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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1917)
PAGE EIGIIT Thursday, April 5, 1917 GIVE GAS. A TRIAL 'iitttitixttitititt COME in the next time you are down town and look over our line of Gas Ranges. We have one that will suit you, and the price is right. It should alway be remembered that there is no coal or wood to bother with if you coolt with gas. If you have not given this matter the necessary attention you should do it now. Easy terms if desired. THE GAS COMPANY ill ifcw J ! ) 5 I ! i , Medford Mayor's Talk Optimistic Mayor C. E. Gates of Medford made a talk at the Monday meeting of tho local Commercial Club which very favorably Impressed the new .feeling of harmong and co-operation which Is growing up between Ash land and Medford In a united striv ing to Bubdue petty jealousies and ctHvo tnirothnr tnr thn l.nltorniont , the entire valley. I A cheery, optimistic and yet prac-1 tlcal talk was given by Mr. Gates, I ho, after telling something of the 1 progress being made In matters of valleywlde Interest, appealed for the optimistic outlook and assured his liearers that "they just naturally couldn't keep a good valley down". Mr. Gates sees at some time In the future Ashland and Medford in one town, "with Talent as the main trtreet". He believes that there is an unrivalled opportunity for a Job Wng center at Medford calling atten tion to the fact that it Is 431 miles nouth and 341 miles north to the nearest jobbing center, while in the east every hundred miles has its metropolis. He said: "Why, if back j .cast I was to tell them I was going: 431 miles to do some buying all my; relatives would be down to the train ,o tell me bood-by." j Mr. Gates had just returned from a trip to Portland upon which ne Kin, in cuy nas never leiuseu war J& su was accompanied by H. L. Valthers ' tpr t0 anono in 11,0 clt ,lmlts " Tno,16 68 and the results of which are bound cltr 'iU not- however, guarantee 87 55 to be of benefit to the valley. At' head of water for irrigation dur- 1S 50 Portland ns a committee represent-! 'n the middle of tho day in. the dry j9 48 ing the Medford Commercial Club I season and never has guaranteed this 20. 55 they spent two days working to se- i f ll,e consumers In the high- 21. . 42 cure state and federal aid for the 1 er parts of town. However, the wa-; 22 47 Crater Lake highway, under the j ter .service last year was excellent 23 53 terms of the Shackleford and Dean i and doubtless remain so. The 24 ; 50 bills. They secured the endorsement icity is entering Into a contract with 25 50 of the Portland Chamber of Com-' Miss Chamberlain to furnish water. ; 26 44 merce at a luncheon Friday. The i The report of refusal was brought 97 fin chamber adopted resolutions favoring to light In a letter from George A. 28 65 the highway. They then succeeded In securing an endorsement of the project from S. Benson, chairman of the stato highway commission, Chief Forester H. S. Graves of the forestry bureau, who had been antagonistic to the project, was won over, and promised to give the su liC earnest consideration. Highway 1 onuuission-1 er E. J. Adams was next visited at Eugene and went on record as favor ng the highway. Thp hlerliwnv romnitss'nn hns been pass-in the buck to the forestry serv- provide twenty-four photographs of 1ce. which had paused It back again ' 8Cenes 1,1 Ashland and vicinity to re am) between the two, there was every il'ce some out c? date pictures in probability that the five years co-jw" frames owned by the Coromer rpornUvo road work between stato , elal Club, Mr. Stevenson's generous and federal government would en- ! " ffatefully accepted by the tlrely Ignore Crater Lake highway, clllu- and that not a penny would be spent 11 pon it. As a result of the efforts of Messrs Gates and Walthers, the state highway commission lias rec ommended it, and If the highway does Hot receive consideration, it wjll not ho thv state commission's fault. OUR SPECIAL SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 7th If you want to secure Garden Hose and any article in Hardware, buy it during the next three days. If you wish, you can select the hose, pay $1.09 down on it and pay balance when you get the hose. You save from $1.50 to$2.50 on fifty feet of hose by buying now. WE DO NOT CHARGE ANY GOODS AND DO NOT DELIVER V M T A TTvT W AK1 n C The portion of the highway sought for ilmmcdlnto Improvement is that between Prospect and the park lines, 22 miles, estimated to cost $100,000. Mr. Gates also attended the meet ing of the delegates to consider ways and means of spending the joint Northwest tourist advertising money, $105,000 being available from Ore gon, Washington and British Colum bia. He told of his experiences there and expressed his belief that big results were going ta accrue from lI'C TOOVemeill. the movement. wiS Gates at the meet-, lne- retary ueorge uoos i . Tr StateB Goo,d .Rads afciatin : 8tarte.d t0 te" the cm'n,s 1 lng of the a8sod1 " whifh lst toe : "c,u 7, ' cu'"'u' "ison Is six weeks late, much to the nre wnisue on in. ,. -i'-! ing out a fire alarm, Mr. aoos naa to cut his talk rather short. Erroneous Report Corrected by Mayor An erroneous report has been cir culated to the effect that the city had refused to grant the Installation of the necessary pipe to provide city water for the bungalow and gardens, lawns, etc., of the home which Miss, Chamberlain plans to build on a new- j ly acquired five-acre tract on the hills in the southern part of tho city. "As a matter of fact," says Mayor Lam-1 Watson of Klamath Falls, who stated that he owned a tract adjoining the one mentioned and Intended to build a home on it some dav. j ; fu,vc a "v " ' gfcgygJJSOfl GiVCS Pictures to Club Chester Stevenson lias offered to Special $1 profit sale closes Satur day nittlit, OltRKS T.IM)lt SHOP. YTT Lionlike March Pleases Farmers The month of March acted up Ilka a Hon all tho way through despite the time-honored axiom. The month entered with snow and ended with rain. The minimum temperature was 15 above on tho 1st and 21 above on the 2 1st, neither of which Is very lamblike.' The rainfall of 2.35 Inches ' brlnCTS UD the seasonal nrpolnttfltinn and assures a plentiful supply of molsture for the gummer The mountains have more snow than at this date for many years past. No blossoms are out as yet and the sea- deIgnt of t,)e farmer- Tne frost will not be a serious menace this year. The weather report of Co-operative Observer Louis Dodge follows: Temperature. Date. 1 Max. 45 44 44 40 44 45 43 42 Min. 15 16 23 33 31 31 25 24 30 27 21 23 25 29 23 33 32 28 34 31 27 28 37 32 84 ' 39 38 3J 25 21 on 10 42 n 43 12 49 13 42 14 44 29 56 30 43 31 45 Maxmum temperature, 60, 27th; minimum, temperature, 13 on 1st. Total Greatest 29th. Total precipitation, in 24 hours, 2.33 inches. .42 Inch, on snowfall, 12 Inches. On ground nt end of month, 3 Inches. Number, of clear days, 8; partly cloudy, 4 ; cloudy, 1 9. LOUIS DODGE. Co-operative Observer. Overheated Stove Causes Small Fire An overheated stove in the house at 200 Lincoln street, occupied by S. M. Hayes and owned by J. C. Hayes of Elkshead, Ore., caused a fire which did considerable damage mm n R The Low Price Hardware Man 9 375 East Main Street, Ashland, Phone 146 to the interior of one room. The fire was discovered after Mr. and Mrs. Hayes had retired Monday evening. The fire department was called and extinguished the blaze with chemicals. Valley Viewites Hear Potato Talk The first of a sperics of "spud'' meetings in Jackson county was held Tuesday night at the Valley View school bouse cast of Ashland. The interest in potatoes manMest at this meeting was very encouraging to tho speaker. C. J. Hurd. state grange organizer of Eugene, was present and found a receptive mood among the farmers on tho subject of farm orgau izatiort., s Professor Larsen emphasized the need of better seed potatoes and dis cussed fully methods of producing this stock. He urged seed treatment aga'nst disease, favoring the corro sive sublimate solution over forma lin. Corrosive Bubllmate is recom mended for scab and Rhizoctonia both. Commits Suicide On Portland Train W. E. Williamson, who established the Interurban Autocar line between here and Medford which is now man aged by his brother, S C. William son, who lives in Ashland, committed suicide on a train near Portland Sun day afternoon. His brother left here for Portland immediately upon learn ing of the accident. Ill health is thought to he the cause of the suicide. The strain at tendant upon his duties as assistant postmaster at Portland undermined his health and. following a nervous breakdown, he was compelled to give up 'his position..; Lrtelytlc received an appointment ns rural carrier on a route out of llolbrook, Ore., where he has resided with his wife and two children, Oliver, 10, and Dorothy, 16. Spraying. ' 1 Those w'shing spraying done call or sec Charles C. Martin, phone j 454-Y. Res'dence, 940 B St. 90-tf Classified Advertisements TflO LATE TO CLASSIFY TO TRADE Mrs. Ella Critchlow, 110 Lincoln street, Salem. Ore., . wants to trade Salem property for an Aohland homo. If you are on the trade, write to her. It SACRIFICE SALE A client of ours has 160 acres on Highway, three1 miles from Rogue river; 70 acres cultivated. 120 acres- bottom. 10 acres good pears, 6,000 cords wood on place. Threatened foreclosure. Gives us right to sell for $9,200. Must have half cash. W. D. Hodg son. Ashland. 91-3t " WANTED Boy of about 1 6 years to run garbago wagon. Apply to this , offico. 91-3t FOR RENT Four-room'cottage, fur nished, on upper Granite, adjoining park. Call on A. Bert Freeman. 91-tf EGGS FOR SETTING S. C. Black Mlnorcas. $1 for setting of 13. A. Bert Freeman. 91-tf BIRDLAND carries the most com plete stock in America of rare and beautiful birds from all over the world. Before purchasing a pet of any kind, visit our stores and see the large collection of fancy and aviary birds. We carry the largest stock of all kinds of cages, of all prices and varieties; also foods and remedies for any of your pets. TALK LNG PARROTS. The good, tame, double yellow heads so widely sold as tho human talkers; celebrated birds from Cor into, known to be the best talking parrots. DOGS. Our dog department Is at your service with a collection of dogs and puppies of all kinds; also a 'full line of kennel supplies. Send (or illustrated catalogue in colors. FREE L. M. GRIDER, ! 1301 Central avenue and 216 Mer-1 cantllo placo, Los Angeles, Cal. 91-3t' NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY PARK 1 BONDS Recorder's Office, March 26, 1917. , Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 6 o'clock , in the afternoon of the 17th day of April, 1917 (and not later), and the same will be opened and con-! ' sldercd by the Common Council of j the olty of Ashland, Oregon, on the j same day and date at 8:30 o'clock in the evening of said 17th day of' April, 1917, for the purchase of the' following City Park Bonds of the city 'of Ashalnd issued in ac cordance with Ordinance No. 641 enacted by the Common Council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 23rd day of Maroh, 1917. Un der authority and in compliance with a Charter amendment duly enacted by tho electors of the city of Ashland on the 19th day of f Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! SAVE 15c A POUND l ikJ APRIL 9 to 14 I Ipk UiV FOLGER'S W TEA j' 1 300 mm - mm i I cup. Four cups S&JLJ t ?P. K iSfJ?' xr I cost about one centKjva H t JS3 I 3 You can afford to S&!L, r j1. " I t drink good tea. Jt& "'tfTT I 1 75c Tea-75c Quality tjWiJ 1 1 1 -75 .60 WLl ; SEND 02 TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER TODAT ItCl "l jj Holmes Grocery ; - - March', 1917, and proclaimed bv the Mayor on the 21st day of March, 1917, all In accordance' with the general laws of the State of Oregon and the Charter and Ordinance of the city of Ashland as In such cases made and provid ed, to-wit: One hundred and fifty bond dated May 1, 1917, bearing inter est Pt tho rate of 5 per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, interest and principal pay able at the office of the. Treasurer of the city of Ashland, the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon iu New York City, or such other points as tho holder of such bonds may designate. These bonds to be numbered from 1 to 150 inclusive, said bonds to be of tho denomina--tlon of $100.00 each, maturing ad follows; , Fifteen of sajd $100.00 bonds, numbered consecutively from 1 tc 15 Inclusjve, shall become due an i payable May 1, 1922; fifteen, num bered consecutively from 16 to 30 inclusive, shall become due and payable November 1, 1922, ant fifteen, numbered consecutively, shall become due and payable on the first day of May and Novem ber of each year thereafter until tho whole of said $15,000 00 Issue is fully paid. These bonds will be sold to the highest and best bidder for not less than par and accrued interest from date of Issue to date of deliv ery of such bonds. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount, equal tp 2 per cent of the fac value of the bonds bid for, payabla to tho city of Ashland, Oregon, which, in case tho successful bid der fails, neglects or refuses to take and pay for said bonds as pro posed in bid, shall be forfeited to said city as liquidated damages for such refusal or failure. Bids may be submitted for any or all oC sa'd issue, the numbers of bonds'bld for being specified in the bid. The Council reesrves the right to reject any or all bids. Alt bids must be addressed to "Cltf Recorder, Ashland, Oregon," mark ed "Proposals for purchase of Ash land City Park Bonds." (Seal) JOI.N B. WIMER, It City Recorder. : W. wt.Tl M V Ot II hMfllmtm ll but-. J 3 1 f 2l