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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1910)
"pif(i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. P'Hi .'MUfpWIiU ' ""-mvytnf'1' " WIW1 rT Early Display Mill-to-Man '? mwmMJkwMwm j r toe -sfflBfiiii kvvjSS fefi lib m COOS lmm if rD,i IjU r BAY TIDES. AUGUST High water J A. M. Date. Wcd'd'y. 17 Thursday 18 Thursday 18 Friday... 19 Saturday 20 SUNDAY 21 h.m 10:58 11:33 0:p4 It. G.l C.7 , 8.8 8.9 I'. M. h.m. "9:33 10:32 12:04 12:37 1:00 ft. "8.1 S.ti 7.2 7.7 8(1 a long outing trip made In a wagon. They loft their homoIn Oakland nnd proceeded northward and came to Coos liny via Eugene. Mr. Mnddon's father, a brother of Mrs. Elrod, niado part of the trip with them. Mr. and Mrs. Madden nlny dcolde to locate here. They aro now visiting tils rela tives, Mrs. Elr6d, Mrs. Sacchl, Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Frank Denning. AUGUST Low water A. M. Suits for Fall These garments are the best which can be pro duced in America for the money and the Middle-Man's profit cut out. 11 The Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshficld, Oregon 4: OS 4:B1 191 5:31 20 0:07 21 C:-I4 0.1 o.r. 0.G o.r. THE WEATHER. 1 M. h.m. "4:07 4:55 5:37 Gtl7 0:57 Date. h. m. ft, Wcd'd'y. 171 4:0S 0,4 Thursday IS Friday Saturday SUNDAY O O (Ily Associated Press.) OREGON Fair to-night ami Thursday, except showors along coast. Thursday warmer In cast portion. To-night cooler In in- terlor and In west portion on Thursday. 4.4 3.8 3.3 2.7 o n ' floes (o Portland. Jay Bowcrmnn, who wnajn tho city to attend tho car nival and who crowned tho quocn, left this morning for Myrtlo Point and from thcro will go to Rosob"urg. To VNII Lodge. Judge- Thomas F. Ryan of Oregon City, grand master of tho I. O. O. F., nnd Grand Patrl- Inrch Wlmberly will arrive hero next 'week to visit the lodges of Coos Ray and tho Coqulllo Valley. I d..t nE- m nvHiti: flU WELCOME During Carnival Week AND ALL THE TIME YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE YOUR HEAD Ql'VRTERS AT THE RUSY CORNER. WE HAVE RESERVED ROOM FOR YOUR SUIT, CASES, PARCELS, ETC. YOU CAN LEAVE IT SAFELY WITH US. Till: IIUSV CORNER. PHONE JH. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. "The. Busy Comer" Prescriptions Accurately compounded, aa-a-a-a -a-a-a-a-a-a-a- k a-a-a-a-a-a-n a-a-a-a-a-a-a ! CARNIVAL REALTY SNAPS J - . a a n Corner In Seugstnckon'a Addition, 84x100 1? 875.00 a w Corner In Songstnckon'B Addition, 110x100 050.00 a i 250 feet of cholco wator froijt In Mnrahflold, for 10,500.00 a V Now modern bungalow In South Mnrshfleld 51,000.00 a ,t Cholco corner In jChandlor Hotel block . . , 5,750.00 0 a 1 0 lots In East Mnrshfleld', for . . . i k 000.00 n a Full block In Eastsldo, with commanding bay view; easy n t terms ..... ,-.!.-. 1,000.00 n Business cornor on CommQrciol nn'dCth;'. dOOxlOO; big n i value ; 2,200.00 n n Lots on Second streot ; closo in; each 500.00 I Title Guaran ee and Abstrac Co. h Genornl tmnia ViCTCrni'! (fnnrv Rflnp-atnnkon. M&nafrer. t t Genoral Agents EASTSIDE . -- U a-a-a-a-a-a-a. rt-a-a-a-an-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a a i Laundry? Cleaning ? Dyeing? Pressing? THE VERY REST. ROTH DRY A.NI STEAM. REST IMPORTED AND DOMES. TIC DYES. PHONE S7J. i a i a a i a i a a a i a a a a "BY A SPECIALIST, AND IN A a HURRY, TOO, IF YOU WANT a n . a i a i a i a a LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT, x For twenty-four houm ending at 4.43 P. M., Aug. 16, Fy Mrs. MlngiiB, special government me teorological obsorver: Maximum CO Minimum 40 At 4.43 P. M CC Precipitation Nono Wind, Northwest; Clear. : f KEANE AND HIS TEAM. Rrenkwnter Duo To-Morrow. Tin Breakwater Is duo In parly Thursday morning from Portland. liivcHtluiitliig Here. II. C. Shlnn, n mining and oil man of Los Atfgelcs, lu Investigating conditions In ths'c lines In Douglas and Coos counties. Rosoburg Rovlow. Iong Wagon Trip. Archlo Mnddbn Jr. nnd wlfo havo arrived hero after Capt. Keano or the Elks Rail Team, - Has thoswlfte8t bunch 'you've ever ' f ' seen'. ' c ' Thoro'tf Toyo In center, Mntson first, Dill Qrlmes ns catcher will do his worst; , Shortstop Douglas, dark nnd fat, Mnko make a hit or break a bat. M. C. Smith will, piny third base; It's worth tho prlco to sco him chnso. II. S. Tower will quit watchmaking To seo that flies aro properly taken. Joo Schilling, playing all tho time, Will earn n run or curvo his spine. And others of tho royal bltto Will bo right thero to tako tho cue, To howl or hoot and try to root And mnko tho Eagle-Elks' gamo Btllt. CAN FEED .MANY. Clam Rake at North Rend Taken Place To-Morrow. ' Tho clam bako nt North Bend will tnko placo to-morrow. Tho feast Is free to overyono who wishes to nt tend and tho clam's! nnd barbecued beef will bo served from 11 A. M, until 2 P. M. 'Provisions hnvo boon mndo to servo several thousand portions. Phono I. S. Kaufman & Co. your Coal Order, 9 1.50 PER TON. (Jo to tho EMPIRE MARKET for nil I'.lndB of FISH, CLAMS ami I RARS. Dcop SEA FISH a specialty. 'uaa:aaaa:ma:uauaaaa::a: X z Personal Notes i ..mmmmmmn:::m:m;:m:::j:mi AL. OWENS Is convalescent from an Incipient attack 'of the grip. AUGUST 'FARLEY Is laid up at his room with an nttack of Illness. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. News A Told In the Enterprise of That City. L. J. CODY, of tho Cody Lumber Company of Randon, Is In file city to-day on business. H. D. Michael, loft Wednesday fo' Chicago, whuro ,ho will ontcr tho iRethany Bible School for a courso of (study. Ho expqets to be absent about i two years. A. H. EDDY, who has been laid up for some time with an Injured leg, Is ngaln nble to bo about. An eight-pound daughter was br to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garrett at tho Myrtlo Point hospital on Saturday, August Gth. TOM MOFFETT, bookkeeper at tho Beaver Hill coal mine, is lu tho eltv to nttnnd the cnrnlvnl. i J. F. IIOUSER left to-dny for Dora whoro ho will do Bomo enrpenter work on Mrs. Howe's ranch. JAMES M. FLETCHER of tho Rose burg Review arrived hero yesterday to spend his vacation on the Bay. JAMES WATSON, County Clerk, is hero from Coqullle to Bpond a tow days and visit relatives, at Coos City. JAMES BAINES of Snn Francisco Is in tho city. Ho arrived on tho steamer Plant and will bo on Coos Bay for a time. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Lundy aro now occupying their handsome now cot tago on tho hill which has boon nleelv and conveniently fixed up for them. Rov. nnd Mrs. F. E. Scoflold re turned this week from their visit to Salem, Newborg nnd other points la that part of tho State. Mrs. Curtis Jackson, who has boon visiting nt tho homo or her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Arrlngton, loft for her homo at Soattlo Thursday. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL, who was qulto 111 for n tlmo Inst week, has recovered nnd Is back at his offlco ofllco every day. A JOHN McKENNA and threo daugh ters of San Frnnclsco arrived hero on tho M. P. Plant to visit at tho "W. P. Fox and J. W. Chapman homes. H. M. Davenport of Soattlo and August Walter of Coour d'Alene, Idaho, were In tho first of tho week looking up locations. If they ennnot find what they wntit In this section they expect to go Into Curry county. I i no socrotnry and mnnnger of the Salmon Mountain Coarso Gold Mining Company was down from Salmon Mountain and brought with him somo (flno looking oro nnd a nuggot of free gold nnd quartz valued at about f 10. It was about an Inch squnro nnd hair nn Inch thick. Ho hnd aovoral other pieces of quartz that wero pockciI with gold. WANTED. A young lady Btejiog. rapher, for thirty days; ono who understands bookkeeping preferred. Address Rox 750, North Dond. LOST. Ijulles' gold witch nt merry-go-round. Finder roturn to Foun dry for reward. FOR TRADE Shelf liuitlwnru stock for MnrBhflold lots or closo-ln acro ngo; value ?2,G00. G. C. Dalo, Genornl Dellvory, Portland. FOR SALE. Two good milk coh cheap; 30 ench. Apply Immedi ately to E. L. Church, rsthmus Slough. WANTED. Carpenters nt Coqullle for Insldo finish work. Inqulro E. G. Porhnm. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. Sickness of ownor necessitates tlio soiling of 58 lots. for 2,000; loca tion near tho Drain & Eugonc rnll roads terminals. COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE, 298 Front streot, upstairs. WANTED. A waitress nt The Cliun dler. FOR RENT. Four-room house, $p por month. Phone 247-X. WANTED. Stenm shovel engineer or crano man. Apply at railroad shops. NOTICE TO ELKS. Tho roguW meeting ot Mnrshfleld Lodge No. 1100, II. Pi O. E., to hnvo boon held Wednesday, August 17th, has been postponed until tho first Wednesday In September. GEO. GOODRUM, Sec. ALL NIGHT SERVICE. For the accommodation of cnrnlvnl visitors, wo hnvo stnrtod ft twonty-four-hour-u-day bout-sorvico between North Reud and Mnrshfleld. Bonts lenvo elthor city ovory llttlo whllo m and nrronl ono or tho most piensnnt trips on tho Bay. Romoniber,' boats all day nnd nil night. J. A. O'KELLYfProprlotor. FOR. THE QUEEN OF THE HAY, SEE EASTSIDE. FOR RENT. Modern house, conier Third street and Anderson avonuo. Phono 253-J. WANTED. Good milch cow, Jersey preferred, L. J. Simpson, North Bend, Ore. WANTED. Experienced coal miners and tlmbormon. Apply Beaver Hill Coal Co. Coos Bay Steam Laundry J. E. LYONS, Malinger. aa-.ay.a-a-a-aatta-a-a-a-a--a-a-a-'a-a-a-a-a-a-a coram Add Distinction to any costume REPRESENTED EXCLUSIVELY BY US fMagnes&Matson t, . ..,. 4 !.! .....-- -!' THE ROYAL THE PLAYHOUSE of QUALITY TONIGHT FARMS FOR SALE. Tracts from five acres to fifteen hundred acres, Improved nnd unimproved. 'Prices from J6Q0 to $25,000, according to location and Improvements. Al so choice city .property. Apply Hall & Hrll, Marshfleld. FOR SALE. Farming, fruit nnd tlm ber land. Inqulro of C. W. Sanford, Mnrshfleld. Oregon. THP 1 1 flYn"Mlir,t''1"1'l'''P"lll,1fF"1" int. lluiu Hotel A11 flirituro few ami dean. Velvet nnd AxuilnUtcr ruriot In everv room. Four Ptorle of tolld comfort Ilatei reduced to: day, S0e.75e and 1100. weel.. U Oil to 15.00. Alto a few housekeeping npurt- ...... iiiltk nd vanndS 1 19 Ckl TU. f Ylinil t h . Vt&f MU.i;Vwvto.MviiMi ADMISSION, IOC.; CHILDREN, Be. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM. A Rig Cowboy Story, "THE BROTHER, THE SISTER, THE COW PUNCHER." F. A. RAKER and family of Dora aro taking In tho carnival and visiting Mr. Baker's sister, Mrs, Clara Len- nct of Fornddlo nnd their ninny I frlonds on the Bay. MISS CLARA BUSSE of Chlcngo, who hns co.u In tho city visiting' Mr. ana .Airs. w. it, linines, unn left tor her homo. Miss Busho Is' n cousin ot Mayor Uusso ot Chi cago, ' REV. It. G. SUMMERL1N, formerly pastor ot United Rrcthren Church nt North Rend, but who has been conducting revivals (ln tho Coqulllo Vnlloy for that denomination, was In Marsh flold to-day. At a revival JiiBt closed, he had sovonty-elght conversions. COQUILLE HUNTERS OUT. Many Different Pnrth!i Out Looking For Deer. Many from this city hnvo boon out hunting, but only n small amount of gamo is reported klllod. J. O. Barton, M, J. Hartson and Roy Blocker went up the south fork. W. C. Chnso ami A. N. Gould, who with tholr famlllc' woro on tho uppor north fork of the Coqulllo, hnvo returned homo. Dr. Endlcott nnd S. O. Endlcott hunted on tho middle fork. E. C. Unrker was in the north part of tho county, nnd J. E. Pauls and family spout a fow days In tho hills. READ THE TIMES WANT ADS. ----- a-a-a-a-a-3-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- a a t a i a Now Be Careful The Quality of Peaches will drop off after this week's shipments .The next Steamer M, F. Plant will have 600 boxes of the Best. Oregon's Crop is running very small fruit this year on account of the drought F. S. DOW r n i x i a K I a i x a a x & t v .X u I X pj-3'---jd i siora lima co. .. c&2i&t- FLOUR $ , IN THE MAKING Tho groat difference In flours Is in tho mak ing. Northwestern grown, BLUE STEM WHEAT solectod stock, is tho best we have been able to And. It Is so good that wo mako It into Hour without bleaching it Snow Drift is tho brand. If you would learn how good tho best bread, biscuit and pastry you can mnko can bo, ordor a sack of Snow Drift from your grocor jo-day. H. W. PAINTER Age-nt, Mtindillcld, Oregon. !b.iSaiSiibSHS2SBSHSHSa5?J5aS2S? TWO BIG COMEDIES. STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. j3 TICKHT8 RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP, RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT THAT TIME V.. p LESS T1UHKT IS JlOUUUT. Kl F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfielcl Ore ES5?jraSH2n5ESBSES75SSES2SSSESil5aSEL2SHSES2Sl E5?2S2525iS2S252M i iwij rf..