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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1916)
ASHLAVD TIDIVOS Monday, Aueust 21, 1918 1 THEATR It I mam urn V K i 'I 1 : A WEEK OF EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS Every day a Play oi unusual merit and strengthSome of the greatest actors and actresses in the motion picture profession ivTv, Hi - i2 J ,f M f U PAGE POUR !i 13on niss ii Re JOHN' BAKHYMORE 0 MARGUERITE CLARK Monday, Aug. 21 The Spell of the Yukon A picturization of the famous poem by Kobt. W. Service, starring the brilliant dramatic actor EDMUND BREESE The play that strikes the heart with a never-to-be-forgotteu thrill. Wonderful enow scenes, dog teams. Tuesday, Aug. 22 JOHN BARRYMORE in "THE RED WIDOW" A most novel and pleasing story. Mr. Barrymore as Cicero Hannibal Butts, the corset salesman, is posi tively in the best role of his career. Wednesday, Aug. 23 Robto Warwick in "Sudden Riches" A story which deals with a legacy of hate. An old miser wills his great fortune to his nephew in a spirit of revenge. A story entirely new in theme. Thursday, Aug. 24 TheBEGGARofCAWNPORE starring h. B. Warner A tale of India, with its fiery passions, its tropical beauties and romance. Colorful, spectacular, dra matic! Also 'His Bitter Pill.' A riotous Keystone comedy, in 2 parts. Special Special 2:30 latinee Daily 2:30 QN ACCOUNT of the unusually strong v attractions booked for the entire week a matinee will be given daily beginning at 2:30. Ho Advance la Prices Regular Admission Friday, Aug. 25 MARGUERITE CLARK in Molly Make-believe The prettiest picture that was ever mmle. A part admirably suited to petite Marguerite. Also The Selig Athletic Film See the world's champions of all lines of spurt- Skating, Boxing, Wrestling, Kunninp, etc. Saturday, Aug. 26 'The Children in the House' featuring Norma Talmadge Everyone should scelhis. The scenes range from the city's . gay night tile to the most entrancing glimpses of Fairyland Also 'The Lion and the Girl,' 2 reel Keystone Starring Joe Jackson, the tramp comedian Sunday, Aug. 27 The Island ot Surprise Cyrus Townsend Brady's greatest story, starring Eleanor Woodrulf--WilIiam Courtney Sensational railroad wreck Wonderful storm at sea Concert by our 8-piece Orchestra I 2 fvi.lliaaiuipnip nuiiiili Ulffiw In the Social Realm W. C. T. V. MiM'tlng. The W. C. T. U. will hold Us an nual election of officers at the Meth odist church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, All members are requested to attend. Cowlmy KvaiiKellnt. Rev. Better, cowboy evangelist, will preache at the Christian church tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Rev. Better has "something different" in the way of a message, worth hearing. . Social Service League. The regular meeting of the Men's Social Service League will be held Tuesday evening, August 22, at 8 o'clock at the Congregational church. An interesting and Instructive pro gram has been provided, and all men of all the churches, as well as all other men of the city, are especially Invited to be present and take hold of the work of this league. Free Methodist Oampmeeting. The people of the Free Methodist church from Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland and the surrounding com munities are to Join in a campmeet ing In the grove at Phoenix August 24 to September 3. The camp ground is on the Pacific Highway and la a good place for an outing. Rev. D. D. Dodge, district elder, is to have charge of these services. He will also be assisted by the several minis ters of the district. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to bring their tents and enjoy the meeting. visiting," a party of young ladies held a social gathering which was professedly a "slumber party" last Tuesday evening at the Carnahan home. A watermelon feast started off the evening of joy, unalloyed by the presence of any of the sterner sex. Some of those present have been heard to proclaim the "slum ber" part of the title a misnomer, but it surely must have been a "party." Those present were Misses Olive Thorne, Lucile Barber, Vivian Greer, Gladys Carnahan, Priscilla Carnahan, Ruth Turner, Hortense Winter, Allie Shinn, Josephine Saun- i ders, Margaret Hodgson and Helen MacDonald of Corvallls. Slumber Party. Taking advantage of the absence of Pastor Carnahan of the Presby terian church from his home, and in veigling Mrs. Carnahan Into "going HWMHUIIIIUMmtHmMMUttfMMMf M?s. Elsa Collins (Late of Rosenthal Sisters of Portland) Manicuring Hair Dressing Switch Making Facial Massage Scalp Treatment Private Residential Work Dance Wednesday There is to be a dance Wednesday evening of this week at the Bunga low which will no doubt atract one of the jollleRt crowds of the season. The music will be of the most pepful variety a three-piece orchestra. Waltzs and two-steps will be plenti fully interspersed along with the fox trots and one steps which the young folks demand, and everyone will be pleased with the evening. Telephone 102-1 for Appointment Ladies' Work Only Jack True Says Road Open to Autos Jack True, roadmaster in charge, ot the opening .up of the road to Lake of the Woods, was in the city last week and reports fine progress. Cars can now easily get to Lake of the Woods, and by the end of this week the road will be in still better shape, as he expects to go back over it making a few changes on the re turn. ' He states that he has money enough left to complete the road to the other end of the lake and that possibly arrangements may be made to push the work on through to Peli can bay. . A car came through from Pelican bay last wek, thus proving that the road is not impassible. High centers is the worst feature and can be easily overcome. i Ashland has now a road to Lake of the Woods which anyone need not be afraid to attempt in their car. Owing to the cool season there are not as many campers going o'ut as usual but a few warm days will cause a general exodus and Lake of the Woods should become the mec ca of the majority. Lithia Park Will Be Busy Place Beginning with the 24th of August and until the 15th of September, Lithia park will be the busiest place In the history of the park and not alone will a good many of the peo ple of Ashland be there, but the val ley folks also for that matter. In vitations have been extended to Roseburg and Klamath Falls in many instances. The following outings, in the form of basket picnics, are to be held. Each have sent Invitations either di rect to the various lodges or individ uals in the neighboring cities, or in vitations have been extended through the press. Thursday, August 24th Iowa day. Saturday, August 26th. Wood men of the World and Women of Woodcraft. Monday, August 28th Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan day. Tuesday, August 29th. Rebecca's Wednesday, August 30th. Order of the Eastern Star and Masonic day, Friday, September 1st. Elk's day. Monday, September 4th. Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors. Tuesday, September 5th. Odd Fellow's day. September 11th to 14th inclusive. Veterans Reunion. The Illinois-Indiana association, Maccabees and the Eastern States' association have not as yet selected a day for their outing, but will be announced later. In the State day outings all former residents of these states are respect fully invited to attend. At all the outings the participants are expected to provide their own lunch and cups and 'spoons. Coffee, cream and sugar will be furnished by the asso clatlons or lodges giving the outing. With Oregon Lumber Co.'s mill at Dee, plant of Stanley-Smith Luber Co., at Great Point, and a half dozen smaller mills operating in full blast, the dally average of lumber ship ments from Hood River is greater than in any former season. Ore mill at Conner creek, near Baker, will start operations, employ ing from 40 to 50 men. Contract has been let for a con crete stockyards building at Portland. Camped in Barnyard Finding Camp Full V. H. Banes and B. J. Howland and their families of Portland, re cently made the trip from that city to Southern Oregon through Central Oregon and back by the Pacific high way. They write entertainingly of the trip for the Sunday Oregonian. A lesson which Ashland should take to heart is contained in the few words devoted to Ashland. They follow: 'We had Intended camping Mon day night at Ashland, but upon ar rival found the free auto camp filled to overflowing, so we went back on the road toward Medford and camp ed at "Animal Fair camp." This was In the yard of a very kind and con siderate rancher and we had plenty of company that night." This party then were unable to find room to camp at the Ashland auto camp and instead camped in the barnyard at the Arnold place at the foot of the Billings hill. Accommoadtions for twice as many cars at the auto camp is an impera tive necessity. The camp has been crowded, with as high as 40 cars there, many times this season. Peo ple don't like to be jammed up close together when they are camping. Land on up the creek must be util ized for increasing the camping space before next year. The fame of the Ashland camp is spreading so that this year's total of visitors to the Lithia park auto camp will not be a starter for the throngs which will come next year. Grant Fee, of San Francisco, low bidder on the Portland post office, his bid being $762,300. Swift Packing Co., In North Port land, will erect a new $150,000 building. Miss Catlin's private school at Westover, Oregon, is to have a $16, 000 addition. Lay in your supply of factory blocks now. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co- 25-4t ii iii"i Good Boy The Grocer Boy Who Delivers You Ntstmi's BtitteisNttt Bread Famous for its close-grained texture, snow white color and excellent flavor. REMEMBER Butter-Nut as all the Nurmi's Bread is made by modern machinery, from best of material. Try a loaf today you will like it I We also make CALIFORNIA RAISIN. PAN-DANDY. WHOTF! WHEAT, NURMI'S RYE, QRAHAltf FRENCH, Etc. At your grocer. j Nurmi Baking Co. MMMMMM MM MM M