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About The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1877)
:"V7 DaiLY OREGON STATESMAN ftU WEEKLY ORf CON STATESM' . EGOfSTATESM laurel every Mr nine, erupt MotMlnjr, hy STATESMAN Pl'UMMIIV. COMPAQ V, umvr.ri rmnT rTmiFe mr NTATEsMAI PI HMMMA.44 OMPAM- fcirvwlhy arrlnr, pnr wtieK..... Hunt hy mail, pr vnr. Bonltor mall. six inonlli.... ...... BB l ent Attverth!..' KntMl rorsqnnre of 10 II net Non)ru)1, 1st Inser tion ...St Ml Ktwh Mclthtlmuil IttiMfrlloit, wr bqiiftr 34V. Lnunl n'HI.ioit IM cents por lrn. SMtMntlptloniiby ninll or express must I iMlu tonirfUnr.,ln every lnnAM be pW f stoanoo. VOL. 27, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1877. NO. 21. Ttniis r hhki ti I'm your, by Mai or ottievwx-e f.1 - Six moclhi, by Mall wr oilierwixe X WEEKIii OR LATEST DISPATCHES. Very Latest UewB Reports. EASTERN. Washington. May 21 Secretary fchr mn tn-ihiy tflecrvlwd from ?Ipw York to the A-H-twit Secretary thnt In addition to the $10 000 (100 4 per twnt. hntid fatten on the 5t h Instant; to' provide for rail of that ilntp. helm sold. under redemption. to the avn'lii'Ht". ?5 000.000 of the bond nt psr in cold coin, to tw inid for during the month l Miy Mini linn, v The (fold thn received will 'bo sold for currency at the pleasure of the ticcrctury. ' Tim fvxri't'iry of tho Treasury suy he will c" n wlll sales of 4,5, pur cent, bonds for resumption purpose as provid ed for by Irnv. and hopes to lie able to : be able to re-uine specie pityiiieuts me Brut or.Imiunrv. 1S79. Il In stilted llmf x fi overt inr StncUditlo, of TmiWi Ik "inn marry a dsuihler ol Representative. rVhlelcher rt Unit Hutu. Hu l 00 and she 17. Thou. P. Sninorviiln, the Now York lawyer, tried fur iMinpliclr.y In the safe burglary conspiracy, lias sent a letter to the United States dutriet nttnrocy, Elvtnj; clftnll to the whole affair. Ilo wivpi cyfrnl who until nil tho -f'TpHntpn of thff Vih. nd for whom hpiifllt tt w plminnd, row not nftcri'd no mm-h thr-y xhnuld. mirl hn rii'alrwl to unhnim him1!! n much rtnlle- HIh tutumcnt will e iwi'd in the tQ ! trh-d. Grant 10-dRy wiilidrew from the Trcw Miry lirtini'nt -verl nlit'lc word, for him In Hip vault" lor enfe ktH'plng. Thry wcrt) forwitr.h'd to I'ldlHtlf Ipliin. CoiipuI t oflla-rs In Kurope hvn teen ViiRtrticffd to procure !l pnirtlcnbio In lorinHtion In rcfcroncti to tho foot and month dUfmw Bnd rlndi' mid asccr Uln wlw IhtT ttnc dlr urn likely to be fomtmiiilotw-d to Hvp oa'tlc hv the tm por;tiui nfdriiid Miul suit jd hldun. Th-. Prusldnnt hii Hjipolntd tli fallow . lag toidut midshipmen: Jorph O. Wood ward, on ot 9nrgrm -T. .T. Woodwurd. TJ. . A t Morciw iKivall. roiv of McJIual ft recwr IhivhM,- IJ ti, K." " i: , ., m- ,,,, .. .- . :t - ... 'The IK ptirHiMfrit ol Suto i to-iliiy i re teipt of Inluriuatlon i Jrm WInK1 , t Pekla ttal t7!dneo Ooternttietrt had jiynn notioe ttt"t it wvnld. m tha lot ot April, open o torelgnradotrMriirMltlorml nwiMnf(Ictnn!,'' Wahoti; Wonchoo nd fakboy. . h Chicago. May 12. The ' Joari.r ' H'shliiRUK) uprcial ixays: r JdcuibcfS f Ibe wiiiRky ring nafi) har.floned" tlra at tempt to ttjcufw Immnnlty tromdll pn vo cation and eiwert that tlwy will (Ielt tlw feoertiTMtnt to the bitter end. Thl enlt Vie proven U wltoar oontiynt of buc in ail (be Cuee.' Fred DongiiiV publioires a card 'saying the attack apon him on aecouirf ot remark Bailu by him In Liattimura are both ' uia iicloim and silly. Wanhington is a sreat city, not a village, nor a hamlcS. It is the aapi'al ot a great nation, and the manner nd twldta of i fttrimi clan mm proper lahjecta lor prowintation and ofitM"ni,and , fH-rili)r he U very much mistaken If thli gjreat city can l- thrown into a tempct of p-in by any humorous' ruficCwW'Hs lie way lake the liberty to utter. New YoitK, Msy 12. Ths Times' ; .WBShlimioijiipcial y:-ed Iihh:1m ays his moaning was perverted by pub lishing one-Hided, Isolated pa-!i;es from Lis lecture without their .qualifying con H'JCtloiiii. The lutfture ocenpled an iKiur and a half, and tho brief condensation Hindu hy the Itltlninre papers do!8 hitn gr;t injustice. Dnuglniis -nys the Mine locturo wiiH delivered hero in November, 1875, reported in lull in one of the inorn lti pKnerK inul imtieed willi upprovsl In ditorlaU. ..DoukIhw quotes sever .-U'para-' IT'tp'1'' from tlii liultlmorr! leetnrn ln which it was published, and by tha people apnkeu f f in the liighust tefins of pniic. In tho rneitntimo, the niov. innr to ivenre lVmUs' remr,v;i! from tho fnarsballdp onUiiuoJ, and H I esucti-d ovr JS'.dOO mniiluret! to tho petition will beibtaiued ly to-niorro. John F. Cook, a colored man am! now receiver ot fixes for thi litrict, will lo i reed to succeed iVjnulass ky thosu now operating agiiiimt Id in. 1? In Said Columbia A !'.'X:itidor. Douglass' prin cipal Umibinm). U coiisiderally mollified by the cxpttni.lion und will remSo on his btod. New Yukk, My 12. Au interview with ClflO. It. lUknr. I'. S. mtnieWr to Iv'jfHiu, iy O.riiuuy nirooj; t lhn ever Iwt tre, u;.-! it'r ll.ttni f'-r wr, but llili lt!w t;o! uovmii!Wt:i at i:) coh of ryspnrity, Tii-: i'. ot tb! urny U to so thvrtpug'i y.o-u-;i I'iy-.v lh?- '' i ef r:v?rtpt t y 'Lv.' ft ,.to uft'.ioii ;.'t oat itiii ivU'- !.rUki.-i:i-riti'.H: t.'o. kad KU-'SU Ur II at. AeiX'ire.l -,.v T .. i.!ki UU'rr, .Hi iv fP-w ot - fr ).'w.;r.)r German would hv ili'p)red wr long agn. lionet, to order to eflee'unlly dN po of Rnialit. Oermanv w otillireil to wulf until fhnf powtr heium" Involved with Turkey, and to efTert thl-i thp fter man auiba'ador pirt'd no pln by nri Ing upon Knla the tact that Germany would not Interfere wiih any tiroum m me the Cznr wonld nudertake to carry out. Ttie PoMt fays of thn conferenoe f Sec retary Sherman with the hanker" who con Ktltuto the American memherahip of the lyndlcate IwvinK charge of the four and a" halt per centum bond negotiation: Nothing wan done to rrend the contract which expire) thn 30th ot .Tune, or to modify It. The nynnieafe agreed to take twnand a half milllona of tonr and a half !g r centum houdM thla month, and two and a half millions in .Tune, and pay gold for the fame, wilh the imd"rtandh)g that no five twenty six per centcm hond shall I lx-called In to otT-et thl lo. The enld no received. It la "1d. will eirlier bo held I tor resumption purpre In 1K79. or. Ifj sold, lee il leivler li.tten. Tlifoe notea will! he held permanently lor redemn'lnn ' of frHC'ioniil enrrenov. The fractional j enrreney lm In a good meure been de 'roye1, nnd will neyer come in for re demption. n that legnl tender taken in will. f'r all praetlwil purpnw. he the ame a If canceled. If i nndertorw1 that the Si'cretary comtemplte the aale ot 5.200. (KKt ot tonr and one-half per centum bond each rnnmh. and that the gold will be held. or. it It i sold for legal tender notes, that the latter will be hld to redeem fractional note to he eirtent that Pac tional nnteu lire nuMtanding, PnrLADri.rHiA, May 10. The city U crowded with people bent upon aaidatlng at thn opening ceremnniea of the perma nent exhibition. The programme of ex ereiws nt the opening made op ol mutc, prayer, address and benediction. During the performance of Uhj prelude. Gov. ilartrantt and a taff filed upon tlie platform, followed hy President Hayes, tho organ playing. ''II til to the Chief." After the festival overtore, the Kight Rev. Bhdmp Stevens offered prayer, and an ad dress wan delivered by Clement M. Bid die, President of the Exhibition Compu- nv, intindiiclng the clmra '.Angel of Peace, when President llnye mado the procla mation, "t now declare the International Exhibition for the acaton of 1377 open." 'Halloliijnh' was followed by an address Irani John ' Welsh, and "March of the Men of Colnnibia" was mmg. . Alfred T. Goshorh mado an addreaa, when' cbonii. orcliestra and organ nnited in . giving the Centennial hymn. Bishop ftimpaon be stowed benediction and doted the Inao- L-irjie crowd awaited Hie' opening of the. floors of thn cxpoMtton ' grounaa, ana from noon until o'clock pnnred atadlly iutu the gatvs ultU 40.000 or 60.000 peu plu had entered the building. Flags f all nations dorneJ the ipvaker'a plat IroiM. The Prealdent reached tbe btilld Uig at 3:lo r. M-, where . a battery on George's 11 til lirod a aaluteofSl rnas in his honor. Heated about him on the plat-' form were ex-Provident Grant. Bishop 8iuiwon, 8. J. liandall, Gou. Gltoru, : James G. Blaine and other uoUbilities, Inclndlnc city organizations. Tbe Presi dential party were tlteu escorted through the building by tite committee, and this evening they will have a receptlm. at tho residence ot - Edwant F. Sterile, fit Germantown, Tlie exhibit embrace many of thnae which were moot admired at the Centennial. There is a largo aquarium covering 15,000 squnre feet and other wonders. Gen- Grant tukeu icl on leaving the exhibition to day, and arriving at, the Union league II nine was taken with a chill and lay In blankets three quarters of an hour. lie was taken titmice to Mr. Paul's residence, but was unable to attend tho President's rcceptiou to-night. Nkw York, May 10 Tho Evening Post says the contract between the U. S. Treasury and syndicate with rogsird to 1 per cent, bonds expires by limitiitatioi) on the 30 of June nest. An effort is making to extrtmi tho contract as well as to in duce the Secretary ol tiie Tveitciry to give up tho reserved right he hag made in the contract to terminate it on 10 days' notice. The syndicate have already t.iken ',50. 000.000 oMl percent, bond, and It is understood that Secretary 8lierman ir respective of considerations atlectiug flic syiuticatc is In favor ot ivuln only K5J. 000.000 more, of tbrse bonds, ho taking tho ground that beyond that amount nouo ot the ti pur cont. debt should bo refunded in bond boaring a higher rato of interest tfiu:i tour per cent. The Timu'a Wiisliii'glia sp;c'u.S fi.iys: The I'ostiiiuster Ocneial has received from Ovn. lintlor a letter approving bis course in removing Georga II. Butler. Ben. .writes if any part of tho gUtcmont is true, you did exactly right, promptly to remove t!e otfeiv.b.r. If IJjller, drunk or mW, was capable of ui'tiiig iti that way, bo i. utterly unlit t h old sny poi:bn nnioitg gentlemen, t ;!At!J not. p'.loi the s'lhl'-it nontrJesoo la l-'te "tJtoiB-.'rit were It r'.itt t t'V,:!! Is ;;!! tyv)-.'.j;vo tlhj Ptvitrs!;.:;- G-mvj --i; ! f.-:icW-: ; Wlio'-!' ' ; m (t.-ftv.i a !jtra;.; 't'.".-!. i t.rj.u.ii--- ;," a!i iitT'-t';;" : ',;. i :..!.. ttie trt.ri. -U :- .! .'.!' .ii ir. t.u be . ; :s.. act to vour satisf.u-rioii, herHtie. after! what yon told me of your nnwi!lngne to j charnr'e the appolntnient ot Adams as ' Posfmssier at. Deadwood. after charge h id been maile HguinU Mm. et tho fiet ' ot removal would lmw that the charges had been sntHlnt1. I feel certain that ymr wonld act with like 1nticf in anv other case. As'iiinn.gtins rait, fnererore 4 most fully concur with uA nppland your action to the premise, and wmi'd have acted as yon have dotie when swored of these ftcts had I been In your place. New York. "May 10 The Tiibnne'a Washington ietrial v: During the fis cal year ending June 30, 1878. the esti mated gain in the stock ot gold in the country after making allowance for expor tation and the amount, used in the art, wh8 In the neighborhood of t.500.000, while the gain in sil r w shorn 24.000,. 000. During flic present, fiscal year not only ha the entire prodn-!t of our gold and filver mines huen retained in the country, but in additional to this a small hul-mcc In onr tavor has resulted from our trade with foreign countries. Th pivent movement ot gold and silver towards Europe isriy destroy this b dunce before the cloe of the year, bnt it notv seems probable that an umoutit of the precifms mtfal eqn il to the entire product of onr mines during the year will lie retained In the country. ThI Will be in the neigh borhood of from i.liiety to ono hundred million, autl as latent alviees trom the West show ilmt a larger percentage o the whole amount will be In gold than during i... ....i that metal wWch will have accumulated by Ilw nt Jnns 1S77 will ,,vntkar,l ffl .i w,lUmt flf, n,iitin. If lu,n th dmluistratimi shonld consider it wise to fiegln the aeumulafinn ot.gnld coin and tui dint i for the purpose nt redeemtng greenback on January 14, 1S79. it could pro! m lily do so without at present drawing iieavby upon Euroitean stock. Mid with out seriously disturbing the equilibrium ot the. money markets of the old world. It is not. known tlrit flu" adminltraton con templates anything of the kind, but it is undoubtedly true that Sherman will visit New York the litter part or the present week for the purpose ot oonsnlting with leading financial men on thi subject. Nkw York. May 10. The Sun's Wash-' lug ton special says the retlreiaoul pf Dev ens trom the cabinet Is oertain to occur at an early day. He bis been offered the mission to "Tnrkcy, but will not accept. McOrary will be transferred to the Da. pertmnut of Jutiiw. provided the right man can be found for tlie War Depart ment. The National RepMican ot this morning says Senator Gordon has been con sulted, nl Intimates that It he will accept tut place be vau have tt. Chicago, Msy 10 The Tribune1 Washington ' tteclal says: . Treasurer Sherman" Investigations are revealing some slrango things connected with the heavy compromises- with whisky men In St. hauls and elsewhere, which will fcavs to be explained.'? . BOTTOM), ID., May 11. Tbis city was thrown Into a deep horror at 11 :30 o'clock this morning by tlie falling of tbe inner walls of the north side of the court house. Several men are known to be killed and others badly hurt. Others are still hurled beneath the rotn. Business is suspended and great crowds are In the vicinity of the disaster awaiting the re-uH of removing the stones. Chicago. May 11. A Tribune's special from Rockford, III., says: "A pall has fallen over what this morning wss a happy community. Tlie Winnebago County Court House which this morning, when eur cituens -commenced the day's labor, was the prirta of their hearts, is now a desolate monument of criminal Incompe tency. Some families which bade adieu to their loved o:ies this morning, receive tlielr corpses to-nig!;t disfigured by the ruins from which they were drawn piece meal. The building was not under roof, and the massive stone cornice which pre ceded the roof was to-day being put on. lint as the custom was being placed In the dome ot i lie ititiln payllion, the brick work between the iron and stone gave way and the entire dome and the interior walls of the structure came tumbling down with u terrible crash that was heard nearly a mile away. A brief doscripliou of 'the siriK'turu will aid in understanding the icoidiiit. Too style of the building is French Venetian i! the Rentiaisauce, de signed by Honry S. Gray, of Chicago. Tho eoutnet for building was let to W. D. Uiehardson ot Springfield, who, in-tbe -pring ot lS7o began work. It lias two pavilions aal a center dome over the (rout entrance. The two pavilions on each side rise about 30 feet above the level ot the cornice. Tho dome is 1 19 feet from tbi ground, supported by the front walls. O.i Uiu norcij .side the columns are from 10 to 13 i lichen in diamoter. Oil thn inner side those colatcn. rest upon a brick wall going up from the ground floor to the court roa n. The walls were aboyt 30 feet high, and it appear? were entirely hmde quat j to hold tl-ij iinmonse weight of iron pills rs and th;i msro'.iry of t!is dome wbi.h rete! upon tbe s;krs. Upoa thi to? t Sh-. it'K: c ":'vi:r.i u wr. Iron jg'.'.i-. .!; .il;". wiil-.tli th-i Vctsecr ii.-.T.) l.iti-k "ot ihj l:i:r. It t'vjvv.r? thst U; t-i.e.r brk'k w-!! w-. z if.'bfc.! ty ili-j weight ol UtO tspivr ssj;sj:;;y, !f,.l crxr. ;;!i: s'j Harb r.i'.tt; i it) trtir, bfingm ! i'. I; !'t:-o entire i i-e; i-ir of Vm bvitlding. t-elling of every room with it concrete fllluig. Tlie iron joit and the seatToldiiiK ex me down i't one terriflts iim, brliigiiijt with It nearly all the woikmen who were 0ierflng upon the fon ot the building at the time of the accident. There were from twenty to twenty five men nt work. The i awluent happened at exatlly J1:J0 A. 1 The wlmle massive stone fop nt the dome toll with a terrific crah toward Htate Mreet. A man named Timothy Flaua gtian. who was jn st putting In tbe key tone ot the tins! con doe. jumped for tlie guy roie of the big derrick In front, but missing his aim, fell the distance of 120 fi-et to the earth and was dashed to pieces. At thi time but few persons were upon tti scene. . The mass of human bring. wi.h the exception of four or five who jumped from tin; windows, tell m-dde tlie tottering walls and were buried in the debris. The wltole struct Hi e looked as though it would fall, and those assembled were appalled and knew not what to do. To go near enough tlie structure to re-ette those man gled and bleeding in the ruin wa hazard ous in the extreme, but brave men went fearlesly to work before t'e dust cletred away, and commenced to extricate the dead and dying. ' Men lay terribly muti lated beneath tlie rocks, nhrb-king foraa fdats lice that was 6 dv rendered at the risk of the bystanders' lives. One unfor tunate m -in nam d Wm. Gla was extri cated, bnt one nt his leg was left beneath a ponderous stone. He soon expired in treat agony a he lay upon the green Fward in front nt the court hnue. A ne gro Jumped trom a window sixty feet from tlie ground, and thnngh badly injured will probably recover. Within ten minute af ter the disaster no less than four bodies were recovered bv the effort of tlie crowd umniuicKiy gamereu. me cuy surgeon mtTr prt.iu.ttly on , hand rendering great aid t --mii-.. -., ninf " ' v-i i m . airtuciwrBMi ine near notei. a nwcoe imiiicii Andrew dii.iioi, retu ma ncau "inn ien but the won i id was closed and the victim taken home and may live. The anguish ot the dying was heart rending. Workman's wives and mother were toon ki tbe uttot. The air was filled with ob. wailing and moanii r. and (he looker-on wm sickened by the sight on every band Cp to 7 f. m . the following list ofyictiins natt neen omameil Fred ilaugh, dead, remains yet in the buHiling; A,. UDgh, dead ; A. Lmras, engineer, leg broken, badly injured; T. Hayes, engineer ot lower floor, batlly hurt, miy recever: Wm. Mclunes. leg broken. !bot injinvff and scalp wound : J.; F. 1'eck. mortally Injur eel; J. Pipe, dead; A. llolleiibeck. dt-ad.reujaiugiu tlie building, George htnitli was bsdly hurt; J. Warreii, missh.g and probably dead; Hugh Eklrtis, hurt in leg and JWcr; Timothy Flanaghan dead; . Luilioliu. i dying; J. , W. I ..i w son. colonel, reported' detd; A. Beldhall. badly Injured; may recover. H. W. Ames was working en the southeast corner ot tbe build in. The left ratter gave way, and lie fell down to the first story, but es caped from the second story wiudoW.head badly htirf ; Benj. Brown, colored, dlghilv hurt; Isalali Donne'ly, two severe sca'f) wounds, And wit lo the bead; Hugh Kl dred. oontuaion on tbe thigh. Dounelly is severely weunded, but all those wouttded may recover. A. ilarrie. ot Dixen, a car penter, Internally wounded, and so badly hurt that his leg mtmt ba amputated, and be will probably die, Holkfubeck, whoa body Is in tbe rnins. Iraves a wire and four children, who de pended eo Mm for support. W. D. Kiuh ardiion, coittrtetor, and K. E. Latliaiu, su- periutendeut, had a narruw and thrilling escape, they were both on tost or the dome of I lie buliutug before tt fell. aaJ wr talking ot the probability ol it falling wb-jti they lieard a crash and rushed at once tor the west wall, where they stood when the dome went d wu. Had they been a moment later, both must have per- ii-hed. When the dust cleared away both were sfAiidlng on the wall. A cry of fire was raised, but no lire broke out. At 8:30 P. M., the excavators have jut taken out tlie dead body of Warren, the uegro. It is terribly mutilated. The old courthouse is turned into a morgue and Kid scenes are coustantly occurring. Kclutivesaud Iriend (laud weeping over the bodies of their dear ones, and children look mourulully at what tliey formerly knew as their fathers. A coi oner's jury ot respected citizens has been e-illed, and this afternoon identified the dead bodies. They meet to-morrow at 9 A. M., and will m ike a thorough investi gation. Clergymen have arranged for a union meeting ou rjunday evening, to hold memorial services. .Subscription tor the relief of families ot the wounded and dead will be started. It Is believed that at least 10 or 14 lives have been lost, and that about fourteen persons are more or less injured. The loss to llie building will be $50,000 to d9,000. The entire trout must come down to the frieze and the pUns will probably lie changed. Capt. Luthaiu lays the blatna on architect Gray, whose iu s'ruclioiia were toiiowed out implicitly. Kieluru'son will not talk about tbe matter. The papers to-night place the bhuio on different shoulders. Digging for the mis sing Is still going on. ' Potitious are circulating among tlie peo ple ot this city for the removal of Fred. Douglass trom the position ot the &lar sbal ot the district, because of the ani madversions of the people of Washington aileged to have been made in a recent lec ture delivered by Douglass iu Baltimore. It is reported to-day that Columbus A!ex under, one of the .moot prominent bonds ruun of U wW bit asked to be ieiescd frotu ibo bond. .1. !-. MOOIIK, S' W'.'X'tS '.-Tit ViiM M t,tjut.31t ,a'r-.i.t. ,. ij-ti t,-,iiv-.JJk MISCELLA si ROUS. A. S. ROWLAND. CITY HACKiYlAFJ, With Darkln, Smith tfc Co. READY AT ALL TlMhfi TO COXVI VPER. Mn-.saixt Banmm to Cars or Roat A bio Uy drives, funerals. eUs. KATES: i CALI.INO-First ITonr V Ki;n iMttallns bour ., 1 oa pBIVtwo Per ho-ir.., , 2 AO To or from Train r htMtmito&tM M Kua FcRERALa- Aha-K ofl feb4:tf i'FYDU " WANT TO GET SHAVED GO TO i BEN. KELSAY'S AT HIS NCW STANO Net itoor tot-C. ITzaovge'e. r thu C.A. BURCHARDT 36 Washington St., Portland , HOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALtHI . FINE WINES & LIQUORS, ,, orra rott sale- ., ,4 . 40 Cases Gennine Rhine Wine. ; From U fiunotiB Brenea fttiikeifr. , ! -- - J M . FRENCH AND CALIFORNIA CLARD ' Preaeli and Sonoma White Wise, Tbe best In tbe Country. ST. HELENA WHITE W'NE, l.tfthtawf Very Pleasant. . FRENCH COGHAC BUM WfflSKIES By the Barrel Callon or Bottle. PLOW FACTORY JkXDar- r j i GENERAL BLACKSMITHING. The Halsev Clipper Plows, vT an nze on band and maiie to orlr. Tket Plowa tlo.uia bee work In stubble aw sod plowing, and are In gory! use ; ' - r among farmerslo Lum Co,' t 3ors3 Shoeing, 'Wagon and Hack 9HM promvtly. Plows sn4 alt wt Vtarantod, V; C. H. PAINE. Prop. W00DBURN NURSERY. 1. II. KETTLEMIEK, - EVofr. 1 Tfcnil"RmT: "HADE. ORIffA. TIXES AND MIKlBBhBYJ lOonAlyonhaDa. " i ' - :i'-! for C6tlflg and Priwi Ltsc Addrftt ' ' J. H. SUSTTLKWIRK, . Wooilrani. woonbiirn, Mantiu ooumy.fOrojon.1 nit-.lAMf " . the SALEM DRAY AKD HACK TOMPAJiTS Trucks and Carriages, AEK ALWAYS HEDlf r)U BUSINESS. S. fcCOTT, Iroprltor. BAT EJS : : CAMJSG-Kligt hour .f 1iK) ' t-aeh 8uut.-Jlr.g taf i O0 lit rSQ--Psr nour ihi ToortnimTvttnscrikeuiubukia.- 60 Fl SauU-hk r 4 5(1 FOR BliLBl Wagon, Carriauro and Farm Horses for Sa?. TK HAVR A .;trMnKBOP G'KIti W Afl. V V on, t'ttrrutji-e atxt Ktrai Hiirsjs -r wvltj at VtV i.t W 1'tUMtll. Anv sj on-t style yon delre. Call on ui t tin J'air t rrauiHia ami t vara inn our snr -. v-MU WOOD A. WRICW- A. L. FRANCIS, Ufulfr atl IdMortr ol tftM.ic&l Ire stjnuD.e. btUCIl r'u'r ana IV-U Atio rnii S t and nrd Orua 11 i.v-j t j ..y iurt ' Cr.'v..t -r IS-ii-Btssi Tor.v t (-'. f i , . . ir,. .., - ?. ; i . ' rtsl rJ ror-.Wtiva, Wivsjilo. ' ' 'i'j'Aa ' BUSINESS CABINS. MUELAT & EASTHAM. At10rilCJ'-Bl-A,HW. Olflue in Pcartlantl lu tjffic tCreKAO t'ftj i)piu brick. No. Itan. ,,'s Bl k. S . lli, Ftrst Ktwh. I street . , Hriti.T, Portland, r, H. L, 'AimtAJi. novl Him v j . oretomt J. A. APPLECATE, ATTOB1T EY A.T LAV; . it ,v.tit'8AtJi,i)uaOX' ; ';-U ' Office opposite tbe funk, ia Di-lnwoM't Moc. 1 JOHN J. DALY, Ittomey an1 Counselor at Ijda , ' Rooms In nutter's Old Wore, IWIla, tnr-. i - Will rirauVi in ta tstsfc 4 IT. a. I Vwirw. i : i-euilonsa jawialty. , , JSO. J. DAi. .' ioc:u a T1LMON li01,i. tt,rney uii l CjmuseSur 4l i, f. Salwn, Ore 'on. OfEca in Ito, Brt.-. Bn.Kiina, I'p Slitr?. mart-.hiS?' . J. W. McAFEE, W. I., Pliysicitin . Sc Kurncot; OFFIOB-Oriswt-H's Eock, Up Btafrs. p. c. scLinrAs, A.t torn ov-nt-I-.- , 3,i Still tirrsftftor be fourxi tt thn sotuhenac ecrr.r room nf Roed'g t nwra Honse, up Hairs, : Httlem, Oi. 4-iiu'. . , , C. H. DAVIS, M.D., 'Pliy&lolnia'' itiicl ffMrfXMii.i, TentVirs his pTnS?astonai sorrk-os to th r-y if Scio a..,l vtoinliy. lie will anywltur t tuteutvl mnnuatly wheooallort auon. - - ' J SETH;R. IlAiWIrIER,,''3 '' ' -i Kcal Estiste Agent, City sum ! -, . .... t 1 or, Civil Engineer and -Mo-ury Fubliv. eS'OiErfi!litnSKin,n Brk-k RnlMms, npfr! ,n -, HOtTSF PaIKTERAKII PAI'BR HAV Kalonunltifr also done. Work aoik-iwi: --. laii&iiiction suaranttvsl. e-' ' W. P. HTII Til, M. Physician nnd siura:"' ' HAKItlSBCKU, OftEUOS. : navatt . , E, SHEIL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON n nl ,'. ' isnxiALTT r-n t: . 1 -' ; hr onto tlmnR.n4n ' U?atl, Tlir!, Cb4 DiyTe Org-;rs ;'! 'y iiwi ?;.' " "JSKKTOM dtMTEX SJSXSA1.L --il .a.-in H. " i ; ,n . jj, ' Omca-OatsaMraial Hoeet. Sa'eaa. -t . tt B. STRANG, OOOK, .", ,.,. .,. -, . ; PARLOR. .,..'.,,..,.. l( BOX STOVCS , and RAMCEi. XmxttaetsneF ot TIN, SKLTT IS01! & COPFIS .. Union Bkk, OemnH-rdlal stwet, K'CtiiiM !n awl txi.irhif our oe-.v gvt: ol4U 8HI.RIT.8. IVIclo to OrcScr, A PERFECT FIT GUARAKs t Inf,aiiti si B. FORSTNEH loniinbruial ' Look Hera J. M. COULTZ ,;. Js not U.KAD yon bt sikk: ., Is lillve ami b'ok'.tig, and t-Mij to:- - v. in, ail k. 1,1)0 cf . Cooper-Wa'A Salem or Hast Pori. i ship m ftattm on the tot wtiere 1 1'-''-. ' ! m Csimmercti.; treot. eevf in Ka i - , lie latjsl.-- i the Nrk trct terry, fry Allwori ttrntiitiof :h litia- A QHB,flA88.H$';l. 1300 icr-csof Lift! fW KNTnUtLE-StOt'THE UT IK two nittM tivw Hutta's fmt ' " Nrh SunUnai. 6i3 ' CVtiiO and S5 '. New Tailor Sko . W.VTW OfUVKO A KBW S-Ji-:' , " . II. aiomi i-?; s-i'ty Bat-Ii- mi i . .j ir Uun,fcat nsfat -irAt.y ;' CLEANINC AMD R?fAfHH (V A ii frvt?-:-srittf si.-t. 4-t. i?t .( ,. : -,E!wi-:. t ks. r-iiist .i t :'v.. " - . tahiMwfi ! Lets In n$fth Pare-rti . itt AS. rii.-;:-t.-14 L-- L- -- ?V1, iv"i' tft b-,J. V-V-. ' '-! -.fc.ii,,.,..