Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1??? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1873)
LAFAYETTE, OREGON J VOL. 8 A ¿juin Petitioning' for Relief. The Secret o‘f *; Wife!« Power. FABMING NEWS. The Register sayB $1 06 per bushel is tho highest offer yet made for 25,- Q00 bushels of wheat now stored in iti the Farmers’ Warehouse at Albany. D. M. Guthrie has purchased of T. H. Hunsaker, of Marion countjfe. 22 head of choice French Merinos, prog eny of the pure bloods imported by J. D. Patterson in 1866, and sold to Jesse Parrish and Frank Powell, of Linn county. Having been kept pure and well tended they retaiu all the ex cellence of the originals. / ‘1 R. Gurney, Worthy Deputy for Douglas county, has organized in his district Granges as follows: Union Grange; Douglas county; A. A. Math ews, Muster; John G. Fluke, Secre tary, Looking! 25 charter mem bers Coos River (Jrange, Coos coun ty; Cyrus Landriff, Master; Robert Roop, Secretary, Coos River P. O.; 17 charter ipembers. Mr. Gurney will ¡ organize a grange at Myrtle Creek ’soon. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION’ Copy, One Year, Copy, Six Month«, Copy, Three Months, RATES OF ADVERTISING 7 1W ! ÏW AV Al Finch, | 75 1 4 -J > . 1 75 6ÜÓ 2Ìnohet. | 1 tp ¡ 2.50 1 ¡feo 1 K tío ! 3 50 ¡ 4 50 | J»0 ) 1 Slncbcs, ilnches.’! 3 00 1 4 00 j 5 00 j H J 4 Gol. T| 4.50 j 5 50 ! tì 00 i is J } Col. | ' MX) ?W |t»Ö0 Ä ZOO 1 9 1 12 ,20 1 * Col- rUôi. 11 10 1 15 1 is 1 » I GM 1 1V1L l5o0 12 f18 (0 Is 1 21 ! ('0 20 ’I 3(1 Ì0O 22 ¡ 32 00 L3' irti 50 00 30 ¡90 00 ><• Business notioes in the Ld'cal Columns, 25 cents per line, each insertion. For legal and transient advertisement* $2.» . 50 per square of 12 lines, for the tirst inser- , tion, aftid 11.00 per square tor each subsequent nsertion. Legal Advertisement» to be Paid for up- en making Proof by the Publisher. strain his voice. Th q flagged, and hq playe l and she nibbled at th? finally said if was a b evening, and shq ye grandfather predicted He said he guessed it \ as the moon wasnjt < i to hang a po wder-ho: i Person*1 Ad vs. 50 Ct«, n Line, "utt Subcriptions Sent East, $2 00 a Year. BUSINESS CARDS to know if she thought rotted out boots fatter lampblack. SUe cowl had an idt^ that it dif. W.’ M. RAMSEY coin lib need to locff’ 4 I when she discovered B< t r the lamp. S)ie rose u the light down a lull ruoAt look dim. It tod • «’_ E. C. TïRADSHAW. A-ttornev at ILaw LAFAYETTE, OREGON- SVUIVAN A-ttornev his left arm fell down hug. ThcRr'he went o ■ f / out of the window to i it was or was noUgoinj coming back, he tur down a little more, and and wanted to know iff; to rest herself by lcanii his shoulder. LAFAYETTE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ah, me’ we have all Who of us cart'd a cent clock struck 12, and from home? The old asleep, the watch dog j and tho handsofuest gii try didn’t see why we hurry. Perhajra I shouldn’t ERGUSON <t BIRD, comer of Jefferson and Main ; dealer» in produce and gen eral merchandise.. F K J B W J I ELTY A BiMfBON. north «ide Main street; deniers in drugs, confection eries ami family supplies. AS. McCAlN, attorney; office on south side Main street ARBER BHOP, J. R. Majors, propri etor ; east side Jefferson street just above tinf shop. ■ . with justice ■** . \ ’t snow, D. A. Miller has turned bee-hunter enough and taken to the hills south of Salem die end; where he harvests many a store the would, bees have been all supimer saving. He lias plenty of wild honey, and on 1er courage ly needs a reasonable supply of lo custs to live in the good old primitive Shu hadn’t, style. It is to be noted by distant ,’t want to. readers that this happens'late in No vember, that bees are still flying and »given. making honey in Oregon ' ’ By order of the Executive Com mittee there will be • eld a meeting of the Oregou Farmers’ Union, in the Legislative Hull, at the city of Salem on Monday, January 5, 1874. and im portant business will be brought be fore it fqr consideration. All the Farmers’ Clubs now organized, or which may be organized before the nail meeting!, are requested to send delegates to the same. All persons who have hitherto attended as dele gates still hold their seats as delegates, and where there are vacancies they dro entitled as follows, from Art. 4, Constitution: “Each Club, League or Grange, shall be entitled to one member at least, and one additional inember for each 25 members or frac tion of 13 members over.” The dif ferent committees appointed at the last meeting are respectfully and earnestly requested to forward their reports as soon as practicable^ also tho Secretaries of different clubs, leagues and Grange^ who desire to sepd delegates. X M. RAMSEY. County Judge and • attorney at law,—office in the Court H ouse. "■ OIfN BIRD, weatside Jefferson street, dealer in stoves and tinware. sennò! tan b H C. BRA DBHAW, attorney at law. y» D ayton business directory . coin. RIB. iSvLOR, dealer In general mer- efcamble. Odd fellow«’ building. The chedp-seash utoro. S.- POWELL. Baw Mill. Dressed • lumber of all kinds, doors and win dow frames. • • W H oward a btewart , blacksmiths, Wagons. hacks and buggies ironed. Gunsmithing and general job work done. T EADBETTERÆ RIIJEY ; pictures of all ■ description« always on band and frames of all descriptions made ty order. JL j ARKER & CO., Ferry street; dry goods, groceries ami general merchan dise. Dayton flouring mills, H J BEST, livery stable Ferry street; bug- • gies and horses to let at all times, at reasonable rates. ministration would beyelieved of two vexatious iquestions at one time, and possjbjy seine Cuban desperado would shootr Kellogg'— and thus rid the4 World ¡of a cheap scoundrel! But ihen ^he Admin istration would Jose already and convenient tool, «nd tie emanci pated people of Louisiana wonfd V 'if. j j A i L be free to vote th<^| pleased. Kellogg will nefer- leave Louisi ana with tho approval his prin cipal at Washington. il .. ngy I W Some children, were talk in their fathers ami brothers wh< been captured as prisoners of Many tales of forts and C wcro told,Hhe speakers Cvidi priding themselves, when.a fellow, who had been si lent, s ft r.;L up— “That> mithin,” sai got an uncle that’s too, aud he ain’t warnuther.” ' i. CLIPPINGS. A green-grocer—-one who trusts. Baptist exhortation—brethern and cistern. The Bible lias been translated into Esquimaux. The only thing that can live in fire is a live coal. • Nothing demoralizes a -printing ofi* fice like a parade. Why is this continent like milk ? Because it’s ours. The twelve great nations^of the world own 285 iron-clads. . I Three thousand species of grass arc [ now known to botanists. The public statuary offthe United States has cost $l,o(M),000* , . « . An Illinois lawyer advertises for the hairs of Rebecca Long.” The high- er wertake the themometer up a mountain the lower it gets. i A drunkard is like a bad account, because he generally overbalances. During tho last ten years, nearly 150,000 .housed have been built in London. > : ' The value of the English shilling is said to be 9 3-4 per Cent, less than it ought to be. * ’ - If speech is silver, and if silence is gold, how much is a deaf ana dumb man worth? S J.. “Man is a mystery,” said a lady to her beau. “Yes, dear,’'said he, “and a girl is a misscry.” - Putting up a stove-pipe in Danbury is politely termed “ attending a black crook matjnea.” Somebody wants a young man to look after a .horse of the methodise persuasion. A tender-hearted omnibus driver says he hates to run over a person; he thinks it hurts the springs; An Irish editor sdys he can see no earthly reason why women should not become medical men, *w^X*c!uml) 'inan lately Went to law with a deaf man. Of course the lat ter was the deaf-endant. Old maids, it* is said, are seldom found in China, but rare old china is often found among old maids. An elderly lady, ’ endeavoring to post a letter in a hydrant, is a specta cle to make an oyster weep. • • Oq-A/eek days you buy your music by tho sheet; on Sundays you ban have it by the choir for nothing. The obituary notice of a Kentucky lady includesuiie fact that her hair was six. feet eight inches long. A man is eulogised as an “energetic citizen” was run over by a funeral Xn Providence, R. I., last week- A man on being asked for an ap propriate inscription fur a foundling asylum, proposed: “Thu3 far; but no farther.” - . A Canadian paper refuses to publish the'valuable productions of one of its contributors at less than seven cents a line. the reason w! Mrs. Sarah Newcomb, of Illinois, ‘•Because God recently ruined a handsome bed-post by dashing out the brains of her hus band with it. x •»r A careful observer hue noticed that A negro in J Boston complained young ladies with new solitaire dia at a police station that a brother mond rings never require much urg ing to play the piano. colored man had broken a chair all to splinters over his head. Be ing told there were no marks on his cranium, he said: ‘‘No! ’e didn’t make nc/mprks. but ’e smashed de ch’ar all tfer pieces, and de ch’ar belonged ter mej’ ^A> man who works for a living shpuld marry a woman taller than himself. J‘The laborer is worthy of his higher.” Why is a jig advertiser like a sore finger? Because he is more thought of than his neighbors? No; it is because he i J always “on hand.” / . An old toper by the name of Gil christ, having moved away from Nel son street^ the neighbors now want a steet lamp.— Dahbury Neu:». A Tennessee paper tellfi of the pre sentation tp a citizen of Nashville of the “inkstand used by Gen. Jackson liberately wroth and punctuated at the battle of New‘Orleans.” A clock in a factory was expelled-' the following: “A poor man fell from the promises the other day by otefr the gallery last night while the request of the workmen, because ‘Eli-Perkins’ was lecturing in a it had not struck for eight .hours. beastly sta^ of intoxication. Before bustles came into fashion! there was a chance for newspapers to An old sea captain, who attend display enterprise; but now all of- ed a falldress party after his re them are behind 1» their make-up. turn from a long voyage, wa’ as An active bachelor in Maine claims - tonished at the costume of tbe ul to be one hundred and twp years old; but he “makes his own bed,” accord tra-fashionable Judies, but finally ing to a local paper, “so hs iwust lia^” reconciled himself to it, saying— One day when Mrs; -Parington. •* I suppose they wear their [ heard the minister say there would be a nave in the new eburch, she ob* dresses half-mast as a mark of served that “she know who the pasty was.M speet to departed inode^ty.”