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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1916)
t.w Thnrsdaf, December 7, 101 A ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE FlVtf Vlniiig Tlaeatre One Night : Only, Monday, Bee. 11 A Play, NOT a Moving Picture, and One of the Greatest Dramatic Successes From the Most Powerful Story of the West Ever Written This In (he OUIGIA.NL Company L. C. YEOMANS Offers MARK SWAN'S Dramatization of HAROLD DELL WRIGHT'S Powerful Story of the Wonderful West Tills In the ORIGINAL Company A Beautiful Scenic Production, and Astonishing Electrical Effects Are Feat'ires With Thin Drama One of the Most Astonishing Scenes on Any St ace Is the Sand Storm in the Desert Which Occurs in the Prologue of This Play HiUI.l Sin XX $ f $ ' 1-4 5iA " Xo Other Theatrical Organization in America Has Any Right to Use This Hay With a powerful cast of players and Virginia Hardy as Barbara No Other Theatrical Orgntii.aion in America Has Any Illght to I'se This Play This ii the same company and production which played Seattle to crowded houses last week, and plays I Prices: 50c-75c-$1.00. Boxes $1.50. Reserved seat sale opens Thursday at the Theatre. Mail orders Heilig Theatre, Portland, December 14-15-16 I reserved in the order received m. Sl i. j. J- -SL -Sl j. -t e e j TTTTTTI ITTTTVl MU.Ji I t J t f ill 1. JiAAAAAifiiWiifiitiTiiliiiiliTfl I rtf TiTTTTTTTTTTTTT'rVV'V'FV'FTI I U More Shopping Days Before Xmas PHOTOGRAPHS THE ECONOMICAL GIFTS Sit for those Photographs TODAY before we are too rushed to give you our usual individual attention. The Studio Ashland t WfrVTTTTTTTV V I'T'I"! T'fTVTTVTTWrr TTTTTTT TTT1 i Rose Bros., headquarters for home made candles. 61-tf 9 W iiPtt BANK S O FASH LAND IflfAI. ANT) PERMNAI Hi Become a Thrifty Qiixpn Every ambitious man desires to be successful. The best way to ac complish the desired pur pose is to have an ac count with The Citizens Bank of Ashland, and make regular weekly de posits. Your account Is invit- Mtfsvu SAVINGS 70v" DEPOSITS Louis Walsh of Medford is a surgi cal patient at the Granite City hos pital. j Charles S. Mitchell of Portland has bought a house and lot on Laurel street. Bath robes in new and pretty pat terns ano" extra heavy, good grades at $5.00 each. Mitchell & Whittle, j Mrs. Edward Mitchell has rented ! her Portland home for the winter and expects to be in Ashland on account j of climatic advantages. Johnson's Jewelery Store the gift center. 65- Misa Esther SIcErlane, a high school student, underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the Granite City hospital Sunday. A nifty line of compact leather cased manicure goods at Whited's. 56-2t Harvey Ling underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the Sanitari um Tuesday and Is reported as doing as well as can be expected. The postofflce is issuing bulletins regarding the early mailing of Christmas packages and regarding wrapping them securely. Eat real Mexican chill at Rose Ptrn. 61-tf Miss Carol Mitchell was delightful ly entertained Thanksgiving day at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Huntzlnger at Pasadena, Cal. At an election held in Eagle Point Tuesday, J. F. Brown, W. C. Mc Quoit and George Phillips were re elected councllmen. There was no opposition. If you want something good to eat, get It at the Lithia Bakery and Res taurant. 60-tf A number of prominent valley stockmen are attending the Livestock Exposition in Portland this week, and purchases of registered stock are said to be contemplated. Johnson's Jewelry Store the gift center. 65-tf Grants Pass anglers plan to stage a steelhead dinner at the luncheon to be given by the Commercial Club of that city next Monday for the legls lators of southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rennie re turned to their home in Eugene Mon day. Mrs. Rennie expects to return to Ashland after the holidays to spend the remainder of the winter. Make this a rocker Christmas. J. P. D-odee & Sons. 53-tf Mrs. George Parsley, who was called to Texas some six months ago by the serious illness of her mother, returned Sunday. Her mother is reported as being greatly improved. Flour week at the White Hou3e Grocery. For cash, this week, we will give a liberal discount by the sack or barrel. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. 56-2t Miss Lena H. Nelson, a registered nurse of this city, finished a post graduate course in Chicago last month and will return home soon to resume her work at the Granite City hospital. George Soranson, Grants Pass min ing man, who is interested in the Silver-Bailey lithia spring near here, spent several days in the city, re turning to Grants Pass Tuesday with Mr. Bailey. Eat at the Lithia Bakery and Res taurant, where the eats are good. 60-tf Two auto loads of young people drove out to Sams valley Thanksgiv ing day and brought in Miss Myra Gunter, v-ho is teaching there and chose to spend her vacation with home folks. Johnson tho Jeweler for tine watch work. 55-tf GivingAway Gold Fish While they last with $1.00 purchases a Gold Fish Free To introduce more widely the well known Nyal Goods we give with 75c Nyal purchases A Gold Fish Free Do your Xmas shopping here and secure your fish free, at Polcys Drug Store Poloy & FJhart, Druggists. Adjutant General W. Wilson is ex pected to arrive in this city the first of next week. He will spend a cou ple of days Inspecting the local Coast Artillery company and the Medford organization. " Wrist watches at Whited's. See the extremely small Elgins and Gruens. 56-2t Roseburg Review: Mrs. M. Scott left for Ashland this morning, where she will attend her brother, William Jgallace, who will soon leave for Sad Francisco to undergo an operation at the Southern Pacific hospital. This Christmas buy a rocker. J. P. Dodge & Sons. 6S-tf Arrest of autoists at Willamette valley points for bringing booze Into the state from California has brought to light the fact that some of the cars are equipped with extra tanks, which carry from ten to twelve gal lons of booze. We engrave our Parisian Ivory free. O. H. Johnson, Jeweler. 55-tf Robert M. Kincaid, a well-known resident of the Rogue River valley, died suddenly Tuesday of alst week, aged 67 years. He was born In the Willamette valley, but moved to Jackson county with his parents in 1863. He leaves a wife and three 1 daughters. ! Johnson's Jewelry Store the gift center. 55-tf Deputy Sheriff Curly Wilson has resigned and left last week for east ern Washington, where he has ac cepted a position of head bookkeeper for a large wholesale grain coucern. , Ills new position pays him the same ! salary he received here as a servant of the county and has none of the political uncertainties attached to It. Genuine linen initial handker chiefs in men's sizes at 25 cents each. Mitchell k. Whittle. It Miss Thorn, the professional nurse, was called to Yreka on business the first of tne week. Owing to many requests, Mrs. Louis Dodge will again have her hand-made Christmas gifts on dis play Saturday afternoon of this week at Dodge's furniture store. H Mrs. Simons suffered a fall in her store tho other day, and bruised her face considerably. She Is able to be around. Men's kid gloves at l.2" and up to $2.00 a pair in cither the dressed or undressed kid. plain or silk lined. Mitchell & Whittle. It Chicken dinner at the Ashland Ho tel Saturday, 3".c. It Jerry O'N'cil returned Sunday from Yreka where he has been employed on a plumbing contract on the new gymnasium and auditorium of the Siskiyou Union high school. Do not forget the bazaar at Trin ity, parish house December 14. Af ternoon and evening. Cooked food and all kinds of fancy work and aprons for sale. It Sixty people were fed at the Fourth Street Mission's Thanksgiving dinner, this being but one of the many charit able deeds performed by the mission workers on that day. One of tho largest crowds of re cent weeks attended the Vining Mon day to see Mary Plckford In "Hulda from Holland." Earl r.asor sang a solo which was greatly appreciated as an added attraction. Watch for the Maccabee bazaar and food sale December 19. It The firm of Nims & Saunders, lo cal grocers, have presented the La dles' Aid of the Presbytoilan church with a substantial Singer sewing ma chine, an accessory which Is per forming active service these indus trious days. Josephine and Jackson counties have heretofore each constituted a complete district under authority of the state water board. Because of conflict in watersheds and county boundaries this did not permit of the most satisfactory administration of the business of the two districts, and the board has Just made a new order adding to the Josephine county dis trict, known as district No. 15, cer tain of tho watershed of the upper Applegate country. Remember the bazaar December 16 In Elks' Temple. 4 37-St Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Churchill has announced a pro gram for teachers' examinations to be held at county seats throughout the state, December 20 to 23 inclus ive. Tho schedules cover a wide range of educational qualifications. Mrs. Simons will have a ten day sale beginning Saturday, Dec. 9. Any trimmed hat $2.00. 67-2t Rowena Roberts will have a spe cial display of fancy work on sale at Mrs. Simons Millinery store Satur day, December 9. Prices from 10a up. 57-Zt The ladles of the Christian church will hold a bazaar in empty rooms at Elks' Temple December 16. You will find practical gifts for Christ mas. Cooked food will' also be on sale. 37-3t J. A. T:ite, workman on carpenter crews of tho Southern Pacific, Shas ta division, was renewing acquaint ances and visiting old family sur roundings here last week. He has recently been In the railroad's gen eral hospital at San Francisco for a minor operation and returned to hla work this week. , Cllf Payne makes Ironing boards. Advice The Doctor's advice when you are ill: The Lawyer's advice in legal mat ters ; The Banker's advice In business ventures. This Is one of the services we ren der our customers without charge. Open on account here and let us get better acquainted. First National Bank ASHLAND, OKEGO.V. Oldttt National Bank Injaekton County Sensible Gifts That Are Worth While Please, Can Be Bought Here and Dependable As To Surely In Perfect Confidence Then Whv Not Make This Store Your Santa Headquarters as Hundreds ot Medlord and Ashland Shoppers Are Doing? We suggest for a nice gift FURS They are always looked upon with pleasure and give the comfort that is necessary. Muffs or scarfs may be bought separate or combined and our prices are from 25 to 40$ less than city stores ask. For Boys We suggest Blouse Waists, Dress Shirts, Neckwear, Soft Shirts, Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters, Jerseys, Hosiery, Gloves, Under wear, Rubber Footwear, Pajamas, Suspenders, Leather Footwear. For Mother, Daughter , Sweetheart We have so many item, that space does not permit more than a few. There are for her Wool Dress Materials, Silk Dress Materials, Tub Silks for Waists, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery in Silk, Wool and Cotton, Bath Robe Squares, Umbrellas, Jewelery, Kiraona Silks, Furs in Sets or otherwise, Collar and Cuff Sets, Breakfast Caps, Cotton Dress Goods, Bungalow Aprons, Coat Materials, Bags, Purses, etc., etc. For Men We suggest Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Hosiery, Arm Band Sets, Hose Sup porter Sets, Suspender Sets, Handkerchiefs in Lineu and Cambric, Belts, Sweaters, Jerseys, Gloves,' Bath Robes made up or in Squares, Negligee Shirts, Pajamas, Night Shirts, Shoes, Tub Silks for Men's Shirts and Pajamas. Fo the Tiny Tots We suggest Knit Suits, Knit Leggins, Knit Scarfs, Mittens, Shoes, Belts, Jewelry, Nain sooks, White Dress Material, Bath Robe Squares, Felt Slippers, Fur Sets, Booties, Hose. Hosiery In Hosiery we suggest Hose of Luxit'e for men and women in silk and fibres. In pure silk we suggest La France Hose for ladies and Holeproof Silk Hose for men. The above qualities range in price per pair from 35c to $1.25 WHY MOT GIVE A PAIR OF SHOES? TLTUIP'IEIL-i THE QUALITY STORE Sensible, Serviceable Christmas Gift Headquarters