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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1917)
if' wmnmhii - ....... - f,r - -"'ir.i".,..., .... ,04... r.- Monday, May 21, 1017 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE TURKU People who pay rent are as sure to read the "to let" ads as are baseball "fans" to read the stories ol the games. SV888$888848S888$84S888 Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word (or each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or leus $1 per mouth. No adverting Kent Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order xcept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL, DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and urgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup piled. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. P. and H. Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. il-tf C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Briggs. Ashland, Ore, DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited, to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to II and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 7 3-U CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork,. lathing and plastering, robhlestone and general building contracts. , 4-12mo, CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, re!aid and repaired, bedsprlngs restretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby bueelea. window cleaning, bouse cleaning, and furniture packing do'ne expertly. Call at 886 A street or nbone 403-R. 91-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Fa perhanger. Phone 202-R. 1 Ohio street. 40-tJ MISCELLANEOUS BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 11 Factory St Bill posting and dis tributing. 64-tf CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. S. Patterson. Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer. Sec. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month -a ?:30 p. m.. at the Auxiliary Hall. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE City proper ty on Main street, six blocks from center of town; lot 75 feet front by ' 342 feet deep; modern nine-room houso, bsrn and sheds; flno garden. Medford, Ore. What have you? : For particulars call at Tidings of flce. FOR EXCHANGE Seven-room Ash land bunga'ow for acreage. Ad dress W., Tidings office. 99-7t TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE FOR GOOD HORSE Hundreds of people have things they don't need. Somebody needs what you have and don't need. A for exchange ad here would be ready by nearly four thousand people every issue. Some body among them wouia wain : what you don't need and would - pav a fair price for it. A little In ' vested in an Exchange ad will cash your old Junk that will otherwise . rust out. Thirty words one full month, $1. You read this ad. Others would have read yours " you had It here. J WANTED WANTED Infants and children to board. Inquire 366 B street. 66-tf WANTED To lease, 100 acres or ' more of good grain land for a term of years. Cash or shares, with or without orchard combination. R. T. Stinnett, Ashland, Ore. 98-lmo. WANTED Men for mills and steam boats, at good wages. Boats $50 month and board; mills ten hours, day work only, $2.90 per day. Men nut nn every day at West Linn. miii ncross river from Oregon City. 101-3t WANTED First-class patternmaker Wages 50c hour, ten hourB', work. Continuous employment. Address a t MpRnfn. West Linn. 103-3t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CHEAP Ono Canton . ditcher. Hocvy, with mould, to hrnw dirt both' ways. For heavy .' ditch work llko Irrigation or pipe ditch. Inquiro at tho Tidings of 94-tf fice. rvin qat th r.HEAP One Heavy pick plow, suitable for heavy rock ditch- lng. inquire ai me Tj 94-tf for SALE Completed Judgment against Jackson county for $818. 3,j. Draws interest at tho rate of 6 per cent per annum from March 31, 1917. Will take par for it. Will be paid, first half April, 1918 ast half October, 1918. Ashland Print ing Company, at Tidings office. FOR SALE Tomato plants, 5c doz. Amos Graves, about one mile out East Main street. I0i-Jt FOR SALE A gas range, Tery reu onable. Phone 390-R. 1M-M OLD PAPERS FOR SALE at the Tid ings office. Twenty-five for 6 cents. vit- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ten Hereford bulla, pure bred and tubercular tested, coming two-year-olds. D. M. Horn Hornbrook, Cal 10 Mt FOR SALE Good family milch cow. 440 Beach street. 10i-i FOR RENT YOU SEE THIS FOR RIONT AD Did it ever occur to you that if you see this, others, would see your ad if It was here, and likely rent your ' vacant house? It costs thirty words one month, $1. tt M FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW. Tho houso Is six rooms and will rent four. of them to right party. Bath, pantry, hall, screened porch and large roomy front porch; one bedroom 12x12, with bed, dresser and table complete; living room with piano, leather couch, library table, two latest sty'e leath er rockers, and velvet carpet; din ing room 13x17, stove, table, rlm'rc lnillfc In buffet and Axmins- ter carpet; kitchen, all modern, hot and cold water, best grade bath tub; electric lights in house and porch. Would rather have no chil dren, but would consider one child. All complete for the summer at $20 per month. Inquire at Tid ings office. 100-tf FOR RENT Room or tents, fur n'shed for light housekeeping. Each tent has a nlco shady lawa. Mrs. R. Goodyear, 134 Church street. 101-St FOR RENT Six-room cottage, mod ern conveniences, fruit, close lu. See Minklcr. 240 C street. 102-tf FOR RENT Newly furnished apart ments, close in. Hot and cold wa- ter, bath, electric lights and gas. Rent reasonable. 63 North Main. Also a few snaps In residence prop erty. Mrs. S. L. Allen. 104-lmo. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A BIG REAL ESTATE SNAP If your advertisement was here somedy else would be reading it, and if the bargain was attrac tive enough would buy that lot yod wish to sell. It pays to let people know what you have to sell, and the cost of advertising is small. Thirty words one full month for $1. MR HOMESEEKER Will sell beau tiful home, new modern buildings, beautiful shady lawn, abundance choice fruit, good Income. Price right; terms to suit. Call or write owner, 715 North Main, Ashland. Ore. 102-lnio RANCHES FOR SALE 19.27 acres, in crop, all tillable, rented at pies- glnd most all"" liable, "good ' nualitv: 21.24 acres. Dart of which has been tilled, all can be with some work; 5 acres facing a good lane, all tillable; 5 acres, all tilla ble, black land; 10.14 acres select ed from 1,100 acre tract, all tilla ble;' 22 acres fenced on three sides, good land on a sloping hill; 19.90 acres, county road at end, black land, some loose stones; 28.7 acres, most all tillable, no trees to move, level ground; 10 acres with county road running through It, 5 acres choicest land; 31.16 acres with two-story house, barn, wood- shed, hay scales and 1 acre In al falfa, running water until July. The above tracts are suitable for farming or fruit raising, and the prices are right, without any infla tion, by a party who has been in the valley and connected with land values the past fifty years. For prices and display, call on G. S. Butler, 41 Granite street, Ashland, Ore. 102-lmo. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One 1916 Ford touring car in first-class condition; one Twin Indian motorcycle; one Kingsbury piano, good as new. For particulars writ or inquire G. I. Wardrip, Talent, Ore. l02-8t1 FOR SALE, CHEAP One Studebak- er five-passenger automobile, one 60-gal. gasoline tank, one army saddle, all in good condition. Call at 678 Boulevard, phone 326-R. 103-lmo. THE CAR YOU NO LONGER NEED, if still valuable, may be made a , "liquid asset," quickly convertible Into its cash value, through class! fled advertising. If your offer Is "right" you will find your buyer quickly. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CON- , STRUCT SEWER. To All Persons Interested in the Ownership of Any Parcel of Land Within the Follow lng Described Boundaries, to-wlt: Beginning at the manhole at the intersection of North Main Street and extending west on Maple Street - to Rock Street; thence south on Rock Street to the middle of Block 36, Coolidge Addition; thence werft through the middle of said Block 36 to Woolen Street, effecting all frontage on said aewer not other wise connected with Sewer District 16. Said sewer to be known as Coolidge Addition Extension to Sewer District 16. Are hereby sum moned and required to appear be fore the Common Covi.ili of the city of Ashland, at tt;e Cif Hall, Ashland, Oregon, on the 2S'.j div of May, 1917, at 7:30 p. m., then and there to offer any suggestions and objections thereto. The ex penses Incident thereto and the cost of the construction of such sewer Talent Things Miss Mae Skeen of Ashland spent Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rose enter Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Peter talned at dinner Thursday In honor Spencer. !f Mrs. T. M. Davis of Salem, Ore. Mr. John Brlner attended the dance The guests were Mrs. T. M. Davis and at Wellen Saturday evening. 'daughter Catherine, Mm M. Butler Mr. II. u. bimpson lert bunday and Mrs. J. W. Ling of Medford. morning for California to attend to The Community Club of Talent en buslness. 'tertained a number of Invited guests Earl Beeson attended the ball at tin ir club rooms on Wednesday. game In Medford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke were din- ner guests at the home of Mr. and iMrs. N. 0. Towers on Sunday. Mr.-Ed Robinson of Talent took in the ball game at Medford on Sunday, Mr. Chas. Brown of the Talent drug store was In Medford Sunday.1' The Powers orchestra of Talent played for the dance at Wellen on Saturday night. Miss Belle French of Thoenlx was i Mrs. Archie Estes, a niece of Mrs. a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis, luft for her home in Crawford of Talent on Sunday. Clendale on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Galbralth spent the j J. D. Brown was a business caller day In Ashland on Sunday. jln Asiiland Monday. Mr. Frank Dillard returned from j Lawrence Crawford Is confined to Dead Indian on Saturday. jhis home with a slight Illness. Mrs. Lewis Brown of Talent was i Mrs. George Galbralth, Mrs. O. shopping in Medford on Saturday. ' Manning and Mrs. Frank Dillard The Parent Teacher Society will joined the Community Club on Wed meet on the afternoon of May 22 In-, nestlay. j stead of evening. Dr. Jarvls of Ash - land will deliver an address at the meeting, lng. Waldo Bell and children, Margaret Those from Talent attending the and Verel, 'left Thursday of last week , Epwnrth League convention at Ash for eastern Oregon. They are mak- 'land Friday evening were Miss Caila lng the trip by team. Vogell. Miss Anna Anderson, Miss Carl -Glasgow of East Bear Creek j Withrow and Mr. and Mrs. Peter went to Medford on Saturday, return-. Spencer. lng on Monday. The naval recruiting officer locat- Mrs. Grant Chlpley of Canton, S. ed In Medford was In Talent on Frl D., Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. 1 day. B. Adamson, of Talent. Boyd Robinson and wife were shop- Mr, and Mrs. Jim Pellett of Ash-1 ping In Ashland Tuesday, land were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holdridge were MrB. Pellett's mother, Mrs. Wolters, in Medford on Wednesday. on Saturday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Got tard was taken to the hospital in Ashland on' Sunday, where he under went an operation. Miss Hanscomb of Jacksonville spent Satudray and Sunday with friends In Talent. Mr. E. G. Coleman of Phoenix was visiting at the home of his mother in Talent on Sunday. Everett Beeson of Talent attended the dance In Eagle Point Saturday night and stayed over Sunday at the home of the Wheelers. Mrs. Hearing of rhoen'x was visit ing in Talent on Monday. Mr. Chas. Eoyden of Medford was in Talent for a few hours Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillard were in Ashland Sunday evening. Mrs. E. B. Adamson and daughter IIp,en Rpent thfs evening in Medford odiuruay, Mr1, and Mrs. Jay Terrill were In Medford on Wednesday, attending the Patriotic parade. Mrs. Relmer was In Ashland on Wednesday. B. M. French of Thoenix was a bus iness visitor in Talent on Monday. Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson of Talent was visiting In Medford on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Simpson of Tal ent were visiting in Medford on Wed nesday. Among those who attended the Pa triotic parade in Medford on Wednes day were Mr. Withrow, Mr. Keith, Mr. and Mrs.. Nyswaner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillard, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Man ning, Mr. Everett Beeson, Mr. Harrjr Glelm, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Ames and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. .1, - r T-. . J . i Liieim, Mrs. liuugeuii mm unusiuei Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Georfee Carder. to be hereafter assessed, In case of the construction thereof, as special benefits against the real estate within said district benefited there by. Dated this 16th day of May, 1917. (Signed) C. B. LAMKIN, Mayor. Attest: JOHN B. WIMER, Recorder. First puV'-otion Ashland Tid ings May 17tL, 1917. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CON STRUCT SEWER. To All Persons Interested in Ownership of Any Parcel of Land Within the Follow ing Described Boundarlr-a, to-wlt: Beginning ,-n East AUin Street at the intert otion a Lincoln Street, thence imth or. Lincoln Street to the Intersection of Lin coln and Iowa Streets, and effect ing all frontage on both sides of said Lincoln street. Said sewer f) be known as Lincoln Street Sewer. Are hereby summoned and required to appear befoif the Common Council of tho cV y of Ashland, at the City Hall, Asi.iand, Oregon, on the 29th day of Mny, 1917, at 7:30 p. m., then and 'nere to offer any suggestions and objections thereto. The expenses incident thereto and the cost of the construction of such sewer to be hereafter assessed, in case of the construction thereof, as special benefits against the real es tate within said district benefited thereby. , Dated i this 16th day of May, 1917. (Signed) C. B. LAMKIN, Mayor. Attest: JOHN B. WIMER, Recorder. First publication Ashland Tid ings May 17th, 1917. Mrs. King of Frederick was vlsltlne In Talent on Thursday evening. Mrs. R. J. Luke was shonnlne In Talent on Wednesday. Mr. Ava Holt of Talent, who has .been In tlie Hospital Cori's located In San Francisco, is home on a three i months' absence. He had the mlsfor- tune to have his ear drum broken, j Mis. Dillard was shopping In Ash land on Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Teter Spencer were visiting In Ashland on Thursday even- Mr. and Mrs. Nyswaner have re turned to Talent after an absence of several months. Mrs. J. J. King was shopping In Talent Thursday. Mrs. George Galbralth and Mrs. Jay Terrill were visiting In Ashland Fri day. Mrs. Jeffrey was shopping In Med ford Monday. Mrs. Burgan left Sunday for Gren ada, Cal., visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vandersluis. President Sets Date For Registration (Continued from Page One.) misdemeanor and upon convicttlon n the district court of the United j States having Jurisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, or, if subject to military law, shall be tried by court martial and suffer such punishment as a court-martial may direct. Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wil son, president of the United States, do call upon the governor of each of the several states and territories, the board of commissioners of the Dis trict of Columbia, and all officers and agents of the several states and territories, of the District of Colum bia, and of the counties and munici palities therein to perform certain duties In the execution of the fore going law, which duties will be com municated to them directly In regula tions of even date herewith. And I do further proclaim and give notice to all persons subject to registration In the several states and in the Distirct of Columbia, In ac cordance with the above law, that the time and place of such registra tion shall be between 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. of the 5th day of June, 1917, at the registartion place In the pre cinct wherein they have their per manent homes. Those who shall have attained their twenty-first birthday and who shall not have at tained their thirty-first birthday on or before the day here named are required to register, excepting only officers and enlisted men of the reg-1 ular army, the navy, the marine corps j and the national guard and naval militia, while In the service of the ! United States, and officers In the of-. fleers' reserve corps and enlisted men In the enlisted reserve corps while inactive service. In the terri tories of Alaska, Hawaii and' Porto Rico a day for registration will be! named In a later proclamation. And I do charge those who through sickness shall be unable to present themselves for registration that they apply on or before the day of regis- j tratlon to the county clerk where they may be for instructions as to how they may be registered byj agent. Those who exect to be ab- sent on the day named from the , counties in which they have their permanent homes may register by mall, but their mailed registration cards must reach the places In which j they have their permanent homes by the day named herein. They should ( apply as soon as practicable to the county clerk of the county wherein they may be for Instructions as to how they may accomplish their regis tration by mail. In such case per sons as, through sickness or absence, may be unable to present themselves personally for registration, shall be sojourning In cities of over thirty thousand population, they shall apply to the city clerk of the city wherein they may lie sojourning rather than j to the clerk of the county. The clerks of counties and of cities of over thirty thousand population in which numerous applications from the sick and non-residents are ex- jpected are authorized to establish such sub-agencies and to employ and 'deputize such clerical force as may bo necessary to accommodate these applications. The power against which we are arrayed bus sought to impose Its will upon the world by force. To this end it has Increased armament until it lias changed the faec of war. In the seuso in which we have been wont to think of armies there ar.j no armies I in tills struggle. Thoh are entire .nations armed. Thus the men who I remain to till the soil and man the I factories are no luss a part of the army that is in France than the men i beneath the buttle flag3. It must' be so with us. It is not an army that wo must shape and train for war; it I is a nation. To this end our people I must draw close in one compact front .against a common foe. Hut this can I not be if each man pursues a private purpose. All must pursue one pur pose. The nation needs all men; but It needs each man, not in the field that will most please him, bu. In the en deavor that will best serve the com mon good. Thus, though a sharp shooter pleases to operate a tripham mer for the forging of great guns, and an expert machinist desjres to march with the flag, the nation is being served only when the sharp shooter marches and the machinist remains at his levers. The whole na tion must be a team In wihch each man shall play the part for which he is best fitted. To this end congress has provided that the nation shall bo organized for war by selection and that each man shall be classified for service in the place to which it shall best serve the general good to call him. The significance of this can not be overstated. It Is a new manner of accepting and vitalizing our duty to give ourselves with thoughtful devo tion to the common purpose of us all. It is In no sehso a conscription of the unwilling; it is, ratliei, selection from a nation which has volunteered In mass. It Is no more a choosing of those who shall march with the col ors than it Is a selection of those who shall serve an equally necessary and devoted purpose in tho industries that lie behind the battle line. The day here named is the time upon which all shall present them selves for assignment to their tasks. It Is for that reason destined to be remembered as one of the most con spicuous moments in our history. It is nothing less than the day upon which the manhood of the country shall step forward In ono solid rank in defense of the Ideals to which this nation is consecrated. It Is Impor tant to those Ideals no less than to the pride of this generation in mani festing Its devotion to them, that there be no gaps in the ranks. It Is essential that the day be ap- Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT onr marKet and your confi dence will be behind the pleasure of eating onr meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work. hnn L. bcmvcin 81 Pure flilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, TELEPHONE Proprietor 444-R Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town proaclied In thoughtful apprehension of Its significance and that we accord to it the honor and the meaning that it deserves. Our industrial need pre scribes it be not made a technical holiday, but the stern sacrifice that Is before us urges that k be carried in all our hearts as a great day of patriotic dovotion and obligation when the duty shall He upon every man, whether he Is himself to be reg istered or not, to see to it that the name of every male person of the designated ages is written on these lists of honor. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this ISth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and of the independ ence of tiie United States of Amorlca the onehundred and forty-first. By the PRESIDENT. ROBERT LANSING, Secretary of State. FOR COUGHS AND UULUb 1 tenn.s tucaiypius uinimem M I W 1 1 . . A AT ALL DRUQ STORES Tubes 25c Jars 60c !t!j!:tK:2:!i:ti::::::!:na:j:::::tn!:y::::nj ASK the grocer for Cali fornia Washing Powder It is the washing pow der that makes your wash ing easier and your clothes white as snow. Manufactured in Ashland at ill 11 Street, Ashland, Oregon ::::r.j::::::::t::a:taj:aj:KnK::jt:t HOTEL MANX Powell St., at OTarrell San Francisco In the heart of the business, shopping and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious hii m 1 m lobby .fine service.and Homelike restaurant will attract you. European Plan rates $1.00 up. hit', In Auto Tops There Is all the difference in the world. Some are built for show; som are built for wear. We make tops that are built to make your'car apr pear as graceful and dashing as possi ble, and yet to give the maximum of service. Medford Auto Top Factory L. E. ACKLEY, Proprietor. 118 South Central. nrtll aift vnnr iHsft.ltinil N. Main Phone 107 I Pure Cream St?S'J'i' Everything" tffl i id 1 1 Urn mrl Masageaent Awi j W.B. James 5t?PjJ