The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 23, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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0110 Of till!
M u,.i iii t o cities that ure
1" .inmir like ii liock'liee
nmliUhor's f fiioH liny. It Is nt
ecte the youiw
along tho
. It Ib at
anil tliu In cliurehu.
rantl!o bonus . A live w-okly Hows
papor. Tru Cois liny llarho;
Tlu Presbyterian. Mcthorilht, Unit-
oil llrothreii. Catholic and liplscnpnl
are represent:;!!. Ni.rth
I, i n .. .u iU -
Henri hau a waterfront within her It no placo on earth whero tLsso
city llmltH over threo miles In length "iron eleinonta comblno themsolvcs
and sulllclcnt to provlrio dockage for K "- BrowcrB advantaKo as In
,,, ., , ., . , Cooa Hay cuuntry. Hero nearly
tho shipping of San Kranclsco and ... ... .
...!.... i . 1 1 i r,,. .i r veqetnblo grown In the temp
Portland combined. Tho popu.ntlon ..,,.,,
of North Ilend Is mariu up of thrifty
enterprising pcoplo who for tho most
part own their own homes. Thoru
nro many handsome residences In
the city with well kept lawns and
beautiful gardens. "Shore Acres."
me ucauiinii country nomo of Mayor tno soutr.crn I'aclllc Hallway Co .i
Slinpson, Is situated on tho coast pany that their lino from Kugono to
nbout four miles below tho entrance Cooh liny will bo completed In two
to Co OB Hay whero be owns a largo years and from Eugene through C-.i-tract
of agricultural and timber land. trnl Oregon to Ontario within t e
North Demi linH a most brilliant fu- same period, and that Coos Day Is
ture. With tho absoluto assurauco I to be made a distributing point l r
of the building of tno railroads, con- j an Immense area to tho north n..d
nectlug Coos Hay with the outsldo j caBt of ub. With tho completion of
world. The deepening of tho Coos tho projects now authorized and out
Hay bar and harbor by tho general lined for tho Improvement of the b ir
government and by tho Port of Coos and harbor Coos Hay can accomnio
Hay Commission, giving ub tho in-, dnto any shipping passing through
csttmnblo advantago of water trans- the Panamn canal, and ships coml .g
portatlou for any claBB of shipping I lioro can return loaded with lumbjr
f -,-...,. f d, .vnrM M-iiinh u nn! ropl from Coob county, and
.this I g B
IIIPUU1LIJINU has for years been
most Important Industry on
oob Hay and In Coob county.
temperate ' ti, .. ... ,.... ......... ...i
and soml-troplcal c.lincs mnturo In I .
the greatest profusion, and whero ir
rigation and fertilization do not cat
up what your hands crentc. It has (
been olTlclally announced by tr-it
matchless syBtem of transportat. .n
excellcntlv adapted to this pun
pose, Is plentiful throughout tho tor
out region and tho bay shoro otTom
abundant yard room for tho purponj.
The most Important yard In this
.vif- wTiWityiu'.w.viTBlfcwMi fttk,.
l ...... ......
(hit tlitcrnood oi ernes iiiiu win
leaf day merge Into the metropolis
lit Is to tho crown Jewel In the
.corolla of commerce on tho north
PicUc roast. North Henri had Itr
ijctleus In wlint Is now and will b
for jears tho greatest Industry nn
jtl( richest rcEiiiirce of tho Coos Ha,
ustrv. namely lumber It was I
Ui that Cant. A. M. Slmpsot.
aw of n name that will forovc
iillisohibly llnlccit wltii the plot
r ilnclcti'iien' of the tlmlnr lute
is of tie I'itIHc c(.a.t, ereeted tl:
it saw ml.l on C ion May. Th'
I it3 lucntvd In what Is no-
sb 3 O.d Town and Its develop
e:t to tho present n nanlllcent pn
r ns of thi Simpson hunilx
-.any but Hint 1 1 another sto '
: J told elH'wloio I.i this Ibs k
Tto Times.
SIiiiimiii .Viiino U I'liiiuliioiit.
"red In the ri 'vclopnii'i t of t' i
z r Industry on t..u Paellle coi
u It cmlurliiK'y luterwovon I tit
e history of North Henri. Altlinn
e first scttleuieiit wiih mnile I
HIS Is was not until I'.iOU that
"ae Simpson. b of tho orlidn
'Kin and who hud Kiiifocded hi
itr In tho nmimKomont of ts
"son Lumber Co.. Blurted I
J what Is now a miloiiillil rltv I"
-Uturowlth n fiitiiro full of pron
in Dotoiiilur of that year th
t street was kmiIciI and tho foi"
:alald for tin- rimirv nntropo I
t3 a StracullliL' cniiutrv vIIIiil-
i a iIdkIo store on tho edge of
"es u Has in ciimo a city w't
t-e apiuirtrn .i h of a mod
"rolls anil a imimliitlmi nf m'll ..
'"rte tliotimiul
.1 .Maillirill'lM.' MI..
; i iiviiii n i 1 1 mo nresi;
Invested capl'r
on Lumhor Co
and Door F-"
x Factory, So1""
ulfr Co.'s Ml :
ldoiiHary, Foil''
ip. Oas Wcrl t
nt and Sb'i
sellout oppo-t'i-that
vood, such nr "
ory, spool p tl
etc., and si
manufnctur'i t
st reasonob
as a flno grad'''
fhool that cnat
nipped hospital
a orectou at a
tie follow
-'s Inrolvlm?
lll.COO.000: S.
" a mills, F
"i eneer mm
Wi Timber nn
:t'e Mill. Mil,
Ef d Machln.
t(,flc LlEht
l's. Thpro n.
t(i here for v
K amth int. tr.
'' mill match
to handle fa.
:l upon the
s. North itr
?.?' "d a hi
0. thn fc.
I Southwest n
"!0' 115.000.
??. graded
i mtem
slLSAVKKPJSnlbAfei iii(
5S3SiA zJtiZllmm iwiVi'i ai ;iC-T)3j rfBr 1B im
'no Is that of the Kruno & Hanks
"hlpbullrilng ompniiy, at North
'lend, many vessels cf nil kinds liar-
'ug been lnunrheri from that yard.
T o aggregate valuo of theso vca-'
e b, exclusive of the steamers, Is es
timated to bo several hundred thou
sand dollars. In the early period 3t"
thts Industry tho vessels built, being.
almost wholly Intended for coasting
trnlllc between shallow hnrborB, woro
or light draft and small size. Hut
later with the Improvement of coiut
harhrrs, and the gradual movement
of Coob liny built vohhuIh Into other
than t ' coast trade, and especially
hi co the Introduction of the steam
r homier, tl.olr mIzo Iiiib rapidly beou
rne eased.
Til 13
( iiwci: Foic
I'Ol'l.TltV It.MSKIIrl.
I IIC pcHclbllltl "H of the poultry
tiHii('H In Coob county
are very great. Tho country
vi r In Us history Iiiih producedi
j ouoiigli ct;gB to supply the domain!.
, Pu'ry year Ihuro aro thousauriB or
i r-Bos Imported. One reason for thla
I t a up to within (ho last threo
,wnrH th 're hits In en a very poor lo
,(11 market for tho summer'H produe
' t lent ( f igKS. Several yenra ago a
'urK modern eold stornKo plnnt wan
Ii -tared In .Mi.ishlleld. providing a
f iimmc r market fur all the eggs )f
inipirlur quality whleh Co ranchers
of Coos county havo be hi nble to
i. rime Tlu og Jobbers of Coos
a'M (i iiH'iiiit'y In tin niarkot for In
1 1 rni ed Hiipplles of trade. Tho
f'KH i" ductcii falling In this de
' n anil. Hie JobbeiM I avo bcon forced
to liiip'irt van. There Is no reason
v c ii'H county Mhoiild not produce
all the (ggH used within Its borders
and havo a surplus for oxport.
'end -as a prosperous Commercial
i bnnks, a sower "'lub with elegantly furnished quar
ts, city water, ters. It Is composed of tno lenaing
l numerous mor- buslno'B men of tho city.
tho sure regulator of freight rates wheat and other cereals ond products Coos Hay Ib one of tho healthiest (
Many manufacturing Interests nrer
nciricd here, and would furnish prof
itable fields for Investment. Factor
es, pulp mills, canning plants, thoro
'b Inducement for all thoso and
many more, and with conditions fully
as fawirnble as can bo found olso
where. Capital, skill and Industry
are wanted to put theso Into oxls
tenco and practical oporatlon; but tho
conjunction of abundant raw mater
ial and favornblo natural conditions
Is such that succoss would scorn as
sured along any of tho lines men
tioned, as woll as In many others not
Threo hundred thousand dollars
has boon voted by tho electors of
... ...... ... .I...A - n... ln l .!. llUn,l Otn.m. nn.l n..
-nil N'orth Bend and Coos Jiay oi me minions oi ncrva mui hi iu nui-un m mu unutu o m-n mm inu-
offers advantages superior to any being Bettled and tmproveu tnrougn- 8entB opportunities to people In every tho Port of coos nay for tno impro-
nolnt on the Pacific coast. When tno out central ana Eastern uregon. this woik f life. , Temont or tno naruor.
above Is couplod with a climate su- will necessitate tho construction or
pgrlor to either California or no-
Hour mills and elevators on Coos
U IU VJ.n.w -w !,.. i ., ,.- ln.l..orld Tho
rlda. for Instnnco, at tins aaie. jnnu- ho, mm imm, uin """'"
15 when tho entire counirv irom . vuniinii iuu duuuuuuihj, uuo u.
Washington to Oklahoma Is bolnu will be dotted with tho nomes or n
swent by snow and b'lzzards. and prosperous and contented people,
the thormometer hovering nround Marshfleld. tho presont metropolis,
the zoro point, hero on Coos in.v tho ( and North Hend will bo consolidated
air Is resonant with tho song cf birds i under one munlclpnl government nnd
.hii ti.r, ntmosnhero Is rdilent will be a city of one hundred thou-
with tho perfume of roees nm' otner
flowers that aro blooming In the
open. Th9ro nro thousands of ncros
of bench lands surrounding Coos
nnv that tho Lord has held 'n re-
sand people within tho next ten
years. This will roon bo a reality
iind tho development of tho Coos nay
region will bo tho wonder and ad
miration of the world.
.. . n. ,. I.I.. nSrcnn .
servo for tno uenuui m m .ov.. i
)ooplo. that can bo purchnr-! at , Tno farnli tho dairy, tho grazing
rensonnb'o nr'ces. awaiting ti nd- ( iands of Coos county all offer a safo
vent of tho Industrious fnrme- There investment. City and town lota give
Ore th'ee pespnciv hoiiiuh'- " uc opporiuniiy lor iuu icuiuuuiumu m
taken Into account in ui3 purcnaso
of lands, namely, soli, climate and
transportation, with tne completion
of the railroads to Coos Day, there fltable deallnc
vestment of capital, as the steady
growth of tho city and principal
towns offer ample assurance of pro-
wtwsx? -