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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1907)
PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Archlo Kruso and wife are In the city for a short time. Mr. Geo. H. Roach, of Bandon In In the city for a few days. Mrs. Wm. Hngqulst 'Is spending her vacation at "Lakewood." Mr. Chas. Seastrom, of Ten Mllo was a city visitor Thursday. Mrs. Beyers and daughter of Sum ner were In the city yesterday. Mr. W. F. Baler, of Burno, Ore., Is a city visitor for a few days. Mr. From, of Port Orford, la visit ing on the Bay for a few days. Miss Maude Garfield returned yes terday to her home In Bandon. Born On Sept. 2nd, 1907, to the wife of E. W. Kordell, a daughter. Born On Sept. 3rd, 1907, to the wife of Eugene Terry, a daughter. Mr. H. A. Bennett, of Bluffton, Ind., Is in the city for a short time. Born On Sept. 2nd, 1907, to the wifo of Arthur Noah, of Libby, a son. John Eliott, of Llbby, who frac tured his arm in getting along nice ly. Dr. Bonebrako is hunting in the vicinity surrounding "Elk Horn Ranch." Miss Drako Is visiting at Coquillo as the guest of Mrs. Levi Smith of that city. . Miss Georgia Gould has been ap pointed matron of the Coquillo Gen eral Hospital. Born On Sept. 1st, 1907, to the wifo of Arthur Vineyard, of East Marshfleld, a son. Miss Louise Ansley, of Vallejo, Cal., is visiting in the city with rela tives and friends. Mr. Clarence Tuttlo returned to Coquille yesterday 'after a few days visit in this city. James L. Ferry and George Ferry will leave this morning overland for Portland for a short stay. Mrs. Laird returned to her home in Bandon yesterday after having spent a few days in this city. Mr. T. T. Johnson has been very ill at his home on Broadway but Is now improving and will soon bo up again. Eric Erickson has returned to Portland after a two weeks' visit with his parents and Marshfleld friends. Alton Cavanaugh, who recently underwent and operation at his home is doing fine and will soon be out side again. Miss Hattle Ferry left last night on the Breakwater for Portland where she will enter St. Helen's hall In that city. Mr. T. Grimes left the city on the Breakwater for Lawrence, Kansas, where he will enter the university of art in that city. Little Jim Mauzey whose life has Leen threatened for the last few days is not yet out of danger but at present his condition has slightly improved. Major Kinney is very ill at his home in Plat B. The Major was sufBerlng severely Inst evening, but It is hoped that this morning will bring him relief. Melvin Belleu-, who has been ab , sent for something over a year, ar rived in yesterday and will visit friends for a time. He is employed by tho Northern Pacific railroad and Jives in Washington. Dr. Taggart, of Beaver Hill, came to tho city Wednesday evening to attend the Medical Association meeting to have been held In this city the same evening, but which was postponed until later. The doctor left yesterday morning again for his home. ,$. .J. 4. 4, 4, .J. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .J. 4. & CITIZEN'S VIEWS ON THE HOTEL QUESTION. JUarshfleld, Sept 5. 1907. Editor Times As a citizen of long residence In this city and county, I wish to submit to you some views on the hotel question which your paper h?o been discussing rather vigorous ly of late. You are not alono in the belief that a hotel should be estab lished In Marshfleld to meet the needs of the situation, but perhaps you do net understand fully the dif ficulties which beset tho property owners at this time. It Is well for you to remember that this is not the first "boom" Marshfleld has had and although we hold our property and believe the time is comW when Coos Bay will make a great city we have been scorched once. and It has made us conservative. This is not the only reason why we hesitate to take a lively Interest In public Improvements. All of us aro glad to see new people come to tho Bay and pleased to have them locate here permanently, but some of us feel that we who have lived here a long time have a better right to say where the Improvements are to bo placed. Not all of us are so, but the few who feel that way, con stitute a rather powerful party. They believe they have a location for a hotel and that the rest of the men who aro disposed to favor a THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD OREGON, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1907. el should fall in line with them. I i . .. ma . n .!".' ..,- Iw. .1 ' notei should fall in linq with them. At present there Bhould not be any objection to this idea If the hotel proposition can bo presented In the proper way. if Mr. Gibson had not come into tho problem when he did and offered to build a hotel if the people would take a part of his bonds, the location selected would have been on Cedar street and not on "C" Street. It would have met with the favor of those who Ignored the GIbBon offer. It would have met tho favor of the Interest which Intro duced Mr. Hedwall of Minneapolis. Tho money would have been raised. I think tho paper Is right when it says the city Is disgraced by not hav ing a hotel. Wo all hope the differ ent factions will get together. No use to have a Kilkenny cat fight In wnlch both cats will get the worst oi it. The men who are at the head of tho few can keep their lead If they are big enough to do It, and they will not prove themselves big enough unless they can consult and harmonize all sides. What a pity that they do not see the chance this city has now. I propose that your plan that a hotel company be formed and the people be allowed to take one or two or ten shares of stock each and then that the rest of the stock be taken by those who will subscribe large amounts, bo carried out. I admit that I think Mr. J. W. Bennett is the natural leader In Marshfleld and that he deserves to be, and I hope he will be consulted. If he will head the subscription to the stock I know many other people who will subscribe and the majority of the subscribers can decide where the hotel will be located. CITIZEN. Plant Off For San Fraui-lsc i. Tho Plant cleard yesterday fore noon for San Francisco wifh a vwrq of coal, doors, box shooks and Grav enstcin apples. Important to Cruisers. I want every reputable cruiser in southern Oregon to send his name and address, upon receipt of which I will send him information that is of vital Importance to himself and his business. Address, H. G. Wolf, Roseburg, Oregon. For 'Town Combination Brick, Veneer and Plaster Frame Resi denceCost $4,500. Copyright, 1007. by Henry Wittekind, ChlcaSo. pPn p IP iiSBraPs" PERSPECTIVE FIRST FLOOR PLAN. WHof cstr-i I, ' ' B . ' E jTT?l""i T''jCgi' " T CHAMBER.. iLl CHAMBER. Fr-c-c-ffijllrl K -Ql ,-,-. IE ft, . J I ' , CL CL JTTT1 Hj living room pi p:CHAMBEIle3CHAMDEf4l L J l3'-t"x'-3" UP ir-eviy-ffj lia'-oMjJjEJ Pj 1 1 II "ot 1L L y. ROOF VERANDA I ' Wl V r 1 Tills handBome combination brick veneer and plaster frame house contains 'a large Hying room with open fireplace, complete pantry, rour Dearooms ami iwo oauirooms. u nas a cioiues cuuie and all the other latest improvements. Tho main bedroom has a fireplace, and all the bedrooms havo plenty of good closets. The roof of tho entry and the rear porch form a balcony on the second story on to which a door from tho rear bedroom opens. 'The Interior finish Is oak, with oak floors in tho first story, except in the kitchen and pantry, which are trimmed with birch and havo maple 'floors. The bedrooms are finished In mahogany stained birch, with floors of maple. The attic is floored, but not otherwise finished. Tho base ment Is cemented and contains laundry with stationary tubs, boiler room and coal bins. Estimated cost; $4,500. HENRY WITTEKIND. Another Monster Crowd With Huhdreds Turned Away Who Were Unable to Gain Admission. Last night another monster crowd gathered at Masonic Opera House to hear tho Phenomenal Medical Ex pert and hear the high class enter tainers accompanying him. Long be fore eight o'clock the house was packed to the doors. Hundreds came and could not even find standing room. An ovation was given each appear ance on the stage of the entertainers. When the phenomenal medical ex pert appeared he was greeted with thunderous applause. He received o?tr one hundred people at his office yesterday. Many came who could not gain admission, who will return to consult the doctor today. His hours are 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, at Hotel Blanco. Flexo Ready Roofing. Best made. Send for sample and prices. Bayside Paint Co., North Bend, sole agent, Coos county. Church Services Tonight. Elder, J. N. McConnell, of Eugene, Oregon, State Evangelist for the Christian church, will preach at the regular meeting place of the Chris tian church of this city, in tho lec ture room of the Lutheran church, tonight commencing at 8 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend. Breakwater Will Make Up Time. The Breakwater left out for Poit land late yesterday afternoon with a ful passenger list and the boat will make up her lost time, thus bringing her into this port on time next week. Baysido Paints and Imperial Varnishes. No better made. None made better. Pounds or tons. Pints or barrels. Bayside Paint Co., North Bend. or Village. VIEW. 2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN. lavatory, dining room, kitchen and Dr. J. G, Goblo, tho well known optician, at Medford, Oro., wjll visit all Coos Bay towns during Sept For dates, see this paper later. J. J. KOONTZ Mnchlnc and Repair Shop. At Holland's llont House Front St. Marshfleld. 8ttunimmttttttmmmmmi8t Combinations Talk PRICE and QUALITY Fixup smmmamtt :nj FALL AND WINTER HATS Mrs, L, M, Perry will have her fall opening of millinery on Saturday, September 7, All the latest and most up-to-date styles will be found on sale, Prices the very lowest, MRS. L D. PERRY Sherman Ave, North Bend P. J. HAYES RESIDENT OPTOMETRIST Eyes tested Free, Broken Lens Replaced. Work Guaranteed. North Front Street. Waterman's Ideal fountain Pens the best on the market absolute guarantee, for sale at the red cross ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD We use the" necessary facilities for sending money to all parts of the world, and without danger or loss. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANIC OF COOS BAY Marshfield, Oregon. CURREN BROTHERS t CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Work Done a PHONES 543, 149 and 271 North Bend, Oregon Cook with Gas - - use - - Electric Power and Flatirons The Coos Bay Gas Electric Co. Dr. J, O. Goblo, the well known optician, of Medford, Ore., will visit all Coos Bay towns during Sept. For dates see this paper later. WANT ADS Rotes 5c line first time, 3c Hno each succeeding Insertion , Try a Times want ad. FOR SALE 26 feet now power Ashing boat. Apply Max Tlramor man. WANTED Girl bookkeeper for gen eral merchandise store. Address box 209, Marshfleld, Ore. FOR SALE Eight-room house and lot on Mead street, Just north of M. E. church, trice, J1800, cash. J. 8. Edmunds, North Bend, or F. L. Sumner, Marshfleld, Ore. WANTED Anybody havlns goods to store call at Taylor's Piano House on Broadway, near C. street. Large warehouse Just completed TermB reasonable. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Call 'phone S96. FOR SALE Pure bred Brown Leg horn cockrels. $2.50 each. See Jack Flanagan. FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms. Apply Times Offlce. X. Z. WANTED Two good Sweedlsh girls Good wages. Apply Times ofllce.X WANTED Dishwasher and dining room girl. Hotel Oregon. A HOME for a gentleman. All modern conveniences. Business man prefered. Inquire at Times office. WANTED Boy and girl at the Palm WANTED Sewing girl. Apply at Mrs. H. H. McPherson's WANTED Position as head cook for logging camp or saw mill. Lady of experience. Address "A."' "S." North Bend. Coos Bay Steam Laundry 0f MARSH FIELD and NORTH BEND All work now done at the North Bend Plant Edgar Mauzey Agent, Marshfield North Bend Phone 1031 I Marshfield Phone 180 I 4. 4. 4. 4. .. .j. 4. .. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, 4. 4, 4, 4, MARSHFIELD DETECTIVE AGENCY. W. II. Davis, Mnnngcr. Will take up any kind of de tective work entrusted to me by those desiring first class work. All correspond ence confidential and prompt- ly attended to. My work always satisfactory and terms right. Correspondence so- 4 Hclted. Address all matters to AV. II. DAVIS, Marshfleld, ... Oregon. S 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4, 4 BANK BY MAIL This strong bank with assets of over TWELVE MILLION D OLLJt H JsolldU your account. We pay 4fo interest on Savings Accounts. Send for our booklet on Banking by Mall it will interest you and show you how to make more money. CALIFORNIA SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY California and Montgomery Sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA McPherson Ginser Co. Wholesale liquor dealer? Cigars and saloon aup plies. California Wines a Specialty Front St., Marshfield Cab Call Service Afc Aiy Hour GOOD HEARSE and VEHICLES. Heisner, Miller & Co. Livery, Feed and Salo Stablo Third nnd A Sts. Fhone, 1201 Mnrshfleld, Launch Express Will make regular trips between. South Coos river aud Marshfleld Leaving the Maze at 7.00 a. m. and Marshfleld at 4:30 p. m. She will bo open for charter between t a., a. and 4 p. m. MAbTER WYATT COFFELT. Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAKSHFIELD. OREGON, Capital Hubfcribed tSU.OOO Capital Paid Dp (10,000 Undivided I'roflU 134,000 Ioe a gonoral banking huiinets and draw ott tbe Dank ol California. 8an Krancfrco CallL.Kimt National Bank Portland Or., Klrut National Bank. Roeebtfrg, Or., Hanover Na- tlonal Bank, New York, N. U. Itothchild A Bon, London, England. Also Bell change on nearly all tbe principal eltlci o( Europe. Accounts kept subject lo check, cafe deposit lock boxes lor rent at 5 conw a uionta or IV a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Bank of Oregon Capital Stock fully paid up $50,000 Transact a General Bankkg Biuineu North Bend, Oregon I i I ta 1 I M iSWEW '73i'iPgWBWiiirgMsw EZS