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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1922)
PAGE TWO LOCAL NEWS Jess Daniels, Grant King and Dr. Jirter all of Slletz, were business Visitors In the county stftc Saturday Iflernoon, B. F. Jones of Nev?port was a To ledo business visitors Saturday. J H. Worlov and son cf Kerpvi:ia parsed tbrouga Toledo Friday for Portland, where tlvjy will spend the holidays with relatives and friends. C. E. Oliver, principal of the Taft high school, cussed through Toledo Saturday afternoon on hia way to Portland to attend the convention of the State Tench r. V association. Ross Theatre TONIGHT Rite BMILB and in a strong 7-reol Paramount Producnon. 2 DECEMBER 28. 192. Wo wijii to exUnl our hearty ay preciatiun and very Deal wishes lor a happy New Year, the Bootery, Jt Miss I'lorence Flynn, teacher of tn0 fourth grade In Toledo's schools, left Friday on the noon train for Steven son, Wash., where she will spend the holidays with her parents. Misj Bertha Devolt, Miss Peck ana Miss Ardenelle Clark, teachers In the local schools, left on the noon train Saturday for their homes, to spend the holidays,-Miss Devolt going to Kelso. Wash., Miss Peck to Portland and Miss Clarke to Hlllsboro. Miss Helga Larson Is home from Pendleton, Ore., spending the Holi days with her parents. Miss Larson 13 a teacher In the eastern Oregon I town. , NOTICSI All warrants ou general fund up to and Including warrant number are tai'.od and interest stopped this 28th day of December, 1322. J. 3. BOOTH. City Treasurer Plnnkins is being layed connecting the door of the fire apparatus at thn city hall with Fourth street. This will make it much easier for firemen to get the apparatus in action In case of lire. ORIGIN OF CHRISTMAS TREE "nfntor.MPC A superb, brilliant, spectacular play. Aiso Harold Lloyd in a 1 reel Comedy "ASK. FATHER" :c-ioc Friday & Saturday Fun!! Fun!! Fun!! An 8-reol all comedy show with the world's 4 greatest screen comedians, each in a 2-reol com edy Harold Lloyd ! in "NEVER WEAKEN" Charlie Chaplin in "WORK" Buster Keaton in "THE BOAT" and Larry Semon ; "BETWEEN THE ACTS" ,! 4Cc-15c . Sunday & Monday Thomas Meighn and Agnes Ayers in WANTED Man to cut 200 cords of wood; phene or write A, 0 Rust, Toledo, Oregon. 44 21 'The Instant-Gas Oil Burner" will do away with half the grief of the kit chpn. Tt simply attaches to your ranee and all you have to do Is "turn on the juice." It has been proven an absolute success.- Let us demonstrate it to you'ond tell you how simple it Is ti Install one In your homo. The Higgitis Second Hand Store. ' 44 4t Mrs C. O. Erown of Albany, Is here this woek spending the holidays with iior sons, W. II., E. F., and G. W. nail. Mr. and Mrs. L. D Shlnaberger of Hlllsboro, Ore, arrived here Sunday and visiiud ove.- Christmas at the W. H. Hull home. They are the parents of Mrs. Hull. Mr." bhiuabereer is S. P. Agent at that place. He left for home Monday, while Mrs. Shlnaberger v.-Jl remain ior an indefinite visit. FOR SALE By owner Full set of Btorj iixlurjs. Including two sets of computeing" grocery Bcales. 1 set computing nail scale, platform scale cash register, ' Mackusky system, cheese caso and -cutter, ten show casss' of different kinds. . One dan dy oak grocery counter, one large money saio, typewriter, adding n.a chine Burroughs make, trucks, scoops, chairs, tools and articles tod numerous to mention; one large hardware cabinet for prices and terms apply to M. L. SoiU, box 161, Newport, Oregon 42 3t History of the Yuletide Emblem Ex tends Far Into the Mists of Antiquity. Tyl HE history of Christmas tree tfl W I I1H11PA prtollria flit' tntih thn Am mists of antiquity. Some sny Its origin is connected with the legendary Tree of Time, Ygdrasil, the great tree of Norse mythology, within whose roots and branches heaven and earth are bound. Some say the custom may be traced to the Egyptians who, nt the time of the winter solstice, decorated their portals with branches of the date palm. To a Scandinavian legend may per haps be traced our custom of illum inating the tree when darkness comes. Among the Greeks, Christinas is known as the feast of lights. To people of different localities to day the term Christmas tree may moan flr, spruce, pine, cedar or even mag nolia., for cuch particular region makes use of the most suitable species that Is to be found near its markets. In the vicinity of the mid-west, a short-needle pine found in Michigan and Wiscon sin may be used. On the 1'nciflc const the white tir finds favor, while through out Ohio, tho Norway spruce (s largely used. In Mao land and Virginia, the scrub pine and further south cedar and holly. Iiest of all is tho sym metrical balsam fir, each tiny leaf of whicli sends out a breath of aromatic fragrance. SCSSS HEMSTITCHING Millinery, pleating and Qllf!tinflr fin no at the NEWPORT SPECIALTY SHOP -aiso a iuu jme of Indian Moccca sins for your Christmas (tlfts; made o! the Reindeer hide, direct f, aiasaa maiaas Something different. ntwrOKT SPECIALTY SHOP Mrs. O. A. Schimiachar. Next to Skating Rink Newport. Ore. '- 42-4t- BUTTER AND CHEESE MEN NEED TRAINED. HELPERS Oregon dairy factory managers have found that quality of product bb well as economy of operation depends argeiy on the quality of their butter, heese and ice-cream makers, and are ntorested In the manufacture course t the college. -Only experienced men have been admitted, until recently when the ban against inexperience was lifted and untrained men may have the .benefit of special " courses beginning January 2. Skilled help Is scarce, and factory managers may aid their own, busi ness by finding suitable raw material for training to do the skilled work. II I Ml t M M from the novel by Peter Kyne A tale of the sea and the world of ships. Ail hands on deck lor a picture freighted with thrills and happiness It's a Para mount - - - Also the Comedy "FELIX THE CUT Singing by our "Town Boys' Quartette-" ' 30c-10s r: ' , TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY The Fox Western Film Mr. and Mrs. John MoChesney of Albany, were visitors at the E. F. Hall homo over Christmas. They left on the noon train Tuesday for Ver- nonia, Wash., where Mr, McChesuey is finishing building contracts. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hall entertain ed at Chri.itmas dinner Monday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElwaln and son, Jack; Mr. end Mrs. It. A Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Aiken and daughter, Iris; Mrs. W. H. Alexander and William Alexander. Chas. Glldersleeve of Bend, Ore., Is here this week visiting with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Glldersleeve. Mr. Giidersieeve Is an engineer and is working on construction work there Lafayette E.S harp and wife were visitors In the county seat Wednesday from the Big Elk country. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lowney of Port land are spending the holidays at the home of Mrs. Lowney's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baird. SOMETHING NEW No longer does the housewife have to contend with continually feeding wood to the kitchen range, cor will Had havo to cut and enrry ln wood each day. "The Instant-Gas Oil Burner" which is be ing demonstrated at the Hlgglns Sec ond Hand Store' has proven a won derful boon to every home that has tried It. It simply attaches to the range that you have. Come see for yourself we will be glad to demon strate it to you. 44 4t Miss Clara GumelltiB of Newport is here visiting MIsb McDonald, County Agent J. R. BecX returned from Corvnlli8 Tuesday evening after spending Christmas with his family there. He brought his family with him on the return trip and will make a permanent home here. They will occupy the McClUBkey home as soon as the McCluskeys get moved Into their new home. . - Newt Ouilllams cf Beaver Creek was a Toledo business visitor Tues AN OLD CHRISTMAS CUSTOM Village Boys In North England Re produce Play That Is as Old as the Race. N THE North of England some of the oldest of our Christinas customs are still faithfully observed. One of the quaintest is that of the village boys who call themselves "The Mummers." At Christmas time they perform a l'.ttle play that is as old as the English race. There are three chlct characters St. George, resplendent In silver-papered armor, and brandishing a wooden sword ; Beelzebub, who Is, of course, the famous dragon; and the Doctor, who wears a battered top-hat. At the beginning of the piny It Is announced that the countryside is be ing laid waste by Beelzebub. Various minor characters make an appeal for deliverance from the monster's sway. Then St. George bursts upon the scene. A fierce battle takes place, In which he slays Beelzebub, but is himself badly wounded. "At this point the Doc tor rushes In with a bottle, which be places to the saint's lips. "Tnk sooni o' -mah nlCf-nnn dahn thy tlff-tnff," he prescribes. So George drinks and Is cured. . Some. of the words used In the play are so old that neither the hoys nor the majority of the audience cun un derstand them. SO!S3- ITSTCASTZD It's tosstod. This orto extra process gives a delightful quality that can not bo duplicated : it- "TRAILIK With III II . . and a 2-reel Supshine Comedy ! , oft "LAUGHING CAS" HM1HIIHHHIHMM T!ie White Corner Store I will make special Cash prices on any broken lot of . Dry Goods, Ribbons or Lace, before I have taken inven tory this week .... , . . " ''. . EXTRA SPECIAL ; - y '1 , ..... Mince Meat, 2 cans ........... ,: 25c. Hominy, 2 Cans .... . v. . ;V ;'.Vi ' ,.;.,.. . . .25c R.S.VanCIeve t PHONE POOS . V Toledo, Ore. OLD STORY. What did your Mother say when I didn't come home until late last night? She said "Just wait till after Christmas, I'll fix him!" LIBERTY THEATRE THE BEST IN PI CTURES AND MUSIC TONIGHT and FRIDAY u With an ALL-STAR CAST, an engrossing drama of the Pari sian underworld. Plenty of ac tion, mystery, thrills. Also the last chapter of the fam ous "PERILS OF THE YUKON" featuring and a rollicky Comedy "CAESAR'S GHOST" THE WILD BOAR'S HEAD FEAST Animal of Woods In Early Days Pro vided One cf the Most Popular Christmas Dishes. N MEDIEVAL England It was customary to commence all grand Christmas feasts by the Rolemn ceremony of bringing in the hour's head ns the Initial dish. The master cook, preceded by trumpeters and other men with hoar spears and drawn fal chions and pnges carrying muBturd, bore the smoking head aloft on a sil ver platter, which he deposited at the head of ' the table. The head was garnished and garlanded with rose mary and laurel, and a lemon, symbol of plenty, was plueed between its grinning chops. To the end of her life, Queen Vic toria retnined tho .ancient custom; also In many of the public schools and universities the boar's head Is still the great dish of the Christmas ban quet On such occasions every diner rises and Joins ln the "Boar's Song," which has been sung for centuries. The words are set to the common chant of the prose version in cathe drals. 5SSE50SE SATURDAY and SUNDAY HARRY CAREY II 'THE FOX" The greatest western character ever portrayed. A tremendous cast with the most thrilling scenes ever pictured. THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS SHOWING THE LATEST NEWS EVENTS OVER THE WORLD. AMD A TWO REEL CENTURY COMEDY. If it hurts to laugh don't see it. This is a Super Production one of the big pictures of the Year, but the price is the same 20c 10c NEXT WEEK JACK. LGf-J DON'S GREAT STORY OF THE FROZEN NORTH 'THE SON OF THE WOLF h cigarettes 6 nH 111 They are GOOD! T'r'V "1 T 1TVT1 1" STORE DO YOU WANT TO FURNISH A HOME? . If You Need Anything in Our Line it Will Pay You to Call: BEDS, BED SPRINGS, MATTRESSES, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND STOVES. ; Call and See my Line I Buy and Sell Second Hand Goods If You Wish to BUY or SELL GET MY PRICES. Located Block North of P. 0. THE SECOND HAND STORE PHONE 4251 J.W.HIGGINS, Mgr. & mi w A TCH For big adv. next week on our Clean Up Sale as Real Bargina will beOf f ered AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS KABO CORSETS THE FINEST THE MARKET AFFORDS Arnolds' Fashion Shop TOLEDO NEXT TO PPOSTOFFICE OREGON X itlMMUHMJiniMWWIMIIItMWWTtWmtHTttlllliUlT t