trial will convince you. The Ftnte of California passed up from Hun Francisco yesterday morn ing. II. C. Miller, editor of iho Cath luimt Gaxvite, wa In the illy yrstcr day. Editor ltluckford of tho Clatskanlne Chief wa a visitor In Antorla yctor day. W. E. Tnllant has turchiid tho steamer Drink a. a tender for lit can nery. lMinl p. McCarty of San rrancseO, well known writer, I visiting In As toria. Wantod.-To rent a centrally located (umlihed houte. Addrea. X, car As- torlan. Inspector of Hull and Holler Ed ward and Fuller came down from 1'ortland yuMterduy to Inspect the Edith. Tho lighthouse tender Manmnlla ha returned from Portland, whew ahe un derwent repair, and will go on duty at once. C, II. t'OOPKK hM baan appuinUd Hula Agaot for Astoria and vicinity for the ramou. KXOX HAT). Th Utoat Sum- nisr llloekajutt relil. Thu barkifitlne Chehnlls cleared yes- terdny for Australia with 720.017 feet of lumber and 67,703 feet of lath, val ued at about 110,000. Roslyn coal laita longer, la cleaner and make lei trouble with dove and chimney flue than any other. George W. Sanborn, agent. Telephone 1311. The city surveyor hu filed a report with the auditor, pronouncing the crossing nt Thirty-first street and Franklin avenue and, also, the latter treet to the car barn, a In an unsafe condition for travel. Let tho good work go on until every street and aide walk In Astoria la In proper condition. rtttST 15-CENT MEAL SUN RESTAUIIANT. RISING A FREE mi FIVE-CENT PACEUG To every Man, Woman nwny on Saturday, May Astoria, viz.: Eagle Drug Co., Thcos Olsen, N. N. SHAMPOO .The most wonderful Vegetablo Compound for softening and cleansing the Hair, and a positivo preventative of Dandruff. The paekngo will be given freo to every person for one day. 250,000 packages sold in San Francisco in sixty days. AND TUESDAY I A small place at Clatsop for ul or rent. Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tugg, Parlor Candy Store. Herring A Cook, Commercial street, betwon Tenth and Eleventh, la the only flrct claaa all-night lunch house In Astoria. Crrum rure Itye. America's flneit whisky The only pur good; guar anteed rich and mclljw. John L. Carl son, solo agent. The very flm-at The no plus ultra. Tho rreino do la creme. That' Har per Whiskey In three language. Hold by Foard & Stoke Co., Alorla. At tho Congregation church thl morning there will be (ervlcea conduct ed by Prof. II. fl. Lyman. Kunday cIicmiI u uhuiiI. No evening m-rvlre. The Biar restaurant, 26 Commercial atreet, now open for bualnea. Meal K. cent up. The beat to be had In the city. Cilve It a trial for your dinner today. Th ubJM t of next Bunday's morn ing aernion at the Haptlat church will Iw "Hulvatliin from Hln and Binning." That In tho evening, "Chrlat, the Teacher." (leorge liarker luia retunied from Htunford I'niviraliy and will take a p. l Hi in In tho Aatorbi National bank until the full term of the unlveralty begin. Roslyn coal I the beat and moat eco nomlcal coal for household use In As torla. Try It once and you will have no other. Oeorgo W. Sanborn, agent. Teljphone 1311- Uev. Edward Curran and wife left lust night for Alonka. They anil trm Heat He on May 9 for Cape Nome, when, II' v. Mr. Curran will take rhargu of the Ht. Hernard mlaaton. Havo you registered? If not, why nolT The man who fall to register taken from hlmaelf tho one thing that makea all men In this country equal the right to vote for whom and what you please. Adolph Holaon, who for the past ten nuinlhs has been at the Point Reeves llfo-aaving station, returned to Asto tin on the California steamer yculer- ri;iy morning and will remain here per' inuneutly. Tho Western Union Telegraph Com rnny ha lnnued a notice to all opera tors that tho Corbott-JcfTrles fight will lake place before tho Seaside Athletic Club, Coney Island, on next Friday night. May 11. It I announced by local patrons of the (little art that Yoat, the Portland boxer, and Oeorgo White, a Victoria pugilist, havs been matched at a aide for a twe-nty-flvo round contest on May 26 in this city. Bcholllcld & Hauke are sole agents for the celebrated Rlue Ribbon flour. It Is manufactured by Gardner Pros., Btnyton, Oregon, anj consumers are "uutloncd to notice that this name and uddrcH appear on every sack as It Is undciatood that Imitations are being offered In the city. Telephone 81, Notice to property owners building residences and stores. We now carry a complete line of mantles, grates and tiling, electric, gas and combination chandeliers, and all supplies pertain ing to electrlo and gas lighting. Photo graph's cheerfully sent on application, FRANK HOLCOMB & CO., 215 Wash ington St, Portland, Or. and Child, will bo given 5, at all of tho druggists' in Conn Drug Co., Charles Rogers, Pears' soa responds to wa ter instantly; washes and rinses off in a twinkling. Christ Wlldt, a na'.lve of Germany, and James L. Court, a native of Great llrllaln, wer admitted to cltlienshlp In the county court yesterday. Prof. IIckk' class will give their dosing exhibition of fancy dances In ccstuniH at Foard & Blokes hall Friday evening, May II, at I o'clock. Muy JUeen Will be crowned. Messrs, Ocorge II. George and W. II. Darker, of the Columbia Ulver Puck ers AsHiH'lutton, have gone to I'uget sound on liualness connected with their private csnriery Interests there. They will be absent a week or ten days. Miss Margaret Klsmere, the leading lady of the "Knobs o'Tetinesaeo," Is one of tho brightest ant most nutural oi (rrsst e of the duy, rihe possesses all the necessary attributes to dramatic success. Bh). will be seen tomorrow evening at Flsher'a opra house. Go lo see tho greut Southern play. "Knobs o'Tennessee" at Fisher's opera houso tomorrow evening. It Is full of tear, luughter, comedy and pathos. The performance tannot full to please. Beats are now eelllng at Griffin & Heed's. Bubject at the M.-thodU church this morning: "That Ancient Law not Abro gated." Kvenlng iiubj-' t: "Ho smote tho king between the Joints of tho hurnesa und he died." Mr. Bmylhe will sing a solo. Kver)body kindly In vited. The steamer Harrison started for Tillamook yesterday morning but found the weather outside too tough lo warrant her proceeding on her voy age and consequently rhe returned to port. Hho will make another attempt this morning. August Nelson had a grand opening of his new saloon on Commercial street near the 'Tat" market last night. There was an abundance of good things for the scores of people who called to welcomo Nelson in bis new venture. The transfer of the fhlps Lord Tern plelon, Drummulr and Dumbarton to ! lully Incjrporatcd Victoria com panies, und the registering of theso ships at Victoria, is understood not to Indicate any new or special employ ment for these vessels, but merely a move for th convenience of the own era. In lust Ice Drawer's court yesterday the Jury In the case of Jack Hill, charged with assaulting and beating Frank Manson, disagreed. The trial of this rase has created some Inter est as Hill has been In similar trou ble her before. It Is understood that the nuthorltl?s wll Intdst upon a sec ond trial of the case. Many persona villi learn with regret cf the resignation of H. W. Peterson as night operator of the Western XTn lon. For several years Mr. Peterson has held the position of night opera tor and hln unfailing courtesy and willingness to accommodate patrons of the company whenever possible, have been appreciated. Ho goes to Port Jatnl to accept a position with J. C. Cullls. broker. Reports from the upiier river give promise of the long expected flood. This will be welcome news to fisher men, who have been longing for a swift current and high water these many days. According to the lust re port the rise nt Umatilla has been .07 a foot In twenty-four hours and at Wenatchee 1.4 feet. This should give a rise hero that will be noticeable. Oregon Exploration & Development Company, capital 1100,000. Dan J. Moore, president: I. B. Hammond, vice president; Geo. T. Wllletts, secretary; J. Frank Watson, treasurer. This re liable company Is the owner of the Golman mine which Shorey & Ohlson are negotiating with Astorlans. J. W. Hnttey, well known here, Is tho engi neer In charge. Four similar compan ies have been organized In Portland by the same parties. Sheriff Llnvllle is on the lookout for a young man whose arrest, If made, will cause something of a Kensation, The party In question presented two chocks to Charles Wise a few days ago and received $S0 in cash on them. Tho checks havo turned out to be forgeries. White the party who passed the- shocks Is not charged with forgery as yet, he is strongly suspected of be ing guilty of the same or of at least knowing that tho checks were forger ies when he passed them. The largest single carffo of flour ever sent abroad from the Paclflo Nortl west and with possibly one exception the greatest ever exported from the United States, was that of the steamship Ooodwln, which cleared from Tacoma lust week. The Goodwin took 5S.S13 barrels of flour, valued at $167, C34. This, says the West Coast Trade, is 16,000 barrels more than the previous record shipment from the Sound car ried by the steamer Proemar In 1897, and over 10,000 barrels more than ever went in a single shipment from the Columbia river, though the big freight er Algoa made a record shipment from Ban Fran'dsco, The Goodwin's cargo was destined for nine different Oriental ports In three different countries. Mr, Alfred Schroder, deputy grand chief ranger of Court Astoria No. i, Foresters of America, ha returned from Portland, where he went to com Plelo the arrangement for the visit to the local court of the grand court officer accompanied by a delegation from the several Portland courts. The local court on next Tuesday evening will Initiate thirty new members and the visitors will assist In the cere monies. They will arrive on the noon train and as the goat belonging to Court Astoria has been turned out to pasture, they will bring with them the gout used In Portland, and will see that the new members receive a warm reception. After the Initiatory ceremon ies the local court will give a banquet In honor of the occasion. Attention Is called by C. II. Cooper to the regulur periodical visit to Asto ria of Mr. J tol fe, the expert cutter for the firm of Btruuss Hros., Chicago. Mr. Rolfe can be found at Cooper's store on next Monday and Tuesday, where he will be pleased to exhibit tho latest fubrlcs In men's tultlng. Mr. Itolfe does his own measuring and designing, and his presence affords a rare opportunity for those who appre ciate fashlonubly made and perfectly fitting garments. Mr. Rolfe can suit any taste and accommodate any siz ed pin ki t-book. The citizens of As iotlu generally are Invited to call and inspect his line of goods, whether they desire to purchase or not. I-OLITICAL NOTES. Non-Nominated Independents Looking for a Place on the Hullot County Canvass to Com. mence This Week. The republican candidates, w ho were regularly nominated for office by a convention, and who go on the ballot under a regular party heading, are viewing with some amusement the scramble thut Is being made by their opponents for a place on the ballot. All the candidates, i utslde the re publican nominees, now go on the bal lot. If at all, by virtue of petition. They are all Indejiendents now and, under ordinary rules, the first come, the first served. The men who bolted or were kicked out of all parties, as some of them were and 'hen had the nerve to run as independents, have the right to the first places on the ballot, because they filed their petitions, as In dependents, first. This means, of course, that the can didates non-nominated by the citizens convention, and now Independents by petition, must take the second place. or even the third place on the ballot, and be content. As statis tics show, the voter who cannot read or w rite, or who can do either or both In but an imperfect' way, generally votes for the first name on the ballot for each office under the heading of the party to which he belongs. In the coming election, the voter who does not want to vole the straight republican ticket, and who Is not thoroughly com penent to read the ballot, will find him self In a maze from which It will be hard for him to extricate himself. If he votes for the first names on the ballot under "Independent" for the various offices, he will leave the non nominated citizens out In the cold en tirely and there Is the fear. How can the voter who don't know the dif ference between a klcked-out Inde pendent and a non-nominated demo cratic Independent be Instructed so that he will vote right? There are two candidates, however, who are sitting In easy chairs, with their heels on the table, this election. They are H. J. Wherity, the sole nom inee for county clerk and R. C. F. Astbury, sole nominee ior county sur veyor, both republican candidates. There Is a lesson, too plain to need explaining, In this condition of affairs. Men elected to office In Clatsop county will do well If they heed the handwrit ing on the wall If they want future political preferments. Tomorrow the canvass of the coun ty Is supposed to commence In earn est. The candidates will visit all of the precincts In the county and while there will be no great hurrah attend ing these visits, all the voters possible will be seen and the lssuea of the campaign thoroughly discussed. The republican candidates will leave for the country In two parties. Some of the officials now In service, and re nominated, cannot desert their offices to make a canvass and they will, con sequently, leave their fight In the hands of their friends. Just what the Independents will do if. not known. They don't know them selves what they'll do. They must do something, but handicapped as they are, It is hard to decide which course to steer. The canvass of the coun KAAAXJLJLJIXJLXAAAAAAAAAAAAAA; If3 l "3 U U T PILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS; SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH, and Kindred Diseases Srvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ty must of a necessity now b large ly a personal one, since they have no party to tie to, and this will mean lots of hard work and each candidate must get his own votes. THE OIIEOONIAN'S TRIBUTE. Astoria's Old Time Enemy at Last Give Bpuce to a Few FaU About This City. When Jimmy Montague, the Ore gonlan s witty note and comment writ er, was In Astoria this week, he was given an opportunity to sec the Inside, as well as the outside of Astoria, and was In the hand of a skillful pilot, Dan McAllen. His Impressions of this city, as set forth In an article la the Gregonlun of yesterday, are given In part In order that we may nee ourselves hs others see u. Especially valuable is tho article comln as the voluntary tribute of tho Oregonian, which has heretofore never lost an opportunity of saying anything and everything It could to the detriment of Astoria, of tentimes regardless of faets. Mr. Mon tague's article in part reads: Never before In the history of As toria has the bueslness outlook been so bright, nor has her destiny as a Krettt seaport aeemed any more assur ed. Although the llshing season has opened on the Installment plan, the in dications are that the run will be un usually large, and it is already ahead of the average. Although In the thick of a hot po litical ctunpulgn, the people are not neglecting their business, and they have plenty of It to do. The store keepers ail report that trade is brisk and growing better, and the streets bear constant witness to Increased ac tivity. Idle men cunnot be seen, and teams and trucks and delivery wagons are at times so numerous that they block the pussage of the trolly cars. Improvements are visible every where. Many old shacks are being torn down and replaced with substantial residences and stores, while carpenters have their hands full building addi tions and making other Improvements to the better class of buildings. There are no empty houses. The hills are all fresh and green now, and where the firs have been cut down a growth of tine alders has sprung up, affording delightful places for picnic grounds. Around Smith's point the hills rise gently In a series of terraces, which will no doubt some day be cover.! with fine residences, as they afford ideal location for homes, commanding a fine view, and being easl'.y accessible. Near the edge of the bay is a tract i f land well adapted for shipyards or Iron works. The district Just west of Tongue Point is another part of Astoria which will be available for manufac tures as the city grows. There is practically no bottom to the bay here, and the shore sweeps away In a wide, level shelf, on which there is abun dant room for both mills and resi dences. East of the point. Just across the narrow neck which saves It from being an island, is a well-protected bay, where a wave never rolls, and which furnishes the best Bite for a log boom on the whole Columbia river. Negotiations are now in progress for a mill at this place, and if It is built It could not be better situated. Five canneries are tn operation, and are all ahead of the season's pack, and em ploying large forces. The fishermen's cannery has been a decided success. having paid well ever since It first started. The saw mill and the box factories are behind on orders, and extensive im provements have been made to thler plants. Uppertown is now a busy part of the city during the day, fairly humming with industry, end long lines of workmen night and morning going to and from the mills shoy that the pay-roll is by no means small. The hotels and lodging houses are now well filled, and there is a pros pect that they will rind their accom modations too limited before the sum mer rush to the beach is fairly on. Preparations are making for a grand Fourth of July celebration, the chief events of which will take btace on the river, where the fireworks are to be held, and where several warships are expected to help out the patriot ism. Altogether, business men regard the situation as the most promising that has yet confronted the city, and be. lieve that the largely increased bus! ness of this spring is the dawn of an era that will give the city what its situation and advantages entitle it to, and build it up into a seaport that will have few rivals on the Pacific coast. LOCOMOTIVES RCN WITH OIL. One of the largest tallroads on the Pacific coast has decided to substitute oil as fuel for Us engines. But whether the expermlment will prove a success remains to be seen. In this respect It differs from the famous Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which has made decided success in Its fifty years of cures of stomach ills such as dys pepsia, indigestion and biliousness. Do not experiment with unknown remedies when this safe and reliable medicine can be had of any druggist Try bottle and be convinced. It will build up your debilitated system, strength en your weak stomach and make it capable of digesting the food taken into it, and when this is done health must naturally follow. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. United States to John YVIsner-160 acres in section 31, township 6 north of runK'e. 7 west; patent. John Wisner to A. M. Holter south half of the southeast quarter of sec tion 31 T 6 N, K 7 W; 1300. I'nited States to Wm. Geddes south west quarter of section 24, T 6 N, R 7 W; patent. The Astoria Company to H. S. Wll lard undivided one-fourth Interest In tldclnnds situated In east half of Cof Hnberry donation land claim; $3,300. f IMPAIRED DKJESTION, i DISORDF.RFD LIVER and ( r-tMALE AILMENTS. MTS. k 6,000,000 box REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. ! Total Number of Names on th Roll to Date. Beginning Monday next the county clerk's office will rmaln open oach evening, until the 14th Inst, for the accommodation of those desiring to register, Astoria Precinct No. 1 197 Astoria Precinct No. 2 206 Astoria Precinct No. 3.... 200 Astoria Precinct No, 4 233 Astoria Precinct No. S 225 Astoria Precinct No. 6 177 Astoria Precinct No. 7 130 John Day Precinct 22 Hvensen Precinct 3 Walluskl Precinct 29 New Astoria Precinct 101 Warrenton Precinct 36 Clatsop Precinct 42 Haslde Precinct 84 Melville Precinct 30 f'r.adsr!! Precinct 42 Toungs River Precinct 23 Uney Precinct Zl Knappa Precinct 44 nifton Precinct 66 Wcstpoit Precinct 21 Vespar Precinct , Jewell Precinct 29 Mishawaka Precinct 23 Klsle Precinct 30 Push Precinct 19 Total to date 2093 MR. LYMAN'S DENIAL. ASTORIA, May 5. Editor Astorlan: Not to prolong a discussion evidently becoming distasteful, allow me to state for the pacification of Mr. or Messrs. Blank, or Blanks, (since the Astorlan cannot furnish evt-n one name from my numerous critics), that I have never used the name of Agulnaldo as on a par with Washington's. From such In formation as I had I considered the Fil ipino leader a brave man, and especial ly from his refusal of money from the American commission, and his treat ment of Gllmore, thought ue should be called a hero. It was not myself but Senator Hoar.or some other eminent republican, who originated the famous or obnoxioub comparison, with this eminent man. My critic, or critics, or the Astorlan reporter, has gotten me confused. Thanking you for inserting this correction. Vours very respectfully, II. S. LYMAN. HAS NOT RESIGNED. An evening paper last night says: 'The commissioners of the Paris ex position appointed sornettve ago by Governor Geer haw resigned. They are Alex Gilbert of Astoria, Mme Smith of Portland, Dr. .Miller of Baker City, and Mrs. Wm. England of Salem. Mrs. C. W. Know les of Portland, who Is now In Paris has been appointed as one of the new commission." So far as Mr. Gilbert Is concerned the above Is Incorrect. He has not resign ed but has.on the contrary, made ar rangements to leave for Paris on June 10th in company with Mr. Pltto-.k, busi ness manager of th Oregonian. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. A N. which went into effect April 22nd. shortened the time to Chicago 12 hours, and gives a double daily service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. J, leaving Portland at :1I a. m. is known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout making It fully the equal of any train now in service from the Pacific coast to the East The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at S:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East together with the best of service to all local points on the O. R. & N. lines. SOLFILINE. Solfillne! Solflllne! If you are sick and tired of rubbers. which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to save continual re soling of your shoes; if you wish to longing the life of same at least fifty per cent If you wish to save grew lng your belts in your manufactory, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Solflllne cn your shoes and harness. Buy your shoes only of those who have that scientific remedy. Take no other. Address, PETERSON & BROWN, General Agents, Astoria, Orego. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place in service April 29 th a New Train between St. Paul and St. Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. Every mother thinks there Is no baby on earth like her own, and every other mother is glad of It. WEDDING CARDS wtD"13 m W. G. SMITH & CO., VISITING CARDS ENGRAVERS BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washington Bui'dinf, rnnnro mnTE nniMrrnc th 811,1 Wnshinrtnn IS tn. over Litt's, COPPER PLATE PRINTERS POKTLAND, OREGON. VISITING CARDS a $ ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. Kuropesn p!n, Soe to $1,50 per dy. American plan, tl.00 to 2.00 per day. BALDWIN'S Health Tablets. A moot ortmvtlflc iA hormiirn It rMWo remedy In all form of coiwtl pntlr-n, dyta, InlmtlmU fermotvtaUuH ud IUKKlhnM of the llvor. iterilml stivtutlr eonoliuidvely prove, that ait least 90 pw cent of the American ttf-pla are sfTllcrted with Santo fnully lo tion of ths secretory glnmts of h lnm acn, intestines or liver. Tfiousrrttful people do not im calomel. Mil matts, or (trlplng Mthsxtlra for conMlputlon in thla en lightened ace. The rwnr iwmedy, Baldwin's Hearth Tab lets. Is a tru lAver Tonic sjI gmll lajatlve, henr a pofdtlv cure for cmwtl patlon, blUousnms, dynpnpMta. irtckhoiil ache, dizxlnna, fa. Th mt obstinate Hum yield to thesa snuUl tablet. R. W. TanMll. the Chlrairo millionaire el: man (of Tanalll Punch (a fume), says: "Baldwin HenJth Tablet are th best rtmerty for oonsll patlon, hi I loudness and tcrpid liver I have ever uel." B tirearrt Frank De Vere of Battery K, Third Artillery, Regular Army, U. 8. A., ays: "I (falned twenty-five pooiuhi on my hut Crip to Manila, and rurt a day of Blek nem, by ustn BaMwin'a Health Tablet thu best remedy for roost I (Mutton I ev used. Thy rernl.-ite he bowels nnd mk a nuut fef piod." Tablets cost Jt cent. Rnd a 2-cent rftomp lo tho E L. Pold win Co.. Ban Krunrlseo, tut modical martial for self trentmenL Baldwin's KemtiJle are Bold by FRANK HART. Successor to Th. Ols-.-n, 00-2 Com. St. OSTEOPATHY. Or the scleno of drugless healing. Specialties chronic and nervous dis eases. Examination free. DR. C. J. RAMSEY, Cor. Fourteenth St and Franklin Ave., Astoria, Oregon. 1 to B p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. NET LOST. Near Desdemona Sands on Saturday night; about eight papers twine, 9!4 Inch mesh, half new. Corks marked K. O., buvy marked A. S. Finder notify Co lumbia River Packers Association. Pretty Women Vear Pretty Wearing Apparel And can get it lanadered as aice as ake caa be at the Columbia Steam Laundry J. W. DALTON. Prop. Work called for and delivered. Fisher's Opera House L. E. SELIG, Lessee and Manager. r.IondajvKIay 7 CHARLES H. HAYSTEAD PRESENTS ...ROBERT GERMAIN.. IS THE BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTION 4riAnjtnnnruniinjvruiAJxruuirii Einobso' eHrv vinnruuuv uxnuoruiinnnrufi .BY HAL REID. Author of "Human Hearts," "Old Hickory," "Knobs O' Tennessee." Admission 75 end 50 Cents Seat Sale Opens Saturday Morning at Griffin & Reed's. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manaijer- J. C. PENDEGAST, Chief Cler k w