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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1907)
'iWWW!kW!"r . , npyjj w -Ul-JUt MULUftU J ftftaOnJ'fc'Hi iv sr a, THE DAILY COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1907. mmi?m:mtmKmmt Coos Bay Times AN INDKPENDENT IlKPl p " "TB"APKR rUBUjIIGD EVERV DV EXCErTIXO MON day and also weekly nv t.7ca: -- Jt The Coos Hay Tim em 1'ciu.isntNn Co. REX LARGE, Business Manager. Tbo policy of The Coos Bay Times Till be Republican in politics, witb the independence of which President lloose yelt is the leading exponent. , I Entered at the poMoflicc (it MitrshfieM, Ore gon, for transmission through the wall as second class mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents Per month, daily, 50 cents Three months, daily, - - $1 23 BLx months, daily $2 50 One year, daily, - - $5 00 Weekly, per year - - ?1 00 ft Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshfield, Oregon. TO THE CHAMBER QV COMMERCE There is a suggestion as to adver tising the Coos Cay country which should be taken up by the two Chambers of Commerce and which refers to a feature which has been overlooked. It is fair to say that the idea has been in the mind of the able secretary of the Marshfield Chamber, and It In hoped that It will be urged by him and received by the Cham bers with approval. And in this con nection It is proper to say that the two Chambers should work together in having such advertising matter published as affects the prosperity of the Bay, generally. What we refer to 13 the fact that the literature of Coos Bay, including the Call of Coos Pay; Mr. Snover's address on the Gravensteln apple, pamphlet3 on coal, on timber, on dairying, on vegetables,- on agricul ture generally, should be translated into the German and Scandinavian languages and sent to Missouri, Mln nesota,Wi?consin and other localities for distribution. It i3 a fact that the Germans are more Interested in fruit culture and dairying than most of the races and the Scandinavians make good farmers. Thousands of Germans are leaving the middle states and going to Wenatchee, to Yakima, to Hood River where they purchase five or ten acres of fruit land, paying almost fabulous prices for them, and then paying also large rates for water to irrigate the came land. The Coos B.'ty county is Im measurably superior to the countries mentioned or any district east ot the Pacific coastal region, for many kinds of fruit and everything else. The German HUo3 to read about these subjects in liis own language. It Is perhaps not known to tho aver age Pacific coast American that the bulk of German immigration at this time conies from the provinces of Austria and consists of very well-to-do farmers who havo given their at tention mostly to fruit culture or dairying. Yet such is the fact. Largo numbers would come to this coast if they knew Its advantages. The Scandinavian, whether he comes from Sweden, Norway or Den mark, ranks as among tho best citi zons the United Stntes receives, Coos Bay is now particularly inter esting to tho Scandinavians of Min nesota and there is but little requir ed to direct tho Hood of Immigration hero from that locality. The two Chambers should aid Mr. Lyons in advancing tho idea and now is tho accepted time. It should be remem bered that the fall Is the best time lor bucIi literature to reach Minne sota, Wisconsin and tho two Dako tas. They dread tho winter and "Are tired of tho plains With their snow blockaded trains, And aro coming whero it rain. Protty soon." ' i ' ' "i" MESSAtiKMCSS WlltKS. Tho strike of tho Telegraphers' Union continues to bo tho topic of discussion among local pholisophers. That tho lack of communication with tho outside world Is one of tho great est misfortunes which this ago suf fers, is not inudo any less unbearable by tho recollection that even with out tho telegraph wo aro in bettor Blmpo for news than our ancestors were a century ago. At least, wo aro able to get our mall nnd it comes to us on tho swift trains or In tho steamboats. A century ago our an cestors were happy and healthy with out any of these modern conven iences, while most of us look for ward to tho insane asylum ns our probable destination, if tho ofllclency of tho telegraph service is not soon restored. Yet what havo wo lost? Apart from tho disturbance of busi ness, wo aro anxious to hear what Is going on in London, in Paris, in Irkutsk, in Pekin, and Tokio. We want to know whether tho cannnbals havo enjoyed a now feast; whether some fearful murder has occurred in Chicago, or what now form of cruelty has been tried on tho weak and help less, or on tho trusting nnd innno ccnt. Of course wo need to know these things, but why do wo consider It a calamity moroly becnuso wo must wait for tho fast mails Instead of getting tho same news by oluctrlcity at once? Wo hnvo fed and wo feed on a form of sonsatiounllsm, which did not disturb our fnthors. If tho strikers should bo discharged for ever; If tho olllces should nil bo shut up; If no more koys should ovor click again; e would still bo bettor off than our fathers, but wo wuiuu uio of selMufllctcd misery. Funny! They aro nil allko. They want $3,000, but whon you offer them $4,000, they refuse it. You offer $-1,000 becnuso you need it and will spend enough on it to ninko it worth $0,000, but tho man who only -wanted $3,000 wont lot you mako it worth $0,000, unless you pay him ?B,000. Better lot go when you get what you want and the city will have a better chance to Improve. Then you can repeat your profit in another part of tho plat. " Professor Frederick Starr, anthro' pologist, Chicago University, thinks the Japanese can whip America. He also calU attention to the fact that deseitlohs continually occur from the army. There has always been a crop of professors bofoi e every war, In the midst of every epidemic, and after every flood, fire and earth- Business Directory Doctors. E. E. STRAW, M. D. FIIY8ICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Lour and Throat a specialty. Oilice in Lockhnrt's Building. quake, who have been bent on fright- i Marshfield, " Oregon enlng us to death. And these pro- fessors are always found alive and , well when it is all over. Advices from many districts are to tho effect that the fruit has been ruined by late frosts. From other districts It is. learned that the apple crop has been badly damaged by codlln moths. Still from others it appears that there will be a short crop on account of hot woather. But neither frost, nor pest nor heat can ever hurt the certain crop which Coos Bay never fails to develop. ' Mr. Bryan was a prophet of ca lamity in 1S06. In 1907 he assures the people through the columnr. of hl3 paper, the Commoner, that tho volume of money has increased with the increased output of gold and that prices of commodities have raised in consequence. He tells us there can be no hard times ahead as long as money is increasing and prices aro on the Increasing hand. DR. HAYDON Office opposite Union Furniture Store. Iloun 10 to LfHiid 2 to 5 nttentfon pafd to (Ureases of tne . llMnirv find iHnsllrp nmnni I U. 81-Tension eiiiir.lnei Marshfield, rmtmttttmntnnnmmmtmmnnt 9 I oo GO " o t oo $W Wi Mf H DR. J. V. ISdllASt. Miysiclar nnc' burgeon. Offlc over Bengstacken's Drug Btort Phonei Office 1621; residence 783 Lawyers. pi.vvjl'.JT.'tgirfW,t"vgrfatfi Sign tJ.J. W. IM3XNETT, Writing Of ail d iriouse pa per hangi: ins:, cam ing etc. , V cnptions. ting, pa-. Z, gram- e paint- Strictly pure stock sold on all jobs. J. B. Rohr Opposite Bear's Livery Stable o oo oo OO OO OO oo oo o 'OO IOO OO OO OO . O OO O District Attornej OO -Will practice in U. S. Courts 'M i 0 and before the U. S. Land Office. OO i o Lockhart Building, Marshfield, Ore o Phone Main 41. I ? 99 O0 J We will agree to duplicate the prices quoted by Babsooi Bros, of Chicago or any other eastern mail order house at a saving to yois of E. L. C. Farrln Geo. N. Farrin FAIHUN & FARIUN Attorneys nt Law City Attorney, Dep. Office overFlanagan & Bank. Marshfield, Francis II. Cla: Law rcn CLARKE, BL. ATTORJ Times Building, United States Cpmm C. F. McKIttGI Attorn Upstairs, Bonne Marshfield, COKE& COKE, Attorney at Law. Marshfield, -i rfannott 1 o- - Oregon o 1 w s:e Jncujj 31. UlnUe lib A. Liljcdvist i OO HCE & IilfjEOVIST. t fcyS-AT-liAAV OO l i 0,0 I Mafchfield, Ore. issiiner's Office. I f OO 8 i by at law. j It &i Walter Block - I - Oregon, t A . m r e mahoeanv with We hwvjpist tit it t m the freight alone. Wrf have Victor and Cotabia sc machines in received both the Edi- w monmivi woras. tome in ano near o in m sEGCEfyOT Harmonicas, rsngs lor di instruments. Violin strings from 5c to 75c each. pedal inducements on frank Holton Cornets this week. W.R. Iff jM o Co. C street between Broadway and Front. Oregon oo Mi 1'IXLEY & 3IAYREE, Attorney at Law. Office over Myers' Store. Phono 701 - - North Bend, Oro .w-finRrw-wrar-wix .ftunsntflfu the W fcSt L1I KsUKV Wet Your MHistle 1 hen Blow J. R. HERRON, Prop, front Street, : : Marslilleld, Oregon Donftt Forget yodi n : BRIGIIAM & BELL, Architects. North Bend, ----- Oregon reene mam arsnne & 'J Uitztnmtntiittittntmttmtttntttttttmtttnnmnnittttitn Real Estate Agents. DIER LAXD C03IPAXY, Real Estate Brokers. North Bend. Oregon outing trip; lull line with supplies nt tho Red Cross STEAMER. FLYER M. r Pcndcrgrass, Master nnd 10:30 a. In..' and 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 P.n.r f Leaves Nfcrth Bend at 8:lff 9:4G and llllrf a. in., and 1:45, 3:15 and 5100lp. m. Makes dnllyftrlps excopt Sun days. Farft One way, 15 conts; round trip, 25 cents. TI3II3 TABLE. Leavos Marshfield 7:30, 9:00, McPherson Wholoenlo tigara am plies, inser Co. -V: uor ucalerfl aloon sup- w- id 3IR. ALIJERT ABEL, Contractor for Teaming of all kinds. Phone 1884. TheC.B.,R.&E.O. and Navigation Co. TRAIN SCHEDULE NO. 2. j In Effect January 1, 1007. All previous schedules are void. Subjoct to change without notice. W. S. Chandler, managor; F. A. Laiso, freight agent; genoral offices, Marshfield, Oregon. Coos Bay. Steam -OF-- MARShTIELOand NOltfH BEND All wor! the No w done at end Plant i Edgai Mauzey Agent, Marshfield North Bend Phone 1031 Marshfield Phone 180 .1 IKS iffffiKZXff SffiSBBEHBHESa JHBII1BH23S No. 1. Trains. Dally Except Sunday. Stations. Loave 9:00 a. m. Marshfield. B. H. Junction. 9:45 a. m.Coquillo. Arrive 10:20 a.m.Myrtlo Point. Nc o. Dalljr Excopt Sunday, j Leave 10:45 a. ni.Myrtlo Point. 11:30 B. H. Junction. Arrlvo 12:30 p. in,Mnrshfleld. Extra trains will run on daily special ordors. Trains to and from Beaver HH1 dally. Flanagan & Bennett UARSnFIELD, OKEGON. Capita I Su tsen bert 150,000 Capital 1'aiiKUp tlO.OOO Bank V Undlrtdcd Profits J35.000 Dooh a Rcneral bahkffiB business and draws on the Dank ot t&ljEornla, &in Frauctsco Calif., KhstNattcail'Kank Portland Or., First National Dank. Rof &u'rg, Or., Hanover Na tional Bank, NeHJrork, N. M. Itotbchild & Son, London, England. Also sell change fit nearly all the principal cities of Europe. Accounts kept subject to check, Bate deposit lock boxes for rout at 6 cents a mouth or J3. a year. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Bank of Oregon Capital Sfoclfully paid up j $50,000 V Transact! JfCeneral Banking Business North Bend, Oregon 8 WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE JACK RICE, MANAGER SOLE AGENT FOR THE FAMOUS California Witts a Specially Front St., Marshfield MARSHFIELD GENERAL HOSPJTAL MISS Al.ULACK, Matron Hospital Mciticnl ensoe able. .BLACK, Uorl Su oe. l Ra Surgical and Rates reason- W. A. HARING V ( Dealer in Pfiro Crenm Milk and Buttermilk. Free de livery to alliarts of the city. North Bend, - Ocejjon Kitirrrirtimiariirmtim'um'iuirxrYm.wi n BEER V Handling the following goods Phone 991. Steam DycWorksL C StVelt, lA.iie tfd(ient8ratii.tnl'le4n ed or dytvl. Philip Beker, Propricloi. i i ! 3 & GINS family IMPORTED, HRANDJIuS, nnd .AVIIISKIES. Also for trndo n choice line of tho celebrated Cnstlewood. Old Hickory, Yellowstone nnd Ca nadian Club Whiskies; nlso . ver mouths ami cordinls. 0gg0gCOOi600000a66gOegg' TRY A TIMES WANT AD. 5 $ o o n o O it n IS O0 OO oo o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo fr oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ! i i ! !