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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1907)
,Wh Ik WEDNESDAY, JUXE 20, 1007. K (Hams Sag imcjs AN INDKPKNDENT RErCM""" lUTYSrArKR rUllLUHKl) KVEKY DAY ETCK1TINCI MON DAY AND ALSO WEEKLY BY Tint Coos Bay Times Co. FRED PASLEY, Editok. REX LARGE, Business Manaqeb. Thn nnllr-.v of Tho Coos I3.1V 'limes I will bo Itepublican in politics, with tlio independence ol which Piesident ltooso velt is tlio leading exponent. Entered at the postofllce at MRrsliilcUl. Ore gon, for transmission through the intlla as second class malljmattcr. although it. h unlikely that any ex cept the high grndo coals of the Pa cific coast and tho Matanuska and Boring river fields are suitable for shipment far from the mines, many others may be locally of extreme im portance and great value. The coal milling Industry of Alnska Is still practically undeveloped, the total pioducllon for 1000 tho year of greatest output being CGC0 short tons, valued at $20,000. Tho most activo mining opeintions have been on Cook Inlet, In southwestern Alas ka, on the Yukon, In Seward penin sula and at Capo Llsburne, all under taken to provide fuel for local use, by small coast-wise or river steamers, at mining camps, and at canneries. SUBSCRIPTION RATCS- Single copy, daily, - - 5 cents Per month, daily, - - CO cents Three months, daily, - - $1 25 Bix months, daily - f2 CO One year, daily, - - ?5 00 Weekly, 'per year - - 1 00 Address all communications to COOS BAY TIMES Marshficld. Oregon. ALASKAN COAL. THE geological survey of tho Unit ed States government at Wash ington is continuing its field work in Alaska to ascertain thc extent of that country's coal supply, two of it3 ex perts having been thu3 employed since early in May and they have al ready finished tho work in thc south eastern part' of that territory and It is thought that tho Investigations this year will add greatly to the existing knowledge of the coal resources that far north. Alaska has 600,000 'square 'miles, and of this it is estimated that over 12,500 squaro miles aro underlain by coal bearing rocks which contain largo seams and over 1200 more have workablo coal ranging in age from carboniferous to tertiary and In com position from anthraclto of good qualify through high grade seml bltumlnous steam and cooking coals and ordinary bituminous coal to lig nites of various characters. Many of tho known coal deposits arc of great thickness, especially whero the coal carries a largo carbon content, but high grade of coal and great thick ness of b'eds rare as a rulo accom panied by geologic structure unfav orable to mining. From tho Pacific coast to tho Behrlng sea and the ''Arctic slope, through the valleys of Copper and Yukon rivers and, their tributaries coal beds aro widely distributed; and COAST TRAFFIC. necessary if car3 were not released more promptly. These warnings have been repeated more lately In other quarters, and the utmost effait i3 being made by tho company to se cure the cooperation of tho shippers in getting tho freest use of its caiy, and to mnko shippers realize that tho use of freight cars as storage ware houses Is unfair both to tho railroad and to other shippers. FIGURES compiled at tho request of E. H. Harrlman show tho great extent to which Pacific Coast shippers are delaying the unloading of freight cars urgently needed to move the record breaking freight traffic on the Southern Pacific. The rcords of the principal California and Oregon ship ping centers show that since April 1st an average of 3632 cars per day were hold overtime for unloading on tho Harrlman lines in the two states. From that date on May 1st condi tions grew rapidly worse, but the June records show considerable im provement owing to tho railroad's In sistence that earn be released. Port land shlppeis on April 1 were holding 07 1 car3, which they had Increased to 832 on May 1, and teduqetl to 216 by June 11. San Francisco had 1S60 cars tied up on April 1, was holding 2358 May 1, and 1640 June 12. Oak land's record was 494 for April 1, 429 for May 1, and 365 for the mid dle of this month. Sacramento and Los Angeles shippers are holding 150 more cars now than on May 1. Tlio average number of cars so withheld from service aggregate over twenty per cent of tho total new equipment bought by the Union Pa cific and Southern Pacific for deliv ery up to July 1. This new equip ment amounts to 8,000 cars for the latter system and 7,000 for the Union Pacific lines. Tho advantage ship pers would derive from this large ad dition to tho Harrlman lines' equip ment, involving an outlay of $31,000 000, Is materially offset by shippers' delays in unloading and releasing cars. Owing to the freight congestion four months ago, when tho Southern Pacific was loading forty cars a day into San Francisco in excess of tho number of cars unloaded, warning was given that embargoes or in creased demurrage charges would bo STATE OF OREGON SESSION LAWS An Act Passed By Recent Leg islature of Interest To Fruit Growers and Dealers nor more than $500, or by Imprlsoi ment In the county jail not less tun ten nor more than 100 days, or both such fine nnd Imprisonment, the discretion of tho court. Approved by tho Governor, Febn nry 7, 1907. Filed In the office of tlio Secretary of State, February 7, 1907. 5"" A LYRIC IN PROSE In Which thc Coming Celebra tion At North Bend Is Antici nntpri With Pleasure bv th Author Sec. 1. Any person, firm, associa tion or corporation engaged in grow ing, selling or packing green fruits of any kind within tho state of Oregon, shall be required, upon packing any such fruit for market, whether in tended for salo within or without the state of Oregon, to stamp, mark or label plainly on the outside of every box or package of green fruit so packed, the name and postofllce ad dress of the person, firm or associa tion or corporation packing the same; provided further, that when tho grower of such fruit bo other than the packer of the same, the name and postofllce address of such grower shall also prominently appear upon such box or package as the grower o such fruit. Sec. 2. It shall also be unlawful for any dealer, commission merchant shipper or vender, by means of any false representations whatever, either verbal, printed or written, to repre sent or pretend that any fruits men tioned In section 1 of this act, we-e raised, produced or packed by any person or corporation, or In any lo cality, other than by the person or corporation, or in the locality where the same were in fact raised, pro duced or packed, as the case may be. Sec. 3. If any dealer, commission merchant, shipper, vender or other person, shall have in his possession any of such fruits so falsely marked or labeled hall bo prima facie evi dence that such dealer, commission merchant, shipper, vender or other person, has so falsely marked or labeled such fruits. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of tho provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall bo punished by a fine of not less than$5, OUK COMING FOURTH. To all Giccting: The people of North Bend, the of the Bay, having declared selves, have sent one of our mittee to Portland for tho P of buying a carload of flrewor some of the finest Imported that will ever be spread public. And among all of things that Coos County c, us with wll lbe Gamble's and a Clambake. Wo, on send out to everybody a ir; and welcome invitation t join with us in this, the any Fourth of July celo held on the Pacific coa' copted. We expect you will come. Wo know y Wo have tho glad hr; over, around and acros give you the grandest 1 time of your life. When you have tlree your many homes, you, have something to onto pass away many a loi when you rcall your hai at North Bend. And the little, wee on an everlasting prattle They will talk about am and relate in their chll happy moments at the B Come everybody, for It free as tho water on yo and as plentiful as the ral Coos Bay in winter time. Good-bye to all until we for the grand and good old tin; LONES NOTICE. Teachers wan Dlication 'WillAbe rceived wy of school dWrict No. 0, EMpiV Ore., for thu position of piitipal and assistant; references must accompany application. r . .riav t r pr k u jKfeije iw.1. j. ' ' " wct. -".: - r , - MmTt-'Sf wN $ or-f' tj, Via IP? - - . a?- .- i , vJr.'jSr-. VMS w: " -'jiftT?? &: , nHaMHUtlW'Er.Pt . k . . v - i 'J5f? ff ji9 II ! I III II ' " tf " V. -"W'sj "iH. . "- '-raifTril- a -;' ,z -n?KXZ, WSSEBBSSSm" cV,1 mate1" -".J? - TMT .si 2JtimmBM8&Vm- ' m cJi3EKfe &2EKSBgKm' ' , ' .r (aHHWraHHKS3!alr . C-: " w- nnHDHnni.K -. .t .on l- i.h run in iraai ti hi n p r - iiuik & ujr . -m rtsmsasmBmi "r?wmmK::k , -ms - MMwwaaHmmbir xi&?sg.rn. . i-"!-, sc i , mu& wl fJQSHBBOKfi.T&e? SL,-WUMF : '-rfli "tWTMiWi, , fVqV fiKa2SK. . -,-" i .1 II l. . KwmnFWZXV".. r. -- .... - - t mmtMirj ;. . -i - t; ..- -- . yftffi&HSluBP jv :ti' - .is.i.. . tM&T .v--vMsEWwsaeafe arfa4 BisiwiSiysar. " Iffi -f vT-TVKi :.... tTs -SJ !St ,Vc ;osbs ., -fe v .- a& -T-rrv. . -- . JQMF . . r A' - - -c gwftgatfWBisagiw '"' 1 1 III II IHII II I III I III ! WMIIIMH MsimmtiB&msBmmfflmism tmmmawmmwkms&asisak u, uf .,, i "If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or " ' make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, though he build his . house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door'RALPH WALDO EMERSON Jttst now empire builders are building iron-shod paths to the commercial door of North Bend b cause its factories have the frieght to ship, and their payroll talks Like seeks like Is an eternal law of nature Although but imperfectly recognised, s absolute This same law holds good in building of factories A factory is built always at that point where there are fewest obstacles to be overcome, where tributary raw materials are unlim ited and markets unrestricted If this holds good in one case it will hold good in several--a dozen or a hundred North Bend but a few years ago had one factory, soon it had several, now there are a dozen, and the raw materials are her for a hundred more. Factories make payrolls, these in turn create business houses which invite banks, jobbers, traders and trans portation facilities, and all go to the making of a city because "Its Payroll Talks," which creates a demand, for real estate There is beaten pthto our door because we have the best bargains in North Bsn:l real estate DIER.S LAND COMPANY NOR.TH BEND, OREGON