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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
RE ARE BUT FEW SHADE TREES IN THE AVERAGE MAN'S EIELD Of LABOR M Qkroa lag tm?s t.nST ARTICLES - .. - t. rf.f. ...... ....... NOW IS YOUR TIME. A small nil In Tho Times want t fiiilllll llirmiKii ' nfi ilH'in! t'sc tlicin! They column limy bring you results nn mediately. Try one. ffllll' MEMBER OP THK ASSOCIATED PRESS .. . ..1I-1....1 Im iOftl MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913 EVENING EDITION 10 PAGES & Consolidation of Times, Const Mull And Coos liny Advertiser. No. 270 XXXV I. M Tho Const Mull. SEVELT GIVEN SIX CENTS IN LIBEL CASE DAMAGES ... iuru Rrinns In Vcr- n His Favor for That 1 fi.!- Atlnmnnn lOUni Miiaji .""" )R NEWETT TELLS COUHI nt io ounni lnru tn Finri Former President in ii :--.! Cum Nomiuui ouin .....J Prr.l lo Coot 117 Timet. IqUETTK. Midi.. May 31. Ew. ' . ii..nonvnit'ii statement Boionci """ .:" " ,,. ,i,,i iA not romniuiiru i..u ...... r l. 4nrv liroilcht 111 tt for six cents In favor hh In- .. i vu'nii wont on the wlt- und'thls afternoon nnd rc- the alleged unci cnnrging w i. tltwlth iiniUKcncsB. ne mni . hit been ImprcBscd thnt nn te hail been dono Colonel U n mi puinienwon m mu ,id deeply rcBrottcd It. Tho I then, in person, iisaon mu to Instruct tho Jury to bring llr nominal dnmnges. Tjree, riniuu annuo . iim Southern District of lirflnla. who wiih In tho bp irtlcc ilurlnK the UooacvoU titration nml who wiih iio- ko accompany tlio rrosuicnr lone trips, testmcu mm v;oi- ooievelt was "always per lober." James Slonnc. nn ttrct service ninn, gavo slm- llntony. MliiH rrrt l l"o" "jr Timet. QUETTK, Mich., Mny 31. locicvclt. Ilrst cuuhiii or tiic Rooievelt. who Ib prohnlily im nr Willi tlln liro 01 llio rresldctit tlmn any other of j BMJCS III tllO UOBBOVOIl-INOW- I mil. Iiolnir tried here. tcstl- kjr to tho nlistcmiousncsH or tier PrpKlil'nt. km Loeli, .lr., rollci'tor of cus- I the Port of Now yoric, iob i) the temperate liuhltB nnd It of Roosevelt. SENATORS BY DIRECT VOTE Sec. Bryan Signs Seventeenth Amendment to U. S. Con ' stitution Today tllr Arvlle,l Vttn lo Cooi IUr Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, 1). C. May 31. in tho preeenco of n notnblo company, Including many legislators, who hail to do will, Its ndoptlon.'Ilryan today signed the formal nnuouncomont of tho Bovonth amendment to tho con tltutlon, providing for direct election of ScnutoiB. ISE ELD 0 leans Meet to Consider rity Appointments focrats Meet Monday ltI I'rm lo Cooi lltjr Tlmn.) M.NGTON. D. C. Mny 31. Me Republicans caucused to pe minority appointments to fe. Most of tho Republicans tti aro much tho snmo ns H Congress. Tho Progres- rudjr hnvo announced tholr m assignments nnd tho Dom I'l consider n majority nor- f fommltteo organization at nt Monday afternoon. US FRAY i EMPIRE TARIFF GRIND IS KEPT OP Sub-committee of Senate Con tinues Consideration of Measure Today Mr Auocliti.1 rri to Cool nl TlmM.l WASHINGTON. I). C, Mny 31. Tho SonntorB on tho llnnnco Bub-com-mltteo Krlndlng on tho tariff bill forn nworo their usual weekend holiday nnd continued nt work. Tho aub lommlttco working nn tho ndmlnls trntlon features considered tho possi bility of nmondlng " tho nntl-dump-Ing" cliuiEo to tnlce articles on tho frco list and worked on n modifica tion nt tlm nrnvlHlnil to COIUDol for eign miuiufnctiirors to show tholr books to American custom" agents. Hovonl nntlonB hnvo protested ugnlnst It. sij.vatoiw on coMn'iTi:i:. ltl lO lllCmiM' Ml'llllKThlllp of DciiKicnitlc CoiiKifssliinnl ((nnmlttt'f. Ill A"oclIM !' lo Coo n7 TlmM.l WASlIINCiTON. D. C, Mny 111. IncreaBOd bcnatorlal representation on tho Domocratlv Congressional Committo was dlBcussed today nt a conference between Chnlrmnn Lloyd and Secretory I'ngo of tho campaign committee and a commltteo of Sena tors. President WlUon favors tho plan to hnvo a reorganized commlt teo with a Senntor from each stato, whoro Senntors nro to bo elected by tho direct popular voto In 1014. KINNEY HOME, LITTLE TO SAY fans, in Family Row, lisier with Club, She aims no Arrests ' pre was caused at Emplro pg ly a report that Wm. am ureed living near d attemntml in kill Ills '"ha Kans. However, It lu oe only a family row Wests hav Iipam made. ? that Martha Evans 1De bachelor homo of her " evening. What trans- ne Knows, but soon al ine OH mo dnalilni' tn- P calling for help and PUUrder Klnnil onnmlnc Pr face. to'i accnrdlnp n liof Rtnri V&S CtfllnV iL 1, nt Hh a club. ner the scone say they thnt A , lAnUnlnn leered by tho authorities. PAX FOIt PltOUK. , - iicii io cooi Bjr Tlmei.J ktin UJU;s' way 31. ine t1.? ' Plans for the Son- - '-"miuuns in me siriKo n'-' west Virginia coal wti " iuuuy uy ino dbh- r'"ee On PllimnHnn nnH In. 9TII 1.'VH l-Dll'D I osenhin t' lt4""'J ' Emi.; , JU"e8 aim nun, Ki? Ida Nellson and Miss i -vman worn nmnnir thn Maltors In Marshflold S G B SS Senatorial Investigation of Charges Preferred by Pres ident Wilson Against Tariff Opponents. ttlr AniocUted rrrn lo Cooi Itj Timet. WASHINGTON I). C, May 31. Tho Senate's Investigation of tho "numerous nnd Insidious lobby," here, wlch President Wilson charged was threatening tho trlff bill, will begin Monday. Tho Investigation will bo conducted openly In public hcnrlng In tho room of tho judiciary (ommlttce In tho Sonato office build ing nnd members of the Scnnto will bo called In alphabetical order. Pres ident Wilson was sent n ccrtlllcd copy of tho resolution authorizing tho lu ll u I ry. "Wo will not nsk tho Presi dent to ccnio before tho committee." snld Chairman Overman. "What the President wishes to do In the mat ter the commltteo wll leave to his own nood Judgment. Wo hope to conclude tho Inquiry In the ten dnys as specified In the resolution. Senntorc Overman, Heed, Walsh, Cummins nnd Nelson were selected today by tho state Judiciary commit tee as n sub-commlttcc to conduct the "lobby Investigation," directed by tho Senate. AITlIlt TAKIKF LOItlir. Scnnto Committee KtnrtM Hunt for Malefactors. tn? Attocltltd rrnt lo Coon Hit Tlmn ) WASHINGTON D. C. May 31. Tho Scnntc Judiciary commltteo met todny to begin the hunt for tha tar iff lobby that Wilson lms declared threatened the integrity of tho tar iff bill. AERONU TIS KILLED TDDAY James Colovan, of Chicago, Meets Death When Biplane Strikes, Tree ' llr AiMctttft! Prri to Coot IUj Tlrnm. CHICAGO. May 31. Aviation claimed another victim today when .lames Colovan, a young amateur flyer, whb killed by his overturned lilnlniin when It struck n treo. Tho uccldont qccurrod Just outsldo tho flying field of the Aero ciuu. BITTER ATTACK ON HITC COCK Postmaster General Burleson Says Predecessor Sacrific ed Truth for Show nr Atiocll4 rrtit to coot lltj Tlmct.l WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 31. Postmistor Genernl Uurleson mado public todny hla report on tho apcclnl investigation Into tho llscul affairs of the postal sorvlco, charging that dur ing former Poatmntitor Gcnornl Hitch cock's admlnlstrtlon, tho service did not becomo self-supporting ns often assorted but that In 1011 actually a deficit of more tlmn $750,000. Tho roport charges tho "apparent surplus attained by unjustifiable methods of bookkeeping," that tho elllcloncy nnd morals of tho postal sorvlco were sacrificed to a "ruthless ly enforced policy of false economy" in order that a showing of solf-maln-tennnco might bo mado. Tho roport attributes to thnt alleged condition the complaints against tho service raiseIenTon u PLAN TO M More Than 200 Leave Wash ington for Baltimore to Take Part in Parade I llr Auoctttnl Prnt to (Mot Dtf Tlmn. WASHINGTON, .May 31. vMoro than 200 women gathorcd today at tho national suffrage headquarters ready to proceed In a body to Unlll moro whoro they will march In llio suffragists' pnrndo there. Among tho party woro tho wives of several mombcrs of Congress. HUSBAND SEES LOVE CRAZED YOUTH COMMIT DOUBLE CRIME M JAP3 TO F BRANCH IN U. S. Reply to American Note Con cerning California Situation to be Forwarded Soon (11 Atnorttt! I'trft lo Coot Ilr Tlmn. TOKIO, May 31. Another note from the Japanese government deal ing with questions arising out of the recent California land owner ship legislation Ib to bo forwarded shortly to Washington. The Iden that the United States has not said tho final word Is prevalent here and It Is Intimated In authoritative circles In Inference thnt no official action Is to ho Invited yet by Japan. THo formntlon of a Japnnpso Asso ciation In tho United States for the purpose, of co-oporatlng with tho Japanese government Is grcntly fav ored here, the object being to reach a permanent solution of tho diffi culty by means of a new trenty or by a clinngo In tho naturalization laws. COLLEGES IN TRACK MEET Teams From Six Northwest ern Institutions Meet at Walla Walla Today (11 AiaoiltleU I'mi la Coot lit 7 Tlmu.) WALLA WALLA, Mny 31. Six colleges and universities of Idaho, Oregon nnd Wnshlngtou will com peto this afternoon In tho Pacific Northwest Collogo Conforonco and track and Held meet nt the Whit man College Hold. Tho truck' Is In good condition nnd flint time Is ex pected In dnshes nnd dlHtnncu ovonts. WILSON (JOLI'Klt. (117 Auocltu4 I'rrn to Coot IU7 Tlmtt.J WASHINGTON. Mny 31. Presldont Wllhon plnyed tho first game of golf todny In sev eral months. Tho President had no ongngomentB for today and spent It In plonsuro. Returns From Portland and Raps Assailants Wilsey and Waite Also Coming Major L. D. Kinney returned nt 2 o'clock this morning from Portland nnd is nt hla home at Plat II. Ho lmd nothing to give oiu at present, concerning U;e Wilsey deal or do e, ??W !? .V.!?.." .hSlP Ighflf ho "aha is and grafters" could be kept out nnd his legitimate cred tors nronorly .rotected. He says he is in SfflVnt1 health, weighing almost 2ft was Intimated that W. J. WlHiey would bo here soon, tho exact date not taking WBiea. f ,,. nc. Frank . wauu ui WMr" ,;' cofd W tc ,. telegram irecelv. dbr A. ftondav Mr Wa to Is pressing his what effect the receivership Mil hao j'udso"! ar .7 will reach CoquIII. WeSdaV for the , hearing on ho bXrttroboanyob ers!.?h ueros- B,dWhethor now complications will be ISf ffiSr wllb Stahm'. early op erations liere. . . ,. . -. BREAKWATER MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Steamship Will Move to the Ocean Dock and Later to , Railroad Dock tn v. w. Wrlclit. ncont for Porter mothers and Johnson, who took over the formor Marsden prop erties on North Front street. Includ ing thj Breakwater dock and ware house, raising the rent on the latter from ICO to $172 per month, tho Dreakwator today Is vacating the place and moving to Ocean dock. Tho latter will be Its temporary quar ters until a new dock and warehouse Is built for the Breakwater at tho end of tho present railroad docks, an extension of 150 feet being planned for It. Tho latter will be built at onco and will bo ready for occupancy within 30 days, according to Supt. Miller today. Mr. Miller stated that the sudden raise In rent would bring their rent u. .... . 4179 nor month. QB they pay C. A. Johnson and the Odd Fel lows a montniy reniai ror use oi men wharves. He says they only pay $100 In Portland and could not af ford so much here. Whethar tho warehouse will be converted into storerooms or will be utilized by Porter Brothers themsel ves Is not stated. 1WY VOUK TICKETS at tho WUSV CORNKR or at the DEPOT tomorrow mornlPg lor tho IUXDOX KXCUIt. SIOX. You MUST HAVE a TICKET before you can HOARD the TRAIN. Leaves at 7 A. M. SHARP. Round trip to Bandon $1.50 and to Coqullle $1.00. MEXICO WILL ELECT SOON President Huerta to Issue Pro clamation for Selection of New President Soon (117 AtiorlttM I'rm lo Coot ltt7 Tlmn.) MEXICO CITY, May 31 No In- tlmntlon has yet been given by Provisional President Huortu ns to when ho will Isstio n decree calling tlm Presidential election. It Ib con sidered certnln thnt ho will not do- lay long as both IIoiibph of Con gress have passed a mensuro flx Inir October 20 ns tho dnto. Gen eral I'ollx Diaz Is tho only canrtl- dato who has frankly entered Ills nnniu for tho election but It Is re garded probable that Manuel Cnloro, tho former Mexican Aiuiiassailor nt Washington, and Francisco Do Ln Ilnrrn, Minister of Foreign AffnlrH, will enter, tho roco us ropresentn tlves of a' Catholic parly. REBELS LOSE Mrs. Leo Fisher, Formerly Miss Watkins, of Cottage Grove, Shot in Portland EARL W. ALLEN'kILLS WOMAN AND HIMSELF Leo Fisher Stepped Into Home Just in Time to Witness Finish of Tragedy l!7 AiocllKl Tmi lo Coot lit, Tlmn-. POIITLANM), Or.. May 31. Mrs. Leo Fisher, aged 22 years, wlfo of Jesse Fisher, a concrcto worker, was shot nml killed by Enrl W. Al len, aged 28, an employe of a heat ing co m puny, today. Alton, who was Infatuated with tho young wo man, went to her homo todny nnd being spurned, drew a revolver and shot and killed her and then klllt'd himself. The htiabnnd of tho mur dered woninu entered tho home Just In time to witness thn trn-'oily. Ho attempted to get nt Allen but was restrained by other persons who were attracted by the shooting. Jesse Fisher came hero from Eu gene, Knusnn. Ills wlfo was formerly Miss Wutklus, of Cottngo Grove, Oregon. TURN MITCHELL DOWN ON JOB Former Noted Labor Leader Shut Out by New York Attorney General ' llr At.ocLtnl rim to Coot II17 Timet. ALBANY, X. Y Mny 31. Act lug on n rccont opinion received from the Stnto Attorney General, tho Stnto Comptroller rofusod todny to recognize ns legal Governor Sill zer's recent nppolntmout of John Mitchell ns Stnto Labor Commls nlnnor. Tho Comptroller will not pay tho snlnry of Mitchell or ae copt tho pay roll of tho labor de partment If certified by him, DO Steamer Delayed Several Hours by Heavy Fog This Morning Sails Sunday Tim Breakwator arlrved In this afternoon from Portland after hav ing been delayed sovoral hours by thn hnnw foe that enveloped tho coast this morning. In consequence of her late ar rival, she will not sail until 12:30 tomorrow from Ocean Dock. Among tnose arriving on hor were: Gladys Phelps. Lawrence Pholpa, Mrs. Phelps, Miss E. hrlck- Kr. V RrlpU-Rnn. E. Erlck- son. Mlss.Andorson. It. Borden. T. F. Haggerty, II. J. Mathewson, Mrs. John Wall, Mrs. C. R. Ponnock, ii.. a TJnBonhiiiil. E. F. Casper, Mr. Jenkins, J. E. Mass, sirs, wen- vis, L. S. Wayne, T. i. aprogis. Emll Uroll, Mrs. A. J. Ballard, Miss B. Smith, Mrs. G. Daws, Geo. Daws, Mr. Sulz, Jno. Johnson, A. L. Evans, II. A. Pape, N. Bronensteln. F. Mc Nerney, A. Hansen, C. Cross, A. Peterson, G. Mahoney, J. Rorden, F. Johnson, C. Bleslng. G. Redfleld, J. Dyer, B. Bybko. C. A. -Gage, W. Padden. W. Detwlller, P. Radford, G. Radford. J. Hruneio, .Mrs. j. Brunncto. II, A. Baker, Mrs. II. A. nnVop r n. Sawver. H. B. Done- hay Mrs. S. Farrln, P. Lexoy. E. T. Johnson, u. Ogdon, .miss r. uey nolds, Miss G. Baldwin. Mrs. C, Gestor, Grace Gester, R. Gester, Mrs. A. Peterson, Mather Tersa, Pauline Torsa, Mrs. a. warn, isva Ward, Samuel Ward. EVERYBODY'S going to RANDOX next SUNDAY. More Than Twenty-five Killed or Wounded in Engagement Near Border Today 1117 AtiocltltJ Trrtt to Coot llt7 Tlmtt.J LAREDO, Tex., May 21. Sovcnty Mexican regulars nnd constitution alist aro reported to hnvo been killed In n 'jattlo enrly today at Columbia on tha Rio Grande, 2G miles nbovo here. Twenty robols later crossod tho International boundary and woro apprehended by tho Fourteenth Uni ted Stat03 cavalry. ,,,,,.,, Later it was stated that thoro wero only 25 dead and wounded. The rebel forco which has been sta tioned near Columbia ior monum conducted a government of tholr own. collecting customs duties on cattlo. The federal forces under tho command of Colonol Vlllareal left Nouvo Laredo last night for Columbln. arriving this morning bo foro tho rebels realized that tho fed erals wero In tho vicinity. Tho rebols soon bocame demoralized and flod. Twenty crossod tho lino nnd were arrested by the American pa trol. PAGE IS RECEIVED. Governor General of Cnnndu McpIh Xew AinliaHsmior. (D7 Attofltltl I'rett to Coot Ut7 Timet J f nvnnw. nuitn of Connaught Governor General of Canada, receiv ed tho now American Ambassador, Walter Hines Page, this afternoon. RUV YOUR TICKETS at tho BUSY CORNER or at tho DEPOT tomorrow mornlns for tho iiiM. n.i'tii SIOX. You MUST HAVE a TICKET before you can HOARD tho TRAIN. r , - a t kiiaiip. Round trip to Bandon ?1.30 and to Coqulllo 91.00. MRS. J. II. NOWL1N and MRS. W. B. PIPER, of North Coos Rlvor woro Marahfleld visitors yesterday. RENEW TREATY FOR 5 YEARS Arbitration Agreement Be tween U. S. and Great Bri tain is Extended (117 AmocUUJ I'm. to Coot Ilty Tlmu. WASHINGTON, May 31. Secro tnry Bryan and Sir Spring Rico, British Ambnssndor, signed Into to day a ronowal for flvo yonrs of tho gonernl arbitration treaty botwoon tho United States and Groat Brl tnln, which expires by llmltntlou June 1. ALLIANCE OUT FOR EUREKA Steamer Sails South This Morning With Small List Good Through Business Tho Alllnnco sailed at 0 o'clock this morning for Euroku. Sho had a small cargo of Coos Bay freight south but had a good through busi ness from Portland. Among those sailing from horo on tho Alliance wore J. B. Mllllgan. Mrs. G. N. Bolt. W. 11. Brown. Theo. Bradley, C. J. Ellegood, W. G. Eggloston, F. A. Ilausdorf and J. II. Holland. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Hewing Hew. J. W. Bennett, of tho Coos Bay Water Compauy, on receipt of official notice that tho Oregon Railroad Commission would nold a preliminary hearing on tho local water case In Portland Juuo 13, has wrltton thorn that ho would not attend tho Portland hearing as ho wished the entire ncaring nor" beginning Juno 10. MRS. EDMUNDS, of South Marsh Hold left yesterday for an over Sunday stay nt tho E. R. Hodson homo on Coos River. MRS. WALTER ROBERTSON, of Eastsido and Mr. and Mrs. John Stonecyphor and Mr. and Mrs. E. Stonecyphor spont Memorial Day In MarshHold. Ml 1 bf&fkBXfUaxa&.p