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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1918)
Monday, Jnno 17, 1018. ASHLAND TIDtKGS' PAGB 8EVK?f . TIDINGS CLASSIFIED-ADS i Classified Rates: On cent per word, first insertion; cent per word for Mch insertion thereafter; 80 words or less f 1 par month. Mo advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads art cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the otflos. PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, . ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup i plied. Oculist and anrlst for 8. P. I R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., , opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. 21-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and i throat. Of floe hours, 10 to 12 and ! 1 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash land, Ore. 73-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and pZ perhangen. Phone 202-R, 166 Ohio street. 40-tf Dr. C. E. McDonald EYE SIGHT SPECIAL'ST Citizens Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 9-12 a. m., 2-5 p. m. LEGAL NOTICES. BIIL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory street Bill posting and distributing. 64-tf DR. SCHELLER, Osteopathic physi cian and orthopedic surgeon. Ci- i fice Camps bldg. Phone 147. Houra 10-12, 1-4, others by appointment. THE JOHXSTONE8 CURE Hydro pathic treatments for chronic cases. 31 Gresham street. 41-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB The regular meetings of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Auxiliary Hall. E. D. I1RIGGS, Attorney-at-Law. Pioneer Block, Ashland. DR. KEEXEY FERRIS, B. S., M. D., M. H. Homeopathic physician and surgeon. Office, Baptist parBon Hge, 247 Oak street. Hours, 9 to 12 noon. ' 85-tf Miss G, A. Thorne GRADUATE NURSE i Residence at Mrs. Boslough's Telephone 320-J FOR SALE OR REM FOR SALE Sharpies tubular cream separator No. 3; used only one month. Price reasonable, cash or terms. Leaving city. Address C. D., care Tidings, or phone 392-J. 7-lm FOR SALE A bargain. Five-room modern house with basement; lot 75 foot front, 140 feet deep; this place faces on Fork street, one half block from First National bank and Lithia park. Sightly location. Will make attractive price, cash or payments. Phone 383-L or address P. O. box 296, city. 7-4 FOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished bunga lows. Inquire at 115 Granite street. 91-tf FOR RENT Pleasant, clean and well located housekeeping rooms. Cheap rent to right party. 316 Hargadlne. 7-2 FOR. RENT The Bungalow for the Beason from June 1 to Nov. 1. Is equipped with hot water heater, gas stove, 6how cases, counters, ta bles and chairs to accommodate 80 people at a setting. Good dance floor and the coolest place to get confections and Ice cream in the valley. Located at the big park entrance. See Bert R. Greer, at the Tidings office. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Home canned fruit. In quire 649 E. Main. 6-4 FOR SALE 6-hole range with reser-i voir; 40 rods 5-foot poultry wire. 2 20-inch horse collars. 125 North Main, phone 248-J. 6tt FOR SALE A set of double harness and fine team for ranch work. For particulars address E. Greer, Hilt, California. 96-tf MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Mechanics in all branches of the metal trades for emergency war work. Good wages, good working and best climatic condi tions. Astoria Marine Iron Works, Astoria, Oregon. 6-lm FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I am going to sacrifice my five-acie ranch, one mile east from postofflce, on East Main street, for $2500, one-third cash, balance $ir, per month, 7 per cent into: est. No agents. This place lias to be seen to be appreciated. Address H. L. Sinclair, Montague, Cal. 103-tf STRAYED STRAYED Bav mare, has white hind feet, weighs about 1000 lbs; should be with colt about one week old. Property of Private F. S. Pen niston, O. C. A. Phone 409-L. W. C. Tinker. 6'tf LOST LOST Gold drop earring with aqua marine stone Will finder please leave at Ashland police office? 7-2 LOST Pennsylvania hospital pin be tween corner B and Third street and Mm. Boslough's residence. Finder please return to Miss Thorne. Reward. '"z NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of Gold Hill Ir rigation District at Its office in said district In Jackson County, Ore gon, for the purchase of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000 bonds of said district till the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., on Thursday, July 18, 1918, which said Issue of bonds will bear date July 1, 1918, bear Interest at not to exceed six per cent (6'f) per1 annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of "January and July of each year, principal and Interest payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City, said bonds to be In denominations of one hundred ($100), one hundred and fifty ($150), and five hundred dollars ($500) each, numbered consecutively commencing with No. one (1), and following in num erical order, and maturing approxi mately as follows: $2,350 on July 1, 1923 2,500 on " 1924 2,650 on " 1925 2,800 on " 1926 2,950 on " 1927 3,150 on " 192S 3,350 on " 1929 3,550 on " 1930 3,750 on " 1931 3,950 on " 1932 4,200 on ' " 1933 -4,450 on " 1934 4,750 on , " 1935 5,000 on " 1936 5,300 on " ' 1937 5,300 on " 1938 Bids for said bonds must be ac companied by a certified check on an Oregon bank for at least five per cent of the purchase price, and said bids must be unconditional as to legality. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CHARLES CHAMPLIN, Secretary. First publication June 17, 1918. Last publication July 15, 1918. 8-5 t mon .. . . . f (Continueu irom pago oi; LIST OF COXTRIBUTEORS TO ASHLAND PATRIOTIC FUND Lowe, D. 51 Long, A. M : Long, Mrs. W. A Long, O. W Long, Mrs. Anna Lowe, G. M Loomis, Vrs. Clara Loughlin, John Loomis, Chas. I.oomis, J. J Low, O. D Lucey, J. G Lyman, E. E Lyons, D. B love, M. J Mann, F. H. Maly, John Madden, J. J Mattern, Mr. and Mrs. H. . . . Mathes, Christina Mast, Cleo Marrett, J. O Mayfleld, Mrs. Amelia Marske, A. A Matterson, B. A Mathes, Mr. and Mrs Mackey, T. J Mathes, G. W Mars. J. D Merrill, Mrs. Frank Mellinger, W. L Miller, J. S Mills, Ella B Mitchell, S. S Miller, J. L Miller, C. L Miller, J. V Milllcan, H. H Yillner, C. E Million, W. B Minuth, Ernest McCee, J. II McNair Bros MacCracken, Mrs. Gordon . . McCune, J. N McNair, Louise G McCune, Mrs. C. A '. . . . McCourry, D. N McLaughlin, O. K McKinney, J. D 12.00 12 00 j 6.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 24.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 24.00 12.00 12.00 24.00 12.00 30.00 12.00 ' 24.00 12.00 6.00 8.00 18.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 4.00 24.00 12.00 36.00 12.00 12.00 120.00 120.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 8MOKL At All Dealtri Tfc Flavor Lasti Tisit Cijrar TisiT Th. Million Dollar SmoKo Factory, Makers J. M. Alnntt. Prop. Ashland Transfer ! & Storage Co. C. F. Bates, Proprietor Wood, "Peacock" and Rock Springs Coal and Cement phone n Office 99 Oak Street, Ware- honse on track near depot. Ashland, Oregon iittimtin Maxey, W. L. 24.00 Morris, 8,' It. ............ 12.00 Monroe, J. H 2.00 Moody, E. D, ....... ...... 12.00 Morgan, J. S. ........... . 1.00 McLaren, J. K ; 1.50 Minkler, D. L .....'. 2.00 Miller, C. C 1.00 Moser, J. W 2.00 Morse, E. K 2.00 McAllister, G. C . ... 20.00 Mitchell, C. S 1.00 Moorehouse, Mrs 5.00 Mitchell, W. C. 15.00 McCoy, Mies Jane 1.00 Mills, J. W 5.00 McGllvery, S 2.50 McMillan, Alex 10.00 Maddox, C. A 1.00 McClanahan, Mrs. Anice . . . 5.00 Mackey, T. J 5.00 McFarJand, A. E 10.00 Mills, Mrs. J. W. . . 2.00 McCracken, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. 42.00 McKenzle, J. H : . . . 12.00 McMIchael, J. H 12.00 y.cQullken, Julia R 6.00 McGee, Mr. and Mrs. A. O.. . 36.00 MacDonald, W. M 24.00 McDonald, C. E. .'. 12.00 McCarthy, Mrs. A. G 6.00 McCall. Lydla 60.00 McCoy, J. W. and family . . . 48.00 Mcrse, Mr. and Mrs. J. H... 12.00 Morrison, E. S 18 00 Montgomery, Mrs. H 3.00 Morse, C. L 12.00 Morcland, Sarah 12.00 Moreland, John 12.00 Montgomery, E. F 12.00. Moore, W. J 30.00 Mosby, M. M 12.00 Morthland, A. E 6.00 Moor, W. E. 30.00 Moore, H. L. . . 60.00 Morgan, Mrs. S. M. : 3.00 Murphy, Mrs. F. J 24 00 Murray, M. M 6.00 Muller, Mrs. R 12.00 Murphy, G. C 30.00 Myers, J. J '. 12.0 J Myer, Wm 24.00 Mocre, F. W 12.00 Morris, R. C 12.00 Miller, O. R 12.00 Murphy, J. J 24.00 McKibbon, Mrs. E. H 12.00 McDonald, L. E 12.00 jlcnroe, Mr and Mrs. G. E.. . 24.00 McWilllams, Mrs. F. G 6.00 Ne!l, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo .. 24.00 Neil, R. P 5.00 Newcombe, W. E 24.00 Neil, L. A 300.00 Nelson, Lena H . 12.00 Nelson, W. Jr 30.00 Nims & Saunders 60.00 Nininger A. C 36.00 Nims, K. P 24.00 Nims, Mary 12.00 Niver, Mary 6.00 Nlchobon, L. B 6.00 Norton, E. N 12.00 Nortrldge, Wm 12.00 Norris. D. D 12.00 Nord, W. G 12.00 Niver, Lucy 2.00 No Name 1.25 Oaks, A. G i 30.00 0 Donoughue, Mrs. W 3.00 Ogg, Q. G 6.00 Oslln, Sam 6.00 Olson, C. J 12.00 Orres, L. J 12.00 Orr, Mary 6.00 O wing's, L. E 12.00 Owen, G. W :. 120.00 Parsley, G. T 12.00 Parr, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. . . . 12.00 Pappas, Tom 12.00 Patrick, W. A 12.00 Falmerlee, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. 30.00 Faulserud, O. A 24.00 Parson, Dr. and Mrs 12.00 Patton, Mrs. C. A 12.00 Patterson, Sylvester 60.00 Payne, E. C 12.00 Payne, C. T. .. 6.00 Patton, W. S. '. 12.00 Patton, N. F 12.0'J Pell, Emll 60.00 Penter, W. H 6.00 I'clton, Lottie, L 24.00 Perozzl, D 300.00 Phipps, Edyth i 12.00 Phllpott, J. H 15.00 1 icrson, W. E . 12.00 1'ierson, Martha 12.00 Pinion,, M. B 6.00 Pinkerton, F. W 12.00 Pierce, Mrs. C. H 12.00 Pittenger, J. R .'. . . 6.00 Pinkerton, Ellis 6.00 Place, J. F 18.00 I'lalsted, J. F .' 12.00 Plymate, M. E 24.00 Porter, R. C - 6.00 Pohland, H. F 24.00 Porter, C. I. J 12.00 Porter, C. 0 24.00 Poley, Josephine 7.00 Pcley, Joseph 12.00 I'oley, W. M 100.00 Powell, B. L 18.00 Powell, T. L 6.00 Powell, D. S 12.00 Pope, Chas 12.00 Powell, A. E 12.00 Potter, Frank 12.00 Poor, J. C 30.00 Fowell, Hazel 12.00 Provost, J. H 12.00 Provost, P. S 12.00 Iracht, A. H .10.00 Prescott, C 6.00 Prescott, W. G 6.00 Prayter, J. C COO Pratt, C. E 30.00 Pyeall, Helen 3.00 ,,, "stttt mmi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i j fl rf . D 4b Mi-UVM Cooking Convenience All the convenience of gas that is the meaning of a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove installed in your kitchen. Easy to operate. A' touch of a match and in a jiffy your stove is ready for cooking. No smoke or smell ; no dust or dirt. More convenient than coal or wood. Better and more economical cooking all the year round. A cool kitch en in summer. And you have all the convenience of gas. In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes, with or withont ovens or cabinets. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOiliSTOVE - These Stoves for Sale By W. E. WALKER, Medford, Ore. A New Perfection Oil Cook Stove means kitchen comfort and con venience. Ask your friend who has one. Used in 3,000,000 homes. Inexpensive, easy to operate. See them atyour deal er's today, i' Provost Bros., Hardware Thos. Simpson, Hardware ASHLAND, OREGON ?ittman I. D 12.00 Perrlne, C. J 12 00 Pelnster, Miss "j Prescott, G. C .".00 Pacific Tel & Tel Co 50.00 Phoenix, Ore 204 00 Peters, S. A 1.00 I otter, Sam 1 00 Randies, J. E 12.00 RamBey, Sherman, 12.00 Reed, Ruth L 6.00 Reader, L. E 6.00 Pedifer, I. V. 12.00 Reader, Ira 10.00 Ruachert. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. 12.00 Redlfer, E. W '. 12.00 Rhodes, A. P 12.00 Relnhart, Wm 60.00 Rltzlnger, N 12.00 Rose Brothers 42.00 Robertson, Chas 36.00 Roberts, L. A 24.00 Roach, E. F 12.00 Roberts, Glenn Ellen 18.00 Roberts, J. T 12.00 Roblson, Geo 24.00 Rose, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.. . . 24.00 Rouse, F. II 6.00 Root, C. W. and wife 120.00 Rogers, C. H 12.00 Pohrke, O. E 12.00 Rouse, F. E. 12.00 Rush, W. G. 12.00 Russell, F. E. 12.00 Ruger, J. A 12.00 Rudd, James , . . . 12. 06 Have you investigated the possibilities of a sGatcs S Tire " Get double mileage out of your old tire instead of throwing it away. Guaranteed 3500 miles without a puncture Riverside Garage F. L. ROBERTS Rifner, CD. Ross, H. J Robertson, J. R. Feeder, T. T. 2.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 Rogers, Mr. and Mrs ' 2.00 Russell, Theo 1.00 Robertson, Ralph 10.00 Sanford, H. S 12.00 fanford, T. W 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 3.00 Shaffer, B. F Saunders, J. B ; . . Sankey, F. D Sayle, J. D Sanford, R. D Eackett, G. E Saunders, J. S Sawyer, Bertha 24.00 Schweln, Louis 30.00 Fchuerman, Mrs. A. Scott, A. E. . Selby, A. G. Seey, Mrs. E. A. 18.00 12.00 30.00 6.00 Shlnn, F, J 24.00 Sherman, B. M 12.00 Shelton, G. L ,12.00 Shaw, E. B. ; . ... 12.00 Sherard, A. 6.00 Shaw, Mrs. R. J. 12.00 Shepherd, Mrs. M 3 00 P'glinger, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. 24.00 Simpson, T. II 60.00 Silver, C. E 3.00 Slingerland, G. R 24.00 Slack, J. V, 12.00 Sams, C. E 12.00 Stevens, G. C 12.00 Pmith, E F 12.00 Smith, Mrs. Elmer ........ 12.00 Smith,W. H 3.00 Smith, W. K 6 00 Smith, David A 12.00 (Continued on page eight) MEDFORD OREGON Gates Sle Tires Cost Half as Much J. P. Dodge h Sons tiiimiiiiiimiiimtiimiiiiiiimtaaar Undertakers Lady Assistant Deputy County Coroaer Slate LIccoMd Emkanaer Cleanliness,- Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular L. Schwein INSPECT onr market and roar confl- dene will be behind the pleaiare , of eating1 oar meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work shop will aid your dlgtition. 84 N. Main Phone 107 Pure Hilk Pure Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE ,. Proprietor 392-J Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town m i