The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 22, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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llcml The Times every day fur tlio
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The Times.
;"leCW.SH..y Times.
I wWWII ICHtllllllwllCil 1H7H
I lOL AAA VII. IIS T,o Const Mall
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall
and Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 157
Col. P. S. MtoWe Wildly Sa-
utea on hiuvh u "
Bay Today.
BY UHLC IWiuiuni
it 1 f ll
Docks at Marsmieia win
Commence upuiauuna uu
Bar Tomorrow
llMJCOMA Clit'll TO
Tho Mllllconm Club will Fri
day night lender an informal
.nnirnr nt lis idiib rooniH for MnJ.
1 jnv J. Morrow, tlio offlcorB of
i tho dredgo P. S. .Mlclilo anil a
few Invited guos b.
I This wnB first iilanneil for Dc
rcnilcr, but was postponed ow
In to tho delay In tlio nrrlvnl
I of tho Mlclilo and Major Mor-
i rAII mciiihcrs of the club nro
I expected to bo In nttendnnco
nnil welcome tlio distinguished
v Isltors. I '
ImplrliiR coiifldonro tlint bIio will
tc tho means of throwing wide tho
citcwny to an Inland oinplro, tho
poerfnl sca-solng bnr dredgo Col-,
oncl 1 S. Mlclilo. captnin ,101111 u.
iiooii unsjcil In over the bar at tlio
cntranro to C'oo liny this tnornliiK
at 9 15 o'clock and was accorded n
welcome greeting such as no othor
craft ever received on cntorlng tho
local harbor j
Steams up Harbor. I
Steaming majestically up tho har
bor from tho entrnnco. with flags
flying, sho was greeted by hundreds
of whistles, beginning with tlio bii
luto from tho strong lungB of tho
llrcakwntor. which stnrlcd things.
"Throw her wldo opon," Hhoiited
Capt Mncgcnn, ns ho Bcrnmbled tip
to tho bridge. i
Sidntcs Itiiar Loudly. I
Ills Instructions wora followed.)
ipilckly and tho prolonged roar of
the whlstlo brought hundreds of
North Headers hurrying to tlio water
front as tlio Col Mlclilo Btonmod by
on her wny mi Hi- hnrbor with Mn-
Jor Morrow, l'. S. Knglnuor, or Port
land, Rtnndlng on tho bridge with
Captain He! I and IiiBpuetor Good
win. I
When tlio llrenkwntor flnnlly lot
up, tho Mlclilo answered with a deep
throaty roar. similar to the wlilstloB
of dfeixsea liners, and tho sound was
rffglfrnnt of the future, whon wlilB
tles of a slmllnr tono will bo hoard
frequently in tho local harbor from I
overseas craft
Pium's Steam Schooner.
Tho Col. Mlclilo stoniiicd on and
at she passed tho 1'ortor Mill, tho
big steam sclioonor A. M. Simpson,
loading lumber at that point, follow
ed the liruikwutor's load with a pro
longed salute, which was In turn ,
answered by tho poworful 8tonmor-i
dredge, which proceeded In tho con-1
ter of tho chnnnol up to tlio Marsh-'
field dock of tho Btcnincr Allliinco. j
Every whistle, Including tho siren
nd tho big ronror of tho C. A. i
Smith mill set up n snluto In unison.
Auto horns woro tooted and even
the whistle of tho pennut Btund lot1
out n shrill toot It was a momen-!
tpus nccislon and half tho popula
tion of the town hurried to tho wnt-1
erfront, whero tho niemborB of tho
'ort commission woro nssombled to
sreet Major Morrow. Captain Reed
nd Inspector (loodwin.
Simpson Greets Morrow.
LOUls J SlmiiRnn Htonnnil for.
ard as tlio big craft wns niudo fnat,
o tho wharf, nnd greeted Mnjorl
;;mrow' w,, wnB smiling ovor tho,
ratling of tho brldgo.
Welcome back to Coos Hay, Mn-I
JOr, he nllPil. ''nnil stnv wIMi uu
fii1 soon. ns tll United States of
leers could got ashoro thoy woro
nn.fn .u,,lder tl10 w'ng of tho Port
lommlsslon f.,j cimmbor of om-
Holef nncl e (or,ml t0 th Chnndlor
iin.llI? "'"iitlmo hundrods or poo
MtV . clly scrambled aboard tho
"art and examined ovory nook nnd
wrner of tlio big ship. Thoy block
,i ,fr' Bn"Bway. entrnnco and exit
"'"ef fleers and crow worp com-
cu in,,. 8l?I,d 'mck "' ,et tlio
fi'rouB luiMirejg bavo tholr way,
th. Le,urlos',y wns satisfied nnd
" decks were cleared for action.
, l)oi p1 by oale.
-,,.. Bnntd liavo boon hero yes
icruaj mpr-lug as wo had announc
ed r,n cila.rc'1 Cantaln need, "but
ter rt.i ,0 ,a 8tlff Ba, shortly nf
uid..V,nB..from tne Columbia and
which !?m heH(hvny f0" "any Hours,
JWcu delayed us almost a whold
ho'w!vLCo1 Vlc,,lQ ls a "no seaboat,
wmfor&i iRml Bh0 stood th0 tr,n
veSa1Jly nnd without anylncon
clas ZVnl an;b0y- Sho Is In first
on the ,,f ?nd roa(,y to bo to work
has nrovl, tonio,rrow morning, Slio
anddnrir,, b0 a Breat success
to the nS, ,CT ,tr'0t at the entranco
cubic vrt ,mb!a a"6 P'cketl UP "
lc ard8 of sand In G7 minutes."
When .It ,tk. Tomorrow.
WMwnnned .nbout tho t,mo tl10
P. Reed d"itart.w..rk on th0 bnr'
tart rlti, dfe,1ared that she would
' "eat at it tomorrow, InU that
Will Commence on Bar as Soon
as Weather Settles
Brings Up Fish
Assistant United StntoH Knglneer
G. 13. Goodwin, of Portland, who ar
rived on tho Cooh Hay bar dredgo
Mlclilo with Major Jny Morrow, de
clared today that tho dredgo would
Hlnrt work on tho bar Just ns booh
ns tho weather proved favorable. Ho
declared work would bavo been com
menced today If tho entiaiico had
been Biuooth,
Contrary to tho general ImprcsHlnu
horc, Mr. (loodwin Hinted that thu
dredgo would bo able to opornto on
thu bnr only whon It In smooth, nB
thoro waa a chanco that tho dredging
arm, or teiitaclu, which sucks tho
Hand from tho bottom, would lie In
jured from too violent motion on tho
part of tho ship In heavy Boas.
Ooodwlii In Charge.
Mr. Coodwlu will ho In charge of
the dredging operations hero for
the next four or five weeks, or until
the work Is running smoothly and
without prospect of a hitch. He will
spend most or his tlmo aboard the
craft, making a close Htudy of her
work nnd the bar conditions at thu
mouth of tho harbor.
ICuglueer Goodwin ithlH morning
saw Hovernl or tho gold dredging
ninchlucH holng constructed nt tho
N'ulson Iron Works and ho nnd Cap
tnin Heed were humorously consid
ering taking tlio gold out of tho sand
sucked from tlio bnr and making
clgnr money.
SuiiiN l?p I'IhIi.
Cnptnln Heed stated thlfl morn
ing Unit during tho tryout madu of
tlio bur dredgo on the Columbia, nor
miction pump proved bo poworful
that hundreds of largo crabs, skate,
Hole, halibut and' dozen h of other
varieties of fish and sea llfo were
drawn up from the bottom nud piled
Into tho Mx tanks taking enre or tho
Hand. Ho declared that largo fish
from threo to rive fuc-t long had noon
drawn through the dredging nrm by
tho suction pump, tho fish coming
through In ploces tho slo of tho olght
eoii holes In the tentacle, which rests
on tho bottom when operating,
Will Iteiiialu lleie.
Mr. Goodwin stated today tl'at
thoro was little prospect of tho Col.
P. S. Mlchle being used on tho Col
umbia Itlver, as ho had been con
structed exclusively ror tho deoponlng
or the bar nt tho entrnnco to Coos
Hay and' would make thin her homo
port. Tho total cost of tho dredgo Is
estimated to bo npproxlinntoly $100.
000, appropiiiited by tho Government
for the Improvement of tho local har
bor. Ouo of tho questions coming up
first Ib tho disposal of tho sand tak
en from tho Inner part of tho bnr.
The Mlclilo con Htoani out to sea with
it if necessary, but rnstor tlmo enn bo
nindo by securing sonio spot In the
harbor whero tho sand enn bo dump
ed and this will be disposed or by tho
Port Commission. It Is oxpectod.
Keeps On Moving.
Cnptaln Heed today stated that tho
dredgo iIoob not stay In ono spot and
dig tho Band, but keops on tho niovo
like n steamer running In and out
of tho hnrbor. Slio picks up tho sand
whllo going nt tho rato of ono to
ono and a half miles an hour, clean
ing out n long BtTeak. nnd returning
nnd repeating the performance. Rap
id work enn bo performed under this
A rent ii ro of tho dredging arm, or
tcntnclm Is that It will take up Biones
u foot long by six Inches in diameter
Just as onslly ns tho sand, and any
thing which Is small enough to go
through tho olghteon holes In tho
end of tho dredging arm has to come
through to tho tanks.
sho would lay at tho Alliance- dock
today to securo fresh water nnd a
few things required boforo going to
the entrance to tho harbor.
Captain Reed is no stranger to
Coos Bay, but has many warm
rrlends here. Ho was connected
with the boats or tho Simpson Lum
ber Company for nearly olghteon
years and first came to tlio Bay In
1874. Ho left horo four years ago
in charge of tho tug Holyoko, which
took tho dredgo Oregon away from
Coos Bay.
lli'liiHS (Joed Dredge.
"You took n poor dredgo away
nnd brought back a good one, Cap-
""That about hits it," replied tho
captain with an amused smile.
SMOOT IJILIj r wound.
JDr Auoclitea rr to Coo Dtr TlmM.l
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22.--Tlio
Smoot bill to open Alaska classi
fied lands to homesteaderg has been
favorably reported,
Bones of Tug Escort, Sunk 25
Years Aqo, Being Removed
for Dredge
Fifty sticks of dynamite exploded
at ono "bang" beneath the keel or
tho mud-covered skeleton of tho
old tug Escort, across tho chnnnol
from tho Alliance dock, yesterday
nrtomoon failed to dlslodgo tho
bones or the crnrt which onco Turr
nlshcd a bonHro ror Mnrshrield cit
izens about twonty-rivo years ngo.
Tho removal or tho wreckage, In
cluding tho heavy shaft, propellor
and bolts still sticking out or tho
mud nnd timbers, haB been ordorcd
by tho Port Commission nt tho re
quest or .Port Knglneer ChnrlcBon
and Ib being carried out by Julius
l.arscn and n force or four men.
Tho wreckago lies In tho pathway
or tho dredgo Scattlo and must bo
removed. It will bo broken up by
sovcrnl heavy charges or dynnmlto
and tho pIcccb will ho removed by
thu Larson derrick nnd scows.
The explosion or tho dynnmlto yes
tcrday shook tho ontlro city nnd
caused qulto n llttlo tidal wnvo to
run ovor the mud flnts across from
jtho waterfront. Tho wrcekors lind
moved to n safe distance, but tho
rorco or tho explosion Hont wntor
soaked wood a eoiiHldurnblo dls-
.totice, sonio or It dropping within
'n row root or tho Alllnnco dock. Tho
rirst choree railed to dlslodgo tho
anclont hull, but knocked sovcrnl
lnrgc chunks out or her, bo Hint tho
next attempt will bo moro success
ful. Tho mon will plnco nnothcr
charge under tho derelict nt the
next low tide.
The removal of tho wreckage
marks the passing of n well-known
mnrk In the harbor. Tho Escort
wns a powerful sea-going tug of
old-fnBhloned lines nnd was prob
ably tho rirst dcop-scn tug In Coob
Hay. Sho waB owned by K. B.
Dcnn until hor Bervlces woro no
tlonger vnlunblo becauso or .her age,
when ho decided to wreck her. In
IdlspoBlng or her it was decided to
.uso hor ns "tlio means or shirting
I tho chnnnol further west by allow
ing her to sink on the east side of
Itlict ilnnnnp wnfnt
Tlila ..inn ivntt nntirm'Pil nf Hint
time, and tho whole town turned
out to seo tho big tug burned to
tho water's edge and sunk nt tho
point desired. This wnB successful
ly enrried out nnd tho wreck wnB
tho mcaiiB or shifting tho channel
closer to tho Alliance dock.
In dcoper water, near tho old Es
cort, nro tho hones of tho old tug
Messenger, which caught flro whllo
moored to the Alliance dock ono
night mnny years ngo. Tho fireman
had removed tho flro pnn and tnkon
It up town for ropalrs, nnd when ho
roturncd the tug wns n blazing fur
nnco. It was on this crnrt that Sen
ator Harry Lano, ns n young man, Ib
said to have handled many n cord
of wood to feed the rirca under tho
tug s boilers
Chas. K. Hamilton, Famous
Aeronaut, Succumbs Sud
denly in New York
(n AworlitKl rr m Coot n Tlmf 1
vww vnillf .Tnn. 59 dlinrlcn
If llntiilltnn. wliti irnlned fa 111 O as
an avlntor by flying from Now York
in IHillmlnlnliln nnil rnttlrtl. (lied
suddenly nt his homo todny. HIb
wiro wan aroused uy linniiiion b
groans, but ho was dead hcroro n
nlivulr.lnn rnnplinil llin lioilBO. TIlO
imimn nt ilnnHi wnn Internal bomorr-
lioge. He wos twenty-eight years
Hamilton was tho victim or many
fnllo In liln nnrnnliinnn. Inrlllillliu
ono In Seattle In tho spring or
10 10. Recently no nurrorcu n gen
eral physical breakdown.
Take Soil From Coos Bay
Bar Like a Devil Fish
Draws Blood
Thirty-four men, Including tho cap
tain nnd officers, composo tlio crew
.if Hi.. iin Iinr ilrnili.rt Pot. P. R.
Ml,.liln u'liloli nrrlvoil In tint hnrbor.
....'. ........ -.. -.-
I from the Columbln River this morn-
lug. Including tlio navigator of tho
i snip more nro iniueu amies ciigin
j eei-H who will have charge of t.o
dredging opornuous.
Tho offlcorB aro iib follows:
Captain. Jehu C. Heed; Klrst Mnto,
Flthyop I'Jaiem; Second Mate. IM
wnrd Lnngkow, Chler Knglneer, John
J. Duly; First AsslsMint Knglneer,
Mende, nud Second AsHltunt Kngln
eer Knott.
Works I.Ike Oitopus.
The operation or tho dredgo on
the sand bar at the entrance to tho
harbor will bo similar to the man
nor In which uu octopus drnws blood
from Kb victim. Tho Mlchle. how
ever, luiB only ono huge tentnclo, tho
mouth of which Is about twelvo root
wldo and four feot across. A dozen
oblong holos, ono foot long and six
Inches wldo, aro scnttored or tho sur
faco or tho tentacIo'B mouth. This Is
dropped down to any dopth to 3G
root undor water and drags on tho
Knuckles stick out rrom tho edge
to allow a certain nniount or wntor to
ho sucked up by tho steamer nlong
with tho snud, which Ib drawn by a
hugo pump, twolvo root In diameter,
Into any ono or six huge steol com
partments or tanks, which will hold
1200 cubic ynrds or sand. Tho tallies
can bo filled separately or all togeth
er, and thoy cnu bo emptied separ
ately or all at once, by the operations
of hydraulic lovors.
Tim livilrnnlln lnVOTH nllOll tllO bot
tom of tho six tanks nnd allow the
sand to fall through tho bottom of
tlin alii,, nflnr ulin hfld utpnilll'll Ollt tO
boh with her cargo of sand. When
theso nro emptied bIio ib returned 10
...,.i, ..ii.i Mm (iiiiUh nrn ftllpd tiualn.
At tho rato of 090 cubic ynrds in C7
minutes, tho Btoamor-dredgo cnu re
movo an enormous nmouut or snnd
rrom tho Coos Hay bar.
Das Hugo Pump.
The powor plant ror operating tho
steamer ls or 900 horBopower, while
tho pump ror operating tho huge suc
tion pump, which drnws tho sand tho ulnL'ln In tun tentacle
resting on tho bottom, down through
tho center or tno snip-a uouoiu, ib oi
7G0 horso powor. Tho Btenmor also
hns two largo dynamos ror furnishing
electricity on the ship, one being kept
Tor an emergency. When not In ubo
tho huge tentnclo in tho ship's wast
is elevated clear abovo tho upper
deck while all or tho seven huge op
enings in tho ship's bottom can bo
closed by hydraulic lovors whenovor
required, either to take hor sand'ear
go out to sen or when she Is steam
ing between ports.
Tho quarters or the orflcors and
crew nro very similar to those on a
battleship nnd there Is llttlo chnnco
or her suffering from a flro. Tho
finish or the crart Is principally In
oak and thore aro bathrooms,
showers and othor features nec
essary for tho health and com
rort or thoso aboard the crart.
The pilot house ls extremely
roomy, also the working quar
ters ror tho officers, and engin
eers. The chart houso Is also roomy
and Is equipped like the quarters of
an architect ashore.
At present the dredgo will work
Coquille River Receding at
Myrtle Point No Mail
Tho continued heavy rnln Ib caus
ing sonio slight freshots In Coob
County, but nothing or n serious
imturo. All or tho stronms nro
nwollon. Desplto tho prolonged rain,
tint rn I n ran sinco Hopicinuor 1 i
about seven Inches less than n yonr
ngo. Tho Coqiilllo River Ib up high
nnd at noon wiih about threo Indus
ovor tho local railway tracks nt
Schrocder's crossing abovo Coquille.
Tho trains woro nblo to got through
all right. At Myrtlo Point the river
recoiled ton Inches HiIb forenoon.
Not as mnny logs nro being flouted
out In tho Coqulllo ns was expected.
Tho Incoming mall hnd not reach
ed hero from Rosoburg nt .1 o'clock
but wnB oxpectod soon. It wns de
layed by a bad slldo on tho Brow
stor grado nbout four miles wost or
Capt. K. Georgo Smith, or Coos
Rlvor, reported that Coos Rlvor
was raising rapidly today. '
About 2,000,000 roet or logs .avo
boon flonted out of Hoock's enmp In
Smith Bnsln nud about 1,000,000
moro to got out Tho logs woro
Jammed nenr Sailor Jack's i.mco,
nbovo tho head of navigation this
morning. The Coos Rlvor booms
nro all filled.
Clarence Gould floated his logs
out on thd freshet n few weeks ago.
only olght.hours a day, as bIio will bo
required to have a doublo crow to
work a doublo shift. Tho steamer,
whllo built ror dredging on n bar
whero tho ordinary dredgo could not
live, will ho nblo to operato among
tho smaller breakers, but when It Is
rough she will bo unnblo to do much,
nud will dovoto hor tlmo to sucking
up tho sand on tho luuor sldo or tho
bnr until tho brenkora disappear.
Whllo there aro dredgos on tho
east coast which operate similar to
to the Col. P. S. Mlclilo, tho latter
has many now reatures which mnko
hor tho latest production for bar
work. Hor tryout on tho Columbia
proved to bo a porfect success, nc
cordlng to the orflcors nnd thoy nro
confident Hint thoy can do u groat
work In deoponlng tho channel to
Coob Hay.
Tho Col. P. S. Mlchle was built for
tho United States government by the
Seattle Shipbuilding and Construction
company, principally for uso on tho
Coos Hay bar. Sho was completed
several months ago, but during Hint
time sho has been undergoing n series
of trials on Pugot Sound nnd on tho
Columbia River beforo being accepted
by the Government.
Tho steamer Ifi 2-15 reot long, has
44 reet beam, a "O-root dopth or hold'
and draws 11 reet or water when her
water ballast Is discharged.
The bar dredge Col. P. S. Mlchl
carries three lire-boats. Ono Is or
the regulation typo, a smaller ono
is fitted Insldo and a third llfobont
Is a 25-foot power craft which Is
as able as tho power lifeboat at the
life-saving station. It Is designed
from tho lines oftho Columbia River
fishing boat, but Is finished In oak
and mahogany. It Is a fine looking
crart nnd Is equipped with a Ster
ling engine of eight horso power,
which gives It a speed of over nlno
miles an hour, It will ho used as a
tender for tho dredge and Ib cnpablo
of making tho bar in ordinary
Measure to Bar Asiatics Held
up Until Secretary Bryan
Is Heard From
read to committee
Secretary of State Optimistic
Over Diplomatic Situation
As to Japanese
llljr AMOriatrd Trrm lo Coon lly TlmrJ
WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 22.
After nn executive conforenco (tho
Houbo Immigration Commltteo de
clined todny to open henrlngB on tho
Halter hill to bar Asiatic Immigration.
Chairman Hurnctt Heclnred tho com
mltteo found ItHolf not yet ready to
proceed with the bill, and othor mem
bers said' thoy wished to hoar rrom
Secretary Bryan boforo taking up tho
The address of tho Jnpnueso min
ister of foreign nffulrs to parliament
In Toklo yestordny wns read In tho
meeting and discussed. A communi
cation from tho Btnto department wnB
also received.
Secretary Uryan wnB optimistic to
dny In commenting upon tho diplo
matic situation. Ho declined to Bay
whether an answer would bo.dollv
orcd to tho last Japnneso noto, pre
sented uy viscout cninua iubi August.
f fir AnxKlntfel I'itm In Coon nr Tlmm.1
MKXICO, Jan. 22. Jorgo Vorn
Kstnnol, ono of the 110 doputlcB
thrown Into jail by President Iluor
ta on October 10, 1913, was smug
gled out of town InHt night by Nel
son O'Shnughucssy, American Charge
d'AffalrH, nnd sent snfoly on his
way to Vorn Cruz.
KHtanol Ib n prominent nttornoy
and was Minister of Public Instruc
tion In tho cnblnot of tho late ProB
Idout Mndoro, nud wns rolcasod
from ponltontlury by an order of
court. Kstnnol and friends, believ
ing his llfo In danger, nppenled to
O'SliauglmosBy, who got n prlvato
car and with groat secrecy put Ks
tnnol aboard. Tho car was then
attached to tho regular train Tor
Vorn Cruz, rrom which point It la
assumed Kstnnol will sail at onco.
Rumors huvo been current In the
Federal capital ror tho last two
days that Kstnnol nnd Rudolfo
Reyes, former Provisional Minister
or Justico, had h on socrotly oxocut
od. The Inttor, howovor, Is still In
(Ilr Awltil Prr lo Coo nay TlmM.l
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22 Kmllo
G. Ducolu, said by tho pollco to
,bo tho leader or a whlto slnvo ring,
'was arrested last night In his hand
somely furnlslnl rosldenco. Tho
police refused to parmlt htm to rldo
to Jail In Ills own auto. Ho spout
,1110 night In n coll.
Ducolu Is said to hnvo nmassod n
'rortuuo or $1100,000 in a short tlmo.
M'lm iwtllpn utiv lio fitintili linnatrirt
'ho was enjoying protection nnd do-;
rind the whlto slavo squad to ar
rest him.
I Ho Is alleged to hnvo trndod ex
pensively In Kuropenu wonion or tho
'underworld, llo proventod tholr de
portatlon by marrylnm thorn off to
, Impecunious men who lent their
minion to the women ror tho pny
mcut or $100. Ducolu enmo horo
I rrom Joannosburg, South Africa, two
years ngo.
ISSUES ord'er senate takes
Emperor William Instructs Men
Not to Lean on Arms of
(Or Aaaorlatfel !'" lo Coo nay Tlmn.)
LONDON, Jan. 22. A Ilorlln dis
patch to tho Daily Mali says tho Km
poror hnB decided that hercaftor no
nrmy orricor Is to tuko tho arm or his
wlfo or any other woman whon walk
ing, ir thoro Is to be any holding
arms, tho woman must do It.
Tho now order Ib Inspired by tho
Kmporor's boiler that loaning for
support on tho arm or n womnu com
panion Is not condiiclvo to manly
I (Or Auoi lale.1 Treia to Coof nay Tlmra.
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 22. During
1912, 23C0 minors, or 3.27 for ovory
1000 employed, woro killed, accord
ing to a report made to the conven
tion of tho United Mlno Workers
by Statistician W. II. Fahy. .
Tho convention engaged today in
a dobato ovor tho seating or dologntes
delinquent In International assessments.
Illy Aolatsl IToi o Lou (lay Timet,)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jnn. 22. I
The Sennto recessed lato today I
I until noon tomorrow without I
I hnvlng renehed a final voto on I
I tho Alaska rnllrond bill. I
- 4
(ny Anoclilf.l rrca lo Coo. nay Tlmra.
Tho project of tlio Government own
ed nnd operated rnllrond In Alaska
was up for n voto In tho Sonata
todny nftor nearly two weeks' do
bato. It had beon ngrecd to begin
tho roll call at rour o'clock. Tho
subject Is yot In Its flist stages
or debate in tho Houso, whero dolo
gato Wlckorshnm, or Alaska, ban
offered tho menHiiro virtually tho
samo as tho Chamberlain bill.
Weoks may olapso boforo tho
Houso nets. Tho Chamberlain bill
ns amended In committee, would
authorize tho President to construct
nbout 1000 mllos of railway nt a
cost not to exceed $.15,000,000, to
connect Alaska's coast with the ln
torlor country. Full discretion Is
loft with the President to "select a
rou to.
Tho pronosed nmondmonts provid
ing for n Government steamship Una
to Pacific Coast ports nnd ror the
Government oporntlon or coal mines
in Alaska wore rojectcd bv tho com
mltteo. but nro oxpected to bo
brought up again on tho floor.
Threo Republlcnn Senators, Jones,
Borah, Kenyan nnd Polndoxtor,
Progressive, supported tho bill In
lengthy nrgumonts during tho de-
bato, ana wonntor worris aiso in
dicated his Intention to voto for It.
WUllnms nnd Bankhead. Democrats,
opposed it. Virtually all opposition
revolved around tho principle ot
Government ownership of rallwaya.