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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1912)
iOME MEN'S WAY OF FORGIVING AN ENEMY IS MEANER THAN A REFUSAL TO DO SO UrAvvnrvrmtia in Tho times wa .. . .. Tt I n.t.t "In (Earn Struts WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep the Incomo from Yor Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tho family revenuea by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that Httlo oxtra Incomo as "steady as a clock." Will l'Ut xour - u will put tho facta about your X before 4to oyoB of all "pos- p,,i- buyers" in town. Ana ir & ,?Ui.T wUo 0UEht t0 own it. yu BoU '" MESUIER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS VVYV Kstnuiisneu in iovo )L AAA ns T,,0 const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1912 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mull Mn 15' nml Coo liny Adertlscr. mm i ISATI DHL MB S OF ROOSEVELT 10 U FOLLEITE Lm Former President, Re- !iaim ' !i.i tn IWcp.nnsn SP Man's Candidacy. im. HE INTIMATED liege ms '".", w Have jTogre&wvo hubhhi i au. L Atioclniea Frew to Coot Bay TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C. March 23 hit Col Itoosovolt's messagoa to So hi tier that ho-would V.nMcvolfa support, la tho nub- nee of a otior oi nuiwi ". """--KaiUon Gardner, given ou .at tho l Fo otto ncnuquuiiuio ... -"- in,.Mndeneo mado public by r. . ;.!.., "Tim mnHnniro you RVtSS.rmciy,or..u 'K. . Mhni- wnv than na nn Kn I to La Follottc to become candidate. . . . ... v Dot you saw mru iimu ..... . .... U Roosevelt oclirod 'that ho mid not DO a cnmmiiiiu. iiwii ... i. vi.inrv ivnn tnnde. flint ho raid not afford to lako a defeat and t whoever mntio mo iikiii w - i. ia nn nnii.iuiTU nil . " .. .. a. ninrtinn If nomlnntod, that li w8 a democratic yenr, that La Mletto would not no injured ini ., iv. ihnrA olinnlil lm n cnndldato pr'nentlng tho progressive move- leaLthat La KOliouo wrb uio iikici L. ..n ir hn decided to mako tho rtl lie should announco his candl- icy at once.' . . 'That Itoosovolt encouraged i.n jllette to becomo a candidate, you snot deny." ... . ., A Homer ronowoi ins ennrgo inni tiiiiinin nr the Ronsovolt forces wtrd La Follotto changod na soon there beenmo evident a widespread owth of progressive movoinont nnfl epoMlbimy or uti foiiouos nornm- Mad. "Thin lilff hllHlnoss." Raid ouie, "represented by Uannn, Mun- r, Perkins and olhors or nignor nna iwrnote, who aiwnyn navo opposcu i I'nllMln. onlnrnd Into tbn nontcat ii Introduced UoosovolL ns a cnndl UtRinit arn Rllll nrtlvnlv minnortlnc la. Pcoplo will Judgo In tho light line facts wtiotlior or not uoosovoit u kept truo fnlth with LaFolIotto r Is dolncr eo with tho roal nroKresfl- iei of tho country." I ROBERTS PSSSES MY SIX PA0PE0S ASPHYXIATED Seven Other Inmates of Home in Huron County, Ohio, Overcome. (Dy Associated Press to tho Cooi Day Times.. NOnWALlC, Ohio, March 23. Six Inmates of tho Huron County infirm nry aro dead na u result of asphyxia tion last nlghU Bovon others wcto overcomo but aro recovering. It la aupposod tho fires In the gas stoves went out as n result of gaa failure and Hint Inter tho supply was ro nowed. Tho fate of eight survivors who wero found unconscious hangs In the bnlancc. E BY FLOYD ALLEN Jail Authorities Declare That No Admittances Have Been Made. (Dy Associated Tress to tho Coos Day Tlmt) IIOANOKB. Va., March 23. Tho report of tho Floyd Allen confession la declared by tho Jnll authorltlcn to bo without tho slightest foundation. Allen's spiritual ndvlsors Bay tboro has been no confession. NO MOKE CAUGHT Four of Alien Family Arw Still' at Liberty. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) HILL8VILLE, Vn March 23. No further captures havo been roportod by tho posses ondeavorlng to round up tho Allen clansrnon. Tho arresj of Sidnn Edwards yestordny loft four of tho men nt largo. They aro Sldna Allon1. clan lendor; Wesloy Edwards and Frlol and Clnudo Allon. Sldna Edwards Inslsla ho has not seen his undo or cousins slnco tho day of tho rourthouso tragedy. fell Known Empire Pioneer auccumos After Long Ill ness at Home There. David Itoberts, ono of tho bost fown pioneers of Coos Day, died nt ugme m Empi.e tuL muraluj; nlt- 1 DroloilCOil lllnnsd nf Rttimnr.h OUble and otbor fii.milli iitloiu. 11a '1 teen In a cnmlltlon for ae time and tho end was not un- .wea. "f. Roberts whs nliml' 77 vnnrK J and had been a rohldent of Cooa! J-ny lor more than 30 yonrH. Ilo 3 here from m-ar Soattlo whoro ; a employed ,y tho Diamond "Company for n numbor of yonrs. ctuhhj; ner. h0 was employed M-e m na fr r . nmn i.ia io min. Isk.ngat llcavcr 11111. After loav-l mines. conducted a saloon ; Ifc-Plre for fl llmo lint tno n num. I rr Of venrs In .. l i-., .i i.. ..,i...,,.i I l dla K0V,,r:l yenra ago. Two E'. S . ",V0 ' llu Ty n Mrs. tu? "tcreon f Arago, near Co- bVi. u,rs' J"no Morgan of San n,V,r8' Morgan and hor fnm- ," ,n nt Empire for some i.. -n vw.Mi, u.-io lO IJIKU till" 'ir Huliartci i dl v? erta wns a mombor of tho iser-i m" a'ia " ,s expected tho ie u ' V; 'r mid.-r tho auspices of fTk. ,u '""BO. otdav ,rtal wlU ,,e ,10,', t'l:30 tUiBB Vt ,U H- nrownlnu of- itzl, .i. l ulul I'ol'owa will novo U, ''e sonlcos nt the grave. " it, s "ur" "' iJiigiauu, mntv in is-o """ Cftino to Cooa 0," II-U.OWS NOTICE 'tl' ,'. No. m, I. o. O. P., tou afft h:"j:,,tl,,n- . . 'n - ..." ,l v requosted to Do '' v' 'if ''' nt 12:30 sharp. H Kciiii.,. l ( e Amoral of ?Wdlne"...i, o MUXiaiig -f'",i" nnso linns EAVE TODAY ON 0ED0ID0 FEAR FLOOD ALONG ISSISSIPP River Above Flood Stage Now th0 prediction that tho river win bo and Threatens to Spread uver Dikes Near Cairo, III. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) ST. LOUIS. March 23. With tho Mississippi deluging tho lowlands bo low Cnlro, III., and tho wntor abovo the flood Btago from thnt city comes ovor tho lovoo and tho railroad tracka by Monday. Illvormen at many points In Uio threatened districts aro taking precautions to meet tho con ditions. Grave concern Is felt nnd with tho wator rising hour by hour tho famlllca nlong tho river aro cither already moving to higher ground or maKing prcparatlona to vncato their nomes UNKNOWN DEAD OF MAINE BURIED National Tribute Paid to Mem ories of Men Who Were Lost in Disaster in Havana Harbor. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 23. With all tho pomp and solemnity thnt a nation can pay Its horooa of war, tho last dead of tho battlonhlp Malno woro lutd away today in Ar lington cemetery. Sldo by oldo with tho bodloa of those brought buck from Havana harbor after the war with Spain, they wero consigned to tho earth of tho Old Domain, whllo a nation paid IU last mensuro of hon or to tho sixty-four "unidentified" of thnt great catastropho that brought on the war, changed tho map of tho world nnd oxtondud tho omplro of tho United States Into tho far comers of the earth. Soldom In tho history of tho country hnd boon planned a higher tribute to tho memory of man' or mon. Government business In Washington was practically auspond od by oxocutlvo ordor. Prosldont Tnft, most of tho mombora of tho cabinet, tho hlghost officials of tho army and navy and tho marlno corps, officials of departments nnd repre sentatives of many foreign powers participated In tho oxorclsca. Elaborate prcparatlona had been rondo for tho ceremonies of tho burial. Beginning with tho removal of the dead from tho United States HOME RULE UP ON APRIL Irish Leaders and Premier As- quith Today Agree on1 Date of Action. (Dy Associated Prcus to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, March a I. Homo rulo for Irelnnd was tho mihjoct of anoth er two-hour ((iiiferonro todny be tween John E. HediinJiid. T. P. O'Con nor, John Dillon, tho Irish loaders, Premier Asnulth nnd othor mombers of tho cabinet In tharno of tho Homo Itulo bill. Tho dn'o of tho Introduc tion of tho ineiiBuio In fho Houbo of Commous was sottlod far April 11. MAKE COTTON ItEPOllT to Steamer Sails This Afternoon for San Francisco Will Return Thursday. Tho Itodondo sailed this nftornoon for Snn Francisco. Sho had only a fair list of pasnenKorB out from horo and hor enrgo wns principally lumber from tho Smith mill. ' Sho Is Bchoduled to sail from Son Francisco for Coos Day noxt Thurs day nftornoon, Among tho?o sailing on tho Ile dondo today woro: E. C. Cortelyou, L. 0. Griffin. S. A. Parnoll, C. L. Fisher. L. Larson. E. D. Proctor, n. T. Allison. Mrs L. A. Wldnor, L. A. Wldner. Delvn Finn ngnn, Shlrloy Wiseman. Anna Larson. Geo. W. Deals. E. E. Foss, I. Lando nnd S. Lannon. GEN. WNGHAM DEAD "Fnthor of the' House" Dies nt Homo in rt'iinyivjwii. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) PHILADELPHIA, March 23. Gen. Henry II. Blnghnm, n mombor of congress from tho first Pennsyl vania district nnd "Father of Uio IIoufo," dlod nt his homo hero todn) - i iiinnca tTa bail been a r.ember continuously sinco Marcn . 1879. THOl'T FLIES, Silk Lliic, Lead ers nnd Pole- nt MILXRIt'S. THY our U'VCH Hct In town. SIIAMItOCK HVIt, Noilh Front St. 'THV our Iil'Ntll Hcst In Town. SIIAMItOCK UAH, North Front St. If you have Rt.ythlng to sell, trade rent, or want help, try a want ad. Tiulir Hoard Submit Finding President Tnft. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Mnrch' 23. Tho roport of tho Tariff Doard'a Investiga tion of tho cotton Industry has beon complotod nnd a synopsis given to tho president by Chairman Emory. It Is understood It will bo transmitted to Cmgroiw noxt week n mossngo by tho Prokldeut. STEPHENSON WILL WIN Wisconsin Senator to Ho Sustained by Colleagues, t ny Associated Pross to tho Cooa Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch 23 Senntor Stephonson of Wisconsin, whoso election has beon under In vestigation, will retain his seat by a mnloilty. according to n canvas mado bv tho republican lenders who pre dict thnt between 40 nnd 50 senators will vote for mm. tho voio may . 1tl..l..A.,ln reacneu veuuw(, MVHTLE POINT POLITICS ship Dlrmlnghnm, which brought them from Havana and ending with the firing of thrco volloya of musket ry over tho now mado graves ncrosa tho Potomac, tho ccromony was de signed to show all honor and respect to tho dead. Tho exercises wero In an opon air plaza bohlnd tho navy budding. Tho speakers who faced tho crowd In tho nlazn wero only three, President Taft, Father Chad wick, chaplain of tho Malno when .'tho explosion occurred, Fobruary 1G, lo'jp, ana sont tier to uio bottom, nnd Chaplain Dnyard, U, S. N. CjonBplcuoua among Uio officials for. whom reservations woro mndo on tho steps of tho navy building just bohlnd Prosldont Taft woro Rear Ad miral Charles D, Slgsbeo, who com mnnded tho Malno nt tho tlmo of tho explosion; Dear Admiral Itlchard Waynowrlght, Lieut. Doyd and Medi cal Director H. L. Hennoborgor, of ficers undor him nt tho tlmo. For Admiral Dowey and Llout, Gon. Nol son A. Miles, rnnklnir officers In tho navy and army, special places were tot asldo. During tho memorial exorcises tho "Paul rtovoTo" hell of All Soula' Uni tarian Church was tolled. At Arlington comotcry tho simple oxorclBca Included burial sorvlcca by Chaplain Dnyard nnd Fnthor Chad wjck, With tho firing of thrco vol leys of musketry by n compnny of runrlncs, a national ealuto of 21 guns from an army buttery In tho com otory and tho ooundlnir of tho nlnlnU Jvo call of taps, tho dead woro glvon to tne earth TRY TO KILL WONG Attempt Made to Assassinate Minister of War of Chi nese Republic. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Cooa Day Tlmo.) SAN FRANCISCO, March 23 An account of an attempt to n'iasalnnto Wong Helng, mlnlstor of Wur of tho now Chinese republic, wna received horo today In n cablegram from Shan ghai to n local Chlnoso nowspnper. The dispatch said that a bomb wns thrown nt Wong's cnrrlago, killing ono of his alilos nnd Injuring sovornl persons. Tho bomb tbrowor oscnp-ed. SEEKS DIG LOAN G AD W PRE A AS RESULT OF COAL STRIKE AWVVWrfVAVSAM WHITE HOPES FOR NO STRIKE President of United Minework- ers Thinks Clash May Be Avoided. (Dy Associated Press to Cooa Day Times.) CLEVELAND, March 23, John P. White, president of tho United Mlno Workers, said' today ho Is still hopo ful that n suspension of work In tho conl mines April 1, when tho present wngo Bcalos oxplro, may bo avoided. Tho dcslro of operators to contlnuo negotiations noxt week, ho said, Indi cated a possibility of settlement. MANY KILLED IN S II LI T H 1 Paraguay Revolutionists Aro Victorious in Bloody 1 . Battle. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Day Times.) DUENOS AYRE8, March 23 Blx hundred woro killed In a battlo at Asuncion that resulted In a comploto victory for tho revolutionary forces ovor tho Paraguayan govornment troops. President Pedro Pcna hna tnkon re-fugo at tho Uruguayan lega tion .in Asuncion. MEXICO IS PLEASED TluuikH Taft for AUltudo of United States. (Dy Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. March 23 Tho Mexican ambassador at Wash ington formally hns thnnked Tnft for tho Interest tho United Stntca has shown In strictly enforcing tho nou- trnllty laws, and especially for tne recent legislation and proclamation mnklng theso lnwa moro stringent. Many of Poorer Inhabitants of Great Britain Confronted by Starvation. GENERAL RELIEF WORK NOW ARRANGED FOR Number of Idle Men and Wom en Constantly Increasing Deep Gloom Evident. (Dy Associated Prons to tho Coos Day Times) LONDON, March 23 England Is spending ono of tho gloomiest wook ends In her history. In ovory town, vlllngo and hnmlot throughout th country where skilled workmen aro engnged In gront Industries, unem ployment la on tbo Incronso and fam lllca of workmon rendered ldlo by ths strlko of n million coal minora In many cases uro facing starvation. Tho distress and Inconvonlonco re sulting from tho conl ntrlko nro ovary whoro In evidence Largo factories, unnblo to socure coal, ono by ono nro closing their gates and tho stoam trawlora remain anchored In tho fishing porta unablo to proceed tb tho fish banks on ac count of the shortago of fuol, thus shutting off n supply of cheap food. Train sorvlco haa been curtatlod to tho limit In ovory direction, hundreds of regular trains hnvo boon abandon ed until nftor tho strlko. Through out tho country relict boards hcadod by woll known nnd well-to-do mon nnd women hnvo boon ostnbllshod to give rollof. Thus far tho minor nlono havo received $2,900,000 strike pny and It la estimated that 000,000 has been paid In bonoflts of othor unions. Tho secretary of ono of tho largest unions said tho troasurloa will bo drained to, tho Inst penny boforo tho troublo Is ovor, a condi tion of affaira that Is causing much rosonttnunt against tho londors of tho minors who nro accusod of stubbor-nens. BREAKWATER ON NEW SCHEDULE l'liliifo Premier Trying to Get .Money for Government at Home. (Dy Assoclntod Pross to tho Coos Day Tlmos.) SHANGHAI, March 23. Premier Tnng Shno Yl conferred today with loading Chinese morchniitB nnd offl clala and Jt 1 bellovodthnt ho In en deavoring to nrrnngo for a domestic lonn of 70,000,000. Negotiations for n largo foreign loan nro ponding but delays mako a domestic lonn noc-essary. PLEADS NOT GUILTY for bo Nebraska Convict Arraigned Murders In Hint. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LINCOLN. Neb., March 23. Chns. Morloy entered a plea of not guilty when arraigned on two counts todny In tho county court. Tho complnlnt chnrged him with murdering War den Dolahnnty nnd nldlng In tho mur der of Usher Hollman nt tho stato ponltentlary. MARRIAGE LICENSES Tho following marriage licenses wero Issued by County Clork Watson Ilcn McVulleii Is fniid'iliite for Al dcriimn Then'. The Myrtlo Point Enterprise says: id.. ,, sf wcek The caucus tor the purposo or pine- Orover Ci Wynnt of Dandon and Ine In nomination candidates for tno Netto M Ionn of Mnrshflold. Clarence M. Rnrklow and Ellon m, Houghton, both of Norwny. Edwin A. Vnlller and Mabol Pearl Miller, both of Mnrshflold. John Thomas Root nnd Florenco various offices to Ho voicu on ui uio cltv election. Monday, April 1, was lioid nt the cly hall lapt evening. M,.,r,,. i n. Hanson nnd L. A. Rob erts wero c'-ofou as president nnd TO LARGE TRACT E. G. Perham Awards Contract to C. E. Farnum and Fred H. Strceter. R. G. Perhnm today awarded tho contract for slushing and clonrlug tho eighty-acre trnet north and wost of Mnrshflold, which no reconuy pur chased from tbo Southern Oregon Company, to C. E. Farnum and Fred II. Stroetor. Tho contract prlco la ubout uOOO. Tho work Is to bo started nt onco nnd part of tho truct is to bo cleared within sixty days and tho bnlnnoo within flvo months. Messrs. Farnum and Strootor oxpect to put a crow of thirty mon or moro nt work on It noxt Monday. Mr. Porham Is nlso arranging for grading nnd lovollng tho tract, or a largo part of It, at onco. Somo streots will bo oponod through It. Ho Is now arranging for tho platting of It nnd will likely arrange somo boul evards and parks, laying It out llko tho additions to tho Inrgor cities havo been planned In recont years. INTRUDER IS SHOT ..ioi'V rnmipctlvelv. (..'H. --. -- - , The result or tne m-uoia piacou ..iini'iiatlon for fou-icllmen for three year terms: Ren McMullen. W. T. D "icnt. .1. S Wlittakor nnd D. C. Shull For ci'iinellmau for two years. P. L. Phelan and W. E. Lundy. For recordor nnd trensurer, tho present Incumbents, I. E. Rose and J. M. Arrlngton were nomlnntod by acclamation. Viola McCrncken. both of Myrtlo Point. Coqulllo Sontlnel. SllonvlllWilllal, Paints, and Lncs nt MILNER'S. Stains Kentucky Woman Hills Prowler lit Her Homo Today. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Ray Times.) PADUCAH. Ky., March 23. Alnrmod by n nolso at her door early todny, Miss Roulah Landrum lookod out the window and saw an Intrudor. She grnsped n gun nnd fatally shot him. Ho was Identified as G, A. Dechahol, 28 yonrs old. Garden Rakes, Hoes, Shovels am Wccders at MILNER'S. Steamer Will Leave Portland Wednesday Mornings In stead of Tuesdays. Tho Rroakwnter after this trip will go on n nw schedule calling for hor to leave Portland each Wednes day morning Instead of sailing from thoro Tuesday evening us ulio hna boon doing during tho wlntor mouths. Sho will contlnuo to reach hero Thursday mornings and will sail from horo Saturdays at ti.o sorvlco of tho tldo. Supt. Miller announced the chuiigo today nnd stntod that tho schodulo would bo In offoet until May 1 when tho Hrcnkwntor will go on a flvo day schodulo which will bo main tained during tho summer mouths. Whon tho Ilreakwntor goes mi dry dock early next month nt Portland for hor unnunl overhauling prepara tory to tho annual Inspection, sho will bo equipped with n now wheel which will Incronso her spoed con siderably. Among those sailing on tho Hronlt water woro tho following: Mrfl. F. C. Couch, F. C. Couch, Mm. II. Pattorsan, Mrs. A. Malloy, Mrs. M. Hnssott, A. W. Myors, L. J, Davidson, Mrs. L. J. Davidson, Mrs. M. Dryan, Joseph Del, A. J. Carlson, W. A. Tout sob, Clark Cromo, C. M. Elborhnrt, J. C. Morehnnt, R. S. .Merchant. A. W. Rrynnt, Mrs. A. W. Rrynnt, Miss E. Moore, Mr. McMnnus, J. C. Walker, J. E. Harris nnd wlfo, Enrl Pldcock, and wlfo, J. T. Marshall, J. Hupp, L. Plnnoy, J. H. Drown. Frod Fleo. T. J. O'Koofo, K, W. Hutlor. Chaa. Wll ku, F. L. Humscon. J. II. Coffee, H. It. Homing, F. II. Rydo, L. G. IContlng, Ralph Matson, Capt. A. Matson, 11. S. Num. II. C. Corn, A. W. Menns, AUco Laudull, S. Stoamos, W P. Rrott. Mrs. W. R. Lytlo. Clint Mnthom, Dale Dar ker, Wm. Ilorshborgor. Chin Fong, E. V. Cooper. A. Nlodloch, A. M. Each ren, N, Wndo, Win. Richardson and Sirs. Orborn. Fresh Caramels f!5n Per Pound tit STAFFORD'S, Saturday and Sunday. The Times' Want Ada bring result Special CARAMEL SALE Saturday nnd Sunday at STAFFORD'S. LADIES' WASH SKIRTS 40 cents nt tho COOS HAY CASH STORE. CARAMELS J55c at STAFFORD H Saturday and Sunday. NEW EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hurt A. Doronius will opon un em ployment offlco Monday, cornor Qf Markot and Waterfront. Mr. Dore miiB Is connected with otl or employ ment offlcos In Portland nnd San Frnnclsoo and will bo nolo to lurnisu both nuilo and foninlo help on short notice. TIiIb offlco will bo known as M'P POOS RAY E.MPI.OYMENT AGENCY. Photo buppIIos and photo finish ing. WALKER STUDIO. Try Tho Tlmos Want Ads.