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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1900)
l'UK XUKNLNU A8T0K1A. THUllSpA. MARCH 9, 1100 gaily gCctottmn JOHN T. LIGHT ICR, Editor. Telephone Main Ml. TKUMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by matt, per year $6.00 Sent by mall, per month 50 Si-rvrd by carrier, per month... M SEMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year. In advance 32.00 Postage free to subscribers. All communications intended, for pub llcatlim should be directed to the editor, liaalness communications of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "Th Astorian." The Aatorlan guarantee to its ad vertlaer toe largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. AdvortUing rates can be bad on ap plication to the business manager. Several days ago Premier Laurler of Canada announced that the Joint high commission would meet shortly. It wilt be lemembered that before this com- mission are the disputes between Cana da and the United Slates which have not been productive of good feeling be tween the two peoples. The question of greatest importance to the Cana dians Is the Alaska boundary dispute. Canada claiming certain territory which heretofore has been undlsput-id- Iy conceded to the United States. It is intimated that Premier Laurier's announcement Is at the Instigation of the British government. That the commission will meet Is probable, but only a tittle time ago it was announced at our state department that there would be no meeting, at least for a con siderable period. The Inference is drawn from the proposed meeting that Ore it Britain, before consenting to ac cept the Hay-Pauncefote treaty as the senate proposed to amend it permit ting us to fortify the Klcaraguan canal will want some concession from the United States. The natural concession she would desire would be the right to Pyramid Harbor, Alaska, which she claims is hers by right, which claim the United States denies. Of course the people of the United States will not consent to the cession of any of the Alaskan territory which Canada claims, and they would far rather a the Hay-Pauncefote treaty defeated and be forced to abrogate the Clayton Bui er treaty, which the Hay-Pauncefote agreement amends. THE WRONGS OP FINLAND. Congress has before it a concurrent resolution of the Michigan legislature which urges the president to express to the czar "the serious concern of the United States because of the abroga tion of the act of assurance of Alexan der I., the abolition of the Finnish con stitution, and the consequent destruc tion of Finnish autonomy." It is impossible to commend such of ficial intermeddling with the policies of a foreign power, but the sentiments of the resolution as regards Finland' wrongs are eminently proper and truly American. No political outrage which is being committed in the world today so thoroughly deserves our hostility as the tyrannical attack upon the lib erties of the Finns. From every point of view it is vicious, deplorable and discouraging to the friends of freedom in all parts of the world. To begin with, it involves a most The Best Food for Infants Nature planned that infants should have only milk for at least the first year of life. But thin milk, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat, that does the work. This is be cause fat is positively neces sary for the growing body. sccirs Emulsion contains the best fat, in the form of Cod-Liver Oil, for all delicate children. They thrive greatly under Hs use Soon they weigh more, eat more, plry better and look better. Ifijust the right addition to their regular food. The hypophosphites of lime and toda In it are necessary to the jpowth and formation of bone and ictih. ' At til Srwrrtata K. aa fi.oa. i 8Q0TT BOWiCaiMa,IwYk. shameful breach of faith. The Rut sian government has bound Itself time and again t6 respect the Institutions of the country, as it did In the original compact when the ciar became the giand duke or ruling executive, not for the Russians but of the Finns. But now this important distinction is nbol Ished. The people who were protected In their legislature, in their language, in their exemption from foreign army service, the Intelligent people anvwg whom Illiteracy is almost unknown, are being made the slaves of an over bearing autocracy, the unwilling asso ciates of a horde of Ignorant and semi civilized Muscovites and Cossacks. A great tragedy which was Inaugurated by the Little Father of lies Is being rapidly pushed to its consummation. With such a prospect the breach of faith becomes the more intolerable. If the aggressors themselves hud some conception of civil liberty, If they pro posed merely the subatltion of one form of self-government for another, the fu ture would not be so black. But their political principles are those of an un limited despotism. They know nothing of the rights of man or men, and their sole purpose is to despoil and to op press. In the scale of human Intelligence they rank but little higher than the servile populations of Asia, and If their leaders have something of the Intel)! gence of the West they are oriental in their cunning, cupidity, unscrupu- lousness and ferocity. Their oppres sive system, built up through years of sedulous care, is the inheritance of each successive ciar, be he gentle or savage, and binds him with bonds of steel. Wherever it Is extended It must bring overwhelming disaster to a free people. The Finns, few In numbers, betrayed and powerless, can do nothing against It and have no alternative except to emigrate which they are doing by the thousand. If ever there was cause for a sincere protest of civilisation here it Is In full measure, ripe and ready for the consideration of American mass meetings although not a matter for governmental action. PROPHETS WITH BLINDERS. New York Tribune. The future historian who may bur row Into the archives of the United States for 1900 will notice the singular fact that on the 20th of March both the great parties were beaten accord ing to declarations made by some of their leaders. There were republicans who were displeased because of things done or not done about Puerto Rico, and who were solmenly assuring hear ers that if the election were held that Jay Bryan would be chosen. The same day there were leading democrats whose disgust at the platform adopted and the speech made by Mr. Bryan at the Nebraska democratic conven tion led them to declare that he would be buried under a mountain of hostile majorities, and beaten worse this year than in 1896. Evidently the two sets of prophets cannot both be Infallible. Something has been overlooked by one or the other, or by both. But when men insist upon looking at nearby ob jects only through a narrow tube they always fail to see some things, possibly of more Importance than the things they do see. It Is well to put blinders on a cart horse so that he may see nothing but the narrow path ahead, but it is not well to put blinders on the driver. Infallible estimates of the future are not to be expected from men whose minds are fixed exclusively on a single phase of events. The republicans who assert that Indiana and Minnesota, and even Illinois, would vote against the party today because of Puerto Rico can remember If they try how dire disaster was predicted four years ago if the republicans put a gold plank into their platform. It was in about the same states, too, that Idiocy on the part of voters was then predicted. But Indiana gave 18,000 plurality for the gold plank and McKlnley, Minnesota 54,000 and Illinois 142,000. The things thes? prophets did not see were evi dently much bigger than those they saw. The people who predicted demo cratic victory through alliance with the popullnts had not a much wider vision. In a presidential year it is quite the fashion to be certain that things dis liked will bring utter ruin. A rather useful exercise of the mind just now is to consider what the mil lions of voters who supported each party in 1896 will think of the results after they have spent some months in discussion and In personal reflec tion on the subject When the cam paign gets warm the millions of re publican voters will hear from their democratic neighbors much about the "outrageous" and "shameful" behav- m yj g if The Washing Woman's Best Friend. Dr. Shilohs Couoh and nrwimintinn This is beyond question th. mint successful Couich Medi cine ever known to science: tew doe invariably cur. th. wort cae ol I much, l itup and Btcnrhitis. wh't it won derful stuvrt in th. cur. of Consumption it without far Del intnchistury of mediciEe. Sine it fust t!:scmTry it Ha been sold on a euarantve, a tett which no other mciiicln cn aland. If you have a Connh, w. earnestly auk you totryit. In I'niteit Mntsati't Cansila , 4ic. and flu), and in England Is. d is. id. and .Cd. SOLE PROPRIETORS rV &CWells&Cah LEROY, N.Y. HAMILTON. CAN. Sold by CHARLES ROGERS. tor of their party, and they will natur ally answer by reciting what it has done for the whole body of workers, whose wages have been largely In creased; for the business men, whose transactions have more than doubled; for the great Industries, whose prog ress has been such that a diagram of them for the last three years looks like the profile of the Palisades, and in victorious war, for the honor and fu ture safety of the Nation. How large a proportion of them will have these fruits of their wise action in 1896 re called to them every day for five months and then vote the other way? Of course, there are cranks so const! tued that It Is to them intolerable to agree with sensible men, even with their sane selves of yesterday. But are they more numerous than the demo crats who have learned something from the last four years? Men who have the prophetic fit on them may with advantage think of the revolution which has been wrought In the feelings of American citizens. It used to be a little fashionable for sons of other lands to commiserate the weakness of the republic. It used to be doubted whether the people of the Southern states, In case of any foreign war, would stand under the Stars and Stripes. It used to be impossible to put through congress In a day or two, all parties helping, bills appropriating 3W,000,000 for defense, or 12,000,000 for charity, or raising 1200,000,000 by loan. This nation has not only been united as it never was before by events of the last three years, but it has reach ed a maturity and soberness of thought about national interests and duties ut terly unlike anthing in its previous history. The demagogues who expect ancient tricks to work in the old way may report the result next winter. The prophets who ignore all the re cent past may discover that they are a whole generation behind the new born American nation. TO PARIS IN 1900. The passenger department of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway has taken advantage of the current in terest in the Paris Exposition and has printed for free distribution one of the most charming books of the season, en titled, "Glimpses Across the Sea." Iu contents describe a recent voyage acroEs the Atlantic made by Bam T. Clover, Journalist and author, and In cludes his diversified . experiences in London and Paris. The "ailmpse" are entertaining and instructive to the prospective western patrons of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, who may be contemplating a trip to Europe. The enterprise of the railway company in auguraung such a happy departure from the ordinary methods of advertising is commendable. PEACE DECLARED. Why devote all your time reading about the Boer war and the gold fields of Alaska? There are other matter f vital importance; you may make a trip East, and will want to know how to travel. In order to have the best ser vice, use the Wisconsin Central Rail way, between St, Paul and Chicago. For rates and other information write JAMES A. CLOCK, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. V! Best Powder. Dirt's Worst Enemy. Love at first siRht is often a genial ami gvtiumi sentiment, but uift love at first sight is ever eventually brund ed as spurious. "One Minute Cough Cure Is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It la uneualtsl for whooping cough. Children all like it," write II. N. Williams. Uentryville, Ind. Never falls. It is the only harmless remedy tint gives Immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevent consumption. Charles Roger, We sometime II nd that memory la as rare a quality as prediction. No affections and a great brain thitfe are the men to command the world. No affections and a little brain such Is th stuff of which they make petty villains. Mr. J. Sheer. Sedalla, Mo., saved hi child" life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. Us an infallible cure for cough, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron chitis and throat and lung trouble. Relieves at once. Charle Roger. You cannot Judge a man by only knowing what his debts are; you must be acquainted with his resource. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral spring, and grew worse. I used Kodol dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It di gest what you eat Cure Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all form of dyspepsia. Charle Roger. Men do not like to be balked when they think they are doing a very kind, generous and magnanimous thing. A a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pain Balm I gaining a wide reputation. D. B. Johnston, of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled with thit ailment since 1862. In speaking of It he ay: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acta like magic with me. My foot wa swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Charle Roger. Man : mimetic; we repeat without thought the opinions of a third person, who ha adopted them without in quiry. It take but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cure all forma of throat and lung trouble. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and Its after effect. Cha. Rogers. The character of a woman rapidly developts after marriage, and some times seems to change, when In fact It is complete. My son has been troubled for year with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime bko I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he wa cured. I give this testimonial hoping some one similarly afflicted may read It and be benefited. THOMAS C. BOWER, Glencoe, O. For sale by Charles Rogers. Everything come if a man will only wait. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt, says: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWltf Witch Hazel 8alve curt! her." A specific for pile and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. Charles Roger. Princes go for nothing without a loan. J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says: "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for pile but I cured them with Dewltt' Witch Hazel Salve." It Is Infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counter feits. Charlea Roger. One grape will not make a bunch, even though a great one. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says: "I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol dyspepsia cure complete ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relief in the worst cases. Charles Rogers, Beside a free press, you must have a servilie public. DeVltt Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for con stipation and liver troubles. Charles Rogers. The decay of a race Is an Inevitable necessity unless It lives in desert and never mixes Its blood. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS, Sealed proposal will be received at the office of the light-house engineer, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock m., April 3, 1900, and then opened for fur nishing and delivering provision for light-house tender Columbine during fiscal year to end June 30, 1901, in ac cordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposal and other Information may be had upon appll cation to W. C. Langfltt, captain, corps of engineers, U. ,8. A., engineer Thir teenth Light-house District No More Back Ache U ..nor . y 1 MvMM GRAVE Lfo CONSTIPATION. INnAMATIONt'fi BLADDER, ait) S ALL KIDNEY DSfASS . -5 FurltVe th. blood by eliminating all poisonous matter, stimulating th se cretion, regulating the bowels ana aid Ing nature In throwing off that which make a yellow skin. Th effect on the COMPLEXION I quit pronounosd, a a few day us will domonatrau. A SURE CURB FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Year' Constant Us Without a Failure. The first indication of croup la hoarseness, and In child subject to that disease it may be taken as a cure ilen of the approach of an attack. Fol lowing this hoarseness If a peculiar rough cougn. It Chamberlain a Cough Remedy is given as th child become hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It Is used In many thousands of homes In this broad land and never disap points the anxious mothers. W hay. have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It ha not proved effectual. No other prepnntl m can how such a record twenty-flvs year' constant use without a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. THE PROOF of rb. pudding Is to tt satis and th proof of Button IS IN SAMPLING That's aa argiMMM that's cso etusiv a dnonsuUosv Ours srill stand As tsat HUGHES & CO. T JWLr ( srk a rs raiacc tare . W WlimK, rrti'r. JL Fiimi tftUinit Itrti tf Su f riKlx OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attonllve Servie. Kirst-Clx Cuisine, Private ltoomi (or Ladies. m 533 Commercial Street, Astoris, , THE LOI YKE. Strmiifers visiting in the city will find tbe Lonvre an attractive resort wherein to spend the evening. The Aranie Histers Ladiei' Orchestra is still on the bills and present ninhiiv a mnsical program of exceptional merit, Humlsonie pool and billiard rooms are a feature iu connection with the houe. i'alutuble lundiri will lie served at all noma L. LEBECK Carpenter and Builder General Contractor HOUSe RAISING AND MOVINQ A SPECIALTY H.F.Prael Transfer Co Tslephoos 8. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Cars Will Receive Special Attention, No. UM Duans St, W. J. COOK, Mgr Astoria, Or. Brm. Tel. lit W. C. A. Pohl, conn cocom. Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Caskets and Funem! Knnpliea constant ly ou hand. Corner 11th and Dunne Sts, Astoria, Ore J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Builder WHITE COLLAR LINt Columbia River and Puget Sound Nav igation Company, Bailey Qatzert leave Astoria dally except Sunday at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun day at 7 a. m. White Collar Lin tickets and O. It & N. ticket Interchangeable on Bailey Oattert and Hassalo. A J. TAYLOR, Astoria, Aft U. B. SCOTT, Telephone 1U. President, I I A Its w wJoliut TIM I! MKimut.rts r'toiu lurlWml. PKI'AHT Aaaiy Hslt lkd lieny.r.n.' . , Worth, Omaha. Kan-' Fast Mail I p. M. a imy, hi Ixtula, ...r" Dpoiant river 1 41 p. m. Walla Walls, HlMliana. Mnnkana MliiiieaiHiiU. fklW, Vi,:,, IHiliilh. Milwaukee, ' I'lilKiuioaiiil Kast, ..! Front Ailnrla OC0AN TBAM5NIP5 All Kalllli, Dalf utv' ioi l in I'llaiigv. . . an Krancwctv-Hall Msr.M.M. ,, Coli'niWa Rim HtMinara To )rilanit a4 Way Landlnaa 1 a in K Sunday 4 lilt Jau day From Portland ' . , tfllUXKTlK K.VK.Il I am F.t bnu iay jOrvi"0 t'liv, NwNr, Wliwn n api,aul a. WlllasMtu aad Vasn hill Klvsr. Tarn. Tupa.Tliur aim 81. II W p. m. o-i.ei Oregon City, la)rvn, and frl. way jiiaui. Hlparla lv dly 1 lua. iu. I. Uwlata n.-t" a is ! 'iiiy 5aks River. !UrltolttUlaa. lam Vum, That Saturday WIM.AliKT' K HIV Fit : Op'm. r.irtlaii.l l l'rtalll Mad, Wed auit I.I t.tlitlnfa Vrl.l O. W. LOUNSDKRRT, Agent, Astoria. Vf. II. HURLBURT. Oen. 1'ass. Agt, Portland, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ar contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want ths beat service obtainable as far aa speed, comfort and safety U concerned. Employe of ths WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ar paid to serve the pubtlo and our trains ar operated so aa to make close con nections with diverging lines at ail juni'iion points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, steals served a la cart. In urdir to obtain ths first-class ssr-vli-e. ak the ticket agent to sell yoi a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connection at Ht. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points Kast Tor any further Information call en any ticket agent, or correspond with J A3. C. 1-OND, Oen. lass. Agt, or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis, Oeneral Agent, 146 Btark St, Portland. Or. IiuxuRious Travel THI'3 "Northwestern Limited" train, clectrlo lighted throughout, both Inside and out, and tam heated, ar with out exception, the finest train In th world. They embody the latest, newest and beat Ideas for comfort, convenience and luxury ver offered th trawling public, and altogether are the most complete and splendid producton of th car builders' art. These Splendid Trains Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific at it. paul ron CHICAGO and the CAST. No extra charge for thee superior accommodation and all classes of tick eta are available for passage on the famous "Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by th Interlocking Hlock system. W. H. MKAD, F.C. 8AVA0B. General Agent, Ticket Agt Portland, Or. JO " A familiar name for the Chicago, Milwaukee ic Ht. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Rail way running the "Pioneer Limited" train every day and night vetween St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train la the world." Understand: Connec tions are made with all transcontinent al lines, assuring to pasengera th best arvlna knnun T.iivitHnn. AnAftk.. electrlo light, steam heat, of a verity awuaiea ny no oiner line. Hee that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United State or Canada, All ticket agent null them. Kor rates, pamphlets or other Infor mation, address, J. W. CAS BY, C. J. EDDY, Trav. Pass. Agt., Oen. Agt., . Portland, Oregon. Portland, Or, PrifAT . TICKETS to all EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleep ers dining and library observation cars. ELKOANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. 4, "Flyer," leave Portland at 3:45 p. m, No. J, "Flyer." arrive Portland at s:w a. m. For rate, etc., call or addres O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent O. R. & N., Astoria, Or. OT A. U. M, DHJINNISTON, C. P, ft T, A., Portland, Ort, Dr. T. N. Ball DENTIST, m Commsroial Street, ' ASTORIA, ORB. Orer oslnsssl'g Clotfaio Stora, Q omNiiMiMTAJ'l Dl'DOt Plflh aaS Lvavs I Streets. ( Arrlv uveriunii Ki press Train Mr Baiam, KOMblir. lah. land, baoramrnto. 7:30 p.m Cgilen, Has Fran- ft: II Unco, Moiavs. Los Angvla. id I'ssol rao a.m Npw Orleans and (V:M p.m mi MUt At Woocbura (daily except Hun day), morning train connects wlio train tor Ml. An l. Siixrion, hrownavlll. Spring nld. and Natron, and even ing train lor ML Angsl and Silvar- 111:30 a.m Corvallt Lassen- IU, . ll:tts,a II4.&0 p.m mlertlan passso . I r Dally. llDaily sscept Sunday. Rebate tickets on sal between fart- land. Harraniftito and San rraaulso. Not rates 117 first class and U ssoaM class, Imtudlng sleeper. Hates and tickets to Eastern pots and Kurop. Atao Japan, China, iloas lulu and Australia, Can t obtalosd atri.' YAMHILL DIVISION. depot foot of Jeffsrsoa S I-eav for Oswego dally at T H, :) JL m.: II.J0. 1.IS, ,!:, l.U. I I; rept Monday; 8:M and II M a. m. en Sunday only. Leave for Dalai dally, exoept Sun day, at 4:30 p. m. Arm at Portlas4 it I lit i m. Paaaenger train leave DsJtas ftsr Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 1:4ft p. m. Returns TiifsdsTS, Thursdays and Batortays. Except Sunday. Tl. KDI1II.KR, Manage. C. U. UlRKILiH flea. Frt aa4 Paaa. As. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THl DUUDCT ROOTS TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Crivae oboica f tww favsrtta ir"l 1. sin ws Valoa Paotno Fast sua Ltoa, or ths Rio Oraad Seen Lssssv LOOK AT THS TIME li Uuvsto Salt UU 2 J Days to Donrcr 3J Days to Chicago 4 J Day to New York. Free rsoUnliif ehatrs. nohoaitara baa 1st slsspkag ears, and runaaas pabvo sleepers, operata os a trains. For further foforssatto. anpry Is Or Astoria. Orasrosv C a TIRJIT. W. B. OOHLUi, Trav. Pas Agt Oast. 4 U4 Third St. Porttssjd. or. O. W. LOimSBBRRY, Agaot O, R. t H ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LisTs.' " PORTLAND. " IrrteaT 1:00 a. m.lPaetlajul ItnUM. 7.-00 p. m. for Astoria and btr4 i)ft.Sa. irewllats points. I T ASTORIA. 7.4 a.m.For' Portland A ln"-UliVis, I 10 p.m.termedlate points ll:MPJ. BKA8IDB DIVISION. p.m. a.m. :oojh:s5JL,v ....Astoria... B:Sfill:6iAr .V,.(M1 :MU:U:Lv Warrantoa i?Li:!0l Ar:.' r SPBCIAL 6BASIDB SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 1:10 a. at.: arrrrss at Seaslds tM a. m. Passengers mar raenrm aa tmm snown on sonwiui on same sals. ALU TRAINS to and from ot Flavel and Ham mood via Vinw ton. All trains make olos oooomUoss at Ovttls wtta all Northsrs FselSo to and from the east or At Portland with an trains haVtBg Union dspot At Astoria with 1 R. N. Ca's lost and rail Una to sod trea. Ds-aoe a4 North Reaoh points. THROUO' TICKETS ea sals at As toria for ' amsnso. Baa Franca, all Kaat.m and lLuropaan points. City ticket offlo Astoria. 04 Of Janes. Hal street. i. d. MAYO, Osa'l Frt and Pass. AgtM. Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST y, in.; una .w m. m. on Kundss only. Arrive st Portland dally at l:J0. 10.60 a. m.j l is, 1:1. VL 1:2 7: to. 10.00 p. m.: 11 40 a. a. Aail ! JawntJKsv Lvl 1:M "AH tii 1,9 . Lvj l uJJ m . PULLMAN PALACE BLBBTPBRS, TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE) RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha. Chicago, Kansas City aad other Batrs situs. Bargass chsoksd rsronra 10 oartlrjat". Union Dpots, fast time, towsat , Plntaoh bent In all oaj. For rate and otnsr iaXormstloB eaO M or address O. M. LOUNSDimsY, As-ix ft raVts r 3. h. xynaiav, m Third St. so. Mmm. ..s3$