The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 11, 1915, EVENING EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 12

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Model 75 F: O. B. Toledo
" II.I.J. !
J 1
HEKK is another Ovorlnnd
model. A brand now car nt n
brand now price. Jinny peo
ple prefer n car thnt Is smnllcr,
lighter nntl moro economlcnl to run
but with tho advantages of tho
larger nnd higher priced cars.
Model 7C Is n comfortnble, family
enr with vlrttmlly nil tho ndvnntngcs
of tho very lnrgo enrs nt n prlco
which Is well within your rench.
Tho prlco Is only $Glf.
It litis n powerful motor; electric
starting nnd lighting system; high
tension magneto Ignition; 101 Inch
whcclbusc; cantilever springs; four
Inch tires; demountable rims;
Btrcnmllno body design.
This Benson our fnetory capacity
hns beon 'increased to GOd cars n
lay. . t.
Tills, In Itsolf, explains our ability
to give so much enr for. so little
This newest Ovorlnnd Is a beauty.
The body Is tho latest full stream
lino design with a one-pleco cowl.
It Is handsomoly finished in solid
black with bright nickel nnd pol
ished aluminum fittings.
KIvo ndults enn ride comfortably.
Whllo tho enr Is roomy, it Is light
In weight, -100 pounds.
TO MO able to talk or to Hond
word to the outside in a hurry
, Is sometimes mighty Impor
tant, t message may go for GO
cents thnt will do $t0 or 150,000
worth of good, nnd some mossuges
nro not to bo figured In dollars
nnd fonts. And so good telephono
and tolegruplile connections with
tho outside nro absolutely necess
ary. In the past Coos nnd Curry
Counties have patiently stood their
share of ostracism from the rest
of the world. Telegraph nnd tele
phono wlros by necessity were strung
along tho wagon rends nnd when
ever I hero was n storm they wcro
broken. Hut there Is to bo a
gloat Improvement.
Through Wire Service.
Tho Cooh nnd Curry Telephono
Company has woiked hard. So
has tho Western Union Telegraph
Company, and tho close of 1015
sees both with a through wire ser
vice along tho Willamette Pacific
to tho outside, world; Hues that will
bo ns staunch nnd us faithful us
any linos through the Wlllnmetto
Coiupn"y Developed
Tho 10K. history or tho Coos nnd
Curry Tolophono Company Is one
of development. It was a yenr ngo
In Octobor that Chnrlos Hall camo
here nnd bought tho company, and
n short time later J. K. Montgomery
bocunio commercial superintendent.
Through tho your they have work
ed for sorvlco, und they have gotten
In April tlioy sold tholr oxchnngo
nt .Myrtle Point to the Coqulllo Val
ley Telephono Company, and tele
phones thoro for thq first Unto
wore grouped under oiio oxcliungo.
Hoforo this subscribers or uue lino
could not got those of another. The
Coog and Curry Company rotulnod
their long distance connections
through this exchange.
A long duttnuce lino was eroded
to Powers and in August an ex-
chiiugo put in nnd an oporator lo-
catod thoro.
North Hond was suppllod with a
common battory system groMtly Im
proving the sorvlco.
Out in Hustnort t hot' wero n
few telephones on a farmers' Hue.
Tho loeal company extended its
Hue to thnt point and gave the
puoplo service
Nought Vinpiuu Idno
0;i Oitobor l the local company
It has demountable) rims with one
The tires arc four Utah all around
becnuso wo bcllcvo In t'Jio advantage
of largo tires.
. They Insure greater .mlloago nnd
comfort thnt can bo obtained from
tho smaller slzo used on othor car.s
of similar specifications.
Tho motor Is four-cylinder, long
stroko bloc type, having n :i 1-8
Inch bore nnd 5-inch stroke. Horse
power is 20-25. It Is of the most
modern design.
It hns high tension magneto Igni
tion. This Is tho kind used on tho
most cxpenslvo cars.
Tho electric starting and lighting
system Is one of tho most efficient
on tho mnrkot. It Is of tho two
unit type.
Tho lnrgo electric headlights have
This car is very easy to handle.
It responds quickly. Anyone In tho
family can drlvo it.
Tho electric switches nro conve
niently located on tho steering col
umn. This Is tho snmo nrrnngc
ment UBcd on tho highest priced
enrs. -
It has tho easy working Overland
clutch which nny woman enn operate.
Tho pedals nro adjustable for reach.
Tho steering wheel is lnrgo nnd
turns easily.
took over tho property of tho Ump
qua nevolopment Company and Its
exchanges at Gardiner and Hcotts-
jbtirg, with soiuO IfiO subscribers,
nnd the lino of tho company was
thus extended It! miles further Into
Douglas County.
Tho Pacific Tolophono & Tolo
graph Company built n main lino
In from Kugeno to Florence and
then oxtonded It down tho Willam
ette Pacific rlght-of-wny to (lardlnor
where It connects with tho wlros of
the local company, thus giving Coos
Day a good outlet over tho railroad
route, nnd one that will always bo
In operation.
In 1010 tho company will build n
coppor motnlllo circuit along tho
railroad from Coos liny Into Gar
diner. For weoks a crew of Western
Union construction mon hnvo been
working north from Coos Uny along
tho right of way to moot u crow
working south from Cuslininn. Tho
Joining of the lino will mean tho
opening of direct tolegrnphlc com
munication for Coos and Curry
Counties under all conditions.
i t.. 1T..1I.....1 1.i ..!....... ii 'iW
T.V ill iJt'lliUMl ir in iiiunn imi
SJ Pee. it Instead of the IT. Ill
the Utile boys iiuil glrN put
53 their wooden shoes In front of
y the hearths Instead of htiug-
M luc up tlieli'stoeklugs, mid the j
gV good old put imi of children
M comes mid lllls them, and ,
m? there Is general gift giving. J
Ths Crullor Lambs.
Our klti'lion'M nliv iiiuml tMirlHtuuiH time!
I cui't hco In th' sroii t IiIk pot;
It's where III rrullciu they cum film
An' wIiuCh liiklilo U ilii'llln licit!
I imiHii't Hl.nul iiki near th' xlovu
"I'lUUH 'VilleiH" mlnht net on my
Mr motlier UiIiiUm tlmt thliiKH round tliero
Would liiiru Imi' lltllo kIiI, I kupx.s.
An' no I Htny real cli)a to her
When tilt putM aprons louint bur wnlst
Aiul iuIIh th' ilngM out on u luxiul,
Soinetlmivi t.lio Ms me liuvo u "tuxto."
An' tlien. you hou. I'm lielplu' too,
1 help her 'meiulH'i' vlio mils' innlto
A lot of Utile cruller lambs
1 1 1 U o tliut Ulnil of C'lirUthms cn!el
Tli lmnb when he noes In th' pot
llo'ti yellow, an' ho looks nil Hal)
Hut when 1 1 ley lift him out of It,
W'y, ho's till blown an' round an' fut!
I lutvo to wall till Iic'h "cooled olt"
Tore 1 can hue my lamb to oat;
An" inoiliur, li puts "wool" on him
Wlf kiiwsr tlial'o wlmt nuiUes him wect.
An' H(tr when my futlier eonum,
1 Kt u IkhiIi for lilin to we,
Sly uiotlier UiujIk nt liow lie tloex;
H lis ) lie' "Uk child uh me."
fille don't like Uilllw In bwl, 1,
Hut father say to lt mo keep
It wiiiMMtl nil tight up In my lunula
An' that's th' way I wont to lMmS
-Mwrlo Louise Tompkins In Mnrpor's
Weekly. '
Roadster $595
With Electric Starter
and Electric Lights
Four-Inch Tires
The brakes nro lnrgo' nnd
powerful. ,
Tho renr springs nro tho famous
cantilever type. These arc probably
the cnslcst riding nnd most shock
absorbing springs over designed.
"Willi these springs riding comfort
Is insured.
Tho sents nro roomy nnd comfort
able for the Boft cushions are built
over dcoji colled springs.
T11K year 1915 has loon nn
eventful ono In tho commerco
of Coos Iiuy. Many changes
havo taken placo In conhectlon with
the vessels making this port.
Thcro hnvo been two shipwrecks
In 1010. Tho Hart-Wood Lumber
steamer Claroinont, Captain Hoiisoii,
wrecked on tho extremo end of tho
sunken north Jotty In .March. Tho
ship was a total loss.
On Novomlier 2 tho stonnislitp
Snntn Clnrn, Captain l.ofstedt, wont
over tho South Spit when her steer
ing gear went wrong. Twelvo lives
wore lost. Tho ship was pounded to
pieces and tho cargo u loss to tho
During tho latter part of May tho!
North Pacific Steamship company i
took off tho Goorgo W. Klder, thou
under dipt. I.ofstedt, from tho Portland-Coos
Uny-Kuroku run. In her
placo wero put tho steamships F. A.1
Kllhuru, Capt. Mcl.elluu, and the,
Santa Clara. Theso vessels operat-j
ed from Portland, to Coos Hay, En-,
roka and San Francisco on a flvo day
In tho lute spring tho steam
schooner Pnrulso, of tho Swnyno nnd '
lloyt lino, dropped Coos Hay as a
port of call In tho San Francisco
Portland trado. Tho Daisy Putnam I
and the Daisy Godsby also discontin
ued calling.
About this same tlmo tho gasollno
schooners ltoamer and Rustlor, own
ed by Capt. Poter Olson, discontinu
ed going to tho Sluwlaw, finding the
trade to Hogue river keeping them
constantly on tho move.
Tho steam schooner Hardy, Capt.
.Mlehelson, then lu charge, tor years
a callor In hero from Sun Francisco
for the Hardy Lumber Company,
was sold to tho Simpson Lumber
company. Sho continues regular
voyages between Coos Hay nnd Snn
Francisco carrying lumber from this
To cure for the Sluslnw trado the
gasoline schooner Hellof wont onto
tho run lu tho early snnunor. Tho
gasollno schoonor ltostless made sov-
eral trips. I
In July the Nairn Smith, Capt.
Mngee, was chnrtored for a DO days
trip to Chile and return and in Nov
ombor was rochartorod for tho same
trip. Sho Is oxpocted back to Coos
Hay for tho rogulur lumber and pas
songor trado to Sun Franolgco onrly
In February.
During tho closing of tho Simpson
Lumber Company mill the steam
It has a mohair one-man top.
In short, thoro Is everything thnt
makes this cur up-to-dato and com
parable with ninny cars costing con
siderably moro money.
You will bo dollghtcd whon you
bco It. And when you rldo In It
you'll know Instantly that this Is
your Ideal of n modom automobile
nt your Idetl of n moderate price.
It will be absolutely necessary to
schooner A. M. Simpson wis chart
ered out fo?i n couplo of months, ro
i turning at the cud or that time onto
tho regular run.
At various times tho stonin schoon
er Anno of San Francisco, belong
ing to Hcndlo Hros, makes trips in
hero for railroad tics.
Through all tho' changes tho
Btenm schooner Yellowstone Capt.
Lugerstroni has remained -on tho
run, making regular trips botweon
hore nnd Snn Francisco.
In tho past three mouths tho stonm
schoonor Westerner, of tho Olson
Mnhonoy company, hns nindo regu
lar trips with freight and lumber
for tho C. A. Smith company.
Tho ntcnm schooner Thomas L.
Wand has made frequent tramp
tilps, lu connection with tho West
erner. The stenm schoonor Speedwell
has made several trips to Portland,
off schedule, hut Is again hack on
the San Fraiiclsco-Handoii-Coos Hay
i: AVIien the dawn creeps up j
I from the darkly sluiiriicilug
f ocean Christmas morn nnd j
fr Kpreds brightly uroiiud the '
, I'M. i lr '.!ng It with u gold- j
J 1 o: Kill., myriads of .'
,' l II hi many hinds awake j
f and .from steeple to steeple '
' ring out the glad tidings that I
"the Messiah is king." .'
f Klolsu Hoorback In Crafts- j
I man. !
A Happy Tree.
"Oli, look nt me!"
BaiiK the Cliiistnias tree
A Jolly yollilh' everBreen
"I'm ilresacd up hero
For n show, that's clear,
And I'm anxious to bo seen.
To grow In a wood
Is very sood
Of air you've a trlllo more
Hut I ileclure
It oannot compare
To a block on the parlor lloorl
You may stand lu tho cold
Till n century old,
Not a blowom to uponk of comes,
Hut here In an hour
I'm o'l In llowor
With mittens and dolls nnd drums.
1 know so well
And daren't to tell
So much that I'm llko to burst;
There's n myslory Iiuiib
Or a socret swuuk
On eaeh branch from last to first.
How I'd lovo to hout
All my feelings out!
Hut I ilmeii't even cough;
And jut tho half
Of a great blk" IhurIi
Would bhake all my cnndlc off.
So I lwvo to bldo '
All tho fun huddg
Till I'm rull ns I cn be.
Whatever folks say.
I'm king nf tpo Usy!"
Sauk tho jolly Chrhitmas tree.
Youth's Companion,
place your order In ndvanco for
this modol. This Is a now car on
tho mnrkot giving mora for tho
money than ever before offered nnd
even an Immense production cannot
take care ,of tho flood of orders
from denial's nil over tho country.
If you want ono of theso cars bettor
place your order NOW.
Specif lent Ions of Model 75
Puro Btroninllno body flvo pas-
Do "plants" for making pretty Rifts
grow up to ChrlxtnitiH trersT
And aro "tho non-nona' Krccllnh's"
scut by unit soim of tho woiim?
Aro Yulo Ioks cut from anow drift-
wood by YulctMo washed iiuhoro7
And would you iitub a mlntlctoo 1
iiKiiliini a iiunor noon
If i:vo Imd tried from holly IwIbh a .1
iwrty kowii to wtiivo
Do you mippwo tlmt Adnm would 1
imvo called iicr"L'iiri8tmna i:vo7
Ht. Nlcliolns lu autonloluli ilellca po- .1
llco anil laws.
Do rcKulntlons as to speed contain j
u Kantn clnuHO? ,
Llpplncott'n Mngnxlnc.
Come, little, boy, to mother's knee,
Tho Christmas twlllht trembles down
With roso tints for tho woudrbus trco
And rose Blow for tho snow clad town.
And nil Is marvolous but you
Moit marveloUH of all to me,
For I may hold you as I do,
As Mary held him on her knee.
And ho was sweet and ho was fair,
As nro nil mothers' little hoy a;
Ills lips, his smile, his eyes, his hair.
To. Mary wcro hor chlcfest Joh.
And sho would slrnj to him ns I
Sliu; while tho nun dies In tho west;
I hear your weary, sleepy sIrIi
Ah Mary henrd his on her breast.
And In tho after years, I think,
When ho whs treading sorrow's way
And held tho bitter cup to drink
Sho brooded on tho happy day
When ho ran hIiikIiu, through tho room
And f6unj a hundred thing.) to do
To drlvo nway all chanco of gloom
And was a little boy llko you.
So drop your toys nnd let us sing
Tho songs that heart and home have
For lovo Is moro than nnythlnif
Ami llfo Is work and play nnd rest.
And Mary's was tho mother heart,
A heart of lovo all fair and fine.
That Into tender throbs could start
For Just n little boy like mine.
Across tho years I reach to her
And touch hor whlto nnd empty bands,
Dawn all tho hkch seems to stir
A message that sho understands;
Tho subtle rapture that I keep
Shrilled In tho very soul of me,
When I may hold you here, asleep,
As Mary held htm on her knee.
-Wilbur D. Ncsblt In Harper's Weekly.
Heforo the birth of Christ
the ancient Homnus Indulged
nt the midwinter season in n
2V posed that many of the pres-
M' ent day traditions sprung,
yf Presents were given nud re-
S5r" reived. An expression of mu-
vw tual brotherhood was shown
S2j lu the custom of the masters
v and their slaves exchanging
vj places nnd the former waiting
Jfvf. upon the latter.
Times Vvnt Ads for results.
$750 F. O. B. Toledo
f -
We can make Immediately deliveries on the Models i
$885, Marshfield. Remember that the Willys Overland C
pany are, next to the Ford, the largest manufacturPi.A
tomobiles in the world. LitVe the Ford, quantity output1
tntxnot' nnpf nf m'nrll Inlinn rtnrl mnnt .ml... .. V I
iuvvuoi uuoi ui Hiuuuwuwii cnu miujh VcllUB TOf We luOnev
ncnger touring enr.
Finished In black with nickel nnd
polished aluminum fittings.
Whcelbasc, 101 Inches,,'
Hlgh-touslon magneto' Ignition.
20-25 horsepower motor; cylin
ders enst cubloc.
Hloetrlc starting and lighting.
Headlight dimmers.
Klectrle switches on steering
Chrisimas In
The Farmhouse
When ns n 'child you t .inl stories of
Christmas celebrations where the
houses wero decorated with holly mid
mistletoe mid the people bud mich Jolly
times putting them up, didn't you look
around your own house nnd wonder
how thnt would look If trimmed with
those hiiiuu greens? And didn't you
long to smell their spicy fragrance mid
to hnvo a hand In putting them up
where you thought they would look
tho best? And didn't you long to feel
that peculiar Christmas spirit that is
lu tho very air lu cities nnd villages
for moro tbnn a week before Chrlsmus
day Itself? And then did you Just
settle bnck mid say to yourself; "Well,
It's no use.
"As long ns I live on n fnrin Christ
inns must bo Just the same us It ill
ways has been nu exchange of gifts
und nfterward mi unusually big din
ner?" I want to tell you thnt you aro nils
taken thnt you can have Just those
very hnme things, even to bringing in
tho old time Yulo log, If you lire so
fortiinnto us to have mi open llreplaco
lu tho farmhouse.
City people pay from .1." cents to $1
for n small house Christmas tree, mid
every ono who can afford It buys n
treo every year for his children. How
often do farmers' children have trees?
And why not? Hecnuse tho "parents
say, "Wo haven't gifts enough to make
a pretty tree." Many people never
put n gift on simply make It n tree of
beauty for the children. Strings of
popcorn, wtshbopes und en lies, gilded, I
gold stars -nny thing bright nnd shiny
hung on h treo delights n child n bag
of popcorn with n few candles In it
tastes live times ns good If It has only
onco hung on n tree. Even If tho gift
must bo underwear, shoes and things
netunlly needed to wear, hnvo them
come us surprises nnd In ns "Christ
mnsy" looking pneknges ns possible.
It Is well to keep tho Christmas spirit
lu tho hoihe.
It seems a pity for us country people,
surrounded by these beautiful things
deemed luxuries by our city friends,
to make no use whatever of thorn nnd
j to let our lives beeomo bo common-
place, Christ mns Is not solely n day
for gift giving nnd receiving nnd cnt-
Ing. It Is a day for doing everything In
your power to ndd to tho Joy of tho
children- a day to remember tho feeble
nnd lonely old people -a day to tldnk
of the strangers nnd tho poor. If you
haven't money to spend for gifts for
i them you can give sonio of yourself
' and of your own home ChrhtTnas
cheer, There are homes that It Is nn
Inspiration to enter, because of ,tho
Christmas spirit they breathe forth. I
trust tho farm homes will not bo lack
ing In Christmas beauty or Christmas
cheer that all of them will truly
"keep Christmas." Hertlm O. Mark
ham lu Country Gentleman.
31x1 Inch tires.
Non-skids on rear.
Left-hand drlvo; center tonttoj
rlonting typo rear awl.
Cantllover springs on rear.
Muiu-in, rnin-vlslon, vectM
type windshield.
One-man top.
Magneto speedometer.
Electric horn.
Full set of tools.
Pn.llnn nt Chrlltmil.
UMinn f'rnlliu-fill niled Inf kllll bt I
tiitK.i mi uti iiL'nliiHt nil fc-tllrltlei i
Christmas. The feMlvnl tns nltogctb
abolished, nnd the dlnfikjy of hour to
mfsttctoo end ether emblems of tl
happy time held to bo seditious.
Iit'lOll the Long iwrllnmcnt cor
nuilidcd that Clirlstmns uny cnoum i nu n strict font, when sill
pie should think over mid deplore II
....i.t.uir, nr u-hieh Kiev nnd their for
father had been guilty In m"ln
.....J.... nt Hint ke.'isnil.
iii'ii.i ..i ..." . .
This act co provoked the pooP' D;
mi the following nntiii uny mo . -
violently resisted la ninny i
Though theso scenes were dUgracfii
they served their jmriKwo 'u"
....i ,.i iinliirit nrder.
mi -!.., rtna 11. n"!lillod tflC WKU
the populnco once more nindo Chrtsl
mas n tlmo of rejoicing.
rEZOLVE flint. Do newt
IT loss imo fouguu ,
IV Itoaolvo two,
8a3 Toaohor low - p,
nervoa drotiuiiy. '" "'
Bhont in Bohook flinnth
Itoaolvothreo, 1'" 'tfto
bito after imo fulL EnuffianuB
Any Olo perain. M ta
Boaolve foar, Ho try to ""'llM
bo olootod Some Day wkaptia" i
football team. Its ft """ulJ
and 1 want to bo honorable ow 1
ways- -. never tell
Sozblvo flvo, Ilo nev , wj
storios. Tho oia "" 7"heir jlwi
in for fellers what Fib to their
and Paws. Vfl rlj
Rozolvo six, Ho
faces Tior laugh ai B tchei
They kant help being u 3oJt
made em what thoy re, a
should feel sorry for em. .
I gess this is ff rSiy8
So Ho ring off nnd shut up w
ZOlVO BOOK till BOii. J"-