The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 12, 1903, Image 1

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ob Printing
la baey seasons brings
yoo your share of trade;
la a vrj importait ftctor in
bnsinPs. Poor i rinfinir re
advertising m ami sea
sons briDgs yoa your 6hare, and also
tbat of the merchant who "can't af
ford" to advertise.
flect iio credit on a god
bnsinesa Let as do yoar Job
Printing we jroarrite it to be in
every way satisfactory.
Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868.
No. 10
1 tMWMPfa
Cuhier o
F. W
- President,
Vice President.
Douglas County Bank,
Katnliahed I883. Incorporated 1001
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
A peneral bauking bnsiness tranacted, and customers given every
accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking.
X Bank open from nine to twalve and from one to tliree.
Farm and
Timber Lands
List your
h Property with Us
Ofice OiJTJOsite S. P. Depot
Buy your Watches
and Clocks at
Buy your Jeweley
and Silverware at
booooo 00000 ooocooooooooo
Hiring Us Your
The Writer Is Evidently not a Regular
Reader of the Plaindealer.
I Drain Gardiner
COOS BrtY'STHub rxvi) VJ 1 fcr
Commencing with Monday, January 20. '02, we wOl charge 17.50 for
tbefare from Drain t Ca Bay. Baggage allowance with each full fare
50 pounds. Travelling men are allowed 75 pounds baggage when they
have 300 poundi or mora. -All excess baggage, 3 cts. per pound, and no al
lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE.
For farther information address
J. R. Sawyers,
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon 5j
rNew Arrivals
Krippendorffs for Women
l Excelcior Shoes for Boys
Hagan Shoes for Children
Call and See them
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh. : Groceries 'and to get them promptly
when ou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181,
for' go"3 goods and good service.
1 Mil ILI1LT LI I Mil l
liYBfJ, Feel Bud gale gfallei
C. P. Bakxabd, Prop.
'r. f'-V Saddle Horses. Single and
- ( I Double Rigs at all houri
f ;; J- 1T'?4 Transient Stock gven
very vest r tare .....
Rates always reasonable
Tt the Roseburc. Marshfield Ptaue Line for all cointfl on CooB Bay. Good
Spring Hack leaves Eoeeburg Every morning at 6 o'clock.
Editor Plaindkaleb :
fn your issue of January 29th 1003, for
the first time I found an article written
by a friend.of Hon. Binger Hermann.
Every man claims the right to express
hia opinion, the Editor of the Portland
Oregonian has taken this right, so have
I the privilege of making use of such.
Sorry to say that in many instances
the Portland Oregonian Las given vent
of malice, untruth, venomous partisan
ship, to slur and speak evil of a man be
hind his back and in his absence, it
therefor becomes time fornst parties to
defend a friend and uphold his charact
er. With your permission, I will give a
short history of the Hermanns', so far
as known in the United States.
As far back as 1804, we find in the De
cater of the military and navy records
of the United States, that a Hermann,
the srand-uncle of Binger Hermann,
was an officer under Dicater at the time
the war with the Mediteranian pirates
Morroocs, Tunis and Tripoli was at its
heigh th
The Philadelphi a taken a prise by
those pirates waa taken to Tripolis, not
withstanding this harbor being the
stronghold, Dicater and hia men burn
ed this vessel right among a fleet of pir
ate, bnt became the instigator of oar
being and finally braking up this unlaw
ful power. In 1847 and 1S48, Dr. Henry
Hermann, of Ca&sel, Germany, became
involved in the rebellion against oppres
sive rulers, he, like Carl Sonars and
others, had to give up every thing and
found a home in this land of the free.
He soon gained a targe practice, first
in Pennsylvania, later in Baltimore
Maryland. In this city he refused the
chair aa Professor of Anatomy, of the
Maryland University.
In 1S73, he became the explorer of the
then, very little known Oregon, for a
large German settlement, followed
him in 1S59, and gave the first im
pulse to Coos County, Oregon.
Binger, hia oldest son, then a lad of
fourteen years, prr ved his metal only a
few days later, trying to rescue a son o
Henry Shroeder from drowning, where
by Binger nearly lost his own life, only
true presence of mind saving him.
Young in years, Binger had to be the
principle motive power to propel a canoe
heavily loaded with products from his
father's place, to Empire City or North
Bend, a distance of sixty and more mile
from his home with a portage of
half a mile across the Isthmus ridgef
then return the same way, no storm,
tide or freshet could prevent him from
ever doing hia duty toward his parents
f-or his brothers and sis ten smaller than
he. This only served him to increase hia
strength, health and determination.
Daring leisure hoars we could find
him under trees away from the house,
there to stody law. He taught the first
school on this river. Next we find him
in Douglas County as a teacher where he
still is remembered with a warm bear
by hia friends. In 1368 he finished his
law course in California, where he was
admitted to the Bar.
Then the war between the north and
sooth roused him to become a public
peaker and hia words were so firey and
inspiring that be can boast ol having
formed the first Volunteer Companies in
Oregon, for which he waa rewarded by
becoming an officer, and later on Com
missioner of the Land Office in Boae-
A self made man, he arose from
humble surroundings to gain the notice
and respect of Lincoln, Garfield McKin
ley. Reed and many other noted men.
His work aa Congressman and Com
missioner of the General Land office are
criticized by men who shown so far
nothing worthy of notice for them
And why this bitter attack by the
Portland Oregonian?
Nothing else but a contest between a
true patriot and capital concentrated in
Portland. Nothing else bat a rivalry, a
ontest between a natural haiborand
an artificial narnor, wnicn sooner or
later must turn in favor of the former.
Port Orford haa the only deep sea har
bor between San Francisco and Seattle,
safe and deep without a bar, large
enough to hold the Navy of the Pacific
Ocean in years to come, a break-water
so easily to be built there, Is all that is
needed at present For this Binger
Hermann has worked faithfully, haa re
ceived an appropriation of a million and
quarter, meantime his enemies by
false representation under mined him
ignorant voters greedy to aid in. the de
femation of a spotless character voted
against him, and the appropriation
never was called up again in the follow
ing two years. The Columbia River is
two great artery 'and a natural outlet for
a vast territory and most be improved.
But that should not prevent other rich
and valuable territory from recently a
like share of aid from the Government
Thus, aa a citizen of Oregon, Binger
Hermann baa worked for, the whole
state and this opposition to him
come a partisan strife of some selfish
leaders of the public wishing to consen
trate Oregon in Portland, therefore they
have no scruples to sacrifice, even by
falsehood, untruth, or slandering the
good name of an honored and respected
man as Binger Hermann.
N, G. Pohl.
Myrtle Point, Ore., Feb. 4, 19C3
It is evident that Lir. Pohl is not a sub
scriber or a regular reader of the Plain-
dkalxb aa the matter embodied in his
communication haa been thrashed over
over time and again by the Plaindialkb
Mr. Hermann's reports and recommend
ations and his evry movements have
been carefally chronicled and presented
from time to time through this paper
which has alwavs riven him due credit
for the excellent services rendered his
state in Congress and the General Land
Expresses Little Regret over Shooting Mrs. Lyons also
Eugexc, Feb. 10. Cowed and docile, '
the murderer of the brave dead sheriff
lies on a mat in his barred cell in the
county jail. By the courtesy of District
Attorney Geo. Br own and Sheriff Fisk a
reporter was permitted an interview
with the prisoner this morning. When
the door opened Lyons was lying at full
length on a mat in a barred cell where
he can be plainly seen by every one who
enters the jail.
He raised to his elbow and when
called by Deputy Bowu he rapidly arose
to bis feet and came forward to the side
of the cell. The reporter's mission was
explained to him and he seemed very
willing to talk and answered all ques
tions readily. He stood but a moment,
saying that his leg hurt him. He
looked much worn and worried, but was
not in the least nervous and talked in a
clear conversational voice without hesi
tancy. "Yes, I admit killing Billie, 1 shot
him and am cau&ht. I would not have
given myself up voluntarily and I would
not have shot another man to make my
"Where did you leave your pistol?"
"I do not remember what became of
the thing," he answered aa if he
hated the remembrance. "I decided
that it was all op when I crossed the
Long Tom and was to wet and tired. I
did not care what happened to me then.
It waa out there by Cook's place I lost
my pistol and did not care enough about
anything to look for it. I have been
unarmed for three da vs."
"How did you get into Eugene?"
"I ate breakfast Sunday morning with
German family named Groupp and
dried out good. Then I went to a straw
stack in a field about a hundred yards
away and slept till 5 o'clock. Then I
set the stack on fire accidentally trying
to burn some straw to get some black
ashes to black my face. I left the straw
pile about half-past five o'clock, and
went to the railroai and walked toward
Irving when it was dark. I circled
around Irving below the town, and got
on the track again and walked to En-
gene. I waa held op a mile from Eu
gene, but aa I was unarmed the two
men did not want me."
Did yon stop at any house in Eu
No, I did not. I went around that
hill (Skinner's Butte) and rested awhile
under those fir trees. I got here about
"Did yoa try to leave on the south
bound passenger train?"
o. 1 waited until that train was
out and struck down the track. My
leg hart me so I could not walk more
than three hundred yards at a time,
then I would have to rest. I got oat
near Gosben and I slept a little while
by some ties. Pretty soon I got up and
went on to Creswell."
"What made yoa show up ia Cres
well in day time?"
"I don't know. I didn't care what
came to me, and don't now." He added
the hut with a painful, short laugh, but
immediately recovered the worried look
with which he had been talking.
"What made yoa shoot Withers?"
"Oh, I told him I wouldn't go with
him, and wanted to be stubborn, I
guess. My wife commenced to plead
for me, and I saw a small chance to get
away. Billie didn't have hia gun pulled
so I thought I would hold him up and
force him to let go. He held me
by the coat, and I had my gun in my
pocket. I just pointed it at him from
my side when I saw the chance and
fired. I wished I hadn't right away,
but I ran as fast as I could."
If the house had been surrounded
with men would you have fought your
way through?"
'No. I would have quit right there.
Sbklly's Resolution to
Orelntal Theatre, Etc,
I9o5 Fair.
Rule Out
When I shot Billie I said that was the
last shooting for me."
'Was your father in the room at the
time of tho shooting?"
'No. He was in the dining l xm,
talking with mother. Wife was in the
room pleading for me with Billie."
Lyons cannot plead insanity as he is
perfectly rational. He added, "You
are entirely welcome," to the rej-erter'g
"Thank you," at the conclusion of the
talk, and resumed his couch in the cor
ner of the cell. Guard.
Mrs. Lyons Also Talks.
Ecoknk, Or., Feb. 9. i correspond
ent obtained permission from Prosecut
ing Attorney Brown to interview Mrs.
Lyons in the jail this evening. Mrs.
Lyons was deeply depressed over the
affair and was not inclined to make any
statement. She said that on account of
Lyons' mother, who is v?ry frail, she
did not want to talk on the subject, but
did not seem to have in mind her own
welfare at all.
By a series of questions it was learned
from her that she and husband were in
the kitchen at the time the sheriff came
to the house, and that the bad just fin
ished washing the supper dishes.
'Whore were you at the time Withers
was shot?" was asked.
"In the dining room.
"Did Withers come in through the
sitting room."
"When first I saw him he waa in the
dining room, which ia between tfie
kitchen and the sitting room. Withers
came from the sitting room into the
dining room and Lyons went from the
kitchen into the dining room."
"How did the 1 wo men meet?"
"I saw Withers holding my husband
by the arm. I did not hear either of
them say anything. There was not
much sending before the shot was fired.
I don't know whether Withers had his
pistol in his hand or not."
'Did you attempt to hold either
Lyons or AVithers?" No answer.
"How long had Lyons been about the
old borne?"
"About a week or more. lie stayed
about the house and when the weather
was good waa chopping wood and work
ing about the place. I don't know any
thing about what Lyons did after the
shooting. I have been married to
Lyons 14 years.''
Prosecuting Attorney Brown is here
working np evidence in the case against
both the prisoners.
no rtoLxxca us ecgese.
t-CGtN-, eb. 10. The city wa
quieter last night than many thought it
would be. The counsel of older and
wiser heads prevailed, and no violence
waa attempted the prisoner, Elliott
Lyons, who lies incarcerated in the jail
for the m order ol our beloved sheriff.
Tho fact that the body .of the sheriff
waa lying in state at the court house
but a few steps away from the jail prob
ably had a sobering effect upon the
crowd. The guards stood about the jail
alone all night, and at no time was there
an alarming crowd in the vicinity of the
has tile.
Ecgene, Feb. 10.- The report came to
town this morning that Mrs. Lyons,
mother of the murderer, E. E. Lyons,
died last night at her home at Walton
aa a result of the terrible ordeal into
which her son has brought her and the
rest of the family.
She is said to have suffered terribly
from spasms brought on by much weep
ing and uncontrollable hysterical condi
tion. .
She was about 73 years old. The
father, her husband, is also in a very
critical state, from last accounts.
Salem, Feb. 10. Following is a house
concurrent resolution introduced by Mr.
Shelly, of Lane :
Whereas, We believe the morals of
any community to be abova and beyond
measurement by any monetary consid
eration, and
Whereas, We further believe that
certain attachments f?) have been coun
tenanced by " Worlds Fairs" and "Ex
positions," to the extent of having been
allowed inside "Fairs" and "Expsi
tiona" erounds. w ithin the last decade.
have been detrimental to the morals
and bej-t interests of the communities
affected thereby, and
Whereas, The legislative assembly of
the state of Oregon having appropri
ated tho sum of 500,0O3 for thi pur pos
of promoting and carrying forward a
successful fair, and
Whereas, We believe the said sum
ampte ior me saw purpose, witnout re
sorting to such questionable methods
therefore, be it
Resolve.!, by the house and the senate
concurring. That it is the sense of this
legislative assembly that the managing
board of directors of the Lewis and
Clark Fair and Centennial American
and Oriental Exposition, rule out all
such attractions (?) as the Midway
riaisance; and be it further
Resolved, that the chief clerk be, and
is nereuy airected to lurmsh the presi
dent of t!i' said management board
certiSeJ copy of these resolutions.
11 dl Predicts Financial Crisis.
Are you particuLt
about your
Coffee, Tea and Spices
rflorjopoxi3 bratjb
Price is no higher and every can guaranteed
Rosebur 's
Lead ng
OOOOCOCOCOCOOO-v -r-o COCO00000000CO009000
For Holiday Presents
I have no famous bargains to pan off old
stock and out-of-date goods, I simply give
j-ou honest goods at fair prices, and mark
them in plain figures. Call and inspect my
goods and piices before purchasing elsewhere.
New York, Feb. 9. After briefly dis
cussing the antitrust law and the j ro-
pied Department of Commerce, James
Hill, president of the Northern Se
curities Company, said :
'As labor unions killed industrial
England, so are they destined to bring
about a grave fiuanci.U reverse ia the
Unitel Kites, and the country is swiftly
approaching that crises. It may com
in a year; it may be deferred until the
Presidential year, bat it is bound to
Mr. Hill fiVJy denied, bat deprecat-
ingly, that, the average person bt
lieves the United States is the leading
manufacturing nation and is rapidly
gathering to its bosom the markets of
the entire world. This misapprehen
sion, he averred, is the result of the fact
that over one industrial victory this
country sets np a louder shout than
England, Germany or France makes
over a dozen.
"There seems to be too mncb con
fidence in the ability of the country to
walk right ahead of all other countries
in manufacturing," continued Mr. Hill.
"The country can do it, but not without
trouble and not without changing its
present course. It is, indeel, a grave
crisia we see approaching, though few
em to appreciate it. A few years may
see the closing of many factories and the
throwing out of work hundreds of
thousands of men. We have been reap
ing the harvest, and the reverse is
coaiing. - How quickly we will recover
from it will depend largely on w ho is at
the head of the country w hen the break
If You Want News Tap the Heavens.
A Freak Legislation Bill.
Pobtland, Feb. 10. News of the world
will be free as the air in California if a
unique bill now before the Legislature of
that state becomes a law. The - balmy
atmosphere of the Golden State will
bristle with Marconi-grams, and if any
one wants to know what ia "doin," any
where on top of earth all he has to do ia
erect an instrument for catching the
newa waves. The idea ia so novel that
some members of the Oregon Legislature
in the desire to regulate or protect some
thing, may duplicate the bill and intro
duce it at Salem. Senator Chas. N.
Shortridge, of California, is the orig
inator of the plan .
In the first place, the bill creates an
office, that of State News Reporter, with
a salary of 3000 a year. He is to have
a staff of two newspaper men at 1500
each. A headquarters is provided for
this official in the cupola of the Capital
building in Sacramento. If such a
measure should be passed in this state
there would be a brisk demand among
the Democratic country editors for the
jobs. The salary is large enough to at
tract any scribe on the Pacific Coast.
Mr. Bybee'a Loss.
Wm. By bee says Rogue river - was
higher this season than at any time for
the past 24 years. He lost 63 head of
goats, 8 head of cattle and two miles of
fencing and estimates his loss at $3000.
Grants Pass Observer.
Horrible Fate of a Child Near Drain
House Burned Down.
Draik, Feb. 9. A most startling acci
dent happened about four miles north of
hero Friday afternoon. A man named
G:bbs, who recently came into that
neighborhood with his wife and little
girl about three years of age moved into
a house on the mountain, about a mile
and a half east of the old Estes place. At
the time above mentioned the man and
wife left the child in the house asleep
and with a fire burning, and went down
the mountain to the Estes place, end
were gone about three Hours. On re
turning they found the house in ashes
and the charred remains of their little
one among Use ashes.
The Poetry of ths Orange,
"It appeals to yoa when the fruit
bangs ripe and sweet on the tree in
February or early in March. Then the
blossoms break out, and the trees are
yellow with golden plohee, and white
with orange fioweis. It may be that a
Hurry ol snow has whitened the moun
tains tops, :.d then you have an artistic
back-ground for a tropical forest. The
air is full of sun-shine, and heavy with
fragrance as night comes on, and then,
if the moon be shining, yoa may hear
at midnight through open windows, the
song of the mocking-bird in the scented
grove, and it never seemed so melodious
beiore. An experience like this is pos
sible any winter, and it is worth a
journey a thoasand miles while you have
it, by taking the scenic Shasta Route
through the grand and picturesque eis-
kiyou and Shasta mountains to South
era California. Complete information
about the trip, and descriptive matter,
telling about California, may be had
from any Southern Pacific Agent or
W. E. Comas,
Gen'l Tass Agent. S. P. Co. Lines in
Oregon, Portland ,Ore,
A strike is imminent in all the pas
senger elevators of Chicago.
Frad Fisk Made Sheriff.
Ecqkne, Feb. 9. As soon as the word
reached here Saturday evening that
Sheriff Withers had died the county
commissioners' court convened and ap
pointed Deputy Sheriff Fred Fisk as
sheriff and tho oath of office was given
by County Clerk E. U. Leo. Tho new
sheriff's bondsmen are F. W. Osburn,
T. G. Hendricks, W. E. Lrovn, S. B.
Eakin and J. D. Matlock, and the bonds
are in the sum of 130,000, of w hich 10,
000 are for sheriff rnd $ 10,000, for tax
Mr. Fisk has been the responsible
deputy for nearly four years, the details
of all the work, except some of the crimi
nal part, nerhans. nassinn through his
hands. With tho general management
of the office he is more familiar than
was Sheriff Withers himself.
They Like Oregon Apples
There is every pro?tect of an increase
in the export apple trade to the Orient
from Oregon. Tiie Davidson Fruit As
sociation of Hood River is now making
ample shipments to Yokohoma, Kobe
and Hong Kong. Next year it expects
to do a big business w ith these ports,
The patronage conies principally from
Europeans and the better cla-s of Japs
the Dig red apples ot Uregon are espe
cial favorites, particlarly the Ben Davis
variety. These bring, so long as they
present a good appearance, from 2.50
to $3.50 per box, in gold. Portland
These prices are good till March i, 1903 :
Heavy Concord team harness with breechen $26.75
Heavy team harness with breechen 22.C3
Single buggy harness nickle trimmed collar
and harncs. 9.60
Hack harness 22.75
$30 saddles cut to 27.C0
Ladies side saddles reduced from $15 to 12.25
Tack saddled, double rig complete $4.73
Lap covers 1.50
Saddle blanket, 50c and 75c; Lap robes 3.00
Riding Bridles C-c ; RiaUs 10c a foot
Waterproof sfcap? $3.00
Team bridles per jair 2.25
Reduced Prices on Men's fa .-es.
Largest StocK of Harness South of Portland.
EiznTs Be?, vdf Depot p lqNG & SONS.
J. M. WeatLerby
T. A. bcry
a L. Marti
Roseburq: Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty,
ty with
List your proper-
Thysiciaas' Prescriptions
and Family Recipes,
Rubber Goods,' Toilet
Articles, Lime and Ce
ment, Taint, Oils and
Ghus, Perfumery, Truss
es, S ponies. Brashes Etc.
Rambler Bicyr'.es and
Sundries. School Supplies.
A. C. Marsters & Co.
Medicines, .Cfeecluls.
School Books
F. S, DAY,
All Work'QaarantecJ for Reasonable Prices, 1
Secoad Door north new Bank Cailding.
Dead in a Field.
Albany, Or., Feb. 9. A. C. Rowland,
an old man living alone two miles east
of Albany, was found dead today. He
had been missing since last Monday. A
searching party fo'ind him lying dead in
a field near his homo. He had ap
parently started home from where he
was chopping wood and dropped dead'
Death ia supposed to bo from natural
causes. There are no indications or sus
picious of violence. Rowland was a
heavy drinker.
A. A. A. Atkins always ahead maker
of the only silver steel saws. None bet
ter made. You will find a complete
line at Churchill and Woollevs.
'etahmia Incubators
Made of California Redwood, Copper
You will start right iu the chicken business
buy o Petaluma. We pay the freight.
"of the
The Best con
structed : : :
ical to Ope
and Most
in the
if you