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About Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1922)
Lower Siletz Enjoys Picnic Celebraiion Lively Ball Came Between Kern ville and Up-River Teams; Footraces, Tugs-of-war; and Other Appropriate Features. s Kernville, July 6th, 1922. About 150 people turned out to see and par ticipate In the games at Scott's Flld yesterday. It was a fine, sociable, sporting crowd; and its enthusiastic participation in field events mads I'm Say a continuous series of pleusan , thrillB. Most of the men contributed generously to pay for the ice cream, which wan dlnhftd nut freely and ran. erously. A goodly surplus fund was distributed In Drizes for various a'h- letic events. The first prize winners were: Venere Koskl Benny Gertula.. Anna Koskl, Sid Combest, Mrs. Ward Nicholas. Guv NeUon. Fannla Koskl. John Dixon. Beulah Ballard and Ber- nard Finke. The ladies provided "oae wonderful picnic dinner," which for- tlfled their eallantR for the afternoon struggle. ' The Kernvf.le nine lost again to the' Fishermen in the most exciting base-- ball game of the season. There were notable changes in both line-ups, evidence that the fishing season is near at hand. Johnnie Dixon and Clar- ence Rinnon turned out with their nets, end Clyde Morris drifted down to join the rest of the Fishes and in cidentally to show the mlllmen how the game is played. On the other side, Bud Knight took a filer in lumber, aided and abbetted by four other new "sawdust" eaters, Bernard Finke, Tommy McNally, Bert Morrison. Guy Nelson, and Dixon, pitching for the Fish Eaters, allowed only 6 hits in the first 6 inn- lngs; at the beginning of the 7th the score stood 9 to 2 in his favor. After that the mlllmen found him, so much so that in the first half of the 9th the score was tied, 12 to 12. Due to an i i . . . teasing fragrance of made-ln-Oregon parfum, powders and talcs soft as eider-down, face creams these and other toilet requisites are made-in-Orcgon. Many tried and tested medicinal preparations and articles sold at your druggist's ara manufac tured here. Druggists who are community upbuilders carry these Oregon Quality products. Look for the Oregon label when you buy. Encourage pay-rools. Keep the workers busy. BUY ORE CON PRODUCTS ON MERIT! Buy Oregon made products at your drug gist's. ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF OREGON 702 Oregon Building, Portland, Oregon These Oregon industries make Oregon Products you can buy at your drgugist's and other stores. Ask for them, parfum, pomters and talcs soft as e'derdown American Soda Works Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. Cotolze Products Co. Clarke,. Woodward Drug Co. Dennos Food Co. Fag-O-San Seles Co. Flynn, Chas. I. Co. Gardner Cigar Co. Glemco Products Co. Qets Jt Soap Co. Goelltz Cnn1y Corn Goo. E. WIghtman Co. oversight on the part of Charley To- Sacrifice hit Dixon. Umpire, Prick berer, the scorekeeper, (who was so ett. elated over his son's home run that j he forgot to count 1'.) the impressiou After the ball game the married men held, when the Fishermen came to bat in the ninth, that the mlllmen had a lead of 12 to 11. Rinnon scored on rled men, who outweighed their op Nlchols' hit really winning the 0ame, ponents by a considerable margin; but under the general misunderstand- but the single men came out with the ing, he play continued. There were two out and three on bases; and It looked as though the three were go ing to die there. Red Glaser keyed his bass voice up to a mezzo-soprano pitch and began a war-dance to a tune that attributed to the opposition pitch er a multitude of physical deformities. The Fishermen believes him ; while the Kernville contingent vociferously opined that there was a hole in Koski's Dat- The FlBh titers were rignt: Finke blew up, and walked in the run. Score by Innings: Kernville .. 10001032 612 Up-River ... 21221121 214 Box Score: KERNVILLE AB. R. H. PO. Finke, ss., p 5 3 3 1 Wheeler, c, 3b .... 6 1 Kaight, 2b 3 2 Combest. 3b, c .... 5 McNally, lb 6 Nelson, p., ss B. Morrison, rf E- Morrison, cf. .... 6 Stevens, If. 4 " ' Totals 46 12 17 2 3 UP-RIVER AB. R. H. PO. A. Dixon, p. . Rinnon, c. Morris, lb Nichols, 2b .... 4 .... 6 .... 6 .... 6 Mitchel, 3b 6 C. Toberer, ss 6 A. Toberer, If 6 Koskl, cf 3 Muno, rf 3 Totals 43 14 11 27 11 8 SUMMARY Left on bases, n.ern- vtlle 8, Up-River 9; 1st base on errors Kernville 6, Up-Rlver 2. Base on balls off Dixon 3, off Nelson 3, off Finke 4. Hit by pitched balls by Dixon 4. i Struck out by Dixon 10, by Nelson 5, by Finke 6. 2 base hits Finke, Nelson 2, Dixon. 3-base hit, Nelson. Home run Al Toberer. Stolen bases, Rin- non, Nichols 4, C. Toberer, Koskl. Gray, McLean & Percy Crystal Ice & Storage Co. Hoe tier's Hazelwood Ice Cream Co. La Gran Marca Cigar Co. Luckel, King & Cake Soap Co. Lang & Co. Candles Mt. Hood Ice Cream Co. Mt. Hood Soap Co. Mutual Creamry Co. NeBtle's Food Co. Nikk-Marr Laboratory challenged the single boys to a tu go- war. The betting all favored the mar- long end of the rope. The last event of the afternoon was an outboard motorboat race, in whlcu Carl Toberer and Clyde Morris took the lead, and made a thrilling race. Carl got a start of half a length and crept ahead on the stralght-at-way; but, in attending to a slight engine trouble he got off the course. At the turn Clyde cut In on him, narrowly missing a collision, and they started down the home stretch together. Carl had his motor righted by now, and ne fed her the gas, nosing out a boat length in the lead. Wost of the ptcnlcers adjourned from the field to Brady Buckner's hall, where they danced till morning. Q. FRANK GLASHR. OLSON LOSES TO TED THYE IN HARD CO ALBANY, J,;y 6. The wrestling match last night between Ted Thye and Charlie Olson nearly ended in a fight between the sympathisers of the two men after Thye, in the ninth round, caught Olson off his guard ( hcd he wag thorougnly convince.l and by tossing him on his head h , hort oI hay. knocked him out. Cries of 'Dirty " , tt , ton3nile tUe heavv. "Dirty" were heard throughout the Toledoy buncn. aftcr they nad arena. Oscar Butler who threw Vance 0Und8ed hlm for a tota, of a2 hUs ana on Tuesday nighty was loud in his de.Pettl therefromi ne,ped by a few nouncement of Thye and offered to- 8 tota, of j4 J He retired take Olson's place for the finish of , he'end f 4n ,nn, Olson was game though, and after1 . . " ... . , a..!ho" l?8'""6!!.1".0.!-' but Thye, now thorough'.y aroused,' went at him like a tiger and in two minutes of the next round, clamped of the match. Olson was too ' . to continue and the match was given The fall which caused tho trouble' Newt Center, who played an excel came in the ninth round when the lnt game at first base Sunday in the men rolled Off te mat and lay Kirk, the referee, told them to get back on, Tj 4-1 I, I ! Send for directory of Oregon- manu factured good3. Learn what the Ore gon brands are ask for them by name. BUY WHO FROM MERCHANTS DISPLAY THIS SIGN Merchants who display this sign ere community upbuilders. They sell and recommend Oregon Quality merchan dise. They merit your patronage. Oregon Artificial Limb Co. Pacific Coast Cone Co. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Pacific Coast Pencil Mfg. Co. Palmer Co., Gene Royal Nut Mfg. Co. Palilollve Co. Ross, Henry ft Sons Shaffner ft Co. Syrup of Prunes Co. Stearns-Eddy Co. Russell & Gilbert Tru Blu Biscuit Co. Vogan Candy Co. Both men got to their feet and start ed for the middle of the mat, buf Just as they reached the middle Tliye turn ed and seized Olson by the arm and lifted him completely off the mat and. droppsd him on hl3 head, then by clamping on a s.issors downed him. .i's".- vai knocked out though by '.he fal1 on hls nead- and nad t0 be Parried off the mat, so the fall did not count Oscar Butler offered to finish the match for Olson, and yelled at Thye "I'd like to see you try that oa me." Thye smiled and answered, "Nothing would please me more." The match was to have been fif teen rounds of six minutes each, ana up to the ninth when the fall occurred, the honors were about even, with the exception that Tbyo seemed to ba the nioie aggressive, and was also plainly the more confident and experienced of the two. Albany Herald. Toledo Again Swamps Iwlain (Continued from Page 1) A "Merryweathe- Albert3on took , ud the slab work for his team mate3 at this stage and had he not walked s-oreless for the ,,, m,,,i , ers were unaDo to ao witn offerings, getting only two singles U 1. V. vnA.inJ absence of Jack Hammond, batted Ills way into the lead of his teammates by getting three hits out of five times at bat. Newt has only played In thre eamcs and is cfrtalnly handling f.. big stick in excellent mauncr 15 times end has succeeded In getting 7 safe hits, three of them being doubles. Louie Bain, pld-truaty ..behind the bat, had a" corisiderab'is handicap hang ing over him In Sunday's game. In thp pame at Newport the Fourth he re ceived a speedy one on hte Index fin ger that tore the flesh considerably, and this had not healed for Sunday's contest. .t!2ns"ii, nrsi Daseman tor mu in- dlans. had a perfect day at bat Sun J day, only two times at bat counting against him and ne has as many nits to his credit. The score Is as follows: Score by Innings: Siletz .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toledo . . 2 4 2 6 1 0 0 3 03 0 0 x 14 SILETZ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 'Lane, rf. ! Thompson, If . . . Bensell, 1st .Evans, c Goodell, ss !Albertson, 3b., p. Ward, cf Downey, 2b Adams, p ticiicnger, 3d i iUmattata, 3d 0 33 3 6 24 6 7 TOLEDO AB. R. H. PO. A.E. 0 0 J 'Service, cf 6 Galther, ss 4 2 1 1 2 0 4 2 10 3 7 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 0 Vandecoverlng, 3d Bain, c. ... Center ,1b Weeks, 2b Roddy, If. Christy, rf Hall, p 40 14 14 27 11 3 Summary Stolen bases, Service 4, Bain, Center, Roddy , Hall, Lant,, Goodell and Bellenger; sacrifice hits, Vandecovering 2, Bai and Gatther; left on bases, Toledo 7', Siletz 6; earned runs, Toledo 8, Siletz 1; struck out, by Hall 10, by Adams 4, by Goodell 4; inninglngs pitched, I 'by Hall 9, by adams 4, by Goodell 4; J 'two base hits, Service, Center; Wild T pitches, Adams 3; Hit by pitched ball, ;by Hall 3; Walked by Hall. X I FOR SALE 4 Head of horses, 4 to 7 years old, all broke; and heavy 3 Bain wagon; Inquire of W. D: Fores ter, Toledo, Oregon. 21-2t FOR SALE One acre of land In Run Bottom; house, barn and chicken yards; Inquire of Box 282, Toledo, Oregon. -Must sell because of wife's health and move to hlghor climate. A bargain. 21-3t NOTICE TO HOUSEWIVES FOR SALE? Candle select eggs from the Olalla Poultry farm are belpg handled by the Glldors'.ecve Cro cery. This guarantees you a 100 per cent perfect product. Call for them when ordering. 20-4t FIXALL SHOP WELL WE FIX EVERYTHING CLOCKS A SPECIALTY Shots, Boots, Clocks, Watches, Umbrellas, Pans, Buckets, Tubs, Boilers, Flashlights, Cut Agates, Sharpen Shears, Knives. Repair all kinds of things Don't throw anything away, Come In and see us. Furniture Repair ed. CEO. LICKEY -"i-iUJi!ii u , mm ELECTIUC SHOE SHOP First Class Work Guaranteed Have Your Soles Sewed On we make your old shoes look and wear like new. Mail order work promptly repaired. Next Door to Peterson's Jewerry Store Toledo, Oregon NOTICE TO BIDDERS The school board of School District No. 47, of Siletz, Oregon, wishes to receive bids tor painting three school houses and out-buildings in said dis tr.'ct. Bids 'o be opened at Postuftioe at Siletz, Oregon, on Saturday, July 15. District will furnish paint. E. E. COLVIN, Clerk. 20 2t 0MIIAHOTMS cad e a t it FOR SALB-fjtijuvy luaui, sound and "in bbii cneap ir taken soon. Box 371, Toledo, Oregon. 20-2t F(18ALE-C0Wi ln('ulr8 at Leader Office. FOR SALE 20 acres of Timber land; some bottom; $25 per acre, unlimit ed range. Write T. Hennessey, To ledo, Oregon. 19-4t FOR SALE A fine milk cow, fresh . $46.00 if taken soon. .Carl Tan gen, Toledo, Ore. 19-3t FOR SALE in Toledo, Oregon, six lots each 50 x 100 feet and house under construction In front of High School. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good terms. Apply to F. E Schmidt, 17102 Fell 8t, San Fran Cisco, California. 16-5t FOR SALE From 1 to 28 acres Just outside city limits at reasonable price, see M. C. Miller or address, Box 113, Toledo, Oregon, 18-5t FOR SALE From 1 to 28 acres Just outside city limits at reasonable price, see McMillan or address, Bx. 113, Toledo, Oregon. 17-5t FOR SALE Team of mules, gentle, good and true workers, weigh about 2000 IbB., doublo harness, light wa gon with bed and extra bolster springs, everything in first class shape and condition. This is more of nn outfit than vhnt I need and a bargain for someone. Call or ad dress, John Stelgen, Toledo, Ore., Hot 105. 20-3t FOR 8ALE in Toledo, Oregon, slk lots each 50 x 100 feet and nous under construction in front of HlRh ..School. Will sell cheap for cash; or give good terms. Apply to F. E. 8chmldt, 1710a Fell St, San Fran cisco, California. 16-tf 4Q ACRES Near Toledo; State Road; Mutual phone; daily mail. Good ft room house, good newt barn, or chard; soma timber. Good bargain. Inquire at Leader office. 13-tf ONE AUTO-KNITTER FOR SALlSl 33 1-3 off. Address Box 384, To ledo .Oregon. 21-2t FOR SALE The launch "Florence", a cabin cruiser, 28 foet by 8 feet 4 Inch beam; 10 H.P, Campbell en gine; Inquire of Dr. D. A. Mcln'.yre, Newport, Ore., oppo. P. O. 21-4t FOR SALE 101.64 acres of land. 40 acres level, excellent beaver dam land; some Umbo.1; railroad on place. Price $1500, cash or torms. Inquire Dr. D. A. Mclntyre, New YOUR EYES ACCURATELY FITTED By GRADUATE OPTOMETRI8T Private Office for Examinations Prices Reasonable F. M. French A Sons Optometrists and Opticians Albr.ny, . Oregon Have Your Soles Sewed on. Prices Reasonable Mail Orders Promptly At tended to. DICK WF.NNER & SON Shoe machine repair shop Newoorr Oregon Dr. Boggess Chiropractor, Is now located at the Hot. Sea Bath house, Newport, Oreg. Special Rates till July 1. 18-4t FORESTRY EXHIBITORS NOTICK. Anyone wishing to make an exhibit of wood work or forestry at the com ing Lincoln county fair will be ad vised by Allen Mayhew, superinten dent of forestry, of what to exhibit and how to make their entry. Ad dress P. O. box 466, Toledo. Oregon. or Call at Roberts Mill. 20-tf . A. MAYHEW FOR SALE 1 team mules, 8 and 9, well broke and Eentle; wt. 2600; toam, wagon and harness; price $300.00. A great bargain. Inquire of C. F. Mock, Box 28D, Toledo, Ore gon. 20-tf WANTED IBoy of 16 wants position on farm, any kind of work. Call at Leader office. Tom Dixon. 21-2t $100 COMMISSION to anyone making a sale of the acreage at Caledonia belonging to Mrs. W. Scarth, 654 Halsey Street, Portland. 20-4t FOR SALE "C Melody Saxaphone, ellver finish in first class condition inquire Leader Office. 21-lt FOR SALE CHEAP or Exchange 3 cottages 38 lots; some household goods; 40 fine chickens; In Pacific Vlow near South Boach, P. O. Will take small place away from coast or small business, good car, or any- ming i can use. Make me nn of fer; soe or write Mlrs. N. A. Hum. fleet, Pacific View, South Deach, Oregon. 21-3t FOR RENT FOR RENT Store Room on Hill Street, I. O. O. F. Building. See Car: Glldersleeve. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Ernest H. Hal Dentist First National Bank Building Phons 1108 Toledo, Ore. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, HEALTH 4 ACCIDBft AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY C. K. CROSNO, Toledo, Oregon Office In First N. B. Bldg. ENGINEERING WORK Professional Engineer In the Staf of Oregon, Topography work, Clvl Engineering and Sub-Divlalon won A. J. McMillan, Toledo, Oregon FOWLER'S RESTAURANT . Hill St., Toledo, Oregen Ask about eur $1.60 PER DAY RATES Best established eating place In Lincoln County . J. FOWLER, Prop. TOLEDO LODGE NO. 108, I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting Brother always Welcome. L. B. Wlswell, N. G, . Carl GllrfnlMva. San.a port, Ore., 21-4t ' "