The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 10, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Magazine Section, Page 10, Image 20

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Poultry and Dairy Products at Exposition
What "Small Produco" Means
to tho Modern Farmer, Appliances and Methods to Bo Shown In Affricnitn-i ,
Pacific Fair, tho Farm as a Manufacturing Plant. urai Palace at Panama.
(By Cliarlcn YT. Stevenson.)
TAKING tho fnrm ns n manufactur
ing unit tlio vnluo of tho small
produco rises Into largo nntional
importance It la not many years slnco
J. Ogdon Armour startled tho country
by a scries of articlos In tho Saturday
Evening Post on tho uso of tho re
frigerator car and its valuo to tho farm,
rjrg of tho country. Tho growth of
Croat dues wliilo presenting problems
if sorious political import furnishes a
jrast market for tho fanner. Tho in
cronso of transportation lines and tho
facilities for marketing produco havo
added materially to tho farmer's nn
rmnl Income. Tho woll-mnnagod farm
baa boeomo in truth, n factory. Inven
tion and machinery havo boeomo neces
sary adjunct!), and tho telophouo fur
bished a daily price list.
But ns in tho caso with cvory ad
vancing industry in n country densely
populated, having dh-cct and abundant
railroad connoctions, tho larger market
control prices. That this has boon of
jpmonso ndvantago to tho farmer tho
Iircsoat high scalo of prices of milk,
luitor, poultry and eecs testify. St
onls, Chicago and Now York prlcos
on turkeys, as an illustration, during
(ho holidny season, now control the
tablo of tho town-dweller throughout
ffho whole Mississippi Valley. And
whero, twouty years ago, tho market in
Ifio adjacent town controlled tho prico,
per dozen of spring broilers, today tho
prico Is quoted, per pound, at an nd
fnnoo of 300 to -100 per cent, whore,
fbnnorly, tho fnrmor ten miles from a
country town could not market tho
milk or his cows savo by tho laborious
process of churning It into butter by
prlmltivo mothoda, now by means of
tho cream separator, tho extracted
ynluos can bo sold nt stnblo markot
prices at tho front gate. So that it has
becorao profitably practical to pay at
fontlon to theso by-products of tho
Two ItcsnlUJ.
From theso changes two results nro
' apparent Small factories aro continu
ally springing up to cousumo tho dairy
products of smaller growing farm
areas; and country towns nnd small
railroad stations havo boeomo shipping
points for nil kinds of farm products,
especially poultry and eggs. Not only
this, but thp farm has boeomo a fac
tory for converting tho raw material
Into tho finished product, or advancing
H part way toward completion for con
sumption. And ngnin, rovortlng to tho
farm as a nnit, tho fnrm industry can
no longer ignoro theso sources of in
come. Nor can tho farmer rcfuso to
kcop nbreast of tho prices which pro
Tall; nnd whllo tho world's crop con
trols tho prico of corcnls, domestic con
sumption and trado must always afford
a minimum of domination in tho sev
eral countries in tho mattor cf small
produco, alboit nffectod by tho density
of population nnd tho growth of groat
cltios. Tho law of supply and demand
has moro freedom of action and gives
groator benefit
It follows that a group of tho ex
hibits in tho coming Pnnnmn-l'acific
International Kxposition dovotod to n
showing of "Appllnnces and Methods
Used in Agricultural Tndustrios" of tho
character enumerated, must provo of
dccldod advnntago and great scrvico to
tho farmers of tho world. And it Is to
bo mentioned that tho farmers of tho
What Are You
Going To Do?
Your futuro deponds upon your
trnining. Let us trnin you for a suc
cessful business career.
Ovor 2,000 students trained by ua
nro holding lucratlvo positions.
I. M. Walker, Treiidont.
Write us. No trouble to answer.
Unltod States may learn much from tho
display of European states, whllo South
American countries havo oven a larger
sourco of information in tho progress of
Magnltudo Shown.
A fow figures on dairy products and
tho production of poultry and eggs in
tho United States, available from tho
thirtconth census, shows tho magaitudo
of theso industries. In 1009 tho pro
duction of poultry, incluslvo of chick
ons, guinea fowls, turkeys, geeso, ducks,
pigeons nnd peafowls, amounted to
$4SS,-1 08,351 ; tho vnluo .of fowls raised
during tho year reaching $202,500,272,
nn lncroaso of -17.9 per cent ovor tho
total value for ton years earlier. Tho
production of eggs for tho samo year
(1909) was 1,591,311,371 do7.on. For
this yoar this was a production of 5.31
fowls por capita and 17.3 dozen eggs per
Again, tho dairy Industry for tho
United States, year 1909, roveals tho
Cows kept for milk on
farms, number . 20,025,132
Cows kept for milk not on
farms, numbor 1,170,338
Total 21,795,770
Milk produced on farms,
gallons. . 5,S13,C99,171
H utter mado on fnrms, num
bor of pounds-.. ..... 09 1,050,010
Butter mndo in falcorics,
pounds 021,701,053
CIioobo mado on forms,
pounds . 0, 105,S0 1
Checso mndo in factories,
pounds 311,120,317
Condensed milk produced,
pounds . 191,705,511
International Displays.
Itomomboring that tho 1'anama-Pa-clfic
is nn International Exposition, and
that tho European nntions by govern
mental or individual participation nro
to bo present, tho educatlvo importance
of thoso displays must riso in tho pub
lic regard. Our international agricul
tural exchanges must continuo under
tho natural laws of production in tho
great staples, but this class of fnrm
industries in countries lileo Germany,
France, Holland and England must have
much to toll tho farmers of tho United
States and tho rest of tho world. Tho
industries nro classified as follows:
aitOUP 118.
Appliances and Methods Used In Agri
cultural Industries.
Class 507 Typos of agricultural fac
tories connected with farming;
dairies; creamcrlos; checso factories,
Class 503 Oil mills; margarino fac
tories; grain olovntora and appliances.
Class 509 Workshops for tho prepara
tion of toxtllo fibres.
Class 570 Equipment for tho breeding
of birds and for tho artificial hatch
ing, raising or fattoning of poultry.
Poultry foods. Mothoda of and ap
pliances for packing and transporting.
Class 571 Markot gardening. Build
ings and appliances for growing,
gathering, packing nnd marketing
vegetables. Processes nnd cqulpmont
employed in tho forced -culturo of
vegetables and plants, with spcclmons
of products.
What in tho United Stntos is an over
increasing domestio trado in tho older
countries mentioned enters into tho for
eign exchange, Holland, for oxamplo,
selling its chiof foreign shipments to
its neighbors.
Farmer Ownership.
Tnking Class 507, comprising dairies,
crenmorios nnd chcoso factories, tho Im
portance to tho individual fnrmor lies
in tho fact that tho tendency of tho
tlmo is towards stock company owner
ship of all of thoso among tho farmers
thomsolvcs. In tho Stato of Iowa tho
farmers principally own tho crenmorios.
And 'it is almost certain with tho ex
tension of tho agricultural credit sys
tem, ns operated in Germany, to tho
fanners of tho United Stntos, tho own
ership of theso local factories by tho
farmers thomsolvcs will increase
It becomes Imperative thoroforo that
tho progressive farmer acquaint hlmsolf
not only with tho npplinnccs nppllcnblo
to tho individual farm, but with thoso
rgor systems which nro employed in
tho locnl factories now being planted
ndjacont to tho fnrms. Ho has doublo
interest in this class of dlspluyo, first
in tho machinery ho enn Install on his
own fnrm, nnd second in tho best kind
to Instnll in tho factory in which ho
mny boeomo n stockhdldcr.
Theso nro economic nnd political
problems connected with this group of
farm industries that aro worthy of
montlon. Tho tendency of theso smnll
products of tho fnrm must bo to rcduco
itH acreage, n condition which should ho
hailed as a civic boom. Not only docs
tho intcnslvo farming of tho individual
aero onlnrgo Its production, but tho in
crenso of tho country home ndds stnbil
ity to a nntlon's politicnl llfo. Tho
spread of this form of investigation and
knowlodgo has a fnr-rcochlng effect and
ndds a forco and vnluo to tho depart
ment of agriculture at nn opposition
thnt Is aboro material benefits and
commercial profit
Form aa a Factory.
Nevertheless, it intensifies tho farm
or 'a consideration of tho fnrm ns a
unit, n factory, if you will, to be opor
atod in tho light of tho best business
methods. Just how far tho individual
farmer may go in dovotlng land, tlmo
and capital to theso phases of produc
Hon will employ his highest business
ncumon and must bo dependent upon
not only tho productive conditions of
Ills Individual ncrengo, nut his relation
to tho Immediate and rcmoto markets.
Hut it seems certain that, with cur-
What Did It Matter?
"Gracious, isn't it dark!" muttered
old Mrs. Gimps, ns tho einemn attend
ant with ono streak of his electric lamp
showed her a Bont
Loosening her bonnet-string, Mrtt. G.
tried to penetrato tho surrounding
"How d'you llko it, grnn.dmaf" in
quired her young grandson, who hnd
boldly nccompnniod tho old lady on
this, her initiation into tho glamour of
thu film.
" 'Sli 'shl" was tho grandamo'a
only nnswor.
So vera times ho ossnyed to sound hor
ns to her improsslons of tho pneo, but
was sternly mndo to hold his peace. On
reaching homo ho told tils mother nil
that had passed.
"Didn't you caro for It, molhorT"
sho inquired of tho old lady.
"Yes, my denr," said Mrs. G.; "but,
what with tho boy talking nnd mo got
ting n bit deaf, I couldn't hear a word
thoy saldl"
Always raid For.
Apropos of tho rccont strain on Col.
Roosevelt 'b health, Dr. Lyman Abbott
said In New York:
"Popularity must alwnya bo pnld
for paid with tlmo, with health, with
Smiling, Dr. Abott added:
"There's a story about popularity
Lnfnyotto'a popularity which, llko a
parable, has a universal application.
"Lnfayctto, at n funeral nftor tho
Involution, wns tremendously applauded
by tho pcoplo, who finally took his
horsos from his carriage nnd drew him
homo to his hotel themselves.
" 'You must havo bcon pleased,' a
friend said to Lafayette aftorward.
" 'Yea, I was,' ho answered; ronly
I novor nw my horsos again.' "
rent prices, no f,rm.. -J
,,,, poftr 7i
production In . hL . Wni of
own enterprise br ins Z
Nor does it soem W u " 'elar
Individual dairy, pS-l . W of
farms will destroy " , "j"4
is a utillwtlnn of wa.t: , ,a ' U
and unproductive landsvlT
tcrod grain, was, TtVX.Vi
lor and rouRht.o,s anu 11 aho(
this is truo, fa.luro to .X. " M
of modem 'machinery c g
thoso armtnduMriesmnst
n burden rather tl-,n a t..7?" lke
Appliances and method, as she., t
W Broun at the tonmVm
torsional Exposition mu.t rein
pocial benefit to every farmer wWn"
attend. Manifestly. U 71
Ideas between the countries mn J.
suit in greater reflective stndy thrLT
out tho world. The nnnuSerS
exhibit in this action will SnW
return tho commercial rewards of BrtL
tho only basis of lasting trade, ft
application of electrical motors to fin!
machinery is constantly ming h
nnd liberalizing upon the fm. A
rccont writer calls attention to th j.
slblllty of returning tho loom to lb.
homo through tho distribution of (1
tncnl power, thus Mving many of the
sweatshop and mill problems of thedii
On tho farm, it is certain, that
iongor is thcro any portion of tho toUl
product beneath tho consideration of
tho skilled and wealthy huilandmiii,
and with incrcnsiiig machines to do Ike
work tho disadnntagcs arc disappear.
ing. Tho one-crop farmer, drudging a
vost field, belongs to the past.
Way one and Ul
pictures of yoar
stocks, crops xti
Wo carry iQ
rnpplies and do
313 Washington St., Portland, Orejtm.
aa'-rar.T?.. -J I
On of Our Ii.oiis.
With our plans anil your han-
homo-building la an easy matter,
Vt'a furnUh the lumVr, trim. JMri, !
dow, cut and nuniberrJ to (it our plui.
Also (Inlth, paint, stain, htnWsrt, plultf
or Interior wsltbotnl. Just follow oor plus
nil a pennmonl, suUiUntUl sod slincllte
bom will bo yours. Your own ld cu
rled out. Catalogue of tlacs free. Write
090 Broadway, rortlacd, Orejox '
Music Taught by Mail
Our coune ol iuuuctlo b ibwlmtlr f. ' Va.S SJi
iKiuid Utu A cAU4 aa kwo. Tualoo l. lat
pirmcou II ilnlrol.
'' "twmj
SmJcnt rcctlra the time ttwntlon u If wn Pnul
UKhn. Oitr 1000 iwll ertiaiirt. Rricfw. ?:
wtro NMionxl UiiJL. PonliU i r mtn--a M
aJJxoKt oaiojuett.
6th & Antny 8ta, rortland, Ore.