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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
f u f TI1H DAJIA C00 BAY TEUE8, MARSIUUtiJil). OnECOX. THritSDAV, JUNE 27 i007. wjmwiwhiww IWffftWWIPIIIiiH iu t I t : .' 'i i B LODGE DIRECTORY Meeting Nights and Officers Of Coos Bay Orders MASONIC. Blanco IiOtlgc, No. 48, A. P. & A. M. Richard Walters, W. M.; Noris Jensen, Secretary. Meets Satur day on or before full moon. Ma sonic Temple. Arago Chapter, No. 22, II. A. M. H. Lockhart, High Priest; Albert See llg, Secretary. Meets fourth Wed nesday of each month, Masonic Temple. l'ncinc Coinmandery. C. W. Tower, Eminent Commander; Albert Sce llg, Secretary. Meets fourth Mon day of each montn, Masohic Tem ple. Doric Chapter, No. 53, O. E. S. Mrs. Marsh, W. M.; Mrs. O. Macarty, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Masonic Temple. ODD FELLOWS. Sunset Lodge, No. 51, I. O. O. F. Li. Plauz, N. G.; Is. Lando, Secre tary. Meets in Odd Fellows Hall. Sunset Encampment, I. O. O. F. A. Hagenmelster, C. P.; I. Landon, Scribe. Meets first and second Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Western Star Lodge, Itcbckalis. Mrs. Tom Coke, N. G.; Mrs. Lizzie But ler, Secretary. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Myrtle Lodge, No. 3, K. P. Chas. Nordstrom, C. C; Tom Hall, Keep er of Records. Meets first and third Mondays, K. P. Hall. I'ytltiuu Sisters, Laurel Temple, No. 3S. Mrs. Bessie Nicholson, M. E. C; Mrs. Nellie Whereat, M. of R. and C. Meets first and third Wed nesdays. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD. Camp No. 100, W. O. W. W. P. Murphy, C. C; W. U. Douglas, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays, Odd Fellows Hall. Coos Bay Circle, No. 1G4, Women of Woodcraft. Mrs. Nora Daly, G. N. Mrs. M. Cowan, Clerk. Meets second and fourth Mondays, Odd Fellows Hall. BED MEN. Coos Tribe, No. 33, Improved Order of Redmen. F. A. Sacchi, Sa- chwtt; Georgo Farrln, Keeper of liattTfia. Meets Thursdays, Red FUiu-'tfAIi iJNION OF AMERICA. T. NIcols, F. M.; Mrs. Nellie Owen, Secretary. Meets first and third Tuesdays, Old Masonic Hall. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Baker Post,- No. 8, Department of Oregon. .W. E. Thorpe, Com mander; I. S. Kaufman, Adjutant; C. W. Tower, Q. M. Meets second Tuesday each month, Longshore men's Hall. SUOMI SOCIETY. W. M. Hagqulst, President;, John Backman, Secretary. Meets first and third Wednesdays, hall over . Times Office. EAGLES. Marslifleld Aerie, No. 53S, Fraternal Order oftEagles. T. J. Lewis, W. P.; II. McLaln, secretary. Meets overy Wodnesday evening In Ea gle's Hal on Front street, at 8 P. m. Degieo of Pocahontas. Sacajawea Council, No. 9. Meets first and third Thursdays. Maggio Welder, Pocahontas; Ora McCarty, Keeper of Records. Note, The Times would like to print tho name and meeting nights of overy lodgo on Coos Bay. This Directory is for tho general Infor mation of"tho public and no charge Is, made. If North Bond organiza tions will send their names In tho samo will ,Lo appreciated. Editor. Wed, 20. . 7:32 l.S 7:27 FrI. 28 2:07 0.7 3:32 Sat. 28 2:5S 9.2 1:23 7.9 Mon. 1 4:GC 7.S 0:03 S.l Tue. 2 0:25 2.3 12:28 1.0 Wed, 3 1:30 2.0 1:24 l.C Low Water. A. M. P. M. June. h. m. Feet. h. ni. Feet. Wed., 20... 0:28 10.1 1.52 7.5 Frl. 2S 9:07 l.C 9.17- 2.S Sat. 29 9:57 1.1 10: 1G 2,7 Mon. 1 11:30 0.2 0:00 0.0 Tue. 2 0:03 7.1 0:58 8.2 Wed., 3 7:10 G.7 7:52 8.2 To find the tide hours at other C003 Bay points, figure as folows: At tho bar, -0.43; at North Bond, add 0.40; at Marshfleld, add 1.51; at Mllllngton, add 2.15. 2,3 hnlf of Ejutliea: quiver, - "'io 7.5, township 27, ransa 12; t'.'y TIDE TABLE. Tlio,following table shows tho hlgb and low tides at Empire for each day during tho coming weok: High Water. A. M. P. M. i! Juno. li. m. Feet. h. in. Feet, STEAMERS CHANGE HANDS. The steamers Eureka, Tamplco and Meteor, which have been engaged in carrying coal along tho coast, Iiae been purchased by the Paciilc Coast Steamship Company, and will con tinue in tht coast trade. The Met eor and Eureka have for the past two years been under charter to the Pacific Coast Steamship Company. All three vessels were the property of the Globe Navigation Company. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished by the Title Guarantee and Abstract Company, Henry Scngstackeu, Manager. June 25, 1907. K. I. Perkey to O. P. Johnson, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 10, block 20, Boise Addition to Marshfleld; $400. Bennett Trust Co. to Menasha Woodtn Ware Co, east half of south east quarter, section 15, east half of northwest quarter, section 22, town ship 28, range 13; $100. M. J. McDonald to B. Folsom, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 59, Elliott's Addi tion to Coquille; $4G1.25. John S. Coke to Sarah Chase, lot block 3, Plat A, Division 1, Coos Bay; ?10. John S. Coke to Sarah Chast, lot 11, block 3, Plat A, Division 1, Coos Bay; $10. Herry Sengstacken to A. McCul loch, lot 10, block 9, Sengstacken'es Addition to Marshfleld; $10. E. A. Pollexfen and husband to Herbert Lockhart, block 13, Bandon Heights; $10. K. I. 'Itskey, trustee, to Chas. W. Wernicke, lots 17, IS, 19, 20 and 21, block 1, Boise Addition, Marsh fleld; $2G2. J. N. Sumerlin to O. C. Rice, tim ber on east half of southeast quar ter, northwest quarter of southeast quarttr, lots G and 7, section 12, township 28, range 12; ?10. Juno 21, 1907. John Golden to Seippel Timber Co. south half of feoutheast quarter, southeast quarter of southwest quar ter, section 5, northeast quaiter of northwest quarter, section 8, town ship 2G, range 11; E. L. Billings to Chas. O. Erick- son, part oi norm nan, sttuuu , township 20, range 12, 1G.99 acres; ?10. Frank E. Rogers to Theodore Fllnk, lots 8 and 9, block 3, Bondza Addition to Coos Bay; $225. Hiram A. Wethey to J. D Wilson, east half of southwest quartet, v st C2 icolda end lung troubles Is not ftfltiet i cd by tha National Pure Food and - 'Diug law w it contains no opiates NOTICE TO OUrt CUSTOMERS I 0r ohr harmful drugs, anil wo rec- Wo arc pleasfea to nn'notinc that ! commend it as a safe remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar for Coughs, children and adults Red Cross tffvnszimxrivaE.'Vtcn7scrvTK3 T5MJTX n iNOW BUY ;T77'TrniMn2HIMBHHInsBlvvHnv YOU CAN Ejf I . 3aMsfciOTftpwij 1 9 I Ice Crfeani Ice Cream Socia Soft Drinks " at the BLANCO CIGAR STQRE LWHE5EE23S asral .-. ... kMM.U., . . IWWWSEiffWJtfXflWJSSSlJl- WE SELL Coos Bay Real Estate Residence and Farming Property A snap 40 acres on Catching Inlel 4 miles from city 15 acres bottom land under dyke, , 40 acres on County Road 4 miles from city s'ir per acre. For further particulars call on F. M. Rismmeli Jr. & Co. Nasburg bldg. Kj Window Lights Are the best, kinds of advertising The Coos Bajr Gas & Electric Co. I WANT TO INVEST $100,000.00 in Coos County Rum-lies, Farms, Coal and Timber LivhN, Homestead and 'Timber Chttins, Improved nnil Uiihnpiotwl City ami Town Properties. I Mill deal only with owners. No agents. GIVE IN DETAIli Whh PARTICULARS us to location, impi moments, LOWEST CASH PRICE, etc., or NO ATTENTION will 1 kIich " answers. If I tlesiro jour properly at YOUR PRICE, I will call on you. Address "Investor" Care Daily Times MARSHFIELD, OREGON A f i i W0aftH8: BSaSJ CAN 01 EFUSE TI Packard Shoes For Men tag vjjaT.'iivii'aw'gsiMiiJg'JWLLBCTiMjtiHwxjxLigigowpcji in it M ptSESISSL MAR.SDEWS COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS ROYAL SELECT GAMBRINUS BOTTLED BEER llpTraCTrar-;iit.i-.LifrpaiTjf.7rtwrrTgiwaiiiiTmTgmTg BotUed in Quarts, Pints and One Half Pints. Phone Orders promptly attonded to. phone j jfjj'-'f't'VKVrisn!iVmsrTr.rrT".'rtrrw3Ki Cnil TUKJU M31AUJlUnslTnV.VX2Hlto flHjjvllJrrrf Jiynwy ""A mr.n.Miar.jiaQMPSiwanaju'N ABSOLUTE SAFETY is the best thing we have to offer Other inducements are of secondary importance Upon this basis only do we solicit your patronage First National Bank of Coos Bay .10I1N S. COKli, President W.S. McFARLAND, Cashier. O. 15. HINSDALE, Vice Prtil R. T. KAUFMAN, Asst Cu.1 n i tgfcrggxw k We offer- your poor, tried feet a rest sad your purse J."' i, a saving. Could ny news be mora intcresltng to you just nov than this? We offer the latest styles' in the t Julia Marlowe Shoes for Womeo,and the Packard Shce for Men at prices that cannot be beat. i See oar windows witfe a full . ' ass3rtmeat. I Fimush'1- ? 1 Ce-operaliveKri JnHa Mcxlowc For Woasn 4 EAY CITY B2afKG5SHim'J-Wl'W1 California and Oregon Coast Steamship Compai Steamer Alliance B. D. OLSON, Muster. SAILING FROM COOS BAY to Portland and Retui GEO. D. GllAY a CO., General agents, 421 Maiket St.. San Francisco. W.SIIAW, Agent, Jfarshfleld. Ph axzaaca.'gcrMngff.'ncCTo The Steamer M F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco Firday June 28 RS DOW Agent MARSHFIELD, JB235CHHS2S OREQONI FiHKm''rqnTyp3girPTOwyi-fi?ri-.iiwi I t WILSON & THOMAS Contractors and Builders Office fixtures a specialty. Store Fronts, Counters, Shelving. Let us work out your plans. See us be fpro building. ' Shop opposite Bear's Livery Stable, North front ON EAST SHORE OF BAY Level bench land, ail clcarej, for business blocks Geritel sloping, Alder covered land, for residence lots. Reasonable PricesEasy Terms Also 550 acres Dairy Farm on Kentuck Inlet. Free Lauadh in o$& Marshfleld " m& North Bend. Call at our office. opposite Central Hotel, Marshficld, Oie. or call us up on 'phone. Coos Boy Towpsite Company O. C SLi .t : .:. Manager IN. F. Iji . , cir,y ETTrnrtTiTrgXTIHrfmt'rwrmwMTrmrrTTaTPTiwrTB Front street SEE US FOR Front Street Business Propett We Have Something: That w Interest You Sengstackens Addition offers i' best Values for the money. TODAY Title Guarantee & Abstract Co,, Henry Sengstacken, Manager EmriTHrea gTna -"-A. " . . . - -yTrgry.':7Pwnriaruag)w z UUWS- ?V" J hAm)S-' (J Esxmwmm BSJHhiJMhH tii"iitf--,tj"