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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1907)
0W " ' '" '"" iaaBtggl&iA nmJKUies K.m$W fe'tti '' '-ailJ J) W1K ' &-- THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1907. ,-f ii.iij wiinajlJi'iii'i H.JHWIMIJT lit Coos Hay TiiBes AN INDKl'EXDEVT RBPL "fr" - VWS?irlSH PUBUillKI) EVEI1Y DY EXCIlPTlNa WN DAY AND ALSO WEEKLY IlY Til. los IUy Times Pcblwuin-q Co. Tho policy of The Coos Bay Times will be Republican in politics, with the Independence of which President Kooib Volt is the leading exponent. Entered at tlio postoflUe at Marshfleld. Oro jon, for traiKmiaslon through the mnU econd clftssjmnlrjinattcr i n . i ' I SUBSCRIPTION RATES. In Ailvnnce. DAILY. One year $5 00 Six month3 $2.50 Less than G months, per month .50 WEEKLY. One year ?1.50 Local readers 10c line first inser tion; 8c lino each succeeding inser tion. Address all to COOS BAY TIMES Mauhfitld. - OrejM. COOS KAY WILL BE DREDGED. The dredging of Coos Bay is short ly to be undertaken. The guaranty ot this promise will be found in the fact that the people of Coos Bay or Marshfleld, North Bend, Empire and all who reside where they can Geo the waters ebb and flow are putting their own shoulders to the wheel and propose to perform this great work themselves. The Coos Bay Dredging company is being formed and the committee appointed at n. mass meeting of citizens Is now ready to receive stock subscriptions. Tho now company i3 organized on a basis of 573,000 capital. There are 7, GOO shares which aro to bo sold at $10 per share. The incorporators are E. Mlngus, Henry Sengstacken, Eugene O'Connell, J. E. Oren, Wil liam Grimes, James II. Flanagan, J. T. JilcCormac and L. J. Simpson. Al ready C. A. Smith has subscribed 910,000, L. J. Simpson has sub iicrlbed ?10,000 and other subscrip tions amount to three thousand more, 'i'ho people are asked to subscribe for Crom one share to as many as they can afford. As it Is the people's tnovcraent tho result of a mass meeting which everybody attended Und at which everybody was enthu siastic there Is no doubt that the full amount will be subscribed. The mail who owns real estate on Coos Bay knows that his real estate has no value except that which tho oea. channel of the bay bestows. Who men who have largo interests Should not be expected to do all this work. Tho people do not expect It. Tho C. A. Smith holdings arogreat but tho holdings of all tho people pro Many times greater. Tho Smith company has done much. It has al "vays been ready to do its part. Now lot tho peoplo of Marshfleld show that they aro not only ready to do theirs but that they aro big enougn tind wiso enough to know and under stand tho bourco of their prosperity. This subscription books are open at tho Chamber of Commerce rooms and everybody should go and sub scribe without bolng hunted up and Importuned. The amounts subscribed aro not &lvon to but aro Invested In this com pany. If over a stock proposition promised good returns to tho stock holder, this does. Thoro aro somo 922,225.09 availablo from tho gov ernment fund for dredging and Col. Itocssler has recommended that it bo used for dredging tho Inner bay. Prlvato parties aro ready to mako contracts with this company lnvolv 3ng many thousand dollars worth of work. Tho prospects aro that It will 4jo ono of tho most profitablo nud necessary enterprises from tho viow liolut of prosout demands ovor Inau gurated ou coos Hay. It Is good as a. mere Investment and It is a tho.i sand tlmos bettor as improving the value of Coos Bay ns a world harbor imfl. tho valuo of ovory foot of roal cjsWit In tho vicinity of tho harbor. ri.'ho moment the drodgo begins opora 'Uouk, that moment the history of Coos Buy begins and she will mako an Impression which cannot bo for- tfioUim. It you lmvo only ton dollars Vroros It In tho dredge. If you lmvo jnoro Invest It. This movement Is but the initial one. Tho consolidated and united peoplo of the C003 Bay district will insist on carrying the work forward at the public expense. That 13 the way It must bo done. When tho city of Coosbay is organized under a proper charter it will have full power to raise money by taxation to Improve tho harbor. It can issue bonds and raise money by the sale of them to widen and deepen tho channel. The dredge will be ready when the city of Coosbay needs it. It will have all tho work it can do all the time and until it has to bo re placed after being worn out in the service of tho public. HARRIMAN STOPS ' EXTENSION WORK FRANK WILSON PROVES ALIBI Linn Counly Man nt Cnnvfordsvillo Day of Brown Tragedy. Albany, Or., Oct. 16 The Trank Wilson who is now at Crawfords vlllc, Linn county, does not appear to be the slayer of Harvey K. Brown, for he proves an alibi in the fact that he was at Crawfordsvllle when Brown was killed. This he affirmed over tho telephone this morning, and his statement was verified by Crawfordsvllle men. Furthermore, ho never heard of Frank Tucker, who charged the crime to Frank Wilson, "born and mised in Linn county." Frank AVilson, of Craw fordsvllle, is the only man of that name who has lived in Linn county In recent years. Talking over the long-distance telephone this morning, George Fin ley, a leading citizen of Crawfords vllle, told the Oregonian represen tative that AVilson was at his house now, and had been there the past two weeks, arriving before the Ba ker City tragedy occurred. "AVilson," said Finley, "lived right here in Crawfordsvllle until about four years ago, and has been In Prinevlllo ever since, until I wrote him to come homo this fall, as I cojld sell his timber claim. He is now here attending to the transfer of this property." MAN AV1IO KILLS BANDIT FREE Gust Liniley AVill Not Re Tried for Murder of Jake Terry. Bolllngham, AVash., Oct. 16. Gust Lindoy will not be tried for killing tho notorious bandit, Jake Terry, in self-defense at Sumas July 5. Prosecuting Attorney Per Inger appeared before Judge Neterer this morning and filed a motion for dismissal of the case against Lindey. The motion was granted. In sup port of tho motion the prosecuting attorney cites the fact that Terry gave Lindey a severe beating and on divers occasions mado threats against Lindey. The affldavlts of M. Lucas and Mrs. Lindoy accompanied tho affi davits of tho prosecuting attorney. Lucas swears that a day or two be fore the killing he heard Terry say ho would go the home of the Lln doys and would have $1500 or the life of Lindey. PER MONTH KEEPS YOUR' CLOTHES CLEANED, PRESSED AND REPAIRED. Phone 1444. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM Next door lo Dow's Warehouse Front Street. Ladies' Work a Specialty. Notice. Notico is hereby glron that nil terra cotta, earthonwnrke and sheet iron flues or chimneys within the cor porate limits of tho city of Marsh fiolil must ho removed on or before tho first day of November, 1907, and brick or cement chimneys approved by tho firo warden substituted there for. Any and all persons using terra cotta, earthenwaro or sheet iron flues or chimneys after said dato will bo prosecuted thorofor. Any person knowing of any fail ure to comply with tho terms of this notico kindly roport tho same to mo. Dated this 15th day of October, 1007. J. W. Cartor, Flro Warden. $ $ $$ ! $ $ $ J J ) PIANO STUDIO of $ LOUIS II. ROLL Is now open for reception of pupils. Parlora ovor Taylor's I'lauo Storo. .j. .. .j. . .j. .$. Pull the BELL CORD Wet Your Wlilstle Then Blow J. R. I1QRRON, Prop. Pront Street, t MarhfUIJ, Orecon The Steamer I M. F. PLANT i U Plant -sails from Mnrshucl d Fridnr . 8 Plant -sails from Mnrshflcl d Friday No reservation will be held after tlw arrival of ship unlcsu tickci In bought. F.S D'OW Agent MARSHFIELD, : : :" : OREGON KBsaatwttiKiareHBisaia Portland & Coos Bay S S Line BREAKWATER Sails for Portland and Astoria every Thursday C. F. McCoUnm, Agt. Phone Main 34 - - A. St. Dock CURREN BROTHERS CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done PHONES 543, 146 and 271 North Bend,' Oregon California and Oregon -Coast Steamship Company. Steamer Alliance B. W. OLSON, Master. COOS BAY AND PORTLAND Sails from Portland Saturdays, 8 p. m. Sails from Coos Bay Tuesdays, at service of tide. R. P. Baomgartner, Agt. L W, Shaw, Agt. Couch St. Dock. Portland, Ore, Marshfleld, Ore., Phono 441, WHY DO PEOPLE BUY EN SENGSTACKEN ADDITION BECAUSE It is choice inside residence property, lots 50x100 with alleys, is well sheltered with a good bay view and prices of lots are reasonable. For particulars see TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. Wod Electric h M IIIM II WW .- - ... It has become necessnry to have wood electric light fixtures in order to lnne your apartment in harmony. When your Interior fu'rnish O lugs nil aro made to match tho effect is immense. Wo make them with any fin- ish, color, nml can give you nny stylo or fittings you wis-h. 4 Tho best homes are now liclng planned with the wood cleclrlc light fixtures as they nro ns cheap mid safe nud results nre ns desired, besides no polishings to do as on tho metal. ' You will do well to see us or mako inquiry of your electric supply houso for plans nml prices. Wo do all classes of special order work nml repairing. Loos Hay rui North Bend, Oregon. The PARKER FOUNTAIN " PEN IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST PEN MADE T. HOWARD, Sole Agent, North Front Sf Marshfleld 4 mture to ' H J FgtMaariiaifwamuimmiraEiPHintnnMcwm mmmmw&si'Si&&ziiSi ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. You way Hart an account in tKi tnnV vriih any amour l you wLh over $ 1 .00. Send check, money order, exprvs order 01 by regutefed letter and by rrtura nail yoii will receive your bank bock. We pay 4To interest nnd compound it twice a year: on June 30 and December 31. Capital and SurpTua Over $3,000,000.00 Tot n I Aueti Over $ 12,000,00000 Send for our Booklet on Banking by Mail u sfrwswsrrJBsasaasexBBSiaai STEAMER. FLYER M. P. Pendergrcss, Master und 10:30 a. in., and 1:00, 2:30 and i:tO p. m. Loaves North Bend at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 a. in., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5:00 p. m. Makes daily trips except Sun days. Faro: Ono way, 15 eeuts; round trip, 25 cents. TIME T An LIS. Leaves Marshfleld 7:30. 9:00, and FASTEST BOATS ON THE BAY Half Hour Schedule Rui Between Marshfleld -md North Bend Made in I 'J Minutes. Private Laiullngs. ' Fare: One' way, 15c; rouoO trlp,'2rk J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. Business Directory Doctors. DK. j. V. INGKAJu. -.Pliysician anO Burgeon. OfflC" over Sengstacken's Drug Stor Phones Office 1621; residence 78S Lawyers. J. W. BENNETT, Office over Flanagan & Bennett Bank. Marshfleld, .... Oregon Francis IT. Clarice Jacob M. Blakt Lawrence A. LHJcqvist CLAIUCE, BLAKE & LILJEQVIST, ATTORNEl'S-AT-LAW Times Building, Marshfleld, Ore United States Commissioner's Office. c. f. Mcknight, Attorney at Law. Upstairs, Bennett & Walter Block Marshflold, - - Oregot COKE & COKE, Attorneys at Law. Marshflold, .... Oregoi. Nasburg Block. Phono 810 J. E. OAYOU, Architect Estimates furnished for nil kinds of buildings. Marshfleld, : : Oregon. A. IT. Eddy Architect Modern cottages a specialty. Office opposite Blanco Hotel, Over Tele phone Building. MR. AUtEIlT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds Phone 1884. Steam Dye Works C Street. Lultop ninUients'gai mtnU oluan iM or dytsl, Philip Becker, Proprir lor. Hill PHONE 923 Anraosisicemerct We wish to announce that our Marshfleld plant with all new lmproyed machinery Is now ready for business, and that we aro in a position to give you prompt, as well as the Tory host possible scttIco. There's no economy in try ing to do work by hand that can bo better done by machin ery. "Blue Monday" with its steam, soap suds and hot stove nuisances can bo avoided, and you can savo money by sending the family washing to us. Phono 571 today. Our wagon will call. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY MnrBhfield and North Bend. Flanagan &. Bennett Bank MAKSIIFIKLU, OKKOON. Cnpitol Subscribed 5u,000 Capital l'nld Up JiO.OOO Undivided Prodis ?3S,000 Doei a ccnoriil baiiklnR business and draw ou tho Hank ot California. San Kranclsc CallL, First Nn tic nal Hank Portland Or., First National Hank Rosobtirg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, Now York, N. M. Uotlichlld & Son, London, England. Also bell ehango on nearly all the principal oltles of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, safe deposit lock boxes far rent at 5 cents a month or $5. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS GOW WHY Always has on hand a good stock of General Merchandise AT PRICES THE CHEAPEST All Kinds of ' Groceries and Closing COOS BAY TRANSFER & STORAGE COM: PAN Y. II. C. llreckcnridge, C. II. AVnltcrs. . All kinds of Transferlng and Job bing. Prices reasonable and (Goods handled with care. Phono 6G1. CAB CALL SERVICE AT ANY HOUR GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. HEISNER, MILLER & CO. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Third and A Sts. Phone, 1201 Marshfleld. mmtmjunttUtt::mwtJtM All Parts of the World H We use the necessary facilities for sending p money to all parts of ) the world, and without l danger or loss. . . g FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY, Marshfleld, Ore. jj Ap32eEEJC32LZ2iC2EiE21 iTiranircgv PT-TM m n ti Mcriiersou uinser lo. Wholesale liquor dealers Cigars and saloon (sup plies. California Wines a Specialty I Front St.. Marshfleld mZFJZZZZZga,,mBZX52R3 BLACKSMITH 4th and E St. G. E. NOAH G. E. Noah has just opened a first class blacksmith shop nt corner of Fourth and E streets, South Marsh Held. Patronngo.of public respect fully solicited. Horseshoeing spe cialty. M. 11. SMITH, Agent For Charles A. Stevens OLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE CHICAGO Oop. First & B St. Marshneld iii-tfjfJfi--a :-- ." ! M PIIIMkHliViW B. 'nmA'HK ""- V i3feiijJR5 jHIBniBJiHK t j -kJ .'-.VliA ijim ttiiififam &--" , ..iMiiMilMMHBMBI