Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, December 28, 1893, Image 3

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Why It Is Not Altogether
Happy One.
How Strong Men Kin From Humble Post
to Position! of Great Honor and Respon
sibility Chicago'! Xew Superintendent.
The Prefei-t or the Parti Police.
Those who imagine that a policeman's Ufa
Is of a rosy hue from the rising of the san
to the going down of the same are likely to
be greatly mistaken. Walking the streets
Is no serious matter if followed for an hour
or two as an amusement, but when prac
ticed steadily for 12 hours a day it becomes
hard work. The policeman's legs may give
out, his ample calves may tremble from
sheer fatigue, but he may not sit down, or
f he does it is at the risk of missing some-
thing of importance on his beat. He Is held
personally responsible for everything that
goes on in the district under his charge, and
if anything is wrong he must be prepared
to explain it. If a dozen "toughs" armed
with clubs, brass knuckles, knives, razors,
beer mallets, revolvers and other means of
defense and offense get into a general fight
in a low saloon he must be prepared to
rustim single liamieU, mid at the risk oi his
life attipt to quell the disturbance and
arrest the brawlers.
Nor do Efts troubles end here. His place
is generally regarded as so desirable that
from two to a dozen men are all the time
earnestly engaged in the effort to get him
put out in order that they may have a
chance to get in, and he must accordingly
keep on good terms with his superiors and
. vib P'ec of frflluence on his bei.t f---3,r
that he may not liecome unpopular and so
be marked for dismissal when the first com
plaint is entered against him.
But the policeman does not generally
take his troubles much to heart. His open
air life tends to promote cheerfulness, and
cheerfulness promotes digestion, Diges
tion in turn helps on his appetite, and the
frequency with which he satisfies his hun
ger at apple stnnds and free lunch counters
by and by gives him an amplitude of waist
proportioned to the length of time he bus
been on the force. Year by year he increases
the size of belt which incloses his manly
form. Year by year the amount of mate
rial which enters into the regulation uni
form Is greater, and as he becomes more
comfortable his views of lite enlarge and
he becomes more charitable.
He regards with a more lenient eye the
capers of the street boys, listens with philo
sophic patience ami wit bout interference to
the quarrels rf truck drivers and answers
with the questions or Bewil
dered old women who have lost their way
and find it impossible to understand his di
rections. With increasing benevolence
comes augmented popularity. He becomes
a favorite on his b- at. Hit lies in a resi
dence district, he knows all the young and
and handsome cooks, and numerous are the
delicate little suppers of which he 1b the
beneficiary at their charitable hands. If
on a down town beat, he Is welcome at the
back door of any saloon, and a sandwich
and class of beer are always at his service.
The most serious drawback to the police
man's complete happiness is the fact that
no inconsiderable portion of the community
regards him as a natural enemy. Among
the dissolute and criminal classes this an
tagonism is active and perpetual; among
other people it is occasional, hut not the
less pronounced. He is to nine-tenths of
the nponle the only embodiment of the luw
they know anything about even to the law
abiding the restraints or. law are some-
limits irksome.
The nnliceman on the beat comes round after the first snow falls in the
early winter and notifies the householder
tn l,ov it. nhnveled off the pavement. He
primes at irrecular but too frequent inter
vals to allude to the condition of the alley
nr tn mention a slon barrel ill the Due
yard or to inquire if there nre any vehicles
or dogs on the place on which taxes have
not been paid.
E!fhtFn",T..rrv. r. . .
him pmiliaily. but everybody understands
that behind hiui stand the whole force, and
the captains, and the chief, and the govern
or, and the militia, and, if necessarv. the
blue coated veteran of the regular army and
the presideut of the United States.
hile the life of a patrolman is tolerably
monotonous, the nature of his duties fre
quently gives him opportunity for distinc
tion and promotion. With 'his feet once
firmly planted on the ladder of advance
ment, an able and ambitious policeman
may climb to positions of great honor and
responsibility and may even achieve na
tional fame. In this connection the career
of Thomas F. Byrnes, who started as a pa
trolman and is now superintendent of the
New York police department, is suggestive.
Byrnes has a worldwide reputation and is
known as a detective of extraordinary skill
and address. Inspector Williams is an
other New Yorker of national celebrity who
rose from the humble position of patrol
man. Similar examples of the opportunities
open to honest, energetic and ambitious po
licemen may be pointed out in nearly every
large city. There, for instance, is Michael
Brennan, who was recently made superin
tendent of the Chicago police force. He
emigrated to Chicago from Ireland in 1!?03
and entered the police force as a patrolman
in 1870. After two years on- his beat he
was made desk sergeant Superintendent
vY ashburne made him a lieutenant. Under
Mayor Cregier he was made assistant su
perintendent and retained that p. sition un
til Mayor ashburne was inaugurated,
when he was honorably retired. Mayor
Harrison recalled him to the force on suc
ceeding to the mayor's chair and made him
again assistant superintendent of police,
and when Major R. V. McClaugbry retired
from the superintendency a few days ago
Mr. Brennan was promoted to that impor
tant position.
It is rumored that Major McClaughry will
soon accept the superintendency of the
Michigan state reform school for boys at
Pontiac. In retiring from office he said:
"I am proud of theChicago police force and
proud to have been connected with it, for I
consider it the peer of any police organiza
tion. Indeed I confidently assert that in
view of the disadvantages under which it
has to be maintained and conducted it is
the best police force in the world. It is
much superior to the New York police
Royal Baking Powder Has All the Honors-tb
strength and Talue to Per
Ceat Above lu Nearest Competitor.
The Royal Baking Powder has the envi
able record of hivirv reoiv.i ihB i.;..i..w.
award for articles of its class greatest
strength, purest initrediems. iiut perfectiv
combined wherever exhibited in competi
tion with others. In the exhibitions of
lormer years, at the Centennial, at Paris.
iemia and at the various State and indus
trial lairs, where it has been e-ihil.ii.Hl
judges have invariably awarded the Koval
Dating owner tne highest hi nor.
At the recent World's Fair the examina
tions for the baking powder awards were
made by the exierts of the chemical divi
sion of the Agricultural IVpartment at
Washington. Ihe othcial report ot the
tests of the baking powders which were
made by this department for the specific
purpose of ascertaining which was the best
and which has been niaile nulilie.
leavening strength of the K-jvai to be HO
cuoic indies ol carbonic gas per ounce ot
powder. Of the cream of tartar bakin
powders exhibited at the lair the next high
est in strength thus tested contained out
133 cubic inches of leavening gas. The
other powders gave an average of ill. The
Royal, therefore, was found of 'JO per cent
greater leavening strength than its nearest
competitor, and 44 per cent above the aver
age of all the other tests. Its superiority
in other respects, howevir. in the nualitv
of the food it makes as to fineness, delicacy
and wholesoiueness, could not be measured
bv figures.
It is these huh Qualities, known and ap
preciated by the women of the country for
so many years, mat nave caused the sales
ot tne Koval liamnc rowder, as shown
statistics, to exceed the sales of all other
baking powders combined.
signs of fprlnf.
Bwral of casty drUlnj1 rsta
Vne a w wake at midnight botrr.
Ice tipp'd branches od the pane
Beating music to the tbow'r.
KcrT ror.i fkksr avo rRfstnVK
Re ' Ite
Crows that caw from steaming
Kobins piping in the glades.
Buds that from their winter hoods
Peep and blush like pretty maida.
Grateful odors of damp earth.
Hoist 'rous glee of muddy rills.
Shouting, brawling in ber mirth,
Down the bare rlanks of the hi Lis.
Here and there a crocus' head
Thrusting up to dare the cold.
While its sisters, warm in bed,
Stir their coverlids of mold.
Spring Is coming, spring is near;
She is whisiH-rcd in the air.
Soon the blithe nymph wilt be here.
Shaking blossoms from her hair.
James lluckham in Harper's Baaar.
For shipplnc or lot private use preserve with
Avn-Ki.iiiis.snNK, a cheap, harmless, simple
and perfect process. For sale by druggists and
grooers. Write for eltvulara.
Aceuts, Portland, Ore-ion.
force, for with 1,000 men liss it covers a
district of 18fl square miles better than the
New York police force does a district of 45
square miles. The Chicago force is in every
line of police duty more capable and more
effective than that of London. I was proud
of the position of superintendent of such a
body of men, but I could not longer hamper
the mayor by retaining the office."
That the civil service idea ulso obtains in
the police administration of foreign coun
tries is shown by the recent promotion in
Paris of M. Louis Lepine to the position of
prefect of police. M. Lepine made his ad
ministrative aeuuc HI IBi l as siiopreu-ev nt
La Palisse, then he was at Montbrison,
Langnsand Fontainebleau, whence he was
transferred to the Chateauroux as prefect
of the department of L'ltulre. He left that
office to go to Paris as secretary general or
the prefecture of police in Mi, which ollice
ho held until ISM. Ho was decorated with
the military medal in 18T1, after having
served in the army during the 1 rnnco-Prus
sian war, and it was while be was prefect
of the Loire that he had to superintend the
trial and the execution of the famous An
archist Rarachol. M. Lepine was prefect
of Versailles when he was called to his new
office as prefect of police of Pans.
Traveling In India
A curious modoof conveyance in India Is
the thoppa, a long cane basket, with a scat
in the middle, from which wings a ennui
board to support the feet. Over the beau
is a covered ton of cane and cloth. As you
sit in this basket a man carries you on his
A Clever Dwarf.
A magnificent feast had been prepared
at Burleigh in honor of the king and queen,
and it was arranged that the little dwarf.
Jeffrey, should step from a huge venison
pastry into her majesty's servic- This
mode of appearance was not new even then.
A pie with a dwarf inside was thought a
"dainty dish to set before a king," and a
gift of this kind was often abroad to tli
sovereign's favor.
On the day of the dinner Jeffrey found
himself imprisoned in a large dish, sur
rounded by a high wall of standing crust.
Of course a way had been found to give
him air, but he afterward said he felt
buried alive. To add to his discomfort
UuckiiigUam slyly ordered lue pie to ue
warmed, saying, "It were better eaten
warm than cold."
Young Jeffrey remained quiet and said
never a word as the dish was carried to the
kitchen; but he was far from happy and
thought of Nebuchadnezzar and the fiery
furnace until he grew "warm with appre
hension." The cook, however, understood
the joke and the dwarf pie was placed In
safety on the, royal tablo. At last came
the fateful time Vh crowning moment of
Jeffrey's life.
The pie was opened, the trumpet sound
ed and forth sprang the dwarf. He was
clad in a full suit of armor and skipped
about the table shaking his little sword at
some of the guests; and, reniemlH-'ring the
scorching the duke bad threatened for
him, he gave a vicious little tweak at his
grace's uoblo nose. Buckingham diew
back in time to save his handsome face
and threatened to cudgel the young knave
with a chicken bone; but the king laughed
and said Buckingham was served quite
By this time Jeffrey was nearly deafened
with applause and half drowned iu the
perfumes the ladies sprinkled upon him, so
he hastened to end the scene by prust rating
himself before the queen s pinto and en
treating to be taken into her service. St.
Signs of Spring In a City.
The present forward weather seems
to be a groat season for the small boy.
He gets more solid enjoyment out of the
warm days and the dry sidewalks than
the street cleaiiins department of the
ooard of public works. Every small boy
who is anvbod y down ou the heights has
a pair of roller skates and a good strong
pair of lungs. These boys play hockey
on the asphalt pavement of that exclu
sive quarter, catch rides on the backs of
grocery wagons and keep up a constant
and eternal yelling. Why they yell does
not appear, it is perhaps because a
small boy cannot do much of anything
without yelling. These boys go scurry
ing around corners on their skates in im
minent danger of cracking their own
skulls ami to tho great terror of passers
by. They dodge under the heads of spir
ited conch horses aud altogether make a
fresh and healthy nuisauco of them
Those poorer boys who are not wealthy
enough to afford each a pair of roller
skates, split up a pair between two and
go about pushing the wheeled foot in
front of them, evidently having as
much fun ns the rest. Tho whipping
top is also now much in voguo, and the
tops and tho rollers make life a burdon
to the nursemaids with their porambu-
iuiuia uuU L,t.k S ullv. ..." - --- ' '
the corner. Brooklyn Eagle.
and not down " if vou're a suffer
ing woman. Every one of the
bodily troubles than come to
women nnlv ha a crua ran feed
cure in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Fre-sx-ription.
That will bring you
safe and certain help.
It's a Dowerf ul ireneral. as well
as uterine, tonic and nervine, and
it builds up and invigorate the
entire female system. It regu
lates and promotes all the proper
tuiu'tions improves mgesuou,
enriches tho blood, brines refresh
ing sleep, aud restore health and
ul.xrnt intw disidacemanta. beArintr-
down sensations, periodical lvnius. and all
"temale complaints'' and wenknesse, "ra
vorite Proscription" is the on fftmranfeed
remedy. If it ever fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
In every case of Catarrh tha. seems
hopeless, "you can depend upon Doctor
Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a cure.
It's proprietors are "so sure of It that
they'll pav foOO cash for any luctirabls
case. Ssoid by all druggists.
a: i r: 1 H ti : J 1
(( Heart. )
this vonr. and mak up for kt Um g
sFrrrj'wrc! Mim. for iMMwiil
give you many Yftluftbto hint MM
JV hout whM U rata and how to M m
wl It. It contntiMi Inform-X g
tUm to he bt f mm no ot bvrjrjr
ittw. Kre t wmM
lVD.M. Ferry Co. jr
X Detroit, r
A movement of the bowels wi dT Is nirssssre tar
bMllh. The pills .upplj wh.l iB.srawm la.aaw
msk. It rMtlar. They cure HMdwhf, brlcrttw tn.
;a and olaar th. Ctimplailou alt.r than
mallea. Thar .ot mncUr, nsllhsr sTrlpe nor slo
oth.e pills do. To eonvini-. you o! thatr m.t-11 l.i -- i r ... tar an eonUk
vwrwaue, tkmaaaa Mad. Co. rauadalnrda,
60c ts.. and
II. 00 per Dottle;
One cent a dose.
This Oaiar Cotton
Dromntlr cure
where all others falL Couchs, Croup, tore, w hooping- lougn ana
For Consumption It Da no rival:
What Geneml Lauo Ild for Teiaa,
One episode in the career of the late
General Walter P. I Jine will forever en
dear his memory in the hearts of the Texas
people. Durinii the Mexican war, while
he was major of Hayes' regiment of Texas
Hangers, under Ceiieral Wool, he was sent
with a sinnll body of men in the direction
of San Luis I'otosi to discover the move
ments of the Mexican army. There were
two roads to San Luis l'otosi, one by
Matchuclii, n large town, the other by the
trrcnt hacienda of Salado, where the seven
teen Texas war prisoners drew black lieans
in 110 and were shot. The two roads were
divided by a range of mountains. Lane
took the left hand, and actually penetrated
to and entered the city of Matchiiela with
its 20,000 people and a garrison of several
hundred men. He ordered and obtained
dinner nt a meson, a sort of wagon jard
inn, announced that a large American
army was near and feasted his men to
their full.
Then remounting he retired obliquely
across the mountain to the other road and
struck the hacienda of Salado. Seizing
the alcalde he ordered the resurrection of
the bones of the seventeen martyred lex-
Au American Absentee Landlord.
One of tho principal arguments ad
vanced iu favor of deer forests is that
thoso who uro able to indulge in that
luxury spend much money in the High
lands. But how if sixirtsmen insist on
maintaining forest grounds and never
TVisit-thcm? Mr. Winans, whose sport
ing territory citcnJ-Kf2.n the Beauly
Firth to the Atlantic froi...,j
in fact lias not shot over the luno ont
during the past four years, and as the
eer have in consequence multiplied
enormously, the crofters of the district
have resolved to ask tho millionaire to
allow them a day's shooting.
The application is doubtless mado
more with tho view of bringing the
crofters' grievances before the public
than anything eke, for it is sure to be
ignored. But the continued absence of
Mr. Winnns raises a wider and more
important question: Can the sotting
aside ef a great stretch of country as
deer forests which aro never shot over
bo justified on any ground whutever?-
Throat, Ho.raenaaa,
jtainma. rtir vonaumpuco i uu uu
hu cured thousands, aud will CURB TOO tf
taken in time. Bold bjr Dmgirist on a guar
antee. 'or a Lame Hack or t'hest, use
suii nu'sSt CATARRH
llnve you t'aiarrh II This remedy la minran.
teed to cure you. Prioe,60ct. Injector free.
S Swift's Specific S
SA Tested Remedy C
tna All
vi nil
Blood and Skin 5
Brooklyn Hote
201-112 Bosk St., Sib Frtnclsci.
Thli fftTorlte hotel It nmler th mftnaitemen
91 V (lAn 1'ivo inv'i i vi v iu r 1. kiiu ip m uuu u
not the boat Family aud Uuiiuou Mou't lloto1
iu miu rnuicuoo.
Horns Comforts! Guisins Unexcelled
First-class service and the highest standard ot
tmr room raaaol m
reaneclautllty ctiaranteed.
tariHMsru riir ifnimraft nan romrori.
room er day, ll.'ift, II. M, 11.76 and 1.IW
and room per weea. 7 to w
Free ooacn 10 ana irom noiei.
Hoard ana
bo. re
Ingle rooms, but
tW Aak Your Healer lor
Vn' ma rf
Printing Material and Machinery
Fr t&l at Uwaat piicta and moat adrantafeoot
lermi ai
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Aider Streets,
Write loi price and term before baring 1m
are.j - . , . .
- ' -a -a .1.
1 1
Hercules uastnginii
(OAS OR osaounii S
Mud for Pomr or Pumplns Purpoaeai
The ChsapaM ItalliHM O Basin
OD ka Jtaram.
OUT op ENatail Asnl
V? -:-
A reliable cure for Contagious
Blood Poison, InheriLd Scro
fula and Skin Cancer.
As tonic for dellcat Woman
and Children It ha bo equal.
Being purely vegetable, I harm
lea. In it effect.
A trenllfle on fllond ami Mkln Dls
ease, maili-d mirk ou aitllt-atlou.
lrugt)it Belt It.
Drtwer 3, Atlanta. 0.
Plug-Cut Smoking Tobacco.
WEBB I GO., Seattle. Wash., Agents.
NO 1'AY. No rT t'NTIl.
rcHKn. We refer tn 5.nmi
lull ellls. No ol'KHATti'H. No
mttkntion raoM mvtNr
f'te nr chII lor circular anil
bank reference, tuaiulaa Im
he 0. E. MILLER CO.,
H l'I.Al, SH."?
Inceraors'.d Capital " Syrslui, 11,000 000.
Clip the laat thirty years or more from the
ociiturv, aikI tlu' K'KiniMit will reprcwiit the
term of the niiiHiundnt inuu arttv ul llosu't
tt'r'n Stiunai'h Hit u rn. The ojt'nlnK ol the yt'nr
lhl.M will lie xiKimliKtMl by the HpiM-aranrf ol a
frt'sh Alumhac ul ihe HittcrB.tii which the uwi,
iltTivation and aviinnoi thin worhi-lmoo nitul
lflne will bo ImUlly it (orih. KverybMy
-hinild read It. The ci.ltwifJrtr and HHtnMxtmtrKl
otilrulaiinnN to be ((Hind in thin brm-huiv arcal
whvh HcinniHhiiiK'V accurHte, Hinl the siatlKtlm,
ilu(rRtiohti, hiiim r and otluT rradiiiK matter
rich lu inu-reil and full of profit. The IIoKU'tter
t'oniiauy of I'ittfhurg, 1'h.. publinh It theio
M'lvfK. 1 hey employ more titan sixty handn In
the mccliniiicHl work, ami more than vlurt'ii
monthtt in the year are consumed In iu prepara
tion. It ran bv obtained, without cot, of all
dniKKiKttt and country dealern, and U printed In
KiiRlihh, iiermim, French, Wl-IhIi. NorweKlau,
awvdinh. llolliind, llohtiiuiau and HMtnUli.
IhicU anionic the French Depullei are aifalu
unite faNhioiititile. Ihev are limt atHMit aa harm
nil at the duel Me (turn. Iuvis ami Townneud did
not light.
I a Rneelal brand of Burnln Oil, which wt
aiiMlautur expreaaly for KAklll.Y UHK.
We inarantoe It tn be th Htimnrr romiiu I
aaADl ur uxuminatinq oil. as mr ii.
Kit, I railln Jew
eler ul the l'ai-lrto
Nnrthwvsi, keeta .
larire stm-k of all
IIAIMlKHon hand.
Heat itnodt at low
est IlKiirea. Hailno
made to oriler.
back, supporting Borne of the weight by a ans and deniaiulcU mules, suck and every
strap which attaches the back of the ! thing necessary to bear them away. All
thoppa to bis head, lie always wgins ny
informing you mat you nre imn-u i- ,
heavy to be lifted by a single individual,
were lurmsneii anu me reninuis oi lue
dead duly placed in trniisit on mules.
Lane lre the n'lics to (Jeneral Taylor,
the Culorndo, where they were interred
with Kreat solemnity in the presence of
thousands. Thus to General Uine Teziw
ts iudebted for the H)ssesion of these me
mentos of a remarkable heroism. St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
m i..k i. ronpeted in hlspresenc
and scouted when his back is turned. He
is scoffed at, made fun of, derided, where
ever he goes. If he goes into a picture gal
lery, he find himself mocked on its walls.
If he goes to the circus, he beholds a coun
terfeit presentment of himself kicked all
over the ring, to the immense diversion of
the audience. He cannot ,
side a theater without 'or'n aJem"!
his own expense. An ugly fellow come.
.... '. . ..mnntiK surgeon per-
UUOU lUC lKe, n d.-i'i- . .- ,
forms an imaginary operation on bis head
and removes bis brains. bat can . ,
do without brainsf is asked, and in re
sponse some one runs to the wings J brlnfes
back a police coat and bat, puts hem oo
the brainless individual and .behold b ira
j i!m,sn. while the uojs
in the gallery .cream and the men in the
audience turn round to look at tbe police ,
man standing up behind to see how b. (
takes the joke. ,, , .., iu
Each joke mOum M mbitter hl
life, fur he knows they represent PPU'
f. eling of dislike to him and his easing, di i
U i;t also know perfectly well tbt half
the lntigheni would themselves like toj
pnlicmen if tbey only bad the
necessary to secure Bn appointment, do m
floe not take anything much to heart .but
goes on his way performing his m"111''"
duties as well as he can. And. "?
spite of the tongue abuse and the jest ai
bis expense be knows that beneath the ur-
except for double pay, but eventually picks' who had thein escorted to La Grange, on
you up and carries you as u j .o .
mere featherweight.
Going along backward, and knowing j
that stiouiu me nmu iie......
you will doubtless be precipitateu uown
the cliff, nre not pleasurable sensations,
but one becomes exceedingly cauous mu-r
a lengthy course oi muiy.. ...
bills. ,
Sometimes the bearer remcmocrs mm ii ,
is a cold night, and his patron is going to a ,
ball, to be there fotiror five hours while be ,
is left outside in the cold. Having arrived at
the conclusion that the cold will probably
t..h.t. time he intense, he will begin the
Journey enveloped in all the coveriugs he .
can muster.
After he has gone somoilistance wuu iuo
thoppa he becomes warm, auu rapmiy
divests himself of his many wrappers.
placing them on the top ot lue macniue,
where tbey flutter aliout, now and then
hitting one plavfully in the mouth or eye.
Having made themselves as unpleasant as
they possibly can, they end by falling off
Into the road. I
The bearer perceives them, and imme- j
diately descends with you to ui nanus j
and knees, and grovels about until be
recovers the fallen raiment. During this
process your bead assumes a downward
tendency and your heels fly heavenward;
should you move ever so slight y In any
direction, you lmme.liaU.-ly bud yourself
sitting on the ground In an attitude less
dignified than hasty.
Then you may rage at the native and
, 'ii i.i. -uii..n. ncconlinz to cus
tom, In bis own language, and you will
not mprcss him in iu. .--.. ." :
IZnd. fishwife English, and he will treat
Vou as becomes a person worthy or respecv.
sound, fishwife tnglisn,
My Three Vears in Mauilur.
A Hon with Fonr Thousand Ilooro
The Vatican, the ancient palace of the
nope, of Koine, is the most magnif cent
buUding of the kind in the world. It
stands on the right bank of the Tiber, on a
EFeXl the Vatic-anus, becau the Ut-
in fu.jicrly worshiped
.., .wiu-ular deity,
i Imililiug
Vaticiniutn, an
nt that place, hx-
us coiiiineiioi-u
. t. L-,i(iu-n tji
one know. L Uariemag"e
nooueauj" t,,ind rear
'Thf'p exteTit of the build-ncU-
number of . room,
paintings, bank n'B"7nahe IMtUh predated until it is 1-t or Impaired,
ho comiiared only with tb la " ' rliw that the eye I. au In
i .. .. i nr iubdi
I n. it-uktu .. .
fteajro rartlnstona.
Judge Dent of Newnan had tome queer
wituesses in his court on Wednesday. Ihey
were negroes, and while endeavoring to atr
tain the sublime height of stilted phrase-
1 olocr abused the "king English" in a
frightful manner.
I "Why did you go there? " asked the Judge.
' " 'Caze I wanted to perpctruate de whole
fax ob do case," was the answer.
I "Why did you do sof" another man was
I "1 done bit fer de reason dat I wuz ego
tistical to know 'aactly bow It wuz."
For two hours the courtroom was lurid
with Just such English, but the Judge was
helpless and had to take the answers to hit
question a be could get them. Atlanta
, Constitution.
liow Are You aa to Details
"If I were hungry," said a philosopher,
"and somebody should offer me food, 1
should not tnsit on a silver knife and fork
to cat with. If 1 were cold and someijody
should offer me a thick coat, I should not
lnrt on baring it of the color that pleased
iny fancy best. If I were poor and soiue
bodv should offer me a fortuue, I should
not Insist on having it In bills of a certain
denomination. In fact, I think that I am
dispose1 not to be overparticular about de
tails, -New lora duu.
Aa Unhappy Banker.
Thousands of bis acuainUince envied
tiurr Knmnerfield. the lk-rlin banker. Any
thing that money could procure h hail.
and the best or evmimi ai uisnu
mand. A Parisian tailor made his clothes,
frequently visiting the I'ruwiiaii capital U.
Luke hi measUIV, WHO suuurenu i-eeiii
aamnle: bis mutton came from Wuh
and his beef from Si-iitland; be bad tw
.li-iiiu-t kitchens in rwidem-r. one con
trolled by a French conk, the other by an
Euglisbman. in every rrpeci uiueu.
waa nrinclr; yet be wna an un
hani.r man. and he closed hi career bj
auicide.-Yankee Blade.
That Allcock's Porous I'labtur is the
highest result of medical science and skill,
and in ingredients and method baa never
been equaled.
That it is the original and genuine por
ous hlaster.
mat ALi.corK's roaor. ri-ABTss never
ails to perform its remedial work quickly
and f-tlV-i'tllttllv.
1 hat tins laot is atiesteu ny inoiisanus in
voluntary ami uinmpeacbalile testimonials
Irom graleliil patient.
That lor rheumatism, weak nacx, sciatica,
lumr truuhle. kiilnev disease, dyspepsia,
malaria and all local nam It la invaluable.
lhat when you nuy auiwi rououa
Pi.ahtkb you obtain absolutely the best
plaHter made.
I.RA N iihktii s rii u are a vegemoie pur
If siime men were to lose their fortunes In the
Mine way they Kiiiin u them, they would Insist
in sumtbuu) kihiik jail.
tf vmi have no emnlnvment. or are belne
jKinrly paid lor the oik you are dulnir, then
.Tile Ml II. T. JIMIIIWIII Of ..U. WI lll lllinil'l.
md ihev will show you how lo irauslorm aliM-
fortulie lino Mtulame- online, iry ii.
Tearher Johnny, can you tell me what Is the
dellniltuii of jo 7 Ji bnny Ves'm; It's receM.
Baking Ponifer
Purity and
Lcaveni rower
To Introdnce our 1'owner, w bav da
termliiM todlstrllmUi among the ennsum
ere a number of Camii I'lil.KB To
trie person orcinb returnlnff us the lanra.1
nnniberoreertlllcateaonor banire Jim. 1.
1SU4, we wllliriv. acaah prlseorf 10U, and
to Ilia nest larueat, nitm.roua nth.ruruMS
raufln lroiu9 lu7f IN CABIL
CATA Kltll CANNOT BE tilt It I)
With I.OCAI. AI'l'I.H ATIO.NH.a they r.nnoi
reach the seal of the diaeaM-. ( atarrh Is a blood
or eoiistliull'ilisl dlHHae, and In order to cure II
ron rniit lake liilernsl ri-medlu.. lUH'aCaiarrt
riir.. is tMkeii inleriiallv. and acta dlri-etly Ol
II. e b'iKid and eiui-ons suriares. nan a . ai.rin
Cur Is not a iiiisi k medicine. It wan prescriMu
i. ii the liest iihsii-ians in wns cijuinr
tor vi.ars. and la a rekul t ureaerliillon. It Ii
i-.imii.a.Mi ol I ih IMKI loiiii-a . in i w 11, , .im m or-
wllh Ihe livat hlmal piTilliera, actln dlreelly on
ihe iniicon.aiirlsi'r.. I t e -rf-eto,inblliatloli ol
ih. two liivreilleuu Is what Modules sur woi.
lerfm reu U in curlrie caurrn. nend fur lean
l.l. ir.. V. J. ( IIKNKY A (..
rruai., imeuu, u.
Kold by dniKKlstsi pr ce, 70 cenia.
Tte gnaioellneHtoT Polish; nndut,noml
My acquaintance with Boscliee'
German Syrup was made about four
teen years aro. I contracted a cold
which resulted in a hoarseness and
cough which disabled me from fill
ing my pulpit lor a number ot bib
baths. After trying a physician
without obtaining relief I saw thr
advertisement ol your remedy and
obtained a bottle. I received quick
ind permanent uelp. I never lies!
.ate to tell my experience. Rev. W
O. Ilaggerty, Martinsville, IM.J
For fllmpllelty It Beat, the World. ,
l all luelf from a Re.erVoir, - .
Vo Carburetor to get out of order.
Mo llalterle. or Kloetrle Hpark.
It run with a Ctararier nrajle of (lanolin, thaa any
ullter Kiiglll. ' '
bbnd row CATALcena tw 4
ALMER & REY, Mnufactuh
401 Unwrni Stml. Sal Frandsttr, CaL
.un -
i Tl n wi o rl tt
m mmmt
Gas or
Regulator of the Liverand Kidneys
A roaillvo I'ower.
ueur. Your
PALMER k KEY, Sai Franclico. Cal. ml Portland, Or.
No Batterht or tho trio Spark.
Gasoline Scrofula. Rhsamatism.
Salt Rheum, Heunlgii
heiiulnis No l.leenied Kuirl-
r Wife Can Huu It.
And All Otbir Blood ind Skin Dlaeuei.
I'ortland, Oreaon.
A. P. AaasTRonu, Trlnclpal.
J. a. n kiiav, nvnreiarf .
tr lleautlful Calaliiane Free.
It I a poaltlr ear Inr all thoee painful, dell- "
eat oomplalnt and onmpllcateil trouble and . ,
weakneaaeaooramoQ amuui our wire, mother'
and dauihter ,
Tbeeffeoll Immediate and lastln. Two of
three dnaea ol Da. faan' Kim ht taken dallr
keep the blood cool, the llrer and klilnef aeu
Ire, and will entirely eradlrate Irom the srslera
all traoea of nerofula. Hall, or auj other
i lurm oi Dimio oiw
ITrmnio ril.R uwn r maiswie
Ik. u.raplr.ttiui.o.uaa laUitia. luihiii
wh.n warm. This '"nn.aiiil
aiauiwu or t-uai uuijlmO HUM
Tirl.n iroiri TO
tv ga. BO-sax-au riL naaitui,
fa ill whlnh friia dlrwiilr on nana .ffaeUA,
W9 .hu.ha tumnra. All.v.lLnlilM.alTMIirn.
ftii ff . p.rmnliurc Frtna Boa.
rVLC V i aiau. usis rtiUajlalatifc a.
No medlolneeYer liitrnduned In this country
li.nav.r usa.1 mm thai
Da. Faau' HaainT.
ha met with uoh reailv sale, nor Klrn iuoh
iwu a t
niilreraal satlsfaittlnn wheuevar uai
i thai ol
This reined? baa been nsed In Ih hoavltal
throughout lu old world lor th put twain?
fire yean a a .peelllo for the above dlseaae.
and It ha and will our when all other so-called
remedies fall.
Hend for pamphlet ol testimonial from thos
who hare been oared by It use. Uruagl.ta sell
II at 11.00 par bottl. Try It au'! be ouurluoad.
For sal by
0 nd II Front St., San Pranolaoe.
Bast in the World!
Got ths Genuinol
GREASE KIDNEY, I'ortland. . m mmmm tm m
nrraLLMiirn. Best m.k ilddr, Urinary and tirer Disease Dropsy
TORt on IxaTALLMiirn. Beat m.k
Uiweat prleea. nnd for eaulOKUs
.). MKACII, Mlpoll. I all.
unit), iiiiivjluii v br bup
Fee Ml. kr all Uranlau. I I aau a ketlla.
itladder, Urinary and Lir.r blaeai
Irani and Diabetes are oared by
V. P. N. tl. No. IS24 . F. N. IT. No m
Cases of
Tar Oiia for breakfaaU
Hood's is Good
Hood's Cures
museum, a u
aeum aione - . , tue Ku coo-
erraiiye writer. . chajrul ami
Demon real
niece of mex:litiiiii
'Arn.-iim; ueauu.. --- . . - urratlV wri" ' , l
lU-reU. (irmly grounded fear :JM niedaK reel ch
inritynot for bis own ake,but becauM lain pmerTrf I io the
--u i.i, ,,uv r. otuer ooje- r- . iM tb.n the
"e repreMDi vne m 'i i. .n J mae E Mrenlalion.
clety. A crowd of friend, may strive In of the prwnt European drculUlon.
am to separate two drunken brawler, a Republic
tolicemap'afpear. ,nd trU l WLfl
Th Value ot Might.
m,. ..1... .f the aiulit U nerer fully an
uv . .
111. IB.
witli a raittly niure
complex aud delicate adjustment thau the
coallie watch. Kven In our public
school lie children and youth are allowed
. .).,... It in a m'i"l ni
U-acber seemina to be perfectly ittuoranl
of jrobable diaaatrous reauiui.
!t poisosses curativo power
. . . . . i a . t i
ri'Ouuar to iisuii.ana nasa
record of cures unequalled
in the history of medicine
The severest cases 01
Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Dy
pepsia. Catarrh and Rheu
matism have been cured by
it. If you suffer from any
cf these complaints give
Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial.
'M bya.l H per tottl; H for &
Wool' PUIS enre r''in.tltln r feator-
Unli.p rlaUiUcKUooolUieaiiineoiarrcauai.
Cblt-kvns arc wily and tuocHfuil
raiMd byilng ih petaluma In
f tuba tort nt1 Brooders, our Ii
tUm't buy any but the tVtaltima If yon want itrotiv. vlKrou chirk
We ar I'tti'lflc ('out Hta1iiartfni for Hwnn atitl ( lorr;iiliar, Mark
eri, !., rapfffiiiltift iioU( Couiitalnt, fUnM't Koup Hut, Morrti
1'imllry i ur, I'.ivumtwtiu xiw irttat chtrken-lli e killer and every otba
ariicia r'iiiirHi ny poniiry raiMirti. wit miu'iiuira in obraiion a
ir xilllt with I fie Nor walk Oatrich rafn t MitlwhiUtr ralr.
-;urea HriKtil a UiaeaM, Kuumllnii ur Miu-ne
entlnn of 11 rllie, fains lu ilia Hank, Uolua or
urua liilooifwraufw, Narvoiia UImmm, 0uwr
HshUUyt feotala Wvakuaaa and kiowHMia.
Mima Rlllnuinvaa. Uitadah, Jauudlt. ooui
'Uimacb, iiyaimpala, Couailpatlon atlU Pllua.
h farm Mulwlnuir fair. halhlli
omrlcliea and all kind, nf eeits. Catal'ne tree; II v-ii want It, wrIU
uuaaiuH i
ito-litt-lU-lt Main sueet.
iR CO..
etaluma. Cab
! ATONaJRenlheHMa, l.liar
and Hele, resuirln itaera to a healthy
llun.and i M. wneu all other medloiue
an. nunarea ear been sarad who bar bees
lrn ap lo dU by friend sad physialaua.
old mv ALL itHuutiirrs.
t.'oslumea. Wlaa.
iiw. mars ana nay nuoa. ie.
aeerrthlnf In the uor line.
Beanu, rropertlea, I
fumUhed at (really rwluced rate, and la .ui
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
AeTOBi. Oaaao. Jannarr I. I ean Mat will inr in at Dr tne aae
MOoki a kIVKal.lU aiMKlir nr aosband wa rellerwl Intra aaoideaa
KHll atATUty nd ml yoaniM biT(raradiUr.lyol 1KFUAMMATOKT kua
MATUUI wfeaa ih kt aoetur 1 Mold M did kla aa foDd. Tour In rraiMiwl
Btntv . r. nlkuk
mm at vova oaaM.
rlor qnallty by th olueat, laraeat, best r.aowuad
and therefor ml ttUnbU TkntriaU rawlv
Him on la. Pnrlie CoaiL Cormnondenoe so
Illclled. MoLosraiK A Co., M, J and M O'K.rrell
street, also a Mark! .tre.t,aaa rrauelaoo. W
aapplr oil raratrr, m la. Umus, lo whom w n
wuuuy refer.
n PkM- Hsrlr hr Catarrh la th
II Heat, Kaakaa la Use. and Cheapeat.
, .W A" r ami mfi M
I I MeM Ity druauas r wmu kr mmil,
LI a Wsaillsn., Warrea, re.