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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1916)
ASHliAim TTDINOS PAGE FIVE Delinquent Tax Lisl The following llet of real property altuated In. Jackson County, Oregon, la hereby advertised for delinquent taxes assessed for the year 1914. This advertisement Is authorized by an act embodied In Chapter 301 of the General Laws of Oregon as passed by the 1913 session of the Legislative assembly. The taxes on the following ad vertised list of real property be came delinquent September 1, 1915, and are subject to a penalty of 10 per cent and Interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum until the said taxes shall have been paid. Notice Is hereby given that six months after the taxes charged against the following real estate be came delinquent the sheriff, as re quired by law will upon demand Issue certificates of delinquency against the said property for delinquent taxes. The said certificates of de linquency will bear Interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum until the certificates are redeemed. Any time after the expiration of three years from the first date of the delinquency of any tax included in a certificate of delinquency the holder of such certificate may cause summons to be served on the owner of the property described in the cer tificate, notifying the owner that he will apply to the circuit court of the county In which the property Is situ ated for a decree foreclosing a lien against the property mentioned In such certificate. The following is a list of real prop erty on which no part of taxes for the year of 1914, had been paid prior to April 1st, 1915, and which became delinquent on September 1st, 1915. The list of real property on which the first half taxes have been paid and upon which the second half taxes were delinquent October 1st, 1915, will be advertised February 1st, 1916, In accordance with Chapter 301 Gen eral Laws of Oregon. ASHLAND, OREGON Ashland Ice & Storage Co., des. 50-118 tract In rear of lot 8 and 8, tax $ 3.43 Palethrope, M.. des. 71-204 N lot 7, block 6, tax. 197.07 Reeves, W. K Est., des D. R. , 19.146 N'i of lots 11 and 12, tax 196.71 Farnham, C. E.,"W of land des. 45-7, 75 feet In block ' 11, tax 9.27 Freeman, Mrs. R. G., 300 feet on S side of Overland at, des. 95-374, tax 37.73 Johnson, W. L., des. 28-437, lot 2, block 13, tax 58.23 Farnham, Mrs. Fradle, lot 8, block 14, tax 77.97 Ashland Mineral Spring Sanl- torlum 2 and 3 S 40 feet of 4, block 22, tax 65.17 Bagley, Augusta F., R. T. 1614 lot 3 block 25, tax. . . 29.15 Staples, E. T D. R. 48-368 part lot 1. block 29, tax. . 25.73 Penniston, S. & W. D., 75-419 part lots 5 and 6, block 29; 95-456 part lots 6 and 5 block 29, tax 28.13 Hensley, Annie E, lot 4, block 31, tax 5.16 COOLIDGE ADDITION Endlemen, Julian E., D. R. 103-500, lot 5, block 31, tax 29.49 Jarvis, G. O., lots 6 and 7, block 31. tax 46.99 Porter, I F E', lots 1 and 2, block 35, tax 22.30 SUMMIT ADD'TION Johnson, W. D Lots 7 and 8, block 50, tax 18.53 Carlton, Alsameda, part lot 6 and all lot 7, block 45, tax. 2.06 Pellett, Harry, lots 10, 8, 9, block 45. tax 13.38 Moore, L. W lots 1 and 2, block 47, tax 3.43 Martin, Chas. C, lots 5, 6, 7, block 51, tax 24.70 ALFA ADDlT'ON Wright, Mrs. Dora, Vi in lot 25, block 3, tax 3.43 ALLENDALE ADDITION Detweiler, L. T., lot 5, tax. 24.01 Schuerman, August, lot 20, tax 6.86 ASHLAND HOMESTEAD ASSOCIA TION TRACT Barrett, James, des. 91-244 part lot 14, tax 22.29 Jones, Mrs. Jennie G., part of lot 27, tax 24.01 BAGLEY'S ADDITION Baglev, E. E., lots 1, 2, 3, tax 84.04 Bagley, E. E., lots 7, 8, tax 22.64 BELLEVUE TRACT Provost, D. B., W4 lots 35 and 36, tax 12.40 BOULEVARD PARK ADDITION Orres, L. J., lots 6 and 7, tax 54.88 Johnson, C. S. & A., lot 6, tax 29.16 H. B. CARTER ADDITION Clark, II, lot 15, tax 46.24 Hughes, M. S., 8 lot 20, tax 32.59 DOWNING TRACT Starr, S. F des. 93-620, tax. 4.80 NOB HILL ADDITION Lleberman, W. A., lots 13, 14, 15, tax 22.67 Strickraden. N. L., part lots 17 and 18, des. 71-76, tax 92.62 PEACH BLOW PARADISE ORCH ARD ADDIT'ON Standard R. W. Supply Mfg. Co., lots 1, 2, 3, tax 24.01 RAILROAD ADDITION Robinson, Jesse, des. 104-283 lot 1, block B, tax 6.86 Hays, Mary, des. 100-508, lot 4, block B, tax : . . . 5.14 Western Dev. Co., lots 9 to . 12 inc., block B, tnx 20.18 Manner, C. V., lots 18 and 19, . block B, tax 16.12 Van Sant, John A., E 15 feet . lot 24, all lot 25, block B, tax 34.99 Stone, H.E., lot 1, block D, tax 12.00 Plening, W., lot 2, block D, tax l.oi Plening, Mary, lot 3, block D, tax , , 10.29 Lowe, Jas., lot 33, block D, tax Lowe, Jas., lot 33 block D, tax . B-8Z Zlegler, J. ft A., lota 7, 8, 9, 10, block E, tax S" "4 Canning, O, W., lots 11 and 12, block E, tax 16.44 Goodler, O. C, lots 16 and 17, block G, tax 22.163 HodgBon, W. D., Iota 18, 19, - 20, block G, tax 12.36 Banks, J., lots 17, 18, 19,20, block J, tax 49.04 Parker, M. S., lota 16 and 17, block K, tax 37.73 Banks, Mrs. John, lota 3 and 4, block L, tax 30.87 Crisez, P. M., lots 20 and 21, block L, tax 27.44 Kane, Mrs. A., lots 1 and 2, block M, tax 38.42 Whitney, Mrs. P. B lots 3 and 4, block M, tax 28.81 BeeBon, N. J., lot 5, block N, tax 34.99 RAILROAD ADDITION Potter1. W. R., lots 11 and 12, block O, tax ,44.59 Walker, M. A. Est., lots 33, 34, 35, block P, tax .... 22.63 Bunch, Walter, E 40 feet lots 1 and 2, block Q, tax 22.30 Olds, D. D. lots 12 and 13, block R, tax ? 17.84 Poley, Mrs. G., Iota 1 and 2, block S, tax 27.44 Swedenburg, F. G 2-3 Int. lot 3, block U, tax 2.28 SOUTHERN HOME TRACT Lance, J. T., lot 12, tax 4.12 VALLEY VIEW ADDITION Farnham, R., lots 39 and 40, tax 5.84 Lovelady, Merle, lota 17 and 18, tax 5.15 WHITE'S ADDITION White, H. L., lot 1, block 1, and triangle between lot 1 and Main st, tax 2.39 Davis, J. L., lots 25 to 28 inc., block 2, tax 13.36 Stephenson, Elmer, lots 29 to 32 inc., block 2, tax 27.44 Palmer, F., lots 40 to 45 Inc. block 2, tax 21.10 Miller, O. R., lot 47 and tri angle between lot 47 and Main st, tax 3.43 WOOLENS ADDITION Bailey, Henrietta, des. 93-266 part of lot 25, tax 20.58 Barnhlll, O. H., des. 82-291 W 25 feet of lot 25, tax . . 3.43 Bailey, I., des. 54-597 part of lot 27, tax 6.86 Bailey, I., all gf lot 31, tax. 20.58 .ALMOND STREET, WEST SIDE. Faucett, Jennie, des. 95-504- 100 foot front at corner of Church st, tax 41.16 ASHLAND STREET, NORTH Wheeler, J. F... do-.. 78-37 uui ia-uui, tax , . 61.74 B STREET Drake, W. W., 89-43, tax . . 6.86 Harlow, A., 89-320, tax 1.71 BOULEVARD, NORTH SIDE Helms, A. D., 62 feet by 126 feet Boulevard and Mt.ave, tax 17.15 FAIR-VIEW ADDITION Monroe, F. A. Jr., lots 3 and 4, block A, tax 5.84 Secor, L. D., S 28 feet lot 9, all lot 10, N 42 feet of lot 11, block F, tax - 3.77 GALEY Johnson, S & E. A., N 100 feet lot 23, and N 100 feet of lot 24, tax 29.15 HARGADINE TRACT Watson. C. B., 98-22 and 82- 462, tax 46.30 Caldwell. A. C. des. 89-495 part of lot 12, ax 4.11 HIGHLAND PARK ADDITION Simons, J. D., des. 95-2"03 E 1-3 of lots 1 and 2, tax 20.58 Wilcox, Howard P., lots 14, 15, 16. tax 84.04 Casey, Robert des. 87-215 part of lots 40 and 41, tax 10.29 Hunter, E. A., SE of lot 43 and all of lot 44, tax ... . 29.85 Pellette, Harry, lots 55 and 56, tax 8.57 MATHEWS ADDITION Oster, Thos. Est., lots 27 and 28, block 1, tax 16.12 McCALL'S ADDITION Moore, C. W., des. 34-384 be tween lota 7 and 8, .tax.. 20.58 MEIKLE & PAYNE ADDITION Smith, J. C, lot 13, block B, tax - 2.41 MINERS ADDITION Kent, Mrs. L. I.I., N of W of lot 45, tax 2.40 Kent, Mrs. L. M., W of lota 46 and 47, tax 29.15 MONTVIEW ADDITION Chappell. H. C. & R., lots 10 to 23 inc., tax 207.51 W. C. MYERS ADDITION Salsbury, G. T., des. D. R. 48 626 part of lot 14, all of lot 15, tax 27.44 ELIZABETH STREET, EAST SIDE Addis, Kate E., des. 41-469 50 foot front near Ashland st, tax 8.23 Addis, Kate E., beginning at NW corner D. R. 91-469 thence N 50 feet. E 122 feet, S 50 feet, W 122 feet, tax 4.80 Pell, Emil, des. 96-5SS begin ning at NW corner D. R. 80-614, thence N 100 feet, E 122 feet, S 100 feet W 122 feet, tax 10.29 EUCLID AVENUE Arant, E. J., des. 48-627, 340 foot front at corner Alta mont st, Les. D. R. 89-340, tax 30.87 GRANITE STREET, WEST SIDE Murphy, L. E., des. 89-233 100 foot front, tax 17.15 Egan, Irene J., des. 53-152, 06 foot front, tax 12.00 Phillips, Reuben and Matilda, des. 71-207. tax 30.87 GRANITE STREET, EAST SIDE Applegate, D. A. and wife, des. 68-182, 75 foot front, tax 29.15 Miller, Otton O., N 8-343, tax 10.29 Stoe, Missouri B., beginning at SW corner 61-192 SE 200 feet, thence E to Ash land Creek, W along creek 200 feet W 300 feet to be ginning, tax . . ., .10.29 GUTHRIE STREET Allen, Susie L., des. 95-470, 1 and acres, tax ...... 24.01 HARRISON STREET Parker, Clarance E., S. 60 feet corner of Iowa at, tax 18.86 INDIANA STREET Rosenstock, A. F., beginning 13 feet E and 60 reel a oi J5E corner of lot 16 block B " of Merkle ft ' Payne Addi tion, thence S 467 feet, W 353 feet, N 197 feet, E 140 feet, N 270 feet, E 203 feet to beginning, excepting In diana st: also 92-162, tax 6.S6 MAIN STREET. NORTHEAST SIDE Gunter, S. C, des. 57-147, tax 17.15 EAST MAIN STREET Diiffleld. A., des. 52-380 4.4 chs. near S. P. tract, tax ... 6.86 MANZANITA STREET Barlow, Charlotte, N 152 feet of 60-456 excepting W 8.4 feet, tax 14 41 MILL STREET Butler, G. S. et al, 55-566, tax 34.30 MOUNTAIN AVE., WEST SIDE Jones, Charles, R. D. 72-608 140 foot front near S. P. tiact, tax 44-,a OAK STREET, EAST SIDE Stephens, Allie, des. 62-82 corner of Nevada st, land 'V4 acres, tax 39-4a OREGON STREET Atkinson, T. W.,- undivided k lnt 99-501, beginning 60 feet S of SW corner of lot 32 block D, Melkle & Payne Addition, thence S 270 feet, E 140 feet, N 270 feet W 140 feet to beginning, tax 5.14 WOOLENS STREET, WEST SIDE Hill, J. I., des. 100-139, tax 77.18 WOOLENS STREET, EAST SIDE Bartow, Charlotte, part 60 456 209 feet front near Manzanita st, beginning at W corner 58-473, thence along Woolen st 209 feet to SW corner of Weisenberger lot NE 192 feet to alley, S v. oinnff nllpv 139.5 feet to W line of 58-473 project ing SW to beginning, tax. 20.58 Ganiere, Chas. et ux, des. 62 591 80 feet front corner of Wlmer at, tax 20.o8 SECTION 4 Stanley, Fannie R., des. 33- 426, 66-231 k acres, tax . 13. 7Z SECTION 15 Walton, G. J., land dea. 87- 58, tax 10-88 Low, J., undivided int. dea. 88-552, tax 5-48 Tyrell, F. G. land des. 95- 373 tax 10. y Melkle', J. F., undivided Vt Int. In land des. bs-oos, tax 4.63 ivlia i YLLtJ, tiLy- Dewing, Woodburg & Harris, lots l. 2. 3. biock 1, tax. 1.16 Winter, J. M.. dots 1 and 2, block 6, tax II-50 Winter, J. M., lots 7, 8, 9, 10, block 8, tax 16-17 McDow, Sarah A., lot 6, block 10, tax 13 09 Brown, J. F., lots 7 and 8, block 13, tax 10 39 Kennedy, S. E. lot 14, biocu 13, tax Brown, J. F., lot 6, block 17, tax Humphrey, W. H., lot 9, Vilnnlf 17. tax 9.62 5.78 5.78 Winter, J. M., lots 13, 14, 15, block 17. tax 13.09 Butte Falls Lumber Co., lot 11, block 18, tax 3.85 Patton, M. E., lot 12, block 18, tax 3.S5 Richardson, Geo., lot 4, block 21, tax 193 Mahoney, M. C, lots 1, i, i, block 24, tax Piatt, B. F. Gd'n., 1-3 Int. N NE4 and NE of N W4, Sec. 10, Twp. 35S, . Range 2E, tax 5.00 22.05 CENTRAL POINT, OREGON Central Point State Bank, is 28 feet lot 12, block 2, tax Central Point State Bank, N 28 feet lot 13, block 2, tax Central Point State Bank, N 28 feet lot 14, block 2, tax Central Point State Bank, N 28 feet lot 15. block 2, tax Central Point State Bank, N 28 feet lot 16. block 2, tax 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 8.28 Cowlev, Wm. A.' S 112 feet lot 12, block 2, tax 2,42 Cowley, Wm. A. S liz reet lot 13. block 2. tax 2.42 2.41 2.42 3.11 Cowley, Wm. A. S 112 feet lot 14, block 2, tax Cowley, Wm. A. S 112 feet lot. 15. block 2. tax Cowley, Wm. A. S 112 feet lot 16, block 2, tax T.owis. W D. & Sons, lots 11 and 12, block 4, tax 34.50 Hensley, Annie E., lots 13 and 14, block 4, tax 20.70 Berlin, Max lots 15 and Ifi. block 4. tax 7.94 7.59 3.45 6.90 William, Catherine, lots 9 and 10, block 8, tax Beall, Benn and Anna, lot 12, block 12, tax Delt'anney. J., lots 13 and 14, block 12, tax Kincaid, J. H.. W 16 feet lot 2, and all lot 3, block" 14, tax i Mnaruder Est., lot 4, block 14, tax Furguson, W. H., lots 5, 6, 7, b'.oek 14, tax Mee, Mary A., lots 8 and 9, block 14, tax Sims, Mary E., lot 10, block 14. tax 6.21 6.21 41.40 11.04 5.53 Beall, Benj., E 1-3 lot 8, block 15; W 1-3 lot 9, block la, tax Albert, Marie, block 29, tax. 2.07 2.76 Wright, Kate, lots 2, 3, 4, hlork 32. tax 17.57 Wright, Kate, lot 7. block 32, tax i.a Head, Agnes, lots 3 and 4, block 34. tax 8.63 1.73 3.45 15.87 16.18 1.38 Mee, M. A., block 35, tax Grieve, James, block 36, tax. Hanby, A. J., lot 5, block 37, tax Messner, Jas., lots 6 and 7, hlnrk 37. tnx Cowley, Wm. A., lot 8, block 37, tax Pnulov Wm A . Into 3 nnil 4. block 38, tax ii.v Pattlson, S. A., lota 7 and 8, Mock 38. tax 10.35 Lunt, Chaa. E., lot. 2, block 39, tax Brown, John J., lot 2, block 41. tax 15.18 Brown, John J., lot 5, block 41, tax e.u Cowley, Wm. A., lot 1, block 42, tax 13.80 Pattlson, S. A., lot 3, block 42, tax .26.67 Central Point State Bank, lot 1, block 47, tax 20.70 Cowley, Wm. A., lota 5 and 6, block 47, tax 19.67 Angle, R. F., lota 5, 6, 7, 8, block 48, tax 64.17 Wright, Geo. F. lot 4, block 50, tax 15.87 Soule, Andrew A., lots land 2, block 53, tax 11.04 Beall, Ben., lots 5 and 6, block 54, tax 11,38 Chllds, Cornelia E., lot 8, block 54, tax 16.56 Angle, R. F., lot 4, block 55, tax 5.87 Moon, A. W., lots 3 and 4, block 60, tax 10.70 Murphy, Ester A., part of block 62, tax Moon, A. W lots 3 and 4, 5.17 block 63, tax 10.35 Tooney, Wm. T., lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 05, tax 20.01 Minnick, Sterling, lots 1 and 2, block 68, tax 22.42 Cowley, Wm. A., lota 1 and 2, block 69, tax Clark, Sarah A., lot 5, block 69, tax Wilson, Joe, lot 8, block 69, tax 8.28 4.14 7.59 Mee, Mary A., lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 71, tax 17.25 Williams, Leonard, lots 5, 6, 7, block 71, tax 18.98 Cowley, Wm. A., lot 8, block 71, tax 5.52 AMYS COTTAGE ADDITION George, 3. C, W lot 8, (5 acres); S1 lot 9 (5 acres) tax 55.32 Noonan, T. J., lots 12 and 13, tax 36. SI Belcher, Sarah J., part of lots 14 and 13, tax 4.26 Pankey, C, lot 16 and tract adjoining on W des. Deed 22, page 356, tax 9.25 AMY & HARBAUGH ADDITION Evenson, E. V., lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, block 2, tax CONSTANT TRACT R. R. V. Abstract & Title Co. des. 99 570 part of lot 2, f , Wood, D.S.i des. 98-255 part lot 2. tax 13.80 1.04 1.03 Corey. C. H., des. 101-363 part lot 2, tax 3.11 Alexander , part or block I, tax Fehl, Delbert, part of lot 2, 1.03 1.04 D.32 9.31 21.39 9.31 9.32 ' tav- Mee, Aiary, part of lot 4, tax iPuhl, August, part of lot 5, j tax 'Anderson, J. V., lot 6, tax. . Mee, Mary A., lot 9, tax Constant, Isaac Est., lot 12, tax Sandenon, Anna M., pt lot ; 15, tax 11.04 I GRAND VIEW ADDITION . Ingram, Mrs. F. B., lots 1 and : 2, block 1, tax 3.11 Whftaldn. F.dcar G.. lots 5. 6. j 7, 8, 10, block 1, tax jlsaascson, J. 0 lot 11, block I 1, tax , Pankey, Geo., lots 12 and 13, I block 1. tax 8.28 1.38 3.10 .Hale, J. F., lots 18, 19, 20, block 1, tax i 4.14 Rhodes, G. W., lota 21 ana 22, block 1, tax 2.76 Isaacson, J. O., lots 3, 4, 5, block 2, tax 4.14 Richardson, Carl, lot 8, block 2. tax I-03 Isaacson, J. O.. lots 9 to u inc.. block 2, tax 8.63 . GRIFFITH'S ADDITION Griffith, John, lot 2, block 1, tax 6-21 Griffith, John, lots 3, 5, 6, 7, block 1. tax 13.S0 Griffith, John, lots 1 to 9 inc., block 2, tax 36. o7 OAK PARK ADDITION Pattlson & Kahler, lots 4 and 5, block 2, tax 4.83 Fries, Clover B., lot 6, block 2, tax 2.76 PattiBon & Kahler, lots 7 to 16 inc., block 2, tax 22.08 Patison & Kahler, lots 1 to- 10 Inc., block 3, tax 23.80 Pattlson & Kahler, lot 6, block 4, tax 2.76 Perdue & McCarvel, lot 3, block 5, tax 2.76 Barnett, A., lot 4, block 5, tax 2.76 Pattison & Kahler, lota 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 5, tax . . 12.77 Pattison & Kahler, lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 4, block 6, tax ... 7.93 Obenchain, Nancy lot 5 block 6, tax 1.S8 Pattlson & Kahler, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, block 7, tax Jonea, W. E., lots 1 and 2, block 8, tax High, Alice I., lots 3 and 4, block 8, tax Nathan, II., block 9, tax PATTISON ADDITION Cowley, Wm. A., lot 1, block 1, tax Cowley, Wm. A., lots 1 and 2, block 2, tax Carter, Mattie, lot 3, block 2, tax Cowley, Win. A., lot 4, block 2, tax Wright. Fred W., lots 7 and 8, block 2, tax Smith, Anna S., lot 1, block 3. tax 11.39 5.17 4.14 8.63 2.76 4. S3 5.32 3.11 5.S7 3.10 Cowlev, Wm. A., lot 2, block 3, tax 2.42 Mee, Mary A., lots 3 and 4, block 3. tax Cowley, Wm. A., lot 6, block 3, tax Cowley,' Wm. A., lots 1 and 2, block 4, tax Cowley, Wm. A., lots 1, 2, 3, block 5, tax Cowley, Wm. A., lot 1, block 6, tax Smith, A. S., lots 3 and 4, block 6, tax Unknown Owner, part block 7, tax SHIELD'S ADDITION Shields, James, lots 2, 3, 4, hlnrk 1 . tax 7.24 2.7G 5.87 9.66 1.38 4.48 1.72 1.04 Richardson, Carl, S 35 feet lot 7, block 1, tax 3.45 Shields, James, lota 1, 2, 3, 4 hlnrk 2. tax 13SU Lowery, J. 8., lot 1, woes o, tax j ........ . Shlelda, Jamea, Iota 2 ana 8, 3.45 6.90 block 3, tax Central Point Creamery, un. platted, tax 20.70 Schlinsog, W. A., dea. 95, page 434, tax.. ...... 1.72 Hibba, H. M.,.de8. 98, page 121, tax 1.73 Bingham, Lucy A., des. 99, page 120, tax 3.45 Hildebrand, Wm., des. 64, ' page 440, tax 6.90 Unknown Owner, des. 18, page 247, tax 5.18 Lager, Lewis, des. 95, page 269, tax , . 17.25 Shields, James, des. 52, page 178, tax 6.90 Norcross, W. H., lot on Pine st tax 6.90 EAGLE POINT OREGON CENTRAL ADDITION Flndley, Fred, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 4, tax 15.56 Holt, W. W. P., lots 15 and 16, block 4, tax 1.83 Masson, Genevie, lot 20, block 6, tax 4.57 Ringer, Carl, lots 1 and 2, block 7, tax 4.88 Sprague, II. A., lots 18, 19, 20, block 7. tax 26.68 Tronson, II. B., lots 28 and 29, block 7, tax 9.15 Vogeli, J. M., lot 17, block 8, tnx 91.50 on lot 5, block 9, tax ... . 7.62 Brodie, C. A., lot 26, block 9, tax 4.57 Montgomery, Mrs. Jack, lots 42 and 43, block 10, tax . 4.88 Grover, J. W., lota 3, 4, 5, 6, block 12, tax Giover, J. W., lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, block 13, tax 6.41 9.15 Grover, J. W., lots 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, block 14, tax 11.89 Grover, Nettle, lota 9 and 10, block 14, tax 4.27 Grover J. W., lota 11 to 18 Inc., block 14, tax 13.73 Grover, J. W lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, block 15, tax 10.67 DAILY & EMERY ADDITION Hamilton, W. H., part of lot 2, and all of lots 3, 4, 5, 6, block 2, tax Hamilton, W. H., lots 1 to 6 inc., block 3, tax Hamilton, W. H lots 1, 2, 3, block 4, tax Hamilton, W. H part of lot 4, block 4 tax Hamilton, W. H., part of lots 5 and 6, block 7, tax .... Daily, P. H., lota 8 and 9, blofk 4. tnx 7.02 7.32 6.40 1.53 1.68 G.10 3.05 8.84 5.18 5.79 2.44 9.45 : Hamilton, W. II., lot 6, block I 8, tax Hamilton, W. H lota 1, 2, a, block 9, tax Hamilton, W. H part of lota 7. 8, 9, 10, block 9, tax. . Hamilton, W. II., part of lots I, 2, 3, block 10, tax Jonas, J. A. Est., part of lot 3, block 10, tax Jonas, J. A. Est., lots 8, 9, 10, II, 12, block 10, tax Jonas, J. A. Est., lots 1, 2, 3, block 11, tax 18.91 Jonas, J. A. Est., parts of lots 6 to 12 inc., 'block 11, tax. 11.90 W Uary, R. land des. 92-26, tax 1.53 FRYERS ADDITION Green, A. F., lots 1 and 2, block 4. tax 6.10 Green. J. A., lots 5, 6, 7, 8, block 4, tax 9.15 Thomas, A. M., lots 1 and 2, block 21, tax 3.05 Green, A. F lots 1 and 2, block 22, tax Green, A. F., lots 2 and 4, block 23, tax Fryer, V. J., lot 5, block 25, tax 1.22 1.22 2.13 11.29 4.57 .37.50 11.29 2.13 2.13 2.14 2.14 2.13 2.14 Thomns, A. M., lot 1 und part of lot 2, tax Lewis, G. W part of lot 2, tax Green, A. F., lot 3, tax Abbot, Mrs. L. A., piift of lot 7, tax VLRIC1I ADDITION Owlngs, II. E lot 11, tux . . Smith, W. A. et al, lot 15, tax West, Mrs. E. R., lot 16, tax Daniels, C. T lot 22, tax ... Owings, W. J., lot 23, tax . . Glass, L. F., lot 24, tax UNPLATTED Holmes, Mrs. C. M., land des. registered title 1034, tax. 53.37 Fish Luke Ditch Co., lot in Sec. 2, Twp, 3GS, Range 1 W, tax 4'58 Grover, J. W land des. 85 263, Sees. 2 and 3, Twp. 36 S, Range 1V, 171 acres, tax 15.75 GOLD HILL, OREGON Gold Hill Dev. Co., lots 1 to 6 inc., block 1, tax 15.23 Gold Hill Dev. Co., lots 9, 10, 11, block 1, tax Kellogg, A. E., lots 1 to 0 Inc., block 2, tax Gold Hill Dev. Co., lots 1 to 12 inc., block 3, tnx .... Chavner Est., lots 3, 4, 5, block 4, tnx Stlcltcl, Val, lots 1, 2, 3, block 5. tax 11.90 3S.13 37.21 3.63 9.46 7.32 20.13 i 07 Chavner Eat., lots 3 and 4, block (1, tax -m- Mnsterson, Belinda, lot 7, block il, tax Chavner Est., lot 10, block li, tnv Gold Hill Dev. Co., lots 2, 4, 5, block 7, tnx 11.90 Lniidls, Geo. A., lot 1, block !), tax Gold Hill Dev. Co., lots 2 and 2.4 I 4. 88 7.93 7.63 7.62 3, block 9. tax Chnvner Est., lots 1 to 6 inc., block 10, tax Ella M. Cnine, 1-3 int., lot 7, block 10, tnx Eddinga & Cnlne 1-3 Int. In lot 7 - block 10, tax Calne, R. T 1-3 int. In lot 7, block 10, tax 7.63 Cavenor Est., lots 8 to 12 Inc. block 10, tax 12 81 Cavener Est., lots 1 to 8 inc. block 11, tnx H-94 Cavener Est., lota 1 tp 13 Inc. block 12, tax 46.97 Stlckol, Minnie L., lot 10, block 14, tax 83.88 Stlckcl, Minnie L., part of lot 11, block 14, tax 39.65 Chavner Eat., lot 15, block 14, tax l-8 Kelsey, Flora A.. 3-4 Int. In lot 1 and all of lot 2, block 16, tax 17.89 Huston, Doe., lot 4, block 17, tax 19.21 Gold HllV Deir! Co lota V to 15. Inc., block 17, tax 44.53 Raedel, H. C, lota 16 and 17, block 17, tax 10.37 Ray, Sarah, lot 18, block 17, tax .. . 6.10 Chavener Est., lot 3, block 18, tax 2.44 Chavener Est., lota 1, 2, 3, block 19, tax 1.83 Chavener Est., block 20, tax 15.25 Chavener Est., blocks 21 and 22, tax 63 Ritter, Mary E., lot 16, block 24, tax 1.53 Wllhelm, J. R., lot 13 block' . 27, tax 5.79 Gold Hill Dev. Co., lot 7, block 27, tax 4.88 Merrit & Co., lot 15, block 27, tax 19.83 Chavner Eft., lota 1 to 10 Inc., block 28, tax 37.83 Gardner, Ella, lot 6, block 31, tax 11.90) Sutton, EmniPtt, lot 1, block 32, tax 11.89 DEEKl'MS ADDITION Dodge, F. W., W of lot 2, all or lot 3, block 2, tax. . Dodge, A. C, lots 4 and 9, block 2, tax Dodge, F. W. lot 10 and W V6 lot 11, block 2, tax 3.6S 2.7", 2.74 2.13 15.51. 3.97 2.75 2.13 1.23 3.04 j Ke'B7; For? A- ,0,s 2- 3- 4- B'CK J' tax Kelsey, Flora A., lots 9, 10, H and 12, block 3, tax.. I Lapnian, Rex, lots 3 and 10, block 4, tax Cain, Ruben, lots 3 and 10, block 5, tax Dodge, F. W., lots 4 and 9, block 5, tax Kelsey, Flora A., lot 8, block 5,. tax Kelsey, F. A lots 3 to 9 Inc. block 6, tax .' Kelsey, F. A., lota 1, 2, 3, bloc,k 7, tax 1.23 Kelsey, r . a., lots i to n in., block 7, tax Kelsey, F. A., lots 1 to 15 Inc., block 8, tax Kelsey, F. A., lots 1 to 12 Inc., block 10, tax Kelsey, F. A., lots 3 to 8 Inc., block 11, tax Mee, Lucy O., lots 1 to 12 Inc. block 12, tax McDow, Sarah A., lot 1, block 2.74 6.7t 8.85 3.35 15.56 3.44 1.52 4.83 8.23 13 tax Kelsey, Flora A., lot 8, block 14, tax Harris, Myrtle M., lots 2 and 3, block 16, tax DEEKUMS ADDITION McDow, Sarah lots 4 and 5, block 16, tax Stickel, Minnie L., lota 6 and 7, block 16, tax 35.08 DEEKUMS AMENDED ADDITION Wentworth, H. G., lots 3 and 4. block 18, tax Applegate, L. C, Ir's 1 and 2, block 19, .tax 46.05 Applegate, L. C, lot 11, block j g tax Kelsey, F. A., lots 1 and 2, block 22, tax Kelsey, F. A., part Wock 25 tax Blodgett, John, part block 25, tax NONPLATTED Chnvener, Est., land in Sec. 15, Twp. 36S, Range 3V, tax Lanipmnn, B. If., land in Sec. 15, Twp. 36S, Range 3V, tax 23.79 Brltt, Henry, land in Sec. 13, Twp. 363, Range 3V, tax Chavner Est., land In Sec. 15, and 22, Twp. 36S, Range 3 W, tax 20.74 33.8(5 Kelsev, Flora A., land In Sec. 16, Twp. 36S, Range 3W (3',4 acres), tax 4.6S See, nr. A. s., zu acres & oi Dcekiima Addition, tax .. 24.40 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Delch, N., des. 50-123 lot 2, block 2, tax NIckell, Be'.le, des. 50 626, lot 2. block 2, tax Dunford, C. F., des. 61-104 dot 4, block 2, .tax 13.11 Collins, B. M., lots 7 and 8, block 2, tax 39.67 Freudenthal, Wm lot 1, block 4, tax 18.63 CuKsman, Emma, lot 1, block 6, tax 3.45 Band, Mrs. E., des. bl-t45 lot 2. block 7. tnx 19.38 Maine & Winchester, W lot 4, block S, tnx 11.21 Miller, Mrs. M., S 63 reet lot 6, block S, tnx Sisters of Holy Name, parts of lots 4 and 8, block 14, tnx Tailor, Mrs. M. C. parts of lots 5, fi, 7, S, block 14 tnx Kent. Thos. H., lots 5, 6, 7, 8. block 15, tnx 6.9(1 1.72 9.32 1.3H 13.8H Wilson. E. S.. N 50 feet of lots 1 and 2, block 17, tnx 13."" Catholic Church, lots 1 iiml 2, block 1S, tnx Ermine, Claude, lots 1 niul 2, block 21. tax 22.42 1.72 4.14 2.4 1 Unknown Owner, S 50 feet of Jots 3 and 4, block 21, tnx Humphrey, Solomon, N 50 fei-t of lots 3 and 4, UlocK 21. tax M. E. Church, lots 1 and 2, block 23, tnx 14.14 M. E. Church, Si lots 7 and 8, block 23, tnx . . : Broks Est., lot 3N 73 feet 4 nnd W 4 0 feet of N 75 of lot 5, block 26, tax.. Norllng, John, land des. 53 352, tnx Dunford, Chas., land des. 61 103. tux 17.6(1 12.7S 10.35 2.78 Blnckmore , lot 8, block 29, tnx 22.43 22.43 8.97 10.79 O & C. Stage Co., lots 1 and 2. block 32. tax O. & C. Slane Co., lots 5 and 6, block 32. tax 10.79 Taylor, Mrs. M. C, part of lot 1, block 33, tax .... Robinson, R. H., part of lota 2. 3. 4. block 33, tax 26.22 6.90 Sack, S., lot 1 and part of lot 2; lot 5 and part of lo 6, block 37. tax ........ LOT Caldwell, Mary, lot 1, block 50, tax 1.0 4.27 1.83 1.22 15.25 1.23 4.57 8.97 8.97