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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1918)
Monday, BeptoinlxT 2, J 018. AKDXAXD TIDINGS ORDER EASTERN BTAIl ' Alpha Chapter No. 1, 0. E. S., will ieaume labor after the summer va cation on Tuesday evening, Septem ber 3, at 8 o'clock. Members will please take notice, and visiting mem bers cordially welcome. LEAH M. CALDWELL, Sec. CRACK H. TURNER, W. M. 1 8 mru wn dcdcamu H LULrtL tiiW ft Cllf Payne makes shelving. lire. J. H. Provost hr.s gone to San Francisco where she will spend sev eral weeks visiting. Studio Ashland, letter portraits. 100-tf Miss Ruth Shoudy left Thursday cvtnlng for San Francisco where siu will spend her vacation visiting wlt'i fi lends. New end second-hand sewing nia- c'llues for sale or rent at Pell's. 27-4 Russell Frost returned Thursday (ve ning from Portland, ihere l.e had ieen visiting with relatives for sev eral weeks. Want a good Job of finishing? Try the Camera Exchange. tf A young man's best let-s-a college education. Mt. Angel college, St. Benedict, Ore. Address Rev. A. T. lleier. Urs. 0. Winter and son Francis, Mtb. R. T. Vlning and Edwin Mo wat motored to Maytcn, Cal., last week to visit Mrs. A. II. Russell. Cravensteln apples, windfalls, 50- lb. box delivered, 75c. Finest cook ing, eating and Jelly apples on the narktt. Phone 9-F-ll. llr. and Mrs. Steven Webber and daughter Fay of Portland were F.uests during th past week of Mrs. Webber's sister, Mrs. William Wal lace. We have one of the latest Improv iJ Singers for half price. A bargain for somebody who comes first. Emil Pcil. 27- It V. W. Caldwell, who moved from Ashland last spring to Alhambra, f'al., returned during the paBt week to attend some business matters h're. Wanted at Once Women pieee wrrkers at Pauley Canning Company, Talent. Free transportation furnish ed from Ashland. Phone SC9-R. for piirticulars. 29-2: S. M. Rhodes of Santa Cruz, Cal., trfld Mrs. L. F. Engle of Soquel, Cal., father and sister of the late Clyde Rhodes, arrived in Ashland Friday crenlng to attend the funeral of the hitter. Our kodak finishing wiU piease tho Camera Exchange. if Pan M. Walker of Klrkvllle. Mo., a veteran of the Civil war, Is visit ins at the home of his cousin, Cut ler Walker, on the Pacific highway. Mr. Walker Is writing a genealogy of the Walker family. Ellis Allen, a member of the naval irnlning station bnnd of the Bremer ton navy yards, arrived In Ashland Wednesday evening and will be a guest of A. Bert Freeman during the latter's furlough home. Lawrence Rukes, another member of the band cn furlough at his home in Med ford, was also a guest of Mr. Free man Wednesday evening. The Red Cross sewing department will start work at their rooms next Wednesday afternoon, as their tall allotment has arrived. District Superintendent II. J. Van Fossen and wife have returned from Crescent City, where they rpent a va cation. The former Is now in Port- land where he went on (hurch busi ness, With a college education your son is bound to deliver tho goods. Mt. Angel college, St. Benedict, Ore. Ad dress Rev. A. T. Meier. A tralnload of drafted men passed through Ashland Thursday evening on their way to ono of the canton ments, and during the stop of tho tialn here a company of tho boys paraded the principal streets sing ing to the accompaniment of a guitar. State Fair, Salem, Oregon, Sep tember 23-2S. Splendid exhibits, excellent music, high-class enter tainment and a superb racln? card. For particulars write A. II. Lea sec retary, Salem, Oregon. 22-5 m T. K. Nolton died at his horns In Montague Wednesday. Tho body as brought to Ashland for burial, the funeral took place Saturday. The deceased was a brother of J. M. and John Potter, formerly of thta city . Kenneth Miner and sister-in-law, Miss Lena Provost, motored from Pond last week to visit In Ashlmd. Mr. Miner returned to his horns Wednesday and was accompanied by J. II. Provost of Provost Bros.' hard ware store. Miss Marlon E. Hodgson left Sun day night for Lcwlston, Idaho, where she will leach In the domestic sci-l (nee department of tho public schools. Miss Hodgson Is a gradu ate of tiie home economies course of the Oregon Agricultural college, and is well equipped to fill her new position. VIXIXG THEATRE. LAST TIME T OXIGIIT James Porter left Thursday night for a two weeks' vacation to bo spent at Long Beach, San Francis co, Berkeley and Point Richmond. , Amos Graves and family have re turned to Ashland from a several months' sojourn in the Willamette valley. Mayor C. B. Lamkin is confined to his homo suffering with a bad dose of oak poisoning which he contracted vhilo investigating land up the Ash land canyon. 1 Station Agent G. X. Kramer, who was in Portland last week attending the Elks' convention, returned home Friday. He was accompanied to Portland by his wife and little son. Lloyd Cast.'hecr has notified Ash land friends that ho has been trans ferred to a band and Is now stationed at Camp Meade, Md., with good chances of being sent overseas soon. K call was sent In to Ashland Fri day night for six men to go to tho pplegnte district to fight a big fire hi progress there. There were no men In this city free to answer the summons, however. J. P. Hendricks, who has a son in the service, is anxious to do his bit in helping the Red Cross workers In their efforts, and has promised them four tiers of wood which he will saw, split and deliver to the salvago de pot for their usa during the coming winter. The Red Cross Jar In the Southern Pacific yardmaster's office that Is used to catch the odd change of the employes there, collected 7.75 dur ing August. Mrs. M. E. Real and two children, who have been guests of Miss Blanche Hicks for the past week, re turned to their homo In Klamath Falls Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ketchum have returned from Portland, whero they attended tho Elks' convention the first of tho week. Mr. Ketchum rep iesented Ashland Lodgo No. 944 at the convention. Th! rteht place for your son. Mt. Angel college, St. Benedict, Ore. Ad dress Rev, A. T. Meier. Sergeant Alden Whitney, who had been stationed at Fort William Mc Kinley, Manila, P. I., since last April, allied with tho 27th division for Si beria. Alden is with tho quarter master's corps. Personal Bonds Do not protect. They are Insuffi cient, uncertain, discountenanced, subject to business contingencies and changes in property values. Personal bondsmen can transfer their property, defeating collections. Recovery under personal bonds of ten requires litigation; always re quires time. CORPOIIATK BOXD3 provldo the only perfect protection. They are sufficient, certain, universally ac ccptable. Billings Agency ..Real Estate and Real Insurance Miss Cornelia Marvin, state llbrar lan, was In Ashland over Sunday: frcm Salem, where she came to meet the local library board. ' Ton will never regret having glvei your son a college education. Mt. Angel college, St. Benedict, Ore. Ad dress Rev. A. T. Meier. Parties knowing themselves to have borrowed tools such as fence fctrrtcher, Stlllson plpo wrenches, etc., and havo not returned them, letter do so Immediately as a gogd slghtdraft will bo drawn on them by tho undersigned. 30-2 EMIL PEIL. A big forest fire started on tho Fiskiyons Saturday and has shrouded the valley in a veil of smoke. A call ".as sent In Saturday afternoon fop fire fighters by a woman whos homo was threatened. Tlireo men responded to tho call and went to the assistance of those on the scone. Lost At Vlning theatre Monday, Sept. 2(5, black and white Fox ter rier pup. Phono 5-r-ll. Classified Advertisements TOO JiATE TO CLASSIFY. I OR SALE Two sows and six shoats weighing about 80 pound each. W. E. Pearson, phono 4S5 J. 30-2 LOST Iost out of an auto on Thurs day, August 2'J, one wagon seat, about 9x12 feet In sizo, from Inter section of Ashland and Terraco street Into tho city and up to Gran ite street. Finder will please leavo with Provost Bros, and receive re ward. oO-lJt FOR RENT Furnished 5-rooni house; all conveniences, Including gas range. Phono 411-R. WANTED Night cook, lady prefer red. Short order. Cottonwool! restaurant, llornhrook, Calif. Call V.. L. (Mark, collect. GARDEN TOOLS; Time Is rere to begin that garden. : Everybody ought to have a garden j this year. Tools will be hard lo get later, and they are getting higher! every day. We have a number of j splendid Gnrden Hand Cultivators, j combining the Plow, Weeder, Rake, Cultivator. Just the thing. Let usi show you. I Provost Brothers HARDWARE W ' BANK FAS HI LAN Pjl in Enthusiastic Support should he Klven by our citizens to our soldiers and sailors who arc fighting lmnl for us on sea and land that ou" country and allies shall bo victorious. Drop tho 1k))s a lino of ten and send them a re membrance from homo they will greatly appre ciate it. New accounts are invited. ACfM SAVINGS W DEPOSITS, Mrs. Jennie Hum of Klamath Falls slopped over In Ashland during the rast week on her return from the G. A. It. encampment In Portland to visit with her aunts, Mrs. Pan Wal ker and Mrs. J. L. Grubh. Mrs. H. A. Carnahan and daught er Dorothy went to Eugene Wednes day whero they Joined Dr. Cnfna han and Miss Gladys, who had pre ceded them to their new home. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Par sons as far as Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robblns of Long Beach, Cal., and H. H. Am brose of Chicago stopped off In Ash land last week while on their way home from Portland to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chattlu. Mr. Ambrose Is an uncle of Mrs. Chattln. Miss Hazel Lowe left the latter part of the week for Willows, Cal.. where she will be principal of the Glenn school near Willows. Miss Lowe rejected an offer to take up 'ounty demonstration work In Ore gon on account of signing a contract to teach this school. The city has purchased the elec tric power lines and transformers be longing to tho Ashland mine from Its owner, E. D. Brlggs, and Friday City Electrician Easterllng and Councilman F. J. Shinn went up to the mine and removed the lines and fixtures. Dr. Charles M. Anderson, a veter inary surgeon who has been located in Ashland during the past summer, was called to Portland last week to lake a position as veterinary meat Inspector for tho government. Mre. Anderson will go to Talent to re main for the present. Mrs. A. R. Gregory and Mrs. Bella Cordell returned from Portland last Tuesday, where they attended the 0. A. R. encampment and also mot several old-time Ashland friends. Thev stopped in Salem and saw and hoard Ellly Sunday, who spoko on tho 24th to a crowded house. DeAnjou Pears Will begin pack ins; DeAnJou pears about the 6tli for eastern shipment. The contract calls for pears to be hard.groen 2J4 nches and over, all marketable pears that are free from worms, worm slings, scale, scald, etc. Pears must have stems or part of stems Intact. For further Information call up tho Ashland Fruit and Produce Associa tion. 30-2 N H CONSERVE F(M)I) EAST MORE CORN SAVE WHEAT VAUPEL'S QUALITY SHOP MAIL ORDER SPECIALISTS DON'T FAIL TO I'.l'Y THOSE W. S. S. THE ROYS NEED THEM NOW acafion Accessories You Need Not Make Your Outing Expensive Ibis store's aim to givo service In all Its nieicliiiiidisc, makes It the prop er place to purchase your equipment for vacation, outing or HMrt events. In these (lays of stiivn out-door m'thltle are a nm'ssaiy relief to war arliviticN.. They help maintain the. national Nplrtt. The high iuu1itiis of our iiieiThaii(Ii.M insure your get'inj; tho full values for 'vry cxpotlt-tore. All tho newest patterns a :() In stock for fall. The niftiest and nobbiest shirt made. Pr ice ijil.25-91.5u each. It Fall Blankets Don't fail to examine our complete line of now full blankets that are now In stock. Every pair a beauty. New plaids In all colors. Fancy Plaid Silks The newest and niftiest i laids in the now fall silks are now abtalnable In our stock. These silks are guaranteed to bo of extra good quality. Full 38 Indies wide. Frlceijtt.oo yard. Cotton Challies and Wool Bats Now is the timo of covor Hint new fall comforter, We have several new pieces of this challlo in stock which will answer your purpose, also a dandy wool bat full uniform size to fill said comforter. Cooper-Bennington and Chalmers Underwear All of our new fall stock Is now on hand. Its true, elasti city Insures perfect comfort. It will give you snug fitting comfort in any position. Full line of styles and quality. Trices from $2.00 to $:i.50 miit. Men's Standard Flannel Shirts This new shirt comes in gray and khaki. Full cut and heavy weight flannel used In the making. Winter Is coming on and now Is the time to purchase your neods. Price $:t.5() each. New Fall Shoes Several new styles of fa'l shoes are on the shelf. Como In and Investigate these ne,v models. Every one a benuty. All the new shades and two-tcne effects are Included In theso values. Pumps and Oxfords We have placed on salo a beauti ful lino of white canvas pumps nnd oxfords. Every pair is an exception al value. Former prlco of theso bar gains was ?3.50 per pair. Salo price !?2..-iO pair. Handkerchiefs and Neckwear We havo tho best and most com plete lino of popular priced hundker cnlefs for vacation needs. Prices fiom 5c up. Dainty und modish neckwear plays an Important part in tho trimming of summer dresses and blouses. Wo have tho Btyles to meet tho demand. Petticoats Petticoats which are well made from attractive and good wearing materials are certain to please our trade. Tho material, stylo and qual ity we offer In Queen petticoats are great values. Athena Underwear For daintiness, comfort and wear Athena Pnderwear Is matchless. Wo neii find that It Is m ail o to fit them sadly, without being stretched Into r,:iape, and unnecessary folds of tho fabric at any point. Corsets and Brassieres Royal Worcester, Bon Ton. Wo havo in stock a complete lino of at tractive models In these well known corsets. Wear one nnd you will never change. Btyles. Also a full lino of t he best brassieres on tho market. BurUngton Hosiery This hoso is a full-fashioned hose without a seam. It Is one of tho '-est hosiery values that can be had on the market. Comes In ull colors nt medium prices. Give this hoso a trial. Tho best hoso manufactured fo r men, women and children. All of tho latest fall Bliades are now In sto ck. Come in and make your selec tion. while our range of colors Is co mplete. Prices 60c, 75c $1, $1.23 pr. -ir-