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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1917)
...... it ,,,, ... .; Monday, May 21, 1017 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE SfiVCH GraduatingClass 1917s (Continued from pago six.) j Hazel Powell1, Cora Dlvet, Mae Skeen, . iveva McDonough', Ernestine Hicks, Essie Clendenning is now attend- Qrace j3es8i Gertrude Moore, Ray ing the Chlco normal and will become : mon(j Gearing, Ella Evans, Hortense a teacher 1n the near future. Fern ; winter, Miriam Banks, RutlrHadley, Murphy contemplates going to school Edltn Colei Grace Duck and Alta In Colorado and Charlotte Chappolle ' Faj'mer. and Annabelle Van Xatt.i in Callfor- ' nla. Of the following, some expect to j Ernevt V. Carter was among the remain in Ashland and some to go to ; Ashland delegation to the Roseburg college, but plans are Indefinite: . Strawberry Festival. 1 ill " li - If ; ' 1 "I f ' & )):' I V. jf 'if) ,':) Vv : A- VCxl V :....,,..M:JbJ U2-krL- .2Lk! ' 1.. ' -,. yj., ( 'JajmBmm1mWmmmWmmmmwmmMt ' f4iMiMWW 1 jj - tv -A f'f if .'Mr 1 ----------.---....a ........................... Bi Reductions What EASTERN Stevenson will develop your films. have you got to sell? Let us sell it for you, anything you have. SUPPLY CO., pmokelsz New Game Laws In Effect This Week The following Is a digeRt of the new game laws to go into effect on May 21: Xo j erson or persons shall make use of a dog In hunting, pursuing or killing any of the game animals of the state of Oregon. A license is required of every per son over 14 years of age for hunting any of the wild animals or birds pro tected by the laws of the state of Oregon. Fee for such license Resi dents, $1.f0; non-residents. $10. A license Is require do? every per son over 14 years of age, for angling or taking any trout, salmon, bass or any other fish by hook and line com monly called angling. The fee for such license for angling Is required of any female. Every person must have the license required of them in their personal possession at the time of hunting or angling, and such license is at all times subject to Inspection by any officer charged with the enforcement of the game and fish laws of the state or the owner or his agent or repre sentatives of the real property upon which the holder of such license may be hunting or angling. The open season on game birds, game animals and game fish in dis trict Xo. 1 of the state of Oregon Is as follows: Came animals Deer with horns from August J 5 to October 13 of each year, both dates Inclusive. Rag limit, two snch deer during any one season. Silver gray squirrels from Septem ber 1 to October 31 of each year. Rag limit, five squirrels in any seven con secutive days. Came birls Ducks, geese, rails, coots and shore birds, open season October 1 to January 15 of the fol lowing year4 Bag limit 30 such birds in any seven consecutive days. Chinese pheasant, sooty or blue grouse, ruffled grouse or native pheasant, open season from October 1 to October 31 of each year except in Jackson county, where the open season Is from October 1 to October Central Point, Bixth grade Gold Hill. 10 of each year. Bag limit five of Dewey school, and fourth grade Tal any or all such birds' in one day, or ; ent. ten during any seven consecutive j About one hundred of the best In days. provided that no female Chinese ; dividual papers from the entire coun pheasants shall be killed. There Is ty have been forwarded by Dr. A. no open season on Chinese pheasants,. Palmer of New York where tlpy in Josephine, Coos and Curry coun- will be graded and winners of In ties. There Is no open season on moun - tain or plumed and California or val- ley quail except In Jackson, Joseph - ine, Coos and Curry counties In game district No. 1. Open seoson In these counties from October 1 to October 31 of each year. Doves', open season from Septem ber 1 to October 31 of each year. Bag limit 10 In one day or 20 In sev en consecutive days. Pigeons are protected by federal law until Sep tember 1, 1918. Game fish, district No. 1: Trout, over six Inches In length, open season from April 1 to October 31. Bag limit 60 fish or 35 pounds In one day. Trout over ten Inches in length, open all year. Bag limit fifty fish or fifty pounds In one day. Bass,- open all year, hook and line only. Bag limit 40 pounds In one day. It Is unlawful to have 'game birds or game animals In captivity with out securing a permit from the state board of fish and game commission ers, for which a fee of 2 will be charged. , Card of Thanks. We wish to express cur heartfelt thanks for the kind woros and deeds and beautiful floral offerings of the Benevolent Order of Elks, the Ladles of the Maccabees, the ' Degree of Honor and many dear friends and neighbors during the sickness and death of our wife and mother. H. L. WHITE, LEATHA R. TYLER. . CHARLIE O. TYLER, HARRY B. WHITE, OPAL O. HOTTENROTH. Would you voluntarily leave home for two years without making ade quate provision for the support ot your family during your absence? How about an involuntary departure wltlj Insufficient life Insurance? II. C. Galey, 431-J, agent Western States Life Ins Co. 103-2t Phone news items to tha Tiding. . . J.A.f.......f. J. J.X -i-.t. Qn Bicycle Ti res ! For Sale 1 Heavy Single Harness. 1 Light Single Harness. 2 Sets Double Harness. 3 Saddles. 0 Iiicycles, $10 up 2 Sewing Machines, $j each. 1 22 RifU, Purlin. 1 32 40 Savage. 1 Ford Trunk Rack. 1 Set Ford Curtains. 1 Motorcycle, Tandem. 1 Milch Goat. f tTi'TTTTTTVT VI TTT ""--" Central Point Wins Writing Contest The seventh grade of the Central Point schools won first place !n the Jackson county writing contest which has been in progress during the greater part of the present school year. Miss Lillian Pierce, teacher of this grade, ably assisted by Miss Al bine, both e.xpeit Palmer penman ship teachers, have brought this class up to a high dejree of proficiency in i writing during the present year. In this class of twenety-three, seventeen j were considered among a posslblo 200 j expert contestants from the entire j county outside of schools of the first I class. j Persist, school district SO, won sec ond place. Miss Katherlne Doollng, who teaches the school, has labored j diligently with her pupils, and is therefore entitled to credit with the children for her labors. Oak drove school, district CD, west of Medford, won third place. Miss Laura Couch has charge of the pupils in grades 5, C, 7 and S of tills school and coached her boys and girls In an admirable way. The Long Mountain school, near Eagle Point, lost out for third place by two-tenths of a point. Other schools making records slightly be - low those of the winners are here mentioned in the order of score won: Plnehurst, fifth grade Central Point, fourth grade Oak Grove, sixth grade Central Point, elgtU grade Cen tral Point, seventh grade Gold Hill, elgth grade Eagle Point, fourth grade ' dividual prizes will be announced j through the columns of this paper as soon as returns are received. Mr. 1 Palmer Is author of our state text book and has consented to correct papers for individual prizes. Supt. Ager expresses himself as well pleased with the results of the campaign during the year for better writing, and says that In all schools where teachers have mastered a good hand in muscular movement, great Improvement Is noticeable In the writing of the children of that school. High Schools To Observe July 1st One hundred and fifty thousand high schools In America, with a mem bership cf about 18,000,000, have been requested to observe July 1 as "Patriotic Sunday," It was announced at the headquarters of the Interna tional School Association of Chicago Thursday. Each school has been requested to 21 Have Yonr Clothes Made at Home John John the Tailor A Fit or Cleaning and Pressing KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED Stevenson, 177 Cast Main Street " rVever Sleep" J..t.J... ...... ... A... M..t. J....... .t. 3. J. M. t. ... M m m M ASHLAND i 1 0x11 Rug. 1 Pony. Wanted 33x1 Auto Tire. 1 Steam Engine and Boiler, 2 to 4 horsepower. 1 Set Heavy Double Harness. We can sell anything you hae for sale, or we can get anything you want. Let us do It for you. t Eastern Supply Co. - -- -- - make an offering on that day toward the American lied Cross, or other war relief agency, or the army Y. M. C. A. to encourage young men to enlist for; active service in the war and young women for duty as Red Cross nurses, and to enroll as many members of thq Red Cross ns possible. War! Are you going tc war? Tha Mutual Life of New York makes no additional premium for war sorviC'i for first two years of policy, if In sured stnys within the continental ' limits of the United States (ranami excepted). Reasonable rates, first class policies. See Hillings Agencv now. 102-3t I WHAT Mil. WKLI.S SAYS j Is Surely of Interest To Tidings Rcad ITS. I Ashland people are always intorcst ! ed In the statements of Ashalnd real j dents. And this Is particularly trua j when a man bo well known aa Mr. I Wells speaks. Those In Ashland who suffer from backache, headache and other kidney ills will make no mla- take by following the example ot i John V Wells, retired ranchman, Hargadine and Oresham streets. Ha says: "I don't hesltato to recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills publicly, for I have taken this old, reliable medicine on several occasions when I have found that my kidneys haven't been acting as they should. Doan's have always done all that Is claimed for them. Thev are a family modi- 1 cine for kidney disorders In our home ! and they never fail to give satlafao : "on' ' ,. I rrice iiuo, at an uea'ers. uoui simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney nils the same that Mr. Wells uses. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. New Hand Laundry A St., next to Wall Chung. Wa Lee, Prop. Phone 334-R. We do all kinds of laundry work. Reasonablo prices. Work called for and delivered. Ashland. HOWARDS i Ashland and Klamath Falls AUTO LINE Starts from Medford dally via Ashland llrst day the road opens. NEW 7-PA8SKNGEUCA1W ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers In LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Roofing Papers, Cordwood, Factory Block Wood mil win i Mill j Tailoring for Men and Women for Clothes No Sale Mills-McCall Bldg. Room Six WW MMbtMT-efe I lfU.IJ n I