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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1912)
jght ggS that is never jWLUHJT NOBODY CARES TO HEAR $?$ LOSER LOST OlflOS Pll'KK OV AUTHORITY' tl.J.llttcW l ilt0 Bldopclld- rf.lmumlty ant, Inst mill ittt0 WATCH THE WANT APS. Thoro nro many good bargains to lio found (here. Anything: lost or found Is always adver tised In The Times. 5 the time 101$ W,K I,-1,,a ' "'""" MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRES I imuiI i;sihiiimi-i in iota MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 19 12. EVENING EDITION. iJLMAVIi a, 'j'lio Const Mall. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 117 mltor I m VOTE JOE COUCH IS PI IS I IMF m mfu nucn nnnc qivitk cipqt addpai a. Une. 0. IEIJ) 'CS, ISS ir. Ca otop etween CAST jrahle Weather Keeps Many from Polls Know Result ionium. n, annual city election In Mnrsh '.,!(. u not drawing out na . . mid ns lomo had oxpoctod. .inclement weather this morning 1 tt,a valine ins Icon rapid. 'm. Jnronoon. reports from tho ' i iH.llndlnil Minf nm K precincts inuitiuuH nit... ...- ,.r. more turned out this af- "tocD to exercise- tliolr right of .Mm for 1110 "rat uuiu. t B', Dnnctt nnd hla frlondfl bo .'iMi mornlnc to got out nil thoir :t(r and used tho tolophono iethr means to do so. it o'clock, 131 votes hnd boon it In Norm iunrsnnoiu precinct. tint, thirty-two woro women nnd ecty-two of tho wholo voto woro n In. h South Marsliflolil precinct. 1.11 m hid been polled nt 1 o'clock. 'icflclal woro O. 8. Torry, 13. A. jtnon,AIra Doll, B. D. McArtlnir i Chu. Doano. Ite election otriclnls In this prc :tt In deference to tho womon-vo- prohibited smoKlng Inside tho i !Se list returns from South iicncm inuwou nun i-iu voich i kta polled nt I o'clock. Of j number 31 woro women nnd 'lid been sworn In. Is Central Mnrshflold, 211 votes J two cast nt 1 o'clock. Of this :tr SI were women and CO been sworn In. North Mnrrdifictd. lie tint voter In tho North iikfleld precinct was a womnn. i M. A. Swcetmnn of Fcrudnlo t the ono ami sho wns tlioro bo i the election honrd wns oriran- fi At noon, 70 hud voted. Com- .wely few women hnd voted tl the morning lirinrn. Tlioro i m eight or nlno voters n In during tho morning. i fircuon uoiira consisted or H. Jlllner, V, E. DutiKnii. Max 'Merman. W. T. Morchnnt, John v and W. K. Wilson. central Murhhflold. He lint VOtor III llin Pnnli-iil nilleld precinct wns n womnn, -1 Cirl V. Johnson. Wen tho bonrd adjourned nt 1 M for on hour for lunch, lie w Md been enst, ninny of whom 'si wmen. Quito n fow vdtca iorn In. ne election hoard consisted of uitchcarl. n. a .iniinonn r T . 0. 0. I.iiud. It. O. Graves' ". a. i Hiissford. FREED TODAY CIST SOON AT COOOILLE III CALIFORNIA BY MARSHFIELD u Grand Jury Returns Not i rue bin Against Bandon Man Many Cases. .(.Spoc,nl l0 tho Times) COQUILLE, Or., Dec. .1 Tho Coos county Brnnd Jury yesterday return ed "not n trim hill" n,mii,.i t., Conch of Dilution, who whb hound over on tho charge- of niiirdor In connection with t lies denth of n lOKgor In or near Cnnpli'a .nlnnn i llnndon Inst Birlng. Tho enso whh iiini. investigated m Soptonihor and tho Rrnnd Jury deforrod action un til now In order to further Invostl gnto matters In connection with It. Judgo Coko Is gattlng things In slinpo for tho coming term of court. Whllo thoro nro about 200 cases on tho docket, thoro nro comparatively few Jury cases. Among mo Jiirv rnRM nrn nnvnmi tlnmngo suits, mostly porsonnl In jury enses. Among thorn nro: J. P. Strang vb. tho McDonald & vniiBiinn lagging Compnny for ?ia,nuu ror tlio Injury to his hnnd whllo coupling cars. Parker vs. the City of Mnrshflold nnd tho C. A. Smith Compnny for iiuiiuiKCH lor mo ticnui or ncorgo Pnrkor as n result of hitting n Northwestern Said to Have Incorporated Company for Extension. Thnt tho Chicago & Northwestern Hnllwny, n high olllclnl of which vis ited Coos liny Incognito n fow yenrs ngo nnd spent a few weeks hero with C A. Smith and other ofllclals of tho C. A. Smith Compnny, Is coming to tllO const Is Shown . nrrnrillm- fn prcHB dlspntchcs, to bo nt Inst stnrt Ing for tho const. P. A. Hnlncs, en gineer of the Coos Dny nnd Dolso, nnd now engineer In chnrgo of tho Smith-Powers rond construction be yond Myrtlo Point, wns formerly ono of tho Northwestern's engineers on iiiu uAiunuion uirougii tho Dnkotns. U hns long been rumored thnt tho Northwestern hnd selected Coos Dny o niu tuiiiiinus or us rncillc Const lino. A dlspntch from Pierre, S. D., "Por tho construction of n now i urn mm, articles or Incorporation aro on llo todny with tho sccrotnry of stnto hero. Tho road, known ns tho Chicago, Sioux Pnlls & Pnclflc, Is to bo capitalized at 111,000,000. It wood pllo with his motor cyclo on i! BRUL " cornpny Plans a lino south Ilrondwny. iuhi wiicubo m tn0 Pnclllc Const. IlLMl.n. II... r . r. . 'CrOSHlIlir lllO Htnll(l nf 1 1 1 1 ., I .. '"mh.ui n. inu i,. 4, blllllll o....i t i . ... mum luwil, I.umbor Company for tho loss of a V,,1,", I)nkotn. Wyoming, Idaho nnd log on their tramway road Ini """'''"Kton." .Marsnnoui. Yesterday Judge Coko ImihIpiI down n decree affirming tho find Ing of Itoforco IMddlo In fnvor of tlio defendant In tho rnso of Schnp pors vs. tho Simpson 1-umbor Com pnny. No nlso entered a flnnl docroo In tho enso of llllllii Short vs. Hnrry Wllklns. This cnBo In volved tho I.nkesldo Hotel nronortv. Whllo ho found n verdict In fnvor of Wllklns, ho hold that Wllklns wns morally bound In tho rnso nnd nsscBsod tho costs against Wllklns. Last of Marshfield Resort Cases Up Before Judge Coke Yesterday. (Speclnl to tho Times) COQUILLE, Dec. 3. Tho Inst of tho Mnrshflold "red light district" cases from tho last term of court woro disposed of by Judgo Coko In circuit court yesterday. Four of tho denizens woro haled boforo lilm nnd on entering plcnso of guilty woro fined ns follows: Hnzol Cameron, $100. Trlxlo Doo, $50. Joslo Hoyt, $100. .TobIo Davis, $100. All hnd bcon nrrestod and fur nlshed bond on Indictments roturn' od at tho last term of court. Judgo Coko, after Imposing son- icnco, warned tno women that they must glvo up their old ways of Hfo or they would ngnln fnco pros ecution and would bo denlt moro severely with for tho second of- fCHBO. Tho grand Jury Is busy on somo moro cnBos but nothing has boon given out concerning their enses. COST A FORTUNE. Breezy Letter From Berkeley Tells of Former Coos Bay People. (Speclnl to Tho Times) BERKELEY, Cnllf., Dec. 2. An unusually largo number of Coos Bay young peoplo nro attending schools nnd colleges around Snn Prnnclsco Dny this yenr, probnbly moro thnn at nny tlmo before. In tho Univer sity or Cnllfornln alone, now tho second largest university In tho United States, there, nro nlno stu donts from Coos Day. Miss Nolllo KorrlKnn from Co qulllo Is a senior In tho Collcgo of iNnturni sciences, or tlio University, nnd Is specializing in Education. Sho recoivcs nor degrco this next May, Miss BcbsIo Coko from Mnrshflold Is n Junior In tho stnto university, registered in tho Collcgo of Nnturnl Sclcnco nnd mnjorlng In niathomntics. Miss Coko siiont ono year In tho Unl vorslty of Oregon boforo coming to Cnllfornln. IS IIP Plul.NH NEW PAPER. Miles A. Simpson of Prosper, nn old nowspnpor mnn nnd printer, was it, Conulllo Krldny nnd paid n V. A.1, ta" ni l" oontinol olllco. Mr. Simpson stnted thnt whllo hero thnt notwithstanding tho fact that a, second paper. Is to bo started at llnndon soon, ho will nlso ontor tho field thoro with n weekly nowann por. Coqulllo Sentinel. Miss Sigma Holm, nnother well known Mnrshflold student, Is nlso working townrd a degroo of B. S nnd Is a Junior In tho university. MIbb Holm nlso spout hor freshman yenr In tho University of Oregon bo foro taking up Natural Sclcnco nt California, City Attorney Goss' Complaint Against Coos Bay Water Co. Filed at Salem. (Special to tho Times) SALEM, Ore., Dec. 3. Alloglnff tho water supply of tho Coos Bay Wntcr Company Is Inndoqunto nnd thnt tho water furnished Is unfit for human consumption, tho city of Mnrshflold yesterday filed a com plaint against tho company with, tho Rnllrond Conimlsnlon. This is tho first complnlnt to lio filed under tho public utilities law passed by tho peoplo at tho rocont election. Tho city In a brlof nl loges thnt tho water Is unfit for dftntMio purposes, thnt tho mnlnn nro worn out nnd thoro Is not nn rdcnuolo supply for flro pro teel jnn. nbovo tho nvorngo of tho university nnd In sevcrnl enses Is oxcoptlonnl. This fact speaks unusually woll oC tho homo high schools In view ot tho fact thnt scholarship in gener al Is high In tho University oC California. E BIRTHDAY Total of $1(12,(12:1.1)1) SHnt In Ite cent Camiinlirii lv All. SALEM, Oro.. Doc. 3. Tho ro cont campaign In Oregon entailed oxponses to all pnrtlcs supporting or opposing candidates or moasures oi loj.ujj.uu. nccoruing to to- Ti,on Marlon Reynolds of North nun iiiiimi in inn rimrn ni Tim unn-' 11111.1 linn nrin. n.. ni.nn..n rH.... .i.n , "" ", -"- -- - i'"-. iiviiu iiunuuv.1 mi hkpuiiwu lllllll lliu rotary of stnto yestorday. Of this university of hvo years, resumed amount, $112,533. 1C wns expended , i,H sophomoro work In tho College ... uiii'i'ui niift ui ujijjuaiiiir iiit'uH- ures and $50,090.81 by cnndldntes nnu inoso opposing thoni IE IS DOWN AC1 TODAY "ton Union Out of Com mission Between Here and Roseburq. "mm irn Vn,on n"8 uoo t i Ch,lon Lotwco' Coos Bay ttS birF. n1' Iy today. Tho ers p. ,0 1)0 ln tho Smlth .." .Ump near Sumnnr. utmn. In n,expee,oa t0 liavo tho Xr. M,.?,"11 W .?rough. '-tittTLtv T M,,:u lo worit tno batL'r.- . tho tolophono - ""uuio to do so. 1 1 NOISE MADE A HIT Coos County Grand Jury Takes Up Probe of South Slough Murder. Tho Coos county grnnd Jury Is ngnln probing tho murder of Wm. Jolnor of South Slough. Sheriff Cngo, who enmo ovor yostordny from Coqulllo this morning receiv ed n bunch of subpoenas ror houtu Slough residents who nro supposed to havo somo knowledge of somo mnttors In connection with tho mys- torlous dlsnppcnrnnco of Jolnor. It Is also reported that tho grand Jury will probo somo nlleged vio lations of tho liquor lnw In tho South Slough section. lrank Cam oron who hns beon roported ns Booking a pnrnilt to opon a sa loon on South Inlot wns expected to prosont his application to tho county commissioners at tho No vombor aesslon. Howovor, It was not grnntod then nnd It is not bo- llovod thnt it will uo grnnted tins wcok owing to tho opposition that thoro Is agnlnst Brnntlng saloon II- conses for districts whoro thoro Is no pollco regulation. "Ounhont" Smith, tho nogro por tor nt tho Golden Oak Bnrber Shop who wns bound ovor to tno grand Jury Bomo weeks ngo for troublo with Mrs. Troinngor nnu .um, Hlckerson, two Mnrshflold no grcsses, wns rolensod last evening. "Not a truo bill" wns returned in his enso. Howovor, ho was told to keep away from tho nogro women. Ho camo to Mnrshflold and today said that ho oxpectod to leavo soon for his old homo In Montana. Ho was formerly a prize fighter. PRESENT TODAY Capt. and Mrs. B. W. Olson Rejoice Over Arrival of Son; Father in East. dipt. II. W. Olson, formorly of tho Nnnn Smith, hut now master of the big now vessel, tho Adelluo Smith, wns today nindo tho rccln- lont of tho finest hlrthdny present ho could wish for n nlno and a half pound son. Admiral Olson arrived this morning nnd ho nnd his mother nro getting nloug fine. Cnpt. B. W. Olson Is now at Sparrow Point, Mil., londlng tho Adolluo Smith for hor trip nround Cnpo Hornt,o Coos Bay. Ho will leavo thoro in a day or two. A tologram was sent him this morn ing announcing tho ndvent of his son, Tho arrival of his child on his birthday will ndd to tho Joy of Cnpt. and Mrs. Olson and tho hast of friends who will unlto ln felicitating tho worthy couple. l n Mnon n .. . CnnWi. uauses iviucn wmment Around Town b"W Cominn Finp ',? Wc Vnloi. ... . . L'VthB mi-. I .l" "cini pa Md E k'.tr,fh0' wh,ch M10 r Tie.ra """so Thursday and ilJ a tern JVaa (,lstr'bted yes- ui. ini va iiiuiiM ini mi ii..- 'no naiiAr !.. nihrusts at well known rehZT r1. a 'rt. ""te fi :" .'ur mo snow nro Vi wm, V. D,rector Lovo is Pl Mle fn. ,"'? ProBpects. Tho rl .-i ..' u"in nichtn hn. l.oon li kn,..: " ha Hkelv thnt nrna..,i. tttl w,l! welcomo tho homo KK Breat LlU. tC' 7 at LUTHERAN -J 1 11. COAST TRAVEL LlfinT. SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 3. Tra vel northward from snn j-ranciBco and Southern California ports dur ing tho last few weeks has shown n decided falling off. It is esti mated that tho decrease amounts to fully 40 por cent. Tho south bound passengor traffic still con tinues without a break. Tho San Francisco and Portland steamer Beaver Balled for Los Angeles yes terday with a good passenger list whllo tho Pacific Navigation Co.'s turblnor, Yale, departed yesterday afternoon with moro than 300 pas sengers. There were scarcoly 200 travelers on tho Yalo yesterday morning when sho nrrlved from tho South, ia.tr3T.KS XOTICE. Election of officers Wednesday ALLIANCE IN AND OUT TODAY Capt. Lofstad Reports Regu lar Gale Prevailing Along Coast This Morning. The Alliance which arrived ln Into yesterday afternoon from Portland, sailed this morning for Eureka. Sho crossed out about 8 o'clock and a llttlo Inter Agent McGeorgo received a telegram from Captain Lofstad stating that a por ted gnlo was blowing outsldo. Ho said thoro was a strong southerly wind. Tho Alliance had about 230 tons of frolght for Mnrshflold, Including big shipments of flour and tho stock for Frank G, Norton's now branch wholesalo grocery Iioubo of tho Allen & Lewis Company. This branch will be located ln tho Alll nnco building, taking the quartors formerly occupied by Goodrum's garage. Among those arriving on tho Al liance from Portland wero: A. W. Plympton, Sophia Poghel- la, J. F. Minis. H. W. Weder, V Tho Inrgcst item on tho list In $30,171.92. spent by tho single tnx league nnd next Is $35,812.05 ex ponded by those opposing It. K. P. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Myrtle Lodge Selects New Of ficials for Ensuing Year Eagles Elect. ' Myrtlo Lodgo No. 3, Knights of Pythlns, nt tliolr last mooting oioctcd tlio following ofllcors for tno ensuing yenr: C. C. Gcorgo Ross. V. C T. M. Collvor. Prolnto Georgo Blako, M. of W L. A. Whorent. M. of Ex. Goorgo Winchester. M. of P. F. P. Norton. K. of R. and S. P. S. Housloy. M. of A. T. T. Donnott. Insldo guard Noll O. Watson. Outsldo guard Irwin Ross. Trusteo for three years E. A. Anderson. Tho officers will bo Installed tho flrst Monday In January. Eagles to Elect. Tho Mnrshflold Aorlo of Eagles will hold their annual election of officers tdmorrow night. A numbor of nominations havo been nindo, but tho nominations will not close until Just prior to tho voting to morrow night. At tho Installation January 6th, n big banquet will bo hold. of Social Sclcnco. mnlorlnc in Entr llsh and Economics nnd working to wnrd a degrco in Lottors nftor which ho Intends to study Jurisprudence In tho east. Reynolds Is secretary in mo (loan or me HUiumer session or tho university nnd will hnvo chnrgo of tho publicity and advertising of tho summer session of tho unlvorsltv for 1913; ho Ib nn nctlvo inombor of tho Forum, tho University Orches tral Socloty and tho Military Hnnd Roger Goss. a vory nonulnr stu dent of tho Mnrshflold High School and who just returned from a study In tho cast last spring, ns a fresh mnn In tho Collogo of Soclnl Sclonco, working for tho dogrco of Bncholor of Laws nftor receiving which ho will tnko up regular work In tho De partment of Jurisprudence Goss hns proved hlniBolf to bo n vory populnr freshman nnd Is now a inombor of ono of tho fraternities. Ho Is nt Prod McCormac, who spoilt two yonrs In tho Mnrshflold High nnd completed a year In tho Oregon Agricultural college, whoro ho had tho unusual distinction or being selected nB tho most elllclont cadot for 1912 nt tho O. A. C. Military endot service Is now registered as an upper senior In tho Borkoloy High school nnd will In Jntiuury enter tho U. C. In tho College of Commorce Fred expects to major In economics nnd business practice Dr. J. T. McCormac, his fnthor, hns purchnscd n bcautirul homo nut in Northbrno, tho restricted rcsl donco district In Berkeley, which gives tho best vlow or Snn Fran cisco Bay and tho Goldou Gato to bo had. Whllo Dr. McCormac Is doltghted with tho cllmnto or Cali fornia, ho Is still moro pleased with tho level California auto roads and houluvnrds which offer tho maximum of pleasure to tho auto mobllo owner. Tho big Cadillac Is out on tho oiled ronds snmowhoro ovory wcok. Dr. McCormac ox pects to mnko his homo In Borko loy, nt least whllo Prod Is In the Unlvorslty and possibly permanently. Among tho students nt tho Honld-Dlxan BubIiiobh collogo ono Is surprised to see ninny students from homo. Edith Thomas. Hilda present nn assistant editor or tho, Llnstrom, and even H. E. Cnrmlch- Dnlly California!!, tho dally popor, who foiiuerly taught school In tho associated students nnd Is debat ing in tho freshman socloty. Miss Nora Tower, who Is stay ing nt College. Hall, wlt.i Miss Prouss, Is also studying In the Col lego of Social Sciences, and Is among tho most populnr nnd woll known freshmen wonion of tho un iversity. Sho and MIbb Prouss nro members or tho Portland club, tho now organization or Oregon stu dents, it will bo rocnllod that Miss Tower made such a decided success In tho Hobo of Plymouth Town, tho grnduntlug piny of tho Marslifioid High school Inst spring AFFECTS STOCK MAItKET. BvanlnB Dec 4 Every Englo Is H. McCune. Mrs. C. II. McCune, Bv order JL J. OSTROW. Worthy President. KODAKS make splendid Xraas Gifts. RED CROSS. AmonE those sailing on the Alli ance for Eureka from here wero: E. W. Ferris, Rex Gow, C. Rob erts, W. Neely, E. E. Goble, Mrs. E. C. Goble and Geo. Moore. Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Securities Slump. Wr AnoclHM rmi to Coot IIjr Tlmii, NEW YORK, Doc. 2. Whon tho news was rocelvod on tho Stock Exchange of tho government's vic tory ln tho Union Pacific morgor suit, union Pacific stock dropped 26 points and Southorn Pacific declined 2 points. Other active Issues declined in sympathy. CALL MONEY RATE. nr AtiocUtod r-rnt to Coo nr TJmu. NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Call mo noy leaped today from 10 to 15 por cent. Tlmo money rates wero unchanged. . ABANDON THE LAKES. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. All U. S. naval vessels may bo withdrawn from tho Great Lakes as a result of tho refusal of tho shipbuilding companies on tho lakes to entor Into repair contracts with tho Navy Department on account of their hostility to tho eight-hour law. Miss May ProiiBs, who is of last spring's graduating class from tho Mnrshflold High school, and who was always n favorite with hor fol low stiidonts on account of hor sunny naturo and popular person ality, Is mooting with equal success In callfornln s unlvorslty. Sho Is specializing In Gorman in tho Col logo of Social Sclonco and Is ono of tho freshmen womon always In demand at recaptions and social functions of tho undorgraduiitcs. Miss Prouss, MIbb Towor. Mies Coko, Miss Holm, Miss Hunt, nnd possibly Roger Gobs will nil roturn homo nt Christmas tlmo for tho holidays, as tho university examin ations nro over on tho 18th nnd do not begin again until Jnuunry 13th, tho returning studonts will havo a long Christmas vacation. North Bond nnd who conchod tho first football tea ins thoro In 1908. Cnrnilehnol nrtor spondlng a yoar nt tho University or Oregon, wont to tho Philippines In tho govorn mont sorvlco, nnd spout throo yours In tho Islands ns assistant school supervisor. At present ho Intends nltor completing business collogo to enter tho University or Califor nia to study Jurisprudence Ho wns well known and vory popular on tho Bay, Both Chnrllo .Merchant and Chns. Hiirlockor, tho lnttor from Coqulllo. nro Coos county men, now employ ed In San PrnnclBco, Charles Mor chnnt, hns boon In tho hospital for soma tlmo, nftor undergoing an operation, but Is now up nnd in business mice moro, his frlouds will bo glnd to hoar. Chnrlos wns a fow yenrs ngo In tho Mnrshflold High school nnd wns always oil tho ground as an energetic, tackling inombor or tho High school foot ball team, GET HIM a WATERMAN Foun tain Pen at tho RED CROSS. When In need of -PLUMBING, HEATING, TINNING, SHEET' METAL WORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER HDW'RE CO., When done by us 1 Is dono rlgU ' ' i miUJUJ,.IWII Miss Faith Hunt, a fourth fresh man, registering from North Bond In tho Collcgo of Soclnl Sclonco Is establishing a vory high record for scholarship. Miss Hunt was ono of tho graduating class or tho North Bond High school or last spring nnd hns resumed hor stud ios at tho unlvorslty with a vigor and Intensity thnt will plnco hor very high In tho Unlvorslty. owon Knowiton of Coqulllo Is studying pharmacy In tho San Francisco branches of tho Stato un iversity, nnd will completo his work In threo years. At tho Affll lated Colloges ho hnB received what Is allotted to tho freshman on trant, duckings In tho frog ponds on tho campus, rustlings from tho Bophomores, and oven locking In tho dissecting room of tho "med ics," but nevertheless ho is assum ing his place among tho collcgo men across tho Bay, On a weok-ond visit at Stanford tho other day, Marlon Reynolds re lates that ho saw Ernest Vlgnrs, formorly or North Bend, now reg istered In tho Collogo or Civil En gineering In Stanford. Vlgnrs gavo up nn Important position with Mei er & Frank of Portland to ontor tho university, Loroy Jones, who did quite n little engineering busi ness in Marshfield last siimmor, Is also doing senior engineering study ln Stanford also. Miss Gortrudo Mcndcnhall, who spout ono sum mer In Mnrshflold and North Bond threo years ago, Is visiting friends and Is studying art as a freshman In Stanford.. It Is porhaps, worthy to note that tho Individual records of scho larship among all tho students from Coos county high schools Is woll Miss Edith Thomas of North Bond, who wont down to attend tho Heald-Dlxou Business Collogo In Oakland, was takon vory sudden ly 111 with appondlcltls nnd com plications nnd hnd to ho ro moved to tho Fnblola hospital In Borko loy. Sho wns Ininiodliitoly opornt od upon nnd Is doing bottor Just at present. MIbb Thomas was taken with an attack of appondlcltls somo tlmo ago in North Bond and was in tho hospital for part of tho summor, but an operation was delayod indefinitely until this sec ond attack, which necessitated such action, Miss Thomas will upon re covery leave tho business collogo and return to North Bond. The CHEAPEST ACCIDENT IN SURANCE Is THE GU.NNERY'S Pocket FLASHLIGHT.