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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1910)
ifiwppMliwnpw """"t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 191 0 EVENING EDITION. 4 m fc WW WIHtiiMH pwnugwwwiwuiciip I 4 ifc i B i tt COOS BAY TIMES lOntored at tno postofllce at Marsh flld, Oregon, (or transmission iiroug"a tho malls ns second class mail matter. Addtcps all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Mwshflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon ML D. MALONKY Kdltor nnd Pub. WAN E. SLVLONEY News Kdltor An Independent Republican news paper published evory oronlng except Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos liny Times l'ublislii tiR Co. Dedicated to tho service of tho people, that no good cause shall lack & champion, and that el shall not thrive unoppoed. U Tho Coos Day Times represents a consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall And Tho Coos Day Advertiser. The Coast Mall was tho Qrst dally estab lished on Coos Day and The Coos Bay Times Is Its ImmcdlAto sue cosaor. SU.USCHIPTION KATES. In Advnnco. DAILY. Ont year $5.00 Sir months $2.50 Less than G months, por month .50 When not paid strictly In advance tho prlco subscription of the Coos Bay Times Is $0.00 PER YEAH. WEEKLY. On year $1.50 Oniclal Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAL PAPER OV THE CITY OK MAU8IIFIELD. WELCOME, MIL HOWERMAN. THE TIMES hnstens to extend the glad hand of greeting to Jay It. Dowerntnn, tho ABSombly candldnto for Governor, who arrived on Coos Day to-day. Tho Times does not ngrco with Mr. Uowerman's brand of napubllcanlsm and thero are hun drods or othor Republicans of like mind In this section, but Mr. Dower man will llnd that Coob Day and Coos county hospitality knows no narrow confines of factionalism or political prejudice Wo nro glnd to Beo him, Kind to greet him and bid him wol como to our hearts and homes dur- ins "Is utny, bo It long or short. Tho koyB.of tho city nnd tho homes of Its citizens nro hln without asking. Ab Acting Qovomor of Oregon, Mr. Rowormna will bo welcomed and nccordod ovory courtosy nnd honor that Is duo n distinguished citizen of our State. Evorythlng possible will bo dono to mnko his so-jounrso plens nnt that ho will want to como ngaln. Wolcomo. Mr. Doworman! !lf ARE SPULED Much Interest Taken in Boxing Exhibition at North Bend Next Thursday Night. The boxing bouts to be pulled oft at North Dend next Thursday eve ning, August ISth, under the auspices of the North Dend Athletic Club promises to be the classiest exhibi tions ever seen on tho Day. More in terest has been moused by It than has been taken In any one that has been scheduled here for months. Danny O'Drlon and Dobby Evans, who made such a good showing at North Dend July 4th, will go twenty rounds. Doth hnvo been In training for some time and nro In tho pink of condition. Franky O'Drlon and Kid Esposlto are Blatcd for a ten-round go and as both aro clover Httlo chaps, more than usual Interest In preliminary events centers In them. Many reserved tickets have already been sold, Insuring one ol tho largest turnouts that hns witnessed n boxing exhibition on Coos Day. Tho prices nro $3 for reserved seats and $2 for general admission. The bouts nro to start at S.30 sharp. Better have your scat reserved at onco If you aro going. i ji&mmrtXuMtiitmi omething Doing Next Week TItAI.VS CAN GO TIIItOUGH. Hull Connections With Myrtle Point; Have Heeu Established. Tho trains on tho Coos Day, Rose burg and Eastern Ilntlwny aro now running through to Myrtle Point. Tho first train wont through yesterday. The tracks arc arranged on a tempo rary structure, but it will bo filled In with dirt nnd tho former trestle done nway with entirely. SbV flBBBBBBBm 3&lSBBkM. J& &r2zr BBsV 'TBBBBBBSM IVv TsBBBBBBBBBsVt mT BBIIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIi "BBBBBBbT I r But You Have to Have Ithe T ogs I can fit you out from head to toe with the most up-to-date, snappiest, and good goods for men in the city. Remember our HIGH ART Fall Suits are here. The first to be shown in Marshfield. HAVE A LOOK LADIES, LOOK AT THIS! JiiBt received a pitchfork full of FAVOIUTE HAIR IlAUItirrTKS, Hair Ornaments and Unck Com!:.,. See our window. Lowest prices Is Coos county. COOS DAY CASH STORE. THE HOUSE HOLDS HIS OWN. THOSE who Htlll porslst In bo saving Invention, dovlco and llovlng that ovory now labor Improvomont tends to deprive tho oldor producers, men nnd beasts, of occupntlon might llnd In recently compiled statistics relntlng to tho horso a striking contradiction of tholr pot theory. Tho "horsoless ngo" which was prophesied with tho com ing Into general use of tho autouio bllo hns not arrived, and, what Is more to tho point, It sooms to hnvo boon Indefinitely postponed. That Is to say, wo have It an tho authority of tho Llvo Stock Journul, says an ex change, that hnrssos hao Increased bIx million head In tho last ten years. There nro now in tho country 31.- 000,000 farm nnd city horse, with n vnluntlon of $3,500,000,000, and prices nro bettor than over before $250 to $500 for good draft horso. How Is this accounted for? Tho anawor Is: Tho railroads and vari ous forms of machlnory havo called for raoro horses to do tho Increasing work. All tho automobiles manufac tured In tho world In 1910 will num ber, It is ostlmnted. 235.000. umi tholr value will bo about $235,000, 000. Tho 2,000,000 horses In mi nole alone nro valued at $25C,000, (po. Horso breeding Is tho most Im portant Industry In tho country ns well us tho most profitable, It is claimed, nud wo are told that farmers mnnot supply tho Increasing demand from American and European mnr. JHfts for moro and better animals. Now nil this must convey a sense or deep-satisfaction to the mind of ovory rfght-heuited man. All those who, favor progross win hope for a tremendous oxpnnslon of tho auto. mobtlo Industry In tho years to come Evory obsorvant nnd vell-polsod per son must soo that tho automobile has como to etny and that Its use will constantly Increase Hut we all want tho horso to continue to hold a plme In tho world's, nctlvltlos. nnd It Is pleasing to knov that so far steam, gasoline and electricity. Instead of wresting occupation from him, havo Increasod his opportunities, and. on tho whole, bottored his coudltlon. V. SOME OK I. S. K.U'J'MAN CO.'S SUGGESTION'S TO CAKEKUL DUV'EIlS. 15x210 feet, corner, on Com mercial avenue; tho size of this pnrcel, Its location on a good street (planked), nud Its mprnoss to business ceutor murk It for sure advance nud should rec ommend It to cautious buy ers; prlco $2030.00 Two splendid largo lots In South Marshflold, east front, high ground; street now undor Improvement; desirable neighborhood; ex cellence of locntlon and a prlco woll under the mar ket make this ono of the best Investments wo havo to offer. Prlco (with $250 street grade to bo nssumod, payable In ten annual In stalments) 1500.00 50x110 on Fifth nvonuo (bi tuminous rock paving on street); lots porfectly loel nud up to grade; In excel lent resldeuco section; pur chasers to nssumo street grade (bonded); thoso lots nro considerably under the market, and wo recom mend them as a good buy.. 000.00 CO feet on Central avenuo, Im proved, with 7-room house; sightly location with good view; wo bellovo tho houso could not bo duplicated for tho prlco asked for both houso and lot 1100.00 Two lots on Droadway; Broad way proporty is always In demand, with stability of value and best chances of increaso (Cook lots); this is on eof tho few pnrcols of fered on west side of street; this side of Golden avenuo. 2100.00 GEO. GOODR.UM QUEEN'S BALL 1 display of fireworks and shooting of cannon will sound tho opening of a week of pleasure and a general good time. Tho parade will end at tho foot of Commercial street, whore the crqwn Ing of tho Queen will tnko plnco with tho proper ceremonies, after which tho Queen will bo escorted to tho big show by her aides nnd prominent cltlzons, whero n specially prepnrcd box seat will bo provided In her honor. Immediately nftcr the show tho Music will b0 furnished by Coos Day's Qncon and her rotlnuo of escorts will prldo orchestra and you will have the hw,a tno mrndo t0 tho KnBl08' wnoro you may Bpend tho romninlng hours In dancing nnd a genoral good tlmo. Wo nro going to glvo you a time of your life. Como! Grand Ball and Reception at Eagles' Hall on Au gust 15th. Como out nnd show your colors. pleasuro of dancing on tho largest and best ItooMn Coos county. No time or expense spared to mako this tho host ovont over. Tho opening of tho big carnival will commence with tho escorting of tho Queon from North Do ml at 7:30 P. M., followed by tho parade of dec orated launchos and bonts, A grand Tako your SUNDAY DINNER fit Tho CHANDLEH. Special monu and ORCHESTRA. ItESEUVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. Deen too busy to write "ads." Couldn't if I had time, so am lotting my PURE ICE CREAM ndverMso my business. Com in and try our specials Sunday. You'll like om. Lewis' Confectionery K0DM m &ft H(M tv Y O VVF -S5n. VJ ) APF I A I "V f" l Y 1 I I nifllB ilM! f U LMkT. liSMiMp vvvw A I jm wM-11 (.csly .&? " Xriv " Copyr.qKt-,19, ifouh- Kodak the Carnival Lots of Fun! Kodaks and Supplies at RED CROSS DRUG STORE Phone 62 J now U tfit twn& to e&t the PiouM teadu oh af, lmA. mijshJ,. m I li 11 " w V W V f w V V v - haw ouh &UU fyiCS oj foautiul j tmnp- thai wHU make wuh home bnufa you Cow a JkaMtlfrj'AotH) dm ifo &o why not 4-fyend bomi oj tfa money you have havebte'd to mah ho-me hahkiL eome a-nd &ee a& ' GOING & HARVEY uoiA Complete House Furnishers STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES TO YOUR ORDER AT THE SHOP OF QUALITY 710-720 SOUTH DROADWAY. i A 4jui AV-jiC