The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 14, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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tosh cunio up from San Francisco
on tlio Hodoudo nnd was hero to
wclconio him In.
First assistant onRliiccr M. M.
Dickey of Sun Francisco.
Third assistant engineer Win.
Butler of Norfolk, Va.
Iluty Today.
Today, Cnpt. Olson Is busy, very
bimy In fncr. llu is paying off IiIb
crow nnd Bottling up with Major
Tower, tlio United StntcB ciiBtoms
ofTicor. Ho arrived at homo at h
o'clock this morning, after bringing
tlio Adollno Smith up to her dock,
nnd loft ahout 7 o'clock to Hiipor
vIbo tlio unloading of tlio ship and
Attending to other duties on it.
Howovor, botwon times ho gets n
mlnuto or two to drop Into the
captain's rabln and play with Com
modore Olson, who was drought
over by Mrs. Olson nnd who nre
spending the day with htm aboard
tlio vcbboI.
Tlio Adollno Smith had a little
dlfllrulty In getting Into tlio Nnnn
Smith's slip, tlio latter being too
nnrrow for her. Today boiiio of
tlio piling are being pulled out mid
tlio Blip widened.
It will tako about a week to dis
charge tlio cargo of pulp mill ma
chinery and steel rails for the
Smith-Powers railway which alio
brought, to cliango over from tlio
conl burner to the oil burner and
tako on her cargo.
Tonight1, tlio Nnun Smith will bo
In and tlio cargo of fuel oil will
bo pumped direct from tlio Nanu
Smith Into tlio Adeline Smith.
( Co ntlnndTromIigol
Marshal Carter Has Jas. Wall
and C. C. Going on Car
petOthers Later.
JninoB Wall of West Maiflhfleld
wna ItiHt evening fined $!i by City
Recorder llutler for violating the
epoed ordinance on his motorcycle.
Jlr. Upton, Mr. WiiII'h attorney,
first put In a plea of not guilty,
but later changed It guilty and the
minimum flue was Imported as this
wna Mr. WiiII'h llrst offense.
Marshal Carter has jilso notified
0. C. doing to auBwur the charge
of violating the Hpeed limit, but no
ditto hua been set for tlio hitter's
TheBoiuo the llist nrrostH inndo in
a critmulo ngalust speeding. There
lavo been numerous complaints re
cently about violations of tlio speed
limit by allies and motorcycles and
Marshal Carter will try to put a
stop to t.
Marshal Carter Is indignant over
tlio efforts of some pit riles who re
cently complained about the speed
ing antes ami motorcycles not co
operating with the police when ar
rests are made. Ho nays that If It
happens to be a friend or client of
tlio men who complain to him about
others that Is desired to aid In
tlio prosecution or testify, they will
not do mo. Without some help from
tlio public, lie Hitys It Is most dllll
cult ami ulmoiit useless for an olll
cer to try and enforce tlio ordinance.
most trying kind of a cargo on the
sea trip.
"The trip around Cape Horn wna
u record-brenker. making It about
12 days lesa than vessels of her
cIiibs have inndo It In. It usually
takes "2 or, 73 days for the trip
but she ninde It In between (10 nnd
01 days.
"Hero tlio coal burners will be
roplneod by oil burners and her
llrst trip with oil ns fuel will be
made south from here. The Nanu
Smith brought oil here for her."
I, Ike .Van it Sinllli.
In general appearance and paint
ing, the Adollno Smith closely re
sembles the Nairn Smith, her slater
ship, which waa also designed by
Mr. Hough. In addition to having
the same designer, the Nnnn Smith
and Adeline Smith were built by
the Bnnie company, tlio Newport
Nowh Shipbuilding and niy Dock
Compnny of Newport News. Va.
Hot Ii vessels carry out the Idea
of C. A. Smith, tlio owner, and
almost- revolutionize the handling of
lumber on boats. He llrst conceiv
ed the Idea of having the big
hatches whereby packages of lumber
could bo swung In and out by ma
chinery, thus facilitating the load
ing nnd discharging of cargoes.
The Nnun Smith only went part
way In carrying out his Idea, many
boat builders opposing his plans,
However, tlio Idea has been dem
onstrated a great success by the
Nnnn Smith and In the Adollno
Smith the plan is further perfect
ed. The Adeline Smith was mimed In
honor of Miss Adollno Smith, the
second eldest daughter of C. A.
Smith. The Nairn Smith was named
In honor of his eldest (laughter, now
Mm. F. A. Warner.
.sti:.sii:k sails this ai-tkii-
i:(.'i:itS AND UK,' I.OIIIKIt
The ltcdoudo sailed this after
noon for San Francisco with a car
go of lumber and a largo passenger
list. Among tlioso sailing on her
wero tlio following:
.Mrs. 0. Darker, Miss .Myrtle
Lund, Dan I'apadacos, W. Krwiu,
l.on Daniels, K. W. Steol. Fred Lar
son, II. DeiiBon, Axel Kkbcrg, II.
Miooder. Geo. Thlxter, II. C. Scott,
T. A. Hernial). T. llaline, F. lies
set, K. Hogau, H. Darker, II. Mo
Hue, J. Itlssln, II. Coles, I). A.
Jones. It. S. Wright, .1. Ferrl, Sirs.
.1, Forrl. W. II. Freeman, Jr.. W.
II. Freeman. Sirs. W. II. Freeninn,
John 1 1 a ni h. 1). S. Strate. J. Nel
son, John Gnffney, Tom Gnffnoy.
and spots of rustwcre In evidence.
After n short time, tne llreakwa
ter pulled away In order thnt the
vessel would bo able to como up
tl e Hnv while the tide was favor
able. Some of the crowd or Coos
Hay people who went down on tlio
llreakwater tailed to get aboard In
time and hod to remain on tlio
Adeline Smith and mnke the trip up
on her. Sonio wanted to, but oth
ers had not planned It thnt wny.
.Most of the bnnd were on board.
The llreakwater made the trip
back all right and readied Marsh
lleld about s o'clock but the Ade
line Smith, loaded down deep In
the wnter with her big cargo caught
on n shonl near Umpire was unnblo
to como up un'Ii the tldo this
morning was flooding.
This delay was a little hard on
some of the crowd who remained
aboard, but ("apt. Olson and the
ouicors and the bnnd did all they
could to make It a merry evening.
Flnnlly, they took ono of the
boats and .by going to Finplrc tel
ephoned to Slurshfield for launches
to como down nnd tnke the pnss
ongors home. There wero over
150 passengers nnd It wns nenrly
I o'clock tills morning when somo
of them reached home.
The Adeline Smith on the flood
tide this morning clenred tlio ahon)
nnd cume tip to her dock ut the
mill without further difficulty.
KiilN Mctuoen Ship.
Only one accident occurred dur
ing tlio welcome of ,esterday after
noon. In returning aboard the
llreakwater from the Adeline Smith
Miss Slamle Mahouey slipped nnd
fell down between tl o vessols.
Luckily bIio cnught on tlio guard
rail around the hull and clung
thoro until assistance reached her.
Sho wns only slightly bruised.
It was reported thnt nnother mnn
foil overboard but this wns erron
eous. Messrs, Tower, Condron and ling
ers, who had chnrgo of the welcome
excursion, timed the departure of
tlio llreakwater to a inmate. , . .
II m in
Wo usher in these lirsl spring da;,s with
i'ini' display of. the very latest and 1'iVsliest ijw!
duds of America's leading innnufn'lm-ers 0
men's clothing and furnishings.
Prominent in (his showing is n l'im j,SS01,i
nieiil of
This style promises to he very popular f0r
spring and summer wear.
Priced $120, $22.50 and T'2f).00.
Also the very latest shades and weaes in the
always correct and desirable
Xo higher in cost hut, better and Inter in stvlo
and higher in values.
A large line of new ideas in
HUN'S SIIOICS also await your inspeetion.
We invite comparison.
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
Our .Mvrlle Point Store will open about March
ritnuv sri'KitsTiTio.v i;.oiti:i
Trans-Atlantic l.lnei-s to Sail on
lloo-Doo Date.
NKW YOUK. IVb. 1 I.- -The tra
ditional Hiiperstlttiilou about start
ing an ocean o.ano on I'rlduv Is
to be broken l one of the trans
Atlantlc lines here lor the llrst lime,
llcgluiilug April I. the steamer St.
IxhiIh, I'hlluilelphla. New York ami
8t. l'itil of the American line will
sail on I'rldii) morning. Instead of
on Snturdu, as at present.
Last liny for Tuft to Consider .Vow
(Ily Amu, Mini I'rmi to (hm liny TIumv I
President Tuft began tlio final con
sideration of the llitruett-DIIIIUK-hum
immigration bill today ho had
until midnight, to take action. I'll
tier the constitution the president
may consider a bill ton (lays. If
ho take no action within thnt time,
the bill becomes law without hU slg
nature. This was the tenth day.
Immigration Act Turned Down He
cause of I'rote.stH,
Illy Auo. uinl I'rrM lu 1'o.u I lay Tim 1
WASHINGTON. Keb. 1 l.l'rcl
dent Taft vetoed the Hiirnott-WIIIng-haiit
Immigration bill setting out that
his reasons for this action in a brief
special message to the senate, woro
hithcd upon the protests of various
Important Announcement
To the Public!
Owing to the sudden and unexpected illness
of Prank P. Uyan, who was to conduct our special
sale, we have been compelled to postpone the mat
ter for the present.
Wo regret this very much, but as it. resulted
from tilings beyond our control wo find it una
voidable. AVo will continue some of the special prices
for a few days but the big special sale and matters
pertaining to it have been entirely abandoned.
Senator Bourne Tells Hugh
McLain That Engineers
Still Stick to it.
I in i.i, iti:i'OKTi:i i
I (lly Associated I'ross)
. WASHINGTON. Fob. 1 1.
I The rivers and linrbors appro-
I prlatlon bill was reported In i
I the senate. i
Store of Quality"
Phone 32
"Senator IJourne Informed mo
that there would be nothing dnuo
about the Coos liny Jetty until the
bar dredge Is tried out," said Hugh
.Mcl.aln. who returned yostordny
trom Washington where he went as
olllclal messenger of the Statu of
Oregon carrying the electoral vote
to the National capital. "Senator
Uottruo said that the thing to do
was to hasten the coming of the
bar dredge as much as possible
and let the engineers see how it
worked and then keep after the Jet
t appropiiatlon.
'There is no question about the
Coo liny committee having done u
great deal of good during their
trip to Washington. Congressman
llawley told mo that the I'nltod
Slates Knglneors nnd hlinsolf wero
particularly Improved at tlio hear
ing by tlio talk inndo by C. A.
Smith, showing the growth of the
commerce hero ami the corialu
growth of It In tlio future, and the
oNlanatlon made by Captain Mac
gonn. a practical navigator, of con
ditions on the bar. The others did
well, but these wore the ones that
carried the most weight with the
Hoard ir KiiL!liteei'i
"J nrrlved lu Washington lu plen
ty or time, thanks to good luck lu
milking train connections nt Chi
cago. I had Jiivt 10 minutes there
to get on the Twentieth Centtirv
Limited, the taut train from Chi
cago to Washington and 1 made It.
reaching Washington during tho
middle of the last day on which tho
returns could be delivered. ..
Governor Pardee of California was
JllSt ahead of me In ill. Ilv. ,-!. r , i,..
electoral vote and soon states
camo in arter I delivered tho Ore
gnu vote. Had I not caught the
fast train in Chlcngo, I would still
have reached Washington lu time,
according to a strict Interpretation of
the law. but it wontii hm-,. i, .,.,..
during the night and I was very
iiiwm.D ui m-i uiero nnead of tho
last minute.
"1 had a fine tlmn In MVioi.i.,..
ton. spending about a week there.
i nun uie iiieinuers ot tlio Oregon
delegation and all assured me that
they would do all lu tholr power
fl,"'. Cl,Vs, Un' , nUa h"l Ultle
viblt with Speaker Champ Clark.
"Senator lloiirno lu i,-..i,,.. n
Is one Of the llllhl.s;r ni.n, I,, ;.,..i.
ngtou with Congiesslonal matters,
laving committee meetings on all
tho time. J want to praise his
work and sn that he wa more than
courteous to me, extending every
possible courteM and tendering
oh. r serice8 jf j desired them.
lnroiuU him l secured a letter
from Senator Penrose of I'ennsM-
V.lllln tO VlKlt til, l l.l.r l.l .,..
Plant at riilladelphla, which I was
L. J. Simpson Outlines in De
tail Southern Pacific
Plans in North Bend.
Mayor I., J. Simpson, who Is lu
San Francisco, lias Just sent tho
following letter to the North llend
city council regnrdlug tho railroad
situation theiu.
"I have Just rotiirnod from u
long conference with the olllclitls ot
the Southern Pacific railway In
connection with grades in North
llend. Mr, Hood, chief engineer,
Informs me that ho had sent a spe
cial representative to North llund
to sottle and establish all ques
tions of location nnd grade of main
line and ho nssures niu that lu all
Instances they wish to make their
line conform to our established
grades or to grades which In tho
Judgment of the city engineer
should bo established by the city.
Now wo must bo prepared to glvo
and take lu the mailer and 1 urge
you to extend every courtesy possi
ble to Mr. Hood's representative
and help him wherever possible lu
this mutter. Jt is my Jiidgiuoiit
that we should keep a ginde on
Stniitou aeuue as It Is at or near
tlio Intersection of Wnshlngton and
run south along Stanton and (pro
1)00(1) Railroad aventtu to moot the
grade of the street laid out through
Porter property I rum Gas plant to
south Hue of Porter property, car
lying grade irum that point through
Plat li, along Treiuont stroor to
meet grndo of Front Street North
In .Marshtield.
"Oriitlo from Stanton nveiiuo and
Washington north through the two
blocks of laud west of city wharf
should conform as nenrly as possl
' bio to Intersections with Virginia
and California. From tho latter
particularly desirous of Inspecting.
"Senator Uourne assured mo that
tho rivers and harbora bills would
go through this session, despite tho
threat ot Republicans to hold up
legislation unless the Democrats ap
proved Tuft's fetleral appointments.
I "It wns very cold In Washington
and while friends nnd relatives there
made tho visit a fiuo one for mo,
I wns anxious to got back homo
and away from tho cold. Coos Hay
ami Its ,rnln looks mighty good nf-
tor you have a llttlo experience
with tho Intense cold nnd snow of
tho nilddlo wost nnd east."
1 "Senator Hoiirno told mo that
there was llttlo doubt but1 that tho
I provision for $'!0,000 for innor hnr-
. bor Improvements In Coos Hay
would bo carried by tho present
, rlvors and harbors bill. i
Wires to Slmpxiu,
L. J. Simpson has received tho
following telegram from Senntor
Hourne In reference to tho Port of
Coos Hay offer to nsslst with funds
in carrying out government pro
ject on Coos Hay;
"Stib-comnilttoe of coinmerco of
which I am a niombor today agreed
to adopt my ntnondmont authorizing
Secretary of War to oxpend such
funds your port turns over to him
for improvements lu tlio harbor.
Am confident tUar I Bluill bo able
to hold same In the bill which has
been introduced."
let the railroad company establish
whatever grndo Is necessary lu or
der to meet location of bridge.
"Hotter check over established
grades ou .Sherman aventtu nnd the
proposed grades on tho lateral
streets on the enst side of Shorninn
to bo sure they check with rail
road company's grade. Then I atl
Iho establishing grades on Sher
man avenue to bo on same grade
as railroad track. As soon as re
quired we can Improve Sliorlilmt
avenue but I would advlsn tho es
tablishment of the grade on this
ami the east and west streets be
tween It and Sherman as soon ns
"I believe we can and will find
It bettor to mnko ono project of
Sherman. Sheridan ami the tit
and west streets between tbul
Pleaso glvo this latter nintlfra!
fill consideration
"The railroad conmanv ism
ni'H can possibly advise jou ol u:
tlio railroad company desires, in
station grounds have been W
lv located, helm: from WiiMu-
ton street to a point faclnj &
Tom llouulo bouse, running m
Shiiiidnu avenue cast street k
and extending 300 feet east tou-l
uiitni.finiit In nil mutters US IK
best judgment not only from lit
Htniiilnnlnt nf the tircsont n4l l
thoroughly considering the necti
ties of tlio future retiiiirementi
tho big city North llend l taM
to very shortly become."
A Thing of Beauty
Is a Joy Forever
And Its value Is doubled when you can buy It at a price f
lews than usual.
Now Is tho tlmo when suuli opportunities abound. SvM
stocks nre coming lu. Wlutor clothes nnd winter fiirnliWuP
must he sold.
Now tho morehant marks down his suits and coats, i
hoiibhold furnishings. Good housokeopcra sense their values-
Tlioy hnston to tnko ndvnntago of tlioso nlds to economic" '
Kowd TIIK TI.MKS closely nnd constantly overy nlsW. 3
thnt you may not miss ono of these opportunities,
In this way you will know whero to buy. nnd when to W
to host ndvnntnge. Kvory ndvortlsoinont Is n nic-sago to jo""
from n rollublo merchant wlioso vnlues and mercliamllw f
of the host. "
' "
Tempt Your Appetite
with some of these eboiee, crisp vegetables aiw
J'ruit, fresh from garden and orchard. Phono your
v.i vivid ciui.y hi a vom disappointment:
Fresh Radishes
J tot House Cucumbers
Choice Cauliflower
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes
Green umo"3
0risp Celery
Head lettuce
Sweet Potatoes
Brussels Sprouts Bell PepPers
Cranberries Parsley
Orniuros 13.., ,,
n . 1 ? P . . -. v. P.. itir
oaiuornia and Morula urapeuu"
Try some of our largo ripe olives, and for If
YOU will lilv-n nm. f,v.n CSo1.mi T?nlliPP. Il'CSU
Alaskii Herring and Norway Herring.
Phono 275-J Cor. Central and Third St
rtf." mtiki