Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, January 22, 1909, Image 2

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    Rn7 Milk Cans.
"Rusty cans and their effect upon
milk." is the title of a very valuable
bulletin of the University of Wisconsin
Agricultural Experiment Station. Ex
pvrlinents Indicate that milk hauled In
1 he poorly tinned or rusted cans Is ma
terially Injured for cheese making, for
In addition to the retarding Influence
of the Iron on the rennet action and
the neutralization of the acid by the
Iron, It also produces taints or off-flavors.
The milk cans used to haul milk
to our creameries and cheese factories
are too often of a cheap grade, and
they are used too frequently after they
have become tainted, and the tin be
comes cracked and checked so that the
iron Is exposed and rusts. In these ex
periments, milk was placed In rusty tin
aim and allowed to stand for different
jierlods. while other samples of the
siiiiie milk were kept In glass beakers.
Every time thut this experiment was
ivjvatcd, the mil!: kept In t!ic niry
cans gave evidence of a retnrdlug Influ
ence on the rennet as cooipared with
the milk 4iept In the glass beaker. Milk
which was allowed to stand In Iron
utensils for several hours bad a pecu
liar Mulsh color, indicating the pres
ence of Iron In the solution. It was
evident that the acid in the milk acted
upon the Iron and dissolved some of It.
The uiuximum quantity of Iron dis
solved in the milk ranged from 1 to
1 pounds for every thousand pounds
of milk.
The Bulletin urges that the maangers
of cheese factories and creameries see
that the operator Is a reliable man,
who will not only practice cleanliness
but will Insist that the factory uten
sils nnd those of the patrons are In
lirst-class condition. He advocates the
use of only such cans In which heavy
fteel Is used that have been well tin
ned, similar to those used In Europe.
Experience has proven that the cans
of the best quality, even though they
are quite exiwiislve, are the most eco
nomical In the long run.
Heating Wnlcr for Hog Killing;.
A device which Is superior to the
old Iron kettle for heating water Is
shown In this sketch. Take a piece
of 2-Inch pipe 8 feet long and have It
securely screwed Into the bottom of a
stout vinegar barrel. In the other end
of the pipe screw a large wooden block.
By arranging the affair as shown In
the sketch water In the barrel will be
heated rapidly and ran be removed as
desired without bothering the fire. Do
not make the . mlstnko of putting a
111c tii I cap ou the end of the pipe or
the steam may sometimes burst the
piping before the cap- will come off.
The woodtta block acts as a safety
valve and will fly out if pressure Is
too great
Hero Is another handy arrangement
for heating water when killing bogs,
cooking small po
tatoes for stock,
'etc. A heavy bar,
such as the track
of a hay carrier
is fixed In the top
of two posts and
the pulley runs
'eti.-c''-- upon it which
pot df.ubick. carries the lever
wliu which the pot ran be lifted. A
small brick furnace will get the most
out of a fire, as the pot sets Into a
round hole on the top and receives the
full benefit of the heat Farm and
Study of Windbreak.
An effort to determine tho vnlue of
windbreaks on farms Is being made by
the Forest Service of the United States
Department of Agriculture. At pres
ent windbreaks are planted haphazard
nnd many do not believe In them, so it
is time we bad some definite Informa
tion on the subject If there Is a par
ticular kind of tree that makes a bet
ter protection to crops without doing
any harm we should know It The
Forest Service proposes to find out
Just how much, If any, and when wind
breaks increase crop yields. Instru
ments will be used to measure heat and
cold, moisture and dryness, both aoove
and below ground ; to register the force
of the wind near the windbreaks and
noma distance away; to measure light
Intensity and take note or the effects f
shade; to register frosts at different
distances from the trees and to keep
account of the effect of windbreaks on
the suow which covers the ground to
leeward In winter. Many other meas-
ureraents and tests will be made and
elaborate data will be collected by ex-
nerts hn trill hv of the In-
vestlgatlon. Corn will be the first crop
studied behind windbreaks. Corn Is a
partlcularly good crop to experiment
with because it Is easily Injured by
ui n luun, will uui buuu Diuuiug
and Is very sensitive to frosts.
If It Is found, as is generally sup
posed, that windbreaks are a decided
advantage to crop yields, it will be an '
easy matter for the farmer to plant
trees In his fence rows or along the
sides of his fields toward the prevail
ing winds and thus protect his crops as
well as produce a valuable crop of tim
ber. In view of the fact that our tim
ber supply Is rapidly waning. It stands
every farmer In hand to plant some
trees and to maintain the wood lots
upon his farm, so If windbreaks can be
used to advantage, he can easily make ,
the trees he plants serve a double pur- i
pose. The results of the investigation
will be awaited with interest Farm
er's Guide.
Farm Fowls.
Fowls on the farm should in the ver
nature of things be the most profitable
of all fowls. They cost little to feed
uiiJ the space they range over costs no
more on account of the presence of the
fowls. Most of them have free rango
and forage for their food ; this Is profit
able for the owner and enjoyable to the
Most farm flocks are too small. They
might easily be Increased In size with
little effort and small expenditure. It
hns been said that a fowl will pay a
dollar a year clear profit under such
conditions as prevail on the average
farm If they are rightly housed and
cared for. This Is surely large enough
a profit to be Interesting to any farmer.
Usually the farm fowls do not get cred
it for all they really do, for the farmer
seldom figures In the eggs and other
poultry products used by his own fam
ily, which make quite an item in the
course of a yenr. - (
Not only the qunntlty should be In
creased, but also the quality. There are
vastly greater possibilities for profit In
pure-bred fowls than In scrubs. They
look better, weigh and lay better, and
really are better in every way. Agri
cultural Epltoiulst
Where Oar Vegetable. Originated.
Tti ir.S ilio, wns Introduced
Into Europe by the Spaniards, who
found It In Chile. At almost the same
date It was introduced Into England
by the English, who had found It cul
tivated by the Indians of North Amer
ica. The sweet potato and the arti
choke are also American vegetables.
Salsify Is tyund growing wild over
Greece, Italy and Algeria. Turnips and
rnrtll.e crime oriL'inallv from Central
Euroite. Cabbage, which Is of remote
origin, Is believed to be a European
vegetable. Asparagus found Its origin
In temperate Western Asia. Eggplant
came to us from India. The carrot
grows wild throughout Europe, Asia
Minor, Siberia. China. Abyssinia, North
Africa and the Canary islands. The
tomato comes from Peru, the cuctini
ber from tudla and the pumpkin from
Celery and Celerlnc.
There is a special turnip-rooted form
of celery known as celerlac, which pro
duces a large root and very small leaf
stems. This Is more suitable for cook
lug than the common celery.
Poultry Item.
Lice are the cause of death of more
half-grown turkeys than rrora any oth
er cause.
Foul yards are great sources of dis
ease. Fowl diseases are also caused
by foul coops and foul drinking vessels.
Make the entrance to the nests from
the back to make them dark, and make
them big enough so the heus can get in
and out without breaking the eggs.
Almost any breed of fowls may be
kept within bounds if rightly treated,
even though it is much easier to con
fine large breeds than smaller ones.
No one wants eggs that have been
washed; they don't look right To get
a good price for eggs they must be
naturally clean as well as fresh.
Overcrowding or confinement In nn
healthful quarters causes diseases
among poultry. Tills, however, Is not
excusable on the farm. There Is plen
ty of room and sanitation should be
Corn is not a good feed for poultry
that is kept In yards too small to grow
green stuff, but It Is the very best feed
for fowl when they are on pasture,
where they get plenty of Insects and
clover to pick at
Loss or waste is one of the great
drawbacks In the poultry business.
Waste should be prevented, and every
pound of feed should be made to pro
duce the greatest possible gains. Clean
liness Is one-half the battle In prevent
ing loss. Keep everything about the
yard clean and much low will be stopped.
flow tflP impost i&te if made
; r . . a
fjle fndjalatidmade
e matef Of thO
j . vj.
POfOQivpMemsorJUaei',lTeuchea at Casablanca, another In
OSCOD&S. Awondopful hn.ii-
rtfxtr nthinh
. y , ywfitinu
. J -
JGW years fggffJ
Dld 'ou ever 001116 ut ot a moving
fltture show with the feeling that you
had been "dreaming dreams?"
There Is nothing that so thoroughly
combines absolute mathematical exact
ness with fantastic unreality as the
modern entertainment known as a
moving picture show. There Is noth-
,nS that requires more scientific and
"rustic skui in the making or more
care a'V1 dexterity In the reproducing
thnn the Pictures shown by the klne-
toscope, nnd there Is nothing more
mystirytng to the beholder than these
same pictures, when they are thrown
on the screen in the theater. In the
same afternoon, perhaps, you will see
a thrilling train robbery, a prize fight,
a dainty little domestic comedy, a
scene during a trip of one of the pres
idential candidates, a fairy tale of
your clillJIiuoJ, and some of the majl
cal pictures In which stones roll rap
Idly up hill, saws and hammers work
: without human assistance, or a skele
ton gradually develops flesh and clotn
jing. The commonplace is so mixed
J with the Impossible that while you
are looking at the pictures you find
yourself believing It Is nil perfectly
real and natural, and It Is only after
you have left .the theater that you
realize It Is a trick, an optical Illu
sion, and you wonder how It Is done.
I The effect upon your mind la much
like that produced by a dream you
( have had, only In the case of the cine
matograph you try to analyze the
Behind the Scene.
But the process Is unnnalyzable, un
less you are permitted a peep behind
the scenes of the business of film mak
ing. Once In the film maker's studio,
however, you find the making of the
pictures far more Interesting than the
pictures themselves. One moment you
langh at your own stupidity in not
guessing "how It worked." The next
Vflll n tA lnot In nmlnnf Inn - !.
" " luc
ermsB 01 11,6 nlln mnKCTs in being able
1 to nrrW the natural and ordinary
I men,m aD0Ut tnom to Produce such ex-
traoramnry results. And you never
see a moving picture afterwards with
out remembering how it, or one like it,
was made.
Art, the drama, nature, mechanical
forces, all have a part In the produc
tion of the pictures that are repro-
duccd a" over the civilized world, foi
, the moving picture show has become
the most universal of all amusements,
I Erf manufacturer of motion picture
j fl,nlB maintains a large company of
; actors- a theater of his own with an
Immense stage fitted with traps, tanks,
, ,lft and ot"er usual scenic accessories,
. and a larSr corps of stage carpenters,
scene painters, scene shifters and
property men thnn Is thought neces
sary In any of the first-class theaters
In Europe or America. All sorts of
Ingenious methods of producing un
usual effects, all the devices for cre
ating realistic Illusions known to the
stage and many that are Impossible on
the real stage, are employed. 1 Every
kind of scenery nnd stage setting are
used. People of nil ages, sizes and con
dltlons, "the lame, the halt and the
blind," ns well ns the physically per
fect, take part In the various scenes,
Sometimes the actors play their parts
on a real stage, sometimes they act In
the fields or woods or even on the
streets of a city, nnd sometimes they
go partly through a performance in
the midst of natural surroundings and
complete the play on the stage of a the
ater, or vice versa. It nil depends on
the subject of the picture and the way
the Idea Is worked out.
Dramatic ability of a high order Is
necessary In the actors who pose be
fore the speeding klnetoscope, for act
ing alone must tell the story of the
play they are presenting, nnd many of
the subjects ore too artistic to admit
of mere pantomime as an exposition
of their meaning.
Trick Picture from France.
The klnetoscope Is not a French in
ventlon, but Its development along ar
tlstlc lines Is due almost entirely to
French Ingenuity. In England, and In
America till quite recently, it was
used merely to record events as they
occurred, such as the unveiling of a
monument, the Inauguration of a pres
ident of the United States, a boat
race, a prize fight a championship
basebnll game, or a great parade. No
attempt was made to create subjects
for the machine to photograph, and all
fanciful pictures, color pictures, or
others that were out of the ordinary
were left for the French film makers
to produce, and the result has been
three distinctively characteristic class
e of motion pictures
sr Moving
England produces the "current
events" films. She sends her kineto
scopu operators wherever great things
are happening. She had one in the
. .
wwMantlnopIe when the Sultan pro-
'claimed the constitution, another in
Australia when the American fleet vis
ited that colony. When King Edward
opens an exposition the entire perform
ance Is recorded by the klnetoscope,
and reproduced somewhere else later.
America makes "current events" films,
but she also makes others. Film mak
ers In America maintain their own
thenter and company of actors, and
some of the best picture dramas and
farces now shown have been produced
here. The French manufacturers pro
duce all the kinds of films made in En
gland and America, but they make
the colored pictures and the trick pic
tures In addition, and on that account
their work Is more Interesting to the
uninitiated than that of either En
glish or American manufacturers.
An Example ol the Method.
Everybody knows how a moving pic
ture camera photographs a ball game
or a prize fight The film, which Is
Just like any other photograph film ex
cept in size, passes over the aperture
through which the exposure Is made
at the rate of about pictures to
the minute, recording every motion of
every object within range of the cam
era, while It is passing, and sometimes
consuming half a mile of film In a sin
gle record. But everybody does not
know how the picture of a man who
Is run over by an automobile and both
legs cut off, and who afterward re
places his legs and walks away on
them Is made, nor how the siren who
calmly swims about under water dur
ing a twenty minute picture could have
remained below the surface long enough
for the photographs to be taken.
In the case of the nian the picture
was made by the "arret," or stop. In
iliat of the siren the "fundu," or blend,
Is employed. Both of these nre French
discoveries, and both are all Impor
tant In the making of any moving pic
ture films that are not strictly record
films. In the "arret" the machine is
stopped at some definite point during
the exposure of the film and the shut
ter closed so that registration Is Im
possible. A change In some portion of
the object being photographed Is then
made, after which the operation of the
machine resumed. The "fundu" Is pro
duced by a double exposure of one film,
or by doubling the film by superimpos
ing one film upon another for repro
The first Is exemplified by the well-
known picture, the "Happy Accident"
A man falls asleep on the roadside and
while he sleeps a motor ear runs over
him and cuts off both legs at the knee.
The motorist discovers his carelessness
too late, but stops his machine at once
and, hurrying back to the Injured man,
picks up the severed legs and bands
them to him. The victim of the acci
dent replaces his legs and after shak
ing hands with the motorist walks off
up the road.
Photographs of the Impossible.
Of course the thing Is Impossible,
ridiculously so, but the pictures shown
on the screen are the reproductions of
actual photographs, and the puzzle to
every one who sees the film Is how can
there be a photograph of a physical
Impossibility? The trick Is not a diffi
cult one after the right man Is found
to pose for the photograph. A man
who has both legs off at the knee and
uses artificial legs In their place was
made up to look like another man
with two good legs, and these two men
changed places In the photograph. The
actor comes on the stage first nnd goes
to sleep by the roadside. The regis
tration of the film is then stopped and
the man with the artificial legs takes
the actor's place, being careful to as
sume exactly the same position as the
actor. Then the machine Is started
again and the picture Is made of the
automobile coming down the road, run
ning over the sleeping man, the motor
ist getting out and going , back and
giving the injured man ills legs. At
this point the machine Is again stop
ped, the legless man gets out of the
way and the actor takes his place.
When registration on the film Is re'
sumed there is apparently no break In
the scene, and the little tragedy Is fin
ished without difficulty. But . the ef
fect produced by the two stops Is thor
oughly startling to the beholder of the
Fairy Picture.
One way of producing the blend is
doubling the film, and this Is the nieth
od most often adopted when super nut
ural appearances or disappearances
are depicted. For example, a fairy ap
pears to a child, talks a moment, and
then disappears. First, a film of the
scene, with the child in the foreground,
Is taken, the object being ' gradually
thrown out of focus as the registration
proceeds. Next, a film of the scene
and the child with the fairy is taken,
out of focus' at first and gradually
brought Into focus. Then the two films
are placed one upon the other so that
they register exactly, and the result is
the apparent gradual materialization
of the fairy out of nothlne. The fairy
is, of course, much smaller than the .
child In the picture. In reality they
are about the same size, the apparent
difference being due to their respective
distances from th'e camera.
In the cases of apparent defiance of
natural laws, such as stones running
hill and Jumping into open win
dows, or people walking updh the ceil
ings, the effect is produced in a dif
ferent manner. The exposures are
taken in the usual way. The stones
fall out (if the window and roll dow
the hill, and the people walk on the
floor like civilized creatures while they
are being photographed. But when the
reproductions are made the films are
refully reversed, run backward, as
were, and the result Is the reversal
the action part of the picture. This
a simple trick enough, but is hard
understand unless you have seen it
done, and Is one of the most puzzling
all the many illusions of motion nlc-
A Girl'. Vision.
"The Errand Girl's Dream" shows
nother way of working a little trick
on the audience. In the first scene the
girl ia shown leavliig her home to go
to the shop where she Is employed. In
the second scene siie is shown at work
In the shop and afterward starting out
itn a big box to deliver some eoo'ds
to customers. These two scenes are
shown with their natural backgrounds,
having been taken without preparation
in typical sections of Paris. But after
the girl starts on her errands the oper
ator of the klnetoscope leaves her and
returns to the thenter, where he finds
an actress made up to look like her
nu a scene painted to represent the
street through which the girl ia likely
to pass.
In this scene the actress is saunter
ing along the street. Seeing a bench.
she sits down, places her box beside
ber, and is soon lost in day dreams.
hudueuly the box opens and out of It
comes a party of fairy creatures who
Dow prettily to the girl, and then Jump
ing down, go through a merry" dance.
There Is more to the story, but this
shows the trick.
When the girl sits down on the
bench the film Is stopped while the real
box Is removed and a piece of scenery
painted to look like It Is uncovered.
This Is opened from within In such a
way that it seems to be opened by the
fairies. The apparently diminutive
size of the fairies Is produced by plac
ing them 30 or 40 feet farther away
from the camera than is the girl, and
as they are seen through the onenlne
which the spectators regard as the lid
of the box the Illusion Is complete.
Most of these tricks are accomplish
ed much as similar Illusions on the real
slage are produced except that the il
lusion Is the more perfect in the mov
ing picture because of the possibilities
of a change of properties which the
'arret" provides, but the ability to set
the scene and produce the effect Is
based upon the same sort of knowledge
and skill that Is required in Dronerlv
staging any theatrical performance.
Mechanically, the klnetoscope Is be
coming rather well known. The Dic-
tures are taken on a sensitized film.
1V inches wide, and varying in length
from 100 to 1.200 feet. The film mass
es In front of an aperture 1 Inch by
three-quarters of an Inch In size, stops
dead still for the fractional part of a
second, and passes on, the process be
ing so rapid that at the normal rate of
siecd of operating the inachlue, sixteen
exposures are made every second of
When these pictures are reproduced
and passed through the machine which
projects then' upon the screen, they are
usually shown at exactly the same rate
of speed at which they were taken, and
thus the natural effect is produced.
In showing the pictures the film,
which for reproduction has sbeen
changed from a negative to a positive
and probably colored in the same way
that ordinary lantern slides-are color
ed Is passed from one reel to another
over an aperture of the same size and
shope ns thnt through which the pic
ture was originally taken, nnd the en
largement of the projected picture is
accomplished by means of lenses in
front of the picture. Light Is furnish
ed by electricity and, ns in all stereop
tlcons, passes through the picture Into
the lens, where It Is refracted to form
the great spot of light upon the screen.
It Is the manipulation of this light
that is the dangerous feature of mov
ing pictures. The film Is celluloid and
highly explosive, and the point of light
that falls upon It Is so intense that If
permitted to rest for a single Instant
upon the film, the heat produced will
cause an explosion. While the film Is
moving there Is no danger, but It can
not be stopied without danger, unles
the machine Is fitted with an auto
matic shutter, which falls over the
aperture as Boon as the crank stops