The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 28, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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:. umc ami attentive uuiiience us- teet of diMno nntvor m, 1, ' ... . .. . . ... i ss.
,o the able lectin, on Christ- Tha popular belief, then ns ' irnL,,, , "?a,.!..,,,at l ""
c-ienee by miss Kiinpp, u. a. u. now that God sends slrknraa ,, .11 ' ,1. 1 , . ' un",e 'ieiiigeiico which trans-
;DD oSne, Mass., at the Orphcun, mortri n d MZ?' Tr T, V,1 T' ,,rn'"- Tho "o
' ,.i ovpnlnc God lint u.i, V to Tiuth and this Truth Is God. It continued until 1 could realize to n
fr 0 0 tlll8 ellsr. In In-1 Sre 0 "sT nnTH r "TV" d,V,n Tn,th my "''" ll '
:Jn0 b ... ,.- i.i. .-m..J ,....,.,.',;' ..M0..nctunII l8 h ls t xli owed through law which may who l tho onlv Aim.i ,..i ...,.'
rfBdVtW. Tetnre ta to 1 -' i , the'Sl"?1 , ? '" S ,,nderi,00d n"1 Induce. When I ou.d oa I e this, t
J?, 0Ple of this JZ.;.InJdS onTdiubt Son'cSi i"0"""- ?'" T V00"'"0 " rCa"ty l M wtt" th ""
n.,r th regarding Christian Scl- or controversy. ,, LJ ". u "" I f,!!0"!".0! ,en.'" n"d relation In suit that I was completely healed of
E BY BLISS KNAPP, C & B Membetof Board of Lec
tureship of Mother Church; First Church of Christ, Scientist
jtrutlis, she was wonderfully healed. Into two separate entitles, which are
I not was in 1SGG. Thero was her swayed bv good or evil as some In-
the difficulty. Tilt! triltli nlinut flml
TltlM: WOltSIHP land my relation to him had set me
Some may feel they have lost their ' free. Therein ! thn ,,rnnr ,
God In thinking of Him ns Truth; human Intelligence has any validity
Le and correct erroneous concepts part of God's nature. Another pop-
Ia mlsrepreseniauons concerning , mar noiief adhered to then as now
be Discoverer and Founder of was thnt God knows, or at least
. ... fAliitmn nnrmiia on rni. i a .. .1.
bristian . .-.......,.,.... ...m iuu was disposed hut Jesus declared In nil nnrnnst. ' ir ,..,... . .i. .,,..,.. ,'....'
ln order that tlio puuuo may no 01 iy snowing the effect divine now. n... it,.. . ...'":".. "' ." "'." ",w,,u l"c"'cs'
Utlr '"formed ns to tho true er had In sinners even ns'shnl, worship ho Wl, ' Z I "IV" "" "
nf Clirlstinn scionce, n uoara ngnt always dispells darkness. Mnr,,.!n.i 1 .1. m,.-. '.... .. ' . "" "" '""'" """-' 'r viumiiy
tWf 01 i "-Tr: """' "" "'" "pii uarKuess. .More-land In truth." That innv l.n rlnrl. .... ,i. .,.
r Lecturers is nppoiiuca ny 1110 over people- believed then as nwifi,.,i i.,. ,,.. ,....'. ; ". I '"""' ""'"
Lhor Church, the First Church of that God takes away our loved ones! "Nolo Is good save o,f Tim . ! M,XI 0" Cl""W
Ihrlsl, Scientist, In Uoston, Mass., ior some Inscrutable purpose; nnd God." Now tho spirit or law of In-1 Wo lmvo no record In the four
A the lecturer wUh us tonight is this belief has unquestionably thrust ' flnlto irnn.1 i ,.n,i.. ..... .i.-Kospols thot Jesus over nurnnttK.l
(member of this board, who brings . oro people Into Infidelity and ng- true worshippers can worship In- ,,l,,lsolt lo Uo l?celvod or taken nd
5 us n message of hope and 11 prom-, "ostlclsm than have over boon res-1 finite good only throuch conduce vniltnK of In any way. Had ho been
L of deliverance from sin, sick- euea tiiererrom. Hut when Jesus de- For example: No 0110 coos dlrectlv vlctlmlzoil. it would lmvo been by
less ami tiiihapplness. iciaie. tn0 truth about God as bo to tho basic mcnnlim of mathematics enBon of " Inclc of i'llclllgonco. Hut
"My frieiuiH, 11 givta mo muni
lea sure o inironucu 10 juu .ir.
pli;s Knapp l' s- " r Urookllno,
Lssaclmaetts "
Mr Knapp'8 lecturo follows in
iiuisTi.vx scii;xcn: tiii: m:vi:-
ii.vnox of ihvixi: 1'ownn
DurliiB ninny centuries mun lmvo
frovia nccufitomed (o think of roll
lion as a haven of rest to those in
grroiv ami temptation. Hut wbllu
tllglon mliilHtcrs to tho mind, It
igards the diseased body In belp-
roiiipasslon. Such helplessness
bntrasts stiongly with tho religion
Jesus Christ, who mndo no dis
actually 8, It destroyed death and Ho must go bv wnv of Its ruloq nHI,c l,'"''"cd nnd exorcised tho divine
mo grave, and thereby proved the laws. Tho slmnlo law thnt ! n.i itelllgenco thot knows nil that is
two are four mediates between the I "cccssnry to know, nnd thereby set
nniuro or llod lo bo Life. "For 1
nni come that they might lmvo life,
nnd that they might lmvo It moro
abundantly." "This Is llfo eternal,
thnt they might know tbco, the only
true God, nnd Jesus Christ, whom
thou bast sent."
I'oopio could boo tho physical
mo Biantiaru for all mankind. It
was tho Mind which wns In Christ
Jesus that ennbled him to heal the
sick, even when they wero absent
from him, ns In tho cases of tho
centurion's servant and tho Syro
phooneclan's daughtor. It was tho
Mind which was In Christ Jesus that
enabled him to heal lenrosv nnd
basic meaning of mathematics nnd
tho prospective student. Kven so
no ouo can go directly to Infinite
good, llo must go by way of good
ness, which Is tho law or attribute
of Infinite good. That Ib, ho must
Wnrahlii Itiflnltn imn.i I.. H.
changes wrought by Jesus readily 1 standing of goodness. Mrs. Kddv
enough, nnd In 11 mnnnor that ad- has snlii In RpI..,ip.. n.,,i iiih. -i
milled of no doubt. Hut a natural I pure affection takes form In good- rn,9 t,1Q ,,enJ' oven ,0 tho rnlslng
(litestlon to follow Is this, Could ' ness." Then as 0110 entertains an of ll,"180,f f,om tho tomb. It wns
It bo taught to others? It Is said affection for others thot is puro,ll,(' Mlml wh,ch constituted his dl
that no ono icnlly understands a land constant, It takes form In good-' vlnlty nn'1 cnl'Ic'l him to nay, "I
thing for himself, until ho can leach ness, which Is nn nttrlbuto of God lnlul lny t110"" "ro oo," and also
11 10 unouier. TJiot Josub niodo dls-1 In this sl.m.lo nrn...R in ,.n,rn.l1"0 rorroinuvo statement, "My Fa
r . . ..1.. 1- 1. .. - v..... ,i. . ... .,.. .....
Inctlon between mind nnd body. How'"UH "" count repent ins Healing ' bends the law of goodness, nnd In
lied, "Whether Is easier to say, ""IH'Htry was tho proof that tho heal- tho understanding of It ho reaches
intt power couia De tauglit to others, , to tho actual recognition of Infinlto
nnd thnt ho understood It. Indeed good. In the some spiritual undor
tho early Christians proved tho same standing or divine Inw shall ono
tiling by continuing thoso works or 'worship tho God nnd Father who Is
healing for !100 years nfter tho tlmo Spirit and Truth,
or Jesus. Kven so tho Christian GOD IS l'ltlNCIIM.H
Scientist is today perpetuating that' As tho nnturo of God continued
healing ministry Just to tho dogreolto unfold before tlm vlnlnn ,r st
thut ho gains a correct understanding ' John, It wns revealed to him that
or mm wnom to know aright Is "God Is love." Haul described tho
life eternal," nn undorstnndlng of ' Intimate relation that exists between
tho God and Father to whom Jesus j I.ovo nnd Truth when ho Bald,
prayed. "I.ovo Is tho fulfilling of tho law."
Ili:.l,l.'; raw I Other scriptural names used to do
me first mun In Hlblo history to flno tho nature of God nro Soul
proof of mental healing, and that
the divine Mind Is the healer to com
fort In sorrow and In sickness. The
net step wns to learn the Sclcnco of
thnt healing nnd, ns she states In
Science nnd Health, pngo 109, "I
won my way to absolute conclusions
through divine revelntlon, reason,
and demonstration." Agnlu sho
writes, "Henson and revelntlon wore
reconciled, and afterwards tho truth
of Christian Sclcnco wns demonstrat
ed," page 110. Sho stated that
Science n the Christian Sclcnco text
book so simply and logically thnt tho
simple rending of that book has
brought tho healing Comforter to
multitudes of those In sickness nnd
distress, nnd mndo them every whit
Mrs. Kddy had thus hocomo tho
discoverer of Christian Science, nnd
the founding of Its Institutional work
was to follow. In her Joy to shnro
such n great blessing she appealed
to the spiritual thought of lenrued
men, only to stirrer tho rebuff of
dignified 'silence. Her first ray or
hopo cnuio when that bIIoiico wns
turned into ildlculo nnd abuse; for
It meant that she had gained nt lenst
n hearing. Deserted by trlonds and
relatives and opposed by subtlo
nnd powerful Influences whlcbover
way sho turned this woman patiently
kept her course In the founding of
the various Institutions of Christian
Silence, until the movement bus
scrutnble nnturo or chance mny di
rect. In such nppnrent servitude, It
seems Incredible to hltn thnt Jesus
could, by nn opposite method, exhibit
such complete mastery over storm
nnd disease., His Incredulity forbids
him to chnnge his course. The phil
osophy of the serpent separates tho
process. Their basis bolng wholly
mntorlul, nnd matter being mortal er
ror, tho truth of God dispels thoso
errors Just ns light dispels dnrk
ness, Just ns tho understanding
that two nnd two nro four dispels
any denial of thnt fact. And when
ono understands thnt truth, ho docs
not bnve to sit up nights to bo
ccrtnln or It In tho morning. Jesus
poor mortnl Into a physical nnd n so understood tho nnturo of God
philosophical structure, and tho hit-! as Truth, thnt he could moko It
mnn hrnln Btudles him from the basis I J,18t ns consciously nppnrent to tho
or physiology ns It would n living! "'an with tho withered hand, nnd
machine, having pnrt8 nnd functions,
Hlology dissects him ns It would n
living plant; and zoology treats him
ns the highest form of an animal.
Kntlroly separate from tho physical
Is tho philosophical' structure, whero
philology seeks to Investigate tho
traits nnd characteristics of human
speech and language. Materlnl ethics
outllno bis proper moral relnMous to
his fellow men; nnd psychology de
velops various systems of mental In
riuciico through the will nnd sugges
tion. Al theso branches of learning,
together with their many subdivis
ions go to mnke up the human intel
lect ns It Is evolved from mutter or
bruin. Hut "what shall It profit
n mnn, If ho shall gain the whole
world, nnd lose his own soul?"
If matter Is supposed to ho the
seat or the human Intellect, wo ought
to know ltn nnturo. It Is true that
no 0110 over understood It; but wo
mny nevertheless know Its nature.
We can tor Instnnco know whether
by sins bo forgiven thee; or to say,
(rise and walk?" Ho' set tho stall-
rd of religious achievement by
ieallng sickness nnd sin by the sonio
irijer It is the purpose of Christ-
infclence to Increnso tho Joy of llfo
fc restoring to tho infinite compns-
Ion of Jesus' tcouhlngs the lost cle-
nent of healing,
I The Invalid Is not frightened tit his
Ibease. It Is tho posslblo termlnn-
lon of that disease that frightens
Bm. Then his frightened sonso
nd sweet consolation In tho MnB-
fer's teaching, "I nm conio thnt they
light lmvo llfo nnd thnt thoy might
re It moro abundantly." There
bllofed, too, tho explanation.
rhls Is life eternal, that thoy might
bow tlieo the only true God, nnd
wuj Christ, whom thou hnst sent."
o things aro thereforo needful to
ire ono's life. It Is to know Gn.i.
hd also Ills Son Jesus Christ. .Somo I "QCCS8ll) ror ,,lm t0 sncn,: tho truth Hut far from expressing any or tho I
Hevo that Jesus wns God. nnd that 'n"01,t t,()l1 so convincingly that tho coldness or nn Innnlnmto lnw, tho
Hef excludes tho God ifnd Father neon'0 whl nctunlly beliovo what jdlvlno Principle compiehonds nil In-
hom Jesus hlmseir iirnvod rim " sal"' wns tho occasion for God 1 tolllgonco, gontleness, peace nnd
ndltlon of thought thnt sets nsldo ' to ,ovonl "Is healing nnturo by two power to heal nnd savo mankind
rlstlan healing may not bo so I distinct signs. Tho first wos with tho, through law.
uch a lack of faith, ns n com- r0(l "y wll,c" wns proved tho dlvlno If ono wero to stnnd nt tho baso
of tho groat pyramid and gnzo In
spread Itsolf over this world, and nil
within her own llfi'lllllo ltv linr dour ' matter Is truth nr nrrnr. 1.V.I- nvumnl..
ii.ur ib giuaior mnn j. it wns tho statement or scientific Christianity, (Consider applied mechanics. There
dlvlno Mind which wns In Christ Mrs. IMdy hns enormously Increased Is nothing in the mnterlnl universe
Jesus Hint ennbled him to say, "He-1 the number of followers of Christ's nny moro nccuruto than npplled
fore Abrnhnin wns. 1 nm .....1 m 1. ... .... . . . . . - i ,. ....
" " "' 1 u'iiciiiiikh. ine bick nro ueaieii t 1 "n-'iiiiuiicn. 1110 most nccurnio piece
bodily aliments by rending Its f mcchnulsm Is supiioseil to be an
T nm wlfli Vnll ..I....... ..rt . 11.-'
...... j... ....... j, viiuii iiino mo
end or tho world." 'Q aro more
over enjoined by tho scriptures to
"Let this mind bo In you which wns
nlso In Christ Jesus." And "Ho yo
thoreroro perfect oven ns your Fn
thor which Is In henvon Is perfect."
Heforo Jesus wont away ho prom-
llterntiire; the sinner mny
know how to llbernte himself
from his sin; ami greatest
or nil, the purc-iiilnded Is given tho
power to save himself from tho gon-
orul belief In slu, so thnt the good
1 ho deslroH to do, thnt ho can do.
ordinary tlmo-pleco or watch. Hvury
Biieh mechanical device rcuulres, In
Its construction, tho uso of weights
or measurements. In other words,
weights nnd measurements nro fun
ilMitntal to tho highest form of ma
terial accuracy.
An essential point to determine
w!t,i weights nud niensuromonts Is
Ml If it llll.a llllf llflllill t am. 1 I II
Ised us nnotbor Comforter. Thut no i Z?'C"' .... . ., .".!' . '..
!t ':!n" S"il, S' J". .k' . thnt a pure-minded wom-l'''" 1rco of their nccurncy. Are
" '.: ' ""' ' ",u i.u .... ......,,, ...I,,. Rl,,,Pp. P1. ,,,,1,,-ir I'ivy ausoiute, or do thoy merely ar
promised Comforter. It t,c secrets of "tho lnw of the spirit l,r"-,mn,o truth? Tho most necur
or this
llofdro that 110 kllCW Goil onlv la MlonltllL. It Ih rnnnnnnliln t n'tmnmn
tho (.rent "I nm," but Hint wns not It must have u 1'rlnclplc. Thnt Is, I""'1 ,l, m lcMty of h,,' Now
sufficient to win confldonco In him- tb6 nnturo of God must Includo BpIrlt ot Truth ,s "s hi w, tho
seir ns tho messongor or God. Thot I'rlnclplo us n descriptive doflnltlon. ,' , w wl,lch COI",1'l('ntos God's henl-
--,, ,... ,v nw illlll lit It
moreover, rooulrcs n sclcnco which
can Intorprot it nnd bo rcusonably
Pete omission from prayor or nnv 8"l)rcnincy over personiried evil. Tho
L. i.i ...
poBnmon or tlio God nnd Father
whom Jesus prayed.
H was the day of tho resurrection,
second wns the healing of loprosy.
Perhaps thoso two wero selected be-
wondo? nt Its vast dimensions, ho
(ould not sco Its whole structuro
cnuso nono but tho power of God from that slnglo vlowpolnt. llo must
hns ever been known to destroy boo It from tho north nnd tho south.
cuuimnndmciitH, or Jesus from tho
bontltiides. When Jesus hnd that ex
alted vision or lnw ami prophesy on
tho Mount or Transfiguration, tho
hiimnn reprcHontntlvo of law nnd
prophesy become apparent to those
undoretnod. Slnco tlm lnw u ,ii-i"onr K t oi tno lesson. It Is
vine, Its Sclcnco must bo n dlvlno t,(,m,l' curlnln t,,nt tho human rep
or Christian Sclcnco. Thut is what I ro",lnvo or sclentiric ChrlBtlnnlty
cnii nuvor no sopnrnied rroni tlio
spiritual troasures which sho has
opened to our uso.
A perplexing rcnturo nbout Chrlst-
Chrlstlnn Science Is, tho spiritual
undorstiiiidliig or dlvlno lnw ns np-
puod to tho noods or humanity. It I
Is not nn Invention. It Is the dis
covery ot Wllllt has nlwnvs hemi trim.
nnd what always must bo tho real ' ,n" SrI"t0 Is that boiiio vory nsluto
Comforter to sufforliiB humiuilty. im"Kors nro readily baffled by Its
Someilmes It occurs thnt ono Is cachings, whllo othors like tho fish
'I' In the morning. Hint Jesus nn-' leprosy nnd sin. Hut thnt exhibition tho enst nnd tho wost. Ho must
Li.a.I t- .( - ' nf ..... .... nnl... 1 I v..1.... l .. 1 .1 1
ri .o .Mary and sent her with a '".' ,"""u. "u"u ' ",u .... mm ..u.o ... .u..KW mm cuniuum comnlotolv voru.,imo.i i.u ,.. J eri.ien of Galileo listen nln.llv and
p8e. saying, "Go to my brethren,.81" icnieil to Moses the existence wtt.i.n. .Not until lie had scon- ' " " "- i umloralaiid. Tho dlflculty l largely
W wy unto them. I nsccn.l untn .ot n "" lIoflCl lnw f henllnK' It from every nngle. nud lenrned tho ! "I'll m I.. . ,". ". ."'f .'. m .l, v.v,.r t,, ,i 'V, ',
Iv Po (l.n .....I .. ullloli o.,nl,l,1 l.lm lllimnfln. In mi.nlllll,. nt Ita ol r.w.l ,. ... ,1 ,1nal., l""" WI'IHUII "l IIUIIIUI1 UlIUCllllll I - ' ". Vliiinf
V V1 '"i Jour l-ninor; nnd un-
fi iiod, and your God." Now If
u were God. ns so mnnv lmllnvo
M tliero Is ono God, liow could
pa navo brethren? Hut Inasmuch
he recognized himself to be, not
" out tlio son of God, ho could
"o them, i ascend untn mv vnn,
j.... .. .. ' -
"r i-atiier; nnd unto my God,
" JUlir UO(l." WllOt. Tncia
,lorO tlio tOlllb or LnznniB
fded that ho "llftn.i nn i,i. .
hA ..I . ",H v-'.
I" "!, latlier I thnnk fhnn
r nast heard 1110,
t thou hearest
Mainly was nn
I'l On thnt niwn.i.
. -. -".,u
U SaiJ to tllO WOlllnn nt Qir,,n,.n
), well, ' God Is Spirit ." Whnn.
jwore, le ,sclpIea snthorcd
und to cxamino i.n ..
a nan ptmts, ,0 toqk occasion
niiicu unuuiud mum, uiu.-u.mor, 10 iiiuiiiiiK ui iib hiiucuuo nun ucsign, .. ,,,,.,.. ... ............. ,,.. Inn rpIm nk.,. ,i ,. n,,
employ tho dlvlno power, guided by 'could It bo sold thnt ho hud actually j,,,".,, ' , " " t .,., Enriim. m ,11 . n . n.
.. , . ... , ,. , , , i ., hi ... thought. Then wo need to reinoni-' ul,d ascrlbos to H m all I telllgenco.
tho Intelligence of n woll-doflnod law, 'scon tho pyramid. In ko mnnnor ,,.,,. , ' , IUI""" ,. .., ,,,i , , ,,, ,
, , ii , , . , i. .i ii.. ... her that thoro Is a sorrow that nurl- ,l ascrlbos montnl llfo to Him who
In healing leprosy nnd serpent biles, tho vnilous scriptural names which , fIn. .,., ... '',..T. . ,, ' ""J " J, .,,.,.,., ,..,,,..,
T rvr.nlo,l 111.., H.n nvlclnnnn nf 'nrn nnuilnvn.l In ,lr.flnn H.o n.tnr. t ""' """ """ " Uil worKB ""- o..w. ,...., .,
cortnlu facts concerning tho healing ! God nro all ossontlal to a complete
untitle of God In which no vnrh-: understanding of Him.
Hon has ovor been perceived. It I Tltl'i: l.Ti:i.I,ini:X(i:
marked tho oxlstcnco or nn 'in- Tho Clirlstinn Solontlst becomos
ch.uig'iif, law or healing with which I familiar with God's ways In n most
ovll. It will sweoton or sour tho t'10 other hand, nro trained lo regard
disposition according to tho cllroc-' "rn,n as tho soat of tho Intellect,
Hon it tokos. Hut In tho apparent nl)d matter us the fundamental basis
holplossnoss or Insurmoiintnblo grlor, ,or thought thoso two opposing sys
! brethren and could truthrully
? "Go to my brethren, nnd say
iv God himinn beings had been hitherto un-, prnctlcnl manner. Jesus referred to! rM"n , n " r ' , . ,' , I f.PH . ' ,
' ""Hi .... . ., . ' r, . . r, . . ,.. i lls eourso unerringly Into lopontanco I first two emptors of Genes h
in ,., uciiua.iitod. It rovonled somo'hlng God us "my God nnd your God." ,, ,.,,, , ,. i ui ""'
is Nns ' ' .... , and purification, In tho momontiim tho Hlblo. Tho Hrst chiui-
,, , so definite and tnnglli o nbout tho Ho Is therefore my Mind and your . ,,,, ,u.n.i i " " """- -"""
" ,B . ...,.., , , ,,i m, .. , ., .'f thnt directed oxporlonco no hurni ' ter, sometlmos called tho Mo-
ia ,. nature of God that tho people bo-1 Mind. The pract ca opornt on ofinil ,.,,, ... ..,.. . 'i.i0.i . . ..
mo iiiipieiueiii ior woiglilng pur
poses, In Its simplest fprm, Is n
horizontal beam balanced on a ftil
cruin. t the fulcrum Js.u knlfo
edge, much of tho friction which
would Jmppijo; iho swing ,o'f, thoib'nlt
unco, would bo ovorcomo. ir tho
fulcrtlni wero a ruzor edgo thorn
would bo oven loss friction and moro
nccurncy to the Instrument. To pro
led It from nlr currents nnd nlr
friction It should bo enclosed In a
viTiium. Hut n perfect vacuum Is
Impossible, nud n razor edge "ran
bear no weight without dulling.
Friction can not lie entirely elimi
nated. Thero Is Blmply an npproxl
ii.ntlon to truth. And thut tvMch
produces tho friction, and Introduces
the error Ih mutter. So much rjr
wo'ghlng Instruments. As for inoas
u'cmentH, u micromotor gniigo might
be employed to measure tho dia
meter of ii human hair to within
ono tou-thoiiBuuiltli of an Inch, Vmt
ll never could bj absolute As n
mentul proposition thoro lire twrlm
Inches In a foot of space. Thut Is
.in absoliito truth when considered
mentally. Hut the moment you up
I'l It to matter, tho error is InCio-
ilurod. Matter Is tho thing that
Introduces the error, bocuuso Its
(.un ijiui i.iiii.i un. iiiiiv iriiiiii fiiii
. J -ii I it. l.i ... m a. . t. . " -. . -,..,, n'wi vi
that "ov ",m JU81 us uou 8luu "-H ?U8 irov.tu l. mo wnon l wa8'como out of It. Such nn nssurnnco
. And I know "'' a slU(JOi,t in tuo eiementnry sciioois. rom ., f Lrr(f
mo always."' He v , (ini1 T,:L1II or a month I wns troubled with a Thls , , roa, Comfortor at work
praying to him- Naw tl,Rt which Moses saw In the difficulty that may be described l ! , Ul0 ,,, fonmlonmiiu ur,fy.
n. Provtn,.K. i,n healing power of God was tho Trij'.h; tho words of Paul, "Iho good that I, i.. . (n.,i,. '
thoro Is tho consolation thut tho! tom8 or philosophy, strange as It may I nnturo Is error. Slnco It Is mortal
power or one's right doslro can steor ' Kuom, have their authority In the I or corlshnblo. "Milter Is mortn' ei-
Kir" ns Mrs. IMdy tenches; nnd
liiorlal on or should never bo tho
ImtlE or lutelliuonco, rollglon or medicine,
whfrcupon ho
n God or truth
In tho Psalms "Thy
truth." And Jesus
tho Intlmnto relation
, declared "Thou art j would I do not: but the -evil I which jTlloro , thoroforo
." Davll later declared I would not, that I do." With mo , 8nilltory. for lt HWOOloI1B tho ,
law is tho It was n difficulty In answering my
nistic record of creation.
presents nn absolutely good God, tho
sourco of all Intelligence nnd bolng,
who knows no evil. Tho second chap
ter nnd thereafter, called tho Joho
vlBtle record or Croatlon, prosonts n
mixture or good and ovll which re
sults lit n third power called man
Indicated school problems correctly. Though onBb,e ono t0 )0 clmrlftblo t0Wttr,,
position, ehastons tho affections nnd I kind, and this third powor Is sup-
that ox- I mlsht know tho correct answer,
the faults of othors.
Pnvld In the pralms has naked,
"Who enn understand his errors? '
; Nobody can You can not under-
stiiud an error that may bo Intro
duced Into your mathematical
problem. Indeed no Intelligent
mutlioiniitlclan will oven try, Ilathor
will ho seek more accurately to un
posed to derive from tho baslfl of demand tho rule or truth that goi-
niuiiur uiu limmimmpn in ininrnrnt ..tiiu ii... .,r)i , .....i . .., ..
uaa them thnt "Spirit hnth,l8ts botween Truth and the healing i wouiu invnnauiy say tno wrong, imnvii! i,ili. .- ' i.mi. .m ..., .VV i V. .... .""""" i-"- " i
lh uid bones nsyo see no !Iv, when ho said. "Yo shall know' thing. Instead ot excusing that on1 S' '' ' "' IISVKI , i,,"00'1 " "" ml talking I obedience thoreto. Then the error
,e" Prom that tho ,1 scl, lea the truth, and the truth shall make the basis of stupidity, Paul saw InJ, or Mrs Kddy s Went was the author or that sec I disappears, d whero has It go.,,?
w ht the human Jorm oleBuI ' you free." That Is, a knowledge of , such conditions the wnr.lng or tho'. J"0. 8eomc'1 ,c";do ZT ' ,,0ll,"I8U",",0"cl t Whore, for example, does two nnd
nt Cod. indeed, to wo si In J1 Qod. not as human form, but as ' fleshy mind, nnd so did my parents , " " iirftfltho 80!iro' tt"" -""orliiK llo In nil tint ho nld. In fact there two are five go to? It Is not true.
'" 'or.,, would be In conflict Truth has a healing effect. Mrs. who were Christian Scientists. My '"' "" ,(;" t,,0"h !" , ,H " "" I" ''" "! kingdom ns nnd Mt never originated In onythli.K
h,hc,d commandment or ihi ' Klrty has therefore accepted that mother proceeded to heal mo ot that ' ',f0B0-; Ir8, was n f"tlo woman a takln serpent. When contrasted. 'true. Neither did It originate in
:alSie, which forbds the wor 'scriptural doflnltlon that God is I difficulty according to tho teachings,?' dc0I r0,,,;'8 oxporlonco. trained the two systems of creation aro lib-, anything real; for that which is real
lp l "ny Proven V, ago Jesus 'Truth, and also Its Intimate relation 'of Christian Science. With wonder-1 '"J ,,0r "' "lv'" "'t opposltos, so that If ono Is , l true. Its nature Is, thorofor... un.
wj. nnreovor that the nowor ! to law; for she has written In . ful patlonro she explained to me, ',la "c actual rolle from sickness true tho other iniiit ho false. Kvory rea ty. And yet, that error I. .
l'loyea was not'l Iniself for ho Science and Health, "Not personal In language I could easily under-' a,ul "'. Added to that was nn "yitom of religion nnd philosophy tually real to the student's Ignorance
i. i ..... . ". ,,lmsel. for ho f "'"... , ..." ,...,...' ... ,.,., ,i, , ,.., ,..,' unusual Intellectual ability which rn. known to num. with but nnni,.k tho truth, but t ceases utterly
un or mine own mir .in iiiioiconiiuuiiioii inn uiriiio inw ib 'i " .uow. .... uiu su iu ... , , , . , ,, . . , -- i
Wa becnnsA ? nv the coniuiiinlcator of truth, health, school. It Is not so much to asslml-''d carQful traln.lng and develop-'tlon, Is founded on the supposed mix- to oxlst to ills undemanding of the
"Ine own M' but i, ,,.111 Z and harmony lo earth and human- lato n largo mass or facts as It Is. n,ont. o that sho had groat personal turo or good and evil. That single ex- "ith. Consequently that error U
I'atbfr ,, i,.,.', ". .. i..... to dovolon cortnln facultios! anrh for c,mrm '') roason or her rorinod man- ceptlon which is rounded on nn ah- 'al or unreal according to tho stu-
ai he snm ,'. " ... .. I i. . ..., .i.n. ,... 0v.B.o, nf ,. oxamuln as norcentlon. roason. mom. ner a'l woll-balancod mind. Then, solutoly good God who knows no
le Son can ,in ,wm., l. ,!fI''iiB! known to men claims to bo ory and application. Then sho ox- ,n iUo rlowr or her youth, she was ovll, Is tho teaching or Christ Jesus
but M ho seeth the Fa er! the promulgation or revealed truth; .plained to me that thoy aro the 'overwhelmed with grief at the loss and of Christian Science. Further-
vlit wlu ttlllt w . ... . . .... ... . . inr nil tlmf Dflam..) t.nn ....! .1.n- . Illnrn I till f Cll'ufl.t.i nlntm .. .1,...
I hni Mint which differentiates tho fueiiltles or the dlvlno Mind, and as
(;IS llPAi.ivn viaiiti.P 'demonstrable rovolatlon of Josus such muht bo refloetod through all
10 the fur-c of . ;... ..'..,. 'rhrlst from nil others Is Its nowor allko. It concodos the right to ov-
j0arP o i about what God roally i to slvo llfo and to restore health, ory ono to achieve the montnl
Jesus fo'im u .....,.. ..... i. l n, llfa.civlnir nnwer In Christ- might ot a gonlus, Ina much as
.,0 8e t- people to accent the '' truth which makes it domons- God is my Mind and my Intelligence,
. " 4J' Utni. It wch nocossnrv I trauio III lieaung mciwiiwB mill am. " "- " ; i .........
tmn. . far as Possible, nny
vl a'.-ut Gn,l !, ,.i.i i.n
of all that seemod noar and doar to "'oro thut system alono con des-
hor. There followod a long porold of troy both sickness and sin.
Invalidism and tho search for a rem-1 As a mode of salvation from tho
ody, which culminated in tho con- ravage of bin and dlscouso, the two 'tho basis thut tho Truth makes freo.
dent's Ignorance or Intelligence.
Thut is why Jesus said, "Ye shall
know tho truUi, aud tho truth shall
make you free."
diskasi: mknt.Mj
Jesus healed physical dlscaso on
vie Hon tlyit dlsosse rosponds most W'stems tako opposlto directions. Tho
readily to a mental romody. Still Lhrlstlan Scientist gains roller In
abiding In that conviction, sho mot u 'tter undorstaiidlng of God. The
nnn school of nhllosoiihors has nro- and oxorclso that Intelligence which with an accident which was materialist seeks It In a knowledge
"t God that would bo pounded the theory that truth ts iws an "i is necuury 10 khuw.
that diseased condition wns wiped
out by thnt process Just as cfrcct
ually ns ono could tnko a sponge
and wlpo out the wrong figures on
tho blnckbonrd.
It Is generally recognized that cer
tain nervous disorders nro mental;
for though tho porson mny bo stele
n tu-it to distraction, examination
mny dlscloso no diseased organ, tis
sue or nerve. Ho may have appar
ent physlcnl aliments, such ns that
trinity ot disorders known ns dys
pepsia, heart palpitation, and Insom
nia; but nn exnmlnntlon discloses no
ot ganlc dlscaso. Tho patient's trou
bles nro nctunlly unreal, In the senso
that they have no physical causo.
Hut to tho patient thoy nro decldly
real, In the bciiso that ho reels thorn
constantly, and can not tree hlm
seir from them.
Though n patient mny bo perfect
ly Bnno whllo sufrerlng rrom somo
nervous nllment, his belief must bo
changed heforo ho can oxpiirlonco
hbl healing. Thnt Is novor brought
about by Imagining hlniBolt well,
Such primitive emotions ns fear nnd
linger, which are common to men
nud bensts, nro sold to produce do
pressing ami poIboiious conditions.
The thought or guilt Is said to bo
even more deleterious. Anger mny
cnuso a person to becomo flushed cr
liillid in thu face, Indicating tho
iiHntnl control or tho circulation.
Indeed It may stop one's ellgostloa
altogether, showing how one's
thought has ciiunl control ovor tho
dlgoBtlvo system. A sovoro exami
nation mny nHect studonts with re
tarded digestion duo to their fear.
With tho proof that functldnnl dis
orders aro montnl In tholr cnuso, duo
to orronotiB thinking, Investigation
bos continued until modlcal experi
ments lmvo proved thnt dlabotos Is
I entirely tlio result of' ear or emo
tion. In fact It Is mora generally
cbncedL'd today thnf consilmptfop,
may bo Just u consuming fear. That
mny bo tho renson why no drug or
medicine ever honied them. Tho
Clirlstinn Sclonco toxt-book says:
"Tho procuring cnuso nnd founda
tion of all sickness In fear, Ignor
ance or sin." It tenches In othor
words, that nil sickness Is iinroal
In tho soiiBo that It has no physical
So long as one- believes his mal
ady Is physical, ho naturally fcols
holplcBs. Hut when ho knows It Is
tho result ot erroneous thought, then
ho Is encouraged In tho conscious
nblllty to chango Hint thinking by
the presence nnd powor of Gods
truth, Somo roars seoni ovon
moro real than othors. Thoy
seem moro ronl whon tlssuo
dlBoiganlwitlon Is apparent. But
when examination discloses no
diseased organ or norvo. thoso
fears nro regarded ns' Intan
gible and suporstltloiis. Tho foar
from superstition Is called a doiu-
slon, and ls said to bo unreal, Tlio
patient Is said to bo decelvod by
1111 unreality, in either case wo
must know how to prove to the pa
tient the unreality of his fear, Just
us Jesus did when ho said, "Pence
bo still," aud the storm abated.
Physicians have obsorved thut tho
depressing and poisonous effects ot
fear, anger, hatred, Jealousy and so
forth aro rollovod by the wholosonie
effects or faith, hope, cheerfulness
and loving kindness which promote
health. How then shall thoy bo
administered to tho patient? The
method taught by the schools Is by
suggestion, human will, and human
reason, which uro us material as tho
disease. Thoy inuy bo omnloyed
Just ns well by a wicked man, by an
lufldel or a pagan, ono who knows
nothing about tho truth of God. Tho
Christian Scientist, jn tho other
hand, employs only tho spiritual
Mind which transcends brain or mat
ter, That Mind Is never transmitted
through suggestion; becnuso It Is
everywhere present, and its govern
ment prevails wherever It Is most
needed by tho pntlont. Wo simply
have to understand tlio over-presence
and activity of thut truth for
tko patient, and tho truth makes
free. Tho scripture says that "Fear
hath torment," but "porfect lovo
castoth out fear," Thoro Is no rem
edy known to tho human conscious
ness for fear of any sort, savo alone
divine love. It Is that undorstand-
i endeavored to force tho conclusion
thut dlsonso Is purely physical, and
that It roiiulrus a physical .remedy.
serious that It was ox- matter. The Christian Scientist Tho result Is that diseases have oc-
" ,0 dou't or controversy He two-fold, that there Is one truth So denr was my relation to dlvlno pectcd to result fatally Know- I0!lrllB that mortal, or human mind tunlly multiplied. Jesus proved that
"4,red therefore to nortrav a callcj reason, and another truth Intolllgen'o cstab'lshed, tnat Ing inai onjy spiritual tilings couia "u """ """. ana mat tho ui ibickiicbb, dlscaso una roar aro tno
1 "PPrehenslon of r-n.i i,v n,t called revelation, but that revelation ceased to limit my mental capacity savo nor. sue turneu to ner muie ror " is i" omy lawgiver rue errors anu not tno iruins 01 ueiug,
I tho . ul ViOU UV niaK ' ..... . ... ... , . 1 , .. I,nl ...... ..,.. n .1 ......I. I mfilnrlf. Ilul tAiiirqln., ...(.... . .. ,.... .....I ,!..... ,. . 1... 1. ..!... I I.., ,. ...i..,nl
v uennla ?.... i ... .. . ,,., .. laur nml In Iflrkltifr 111 n
Four thousand years or medlcli.o has',,,,. 0, 10 lUvl10 Md wnoao na.
turo Is Love, that gives to tho Chris
tian Scientist tho splrltuul power to
wlpo out tho tear or consumption
People familiar with ho f" hns no ,aw anU ,a lacll"S in a b" u'o size of a brain. Its scopo help, and as sho read those spiritual I materialist icporatea mind and bodyand they cun bo healed by a moiitnl
and to remove its physical effects.
11 is 011 uiai pasis mot unrisiiaii
Continued on Pago 4