The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 04, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    IFor Better
ir Fori Worse?
f. a i i i Mmmw mm Jim
ilny. valuable in the londuct of this :irtlclunnd lotting tbo people know
Jbusliioss. ti,u trth about it.
, i:peilnirntlng tu Aihertlslng No Itfttciu'liutviit Owing j0 War.
"In 1X72 1 felt the need of a more. ll'"K mediums, or this company
luniilfl htivn II i.f t.n.n. .. i.
"" 'v ..... ik trill IJU1UIU II.
begun Im eating hundreds or thous
.inds of dollars In their columns nn-
R. J. Reynolds Says They Are
the Right Mediums to Reach
People with a Good Article
Whether the June bride will begin her new
life under the best conditions or not, depends
largely on her kitchen. No matter how good
a cook she may be she will be at a great dis
advantage if she has to put up with an out-of-date
cook stove.
ve Her a Gas Range and Be
on the Safe Side
The gift of an all-gas kitchen will be the
most welcome one which you can make. It
will be the gift which will last through the
future years, one of the greatest helps to
your permanent happiness. Many a romance
has been shattered by poor food. Take no
chances. See that she cooks with gas.
regon Power Co.
Manufacturer of Prince Albert
and Camels a Firm Believer
in Power of Daily Press
Depression or mi Depression, II. ,T.
Iu) Molds Co. Never Hesitates
lo tlurtlc, Hc-aimc lltiycn
Wilt Respond Optimistic
Over Trade CoihIUIoiim
This big National ad veil leer,
Mho upends millions In mlver-
Mng, after IniestlgntliiK ilio
ineilu of the various ncuispn
pui'H in Southwestern Oregon,
pliicwl his Prince Albert to
lmcco mhertWiifj exclusively
In tint Coos Hay Times, Ik-chum?
ho know The Time would
produce results ni.d It lias. As
51 1. Itcynolds says, ho has no
money to throw away, and hu
I laces It in neufiifliN.'rH of o
tabllhlied icputatloii ami ultlt
i)imllty circulation as well as
Koontz Garage
Agency for
Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty
:rth Front Street :: :: :: .. Phone 180-J
Kinds of J oh Printing Bone at The Times Office
From boyhood duys, as a tobacco
factory laborer to president and actl
Ivo director of ono of the world's
largest tobacco ludtiBtrlos, tolls tlio
snap-Bhot llfu story of Richard J.
Reynolds, of Wlnston-Salom, N. C.
Mi. Reynolds bells ec In adver
tising. Ho reinvests between two
and tli ico por cent, of his annual
sales In advertising. When you know
that In 1014 the It. J. Itcynolds
Tobacco Conipan"'i output amount
ed to ninny inlT'O'is of pounds of
tobacco, It isn't i..lficult to under
stand Just what two or three por
cent, in advertising meiuiu In dol
lars and cents. The Reynolds adver
tising account Is among the heaviest
ovor known.
In 181(4 Mr. Heynolds first real
ized that, proporly applied and back
ed by tobacco worth all he asked
for It, advertising was profitable.
Ho Investod $4,000 that year and
saw his business grow ovor 200,
000 poundn. Noxt year ho apont flvo
Pithy Views of a Big News
paper Advertiser
Kxtructs from the Interview
with Mr. it. J. Reynolds-
"Newspapers are unquestlon
ably the standard form of ad
vertising." "Newspapers are good adver
tising mediums or tills company
would have found It out beforo
It began Investing hundreds of
thousands of dollars In their col
umns mmuullyl."
"A manufacturer who has a
good product and will tell tho
truth about it in the dally news
papers will make an unoquul
If Icil success."
"It would bo hard to deprecate
the valuo of tho newspaper us an
advertising medium."
. morougti business education audi
,gae up this work to take u course
at a business college. In 1873 l!
begun the nianufactuie of tobacco
In n log cabin factory sixty tulles
'from a railroad In Patrick County,
Virginia, with a capital of $2,700.
The first ear in business 1 manu
factured 10.000 pounds and then sold
my brands and trade marks to my
partners, and moved to Winston-Salem
for the benefit or railroad facili
ties, and on account of this
wild (ir.Ksi: co to .imti:itx
hhkkdixu ohou.nds
times as
much and Ills business
m ir If
Sincere Ilcllef in Ounllty
From that period to tho present
the It. .1. Reynolds Tobacco Com
pany has surged forward with sin
cere .belief in the quality of Its
brands and firm confidence In
marketing them with Intelligently
conceived and applied newspaper
and mngnzlno advertising.
The story of Richard J. Reynolds'
career Is of real Interest to every
man In business, because, humble as' Founder and President or tho It. J.
wns Its beginning, It proves what
nnililtlmi nn.f liirorllv nn.l n fliw. HByillllllB I OllllCCO Ull,
realization of squato dealing can
produco In success. Principles that
governed Mr. Reynolds' work from
being located lit the center of tho
belt In which the finest tobacco In
tho start are the foundation of tbo tho world Is grown.
ptescnt enormous business. ( "I erected hero a plant that cost
lid of
the Family
All things being equal; the newspaper
that goes into the home and is read there
is the most valuable advertising medium.
TZZS T& Tlmes
like this is really one of the best advertis
ing mediums in the country. It goes into
the home and is thoroughly read there.
It's a family newspaper. Our merchants
can begin to sell their goods at the fireside.
They can finish the sales in the stores.
The Times acts as a salesman
in the home.
Coos Bay Times
Phone 133
?L',iuu ami began business with a
capital of $7,r00, taking In a part-i
no whom 1 bought out two yearrl
later. We manufactured tlie flint
year lfiO.OOO pounds, which was tho
capacity of the plant. From then on,
about every other year, this factory
! was built on top, bottom and ndJI-
Mr. Reynolds was ono of tho first
men to see tho possibilities of the
culturo and manufacture of tobac
co in tho world-renowned Piedmont
region, and not lacking in courage
ami boldness, risked everything he
had to tiy it out. Tho vcuturo has
not only blessed personally tho la
bor of his own hands, but llkowlso , H'ns were made to each end, until
tho labor of thousands ond thous-j tl'i" business was increased to 1.000,
nnds who dupend entirely upon tho 00 I'ounds, huvlng taken IS yenru
culturo or manufacture of tobacco'10 secure this .volume,
for their livelihood. I "In 1KU2 tho business amounted to
l,0SB,Us9 pounds; In 1803, the busi
ness amounted to 1, 000, 101 pounds.
nt it y.
This company thought enough of
advo'lblng as n selling medium not
to intrench on expenses In this illvls-
, "Yes, newspaper? nio good iidor-
j Ion of the business when tho Kuro-
, pean unr broko out. As n matter of
Tact, more money was appropriated
to advertising than wo would have
otherwise expended. As n result
. wo aro doing the lurgest business in
'our history.
"Wo conduct our business conser
ntlvely, having no money to throw
a way in any direction. Hut this
cnmimny never hesitates to buck its
business Judgment, depression or no
depression. If wo waited for good
, times to roll around to get buBtness,
thero would be mighty little Incent
ive for work. Tho time to woik Is
alt tho time. And tho time to pull
that extra spurt that every man has
stored away Is slack times. Wo meet
conditions, and overcome them.
"Ab a matter of fact, business
throughout tho entire laud Is Improv
ing; very much faster than thu pes
simists dare to admit."
Notablo i:nniplcs of Huceexi
Returning to tho subject of adver
tising, Mr. Reynolds said: "Probably
the best example in this history of
advertising is Prince Albert pipe uiul
clgarotte tobacco. Six years ago It
was a now brand. Real and true to
bacco quality behind oxory printed
word has mado Prince Albert tho lar-
I ItCt Hnllllll- lirilllll nf unwitrl.n. (!..,,,-
(co In tho world It Is today sold in
ovory civilized country.
"Camel Clgaretos is another ox-
nmplo. Loss than u year ago wo In
troduced Camels to tho public, and
'through ndvertlBlng, backed by un-
j questioned quality, are now selling In
a national way. Thla company lias
' Boverol other brands that are by far
tho largest Boilers In their respective
i markets.
I)oclopnicnt of the Industry
Tobacco, iih an Industry, lacked
all system when Mr. Reynolds en
tered tho business yearH ago, Tho
grower wns subject to tho laws of
greed and chance, which moans he
Hoeing that my IiosIuchh had lost
oor tho previous year and having
had accumulated more capital than
was necessary to run the business,
1 decided to experiment In ndvorila-
was paid for the tobacco ho grew ' ,l w" 'l," '") '"rsi. oxper-
any prlco speculators chose to fix. '-'i;u '' ' bvo found It prof Itablo
With tlin development of munufac-'uver since.
hiring came real competition for the.
leaf, which in turn, developed
splendid warehouses for Its prop-1
cr handling. This produced a ays
torn of weighing and grading that
completely uprooted practices of
tho speculator and gave nil an equal i
chance. ,
Mr. Reynolds Is a modest, unas
suming man of unusual size, with I
lllg RctiuiiH fi-nin Aih cit Mug
"1 spent about $1,000 In 1KU4 and
secured an Increase to l.lMfi.UZK
pounds. Holng that tho profits on
tho Increase I made more than reim
bursed mo for the money Invested I
was Influenced to make an appropria
tion for tlie noxt year of $40,000 and
erect a building with a capacity of
(en times tho business that was holng
IHg Public Work Planned for City
of Hyiluoy
in AMocUifci titm io ouoi nr Tim.j
8YDNI3Y, June 4. Public worku
Involving an, oxpondlturo of moro
than r.0,000,000, Including ton rall
way linos, two water conservation
schemes, harbor works, ami n cuniil
project, aro provided for In a slnglu
contract Just signed by tho Now
South Wales Government with an
Anglo-Australlun contracting firm,
Norton Griffiths and Company.
The contractors agree to flnanco
tlib operations, which will be done
In accordance with plnim drawn up
by tho department of public works.
Tho government will allow tho firm
u profit of flvo per cent on tho nu
tiro cost of construction,
KnglUli llnxo Plan to Foru Another
Icwirtinent of (Jnvcnimenl
(Ur Aul rrru tu C-o 114 TUpm.1
LONDON, Juno l.-At tho. annual
mooting of the Association or i'nulo
Proteu( 'on HOcletlos a resolution was
passed urging the establlshmeu'. of n
. ..... ... I " " "" unniiir i iiu I u iiuiiik r ... . . ' "
Indefatigable enorgy and 'nliw-liioiio at that tliui'. The $10,000 ox-1 M,,,,8lry r Commerco and expressing
lleputy (iuiuu Wniilcii Tlionmi Sendi
Itcpuit to (Imei-nment on 1'llght
of Came llliils
Practically all durks and ge'eso left
Coos Hay between May 17 and 22
fllng north to Islands in Alaska for
their breeding season according to
Deputy (lame Warden TJionma who
litis been keeping strict account of thu
birds through the season. His lnm re
port to the Department of Agriculture,
regarding game birds in this viclhlty
was sent a few days ago.
State laws were not uniform hi
their protection of game birds and
Congitss created federal zones, llmT
Ring tho hunting seasons In oach to
comply with tho breeding seasons of
tho birds.
Judges In but two states ,t tho
Union have declared the law Uncon
stitutional sayH Mr, Thomas. In two
months the matter will bo doflnatoly
decided by the United Stntcs J3u
promo Court. ,
Should tho law bo declared uncon
stitutional, ho BayB, tho government
will in alt probability place more
gamo inspectors In tho field for tho
better protection of game birds.
-No Increase la DuckH
"There aro threo stations In this
county," said Mr. Thomas, "and from
tho reports of tho seasou I bollovo
there Is llttlo change in tho num
ber of ducks for this vicinity. How
oyer tho geese aro practically all
gono. Very fow still light on Coos Uav
land tho lakes near by."
Ono station Is at (loose Point, be
tween North and llnynes Inlets, an
other nt Hnmlon and the th'rd on
Coos Hay. During tho Bcason the
warden keeps In closo touch with
them all, noticing specifically tho
fllgbts of tho gamo birds,
"Night shooting, which Is Illegal,
lias done much to drive tho gceso
nnil ducks from Cooh Hay. Tho blrdn
won't light whore their roosting and
feeding Is Intorforred with," hu slut-.
oil. . ,
IHg ItiiHMlIug Grounds
Tho government has Hot aside an
Island In southern Alaska as a breed
ing groin! for tlieso birds. Thoiiaunds
flock thoro in the season, Somofot
the mallards and tho wood ducks ro'r
main horo in tho sand hills to brood.
North Toi Mllu and Ivako Taken
Itch, believes thu game wardon.'nfu
tho best duck lakes In the atnto with
tho exception of those at Klamath
lie Bays that his obsorvutlnnu hnyo
Bhown him that wood ducks nest In t
the trooH. , '
Carries Voiinc To Wuter . ,
"There Is a man named Slonlck
who bus lived near bnko Takenllch
for yearH," declared Mr. Thomas,
"that tolls, of seeing a mother wood
duck carrying her young on her baclc
to water and furthor moro jil wod
has iilwavB been pretty good.''
Tho ol( man said (lint hu .hud
found n mother with 12 llt,tlo woojl
diickH. They wero all half a mllo from
water when ho saw them and olglit
of the youngsters wero rldlpg n s(ato
on tho mother's hack wllo the four
moro sturdy of tho lot traveled, wulkr
lug fust, at her side.
uani win. AinaiiK mm iiiu muiiy odlturo Increased tho husluoss
thousnndB of empIoycB In tho great ,tml year ,() 2i,0,70a ,IOMmiH.
fiictorlea at Wlnston-Salem. thero Is; ..T)u H,x, ywip ,, f(,t0.y WB
no 'ono more approachable, muru . ovor-wurkoil. tho uutput roprcaontliiK
democratic In character than tho , i3si),s22 pounds. Hlnco that time
founder and piesldent. who watches tho nimronrlatlon for ndvcrtlslmr ha
with the closest scrutiny and dircctc
with uxtremo foresight every phase
of his Immense business.
Mr. Reynolds talks as Interesting
ly as reads tho story of his business
success. I'l startod my cureer In
growing and manufacturing tobacco
when I wns a boy, I' said the round
er, as ho chatted to tho wrltor In tho
blx exccutlvo building at Wlnston
Salom u few wooks ago, "sorvlng my
tlmo as a laborer In a tobacco fac
tory. At the ago of eighteen I was
promoted to superintendent of this
factoiy. la thoso days tobacco fact-
been Increused year after year pro
portionately with tho Increase In
Mr. Reynolds Is a firm bollovcr In
surrounding himself with able lieu
tenants. Ab early as 1KSS lie effect
ed an arrangement with some of his
'inployes, whereby they would shnro
In tho profits of the husluoss, In
1U1I3 u company wus formed and In
corporated. The percentage of pro
fits thai employes wero receiving ie-
prosciited tho percentage of stock i
they sutured In the company. A num.
tier or mo same employes aio en
tho bollof that such u ministry would
have prevented many of the dlffictil
tlea which bavo arisen during tho re
rout months.
The mutter has been tnkou up by
several newspapers anj although the
question of cost Is considerable. It Is
nrgued that the work now bolng done'
partly by tho Foreign offlio. tho
Hoard pf Trade nnd tin Colonial of-i
flee would, ir co-ordinated and cin-i
solldatod in n single branch, greatly'
assist In tho extension of Hrltlsh'
trado and at tho same tlmo smooth'
the contraband difficulties which
tiuderH In almost oveiy branch of
commoice aro mirroring from at tha
Present tlmo.
iAII Tlinho.KiitMloji'il in ijovci'inncut
Office uro DlHclmrgoi'l
, (II; ,AMcUtl I'rMa Io Com IU; TlmM.J
rles only ian four mouths In tho-iged In this luminous today,
year and tho other eight months I i .Nt-uupcii, are Ktniuliuil
wub engaged as a tobacco sales-1 "Newspapers and magazines have
man. ' constituted the backbone of nil our
Only to .Make u l'lilr 1'ioflt. udvortislng," continued Mr. Rey-
"Tho principles that governed my nolds.
.. . .t... 1 t....l M .1... "I lif.lf.ii'n l.i n I "
wotk irom mo iiukw iihk um m ..v,... ...uv ihiiiiiiui,,uii , jC( that a number
foundation or this business, in ino,"" .. gooo iimuuvi wuu wuiuii B0H ,,tl0r,o ua,oy(1d. huvo been I
early days some of tho boys on tnowo can make a popular appeal, nnd ,1lHcllurK.() ..avll8 ,, , oUIl.r
load had nn liloa that tho ones who villi tell tho tiuth about It In the 1M.0,nlont or ,,siitablo for the
could Ho tho biggest weto tho beBt , 'U'wspapors. backed by a good selling ' ,tork ..
salesmen. Nearly all of these fel-'nrgaulzatlon, will make an unquall-, of'tho 58, onmloinil
I have nun ample ox-1 ,n lllB,iect,llK ,a fron, tho continent,.
LONDON, Juno 1 Women huvo
been found unsuitable for work ay
government censors In London. It If
officially announced by tho War of-
of women ecu-
Wanted at Ilio. 1'iont Hut Plenty nt
Ignition Itaceri
' IDf AmmUiI rrw. I. Ohm Dr TtaM. '
LONDON, Juno I. Whllo hun
dreds of anneals for field lilassoa an.
pear In the personal colnnins -of. the
London papers In behalf of younx of
ficers at tho front, the folllwers of
the races still havo plenty or bluocti
Inrs with which to vluw tlo horsis,
A picture of tho grouds at Newniur
(t, showing the crowd with glasses
to eyes following the raco, appears
In ono or tho London uewspaoora,
while below appears tho appeal lor
these instruments mado by Lady Rob
erts. Commissioned officers must
largly furnish their own kit In the
ItrltlBh army, and their pay is only
nominal. Glasses are naturally out
or tho reach or tho noncommissioned
officers. Ono or the last acts of Lord
Roberts was an appenl to sportsmen
for glasses for the front, and before
leaving on his trip to Franco he wror.j
u second uppeal, which wub found uf
tor his death. ''
Popular Place for
Good Meals -Prices
Cor, Commercial uiul Jl'dtv'y.
lows wero glib talkers and their In-1 1'0'1 huccobb.
riiionrn wnn lint thu best for a hoy.
' My futhor realized this, told me the
(day that I started out to sell to
I bacco that a man who would Ho for
l a dollur would steal a dollar, advis
ing mo nlways, under nil conditions,
to toll the .truth about tho tobacco 1
was selling and never ask a prlco
that would yield moro than n fair
"In tho section In which I was
raised at that tlmo railroads wero
few and far between, I, therefore,
loaded a wagon with tobacco, and f
would drlvo through tho mountains, i
pcrleuco with this form of advertls
Ing to prove, liojond any doubt, that
fill are Hclgluus, 7 aro Russluus, and
I are French, Tho ronsors of Uii-
newspapers uro, unquestionably, the i,f. nationality number ISO, other'
rationalities represented are; Dan,
'2, Dutch, H; M.rwi'filau, G; I'oriu
I'tse, 3; Swedes, 3; Swiss, 2' Ital
Ims, 1; Spaniards, 1; Moroccans ,
standard form or advertising
'This hualuo Is interuutioiiul In
Its scope. We, therefore, huvo pass
id 'lie stage on seveiul In anils as fur
js liual advertising Is concerned.
Ileuto, In rouncitlou with news
paper advertising, wo use nutlonal
puhlfcatlono. In establishing brands
wo cover tho country section by sec
tion, relying on newspapers ror our
main advoi Using support.
"When ou consider tho number I
cr-'llng on farmers, selling them their I newspapers that dally go Into tho
suDiillea for a vear. taking In ex-' """ " ""'"" '" "" i't
nnn,. rr tht .nlmrc.i money orl''"1 wo ul1 a "1'on them for
t,m J,. Tlw. f'WO.Jll'B noWH, it WOlllll llO hard
gained In manutacturlng tobacco and fcprf elate their valuo as an ndvor-
selllng the output of the factory to "s """"" " ". a si...
actual consumers has been and Is to- 'P n'aer ot manufacturing a good1
lau.Noii K.viMtnas
leaves .Marshflelil ocij- ihiy
H u, in, I.eatOH head of liver
'Ut :i:tn p. iii.
leJives luvid of ilver dally ut 7
u, in, I.euvtN .Murshfleld ut 13 p.
in. 1'or iliartei- apply on board.
by oidorlng" tho famous '
Nut coal, pur ton, ......... .$1.00
Lump coal, por ton ,...,,, .$
Or half ton of Colli 9l7rf
I), MU.HKO.V, Prop. ,
Phono 1H-J or I who orders nt i
llllljer' Cigar .Store. ,
('Illume) n
Any kind of biick work ut
prices that aro right.
And ull work guaranteed
Call at "The Klresjdo," Johnson
Hldg., 137 Second St.
French ranges, boiler work,
Phone -3t-J
1 oi
? M