The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, July 31, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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BBBBMWWw"jTnrj -wgwi ff!ffnK8BfiffiEEMiMrtii3 liMwl til WTm
mpmmmvmvii uTu inm
c s t for M il ;ul
(srgl AVE money avoid waste
O keep well by taking proper
l-l naro of tho food you buy. A
food may contain sufficient
nourishment to give It lilgli vnltio ao a,
food and yet If proper enre Ib not taken
of It the food mny become poisonous.
Food Ih often exposed to Impure air
and to dust and ill t li from unclean
streets and surroundings. Tills con
taminates It. and such food when
eaten, will often product) disease. In
order to keep food In the most whole
some condition special care should he
taken that all Its surroundings nie
Food mav be divided Into three
classes; first, foods that spoil easily
milk, cream, uncooked meat, uncooked
fish, certain fruits, such ns peaches
and plums, and vegetables that wilt
easily; second, foods that do not spoil
so easily eggs, butter, fruits, such as
apples, oranges and lemons, cooked
meat, and cooked, salted and smoked
fish; third, foods tlint can be kept u
long time with proper care flour,
sugar, salt, coffee, tea, spices and
Milk and cream should never bo lofl
uncovered or It will take up the odors
and flavors from other food, thus be
coming spoiled for table iibc.
Uncooked meat should he taken
from tho wrapper In which It Is
bought nnd wiped off with a clem
cloth that ban been wrung out In cold
water, after which It should bo
wrapped In waxed paper until It Is
ready for cooking.
Uncooked flBh should never ho
placed In an Icebox unless elosoly
VcgotAblcs that aro to be eaten raw
should bo dipped quickly In boiling
wator to destroy germs nnd then put
Into cheesecloth to preserve thcli
Worm meat or warm food of any
kind should bo cooled off before It
goeo into nn Icebox or It will causo
tho ico to melt rapidly.
Canned stuff must never bo allowed
to stay In tho can after It Is oponed or
Blcknoss may result from eating.
Canned goods will tiiBto much better,
too, If Uio contents of tho can aro
emptied and allowed to stand for an
hour to got tho air heforo being
Cbecso should be kept In a cool,
dry place, wrapped In a clean cloth
moistened with vinegar to prevent
tho-formation of mould.
N emergency bag Is a vrj enn
venlent addition to the medi
cine closot; It should no made
or iwo strips or heavy linen
or denim, about six or seven Inches
deep, tho back piece to he made about
eighteen Inches long nnd tho front
twenty-soven Inches; tho two strips
should bo bound together at the ends
and across tho bottom, then stitched;
tn form sovoral pockots (olght or ninn)
!a flap should bo buttoned over tho top
find each poekot Inboled with indcllblo
ink. Ono pocket should contain rolls
rof bandages, another hits of old soft
Jinen, nnoihor lint from worn-out nap-
li'44 1 iii59wS PHBfeafeS oSfijyiJL
fe.i.dttfc'5' &iA mk x 'mwmwsasg cssr5T . JSf. rew.sEisaRu&a'iu: --f i avx
awlv v m h i fflwsujr-rL ' - QtfimMm m ? - - --
1 ,iJK-. miiJi -T ?S!jfv4Pl,hflBH
'x?i(W!?KiBirr -&!;& i . J&rw' &flra . ' K , ; io
1 :''7 1MB- P - ?"m j
nmwwMmiu-.H. mil,. (M&iw ,-4lM ri'wsaw" miWW'.t hw :v SpJlr ' i,Pj , 4f s
- " ' 5iSSKJJ"M!JTlllTP . r-rrwnT i...., ,.,
b thlrt.
& aWBr im S1?,
Voll, y
They Must Also Be ftisib'55"
At the Same Tim- m Stv-
moderate prices. For college girls tho
''iiuro namoE save a world of trouble
Iho work of sowing such tapes on is
almost nil. We complain bltteil or
ino laundress, her carelessness and
her downright recklessness, hut do
wc always do our part?
0 clean lamp chimneys, first
wash them In soap water, then
rinse them in rnin u-ntn nn,i
stand them on tho stove sholf.
right over tho front of tho stove so
they w 1 dry quickly, in the moan-
iimo mi your lamn. rlm n,n ...ii.
i. in ii ii iti- inn i rnin u'liriunni n o it - mi' mi t mil in iiiti iiim ...
FklnB; othor ockels should bo made to 'y tn,.R ,,mo ' eblmneys will bo div
piold bottlos of arnica, witch hazel, car- lnoS' always toko a clean cloth and
'bollc, Jamaica ginger, absorbont cot- E" 0VPr tl""ii to mako sure thoy aro
(ton, a box of healing salve, a pleco of Perfectly dry. This only takes a fow
coBtllo soap and one-half dozen fingers, fnds and the chimneys will be as
ut from old, largo kid gloves, bright as can 1. and It Is a pleasure
to do them.
NTIIj you havo owned a twlno
pocket and mislaid It you'll
never npproclato Its conveni
ence. Theso little affairs aro
bo easily made that any family should
havo ono of thorn. They are merely
ten lnoh diameter circles In morocco
or any other soft pelt, decorated with
a punch work pattern and having a
row of eyelets near the edge. When
tho ball of twlno Is placed lu the cen
ter of this tlrolo tho ribbon running
through tho cyoleta Is dnvwn closely
about It, tied In a low knot nt tho ond
of lu long streamors and hung on n
hook somowhero In tho living room or
ino offloo. Tho leather iwinn noxirni i.
kn .., Il , ' -"l.
io inuuucji worKanay sort, but da n
tier one aro mado of hand palntwl
r.ii.i. .,1 uiisei uraia trimmed velvet
Of nrocadn nr nf hiurv 1n. v- u-u
. .. . " "W - 'i Itlllll-
in light twines thoro nm charming
jUfalrs In hand embroldorod flno linen
APEIt patterns, such nn every
homo dressmaker uses to cut
hot- garments by aro bound to
bocomn mlxoil imlu, ,i..... ....
marked In somo way eo the dlrferont
ldeces of one pattern can oasllv bo dis
tinguished from those of another. Ono
of tho most successful ways Is to mark
each pleco when tho pattern Is first
unfolded with tho name or tho initial
of tho article that tho pattern la a
guldo for. For Instance, mark your
corsot-cover pattern with two "C's"
and mark other patterns wlih their re
spoetlva Initials Many women of an
economical turn of mind keep their
nrioua paper patterns for years nnd
vuirs In the belief Unit they may tome
ii atyle again. If tho style does come
Jn it will be so changt'd and ''onwited
Hiut the pattern will Ik uspI, h am-waj.
0 restoro color to mahogauv the
following preparation ' has
been used with ovcellnm r.
suits: Add half on ounce of
alkpnet root, cut Into small bits, to
a pint of linseed oil and when the mix
turn has stood for a week add half an
ounce of powdered gum nrablc and
one oiinco of shellac varnish. Let
theso stand In a bottlo near a heated
stove for n week, then strain. Wash
the wood with slightly soapy water;
rinse, w po dry and polish with tho
preparation, using soft wool or a
chamois skin.
ERTAINLY the dyed HneeHn
waist would be a boon to tho
woman with half a dozen
White Innn wnlato in uAH ... ,
robe, perhaps too far gone on the
downward path to be cleaned white,
but Just right to tnko n pulo peach
color, or a golden apricot or a flno At
antlc blue. The dyer Is to have a
busy scvuson. for so many of the gowns
of last season aro to bo mado over
elmply by dipping them from cream
to one of the palo and fashionable
toues. Several of tho new colors can
bo beailtifllllv rcnrmlnno.l l. a...' ...J
f" " happens that tho whlto voile or
ITH tho piazza season heie tho
Informal outdoor lunch finds
its place on the hostess' nro-
gramme nnd tho sandwich,
with Its cup of hot chocolate. Is among
tho most acceptable of light menus.
To make a good sandwich ono must
have n sharp knife, the nbillty to cut
the bread thin nnd spread the butter
evenly and n knack for cutting the
slices into attractive shapes, for a
tiny sandwich Is much more alluring
than a big one -providing, of course,
there are ploniy more on the platt. .
Tho various kinds of brown breads
(including rioBton brown bread) help
to make variety nnd, of course, there
aro occasions when toast or crackers
mny be used; but naturally ono must
depend upon the filling for real
changes. Thus a few hints may prove
A cold club sandwich, mado wllh
bread instead of toast and with cold
ham instead of crisper bacon, Is ouo
of tho offorlngs nt a popular tearoom.
Cream cheese with nuts, with olives,
or with both; with some tart Jolly,
"..w. o huuei-uerry, witn chopped
porsley. or lettuce, makes an excel
lent filling. '
A chicken salad sandwich Is more
easily managed if tho oalad Is cut very
flue. But don't rainco the chicken or
it tastes too much like tho potted meat.
Sardine sandwiches aro liked, espe
cially when made with toast, and so
aro thoso tilled with tuna fish. Some
i.v.DUllB .untjiuor a suggest on of on
EW YORK clubwomen, did they
need to Justify their cxIatHucc,
would bo doing so by their
present movement for tho
adoption of n sensible hat for all occa
sions nnd all women.
Tho round faced woman cannot be
comingly wear the "ahapo" that would
be unliable for the woman of angular
The pale woman would look her
worst In tho hat that is a foil for tho
high colored one.
expression also enters Into tho aub-ci.
The round-eved woman of rliiMioii
espresslon would not bo adorned by a
hat that Is a proper foil for tho per
son of sedate visage.
Tho face lu the Index of Individual
ity, and It will bo no cosy task to in
close all the varying individualities
within ono frame.
Hut American women are clever. Wo
expect them to furnish a solution of
thr long vexed problem. "What kind of
a hat shall I get?" PXr
Ever slnco tho imJ mar
largo black tlntlti
!cb pro
HLN cleaning with naptha open
all the windows and doors lu
a room. Do sure there Is no
re or ngnts. Spread an old
Orange (.'ream.
Warm ono quart full milk to aboj
blood heat, add one-half cup sugar
and one Junket tablet, crushed and dls
solved in a tablcspoonful of cold wa
tor. Set aside for ten or fifteen min
utes, while jou aro slightly warming
one glass jf orange marmalade. Add
to the Junket mixture nnd freeze
Orange marmalade mado nt homo costs
only about 6 cents per glass, and can
be used in numerous ways besides ,is
a "spread" for bread and toast.
Corn Salad.
Tills 111 fl riAlfflnila nnA . -,. .
pers. two dozen ears of sweet corn nU1 abo"t half .a pint o Of f B P"n
p... thiV--' ;".:. '"".'"uu',B,'nJ- I".'"? uv,llur lengtnwlso and fl.,i..
I l'NVt ' li S 3
ffl 0 Bat u v - r jw I $
H A. Www t fill 1
mlyjr rv U jfi
t-n-JII "SmiiA'iiJ B
soon as it Is all thickened take hold
of the pan and turn the omelet over
on a hot dish and serve. Turn over
ho edges while the center Is still soft
hus keeping It Juicy and tender Det
he eggs well, hut not too much as
oa?nn;"??,!;,i!f1"8J!.'?B' 1?"y cut UP
much on the ilde ul pfvio.
forest of Plumes, the (4ep to
been admired of woff.(irl!sonei
less worn 1 thcra titer? th0P
mutability g
The picluro hat Istii'iavo a.
all women iraiion.
Tor Instance, It nuli-t Y '
woman look overweljhW1110-
It 1b not becomlottoJS?i.'
woman, for It cauwi teCn"M
a lamp poet which loaffJlTHi
boy has crowned wIUi?t
harvest hat
Tho picluro bat li wd to
chargo of lack of dart-minda
Is usually built of Ttlntfedgo v
still more serlouB ctnrpt(ear.
fulness, since, belnt tootnono ''
monto tho nerves of thmtoUln
boats the he&d. IViti (!c -
tho further one of ciai'yl
fall out.
As botwecn tbecloiitj f
flaring or wldo brlmcriti ,
Is no comparison fottUW'
beauty, If you regirdtM 'i
Indispensable form of It;
Til A lint Ihnl la ,nil'lO "' '
becoming to any wobm it J ''
ilium lilgli crown. '
The crown Is rcuJiTji
iiuuhtt (If ilt lite niimn
Tho trimming Is flor.1 U
necomlng to any ijeu:
Thoro Is enough of ItliC
lirlohlnn Dm lint unit Ik
wearer, and yet not
I ho lint lionvT ft llntlnH
so offering no tcmplatloai
o rend it
TnrnnvAi. IVia lirfmi (Bfll
affording a glimpse of tit
cry nat should
TO TllANSflg
rH'i uni
Cut tho corn from tho cob and mix all
together. Season with one-lmlf cup
ful of sugar, one-fourth cupful of eo t
..v j.iui ui vinegar, and ono f..hin-
omelet ns above
Chocolate nisetiifs With Jam.
pi , aiwiiu, iit'iuuvv n
n bowl wMth'?0-03 f powdcd ""Ear pressing between
TPTnnrs mvbW
painted surficnH
lou-lnr- manner' 1
.m.ii1 vt'lth 9Q (il
light-colored carriage nrJri
should bo allowed to set (t;
ns for gliding). i" 'l
rrntiafAtifrtd tin vnlnrfd. "I
a In tin nAiMiim aiinArflllO'J
Miwtiv. aiimn v mil'"-;
biomci i
nnoA,.i ." .""D"'.. """ iuie- 1--TVV V'"ccs or powdered Bnnn Dress nc between dioiw
2K -! .KM Z ai-w'ffiaa-.'S 3 ..KX'KSS SSluS 2-s -ss
d two tract: mix won in .'"", :"'m,LM' ,;,. :'..'"" ''"' ,..: ji
F clf summereig before olng
to out-oMowU if sorts would
lemvniher to mark Hinlr ,..
derwear ami other ganiit-niH
.... wii .. laiiudreiseg of mi. n
regions peri.l. itng (r themselves
uu j,.. u.,, mmeri ou4 m
ii'irra niom iimioiimiiv ti, (..,
Jhf.' '"""Ponding In color with
puff. covering of the
trfn1!!?11 uBOl,e(l blanketB can be
treated at home In tho same way. if
rC? r Fany 80lled sFot" U8 a Ave-
A.?Ui18hJind rub evenl' a"d hard.
Air well nnd return to the beds.
..8o,f? PmoWi nd coverlnga of varl-
c ZnlaJT b0 Bponod r brulhed
clean nt homo i7n .. .jt u
i. ....i ...... - iiiu uiuhing. ni,, i ,," :. " " ro una no
.m, , T V. u ?nious and 8ce very ,,"'," v"1lom. a piazza Is a good
thin; drop tho tiny slices lu French placo for do'ng ouch work.
there fUrfr SXi "1',"' them to rema'n . SponK8 ovor tho W ond mat-
on0thofimeb,,fOr0B,,readlnB'h erdCof0nrsUpo6ngVraa1' DaU hnA
ll.xil.le luhn ,n.i. :."".. . " ".,,n a. .....'. "" LViV.r- "iuerrt cheese, and . PnnKie the bedstead and .,rin
s&srsLs .Fz K-a,'sfa sar S"i--ahssA ?s&
' " iiiuiii, ill- i'vnii in puvta in iiiuiin u i i i.'kahi. .1 nn vnnniiui..j n 1. ... - w
oed. f mv Imiv uii.i,.. -I.... ".v.. "' . . ; " ,r"v" "reusing - """. wurK witn open dom-n
nnffn n,j ' ' "i,u" i i"" ocn "." :, "'V "uu u logeiner. To ono "' oai1' " tcaspoonfnl nf mi
Santha ,uthem over wll W1 ' flof two ublcspooI.fuiS ract; mix wcl" for ail mlnufn.
naptna. Hang In the nr nnH ,,. of French mimtnrH m . ' . ". tim .m. . ",,."! minutes,
) each side with ll,,;,.r,'V If desired), mlv .JT,"r','L "Bca frn... ";r, "'. luo "vo CggS to
tho chlrfon hrandninth .; . ' "...l'i i ..:.:. '."'r""."u?B.?a f on-
uapioo. Hang fa the nlr and ,.,. of French mustard i,,.!; ' the u-mk,. . 1. .' ."t! "'mutes, neat
camhrf8,each wth llBhtw-lght " d"lrcd), mix and blend wlh one 'roth. add" to The yolksTwrnf 1 J A Mtt
cambric, corresponding In color win, half cupful of water n tnr .... of Hour. nn,.,?..J?iB.1Ul vo ounces
Kenlng. When the mixture as tr' Pan with buttered I inner n" PT
bo led slowly (It should bo stirred oft- th "reparation neatly fln1nn.In,n
en) for thirty minutes, arid d,ii, eurfaco. nri,i: .:? ?.mooth tho
fag and boll ten mlml.. .I.-" "' ... derrrt .,.:.-'" "un. Uttlo
tlchtlv. ""'" ,uvu B,iU .; ,rb" ' 'ina set in
L'nsy rircadmnklnp.
Sift throo quarts of flour Into the
"'Y" ra'or, mane a bo e n center
flnrl ArKmUt. I . " ."moll
for .;. l, '" " moderate
and allow to cool- turn ' ?emovo
clean board ri' '"rn 'he. cako a
spread with inm ni-- u iaper' and of waer
the cake VerJ.he 8Urfnce ' Bm for
nn 11.. 1.1. i.ilrT. I
iv urn uiu viiruirii ' "Yv hB
paper aud rub It off J
ijiu incuiru win "r ,1
.. ii. , i.AAiic(
ohould be added lo brinjorjM
Tills process answers Hl
for glass or metal surfs" !
.. 11,. I Vk
io paper wans ""'jua
whitewashed or kalsomitj
tho. usual past" witn "B,.f,J
of wator nnd add Ave cew 1
rnnn ! ..), trdfriiri 2
pressod yeast. Add one table.DooniSi lnt0 ns below)PreadS'e iau Choc- Brush tho walls well vWc;
each of sal. .-,. . .L"po7'ul Jam. nnrt V. -,:.B,pre"1.evenr over the to remove anv dust orWfl
HE up-to-date girl now has bar
Individual telephone lu her
room, ronneeted with tho gen
mi I.. ..... ..1 - ...
.., imiuii). u IS Oil a
each of sa
wet with
lt "augar! and sKenlng "'loTTny W to " ITM
one quart of warm Zof, ' a ?'. Pi o ? ? f t CV on ,ho iP" ,nl
Ihoroughly for fifteen rnin. ovon 'r a minute, rnn!!h, "J l".tho bo a831"" that I- will ' Jfc
and miv n,....ui .: ; ;"' "Ul.ur ovon . ; :'v "" men. Bet n th
.,.. " ?..:...' ""' .'"r ?"een win. ' wmuie, remove, and H -; T)
. ' '- n mnirn n nrpnv oov - H
mon glass tumbler, put ' Vj
"., nucuuniK 11 ngnt in the pan.
V , hen smooth dust with flour nnd cov-
. " vktiuiiii. mnn p net tmnnipr. yu - .. .
nr. u n t.l. ". V" " ,"v wv Clpnn n ,-. .. . .' "."" ' V""7V ' "n AflF
- it iiuii 1'ir ninth nff ... --- u nuuiti rtiA nu inAiMifn n nr tnh n Han. v- n
iMf.;Hi,rrT.Tu ror roe and liver in.iJr """ saving tho """.1 ,"",'u,B.- bW
jantltv nf " "'"u 'our a Bmall Ul " "l""1 . """ r.Ti .ii
each loaf and Just mold well with tho
'uuiiD. uur 111 PPdnBAfi n..
,i . oj'-uocu liana, ana jot
win mn"' .?Ud b.alt0 aB l,8,ml' Thla
will raako thre nnvoa nui.. .
.11. ; '.": , u van
r "iltiat 11.. , , , ,ni, , al, ,.nin
' inn' 1 U' 1 1 ii r , . . , . , ,.,
,. ni in.
I. .- r " r V,'' ' n(1' ""'
V' .' ' rr r3
rr-f t -,)ro r .. , . .
If mv ln.iv wi.i.n" '.... .7:. '" . " ." '-ncnurossing " ";u"oa, worit with open dom- n "".,"?
fHi-.i .",.:.' . n " "" wan a a I'lirumuer 1 nc marfo 1.. i. nu winaowa. nd Iiva nn , ..;" " u"a ui
-hriM o" Kw!!' 8!?'" QB voted Instaiu popular " .'- "?.. Air the roo, aU thoT ! S'K.ffA .?'. whiclHs'
latom ami ,uaiaV, " lul' " ,tlC" morn ug bridge imrti- n ,u"lu "'gni. - - ""iiik lor a ramny of four
oC'T'L .d.?.'Jf."" "rV 'w B.rug- a possible .0 use mr o , ,1., . '! Infested, stuffed fU,i,. Omelet.
r,. ,.(.r..n .- ..: ".- ."" . l,Pona nm- uio cucumber if nreferrmi .i .... ' be set out of doors nn.i .;.....,.? '". 0,elet must be cooked n..invi
-lit- KWTSW'SX ri"B ' wmriio. ""!? X . . ,"ww,u "lHa J"pa' Do not mix our
nm iTtrioitcht nxiMrp. ti,; ' . r'", ' "- ';''."" ,ourea about the roots of 1 n l" " ."uupr. any circumstances
auantltv nf ...".'""? r a Bmall
with a bunch of n.r 1 flsn Mo
nnd nunn.. i paf.sler. a little salt
Ul 01 liquid ..-. 6(1
lurnoier two-iniros "",:, Brt
11 an uiorougniv uu r-rfj
nnd nin.. i parsley, n little salt ,l a thoroughlv anu v
f..oKP ".!! t"l the SrrtS i't Place, and beore
mp of but tor , ' ,Bh " a KS" "'."".".n i oW
j. . m uuii ninwitf uuLii uii liiu liiiiui - ..
iwniuo .i . - j iur . "..-- -'"
mj I inilldli llll -
lfU I ttalg am made. 0 order
" '" ' II ri IT 11 ; I ' ' mnn .. .. ..
..x..piinn Mon.irrru rrsi-Ha 1 1 iho .mo,,., ,1 V. .. V..." ""l,,,fi 00. u, or
way ik f oncenlit 1 n, i ...j........ . " " ".i"i"n
oinr.- K..ih.v;a ....":. ",w"' ",l mes, A
ilrslpr- fn-ir
and table use.
III mn ....I "' '.'. ""SI1
hard boilcl cm c ho one d '?B po ,w"1
seasoned i.Xl ,1' PJ . ?.ne nR. dose
' .Wd for wall lettuce, par... waS 7- "T.sX w
-. ui 11
f 111 ..1. aAI BUI
k3&wi? 'r-'!-'.':r,
servo with n ..- -" "icr it ana a rrencnman . ,.u,i
. lows: p., i.u'c spraposed as fol. once gave this bit of 1"'"
wooas win vni h... . ' "' --uuuiiium. our it ninu-oo . .-- oiumi ninn i.- ...uu. i... (mm n" .
Ivy If snraved r-w" . ""' neavy "eat the eggs well. Ve inw ,n S ?ca and two TriT." "r,1 "co r" " f. " ;h
It naptha w, d,e A goo. M. r h?V,her, P'" ,wo aWee h,0 wUh one hS?CTn ove' n?i dirt Wua , rape In ThU j;
must bo noured hn,.h i,' nf..b "er In a frying nan f, r iv .. ' " P.n?'Pa". wlneglassfni V ?...?.?? -,..?, "?".???: h. kept W
, k, , ,. s s,iv;rrr i";.s ?-.". "ar & ""'""
..w i-"ii.iM-.n.K..,mt,rA..;,.t.,v.:-v,f"Mn.roM.., . , ,h, J,liiJ-jl