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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1916)
Thursday, April 13, 1019 J4et Tuesday the Last Day for Registration fot Primaries ASHTAXD TfDIXGS PAGE TWO Ashland Tidings Br THE ASH LA XI) PRINTING 00. . (Incorporated.) SEMI-WEEKLY. ESTABLISHED 1870. Bert IL Greer, Editor and Manager. Lynn Mount, . . News Reporter issned Mondays tad Thursdays Official City and County Paper SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Tear $2.00 lIxMontha 1.00 Three Months 50 Taxable in Advance. TELEPHONE 39 Advertising rates on application. First-class Job printing facilities. Equipments second to none in the Interior. No subscriptions (or less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unless rpnewal Is received. In ordering changes of the piper always five the old street address or postofflce as well as the new. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon. Postoffice as second-class mail mat ter. Ashland, Ore., Thursday, April 13, '16 HOME PROM'CTS WEEK. The women of Ashland are a won derful bunch. We say wonderful ad visedly. They have more get up and ginger in a- minute than the men have in a year. We say that advised ly, too. When they cook they cook the best on earth, and no man in Ashland cares to deny that, for he will go farther and pay more for Ash land home cooked eats than he would for the best hotel feeds to be found. The women of Ashland are simply there with the goods in a hundred different ways. When it comes to enterprise they are world beaters. They have the courage to tackle big undertakings and put them over magnificently every time. Out of a number of great undertakings the. Ashland women have attempted during the past five years not one has been a fniluro or a half failure but a splendid success. They have the judgment, the ability, the courage and the pep, and the stlck-to-it to put things 'through. The women are responsible for the success of Western Products Week. It was inaugurated by the Civic Club. Likely the Business Men's Association would never have thought of it had it not been for the women taking it up. But, among a fow real virtues, the men of Ashland have one or shall we call it a fear Instead of a virtue? When the women Inaugurate an en terprise in the Interest of the city the men either have the good judgment to get behind It, or are afraid not to get behind it, for the Ashland women have a steam roller with which to pulverize drones, and men may well bo afraid of that. Anyhow, the men get behind enterprises Inaugurated by thorn and stay there (If the women keep hard enough a'fter them to keep them going) until they are brought to a successful termination. After Inaugurating the Western Products Week in Ashland, where western products were to be features In the show windows of the stores, they thought, also, that these prod ucts should be sampled as woll, so tho Civic Club prepared a banquet (we say banquet advisedly, for it amounted to that) composed entirely of home products and western manu facture, and spread it before tho peo ple for the small sum of thirty-five cents. It was worth twice the sum, but that is all the average Ashland man will pay for the best meal on earth, so the ladies mado it thirty five and tho men came, over three hundred of them, and were satisfied. Not only did tho ladies accomplish a great good for western manufactures, for Ashland producers and a better trade-at-honie spirit, but they put something Hke a hundred dollars in the Civic Club treasury a9 sinews of war for the next grand contest. We do not know what tho next move will be, but we are reudy to wager our best hat that It will bo n worthy one, In tho interest of Ashland, and that it will be a great Biiccnss. Alono the fact that tho Civic Club' inaugurates a thing guarantees that. Tho officers of the Civic Club this year are: Mrs. E. D. Brigs, presi dent; Mrs. C. B. Lamkln vice-president; Mrs. May Cambers, secretary; Mrs. W. D. Hodgson, treasurer; and the chairmen of committees which do things are Mrs. O. D. Winter, Mrs. D. Perozzl, Mrs. W. M. Barber, Mrs. W. II. Smith, Mrs. E. C. Gard and Mrs. J. F. Rocho. Tho Ashland Commercial Club should be mado auxiliary to the Civic Club and a woman put at the head of each Commercial Club committee. Maybe that way the critter could be brought to life. At least a good wet nursing by the Civic Club might give it some pep. The "landslide" prophet will be In evidence again noit summer. ! I r-f--jp'--r 'K vA Is si "OV'fi 7 I " km Amt i m ; ; . , -j Tisir'. C v 7 7-W 7 A. I ' " wmuw s.M.,vr''i.r . !; i : jj rMC7rr&s' R s : f C-ajV-t: N V n ' '" ' ' 'SZtZ&vm. 1 I 1 yWi' ' y'i M St I- -7 1. y''a-. i Mi : i "f twit . iB ! XykXtl 'VviiXlO --XWWJZ : IS 'Alt v x 3y(M I rl' CSJ kh-Su I ; 1 C rr.u ..;) .i-"-w K : :''0 hl: K QW' r WVwVTVt13 k! ""' ""A,My "i'-',r"-v Q I Y. ri . T?flfr' till B- J:-'1 -"f-WI. rf u H 1 e I i-.tmiutu Mt-Mt ti n L r ' t S V V '' &fi'l c 11 Fr - VJ r,.v ..; trtx ,.x.,ttit: 8 I tm mlt&W 1 Uv-i 1: -M f rV-Blib IPIMiMii - ?:Y xx o F -LlFBiito '$mmm psf mJ : I fit7 L--feiifa M - !ffihlfPMWrp t ;i I ! 1 1 I bS:l J; j . y 'LJL. 1 j L ' T ''f It is exceedingly important that every flshland re publican register. Here are the list of registrars: HELPING ASH LAND CKLKI5IUTE. Roguo River Courier: A canvass among the business men of Grants Pass has indicated that the very large majority of them favor holding n celebration of the Fourth of July this year in view of the big three-day cele bration to be staged In Ashland. The trustees of the Commercial Club took action along that lino, as did the or ganization of merchants known as the Reavers, and the members of the Moose band decided against a cele bration which it had under contem plation. The people of Ashland are arranging for three days of jollifica tion when the springs project which Is now nearlng completion will be formally dedicated. Through the Commercial Club Ashland invited Grants Pass to join in tho festivities with thorn, and the Invitation has been accepted in a spirit of hoarty good will. Grants Tass will hold her celebration later. C. L. J. A. A. Lemery, Susie L. j$.$$i$3S$$5.$333J $ SWAT THE DANDELIONS. S Swat the dandoloins! It's the $ spring crop that spreads the seed. Swat 'em in the forenoon S when they are out. Remember S that if your neighbor digs his and you neglect to dig yours you 3 are reseeding him. So be a $ good neighbor as well as a good $ b citizen and swat 'em now. In $ ? three or four daya it will be too 3 $ late. $ 1 Ashlahd Boulevard, Loomls, Ashland. 2 Ashland East Central, Lemery, Ashland. 3 Ashland West Central, Susie L. Allen, Ashland. 4 Ashland East Main, C, L. Loomis, Ashland. B Ashland Oak, G. II. & G. F. Bil lings, Ashland. 6 North Ashland, G. II. & G. F. Billings, Ashland, 7 East Ashland, J, Ashland. 8 Southeast Ashland, Loomls, Ashalnd. 9 Northwest Ashland, Allen, Ashland. 10 Antioch, W, D. Rodgers, Bea gle. 11 Applegate, Gladys A. Rose, Applegate. 12 Barron, G. II. & G. F. Billings, Ashland. 13 Bellevlew, G. H. & G. F. Bil lings, Ashland. 14 Butte Falls, E. E. Butte Falls. 15 North Central Jacobs, Central Point. 16 South Central Jacobs, Central Point. 17 Climax, James Kershaw, Cli max. 18 Dead Indian, Chester Apple gate, Ashland. 19 Derby, Frank R. Neil, Derby. 20 Eagle Point, J. V, Mclntyre, Eagle Point. 21 Flounce Rock, T. B. Hlgin botham, Prospect. 22 Foots Creek, G. W. Mathews, Gold Hill. 23 Griffin Creek, mond, Medford, R. F. Smith, Point, Point, J. W. J. W. W. D. S. Ham- 24Gold Hill, A. J. T. Smith, Gold Hill. , 25 North Jacksonville, county clerk, court house. 26 South Jacksonville, county clerk, court house. 27 Lake Creek, Fred Thompson, Lake Creek. . 28 Meadows, John W. Mitchell, Beagle. 45 Mound, D. W. Beebe, Central Point. 46perryda!e, E(1 Janney, Jack son county abstract office. 47Enst Phoenix, A. H. Fisher, Phoenix. 4 S West Phoenix, A. II. Fisher, Phoenix. 49 Pinehurst, C. W. De Carlow, Ashland. 50 Rock Point, A. J. T. Smith, Gold. HH1. 51 Rogue River, Mrs. Rena Whip ple and G. F. Wertz. 52 Sam's Valley, Mrs. M. E. Gard ner, Sams Valley. 53 Sterling, Mrs. Emma Gilson, Sterling. 54East Talent, E. B. Adamson, Talent. l55West Talent, E. B. Adamson, Talent. 56 Trail, M. E. Middlebusher, Trail. 57 Union, Mrs. Anna Ruch, Ruch. 58 Watklns, J. C. Burton, Wat kins. 95Wlllow Springs, Mrs. D. N. McNasser, Central Point, R. F. D. 60 Wimer, J. F. Smlthpeter, Wlmer. Evidently nobody Is going to sug gest Mr. William Howard Taft of New Haven, Conn., as the republican nominee. IMMMMIMMMIMMMttMMMtMttMtMtlMIMt J The Oldest National Bank in Jackson County Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $120,000.00 DEPOSITORY OF t City of Ashland County of Jackson State of Oregon United States of America CITIZENS HELP ADVERTISE The following letter in reply to Dr. Carnahan in which he enclosed Ashland literature shows what broad publicity may be obtained through private correspondence, with litera ture enclosed. The following is an extract from a letter written from Chester, W. V.: "The small booklet, 'the Carlsbad Jiskby-iLexicon'ilf- ARROW COLLARspring Style, in two heights CLUETT.PEABODV&Ca tNC.IMKr.RS of America,' is quite interesting. You must have a beautiful country. I hope some day to have the opportun ity to see the Far West, as we term It here." Despite rather inclement weather, Talent and other valley points were well represented at the Vining theatre Monday evening to witness "Bringing Up Father." Your. Friends Can buy anything you can give mem except Vour Photograph H.C.Mackey Main and Central MEDFORD, ORE. ' . ... ' "