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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
ytdojr, March 21, 1010 ASHLAND TlblK'GSi Mi: t PAGE FIVfiT Quality 'First- XtXXttti Modern Porlrallnre Pictore Framing Framed Pictures Sfudo Ashland Kodak Finishing Kodak Films Pholo Supplies The Camera Exchange On the Plaza mtmiiiiiiiiiiitmttHmtHtiitnmttffln?ntw Ashland Lodge No. S3i A. F. & A. M. Special communication of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. k A. M., Mon day evening, March 24, at. 7:30 sharp- Worn on nrst aegree. vis iting brethren cordially welcome. F. H. JOHNSON', W. M. H. DAY, Setfy. LOCAL AND PERSONAL iMiinmiiiam Darling's for Kodak finishing. 7-tf Mr. T. L. Hunt of Hilt, Cal., was uii Ashland visitor Wednesday. High grade tailoring for men and omen at Orres tailor shop. Mrs. H. G. Enders has been spend Ing the past week In San Francisco District Engineer McLeod of the highway commission was a business isltor In Ashland Wednesday. Mrs. F. C. DUlard of Talent was In Ashland Tuesday afternoon call Ing on friends. Oregon Glee Club at the Vlnlng Thursday. Scat Kale opens Monday noon. Spring is here. Get your order in for that new suit at Orres tailor shop Mr. Burke, chief clerk of the mall jcrvlce. was In Ashland from San Francisco Wednesday. The girls' Armenian club of the Congregational Sunday school will Tiold a sale at 343 East Main street on Saturday, March 22. Frank 0. Kelly, of Prinevllle, Midler who has just returned from Trance, was a recent Ashland visitor Mrs. E. Magnusen and daughter, Gladys, of Hilt were Ashland visit ors Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Garrett left Tuesday evening for. Drain where she will vis it with a daughter who resides there, Floyd Leach of Lewiston. Idaho, was called to Ashland this week. by the illness of his brother, Lester C. leach. Mrs. Pearl Dodge, ticket agent In the Southern Pacific passenger sta tion at Berkeley, Cal., is a guest at the home of her father, O. H. John son, where she Is spending a vaca Winn Hays has gone to Sedro Woolley, Wash., where he will be tngaged In hospital work in the em ploy of the government. He wlil niter training as an X-ray expert in that institution. L. J. Hessenauer, who was former ly associated with P.oy Crouch la the Ashland Garage, was In Ashland this week. Mr. Hessenauer was s member of the 13th ammunition train and was discharged last Fri day from Camp Lewis. Mrs. J. M. Beaver arrived in Ash land Tuesday evening from Klamath county to Join her husband who had preceded her here, and will occupy the new house which they recently purchased. i THE CITIZENS! bank; 0 FASH LAN I The 1 Service Bank "We've always said that this Bank gives exception ally good SERVICE Its depositors. May show you just what we mean toy efficient, pains taking service? to we AVnti SAVINGS DEPOSITS 1 Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64 . Oregon Glee Club at the Vlnlng Thursday. 8eat Bule opens Monday fioon. Mr. Simons being seriously 11), Mrs. Simons has closed the millinery store for a few days. Robert Ellis of Oakland, Cal., is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs Charles R. Rose, In this city. Walker Thome of Seattle was a visitor in Ashland during the week at the home of his mother, Mrs. 0. H. Johnson. M. C. Reed came home last eve nlng to spend a few days preparatory to going on the road with the "Big Seven" Chautauqua circuit which starts out on April 1. A large number of the Ashland Commercial Club will go to Medford tonight to attend the three-town ban quet to be given in the Medford ho tel by the Commercial Clubs of Ash land, Medford and Grants Pass. Master Electrician Beecher Danford arrived home Tuesday from Camp Eustis, Va., where he had been sta tioned since arriving in this country from France with the 69th regiment Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sllsby of Cot tage Grove came to Ashland Wednes day on receiving the news of death of the former's brother, C. S. Slls by, and they remained over for the funeral today. John A."GraffIs, a resident of Phoenix, died in Ashland Wednes day night where he bad been spend ing the winter. His demise was due to bronchial pneumonia. The remains were taken to Ohio for burial. Mrs. Monte Brlggs of San Fran cisco arrived In Ashland Wednesday evening and will be a guest of rela tives here while she recuperates from an attack of appendicitis for which she recently underwent ' an operation. Jacob SERVED fourteen years to get his best girl. A man living near Ashland SERVED ("skimped") for fourteen years because his insurance agent didn't attend to his business. The Billings Agency gives special attention to all kinds of good insur ance. Rates as low and sometimes lower than "the other fellow's." May wo quote you rates? 12-3t Do You Know WHAT YOU ARE TAKING? THE NYAL Spring Sarsaparilla Compound Hasfan open formula and Is the following: Sarsaparilla, Stlllingia, Senna, Mandrake, Sassafras, Licorice, Yellow Dock, Prickly Ash, Potas sium Iodide, Iron Iodide. CALL FOR NYAL'S TAKE NO OTHER ' For Sale at Poley's Drug Store Poley & Elhart, Druggists Stove Bargains 25 Heating Stoves at Reduced Prices Your old stove taken in Exchange Phonographs on Easy Payments. Provost Brothers HARDWARE Geo. E. Mlllner has been appoint ed vice president for Oregon of the Commercial Travelers' Mutual Acci dent Association. The appointment came unsolicited and makes him a 'delegate to the annual convention in New York next fall. An iVt pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund HadfleM last Saturday. This little lady will answer to the name of Juanlta June, and Is a most attractive person. She has the distinction of having two great grand-fathers, George Hersey of Santa Ana, Cal., and Frank Ross of Ashland. A. Ji Thompson of Portland, who had been making a trip thru the south, passed thru Ashland Wednes day evening. Durjng his brief stop In the city he was visited by his aunt, Mrs. G. M. Frost, and family. who took the guest for a short auto mobile ride over the scenic drives of this city. . A. L. Strickland, former city elec trician, but who has been in the em ploy of the Pacific Power & Light company stationed at Seaside, Ore., hts been appointed manager of the Pasco and Kenwick district by the same company at a salary of $160 a month. He will have headquarters at Pasco, Ore. S !'' TALENT NEWS ' 4 air. and Mrs. Bowman1 visited In Medford Sunday afternoon. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rapp were vis itors in Aiearord Sunday. Mr. Jess Adams of Wagner Creek was, quite sick recently. Bill Wlthrow of Medford was a guest at the old home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will High and guests motored to Ashland Monday after noon. Mrs. George Carter and small son were shopping In Medford Saturday afternoon. ' Mrs. Fred Brandt and small daugh ter, Catherine, spent Friday at the home of her father, Marion Tryer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rader of Phoen ix were guests in town Wednesday afternoon. Mr. N. B. French and family of North Talent were guests of J. 8. Crawford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bonham left Monday evening for St. Cloud, Minn., for a "Visit with their daughter. Mrs. Marlon Tryer spent a short time Tuesday afternoon at the home of her sister, Miss Boosey on Mlllion tlre Row. Glen Wlthrow is expected home jevery day from the border where he has been on duty for the past two years. , Josh Patterson, J. E. Roberts. Frank Manness, Mark Kline were among the Talent folk who went to Ashland Tuesday evening. Miss Mattle Turner 'and small brother,1 Frankle, were guests of Miss Ann and Master Cad Ellis Sun day afternoon. Elmer Coleman of Phoenix was visiting his mother. Mrs. S. A. Cole man. Saturday. Mrs. Coleman 1 as been quite sick, but Is much better at this writing. Harry Mason left for Cannonvllle Saturday where he expects to obtain employment on the hlghvfty. Mrs. Mason and daughter left Thursday morning to Join Mr. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briscoe and two small daughters, Edna and 1 Fern. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Tryer and daughter Laura and son Donald, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Brandt. Church services as usual next Sun day at the Methodist church. Sun day school 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 o'clock. Prayer meeting 7:30 to 8. Teacher study class 8 to 8:30 Thursday evening. A cordial invi tation Is extended to all. Mrs, Wily Jones returned last Wednesday to her home on , Wagner Creek from Eagle Point where she had been taking care of her grand mother, Mrs. Knighton, who has Wen quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jones re turned a few weeks ago from Colo rado where they had spent the past year. Pse Tkatrc Monday, March 24 KLAW & RHLANGEK and GEORGE C. TYLER will present V The Season's NotaMo Success CC THE GLAD PLAY Ity Catherine CIiInIioIiii Cufdilng From the World-Famous Book of the Same Name by Eleanor H. Porter WiUi a Cant of Groat Distinction, ' and the original N. Y. Scenio Pro ductlon. Bring the "Kiddles" to see "Pol ' lyanna." She has the same mischiev ous appeal to children as Tom Saw yer and Hucklelerry Finn They'll love her. MAIL ORDERS NOW Heat Hale Friday, 10 a. m. Prion Lower Floor, $1.50; Balcony, Ixt 4 Rows, ' 91.00; 2nd, . 75c; Balance, 0c Mr. and Mrs. Charley Estes and small daughter of Battle Ground, Washington, arrived Sunday. They were Joined at Glendale by Mr. ana Mrs. Archie Estes. The party upon reaching Medford visited their broth er, Dud Estes, who is at present a patient at the Medford Sanitarium. They were aUo Joined at Medford by their father, W. W. Estes, on their arrival. The party after a visit with their brother proceeded to the fam ily home here at Talent where they expect to make an extended visit. Mr. Charley Estes and family expect to locate here. NOTICE! Beginning Monday, March 17th, Mrs. Simons will make special prices on millinery sales for one week. 13-2t CLEAN-IT DAY! To the Citizens of Ashland: Monday, March 31, is hereby desig nated as "Clean-up" day thruout the city. Don't forget the dato. Don't fall to make preparation for it. The city provides teams. They will call for. your garbago some time during; that day. Have it ready. Burn every thing you can, then put the remain der of garbage In boxes, bags or barrels and have them located where) they can be easily reached, In the al leyor In the street if there is no alley and by all means have It ready for delivery early. Let us make our city If possible the neatest, cleanest and most beautiful city. We have good reason to expect a very prosperous year; tho ground Is well soaked and the mountains are fult of snow for summer Irrigation which practically Insures a bountiful har vest. The paving pf the Slsklyous and the grading of the Pacific high way to the foot of the mountains, al so the grading of the road to Klam ath county line, means a good deal of work and a fine pay roll for Ash land. Let's have our city present able for the tourist travel which commences soon. C. B. LAMKIN, Mayor. 13-U John M. Scott, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific north of Ashland, and E. E. Penn, general agent of the passenger department of the Canadian Pacific railway, were Ashland visitors during tho week. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Thompson of San Francisco are ' visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ralg of 494 Holly street. Mrs. Thompson was in Ashland last summer and liked it so well that she has return ed with her husband and they are thinking of locating here for the summer. ' Mrs. A. H. Conner of Ashland, who ha3, with her daughter, Miss Helen, been residing in San Fran cisco for the past two years, will re turn to her home on Allda street soon. Miss Helen, who has been employed, for the past year, by tho S. P. Company at the Ferry build ing In San Francisco, will accompany her mother home for a month's va cation. . . The funeral of the late Lester C. Leach, whose death took place last Monday, was held from the Metho dist church Wednesday afternoon at o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. A. Edwards. .Mr. Leach was a popular man among his associates and his death which resulted from blood poisoning was a severe shock. Besides his wife and two sons, he is survived by six brothers and four Bisters. Interment was made , In Mountain View cemetery. VAUPE US' Quality Store PRING THOUGHTS are in every mind. Odds and ends of winter merchandise have been cleaned up; and it is a new spring stock that greets our patrons. All the new fabrics known are included for this season and awaits your inspection Neckwear Don't fall to Inspect our new line of Neckwear Just re ceived by express. All the latest novelties are included in this woqderful selection. Hosiery Owing to market conditions GOOp hosiery is hard to get. We have found a remedy for this condition in the well known Holeproof Hose. All weights and colors are car ried both In the silk and lisle for men, women and children. 50c to 92.00 pair Notions Our Notlou case Is brimful of everyday accessories. Com plete stock of every known article In this line can be found In our big collodion- Voiles Still again this popular fab ric leads them all in popu larity for the coming sea son. Our stock of this lead er Is more complete than ever. All the newest de signs can be found, Includ ing the gingham checks and plaids at popular prices. Muslins and Meetings Art and Table Linens In our complete stock of these staple fabrics we carry nothing bu. Ar.t Linens In brown and white In all widths and prices are to be the best and well known standard brands, as follows: Pequbt. ur, Bhelvef' A l'" meral neW piece9 wh'Ch i have already been added to the line. Hope, Lonsdale, Fruit of the Loom, Berkeley and Wearwell. Also Tftble Damask from $1.25 per yard upward In stock. Also full Pequot Tubing in 36, 42 and 45 Inch. The fabrics are all sold at line of Napkins to match patterns of the linen In the bettor quall- the right price. Guaranteed satisfaction to all. - ties. Investigate these values. ; ' ''.' M: Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords . , Thaileather requirement of the Government, the Increased cost of skilled ' ' ' labor, the growing foreign demand for American shoes and the scarcity - vV of raw materials, have for more than four years forced shoe values up ( ward abnormally. Despite these adverse conditions the increase in our' 4 shoe prices has been slight compared with the tremendous advance in sT iwhiiii i J costs. Give us a trial. A-T