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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1918)
TACE TWO AAHMKD TIDISGg Tu4f, Hlr 22, 191 fl. ASHLAND TIDINGS lMMithr4 1870 iabUbMl rrnry TormUj bj THE ASHLA.XD PRLVT1AG OOMPA.NY (Iaoorporated) ert R. Greer. . Editor OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 SIESCRIPTIOX RATES Ob Tut, vbea paid at txplratloa . oat Yttr, wata paid la aaraaet Btx Months, vba pt'.i la idruM.. Tim MonUu, T&ea paid la liriic 12.50 2.00 1.26 .7$ So tatcrt(tloa (or 1m ttaa thrt naonttu. All labtcrlptiona dropped at axplratlGB aBleu reoawal U raelTtd. la orderisc e tan re of tat ppr alway 1t th old itreet addresi or aoatofflca aa veil aa tta fit. ADVERTISING RATES DtopUr Adrfrttria Eitsla laaertloa, eaca laea . 25e bu motth. etch lac 20e Ot jtkr, eaca loch 17 He KedU .Notice It enu U lice. ClaMirVd tWom One wst Ut o ri each tine. Twenty vordi one mottb, oca coHar. Cafta of Ttanki 11.00. OMtuariea 2 Vi cenu tee lice. Fnueraal Order aad Sodetie AdrertlilEj for fraternal ordera or aoeie'Je etartfrg a rerilar lsIUa- lotDK torn war abould, end without a declilon let them one and all know once and for all that for the Ameri can Expeditionary Force there U no such word at '"Peace" with the Hum unbeaten. The man who talk of peace today, except thru victory, i a traitor." The Enemy peace offensive Is likened to the action of German machine-gun crews In the Vesle fight ing, wbea they fought and killed Americans until they were surround ed, then shouted "Kamerad " The mothers of the American sol diers in France want the same peace their sons demand. All the courage of the ancient Spartan mother is la RED CROSS JiOTSS The latest Imjnwawat at luttl Red Crou H4taj.c s a fa capacioos locker. taWa&fc ed work aa i tiu-trXa nn tcvcfi In safety. TUiU tzr tla wft addltloa t oar 'ftryswas art Zvt to Messrs. K1iij- uj j.. ' doaazei tieir lasers; la Mr. Cx-w-x who gr a jrt f ti tssir; azi" to Mrs.. Frixi Cvcler wa p.-vriieJ, Ml 4; JVf Bank. With UVVIJ VVaiUllIVlI Makes Saving Necessary 1 1 the irs. TRCTH TRIOIPHS AUaad IftiarM TdMifr for th i Pmtar Rntefit. sf A trctl'd Kaieseat of a At. 51 jlatd etuiea. ria U bis own wor4.l W. the heart, of .the women of America. ;.87.U rtS , . . Sk.UMV J ; I TALKXT If yoa suJ.'er from tatkaebe. ZZ TraI in Talent hare heard from Sipi4sas. nricarTi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery since !dxrders or any form of kidney ills, they reached their new hom. in! a tested kidney medicine. I Vaari!le. Calif. They are n:ciyi Aa Aiblaad citixea telU of Doaa! settled and at work patting in gar- K:"J' den. 1 Could yoa demand more eonTinc- aci Mrs. I. C. WiHUms were l pfeef of merit? attending to tailness la Ajilaad cal Al: Darts. 1J7 First St.. says: Monday. "Scsetime ago I had a tad attack of Mrs. Adanjos. Mrs Kr.ard. Mrs. :lney and bladder trouble. It came) CONSIDER the War and Its vat twl aad then think of AKTER-THE-WAR with its possible re-ad-jsstmest difficulties. We believe yoall understand how vital SAV ING Is to everyone. And a BANK ACCOUNT is an Im portant part of practical saving. if f St. JkHrstNatiouafdattk '. . !MW C M VAU PI I VlCt PPtS ' t v c a ur t a. ppts. JWM" COY. CAV11CR CLARIS tSUiflAI CASK Ooa fee aad dues, no discount, Relir.ocs and benevolett orders win U i "Ja aao xrs u.;ie woiten," isan.y i icousci i wis aone. lie Mtizzozi TXj:tors , 'VI i ui iau ice nuoe " secretions were so painful In pas has been appointed ? I cocld hardly stand the misery. ebarged for ail advertising when aa admlisloa or other charge Is cade, ax ; "r among th rmltr nlH WKn nn iilm!u'nii l rhtrrtA trxr to th rronrt of ' '-t week. fifty Uaea reading will be allowed without charge. AJ additional at regaiar rate. The Tidiajcs has a greater circulation la Aablaad aad in trade territory Ifajus all other Jackaoa coonty papers combined. Entered at the Asbiasd. Oregoa, Postofr.ce as second-class mail matter. Eugene Is going to build a 25, AAA V. , , . i - i Mm R!m- V. f., .f ..4 1 ur I cocld harrilv itand thA pilurr vvv "u iur lue flrmjr iraming substitute for the primary derart-jl finally began using Doan's Kidney; CorP. ment in the at-5nee of Mrs. Stan-'PiH and they proved a godsend card who wss called to the bedside '"- They corrected the trouble of her husland Wednesday. The lat-!nd restored me to my usual good 5 ... I. ..HI l- . .... .. .... v..l.k i I W I icr is tu.i 1a a Tery cr.iicat conation. i u"im. my. Price 60c. at all dealers. Don t 5g simply ask for a kidney remedy get Ea Doan s Kidney Pills the same that pa Mr. Davis had. Foster-Milbura Co..:l The Reedsport Fish company hag shipped Its first car of sllversldo salmon to New York. 1JSTEX X)LKS HERE'S A SECRET. Why all this fuss from the Port- press in supporting the war activi ties and loan drives without recom pense; they know that publication land Journal concerning advertising: costs have gone skyward, and that rates for newspapers, and the delln- rates should be raised, rather than cjuent tax publication? i lowered. If the newspapers of the Why these two measures oa the state aru to survive. So much for ballot at the general election, bear- the legal rate bill. ing the bold salutation: "Initiated by C. S. Jackson and R. W. Ha good." Why Messrs. Jackson ft Ha-good?. They naturally suspect the attor ney's pa ft In the delinquent tax bill. They know that attorneys and tax title grabbers are close pals as a For weeks Editor Jackson has rule, and they know that the scheme been raging over his two net mea-j Jackson ft Hagood, the lawyer, pro tires. For weeks the editorial page pose, would throw the delinquent of the Journal has literally run red I taxpayer entirely upon the mercies with a murderous attack on two Ore- of the title grabber. Johnson would gon statutes that appear to be a s-eat source of worry to Messrs. Jackson ft Hagood. One is the existing delinquent tax publication law. The other target for the Journal's wrath Is the exist ing law fixing the rates for legal ad vertising for the State of Oregon. Both laws have been regularly passed by the state legislature. They bare stood the tests of time. They were devised for public service and have fulfilled their mission. Both laws are patterned after similar statutes In adjoining states. The rates of publication fa both las, are as low, If not lower, than charges fixed In aearly all of the states of the union. .'o one questions the state neat that as long as we hare courts nd laws, there must be legal publi cation; no one for a moment will contend that a delinquent tax-payer hould not be notified of his delin quency. Then why the editorial barrage each evening In the Portland Jour nal? Listen folks It's a secret. Once upon a time Editor Jackson boosted for single tsx In Oregon ! Once he walled much after the fash Ion of his present sobbing, but the voters of the state heeded not. And the press of Oregon poked consider able fun at Mr. Jackson, which riled blm exceedingly. And again once upon a time Edi tor Jackson awoke to find that the Multnomah county delinquent tax list publication bad been legally awarded to his esteemed contempor aries. The Oregonlan and The Eve rting Telegram. Whereupon Million aire Jackson again gnashed his teeth and hissed "revenge!" Aad bow comes the revenge. It's to be a double-barrelled buck-shot revenge, too. If Brother Jackson's provide delinquency notice by mall. The existing law provides the very same thing, but goes a step further. In the Interest of the unfortunate owner whose property has become delinquent, and provides that only upon failure of the mail notice, shall publication be made. The voters know that Jackson has forgotten to mention this fact In bis argument. They know, too, that the present law Is fashioned to protect the un fortunate delinquent from the tax title grabber and others of his type and they will refuse point blank to support such a scheme. Miss Inex Eagen. who left some time ago for a position In Sacramen to, has returned again to the Valley and Is attending the Ashland High school. Marion Trier and famiW visited wltB Mr. Tryer's sister. Jlrs. Ella Schryer of Lewiston. Calif., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nay Toft in Med ford Sunday. A dance was given at the Odd Fel-i lows ball Saturday by the Sallg Saw mill company for the benefit of the. Talent nea cross. The music was furnished by some of the men work ing at the mill, assisted by Mr. Works. Mr. Childers and Miss Anna Dunn, whose services were all a free gift to the caiise. An oyster supper was served during the evening. The whole evening proved a decided suc cess, the handsome sum of about 1223 being realized above expenses. The Talent Red Cross are Indeed grateful to the Salsig company and their crew for this gift and wish to express their thanks for the same. Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. V. Every Piece of Meat From the East Side Market .. Is a Good Piece. ' That's the only kind we handle. Wholesale and Retail. FISH ON FRIDAYS. OYSTERS AND CRABS IN SEASON. James Barrett. Prop. Phone 188. RAISE MORE WOOL. Do you as an Oregonlan know that a great Industry Is being vir tually thrust upon you as a war measure? Do you know that aa a war meas ure warehousing and distribution of wool has been largely centralized In Portland for this Northwest terrl tory, and as a result, some 2500 cus tomers who probably never knew Portland was on the map, have been brought there to sell their wool? Do yon know that the 1917 clip handled thru this district amounted to about 20,000,000 pounds, worth In round numbers some $10,000,- 000? Do you know that by manufactur ing tnis wool in uregon lor army purposes that the government is sav Ing thoussnds of cars that would otherwise be required to carry the wool east and) the finished goods west? Do you know that Oregon has more woolen mills than any other western state and then we haven't enough to put In your eye when it comes to handling the wool which could be produced here? Chew these Ideas over a little and scheme Is carried out In accordance i let It soak Into your head that Ore- wlth his well-laid plans. It's timed gon Is naturally adanted to wool and all planned to the minute, and growing and manufacture. the tero hour Is set for election day, November Cth, 118. hi to be a much heralded and mighty drive on the newspapers of Oregon, with Messrs. Jackson ft Hagood at the head of the big push. It's ad vertised almost, as much as a cer tain other big drive In history. It tnay be as disastrous. The voters of the state are open to argument but they refuse to be coerced at Mr. Jackson's blddinr Here we hare a chance to enlarge an Industry that has world wide possibilities. The opportunity has been thrust at us, will we be smart enough to grasp it? THE ONLY PEACE OUR 1JOV8 IN FRANCE WANT. The Stars and Stripes, the official I newspaper published by the soldiers , of the Amerlcaxt Expeditionary Forces In France, savs edltorlallr anowing the petty spltework behind about the enemy peace offensive: his plans. Indications are that they I "Let the weak hearted who are will vote a most emphatic "NO" to dreaming of a compromise; let the each of the Jack son-Ha good meas-' pacifists who are talking a peace by tires. They believe the newspapers' sgreement; let the sideliners who have a right to live; they know of have had enough of war; let the se the splendid work of the Oregon cretly Inclined pro-Germans who Dr. John O. Hall of the Willam ette I Diversity at Salem spoke at the Methodist church Sunday morn ing. Dr. Hall Is on his way to Washington, D. C. to take an Im portant government position. Mrs, H. T. Elmore of Ashland was ' also present and sang to the delight of all. a, i ESS W.A.SheU TheBarber 137 . Main LADIES OfAshland If you have any Furs you wish repaired or remodeled F. IV. BARRETT 126 E. Main St., Medford, Ore. can fix them up for you. We also make new Furs to order and carry a fine line of manu factured Furs. When In Med ford call In and Inspect our stock. 37-MO Ashland Transfer ' & Storage Co. C. F. Batea, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs Coal and Cement PHONE 117 Office 99 Oak Street, Wart honse on track near depot. Ashland. Oregon MIIIIIIMMM I tAMTM Strictly a Floor Paint Made to Walk On Floors always become worn quicker than any other surface in the home. A paint brush and a little Sherwin-Williams Hjside Floor Paint will always make floors fresh, attractive and 1 VI- a . . auraDie. it is made to withstand the constai scuffing of heels and the hard wear to whic floors are subjected. Inside Floor Paint is easilv ar plied and dries over night with a good gloss. It is prepared in all popular colors. Carson - Fowler Lumber Company Mm a i Have You Tried KARO? 1 A delicious syrup made from! S Corn. b Comes in five and (en pound pails, light or Dark. In many instances used as substitute for Sugar. rlaa Gf ocery Telephone 78 Why FISHER'S' BLEND Flour? The Government has advanced the price of Oregon and Washington Wheats. To meet this advance Manufacturers of Oregonand Washington Wheat Honrs have Increased their pri ces, nntil there is Utile If any difference between the price of Oregon and Washington Wheat Hours and that of FISHER'S BLEND. The superior quality of FISHER'S BLEND as com pared with other flours Is absolutely the same now as before. Jnst as lo pre-war times FISHER'S BLEND is S? wAl,0!?1 F25'6 Dard whcal Md chore est nashlngion Blueslem. If it was economy in pre-war times to pay more for FISHER'S BLEND than for other fiours. certainty it is greater economy now to buy it at practically the same price for which oth er flours sell. FISHER'S BLEND is the ideal flour to use with Wheat Substitutes. Theee substitutes lack a balanced gluten. They require mixture with a strong wheat flour. FISHER'S BLEND is a strong wheat flour FISHER'S SUBSTITUTES, including Fish e? Flo Fisher's Milo Maize Flour, Fisher's Barley Flour and Fisher's Corn Meal work perfectly with FISHER'S BLEND Flour because the same painstaking care is used in the manufacture of the one as in the manufac tuse of the other. FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR and Fisher's WHEAT, SUBSTITUTES are manufactured ' in "America's Finest Flouring Mills" FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY SEATTLE, U. S.A. "United States Food Administration License No. G 48173" L ' ii rnmnF'Tll