The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 24, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    BSBjmimnmsmM we are all after
I will l'ut yar tcaI E8taU' ",a
tho MnrkcM .uccuveiyi
it will put th fact about your
rooertr boforo Iio eyas of r11 "pos
sible buyers" lu town. And , If
fi.ra'1 one ol thorn who .ought to
Til, you'll Mdi iti
Cwma lag Sftmog
iCslnlillshed in 1878
at Tim Toast Mnil
j h - ' ilTOiW
W Htit A I
Will Kwp tho Income from Yowr
Furnished Rooms from Lapsing!
YOU can realty help tho family
revenues by routine" a fdw furnished
rooms and, If you knuw how and
when to uso the classified columns,
you may keep that little extra incotnu
aa "steady as a clock."
A Coiumlldutloti of Times, Const Mull
and Coo Hay Atltvrllocr.
No. 241
Will Be One of tho Most Mod
em n the World and Will
Cost $750,000.
EMPLOY 75 to 100 MEN;
Work on Construction to Be
Commenced in a
' Few Weeks.
0. A. Smith also announced
that progress was being mado
tho big electric powor plant
which Is to bo Instnllod at tho
mill hero for tho purposo of
electrifying tbo logging opora-
t tloni. Tho plant will havo
t 1700 horsepower. Tho plans
t (or It havo not been porfoctod
but probably will bo soon.
A pulp and paper mill with a dally
tiptclty of 30 to 40 tons of pulp and
wiling half to throo-quartor million
jolliri to construct, employing 76 to
1(0 men with a monthly payroll of
17,000 to $10,000 Is Mr. C. A.
Enlth'i latest contribution to tho In
dsitrlal enterprises of Coos Day.
Mr, Smith authorlzod this nn-
totmeement today and statod that
vork on tho plans for tho buildings
w already commoncou and actual
fork of construction will bogln as
toon u tho architects flnsh tliolr
prints which will roqulro about six
iteki or two months. Tho now fac
tory will bo 300 feet long by 200 foot
tide ana rango from ono to throo
itorles In holght. It will bo con
tuoetcd of brick or coucroto, probab
ly the latter.
Mr. Smith has assocolatod with him
It this new cntorprlso two prnctical
ul expert paper manufacturers, Ilolf
itj HJalto Nurdrum, brothers from
Kott, Finland. Thcso gontlomon
u?e Doon respectively superintend
ent and manngoc of ono of tho Inrgost
pmp ana paper mills In FInlnnd.
Both haVO boon enlaced In thn itinnii.
fjcture of papor all tholr lives and
tlclr father and grand fntlmr lmfnm
ttem woro ongagod in tho snmq lino
(I business.
Mr. HJalto Nordrum, fonnorly
Cinirer Of Ono Of thn Inrrn nntw.r
ems In Finland, has spent sovon
noothj In tho United States, visiting
15 Or 30 Of tlio lnrpnut nnnni tnlllu
this Country nnd' nnnmln nml
Wring Amorlcnn methods of jnnnu
iwtnre. Ho stated to n Tlmos' ro
pretentatlvo iniinv u.nt i.n mn,tA
to opening and opportunity for n
WPer mill on Coos Uny ono of tho
tWln tlin Wnrlil Xtnoura K'n-.l .......
lh. t '.vooio. AUI1IIUIU
"to loen on Coos liny for n fow
n loaning n quiet nnd enroful In
Want Better Lifesaving Pro
tection Before They Will Sail
On Sister Ship of Titanic.
(I3y Associated Press to tho Cooe Bay
24.Threo hundrod flromcn nnd
greasers on tho stcamor Olympic
struck five minutes boforo tho Whlto
Thoy gnvo ns a reason for striking
that the collnpslblo llfo boats in
stalled In tho vessel wero unBou
worthy. Thcv dcmnminri inf w,t-
en llfebonts bo substituted and thnt
two additional seamen bo signed for
oftch boat Thoy attempted to got
othor mombors of tho crow to Join
them but fnllod, tho offlcors taking
In tlio camrwnvn. l!v nrinn inin
servlco all tho nvatlablo onglno-room
hnnds on tho Whlto Star and Amorl-
Now v0X waiiMU0 ,t?BJlU todajr for "?? ,,ncrs ,n nort- th0 Olympic was"
gPYork with, 1400 passengers. able to proceed.
Main Building of Washington
oiaie Normal Destroyed
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Dai
mCHBNEY, Wash., April 24.-Tho
main building of tho stato Normal
School was destroyed by fire today
and Max Miranda and J. II. Work,
mombors of tho faculty who wero
oiuuiilllll nn inn flilnl flnn- ,
forced to Jump Into rugs held by
tho flromon. Doth wero lnjurod.
Tho building with equipment was
rnluod nt $400,000.
E. H. Rothrock of Chronicle
Shot by Foreigner in
Office Today.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
SPOKANE, Wash., April 24. E.
II. Hothrock, city editor of tho
Chronlclo, was shot twlco nnd fatally
wounded In tho Chronlclo editorial
rooms by n foreigner, Charley Aleck.
Tho man drow a rovolvor and shot
without wnrnlng. Ho refused to toll
what prompted tho deed. Hothrock
died In flvo minutes.
Aleck Is n Itusslan laborer. Ho
ilrst told tho polico ho had been on
tho Tltanlo nnd. then that ho had
bocn on tho Carpathla nud mumbled
"That thoro had been too much
printed" about tho disaster. Ho
could glvo no other reason for tho
Aleck walked quietly Into tho
Chronlclo local room nnd asked for
tho editor. Hothrock roso from his
desk wnlkod toward tho man. As ho
enmo within nn arm's longth Aleck
drow n rovolvor nnd fired. Tho bui
lot struck Hothrock in tho breast mid
ho fell to tho floor. Hoforo ho could
bo solzcd by mombors of tho Citron-
German Liner Frankfurt Too
Far to Reach Titanic in
Time to Aid.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
BHEMERHAVEN. flnrmnnv. Anrll
2' "Tho North Qormnn Lloyd liner
I-rnnkfurt arrived horo today. Cap
tain Hattorff officially roported that
his first messago from tho Titnnic
was received nt 12:10 o'clock Mon
day morning when tho vessol was
140 nautical miles riMntntit. UnHnrtr
Informod tho Tltnnlo that tho Frank
furt would roach hor nt 11 o'clock.
Hor wlroloss with tho Tltnnlo was in
terrupted nt 1:15 n. m. whon Hatt
orff bolluvos tho Tltanlo snnk. Tho
rinuKiuri. rencucu mo flco no at 10
o'clock, passing groat Holds of ico.
Tho greatest icoborgs w6ro 120 foot
high and 900 fcot long. Tho Frank
furt with tho Russlnn stoamor Dlrma
nnd tho Allnn llnor Vlndnlan nnd thn
Cunardor Carpathla crulsod among
mo icouorgs ror tno victims without
succoss. Tho Carpathla had picked
up 22 boats and roported two missing.
Steamship Bremen Sees Vic
tims of Titanic Floating
Near Scene of Disaster.
(By Associated Frees to Coos Bay
NEW YOHIC. Anrll 24 Thn
stonmcr Bremen, which nrrlvod to
day from Dromon, reports having
righted moro thnn a hundred bodies
and a quantity of wrockago nonr tho
scono of tho Titanic wreck. Tho
cablcBhlp Mackay Bennett wob In
sight and having word that its mis
sion was to Jook for tho bodies, no
attempt was mado by tho Dromon's
crow to pick them up.
(By Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos)
NEW YOnK, April 24 Tho
caoicsiup Mackay Bonnott ongnged In
soarchlng for bodies of Tltnnlo vic
tims, reports that so far 77 havo
bocn rccovorcd. Many aro In such n
condition that Identification Is Im
possible Tho unldontlflod will bo
Duriod at oca.
Reported Purchase of Large
Number of Lots for Sumner
Lines There.
That a deal for tho purchaso of
noout 170,000 worth of lots In North
Sumner and Southern Pacific
File Maps With City Coun
cil Sumner Letter.
MnpH showing tho proposod routoH
of tho Southoru Pacific and tho Sua-
lelo 8tnff. Aloek lonnod over tho nrob-
'Mtlgatlon of tho situation nnd ox-' trato man and fired another shot
fflimngand tostlng tho raw mntorlal that struck tho editor's nrm. Iio
Ud the fnrllltlna fn- ..o.... f ... throw tho rovolvor nt tho bodv na a
"w a morougli Inspoctlon and ox- ,!nir non roponcrs geizou mm. no
HBlnatlon. thnv ni1..r,,,.,,i ,i.i ,i wns drained into tho hnll muttorln
! onion and will Immodlntoly ontor u- ' Carpathla" ovor nnd over. Ho r
n their llfo wnri, i,. a.. . fusod i ulvo nnv othor nnswer to
Itolth i had Interested tlieso gontlo- f.rnntlf throata and questions no
en In thn nm,,nii i. " .?... i. dresscil to h m br his cantors.
'Wed them to regard it as normon-'. Ilot:; Jck w" Uft0d onto J1'0 do9k
JJt and expected them to mnlm th Is bt d,'l not rfwer .conaclouBncs
lir home. Last nlcht thnv mhinl i nml a,ea wumn live minuies.
lWrii.nti-!"l?.llf l,??Jr.bJ -o .-. urdfior told tho polico he
WwmwniMBnYnl Russian. 40 years old nnd
'unllles. who w?ll sal? 0,r, i con, to th,s countrr four ycar8 .nB-
.onjuno28 forrnnH nS Ho Bnl' ,10 cnmo to Spokano from
Tho new mill . P?S ??' . . Tortlnnd nnd scorned unable to tell
B'lof the P a BnTui r, in , ltotnrocit wns n nnnvo oi ivuhduo
keeping with nil ;fMUo C,?i ,vttl' ,n,na cnmo to Spokano with his fam
Prles br;l .r.Mr'SmUh8ontor!ily when n boy. Ho wns educated
tk world ?, '., 10 m.08t moarn lnJn tno iocal schools nnd nt Stnnfora.
BachlneVv V. ' ",,,urnco "i "osi whoro ho graduated In tlio class oi
U1 h nr i . "on,l8Ploros and 18Q8. Ho becamo nssoclntod with
eltheL.. ".? on a combination tho Chronlclo Immodlntely nfter loav-
Aaerlf.n ,0 ,l0da of European and fng collego. Ho was widely known
lte bePnfn,m.nufacturor8'wh,ch' throughout tho northwest. Ho wns
Th nBluu,0(1 by tho manager. 3C years old and lenves n widow.
U l meW l W,U for th0 nroBont W"8- Rothrock was sorlously ill but
Mi-pi- .T " wio proiiuci, nnu i wns toiu oi nor nunuuuu o uvum.
trln" p' l"V u- A. Smith Manufnc
10 ton Pt In. addlt,n to tho 30 to
tie mm .v. ' wanuracturod dally
wtBut nfr'An180 havo nu annual
HO ton. J Vuwu Ba"ns or nlcoliol.
im? t,lrl'entlno nnd 300 tons
Mr vriu ..
Baden.. .'. "l"ios mat no una
Kadled in MUlr.nnnlysl3 ot "'0 wood
-umiea m the Smith mm nn,i ..,!
'item!0 t0 '.nost A'"orIcan timber
UditlnnT J""u"ng qunlltlos nnd In
.!:':? ,8 "ry rich In tho chnmlfnl
resin m.i nl.c.oho1' turpentine nnd
"then,, 'n,ds t0 ll'o importance
It Is 2!fiUt of the y-ProductB.
.v! ' estl-nated thnt i win -n
"'oetlon if .r, t0. cmpleto tho con
ciion of tho biiiiiifi,n. n,i i.,Du
llond lins boon nrnrtlonllv Mn.,l nml "' "'.". "uu"'v,u "!"? l
that they are being purehnirt for the n.od'w'RY Z"rtl?$& cSSK
Sumner linos wns ho announcomont ell last evening. The Southern Pn
mado today on good authority. How-lrifin ontnm m, i ..-. "...
over, tho matter could not bo olllclal-1 end of Simpson park nnd proceeds
ly COnllrmOd. ovnr In Mm wnfnrrVnnl nn.l l,,...o II -
Tho largest hunch of tho lots is j waterfront south to tho city limits,
said to bo In Eastern Addition and, Tho Sumner lino ontora SInipsoj
tho romaindor scattered nlong tho Turk furthor south and proceeds to
proposed right of way in North Bond, wnrds tho wntor front by nn Indirect
II, A. Sumnor was In North Bond. route, following tho culeh nnst of th
today and could not bo roachod. Hoi park Tho first point of conflict Jh
Intondod to loavo today for San Fran- on Stanton nvonuo nnd In prlvato
Cisco but posponod his doparturo un
til tomorrow when ho will sail on tho
Homer. Ho statod last ovenlnc thnt
ho would bo back horo boforo tho
North Bond franchlso was awnrded.
As to tho showing about tho financial
standing of his backers, ho said that
property boyond. In tho Sumnor nn
plication for n franchlso, Its route is
oiuiinou as ioiiows:
Through alloys In Block 14,
Steamboat Addition to Ynrrow, to
Wnshlngton street, thonco over nrl-
vuto land to Mend, Florida, McPhoi-
General Manager Millis Saya
ouuuiuiii racmc ASKS
Only Square Deal.
A delegation of Marshflold busi
ness men called on C. J. Mints at his
omco at tho dopot this morning to
dlscUBs tho dovolopmonts in tho pros-
ent railway situation on Cooa Bay.
Tho mooting was arranged by Mr.
Eugcno O'Connoll who as a largo pro
perty ownor nnd tnxpayor 1b Interest
ed In promoting tho construction of
n railway. Mr. O'ConnolI'B purposo
wns to try and nrrango a gonulno
got-togothor meeting and socuro an
expression of sontlment from tho bus
iness mon of tho city.
Among thoso prcsont nt tho moot
ing woro tlio following:
J. II. Mllnor, C. F. McGoorgo, E.
iv. jonos, k. A. Andorson, Wm.
Qrlmos, J. A. Matson, D. L. Rood,
Eugono O'Connoll, J. T. Hnrrlgnn,
John Merchant, W. N. Ekblad, Goo.
Balnea, L. M. Noblo, Thos. Harvoy,
M. O. Horton, Jcsso Luso, Dr. Lcsllo
Jas. Boring, Coo. II. Rotnor, Nols
Rasmusson, F. E. Hbkuo. Honry
Sengstackon, . Warron Bachtol, Alva
Doll, F. P. Norton.
Thoy woro cordially recolvod by Mr.
Mlllls and after a ntatcmont of tho
purposo of tho conforonco Mr. Mlllls
nnnouncod tho position of tho South
orn Pacific.
"Tho Southern Pacific Is going to
build a railway to Coos nay," Mr.
Mlllls said, "and our purposo Is mero-
jy to socuro an antrnnco Into Marsh
flold on fair nnd oqultnblo torms."
Tho Southorn Pacific franchlso ns It
passed Its Ilrst roadlng In North Bond
wns road and nlso tho common usor
clnuso and rnto rogulntlon clauses ot
tho Tormlnnl Hallway rrnnchlso In
Mnrshllold. Mr. Mlllls nlso oxhlbltod
n bluo print map of Marshflold show
ing tho stroots on which tho Terminal
Company hold frnnchlso right.
'The Southorn Pnclflc does not nsk
for exclusive rights on Front stroot
nor do wo roqulro tho wntorfr6nt.
What wo nBk Is n frnnchlso on streets
thnt will ennblo us to connect our
prosont Mnrshflold properties with
tho lino ns It will bo built Into North
Bond. A franchlso down back streets
that will onnblo us to connect with
our wntorfront proporty will bo suf
ficient. I will nlso stnto thnt wo will
not object to a common user clnuso
In tho brldgo frnnchlso. ThAt mnt
tor Is up to tho Wnr Dopnrtmont.
Whntovor tholr specifications may bo.
wo export to comply with them. I
think thnt a common user provision
Preliminary Consideration of
Three Applications for
Sumner Makes Fight on South
ern Pacific for Common
User Clause.
Near tho conclusion of whnt hntt
boon n vory qulot senslon, flroworbl
broko out in tho North Bond council
nicotine InBt evening nnd mndtf tno
finish n decidedly Ilvoly ono. Rt
ynls nmong tho throo nppllcnnbi
for railway franchises on tho wntoV
front procooded to toll tho council
fow things nbout onch othor nnd tt
mombors of tho council nnd othom
procooded to vont tholr vIowb o; aoare
of tho applicants.
Tho final result of tho meotng was'
that tho application of hr Ramih-
orn 1'aclflo passed Its first and socoml
roadlng nnd its pasaogo postponed for
thirty days to comply with tho enac
tor provision. Tho Sumnor applica
tion, passed its first roadlng nnd Mr.
Sumnor wns roquostod to Bhow th
V.UU..V;., mm uo wn8 nnnnclnlly nhle
to construct tho lino. Tho applica
tion of tho Tormlnnl Hallway rocoly
od no official action but brought nomo
scotching romnrks from mombors of
tho council nnd others.
Mayor Simpson nnd Councllmtm
Korn of tho North Bond body wn
nbaont. Prosldont Fnlkonsteln pre-,
sldod and tho othor mombora prosont i
woro Messrs. Grubbs, Drirtlo. Mandl- -go
and Horn. Tho North Dond court- -ell
room was crowdod to rnnnniv nn.i
.caused somo npprohonslon lest th-
; ii.; U1 nuu'onco causo th
UUlIdlncr to collnnnn. Rnvnmi tin.
during tho evening, Rocordor Dorliy
shlro wnB compollod by tho shnklnu
of tho building to roquost tho crowil
tO bo QUlot lost thn lmlMlnir lul.l.-b
has a rathor ahnky foundation, rite
way. ' "
Just prior to tho calling of tha
rouncll meotlng, Frod Holllstor nnd
O. J. MHIIb cnllod tho mombora of the
council Into nn nnto-room and hold
brlof prlvnto conforonco. No ono obo
was prosont nnd whnt transpired Ja
not known.
Tho application of tho Southora'
Pacific wns tnkon un iimt it
first fllod. It wns road and passed np
for Its second roadlng without any
Tho Sumnor nppllcntlon wns nokt
taken up and on tho conclusion of
tho Ilrst roadlng, Councllmnn Dartlo
moved thnt It bo laid on tho tabo
until n lator mooting for Its socontl
roadlng. In tho moantlmo, his mo
tion was, Mr. 8umnor Is to furnlsls
to tho mombors of tho North Bond
council or to tho bankers of North
Bond ovldonco thnt ho or his coru
pnny is financially ablo to carry out
tho projoct.
Tho application of tho Terminal
ho did not antlclpato any troublo fn nnd Union to Montana and on
In mnklng a satisfactory showing.
Howover, If thoy Insisted on flndlnc
out Just who they aro, tliut Is n diff
erent mattor.
Last evening II. I. DIors announ
ced at tho council meeting that tho
buumer people woro now the socond
largest proporty holders In North
Bend and said that Sumnor had told
him this. Mr. Dlors referred anyone
doubting it to capt. Edgar Simpson
or tho Bank of Orogon to havo It
Clash Betweeir Portuguese
Textile Workers and
. Troops Fatal.
tlem.n..ot tn buildings and Instnll i n.. i,.i nm., t n, rv,ns na
, - "winery. Tho mill win i, r , ' --,
"' anj nlelu nf n :""..:.. i
'"eereciinn .. "' ,a uU'ioiea. i
'te nstruc tlnn nf ."P lnc,u nnd civilians were killed today In nn
feet hiPi, ,nn of chimney 190 L,P hntween Btrlklns textile
tknew0mei"lon of the capacity of
LISBON. April 24. Many soldiers
workers nnd troops at Villa Nova Do
l nu
"newn, , ' l,,," l tno capacity of Cnln n 6Uburb of Orporto. Th
11,1 & Sf wlne4 '" tlw ' atrlker, threw bombs Into tho In
01..- " Will rnnillrn H,rnn on,l '. . . 1 . ...1. ,l.l ...IIV. flfloS
"' milllnn Ti " raniry rnnKs wim rei.Hjpu ?.
err u ? 'lons gallons of water ov- j 6nvs
Montana to Sheridan, thoncn ovnr
prlvnto land to California and across
California, Virginia and Washington
to Stnnton avenuo nnd south on Stan
ton to Malno; thonco southeast to
Plat B, southerly to Lowls and Tro
mont and southwest on Tromont to
tho south lino of tho city limits.
Mr. Sumner's lottor accompany his
nppllcatlon was hs follows:
'J no syndlcato behind tho two com
panies above nnmod proposes to con
struct a standard guago railway from
tho City of Eugeno, Lnno County,
over tho Const Rango nnd down tho
Sluslaw River vnlloy to Glendnlo,
thonco by tho noxt practicable route
back from the Coast, to n point on
tho north sldo of Coos Bay bar noar
Sand Point, thonco by a brldgo across
tho nay built to conform to tho re
quirements of tho U. S. War Donart-
mem, to tno northern limits of North
Bond nnd tho City of Mnrshflold.
Tho plans for this railway havo
uuuii minor coiiisiuuruuon sinco iviu
when tho Pacific Great Western un
j Railway In tho shnpo of n lottor from
I I'rnul.lnnt A. !..-
it rVi Kiuruuu nnu hoc. J,
II. Flanagan wnu prosontod. No
drnft of n frnnchlso nccompnulod It
ui u was statod that a franchise
will bo roqulrod and If It la wo will
not objoct."
8ovoral of tho business mon pros
ont participated In tho discussion. In
cluding O. F. McGoorco. Wm. Orlmna.
J. Albort Matson. M. C. Horton, Geo. I similar to tho ono It holds in Mnrsa
Rotnor, L. M. Noblo, J. II. Mllnor and flo!d wns doslrod nnd It nskod for
r. ij. iiukuo. mo most imponnni
point dovolopod was brought out by
O. F. McGoorgo In a question of tor
mlnnl rates, which ho showod would
bo absolutely necessary to tho dovol
opment of tho wholesale and manu
statement from tho council as to what
ino preceuuro should bo. No action
was takon on It when It was first
Councilman Mandlgo raised n ques
tion about tho rlKht of thn runnel!
-.... . i . . . . . - - -"
facturlng ouslness of Coos nay and i lo Krnni a rranchlso ovor tho Btrocis
which ho said should bo Incorporated j ,n '''nt B. Whon this wns filed nnd
wio sirooiB dodicnted, Major Klnnoy
ns n provision In any franchlso that
wns granted.
Tho final result of tho meeting was
withhold tho right to uso tho Btrcetn
for railroad, telephone and tolograpli
C. A. Smith statod today that ho der lncn, organization, locntod nnd
had received word that work Is adopted a route from tho summit of
progressing rapidly on the now sls. tll0 CoaBt nnn t0 MapIoton
or snip or me is nnn biuun. wwon m On this particular part of tho lino
being built nt Newport Nows and sc ra!le8 ,n jongth wo aro at tho
news of which has boon previously rogont tlm0 , ,)0gse83,on of tho foI.
i"'""" '" ,,"" "" . .... Mowing nguts of way:
The nexs; ship, name of which has 1 1300 mll08 , ,0 th aecured
deed of conveyance.
1th rifles.
uen from , I . Th,s wator w,n be also be necessary to Instnll a refining
"it In it. uujr ana iiitered. The
... " " Will nnt lnl.f l
i-aner wltt, ii , "ul",0 " auy
4,9 Quired che,n,cal effects that
" aadltli
plant In which tho by-products will
tin mfinnd for the market. Later It
is expected that the paper mill pro
per will be Installed for converting
n to tho pulp mill It will ' the pulp Into tho finished product.
not boon definitely determined, will
bo some wider, some longer and
with about 10 por cent larger carry
ing capacity, taking on a cargo of
two nnd a half million feet. Somo
improvements In facilities for load
ing nnd unloading will also bo In
It is expected the new ship will ho
completed November 30 and that It
will reach Coos Bay on New Year's
day. I
at the1
2.2C miles In length over Govern
ment land secured by filing
mnps with U. S. Land Offlco.
1,65 miles In longth under contract
for deed.
1S.25 miles In longth undor condem
nation, suits now pending.
.45 miles In longth, no agreements
for purchase,
Over other portions of tho line tho
(Continued on page 4.)
that tho mattor bo loft In thn hnmln purposes. City Attornov Mnll.m nni.i
of tho railway committee of tho i thnt ho wns not propnrod to stato
nimmlin. t ft n ... n.n In rntn n.l.K I fllttt Wtinf rlfvllto llln nntttmlt 1....I .
this mattor,
Up to this tlmo, nono of tho appli
cants had mado any statement to tho
rouncll. Sumnor wnntod to know"
whon tho council proposod to take
up his application ngnln nnd was In
formed that It could not bo passed
boforo May 23. Tho regular moot
ing of tho council will not bo hold
until Mny 28. Ho nskod that O R.
Peck bo notlflod of tho data tho coun-
Chambor of Commorco to confor with
Mr. C. A. Smith nnd mako a report
later. It seomod to bo gonorally un
derstood that tho mnttor might bt
satisfactorily adjusted botweon Mr.
Smith and his associates of tho Tor
mina! Railway company,
Ono of tho Interesting features do
volopod at tho mooting was tho build
ing of a doublo track on Front streot
by tho Tormlnal Railway company.
Mr, Hnguo said that ho asked Mr.
. ' " ---.., -.... ,...,.
Coko nnd Mr. Coko said tho order! c wisnos to tnuo It up ugoln. Ito
was given by J. W. Bonnott. Mr. 8fl'(l that ho had nothing further to
McGeorgo said ho understood tho In-.any m ijoiinu of tils application thau
structlons cnmo from San Frnnclsco.
Mr. Grimes road n telegram from W.
S. Chondlor. genornl manager of tho
company, which statod that ha had
was aiitllnod In tho lottor
Mr. Mlllls wns cnllod on for a fow
remnrks nnd said that ho wlsho l to
oxpross his appreciation of tho action
Issuod no such Instructions and was; " i"o council. Ho said that ho wLb
not consultod In tho mnttor In nny-o(l to call attention to tho fact that
way. Mr. Grlmos nlso announcod j every stntomont In tho franchlso waa
that Mr. Chandler had said that thoro. I" good faith and to say that within
was no necessity or Intontlon of's'x'y days nftor tho franchlso was
building n doublo trnck on Front i paasod, thoy would have work un lor-
strcot at tho present time.
Mr. Doll of tho railway committee
stated that the commlttco expected to
havo a conforento with Mr. C. A.
Smith sometime this afternoon or tomorrow.
TAMALKS dollvored any place in the
city until 12 O'CLOCK at night.
Thoy are READY to SERVE. Phono
way and havo tho linos In North Bend
romplotod within olghtoon months.
Ho said (hat It was also his hopo and
bollof that tho lino to Eugono would
bo dono In two years and that the
company would bo propnrod to cnr.ry
North Bend people to tho. San Fran
cisco exposition In 1915 In "varnish
ed cars,"
Ono or two In tho audience hero
(Continued on pago 4.)