The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 08, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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- T1
h&T'j. yl3 7lgS .' a' l-3-" - L-s : 1
social hnppenluga, lntcndctl for
.publication In the society depart
ment of Tlio Times, must bo sub
mitted to the editor not later
than C o'clock i. m. Friday of
each week. Exceptions will bo
allowed only In cases whoro
oronts occur later than tbo time
mentioned.) ,
Friends all around lilin he sees
Follies forgot
Married and settled whllo he's
t . Going to pot.
Happy aro they with their wives and
their progenies;
Ho hi his rooiiiB, vainly trying to
lodgo In ease,
Gloomily sits, an unwilling Diogenes
Pity his lotl
Thcro In those homes of tho Ulcst
Fain would ho sit,
Welcomed by nil iib a guest,.
Famed for his wit.
But tho young wives vlow his
schemes with anxiety,
Fearing less, In his unhallowed so
ciety, John mny be lured from his newly
found piety
Hack to the Pit.
Plainly his clothing rovcals
Xeeds of n wife
Socks that are lacking In heels
Uurdcn his life
Fniyod nro his cuffs, and his collars
nro tastily
Garnished with spikes, nnd they grow
In dlsgrnco tl.ll ho
Burns thorn , and shirts with new
Uored with a lcnlfo.
What though, to banish Despair,
Cluhward ho wends?
Lonoly his heart oven there
Gone aro his friends.
8o bv tho fire, In tho gloom of his
garret, ho
Muses till, Hont by tho gods of their
Thoughts unaccustomed nrUo, nnd
On him nttcndi
Thoughts of tho men he knows,
Hound for their sins,
Docp In connubial woes,
Up to their chins;
Bliss In porfectlon they sought, end,
in quest of it,
Ilnrtoreil their souls, and tholr
friends mnko a Jest of It;
That's when ho fools thnt ho still
has tho best of it
That's when ho grins!
Club Follow.
'HAT IS thoro nbout marrlacro
thnt makes folks forget they
woro human, once, too?
Tho pretty little girl with tho big
married slstor wantn mo to write on
8ho i-nys sIio'h suro that there's
lots of young folks llko horsolf who'd
bo pleased to know why It Is that
when tholr sisters nnd girl friends
got mnrrlcd nnd settlo down, no niat
tor how dosporatoly flirtatious, how
daringly Indiscreet and convention
hntlng and fun loving they woro ho
foro tho ceremony, after It they al
most Invnrlnbly dotolop Into Mine.
Sho Is very plalntlvo nbout It.
"It's bad enough when they're
first mnrrlod," she says, "but nftor
tho babies bogln to como It's worse.
Then thoy'ro hopeless.
"Doforo my sister was married sho
used to toll mo nil hor lovo affairs
nnd flirtations, nnd I usod to sympa
thlro nnd bo Interested, nnd try to
smooth things over when sho neoded
It keep mothor from worrying when
she enmo homo from canoeing or
motoring lator than mother liked
and cheor hor up and help hor out
when sho got Into any silly llttlo
"Well, by nnd by sho found the
right man and wns married and set
tled down and begun to raise a fam
ily, and In the meantime l grew tip
nnd began to havo flirtations nnd
lovo affairs of my own.
"And, of course, nt first I took
thorn straight to slstor. I thought
sho'd sympathise with mo and help
mo out when I needod It.
"Did sho? Ouoss not. My dear,
sho was shocked nt tho tiniest little
things. Instead of helping mo out
or smoothing things over for mo,
sho was always tolling: mothor that I
ought not to-, do this or that all
wns married. Onco she wns nt the
house when I cnuie homo from n ca
ttoo trip nn hour later than I ex-
j pected, nnd Instead of telling mother
thnt It took a long, whllo to get the
canoe In and the cushions put away,
and that the cars are so apt to bo
lato, sho worried worse thnn mother
did nnd had mother all worked up.
"And then she (hlnks It's so ter
rible to bo frlvolousnnd wanting to
trot about all 'tho time. As If she
wasn't twlco ns bad beforo sho met
"And then, before she; was mnr
rlcd slsfer nlways used to bo so ready
to stand up for n girl when nny ono
wns running her down. Sho said one
ought always to give a girl the bene
fit of the doubt unless you absolutely
knew something ngaliiBt her. And
now she's Just ns quick to bo suspi
cious and Just as unwilling to be
lieve that a girl Is good, In spite of
npponrancos, ns any one.
"And It Isn'-t Just sister, either.
Sho's such n splondld girl In most
ways that I thought maybe thnt was
a saving fault that sho had developed
to keep her from being too good to
live, but when two of tho girls that
I chummed around with woro mnr
rlod nnd changed tho samo way I saw
It was Just tho fatal ceremony.
"Why Is It, do you supposo?
"Does It hnvo to happen, or Is thoro
any way of dodging It?"
I wonder.
C. A. Smith, who Is ioro to look
over his Interests, nnd his daughter,
Mrs. F. A. Warner, nnd her husbnnd
nnd their child, nro nil stopping at
the Smith company office building.
Mrs. Robert Johnson Is also n guest
there. Mr. Johnson, the mnnagor of
the Day Point mill, wns nlso here
but loft Thursdny.
Tho Sisters qf IJethnny of the Epis
copal Church havo not yet hold n
meeting this year but expect to meet
the last Wednesday of this month
nt which tlmo officers will bo elect
ed. Tho plnns of tho ,club will not
bo laid out until tho new officer
have boon Installed,
Mrs. Albort Merchant, who lives
on tho Merchant rnnch nenr Dandon,
Is In tho city visiting Mrs. II. W. ON
son, .wlfo of Captain Olson of the
N'nnn Smith.
a. j. j.
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In tho city, or of Coos Day people
who visit In other cities, together
with notices of nclul affairs, lire
gladly recolvcd In the soclnl de
partment Tclephono 13:u. No
tices of club meetings will bo pub-'
llshed nnd secretaries aro kindly
requested to furnish same.
Kaufman It will be tho first busi
ness mooting. When tho roll Is
called each of tho members will bo
expected to respond with a two-mln-ute
talk telling of how ,they spent
their slimmer vacation. Tho presi
dent, Mrs. H. S. Tower, will give a
talk telling of the plans of tho club
for tho coming yenr and rovlowlng
tho work (hat Is to bo gono over.
Then each member will bo called
upon to glvo n flvo-mlnuto -talk on
soino American author.
Col. nnd Mrs. William Grimes,
Mrs. J. L. Housoworth nnd Mrs. Dor-
soy Kroltzer, nil of whom wore In
Portland, on a visit, roturncd homo
this week.
Friends have been apprised that
tho marrJago of Miss Emma Sher
wood and Lnwronco A. Llljcqvlst will
bo solemnized nt tho homo of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Sherwood, In Coqulllo October 20.
Tho brldo to be Is ono of tho most
accomplished and popular young wo
men of Coqulllo and Is n grand
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. O. Rog.
crs of Mnrshftold. Mr. Llljcqvlst,
who Is deputy prosecuting attorney
of this district, formerly resided In
Mnrshrield. They will resldo In Co
qulllo, whoro tholr now homo Is nenr
'ng completion.
Mrs. L. M. Xoblo returned this
week from Portland, whoro bIio has
been spending n few weeks with
friends and entering her nelce, Miss
Maude Dowron, nt St. Holen's Hall.
A recoptton wns given this wopk
at tho Dnln homo In Ilnndon In hon
or of Rev. II. L. Grnflous and wlfo.
Mr. GratlottB Is tho new pastor of tho
Methodist church of Dntulon.
The members of tho Pacific lodgo
of Pythian Sisters nt Hnndon gavo nn
! entertainment In honor of
ono of tlio
Tho members of tho A. N. W. club mombora, Mr. Hansen, who will move
mot with Mrs. J. T. McCormnc this ' to Gardiner to reside.
Lockhnrt nnd tho second prlzo by
Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. After tho brldgo
game a linndsoino supper wns served.
Those n attendance word Mesdames
Henry Setigstncken, F. D, Hagtio,
Allco Ford, Eugene O'Connell, P. M.
Wilbur, I. S. KaufmnUr J. H. liMnn
agon, Herbert Lockhnrtr C. W. Tow
er, Frances Hazard, John S. Coko
and W. T. Merchant.
Rev. F. R. Bugg, the retiring min
ister of tho Presbyterian church of
Marshfleld, wns given a farewell re
ception Wednesday evening nt tho
home of Rev. A. O. Walker on South
Fifth street. Tlio affair was a chick,
en dinner and was given- In honor
of R6v. nnd Mrs. Zugg's departure.
They nro going enst to mnko their
home. Only tlio ministers, of tho
city nnd their wives woro present.
Thoso present were: Rev. nnd Mr8.
F. R. Zugg, Rev. H. I. Rutlodgo, Jtov.
and Mrs. G. Leroy Hall, Rev. and
Mrs. A. O. Walker, Mfsn linker, Mrs.
Kugg and Mrs. Ilurnle.
Tho members of tho Ladles' Art
club hold n meeting Friday afternoon
at tho homo of Mrs. William War
, f
Mrs. C. A. Sehlbredo gavan'sowlng
party Thursday at her homo In Pint
I). The ndles present spent tlio after,
noon knotting a comfort. Among
those In attendance werui Mrs. J.
L. Housoworth, Mrs. C. R. Peck, j
Mrs. R. T. Street, Mrs. Harry Paint- j
cr, Mrs. Frank IJurch nnd Mrs. Dor-
soy Kroltzer.
Tho members of the Clinmlnnde
cub met Wcdncsdny night nt tho
homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. William Hors
fall. The features of tho evening
were three, papers. Ono wns on the
subject, "Tho Earlier Known German
Music," by Mrs. John S. Coke. An
other wob "Tho SequontUi," by Mrs.
J. Y. Hall. Mrs, Horsfnll read n
pnpor on "Tho MaBtcr Singers." It
was decided by tho club to hold tho
meotlngs every Wednesdny forenoon
Instead of tho evening. The hours
will bo from 9:30 until 11:30. It
wns decided that the morning would
bo a more convenient mooting time
for musical work than In tho even
ing. Tho club Is carrying on chorus
rohenrsnls nt each meeting and Inter
on will probnby plan for somo big
mimical event.
Wednesday afternoon tho Mlsslon
nry Socloty of tho Baptist Church
was entertained by Mrs.'F. E. Wheel,
er nt her homo nt 173 Xorth Elev
enth street. Tho subject for study
wns "Missionary WOrk In tho Phil
ippine Islands." In tho business ses
sion Mrs. WntkliiB wns appointed by
the society ns deloguto to tho state
""""""""""r ty . 4i sHLiHiliLIS'iSsLLLI Tl
and then go to HAINES' fa
your Flour an4 Feed.
Guaranteed Sewing MaclS
H jb n"fiBHLbr irviJ
Then) nro l(u of ibj
machine, dlffwat kit!
nnd different trlcr, fa
there are few tall; p
iimt'lilut-t uwlutcMl
dc landed Um t0 k
service and the right kU
of sen Ice. Ktrrr how.
w Iff knoT thb ui k
wish (o call tholr HlmtW
to (lie nuichhtc xtt Iih-
With every machine gmw a written gunnintre for ( wjj
rn...i ...i...., ... ... . . . I
Miv 1'ii'ivun j mi iikiiiii'm juij- NH,Sl)0 Ul'U"!'! IIBU 11 tB( ttwM
why wo fins iihniiiv you that we nn' giving yoii-thc Lett muUil
on the market for only $:il.)().
liich machine Ik nu nufomatlc lift, full mi m uiUt
oriiaiiieiii 10 any iixiin. Cciiih In and ire llo
(Continued' on- Pngo S.)
week. .Mrs. E. Mlngiis, Mrs. Alice
Ford of Snn Frnncisco nnd Mrs. M.
C. Mulonoy woro guests of tho club.
A communication was read from Mrs.
Sarah Evnns, tho president of the
Stnto Federation of Women's Clubs,
which reforred to tho work 'or tin
organizations of tho state. Tho 1101
meeting ofthe club will be hoJrt .t
tho homo of Mrs. W. F. Squires.
Tho Evorgreen Brldgo club mot
with Mrs. G A. Bennett Inst Satur
day. Mrs. Robort Booth, who was n
guest of tho club, won tho prlzo.
Miss Jessie Chnso wns nlso a guest
at tho mooting. Today tho club Is
being entertained b- Mrs. francos
Hazard. Tho z'lomben of tho club
this yenr nre n fn'lo" v. Mes.dnmes
G. A. Benott, W. J. Butler, L. M.
Xoblo, J T, McComac, I. Lando,
France- Haznrd. J. H. Rc-ndson. J.
Lyons. C. W. Tower, P. M. Wilbur.
A. T. Haines, Eugeno O'Connell, W.
P. Murphy, F. P. Xorton, F, M.
Frle4burg and Christine Kruse.
V-s. Alice Ford of San Francisco,
mother of William Ford, Is In the city
Tlsltlng. Sho is nguest at tho home
of Mrs, Eugeno O'Connell.
Mrs. W. P, Murphy and Mrs. M.
A. McLeod have gono to San Fran
cisco on n visit. They went over
lnnd Thursdny by wny of Drnln.
Mrs. Sarnh Raines, accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Patrick J. Flnnn
gun, of Elvnrano, Cal., are visiting
at tho homo of Mrs. Balnea" son,
Georgo Batnes.
J. V, SmenWm nnd wife nnd two
sons hnve returned homo from the
enst, where they
Mrs. Georco F. Murch nnd dnugh
ter, Miss Chnrlotto Murch, and
Georgo Murch, Jr.. who 'mvo been at
San Francisco on n visit, hnve re
turned homo.
The. members of the Progress club
will hold their next meeting Monday,
things that sho always did before sh .afternoon jt the, home of Mrs. I, S
Tho motnbers of tho Ladles' Guild
of tho Episcopal Church mot this
week. Tho plans for tho church
work of tho year havo not been por
fectod nnd nn Informal meeting will
bo held nfter tho church servlco to
discuss tho plans of tho organization.
Several of tho offlcors who wero
elected could not , serve, so others
were chosen In their places. Mrs.
Georgo Murch was olected president.
Mrs. William Horsfall will still bo
thd vice president. Mrs. J. T. Mc
Cormnc Is treasurer, nnd tho rector,
Rev. Robert Browning, will bo tho
secretnry of the guild. The rector
expects nlso to orgunlzo nn Altar
Socloty to perform cerlnln duties In
fcunectlon with tho church work.
Tho Tuesday night Whist club
will hold tho first, meeting of tho
yoar next Tuesday night nt tbo homo
of Mrs. E. F. Morrlsoy. Tho club
members during the winter will meet
every Tuesday night. Tho members
or tno club aro ns follows: P. A.
Haines, Frank M. Parsons, A. T.
Haines, Eugene Crossthwalte, Wm.
Grimes, William Warwick, C. R.
Peck, J. L. Housoworth, Doreey
Kroltzer nnd tholr wives; Mrs, Efflo
Farrlnger, Miss Maude Palnter.Ferd
Painter, Ed Morrlsey, Thayer Grimes
and Otto Morrlsey.
Tho club will meet nt tho home of
E. F. Morrlsey this time, but the
members nre to be the guests of E.
H. nnd O. A. Morrlsey.
The members of the choir of the
Episcopal church met for rehenrsal
Thursday night at the home of Mrs.
William Horsfall. Music was nre-
oared for the Sunday sorvlce nt the
have been on a I church. One of tho features of th
music tomorrow will o a solo by
Miss Maude Painter.
A number of ladles wero delight
fully entertained Friday aftornoon by
Mrs. E. K. Jones In honor of Mrs.
Allco Ford of San Francisco, who
is in tho city visiting nt the home
of Mrs. Eugene O'Connell. Thdre
were three, tables of bridge, ,Tho
first prize was .won by Mrs. Herbert
' r I
Scotch Kisses
The very lutust and daintiest
confection. Swwt and pttro and
pleasant as the llpi of a High
land lassie on Iter natlvo
They're Good
Our word
for It, you will llko
Y? rxH7Mxl.,ir )
KALM l,liV
mwL ..,.,, -i-i
Fmm. murr. tumi
77mx laxds.
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COrtPMtiES A smtiBtA
Thft HflRr Tina irnvn .- j . . nMf fW'-'M
. 1-x-. iimv muiril LIII11 IIlVHMTTlltlTlTH in Tlinil HCITU lIHVVf r . j
Drop-In nnd try a saiu-1 cities aro tho uni nrnm.1,1. ni n n n a i.n. nih to offer. CMM
, ..w,.,UU,v. 4UO VI. U, IV. U. UU. v-
uruschko. Mnrshtlold. Oro.
Ahvuys. SoatHbing Xew nt
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PHONE lll.L.
As the only addition wh ere- you can live and enjoy
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E. B. GKimKE.
iimrD Tz ,wir nn0Au1 1
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lnOllii fti'iilni