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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1918)
TACE EIGHT Tuesday, December 31, 1018 ASRLAYD TID1KG9 4, 4, $ 4, $ $ ) 'it'. A H'1 For Iklly IXM'AL AMI I'KKSONAL . ve never have seen a battle field I no, untii after flowers and I trees were growing on It and rows Miss Mary Matties arrived home last week from tho I'nlverslty ut Eugene to spend the holiday vaca tion at her home on Granite street Misses Frances Brlggs and Elsie Harner, who hold positions In San Francisco, are spending their Christ mas holidays with their parents In Ashland. The Pilot Hock school, of which Miss Amy Leavltt has been the teach er, has closed for the winter. Miss Leavltt has returned to her home In Ashland. ' V. P. Moore of Tracy, Cal.. Is Fpendlng a few weeks In Ashland with his daughters. Mrs. V. II. Mc Nalr, Mrs. Millon Fraley and Miss . Helen Moore. Sergeant Harold Merrill lias hern discharged from Fort AVInfkid Scott where he had been attending a gun nery school, and bus returned to Ills home in Ashland. Miss Kathleen Silver, a teacher In the Roseburg public schools, Is spend ing the holidays at her home in Ash land. Donnle Lowe has returned from Fort Stevens where he had been In the army service for the past year find a balf. Superintendent G. A. Drlscoe at tended the executive council of the state teachers' association In Fort land last week. Hemstitching and plcotlng 10 cts. per yard. Handicraft Shop, Med ford, Ore. Orders called for and delivered at Enders' Store, same day, 52-01 sad rows of little white stones, but we thought the remark of some one 1 that the Christmas Departments window at tho Salvage shop looked like a battle field a most apt and fitting one; because this llttlo Christ mas sale would never have been but for the battle fields of Europe. The donation of several dolls with out heads gave the Idea of calling for bends by placing the dolls la the window. The tremendous amount of Interest taken by the children and Indies of Ashland was evidenced by the great number of dolls and parts of dolls donated. This department became a veritable doll's hospital and the eagerness with which so many entered Into the work of mak ing over the broken parts and then dressing the completed doll was one cariuj with destixv Spending your Income as you make It Is simply gamming witli destiny and with all the odds against you. You stuud all to lose and none to gain. SVSTKMATIC KAY I. NO even tho small, if constant, eliminates the element of chance and establishes your future on a basis of certainty, This bank desires to co-operate with you in building on that basis. We have unusual facilities for pro moting the Interest of our customers STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. Ashland Transfer I & Storage Co. C. F. Bates, Proprietor i Wood, "Peacock" i and Rock Springs ! : loal and Cement j PHONE 117 Office 99 Oak Street, Hare honse on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon of the biggest factors that swellel the , Christmas fund to over $120. And every girl and boy who searched thru toys for heads and arms and legs and eyes to fit a waiting doll In the Christmas window did their bit toward a "Cheery Christmas" fund. Hut there Is a little girl who still wishes for a head for a treasured doll, this doll was purchased at an Ashland store several years ago when some six dozen dolls of this kind were on sale. Five doll heads were brought in for this doll but none fit so the chairman of the Christmas de partment on Christmas eve cleared out the window, leaving only a few sprays of mistletoe and this one dol ly, hoping that some one thru tho holidays noticing the insist an t call would discover in their discarded playthings the particular kind of head needed for this doll. Tho Salvage Depot closed Its busi ness during the holidays, but will be open again after New Years. HILT, CALIFORNIA, ITEMS .Many families of I 111 t were disap pointed In spending the proverbial Merry Christmas, which was broken in upon by the Influenza and pneu monia, which has again Invaded the homes. In some families every mem ber of the household has been In bed and with but two nurses in tho town, they have had anything but pleasant experiences. The houses here being built for summer only, It has In many Instances been Impossible to keep them warm, the most essential cure for this epidemic. The only one death has occurred In the past week. It reminds one of the old and trite addage that an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure. Miss Blna Bailey has been at home with Influenza for the past week.. Mrs. Al Vail Is one of the Influenza victims. Vera and Zella I.ulman have been quite sick. ' Mr. and Mrs. Knlpli Morris and young son, Ralph, have bad the In fluenza, but are now sufficiently re covred to be out. Mf. and Mrs. Fred Roduers and son. Robert, are among the sick at The entire family of J. J. Sand have been 111. t iinuchter Irene with Mrs. Irving Dunn motored to Yreka Tuesday. The family of Bert Miller has re covered from a three weeks' siege of ! the influenza. Emll Geuldfennlg, whose ranch Is Just east of Hilt on the highway, came to town Friday with a severe case of pneumonia. A nurse was se cured and he Is now being cared for at the Red Cross-club rooms. He Is Improving dally. The only death of Hilt during the last epidemic was that of Mrs. C. A. Shepherdson, wHlch occurred Sun day at 12:20. She took sick a week ago Friday with influenza which de veloped Into pneumonia. Thursday a baby girl was born and from that time she became gradually worse and In spite of all the human effort put forth to save the life of this mother It gradually ebbed away.- She leaves her husband and three children, one vniinir ftnn nn it two babv daughters. The family of Horace Stanley has been among the Influenza patients. Word has been received that Mr nnA ir. OrviUo Pierson have gone to Springfield. Illinois, to spend the next few months witn Mrs. riersuu parents. Mrs. Ada Fairchllds of the Mount Shasta hospital at Yreka has been spending the past week here nursing Miss Bernlce Warrens who has been verv 111 with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dunn enter tained Mr. Fred Jassman and family and Mr. Mora Bailey at Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. .Ino. Illbbert had as guests at dinner Christmas day Dr. G. J. Hall and Wm. Muir. Dr. and Mrs. Lucas arrived Thurs day from Oakland where they have been spending several weeks on a vacation. For the past year he has APPRECIATING our pleasant business relations dur ng the past year, we wish you the compliments oi the season, and trust that the coming New Year may bring the best you have ever known in Happiness and Prosperity. w HEN you stop to think oi it does it not seem to you that Ashland is a pretty good, steady old town aiter all. Think oi how she has met every call through the war and yet has had enough money left to keep business better than ever and has ended the year with the greatest Christmas season in years. TO those who have helped make the pasl year our best year we thank you. had the practice of Dr. This at Mon tague, who has been In the medical corps of the army. Dr. Lucas will have charge of the hospital here In the place of Dr. G. J. Hall who goes to Yreka the first of the year. Mrs. Jno. Matkln returned Tues day from Sonora. California, where she was called on account of the Ill ness of her brother. Harry Mathers has bfcen sick with the "flu." Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Disbrow are In Grants Pass spending the holidays with reltlves. Mrs. V. A. Newell has been in bed the past week with the influenza. 1 Rex Stratton spent a few days' furlough in Ashland last week from Camp Lewis where he Is stationed. Among the recent casualty lists ap pearing In the daily papers are the names of Roy Drake, missing In ac tion; A. H. Hogue, degree undeter mined; Earl Tate, wounded slightly, all of Ashland. Miss Frances Howard came home last week from San Francisco to ! spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Howard. The Finest Kind Of a home with two acres of choice land with modern city conveniences for $3200. If you want a home worth while with a small tract of land that Is equally worth while, it will Le to your Interest to look at this now. lor it is being orfered for a short time at less than the value of tho Improvements. BILLINGS AGENCY IteaJ FAtate and Insurance. -Established 18S3 Phone 211 41 East Main St. 1 Wi) GJlj &f I CADILAC . A bargain at $1,000; . priced at $750 STUDEBAKER SIX . A bargain at 1,200; . priced at 850 RE0 ... A bargain at 550; . priced at 395 OVERLAND . . A bargain at 650; . priced at 525 OAKLAND SIX . A bargain at 1,000; . priced at 900 CDEVROLET-18 . A bargain at 700; . priced at 595 OVERLAND . A bargain at 350; . priced at 205 i FORDS-Good Delivery Cars, Roadsters and Good Touring Cars i ! Everyomte a Bargam Also carload of Fordson Tractors unloaded today C. E. GATES AUTO COHPANY MEDFORD, OREGON